Our Human Potential And The Power Of Our Mind…

Feb 8

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Dear all,


Kermit Frog - Feb 8

Thank you, I love your work Dr Ana. I was stunned when you mentioned spoon bending and light flickering. I was able to bend spoons at a young age and also levitate during nap times when I was 6 years old. My mother didn’t like it. I remember being strapped down and a very cruel doctor gave me shots of something. I very much believe in the powers within. Blessed be for you and all.


Kathleen H. - Feb 8

Thank you for sharing your levitation experience. I know three people who experienced that as children, too. πŸ’–


Kermit Frog - Feb 8

Also, when Covid broke out the lights were flicking all over inside my house when I walked into a room. I was thinking it was Morse code, like they were trying to tell me something. My instincts already told me it was a big lie. I tried to tell my family not to take the shot but they trusted the news. It’s the saddest to feel the coming demise. Keep your inner light!


Karin Pearson - Feb 8

Susan’s Substack

Thank-You Dr.Ana… your talk just gave me hope when I needed it most. Many Blessings to You. ❀️🌟


Susan - Feb 9

Susan’s Substack

R U Karin that was with Paul n Iassa? If so this is Susan πŸ’•


Marcus C Martin - Feb 8

i don't agree with everything you write, some yes , some no - but you go this correct: "The Technocratic Transhumanist are liars, they will never achieve immortality through fusion with AI. The deception of the convenience of technology to create superhumans will only lead to destruction and extinction. There is another way, through the power of our love and the manifestation of our unlimited mind that is in harmony with nature."


Susan - Feb 8

Susan’s Substack

I feel this!!!! Beyond words, you articulated it well-
The beauty of the lotus grows from the muck of the pond!
Doing my best here in my sphere
Love you 😘


Bee Gee - Feb 9 - Edited

Bee Gee

Day 3:
My wife and I are doing another EDTA chelation fast tonight and this weekendish, so here is what we are doing and taking.
They are all pretty mild and chelate various metals as well as can dissolve hydrogels. They also cross the blood brain barrier and bromelain gets into closed organs systems the others cannot, like the reproductive system.
By far IME the most important things are the EDTA and the ascorbic acid though, so you just start with those and add other things later.
So take it, leave it, ignore it, adapt it for your own use, do what you want with the knowledge but EDTA works better than anything else I have found so just make sure you dont take it wrong by taking it too close to anything it will bind with.
But even if it isnt this, Do Something. And by Something I mean take an antioxidant and a chelator together.
They say it right there in the moderna patent, Read It. Or listen to the people that have.
Our EDTA fast:
Every 12 or 8 hours
Oral EDTA (Arizona Naturals (3 pills) & MedFive (2 pills)
ALA (via organic cold pressed hempseed oil> 2-1000mg pills)
Sodium (& natural) Citrate (I take a tablespoon dissolved in water, I dont remember how many grams that is and my wife takes a teaspoon or two, she hates it because along with vitamin C crystals and malic acid crystals dissolved in water she says it tastes like a lemons ass.)
Bromelain (1 500mg pill or up to 1.5 fresh pineapples/day vamped)
Vitamin C (1/2 tsp of crystals dissolved in water)
Malic acid (1/2 tsp of crystals dissolved in water)
Vitamin D (1 pill, 125mg)
Vitamin E (1 pill, 180mg)
NAC (1 pill, 1200mg)
Glutathione (2 pills, 2000mg)
- all every 8-12 hours or so for 3-6 days
At least this is what We do, Im not a doctor or giving you medical advice, I am relating to you what I have found to work well after extensive research... and that my wife and I take ourselves.
And I took it all, every single one, before she did, so I would know what to expect... but we feel Great. And I plan on Living... as we all should.
We will probably eat again tomorrow night, so that will be 4 full days of chelation fasting... eating no food while while taking all of the above. Except fresh orange and pineapple juice.
Try it. Its great, I cant recommend it enough, even just EDTA and ascorbic acid while fasting.
Good luck to you all in any case.


Marten - Feb 9

Marten’s Substack

Vitamin C crystal with sodium bicarbonate is awesome !!!!! Thanks


Karen Saint - Feb 9

Karen’s Substack

Wow. Ty! I was looking for a protocol to detox toxins ftom my body. . For the lastv 4 years something ( be it shedding, environmental toxins, or anesthetics -my suspicion is all three but the anesthetics pushed me over the edge) has caused my body to be holding on to heavy metals. Not being able to detox and each day it gets worse.
I am highly sensitive to emf/emr from my devices. It makes me stiff, very fatigued and pained in my eyes and shooting pain in my hips, shoulders and femer bone and other joints, my fingers lock and are difficult to open and close, with what clearly seems like fine metal in my body. Even to stand here and type this out is with severe fatigue and stiffness from the emf/emr.
In June I walk thu the TSA scanner at Dallas Lovefield Airport and the TSA personnel was stunned 😲 by what he saw in my body. I was stunned too and late for my flight so I left after arguing with the tsa personnel and did not have the presence of mind to ask to take a photo so now I want to plan a trip back thru that airport to see if I can see what I saw in June 2024. I have no doubt that whatever it is showing up on the screen is the ROOT CAUSE of my pain and discomfort. (Not all TSA scanner will show this- the newer ones will. They have recently refurbished Dallas Lovefied Airport and has brought in all new equipment. Hence why I can see all metals in my body from head to toe on their scanners but cannot see it on at my airport TSA scanners.
I think thisbis a great way for travelers to see what their govt have put/allowed to infiltrate their bodies. Someone with a camera and a mega phone should go with me to so we can bring light to the issue.
I will try this protocol to see if I get relief.
I feel like I am heading to brain fog and swelling if I dont address this and fast.
I wish Dr Ana Mihelcea could see this and help. I will call and emsil her office again.


Joe - Feb 17

Joe’s Substack

i think medfive vit c-d should be enough with the fasting...n pine needlle tea


Ed - Feb 8

Thank you Ana


patricia petralba - Feb 9

Exactly what I needed. Today my worries had peaked specially with the recent findings on micro plastics in the brain etc.. although I also believe in the power of the mind, hearing it from you definitely pacified my nerves and recalibrated me. I greatly appreciate you.


JLS - Feb 9 - Edited


Quantum healing becomes more powerful when it is practiced with and for, others. It increases its power exponentially.


Dogsnose Knows - Feb 9

Thank You for who you show up as in this time. πŸ™Œ
Nothing but respect, appreciation and love to you. πŸ’–


Frank Roodenburg MD GP - Feb 8 - Edited

Frank Roodenburg MD GP

Pineal gland remote viewingπŸ‘..


the LastManStanding - Feb 9 - Edited

Rusyn’s Substack

Yup, here we have been directed towards the demi-monde of Elizabeth Rauscher, Andrija Puharich and other 'spooky' folk who contributed to the work done out of Ft Detrick to complete the MK Ultra 'portfolio.' (Did you know that the MK part is from the German term for Mind Control?)
Although it was pretended that the Stargate project the CIA ran decades ago was a 'failure' that's simply more smoke n mirrors. When MR 'spoon bender' Uri Geller was brought out of israel to be introduced to the wester world by Mr Puharich it was as if the very first "stage" of the rocket launch into where ye's find yourselves of the moment....
locked inside of a capsule with Agent Orange ... as he fulfills his mandate/instructions/ticket to returning to the WH... by driving your military on into the TEMPLE MOUNT and to destroy Islam's second holiest site... so as to start the desired conflagrations which his CHABAD LUBAVITCHER CONTROLLER millennialist maniacs believe will deliver them their "turd temple"... and the termination of 'dirty shells' otherwise known as .... U.
So why is Ana pushing you down this path? Stay tuned. We have more.. on 'newz@11!'


Roxanne Engli - Feb 9

Roxanne Engli

You may have it correct about Mr Agent Orange but other than that, you’re delusional if you can’t see the good Ana has done and continues to do.


the LastManStanding - Feb 9

Rusyn’s Substack

Indeed, it's BECAUSE of 'being right' about DONNIE that I'm giving you a 'heads up' on what to expect from the rest of those cast as 'heroes' in this gigantic psyop. Don showed his hand right out of the gate, the fans switched their hopes immediately to RFK Jr, who is dragging out the drama but will sure nuff show his hand as well.
Then there's the rest of the gang who Bobbi hangs with - the Bigtrees, Judi's, Stewie's, all those ACADEMY OF DIVINE WISDOM folks who went 'dark' under the 'UNITY D' label after exposure, Ana has been rather discreet about it but having SASHA STONE the UN guy on the program was a good enough clue.
So 'good' in this case is ... like "delusional" ... a quality to be determined on a timeline longer than what you are aware of right now.
Personally, I'm happy to sit tight and wait for your comments on the 'flip side' of the really dirty lowdown which will reveal to all remaining hopium addicts what fate has in store for em. I do understand that most folks here simply don't wanna know - however I'm certain that there's a few with intact survival instincts - who probably would rather you not assume the role of their spokesperson in this matter.


Marten - Feb 9

Marten’s Substack

Interesting post, and more truth is coming from Clif Carnicom Most Humans right now have domesticated by Dark Forces !!!!!


Marten - Feb 9

Marten’s Substack

Been domesticated


Marilyn Muir - Feb 9

Marilyn Muir

Thank you I needed to hear your message tonight. I know in my heart we humans have the power to transcend our perceived limitations. We have been mind controlled to forget our true human essence.


Karmkat59 - Feb 9

D Nelson Neale

Great reminder of our limitless potential, Ana. In my 20's I trained for several years with a Celtic Shaman and did multiple 'firewalks', remote viewing and other training with other teachers. Until I learn 'shielding' techniques for my energy field, I would often crash computers and electronics around me (ie: street lights as I passed under them, etc.). Our minds and electromagnetic energy is astounding (it still surprises me to this day).


D Nelson Neale - Feb 9

D Nelson Neale

Very powerful spark. so very true.


Linda Tanner - Feb 9

Linda Tanner

Many thanks to you Dr. Ana, and it's obvious you are worryiing the evil ones, because there seem to be more trolls and haters posting now.
Those who claim there is no karma expect that karmic events or "karmic blowback" should be immediately visible or should be quite obvious, but it doesn't work like that. Karmic payback or paying karmic debts can transpire immediately, or years later, or in another lifetime.
Those attacking you stand out like a sore thumb. They are so obvious and pathetic.
The late Dolores Cannon, hypnotist with decades of experience doing and teaching "Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique" in northern Arkansas, said many of the very same things as you, and she showed her students how incredibly powerful the mind is, as well as taught students to learn to be open to many of the powers and abilities of our minds, of which most of us are still unaware. She showed us that for some, this knowledge and awareness comes more quickly and easily, and with others, more slowly.
But everyone can learn to be open to the "Universal Mind", or to our "Higher Mind" or our "Wise Mind", or whatever terminology you like. Thanks again for reminding us that no matter which trolls or how many haters post, they cannot know what we know because hate and negativity are low-vibration entities--they will never resonate with higher vibe energies such as compassion, gratitude, love, empathy, honest, integrity, and forgiveness.


Michael Lewis Kahn - Feb 9

Michael Lewis Kahn

YEs, I must be low energy because I don't buy the bs regarding karma and justice. I do not intend to have another lifetime, still being in the natural realm due to being damn good, damn smart, and damn strong. I am aware of the worldly hell realm due to institutions, I take a pharmaceutical to help me.
I complimented dr Ana profusely, and have included many of her discoveries on my newsletter which is read by a hundred million people internationally daily. I do not prescribe to religion, spirituality, or the supernatural, not because I know (or think) that they are not true, but because they can be harmful.
Satan obviously rules the planet, and discovery of who God really is (satan) showed and illustrated to me the dangers of spirituality. I have other evidence also, but as I said, I am limited in my mind power due to being smart enough to stay away from too much "divinity" or spirituality. They go into a dangerous realm that I avoid.
And a good simple look at the world and the way that evil prospers and is not subject to punishment, and that goodness and righteousness is often rewarded with pain, suffering, and death is evidence enough for me. I do not behave in accordance to, am not motivated by bribe of heaven or money, nor for threat of hell or jail, but am righteous for righteousness sake. My reward is seen in the mirror.


Suni Nelson - Feb 9

Suni Nelson

You bet; post this 'everywhere'! Most of us are at least in 7th dimension or more on Mother Earth right now; & expanding daily. Our New Earth of harmony, love, beauty, is forming in accelerating leaps; & we have the galactic codes to aid the animals & any other beings to return to the 'home' of their choice. Thank you Ana. & grateful for your info re shots, transhumanism...my Son was snapped up by big pharma before he graduated top in genetics; they've given him all shots, chips, mind programming his thoughts because he is a top worker for them. I vision every day that he remember who he is as a soul, his original dna, & someday leave that industry of darkness.


Larry - Feb 9

Larry’s Substack

so cool!!! imma gonna take the class with my mystic team, lets see how we do. and yes, there is a timeline split, the host of the light/dark is Gaia who's has decided on light only, so the light/dark will navigate themselves to another host planet. and we who choose light will stay here. it is a few generation process, and everyone will choose by their own hand. which makes for interesting 'set-ups' and occasional oopsy I didn't mean thats. for the most part everyones choosing and seeing exactly what supports their choice putting the reality they experience confirming the reality they've chosen. two exactly same set-ups but two dramatically different experiences. navigating the split is what we podcast about on our weekly article, driving to the rez podcast and wisdom keepers panel subscription podcast. and thank you dr Ana for the wise council, as wisdom keepers we are always wisdom seekers as well.



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