Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 21, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Dear all,
I am so happy to announce that the new Live Blood Analysis training will now include my research and training on identification of self assembly nanotechnology. I have been working with Dr. Okker Botha from South Africa, who has truly been amazing in going through my power points and articles to create a great training session for the attendees. I highly recommend this course, which I myself also took - in the beginning of my discovery journey. I also have the Darkfield Neogenesis microscope in my office, which I shipped from South Africa and use daily in my clinical practice. I absolutely love (!!!) this microscope.
This amazing microscope has made possible all my work in filming the nano and microrobots. I cannot tell you how many doctors and live blood practitioners say “they don’t see anything and the people’s blood is clean”. Patients are always shocked when they come to me after getting multiple live blood analysis elsewhere. Different story all together. I can spot a nanobot of approximately 500 nanometers in diameter and can find them every time.
This is why the microscope and training is so important. Once you get this training under your belt, and also watch the videos I have produced on the different topics of identifying nano and microrobots and self assembly nanotechnology, you will be much farther along in recognizing this threat. It becomes so evident, you cannot miss it. From there you learn by doing and observing - over and over again.
I also have shared my clinic treatment protocols with Dr. Botha. These protocols are what I have researched, refined and used to help over a thousand patients in this post COVID nanotechnology era to decontaminate them from the self assembly nanotechnology in the blood. Practitioners will not only be trained in finding the problem but also in offering comprehensive solutions and maintenance protocols.
We are right now editing the last chapter of my new book - which will also include hundreds of pages of documentation of the self assembly nanotechnology in human blood, in medications, my research with Clifford Carnicom and many case studies of successful treaments documented symptomatically as well as via the live blood analysis. By the time you are in this class, it will become available and it can complement your training.
Special thanks to Dr. Okker Botha and Elizabeth for making this possible!
Here is what they wrote regarding the training:
Dr Ana Mihalcea's research now added to the September Live Blood Analysis training course.
We owe a great debt of gratitude to Dr. Ana Mihalcea and other pioneers without whom we may have remained oblivious to these anomalies.All anomalies are only clearly visible in darkfield, only some very advanced cases will be visible in brightfield.
Dr Ana Mihalcea and other researchers involved in this work used Live Blood Online & NeoGenesis HDMI-LED darkfield microscopes available here.
These microscopes are extremely specialized and not utlized by conventional laboratories or practitioners, which is why these researchers were able to see these anomalies in the first place.
Please join us on the September 2024 Live Blood Analysis Online Training Course here
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Brigadoon - Aug 21 - Edited
This whole darkfield microscope research could really use some actual comparitive analysis. I don't doubt what you are presenting and I agree with a lot of your speculation, but showing this stuff to people who are not already inclined to be receptive is not that helpful. It needs to be slide A is literally healthy normal blood and slide B is contaminated blood. THAT would get eyeballs on this.
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Roderick - Aug 21
Can I get more info regarding this class?
Is it an online class?
Live classes or are they recorded?
How would this work for those of in Asia or other time zones?
Is there an email we can write to ask further questions?
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