New Stew Peters Documentary: ‘FINAL DAYS’ TO…

Jun 1, 2023

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Final Days


KellyG - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited


Just watched it on Rumble, and yes it used their own words and documents to expose them, and Karen Kingston's expose was excellent. I used interviews she did with Stew Peter's to get the documents on the Moderna patents and the farcical FDA approval of Comirnaty. I wish she had a book like "War Room / DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Volunteers’ Reports eBook: Find Out What Pfizer, FDA Tried to Conceal" to showcase her info even more.
This is scary stuff, imagine the newly created cyborgs under operational control reacting like what you saw in the Invasion of the body snatchers when encountering a non-cyborg.... some day. Right now this transhumanist experiment is just that, and we've seen the obvious failures in the rollout attempt, and needs to undergo lot's of changes to be more effective, but still meeting their goals of lowering the population at the same time. We need to fight back now against the Fascist tyranny before it's too late!
List of Moderna Patents
FDA Comirnaty approval letter, also showing the dates of additional testing requirements and dates that must be met before it can actually be released


solutions - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited

solutions’s Substack

Now, almost 50% that got Marked with the vax/swab combo with no lethal events yet, think that they are safe but not, they have a trojan bot inside converting them slowly in a cyborg zombie with symptoms like cognition capacity loss of 10-20%. The 1% had lethal events, 10% moderate disease, and 40% chronic disease.


Arcanus Aethereal - Jun 7, 2023

The Wizard's Tower

Energy science research can get you into trouble....
Please read, i feel endangered.:
For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors
I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.


KellyG - Jun 2, 2023


Please CLIFF address these people by the names and professions if you're going to dispute them and do it with factual evidence like they are providing IMO and not off the cuff comments in your podcasts.
Now for the part on the MAC addresses and I've found the video from the source, not just the parts in "Final Days" at
the video speaks in spanish but has English subtitles the President of COMUSAV Mexico Dr. Pedro Chavez Zavala, M.D.
"The first part of this experiment was preformed outdoors on "vaccinated" people, and it was done in this way so there would be no external influence of a bluetooth signal"
COMUSAV doctors also in, Switzerland Dr. h.c. Andrea Ludwig Kalcker talks about the shot inducing magnetism. Dr. h.c. Manuel Aparicio Alonso states "I sincerely could have never imagined that through an experimental inoculation would've been presence of nanotechnology, graphene, frequencies.", Professor Pablo Campra, Ph.D. "...he proved the presence of "graphene" in the vials", and Dr Pedro Chavez Zavala, M.D. proves "the inoculated emit frequencies".
It's the same video footage used in the "Final Days" video, watch for yourselves and decide, it's not Sacha Stone video (and not the Sasha Stone woman writer on substack) that Cliff mentions, theses are licensed Doctors, so again Cliff PLEASE dispute their information and call them out by name like you did Sacha Stone.


KellyG - Jun 2, 2023


I just posted this on Cliff Highs post (you can only listen), where he makes claims disputing info by Dr. Ana and Karen Kingson and other doctors from COMUSAV in the video, not by name though.
So Cliff are you calling Karen Kingston and ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD liars? Please call them out by name if you're going to dispute their information. I know you are a smart man, but I'm not sure you've researched all of this thoroughly or you wouldn't just say you'll see so and so in a video (Sascha Stone, not the Sasha Stone on Substach), or an article blah blah blah. I haven't even touched on the Dr from Mexico where they were receiving separate MAC addresses from "Vaccinated" people only and not dead and in graves. Watch the video and then break it down and name names if you're going to dispute information PLEASE!
In the new final days video by Stew Peters Karen Kingston Biotech Analyst and Med-Legal Advisor with over 25 years in the pharmaceutical, Medical Device, as Biotech Industries, and she has shown the capabilities and proven in the Patents of which I have copies of and looked in them on the pages she has shown on several interviews and paused each time to be sure where to find the info. In this movie at about the 38:45 mark is where she starts delving into the Moderna patents US 10, 703, 789 B2
she states is one of the master patents for the mRNA so called vaccines and in the
A pharmaceutical composition which has a plurality of lipid nanoparticles that has a mean particle size of between 80 nm and 160 nm and contains a modified mRNA encoding a polypeptide . The lipid nanoparticles include a cationic lipid , a neutral lipid , a cholesterol , and a PEG lipid . The mRNA contains a 5 ' - cap , 5 ' - UTR , N1 - methyl - pseudouridine , a
3 ' - UTR , and a poly - A region with at least 100 nucleotides .
She says "what they are calling a "lipid" hosts cationic charges they host electromagnetic fields" She says "they are using the term "LIPID" instead of "Nonotechnology"," She then cites this site (my 1 free view for the month so keep it open and get a screen shot before closing)
" Without these lipid shells, there would be no mRNA vaccines for COVID-19"
"Fragile mRNA molecules used in COVID-19 vaccines can’t get into cells on their own. They owe their success to lipid nanoparticles that took decades to refine"
"The success of these COVID-19 vaccines is remarkable and was far from guaranteed. mRNA is incredibly delicate. Enzymes in the environment and in our bodies are quick to chop mRNA into pieces, making lab experiments difficult and the delivery of mRNA to our cells daunting. On top of that, mRNA strands are large and negatively charged and can’t simply waltz across the protective lipid membranes of cells. Many scientists thought the technology would never work." (We might like the names of all the scientists involved thank you very much)
"LNPs used in the COVID-19 vaccines contain just four ingredients: ionizable lipids whose positive charges bind to the negatively charged backbone of mRNA, pegylated lipids that help stabilize the particle, and phospholipids and cholesterol molecules that contribute to the particle’s structure. Thousands of these four components encapsulate mRNA, shield it from destructive enzymes, and shuttle it into cells, where the mRNA is unloaded and used to make proteins. Although the concept seems simple, perfecting it was far from straightforward."
"It is a tremendous vindication for everyone working in controlled drug delivery.
Robert Langer, chemical engineer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology"
"The devil is absolutely in the details as far as LNPs are concerned.
Giuseppe Ciaramella, former head of infectious diseases, Moderna"
"Cullis knew that adding positively charged lipids to the liposomes would help balance the negatively charged nucleic acids, but there was a problem. “There are no cationic lipids in nature,” Cullis says. “And we knew we couldn’t use permanently positively charged lipids because they are so damn toxic.” Those lipids would rip cell membranes apart, he adds."
"Pegylated lipids, in which polyethylene glycol (PEG) strands are attached to lipid heads, have several functions in a nanoparticle. PEG helps control the particle size during formulation, prevents the particles from aggregating in storage, and initially shields the particles from being detected by immune system proteins in the body, according to James Heyes, a former Protiva scientist. Heyes is now chief scientific officer of the LNP company Genevant Sciences—a firm with origins in Protiva.
But PEG also has liabilities. It prevents LNPs from binding to proteins that help shuttle them into cells. Because PEG extends particles’ life span in the body, the immune system has more time to spot the particles and start mounting an antibody response. And although PEG is found in many cosmetic, drug, and food products, scientists hypothesize that some people could develop antibodies to PEG and that giving those individuals an injection of PEG-coated nanoparticles could trigger an anaphylactic reaction."
"But PEG also has liabilities. It prevents LNPs from binding to proteins that help shuttle them into cells. Because PEG extends particles’ life span in the body, the immune system has more time to spot the particles and start mounting an antibody response." .... "And although PEG is found in many cosmetic, drug, and food products, scientists hypothesize that some people could develop antibodies to PEG and that giving those individuals an injection of PEG-coated nanoparticles could trigger an anaphylactic reaction." (Sound familiar?)
Then she sites the passage in section 219 of the above patent which is on page 129
"In another embodiement, the polymer-based self-assembled nanoparticles such as, but not limited to, micro-sponges, may be fully programmable nonoparticles." she says it's alarming "because they can be preporgammable as well as receive programs from an external source


Michael Folks - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited

Michael’s Substack

In Foods, Meats, Medicines, interacting with Electromagnetic fields, and 5G cell towers, tracking and directing the Transhumans. WEF, and the NWO, our new masters?


Charlene Jones - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited


No, never. Satan wants to be our master, but God has already won! Satan will fail. John 16:33
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”


Duchess - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited


I hope he meant by that that he overcame Satan, or the God of this World...because his Father made this world. and I don't think his Father made it a deliberate world for Satan to ruin, did he?
.is that a right way of thinking?


Charlene Jones - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited


God intended for earth to be like heaven, but when Adam & Eve gave in to Satan's temptation, Satan became the god of this world. When Christ died on the cross, He defeated Satan, so even though Satan knows he can't win, he's not going down without a fight. He wants to take down every human possible until the end when he will go to HELL! God needs us to suit up in his full armor and shout down this evil. People don't realize the authority God has given us. Our words and prayers have power!


AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle - Jun 1, 2023




Rosalind McGill - Jun 2, 2023

Rosalind McGill

& look at the flood & Noah, Tower of Babel.


KellyG - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited


In the words of President Trump
"'We take this step because we know that in solving the many, many problems and our great challenges, faith is more powerful than government and nothing is more powerful than God,' he said in a Rose Garden ceremony. President Trump speaks during a National Day of Prayer event in the Rose Garden of the White House on May 3, 2018, in Washington"
"During the operation, 42 children were found outside the city where they went missing, and 10 children were found outside of the United States in Mexico. In addition, the USMS arrested a Top 15 Most Wanted couple who fled to Mexico from Washington state with their five children, who they had taken into hiding."


Max Light - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited

Max Light

I might add this, from "Is Jesus the Creator?"
" Genesis 1:1 says that “God created the heavens and the earth.” Then, Colossians 1:16 gives the added detail that God created “all things” through Jesus Christ. The plain teaching of Scripture, therefore, is that Jesus is the Creator of the universe. "
Also, this might be encouraging. "How can I learn to trust that God is in control?"


Duchess - Jun 2, 2023


Thanks Pat.


Harold Saive - Jun 1, 2023

News Paradigm

I have an educated theory as to why the elite are rushing to transhumanize humanity and it has to do with the EARTH DISASTER and magnetic pole shift currently underway - Watch these 2 short videos by Ben Davidson to understand what terrifies the elite -


Sandra --- - Jun 1, 2023

Sandra ---

I couldn't watch because it requires a google account. But I'm a follower of Ben Davidson's Suspicious Observers youtube channel and know what you are talking about. Talk about living in "interesting" times.


Harold Saive - Jun 2, 2023

News Paradigm

I never heard that a google account was needed.....Hmmmm. I relocated the post to this link only because it needed more content -


Sandra --- - Jun 2, 2023

Sandra ---

Thanks!! That works!


Arcanus Aethereal - Jun 7, 2023

The Wizard's Tower

Energy science research can get you into trouble....
Please read, i feel endangered.:
For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors
I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.


swampymcgee - Jun 2, 2023

Harold Saive, still keeping it real in Gainesville, Florida! With Chemtrail Truth too! Thank you, kind Sir!


The Cultured Insubordinate - Jun 1, 2023

The Cultured Insubordinate

My “awake” friends and I were discussing the same exact thing. Also adds some potential reason to all the Antarctica activity that went under the radar some years back. The geological “reconstruction” seems to trail the magnetic pole movements. So it’s logical that they would prepare, distract and then coral their sheep without the sheep knowing (like a Temple Grandin designed slaughter house; without the herd’s knowledge).


Charlene Jones - Jun 1, 2023

Everyone needs to see this and wake up! I'm so glad to see Karen finally getting some much deserved exposure. She has worked tirelessly for 3 years on her research and proof, and has suffered a bio-attack at one point. She pushed through and continues to fight for the truth and for our freedoms. See her work


Duchess - Jun 1, 2023


.Dr. Mihalcea, your work also has been truly upsetting and has kept me awake nights also with the implications....An extinction event....It will take days to truly grasp the enormity of what has been done. I know I am still struggling Add to that Final Days, and it is overwhelming.


AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle - Jun 1, 2023


Just know that God really is with us and HE has never lost a battle. We need to push back hard on this and pray. Listen to Christian music and praise all day. I’m telling you honestly, it makes a difference. If you haven’t yet, read Mere Christianity, by C.S. Lewis. It explains so much about why bad things happen in this world. He was an atheist & during a walk, totally felt differently. Like the awakening you feel now, but in a good way. This isn’t our final home if you are a child of God. He loves us so much. We don’t have to have all the answers, just love HIM & love others. It’s simple. We are going to be ok. Be strong! Don’t let the evil planners force you to live in fear. They win that way. We can prepare and shine lights where there is darkness. Protect your soul and rebuke Satan everyday, in Jesus’ name. Just know, you are never alone & others are here to talk and share. Sending peace your way. God is good. He’s got this. 💕


Laiah9 - Jun 1, 2023


Thank you Dr Ana, for All your Amazing work, and sharing this monumental movie by Stew Peters crew! the TIDE is turning, & GOD rules over every atom & molecule!!! HE will defeat this 'show' insanity of Satana! 🙏✝️


Frances Leader - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited


The religious ideology by which this film is programming its viewers is part of that insanity...
Count me OUT.


Julie Stander - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited

Writing from the Heart Jewel

Can you expand on your comment? I've noted that the Bible is foundational for most people in the Freedom Movement, to my surprise.


Frances Leader - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited


What 'Freedom Movement' is that? I see only gatekeepers and controllers attempting to direct our thoughts with their narratives which are no more accurate or truthful than anything we see from WHO, WEF and the UN.
The first 13 minutes of the film were devoted to unscientific, middle eastern religious BELIEFS which have been the root cause of division, hatred and fear for more than 2,000 years!
The rest of the film relies on documentation found via 'patents' - but surely everyone knows that the existence of a patent does not confirm the existence of a product? It merely registers an IDEA.
The evidence provided relates to the contents of vaccines but people were getting very ill before the vaccines were distributed.
Why don't these 'Freedom Movement' members ever mention the role 5G played in Wuhan, Northern Italy, Iran, London, New York?
Why do they think that 5G is a 'separate issue'?
The correlation of 5G roll outs, both geographically and chronologically, with the appearance of a 'novel disease' is on-going, regardless of inoculations.
Would someone like to explain to me precisely HOW a vaccine combats the impact of electro-magnetic radiation?
There is no virus. There is 5G, an electro-magnetic radiation weapon and it does not require anything special in the blood. Not graphene, not Bluetooth nanochips, NOTHING.
Electro-magnetic radiation alone can and DOES kill not only human beings but all forms of life.


Alberto Thomas - Jun 1, 2023


Indeed, I quoted Stew Peters on Gab and said there was nothing about 5G. I included Dr Cameron Kyle-Sidell’s video from March 2020 where he explains the ICU’s in New York were filled with patients suffering from Hypoxia.
After three years, if we are too scared to explain what is really happening, then the criminal governments will carrying on repeating it.
I also included this video.


Frances Leader - Jun 1, 2023


Thanks, that is a useful video!


solutions - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited

solutions’s Substack

5G is indeed a component of the bioweapon, I already described it before. Components of the apocalyptic bioweapon: Luciferase (identification/mark) + grafene (control) +5G/wifi(power source). It is apocalyptic because it seems by the statistics that the main purpose is soul death, and in 2nd line the body death.


Frances Leader - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited


60Ghz 5G pulse can knock you dead because it spins oxygen molecules so fast that they cannot be taken up by the blood. You die of hypoxia, blood clotted and oxygen starved. No other components are necessary.
This 'soul death' you speak of.... I am sorry but that is utterly mad.
First, define a soul. Then tell me its location.
Water is indestructible - did you know that? Maybe our spirituality is water..... in which case there can be no such thing as soul death.


solutions - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited

solutions’s Substack

Think of grafene also as a catalyst, it amplifies 1000x the power received by 5G. So to distribute the effect this people had to use this catalyst, because for very high frequency waves (60ghz) you must install at least 20x more antennas than the actual ones.
So do you believe in atoms even if your eyes cant't see them? ok you also have an invisible soul, but you can feel it. The best analogy is to compare to a smartphone: Spirit(Electric power), Soul(Operative system+ID/serial), Body (Enclosure+sensors).
The soul is located in your brain and in your blood.


Frances Leader - Jun 2, 2023


Dr Noack believed that the nano-particulates of graphene were miniature razor blades. They murdered him after saying so.
You forgot to add 'in my opinion' at the end of your final sentence. The truth is you do not know where or even what the soul is, you are guessing.
Actually I do not believe in atoms. They are not as described in orthodox science, any more than DNA. I find most of the fiction posing as science to be misleading.
I do believe in electro-magnetic energy which can perform as either a particle or a wave.


Pwnda - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited


2,000 years after what event? Reconcile, Jesus’s arrival on Earth was so important that the whole world, which was filled with non-believers and the leaders of their time who murdered him, it was so important that we still use his death today as our dating system calendar globally. Reconcile. Maybe it is not “religious insanity,” as you claim. Maybe the Jesus event (his life and death and all the actions that he did) is the only thing that really matters for your life and soul. I invite you to read the book of John, or any of the gospels. I pray you find salvation through the One True Living God of All Creation.


Frances Leader - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited


Do not be deceived. The numbering of our years was changed at the time of the Roman Census. It had nothing to do with the birth or death of Jesus. I thought all Christians understood that fact. They do know that Joseph and Mary had to travel to Bethlehem from their home in Nazareth because everyone in the Roman Empire had to register at the place of their birth.
Apparently, I read and understood the Gospels with more attention than you EVER did!
Further - my comment is not an invitation for you to evangelise at me. That ideological dogmatic behaviour is very rude.


Pwnda - Jun 1, 2023 - Edited


You really think that was the first or last census they ever did? Just trying to save your soul and pray over you--if that’s rude, I apologize and can rescind my prayers, if you wish.


Frances Leader - Jun 2, 2023 - Edited


My soul is no different from yours. It is eternal and it reincarnates. I do not require to be saved, thanks..... but YOU might.


Edward Bernaysauce - Jun 1, 2023

Edward Bernaysauce

I think we can rest assured in the knowledge, that something more is going on...


Ted Ehmann - Jun 2, 2023

Culture Wars. Edu

Dr. Ana:
Driving home this a.m. a doctor was on a talk radio show talking about "Long Covid". Know what I now know that COVID isn't a virus. It struck me that you, Stew, Karen have not mentioned the scam. Related.I found this article (p.s. found that it was the W.H.O. that defined "Long COVID, Oct. 2021, only research papers are from 2023, 1.5 years later (see NIH) The article is a doctor 'experiencing P.O.T.S. symptoms and talks about these neurological symptoms as Long COVID . I have suffered with these exact symptoms for over 5 straight months now. My M.D. and cardiologist smirk and think I'm nuts. My cardiologist went so far as to put stent in, now I have Afib on top of the other new POTS symtoms and the same old congestive heart and hypertension. Any insight?


Arcanus Aethereal - Jun 7, 2023

The Wizard's Tower

Energy science research can get you into trouble....
Please read, i feel endangered.:
For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors
I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.


Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Jun 1, 2023

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

When will people who trust in God ("in God we trust") connect with his higher awareness, let the Holy Spirit in, and defend nature and humanity (his creation)? I am surprised that this synagogue of satan has not yet been exterminated as the bizarre vermin they are. What is any Christian's excuse for not taking them all out?


Arcanus Aethereal - Jun 7, 2023

The Wizard's Tower

Energy science research can get you into trouble....
Please read, i feel endangered.:
For a more detailled scientific take on the LENR science for which I am being targeted, I would actually refer you to my colleague's blog, where there is spectography, calorimetry & datasheets, as well as live science videos of experimental LENR reactors
I am sending this to all other substack writers I can muster, because I fear for my safety and my family.


jsand - Jun 1, 2023

Re. Carnicom's findings of desiccated erythrocytes. Have prior posted links re. use of erythrocytes ("ghost" cells) as a "delivery system" for decades now & a more recent paper on using them to deliver nucleic acids. Now I see this: 2020 paper: "Preservation of erythrocytes in a desiccated state for storage at ambient temperature ..." is used ... a "natural" sugar from insects, fungi, bacteria, plants. Cargill is the sole distributer for Treha (trade name) & just happens to be associated w/the WEF:


Thomas Lewis - Jun 1, 2023

Useless Liberal

Dear Ana,
It’s not so much that Breggin, or anyone, is wrong about Malone being a murderer, in a forum where feelings are relevant. More truthfully both of these doctors have been murdered. Mentally murdered. I do not see them as victimizers. They are good men. Each of them. I see them as victims. And one need to look no further than the fact that the very institutions that they hail from are still trying to kill them.
They are among the wisest of them all. And they are wisely resisting being killed. What we are witnessing, in a very public way, are Dr’s Breggin, Cole, Kory, McCullough, Malone et. al. attempting to heal in their “resistence”. But resistence will prove to be not enough for them, or for the health and sanity of the world. It’s going to take more than resistance. It’s going to take defiance. One of their own is going to have to defy the entire apparatus. Not by burning it down per se, but by throwing a big enough wrench into it, that it disassembles down to it barest of elements. To be left as no more than a pile of nuts and bolts on the ground before one even contemplates what can, or even should, be made of it.
These are good men, each of them. The questions we, and they, need to ask ourselves is how good? And to Malone in particular: What are you made of ?
Thomas Lewis
Author: The Malone Doctrine


whollybraille - Jun 1, 2023

Sure could have used a direct link to this, ma'am.


J E B - Jun 1, 2023


I’m hoping that some day someone will explain how venoms, ivermectin, lipid nanoparticle technology, and Graphene are all involved, together, at the same time, with this Covid scenario. How many moving parts are there in this thing?


Laiah9 - Jun 1, 2023


Ivermectin is Not apart of the Bioweapon lie! Per the video the graphene is explained to be a synthetically altered Carbon molecule SP2 Carbon; Carbon in biochemistry is the foundation of GOD's organic matter, all life. These evil doctors, Ralph Baric Chapel UNC, (where my Dad was a professor in 1960's) created the Fake altered Carbon to get mRNA or messaged RNA to take the Carbon graphene which could be magnetized into our cells & change the cell DNA in the nucleus. The graphene with Carbon SP2 is a hydrogel substance. This is necessary to make it pliable to mimic body tissues. The Nano particles in the graphene are the parts that carry the magnetized signal not normal to human body with non human heavy metals. The Nano particle has to have a fat lipid outer wall or our cells won't let it in. The first Covid virus scare used the snake venoms to cause all the major lung failure symptoms that began the scare with all other bad venom effects, but also with nano particles to begin getting into the cells to alter them to create the self damaging spike proteins to begin weakening the immune system. The vaccine then went 100x greater on nanoparticles in graphene to alter all the cells to build nano electrical networks, and permanently genetically alter cells causing the white fibrous clotting, fake 'plastin' tissues, and build magnetic, blue tooth signal carrying networks activated by 5G because magnetism networks in all our cells is not normal. So these DNA altering nano particles are causing the destruction alteration of normal cells like cancer, the immune system, and hybridizing to a transhuman like machine. But ultimately it makes no sense because the bodies will just eventually die anyway based on their evil plan! They are crazy!!!


Larry Sullivan - Jun 1, 2023

L Sully's Editorials

Yes, Doc Ana, it's an excellent film. And you're research is also excellent!


Thomas Lewis - Jun 1, 2023

Useless Liberal

Vaccine Victims -
It's Not That I Am Better Than You.
It's That You Never Had A Chance.



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