Nikki Florio's Excellent Presentation to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics about what is happening with our Planet

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 27, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Please see our excellent meeting video - we must have a broader view of our reality. Wisely Nikki advised, that we can fight this war against the genocidal jabs, but if we do not address geoengineering, we will not have a planet to survive on. The war is on many fronts and she lays this out beautifully.

Nikki Florio - The State of Our Planet. Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics

You can find more on Nikki Florio’s work here:

Bee Aware

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Kim - Jul 28, 2022

Wow. Amazing presentation. So informative and a greqt synopsis of what's going on as you say.

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