Optical Biosensors For Bidirectional…

Oct 3, 2023

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In the video above you can see a luminous biosensor that is attacking a red blood cell.Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a reader-supported publication.


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

Dr. Ana,
For the unvaccinated individual with no apparent symptoms, who has not had "Covid-19", is/are there any OTC supplement(s) which might be advantageous to be ingesting which might serve to counteract what you are seeing under live blood analysis? -- Thanks.


jacquelyn sauriol - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited


Nattokinase 2000 mg, Bromelain 500 mg, Curcumin 500 mg


Wolf-Steppen - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited


Twice a day, except for the Bromelain for some reason, which McCullough recommends only once per day. He must have a good reason for this, but he doesn't seem to disclose it. Yet it doesn't make much sense to me because Bromelain is excellent for pain, not only aiding digestion, and thus is often recommended in higher doses just for the pain. Too much blood thinners?
It appears that for some good reason(s)[?], he believes one of the two doses of the other supplements, the nano Curcumin and Nattokinaise, is best with no Bromelain with them.
McCullough's protocol is supposed to break down and eliminate some or a lot of the spike protein produced by the body, and the nanomaterials (the latter of which I have no idea if he even knows about or believes in). I hope McCullough is correct that his protocol works, but I don't see how, with our constantly being exposed to and infested with this evil garbage, it makes much of a dent. Yet I'm carrying out the treatment protocol as recommended, except that I am not removing the Bromelain from one of the two doses because I need it for my chronic difuse pain.
I wonder if Lumbrokinaise, or one or more of the other "kinaises", work(s) better than Natto. Allegedly, Lumbro does work better, so I am taking both in different doses (although I did take a short break---four or five days---from McCullough's treatment so I could do treatment with EDTA capsules, which I combined with Zeolite in one of the two doses, although some if not all of the EDTA makers recommend against combining ANY other supplements at the same time as EDTA. So I took the rest of my supplements hours separately from the EDTA treatment(s). I got quite ill, more so than usual, after four and a half days of the EDTA/Zeolite treatment(s), with a bad headache and low-grade fever (perhaps a Herxheimer reaction?) last night, so I have decided to end the EDTA treatment(s) for now, and today I will be going back to McCullough's protocol, to return to EDTA later.
I think I'll take the Zeolite at the same time as my other supplements (no EDTA). So, we'll see how it goes, or if it does any true good.
With the discussion(s) in this thread about McCullough's disingenuousness and so on, it sounds like either Peter's protocol is worthless for treating vaccine injury, or like it may actually be intentionally harmful and/or worsen vaccine injury or immune response. If the latter is the case, I would sure like to be directed to evidence of same, and I and others be notified so we can make the decision if necessary to get off McCullough's protocol and avoid it, so in addition we would then know to not trust him at all, and to avoid all of his countermeasures altogether.
What I've noticed about most of the medical truth movement people is that they are on big ego trips and primarily concerned with replacing their no longer existent income streams, with new, viable income streams. And in the case of those among them who income is not an issue with, or is not to replace medical remuneration that has ended due to their having their medical licenses suspended but simply seeking revenue streams as they would anyway, they seem to be into the whole truth movement for fifteen minutes of fame over and over again to assuage their low self-esteem or increase their over-self-esteem, make themselves "famous" if they can, and/or acquaint themselves with and become closely tied in with famous people to make themselves "important" and to further boost their flagging egos, especially the ones like Margaret Anna Alice who go on and on and on in over-long articles full of all kinds of self-aggrandizement, attention seeking, and mutual aggrandizement with "the big names" in this truth movement, and/or ones like "Lawyer Lisa" who write so terribly, and also go on and on and on in overly-long articles, a lot of the material of which doesn't make any sense or is too difficult to decipher, though we can sometimes if not oftentimes eventually decipher the "nonsensicleness" and make it "sensible" (or whatever the antonym for "nonsensicleness" is).
Another one is Meryl Nass. She has a lot of excellent things to contribute, and does, but she has a HUGE ego, while at the same time being very good at putting on an act of being nothing but this "down-home", "homey", "sweet", "old fashioned American", "salt of the earth", "lady". Granted, she lost her income as a medical doctor, and thus it put her in the unenviable position of having to find new income streams, but she and others are much too much into the whole self-aggrandizement game and attention seeking, and seeking to become more and more famous, at least within medical truth circles, including internationally.
Phony likes, if not loves, phony, so phony is attracted to more and more phony, and seeks it out increasingly; thus, it is mostly their fellow-phony people who praise them, put them on pedestals, and act like they are next best thing to skim milk or whatever. And those "on the pedestals" only seek out more and more people to praise them and boost their egos into the clouds, and can't stand, as well as avoid, all those who would bring them down to earth, give them constructive criticism(s), and/or help them to become truly-humble people even with all of the limelight.
Then there's the example of Dr. Naomi Wolf, another one great at phonily (what is it with these spellcheckers claiming words supposedly aren't words that are words?!) making herself seem "humble" and other than also one with a huge ego. Like most people, she refuses to face things like the foregoing about herself, as well as things like the fact that feminism was created by the CIA (a proven, known FACT) to be used to overturn the God-willed nuclear family (made up of ONLY a father and mother, husband and wife team), and end up giving aid and comfort to perverts like homosexuals, trans people and pedophiles [and soon pedophilia increasingly---after all, it's the globalist (Satanists) will that this be brought about (they have said so in publications they have put out)]. Dr. Wolf still sticks by feminism tooth and nail, and still praises herself for that evil even though she now claims (disingenuously and/or not sincerely, I believe) to be a Christian and to believe that Jesus is indeed the Messiah that He IS, even though she is "Jewish".
In other words, Dr. Wolf still holds onto "friendship" with many of the evils of this world, in violation of God's Word(s) in James, Chapter Four, Verse Four, where it makes it more than abundantly clear that ANY AND ALL friendship with the evils of this world makes us enemies of God. So, she too, even though she is so right about so many things, is a phony and an enemy of God, like Drs McCullough, Nass, etc., and others without letters after their names who also have huge egos. One can also discern this definitely by the fact that they give little or no glory to God; and, if they are believers in Christianity, they don't take it seriously enough and/or are nothing but typical hypocrites. I find all of the phoniness, Godlessness and hypocrisy unacceptable and unbearable; one of the reasons, though I believe in TRUE Christianity wholeheartedly and proclaim it as widely as I can as nothing but a sinful "stone crying out" in the "wilderness" of mostly phoniness, hypocrisy and evil, that I don't claim to be a Christian.
Don't get me wrong, yes those people have and do contribute(d) many things that are very important and "good", and/or right-on to a great extent, but it's overshadowed by all of the aggrandizement, ego-tripping, Godlessness and phoniness.


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

Who is recommending this beside McCullough and what is its supposed action? - Thanks.


jacquelyn sauriol - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

You can look that up for yourself, Edmond.


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

Thanks so much, Jacquilyn. You mean you don't know offhand? The reason I'm asking is that I recently read that Nattokinase doesn't work all that well; so, I'm skeptical, especially when McCullough is recommending it, but also selling it. I still haven't gotten over the fact that, early on, McCullough was recommending that no one take the jab, EXCEPT for the elderly, which I thought was an absolutely idiotic recommendation, given that the elderly often have comorbidities, thus weakened immune systems, and would be more susceptible to developing one or more serious event outcomes and perhaps dying. I had the same problem with Monroe, who recommended the same. At that time, I felt they were hesitant to admit we were dealing with a biochemical weapon, which should be recommended to no one, except Fauci, Gates, Schwab, Rockefeller, and the like.


Steveo - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

We’ve learned since then. He doesn’t recommend anyone take it now, and has says that for a good while, after seeing what it’s done and the harm it has caused.


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

Yes, thanks. I understand that. I still have to listen to McCullough's recent presentation at the EU meeting...the one that included a presentation by David Martin. Apparently, it's excellent.
But, unlike perhaps Dr. Bryan Ardis or especially Mike Adams, who have their own labs ( e.g., Mike Adams' Consumer Wellness Center Labs athttps://www.brighteonstore.com/pages/the-natural-news-forensic-food-lab), I haven't checked to be certain that the Nattokinase McCullough is selling has been thoroughly tested for contaminants. Adams actually runs mass spectrometry analysis on his products.


Haden - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited


McCullough was recently destroyed by Dr Sam Bailey as his interview with Man in America showed how disingenuous he really is. As for Malone, he is massive controlled opposition, there's absolutely no mRNA Spike Proteins in these injections. They would need to be chilled, Pfizer whistleblower Melissa Mcatee confirmed and showed in a video that when the vials were received from China they were NOT chilled in anyway. The vials did need to be chilled before being used to prevent the DARPA Hydrogel LNP Capsules from bursting which would instantly deploy a deadly payload as opposed to being an incubator, a time release if you will. The only Spike Proteins is caused by a cell naturally spiking causing this rubbery type substance as a result of massive chronic inflammation. Hydrogel is simply an incubation type substance.


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

Two questions:
1) do you have a link to the Bailey interview with Man in America?
2) I thought the purpose of the lipid nanoparticle envelope was to protect the mRNA strand(s) from being destroyed by warmth, until the lipid nanoparticle envelope containing the mRNA enters the cell. That's why graphene is used for the envelope, because it's capable of withstanding temperatures of something like 1400 degrees (can;t remember offhand whether that's C or F). But, the vials still needed to be maintained below something like -60 C until used.
But, yes, you are correct that there would be no mRNA spike proteins in the vials. There allegedly are supposed to be mRNA strands which contain a genomic sequence for a spike protein. Allegedly, the spike protein is not made until the lipid nanoparticle envelope containing the mRNA crosses the cell membrane and ribosomes translate the mRNA code into the spike protein.


Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

Dr. Ana you are failing to consider that this nano technology may not have begun with Covid. Dr. Deagle stated in 2006 that they have been dropping nanotech on us via chem-trails since the 90s. And also research operation .Nano.domestic.quell. useYandex.comnot GOOGLE. This is an alleged program by the US government to install NANO -TECH KILL SWITCHES in all of us using Pepsi, Coke and Nestle Products including city water systems. If this is true which I highly suspect it is, there would be know way to test people for shedding since we have already been 100 percent infected for over a decade. seehttps://www.bitchute.com/video/bOdFywrTFM4y/


bio terry - Oct 3, 2023

And we would never have known this, was it not for starting to test the jabs. The jabs were the inspiration to the testing and in the process many other things came out as well. It would be nice though to see how one of the biosensor bullies get into the red blood cell, although one see some of these red blood cells being disformed with this light particle inside in other videos


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

Offhand, do you remember whether he names which Nestlé products?


Lisa - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited


Assume all or most processed foods (owned by Big Food corps) are contaminated.


Cat Arnold - Oct 4, 2023

Anything with water that they have got to with their nanotech is the problem, - all spirits, mustard, condiments, endless----


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

I do. Thanks. - I named Nestlé by mistake. I stay away from all of their products. What I am wondering is whether most commercial drinking water is now contaminated. I read that both BlackRock and Vanguard are continuing to invest heavily in water.


bastringue - Oct 4, 2023

Serge Monast talked about all this in the nineties.


Margie Chism - Oct 3, 2023

Margie Chism

Apple pectin removes all Covids ■ Apple pectin is mostly in peels, cords, and seeds. The fiber cells have it, it is a prebiotic. The apple (meat) has it too.
7 milligrams Nicatine patch changed daily for six days cures all Covid damages; reverses. May take two weeks, but wear a new patch each six days; no need to wear longer. Six months or later - all in study had [n]o symptoms. Dr. Ardis,
notes taken from Dr. Ardis


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

I've also followed Ardis' recommendations. I kinda like and respect the guy. He's definitely smart, well-iintentioned and trustworthy (although I do get too many supplement ad emails from him (-: ). In that respect, he's sort of like Mike Adams; but, I'd trust the cleanliness of any supplement product purchased from either guy. (Oops!, I think I just answered my own question below as to where I should purchase apple pectin; but, I'd still appreciate your reply.
Are you taking apple pectin and, if yes, may I ask what and where you are purchasing? The reason I'm asking is that I started looking into oral EDTA and quickly learned that at least one EDTA product contains an excessive amount of aluminum. That, right there, immediately caused me to stop and wonder how many of the supplements I'm taking are contaminated with toxins which aren't on the label.


Margie Chism - Oct 3, 2023

Margie Chism

EDTA ■ Ethylene Diamine Tetra-Acetic Acid 1000 mg, other acacia gum, white rice flour; I take one in the morning for maintenance, and a half of a dropper of Fulvic acid at evening. Even though I have retreated since September 2020 and have only been to dentist a few times and no other shopping, including buying gas, I am surrounded by non covid19 injected. I do have a history of high levels of metals; being an artist, living a mile from a county airport runway, and growing up in very old homes. M


Margie Chism - Oct 3, 2023

Margie Chism

Fresh Apples ■ not coated with ape-el; I have planted apple trees that should fruit next year. My family has dried apples for harvest preparation; but for me I will be purchasing fresh apples until a home harvest.


bio terry - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

Why.on earth would.people put aluminium in their edta? Edta is suppose to.get rid of metals..


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

I have no idea what the process is for making oral EDTA; and, unfortunately I did not save a copy of that article and now cannot locate it.
I still haven't listened to the conversation between Dr. Ana and the late Michael Roth. I believe I should first start with that. as I believe Dr. Ana has stated here on her substack, in effect, she's not a proponent of oral EDTA:
EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel


bio terry - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

Edta is very hard on the system. Maybe because we are flushed with too many heavy metals when we detox... too fast.


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

Thanks. Yes, it appears that EDTA can pull too much metal, too fast and leave the body somewhat depleted. Therefore, it is recommended to take some supplements to counteract that; but, the question is, how do you know that you're rebalanced appropriately?
Since I'm not symptomatic, I think I will eventually start experimenting with the Dr. Michael Roth EDTA cream that Dr. Ana once pointed us to. - See "EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel" athttps://rumble.com/v1wpt6e-edta-detoxification-for-metals-graphene-and-hydrogel.html; or, go directly tohttps://somahealth.net/


bio terry - Oct 4, 2023

I used humicaps with super small doses, but as soon s i think i was ready for a normal dose i experienced heart pulpitations, apparently due to potassium problems. I will only do it when someone can monitor me, and unfortunately there is no one.


Lisa - Oct 3, 2023


Which product has aluminum? Is it a bulk powder?


Proton Magic - Oct 3, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

Hmm, maybe they want you to get fruit from APEEL a Gates co that has nanoparticles embedded in the peels.


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

Do you have any proof that nanoparticles are in the Apeel product?
The reason I'm asking: I purchased a package of four organic tomatoes-on-the-vine from Trader Joe's; forgot about them for three weeks (they were in the kitchen under some mail); and when I found them, they had not spoiled in the slightest! Normally, they would have shown evidence of spoiling after four or five days. So, I let them set in the kitchen, out in the open air, for two months; and, they still did not spoil in the slightest. I cut one open and it appeared just as you would expect a fresh tomato to appear.
So, I suspected Billy-boy's Apeel Edipeel product had been applied to them and tossed them out. From what I've read, however, I did not see anything about nanotech in the Apeel product; though, I wouldn't be surprised if you are right.
I have three articles saved to disk all dated 6/20/2023, on the product. Here's one that includes a data sheet: Gates-Funded ‘Edible’ Food Coating Gets Green Light From Regulators


bio terry - Oct 3, 2023

There will def no nutrients in these long shwlf fruits. They will be compromised in zillion ways. They are supposed to tell the public whats in the outer layer, but even those laws are compromised these days. I have read some where that they don't even have to tell you if it is gm free anymore. Those good old days are gone, since we all know bill hates is a huge stockholder in mosanto.


Proton Magic - Oct 3, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

See this, don't know about nanos but metals yes (well what's the difference?)


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

Thanks. That's one of the three 6/20/2023 articles that I've saved to disk. Guess it's about time I read it! <g>


curt s sanders - Oct 3, 2023

Sitting in a Nest of Cobras

3 month shelf stable tomatoes have been around for about 10 yrs they are GMO produce having been genetically altered - the tomatoe gene with salmon gene.. Frankenstein food..!


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

Yes; but, Trader Joe's has been selling these organic on-the-vine tomatoes for years and they've always begun to spoil within the first week. They have not switched to selling the non-organic GMO product you are referring to.


curt s sanders - Oct 4, 2023

Sitting in a Nest of Cobras

I wasn't discussing TJs . I was making a point about GMO tomatoes. TJs offers both conventional and Organic products.. shopped there for decades.. good value and good quality..


Edmond Paré - Oct 4, 2023

Edmond Paré

Thanks. I'm aware that they've been genetically modifying various fruits and vegetables to attain a longer shelf life. That was one of the main reasons I switched to organic. (-:


Margie Chism - Oct 3, 2023

Margie Chism

Doug - I have my husband buy apples that are not ape-el.


Edmond Paré - Oct 23, 2023

Edmond Paré

How do you know they have not been coated with Apeel's Edipeel? Are you purchasing them locally from a farmer you can trust?


Lisa - Oct 3, 2023


And yet, we do not know how Apeel affects fruit skins. :(


Margie Chism - Oct 3, 2023

Margie Chism

I do [n]ot eat food sources containing Ape-el ■ but I eat a larger array of weeds; lawn weeds. I even dry the weeds, collect their seeds, and have some ready to smoke when needed/desired. After tens of thousands in lawn personal maintenance, it is now the crop that I forage. I recommend identifying and study what is near your environment, and I will state that my weeds are far superior than any seed purchaced in a pack, or green house ground seedling; even if they are nonGMO and organic. M


Edmond Paré - Oct 23, 2023

Edmond Paré

I once worked for an established biotech company which was developing a pesticide test. The PhD in charge of the development asked me what I though he should test first and I recommended testing green grapes he had washed in clean water, but testing the skin separate from the pulp. He found pesticide in both the skin and the pulp.
Fruits will absorb pesticides and other substances, just like our human skin does; and, in this manner it will enter the underlying flesh; make its way into the lymphatic system and head to the heart, where it will then be distributed/pumped to other areas of the body.
Just like poison ivy, which will absorb through the dermis within a few minutes, you won't be able to wash the Edipeel off of the skin. This kinda sucks, because I've always loved organic tomatoes-on-the-vine; but, evidently, even Trader Joe's is now coating them with Edipeel. Of course, Tom Brady would advise us not to eat tomato skins due to a toxic substance they contain.
If you are going to purchase organic fruits and vegetables, it's best to purchase them from a farmer who will be honest with you about their growing processes. Alternatively, you can purchase some fruit and vegetables and see if they quickly start to spoil. I'm hesitant to tell you this; but, I doubt anyone is coating fruits and vegetables which are to be frozen. But, again, you could thaw some of these and note whether they start to spoil within a few days.


Proton Magic - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited

Proton Magic & Co.

Vid 1: How do we know the luminous biosensor is attacking a red blood cell vs just sensing it or just tropic towards it, and how do we know it has sensor functions?


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

I too wondered that, since the video doesn't show it penetrating the cell.


Danyèle - Oct 5, 2023


Are anti vibration mats available for microscopes?


Proton Magic - Oct 5, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

yes, do a search


Danyèle - Oct 15, 2023


Was for Dr. Anna…


Ange0071 - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

Have you ever tested totally unvaxed blood. ( with any vaccines or is it just Covid 19 unvaxed you are measuring???


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

I would bet the latter. She would have to go to someone like Dr. Paul Thomas to find a large number of people who had never received any vaccine.


Doug - Oct 3, 2023 - Edited

Doug’s Substack

Well to the one who asked how do we know it's attacking. Look at here other slides and videos. She's showed they harden and rubberize our blood... They say the cells they attack they kill so yeah they're attacking our blood cells.
So yeah since now we know they're AI now find out if they emit a signal to and or from or both...
Then find a frequency to kill them...
I've been taking EDTA and other vitamins and baths and soaking etc...
But nothings worked so far so....
it rides off the grid, or piggy back the frequency of v2k. It's been found at 80,000 feet. I mean the ELF signals... It's been found in caves, but not sure how deep. many hundreds of feet I'd say though...
So we need to take control of HAARP and shut them all off. I read there are several HAARP stations around the world so get them all... So my guess is yes there is a frequency transmitted to them these Nano bot kam things. But from???
So are they on orders or making their own as they go???
I know one said they aren't alive but since it's AI as these slides and movies show AI has already said it's sentient so... We still need to kill them these nano bot things.


Wolf-Steppen - Oct 4, 2023 - Edited


Make yourself a Faraday Cage like in the Gene Hackman movies, "Enemy of the State" (with Will Smith) and "The Conversation". I just read recently, and I'm doing it, that we should turn off ALL power to our bedrooms, wifi routers, cellphones, electronic devices, and to the wall wiring all around the sleeping area, by turning off the circuit breaker to that part of the home every night. Oh, and always have one's bed one foot from the wall, even if the power is off. "Cheers, Big Ears!"


Doug - Oct 4, 2023

Doug’s Substack

this is the same file but better filtered out listen to this.
Video link
Not sure if that's all AI or not but if it's people they're beyond nuts!!


Doug - Oct 4, 2023

Doug’s Substack

A Faraday cage for me wont work.. Plus I can't afford it, but it won't work for me.
I can travel all over at least 100 miles away from home and I still hear the damned v2k.
I may have a chip or a nano chip in me and it would just signal through the metal.
I do wear EMF stuff though I have a baseball cap I wear around town, and a stocking type cap I wear at night to sleep. But and it's actually all over watch Look out For Charlies videos he shows how this stuff is all over. it's an AI chat bot ad for me is sings constantly using deep bass and drum tones vibrating the hell out of my body. Even though I've proved time and time again it's not truly real meaning what they're doing has no true physical connection. it uses a lot of power of suggestion. For when I ask like my to feel my cheek or spine or other parts that I feel vibrating she doesn't. So if ti was a true physical response, not only would she feel it when I soak in the tub the water would move.
If my nerves or muscles were truly being manipulated it would scientifically produce a physical response, and it doesn't. I mean I took a long bath the other night and when it began to sing and vibrate really bad I'd watch the water and it was not moving like it should if something physical it would move it doesn't. Problem is even when I convince my mind since this is constant and they keep droning the same tones and drums constantly and never let up it doesn't last long. A few seconds maybe a few minutes or so but it's constant so my mind can't keep that knowledge long.
I mean hear this shit...
I will record it and post here
No tv sound is on not even on I turned it completely off.
do you hear the deep bassy demon voice sing? Like watch your tube read god book etc and just keep repeating several times the same thing and different levels of deepness???
Video link
listen to that try to hear the basssy demon sounding guy singing stupid words and going at different levels of deep deep bass sounds.


Paul Vonharnish - Oct 3, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Doug Powell: There are hundreds of HAARP-like facilities upon numerous sites all over the planet. There are also "retired" and repurposed GWEN facilities located in a number of areas. These facilities are able to generate billions of watts of mixed frequency (pulse modulated) broadcasts, which now permeate the entire planet 24/7. Square wave ELF is rampant. Please review: Laws against criminal uses of electromagnetic energy weapons >>>
"Ringing" of the ears and sensory system affects have been reported for at least two decades. These operations are in direct violation of Internationally agreed upon ENMOD treaties signed by numerous Nations and States. There is nowhere to hide, and no amount of chelation or medication will solve the functional issues at hand. We are being exterminated, period. >>> THE WORK OF ALLAN H. FREY >>>http://www.cellphonetaskforce.org/the-work-of-allan-h-frey/>>> Please observe reference materials included in the article.


Proton Magic - Oct 16, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

dont use ear buds, microphones, or a cell phone if you have ear ringing and get away from wifi only lan cable.


Paul Vonharnish - Oct 16, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Definitely good advice. Most people are completely clueless about these technical issues. Thanks for posting.


Doug - Oct 4, 2023

Doug’s Substack

Well, yeah and regardless sue who owns them DOD Alaska University and so on. then bulldoze them...
I go off of scripture so since it says we will own what the wicked own which is in Proverbs,
So when and if Targeted Justice wins and I get my evidence together and hopefully get a lawyer to pro bono my case that's one thing I will do or try to do.
I give thanks and praise to Jesus Christ and know with his help we will be successful...


F. Dario Lombardo L. - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

That person ever got “tested” with the invalid test for the inexistent disease of the inexistent virus (all are inexistent) 🤣?


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

You understand that one doesn't have to meet up with an allegedly real, complete virus to become infected? For example, it has been shown that animals infected with only chimeric computer sequenced SARS-Cov-2 "spike proteins" exhibit all of the symptoms of Covid-19.
It's a manmade biochemical weapon. There's nothing naturally real about it.


F. Dario Lombardo L. - Oct 3, 2023

Of course i know that! I was talking about a natural virus, none exists! So, when talking about bioweapons, we should call them bioweapons, not viruses.


Paul F. - Oct 3, 2023

My internet went down the other day so I spent time looking up things I had downloaded. Like the following pdf from NASA done in 2001 and what they expected by 2025. Pages 24,40-45 and 82 spells out what you are seeing. Where we are is where they were taking us back then. The whole thing is really mind blowing especially the smart dust explosives. WOW,


Doug - Oct 3, 2023

Doug’s Substack

OMFG yeah we need a way to kill these things. Nano bots not targeted individuals for those who'd ask.
But yes I saw that one thing had a mouth and grabbed onto cells like a monster. like the King king Movie with jack black when they fell into that Chasm. Some giant plant or bug grabbed that guys head and began to eat him... Yes they are Intelligence... Think if they are autonomous sentient????
Jesus Come back soon please AMEN!


Oj - Oct 3, 2023

Is unvaccinated blood identical to vaccinated blood?


Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 3, 2023

Agent’s Substack

CBD and Hemp Oil may be the SECRET ANTIDOTE... I have TESTED IT MYSELF and have returned my own blood to PERFECT. Also guess who has been receiving kickbacks on the governments patent on cannabinoids. DR. FAUCI. NO BIOWEAPON can be released without an antidote to protect the demons from it coming back to kill them. I BELIEVE CBD maybe it. I believe that ALL CANCERS are injected via vaccines, and I think COVID is in the same class of bioweapons. watch what CBD does to a baby's brain cancer here....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqHassCMX-0&ysclid=lnaphphnk2811426947
FINALLY READ THIS PEER REVIEWED PAPER on how CBD destroys replication of the Spike Protein
CBD is readily available and cheap, there is no money to be made off it, beware of ANY doctors not checking it for research. to detox from the COVID VACCINE. ......intel courtesy of Agent Midnight Rider


Rogue Researcher - Oct 3, 2023

The Truth Awaits

Will there be a recording of this Symposium made available? I wish I could take part but have prior commitments at that time. I'm joining in the search for truth. My microscope will be here Friday and I can't wait to begin analyzing live blood and sharing it with other truth seekers. I desperately want to learn from all of you and the many people out there whom I've had yet to learn from. Thank you for all that you do. ❤️


Lisa - Oct 3, 2023


Thank you, Dr. Ana for making this affordable for us! We appreciate all the work you and your colleagues are doing for humanity! God bless and protect you all.


Edmond Paré - Oct 3, 2023

Edmond Paré

Dr. Ana,
Or, rather than an ingestible supplement, as I asked in my previous question to you on this thread, are you still positive regarding the use of Dr. Roth's topical EDTA cream, as you apparently were athttps://rumble.com/v1wpt6e-edta-detoxification-for-metals-graphene-and-hydrogel.html?


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Oct 3, 2023

Thymus Cures Newsletter

Thank you 🙏⚘


Smi - Oct 4, 2023

Sherry’s Substack

I have a concern. Why are we attacking ourselves? If I were a hostile alien, this would be ideal. Who is the first to be taken over? I state this as in the 911 coverage of President Busch making a speech, my relative and I witnessed, a nondescript man who blinked fully into the camera in front of the president with a sideways skin meting much likened to a reptile or a shark membrane. We looked at each other as if to say silently, Did I see that? which was confirmation at the least. I just watched another coverage of at least another person witnessing the same thing in another setting.



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