New Videos By Weapons Expert Mark Steele: Nanosensors and 5 G Laser Weapons, 5G Smart City Kill Grid And Some Explanation About Light Therapy

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 06, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Weapons expert Mark Steele has been posting excellent video’s on nano-sensors, meta materials in the blood through the COVID bioweapons, geoengineering and 5 G weapons. He also discusses the LED lights that are being deployed in smart cities and are part of the kill grid. Please note that the LED weapons have pulsed light. The pulse rate and the frequency emission is what carries the information. Blue light itself has many therapeutic applications.

Effect of Pulsing in Low-Level Light Therapy

Since the introduction of low-level laser (light) therapy in 1967, over two hundred randomized, double-blinded, and placebo-controlled phase III clinical trials have been published from over a dozen countries. Whereas there is some degree of consensus as to the best wavelengths of light and acceptable dosages to be used, there is no agreement on whether continuous wave (CW) or pulsed wave (PW) light is more suitable for the various applications of LLLT.

Pulsed Lasers, red and blue light have been used for skin treatments, cancer treatments, photodynamic therapy and more. I used to use light therapy in our Geriatric wound clinic program for non healing ulcers. I now use non pulsed blue light for the Tru Blu medical wraps with excellent pain relief.

This light has only surface effect, without significant tissue penetration, while affecting nitric oxide release. The melanin in the skin can absorb the biophotons and store them as energy.

If all blue and red light were deadly, as some people think, or if they would lethally interact with the self assembly nanotechnology in the body or cherry opsins, we would all be dead by now, because the sun emits all colors of the light spectrum. I have done some amazing interviews with enlightened physicists on the topic of the quantum information structure of photons, tapping the zero point energy field and how this knowledge can be used in healing. I have studied in depth quantum biology, vacuum physics, Maxwell’s work and light healing. Even historically I have studied the work of Edwin Babbitt - The Principles of Light and Color from 1878, which has extraordinary healing information long forgotten by modern society through the combination of color and light.

It really is the future of medicine, because we will be able to heal any disease with the information structure of light.

Please look at my extraordinary interview, with Dr. Keryn Johnson - he describes his journey as a Quantum Biologist who was downloaded in a spiritual experience with a new Unified Field Theory of Science.

Quantum Biology and the Future of Regeneration Medicine through Light

He describes a new model of atomic structures and rearranged Einstein’s famous equations of E=mc2 by considering Light as the foundational principle of creation. Dr. Johnson describes Helium Bose-Einstein Condensate as the manifestation of God the creator (He the Father) and explains how by considering the supersymmetry inversion of creation his concept can be applied to quantum biology – and how the novel view of Hydrogen atoms through SUSY inversion (no mass and no charge in the geometry of two by two allow quantum tunneling) can be utilized to access the creative light principle in the matter itself by returning positron symmetry into the standard model of physics. In the application of his revolutionary theories, he explains how light-emitting and absorbing molecules in natural substances like Manuka Honey (OH BEE HAVE empowering healing - royal jelly protein isolate) can utilize UV Light using (Photo-Fenton chemistry) and facilitate the intracellular death of aging structures enabling regeneration at an atomic level within the body. The Light of creation comes from God, the quantum Observer, and has its origin in the subconscious mind. Dr. Johnson scientifically explains how the neurotransmitters in our brain through monoatomic particles are creating the matter of the neurological structures in our brain at the speed of light, and how the divine Light shines from within to holographically create our physical body and our reality.

I also highly recommend my interview with mathematical physicist David Clements, PHD and Founder of ISEE . His work on Maxwell’s Quaternion equations of Light are revolutionary.

Let's talk about Light!
In this conversation, Dr Clements discusses the novel view of the quantum field of potentiality with its holographic interactive properties and novel concepts of photon structure. We discuss the limits of current academic science in both physics and medicine and a unifying view of reality that lays a foundation for novel concepts in all disciplines of science. The quantum ocean is the living intelligence of the field of Love and from it spring the blueprints of expansive life. Don’t miss this exciting conversation about the foundations of creation and the interaction of science and spirit.

Like all things, the weaponized use of light and the healing use of light are different. I have written about the healing effects of blue light in my book Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity.

This healing light is vastly different than the weaponized pulsed LED’s and directed laser weapons. The pulse rate is also important. I use a cold laser in my office that is pulsed in different healing frequencies like the Solfeggio frequencies and that does not cause harm in any way, quite the contrary - it is very beneficial for the patient.

I have also worked with the Garyaev laser.

Unconsidered Effects of mRNA Gene Technology and their Possible Reversal – Understanding Holographic DNA, Morphogenic Fields, and the Implications for the Future of Humanity

It is well researched that light therapy can been used for dementia, mood disorders, insomnia and other ailments.

Illuminating Rationale and Uses for Light Therapy

You can read about military directed energy technology and the pulsed laser weapons here:

50 Directed Energy Technology, Modeling, and Assessment The Basics of Electric Weapons and Pulsed-Power Technologies

With that explanation, watch Mark’s video about the pulsed LED and laser weapons deployed.




Here is the interview I did with Mark:

Breaking News Interview: Warfare Against Humanity - Conversation With Weapons Expert Mark Steele - Truth, Science And Spirit, Episode 16

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Paul Vonharnish - Jul 6

Paul Vonharnish

Perhaps mankind could benefit from learning how to grow healthy food without poisoning the entire planet. Seems like a good idea to me... It just might work...

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Susan Skinner - Jul 6

Susan’s Newsletter

I use a handheld cold light laser for my knee pain.I did not end up needing knee surgery on my torn manisca. It healed. Amazing. I use the laser for arthritis pain. It really works. My PT therapist uses it.

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