I drink CDS (chlorine dioxide solution, easier on the tummy than chlorine dioxide) every morning, & most evenings. I haven't yet done the "every hour" technique, I just mix it up at the time, add a few oz water, then drink it.
Was it the citric acid or the hydrochloric acid activator?
The citric acid sounds safer but its actually harder on your stomach because your normal stomach acid is hydrochloric.
It gets easier if you keep at it but then I dont know what kind you got or how accurately you are mixing it so hard to give better advice.
Its not that great honestly, it helps some but not as much as vitamin C and EDTA... which makes sense, as that is in their patent as the Actual solution, not the doctors book of home remedies version.
Dont get me wrong, chlorine dioxide is great for many things, I use a saffrax tablet every day to sterilize my well water before I put it through my zerowater filter because it lasts longer and my wife cleans with it all the time... it cant fix the shedding though.
Kills many biologics and gives you a blood oxygen boost though, better than methlyne blue... it just cant do what people keep hoping for, at least not alone.
And you cannot take chlorine dioxide and EDTA at the same time or the chlorine dioxide breaks up the EDTA molecule.
MMS (or CD, Chlorine Dioxide) is stronger because it contains the Hydrochloric Acid...mixed with Sodium Chlorite. Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) does not contain the acid, it's made by infusing water with the gas from the CD, so it is easy on the stomach.
One drop each of Sodium Chlorite & Hydrochloric Acid (CD/MMS) in water messed up my tummy too. But I can take 12-20 drops of Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) in water.
Sometimes when I'm on prednisone for bronchitis, a herpes sore pops up. Takes 1-2 weeks to go away. Had one a few months ago when on pred, drank CDS water twice, sore gone in ONE day!! Made me a believer!!
I am aware of that and that is what I did, but it still wrecked my stomach. I read Jim Humbles book and followed his directions for the beginner, protocal 1000, only I went even lower than that. It's not for everyone!
They’re the same thing, just two different ways to activate it. The citric acid can cause diarrhea and upset stomach quite easily though, so I personally use the hydrochloric acid to activate mine.
There is a place online where I buy mine at…www.waterpureworld.com
They also sell premixed bottles already so you don’t need to activate anything. Great products, great vendor.
What are you taking and where can I purchase it from and are you taking anything else with that and do you feel that it is keeping your body detox from the poison? They are trying to put even through our skin through their evil chemtrails in the sky.
Yes, Many Many people.
I myself took 250ppms of CDS every Half Hour for 8 then 9 then 10 hours 4 days in a row.
Much More than most people take but Nope... still got the shedding and it Helps but you cannot get rid of it with just chlorine dioxide.
It takes a multipronged approach, this bioweapon is not just one thing and there is no one 'cure'. It takes Several things, afaik.
Also we dont even know if it Can be fully cured, because no one has gotten totally cleaned and then Truly isolated for 30, 60 or 90 days.
Try it for yourself but I'll pass, I already Know.
Rumble. The Medical Rebel, Dr Lee Merritt says she viewed her live blood prior to and post chlorine dioxide and there was a great difference in parasites presence. Watch on Rumble Critically Thinking most recent video Think in last third of episode. 🩸❤️🤍
I have a supply of it here on hand but only used it for gurgling and mouth rinse.
Also used as in topical application for infections and open soars. It seems to be very good for healing.
I haven't injested it, although it has been suggested I try it.
I'm still sitting on the fence until I learn more.
I’ve been using it internally for 5+ years, and I’ve never found anything more effective at stopping cold and flu symptoms, sometimes as fast as 10 minutes, but usually taking a few hours.
If I could only have one item in my medicine cabinet, it would be this stuff.
I have no idea how it works, or what it does to the blood when ingested, but everytime I have felt a scratchy throat and other typical cold and flu symptoms coming on, taking Chlorine Dioxide has fixed the problem in record time.
I did the same. Bought CDS (already activated) from All One Wellness, had it unopened in my fridge for weeks before I felt comfortable trying it. It was very confusing at first. People would talk about CD or MMS, others about CDS, but I didn't know the difference. Finally learned the difference, as I watched youtube videos of Dr. Andreas Kalcker & started reading his book Forbidden Health. (Best place to buy:https://cleanhandsnj.com/shop) Also, joined a telegram group called The Universal Antidote, on CDS.
MMS (or CD, Chlorine Dioxide) is stronger because it contains the Hydrochloric Acid...mixed with Sodium Chlorite. Only one drop each of Sodium Chlorite & Hydrochloric Acid (CD/MMS) in water messed up my tummy. Might try it again soon though. (Keep in mind that many older people take hydrochloric acid tablets or liquid to increase their stomach acid...it decreases as we age...so it is safe when taken in the appropriate doses.)
Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) does not contain the acid, it's made by infusing water with the gas from the CD, so it is easy on the stomach.
One drop each of Sodium Chlorite & Hydrochloric Acid (CD/MMS) in water messed up my tummy too. But I can take 12-20 drops of Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) in water. You take it on an empty stomach, & don't leave the bottle open but for the time it takes to pull some out with the eyedropper, then put back in the fridge.
THIS is what got me to try it: Sometimes when I'm on prednisone for bronchitis, a herpes sore pops up due to the suppressed immune system. Takes 1-3 weeks to go away, very sore. Had one a few months ago when on pred, drank CDS water twice, sore gone in ONE day!! Made me a believer!!
CDS is weaker than normal chlorine dioxide, because you are taking the original ppms and distributing it into ever how much water.
You can make the 2 part with either citric acid or hydrochloric acid activator.
Citric is actually harder on your stomach but I would buy some test strips so then you can learn how much you are actually taking.
I have been using the NACS Purification drops. It comes in two parts and is pretty consistent to mix up. 3 drops of part A and 3 drops of part B in the bottom of a glass, shake around a bit to mix it. It becomes greenish and smells like a swimming pool. Then I add 8 oz. of water, stir and it’s ready to drink. I actually add a splash of grape juice to kill the bleachy taste, but it isn’t really bad. Kind of like swallowing a bit of water when swimming. Let me tell you though, it has done more for me than any doctor ever has. I got a flu type bug a few months back, fever of 102.3 . I started using C02 and that bug was gone a day and a half later. That is when I discovered that I had parasites in me. The C02 killed them and brought it to my attention. This is something modern doctors don’t normally even look for, but I had them bad, and didn’t have a clue. After about a month of on and off C02 treatments (it kills more quickly than the body has time to expel, so you have to let the body catch up), I feel so much better, my gut is working properly, and I’m not eating like a horse but always hungry anymore. I’m only feeding one now. Me. Lol There are books by Jim Humble and his daughter Paris Humble that explain exactly how to use this method. It just doesn’t last more than an hour or so after you mix it, unless refrigerated.
I have been using Chlorine Dioxide and Methylene Blue. I only began using the CLO2 when a flu came on a few weeks ago. It caused the flu to go away in 2 days, but brought about some very interesting effects I hadn’t counted on. I discovered that I probably have/had parasites in my kidneys and elsewhere, which were removed (very painfully) in my urine. This was a very intense and scary time for me. Not being a Doctor, and not having or even trusting one, I had to deal with the problems myself. Still ongoing. I tried to Email Miss Mihalcea, but my Email was intercepted, read by eyes not intended, and flagged as suspicious, so the only person I intended to see this very personal message didn’t see it, but who knows who all did. Anyway, what was expelled in my urine was so scary I took a picture of it, and upon looking at it later, I noticed what seemed like a very large worm, and many glowing things very much resembling what we see in these photos right here. They weren’t visible to me when I took the photo, but are sure there now. Anyway, the Chlorine Dioxide killed and removed them quickly, but I have since gotten a product designed for parasites, and it seems like more, smaller ones are being expelled from me, but im no Doctor, so I wish someone with experience could view that photo and a couple more, and give an experienced opinion on this matter, which is ongoing still. If Miss Mihalcea happens to see this, I would appreciate some friendly advice. Some things that were in my body sure look like what I see in the pictures of blood slides she posts. Especially the glowing, self illuminated things. I am unvaxxed and 64 yrs old, and haven’t seen a Doctor for 30 years or more.
Donn - I use it regularly. The easiest way to make it is with tablets sold by Safrax (www.safrax.com). Very easy to make whatever concentration of CDS you need. I also follow Dr. Kalcker.
No, that is not how chlorine dioxide works. It wouldnt stay in pills and you do not want chlorine dioxide to enter your gut, it needs to be buffered by your stomach.
What is the concentration amount for personal use like that. I purchased a bunch, but am now afraid to try them because their instructions are vague for such small amounts as 1 person needs. And my dachshund doggies too. Any help would be appreciated. I now use the MMS type. Thank you.
Wash your sink well then plug it and fill it up and put in a saffrax tablet.
After it dissolves, the water will turn a slight green tint and then you can drink it or put it in your dogs water.
The brighter the green, the more ppms CLO2, so if one of your tablets makes the water Bright Green, do not drink it without watering it down, saffrax tablsts produce inconsistent ppms so you dont just want to put it in one liter of water like they say or you may end up with much stronger solution than you want to drink.
You can buy test strips too and once you use them for a while, you can guesstimate the ppms based on the hue of green the water has.
I would recommend buying the 2 part activator bottles if you plan on drinking it, or Potable Aqua makes chlorine dioxide camping water pills that taste much better than saffrax, but they are smaller and more expensive.
Wow 😯 that is so disappointing that it is so inconsistent in PPM’s!!!! I was literally just going to buy some today!!! Also I would think of all people MIKE ADAMS would have TESTED every single aspect of them, he says he uses them all the time and we all know he tests EVERYTHING thoroughly before advertising a company since he is then associated with them… he has been very clear about that and goes into great detail about why he won’t recommend products until he is 100% sure of everything about it!!! 💯 Are you sure that all of their tablets do that and it’s not just the ones you bought from them a fee YEARS ago??? I’m sure the company has changed since 2021 and has different standards and would make 100% sure that each and every tablet would be the exact same amount of PPM’s!!!
I havent bought any new stock, I bought all mine in 2021 but I do have test strips and I use the tablets almost daily to sterilize my well water before I put it through my zerowater filter so I have a great deal of actual experience.
Maybe they upped their quality since, I dont know but I do know all three bags they sell are the same tablets, just in different colored bags. And if it looks like Mountain Dew, water it down before you drink it.
I was going to buy the professional chlorine dioxide meter but it just uses the color of the water to determine the PPMs, for a whole lot more money than test strips and I can guesstimate the PPMs now.
Also Potable Aqua tablets taste much better with better quality control but not as cheap.
Haha, I bought 4000 tablets from them back in 2021, before Mike Adams even knew about saffrax.
Tastes like shit though and their manufacturing is sporadic, tablets do not consistently give the same ppms of chlorine dioxide solution, it varies from tablet to tablet.
Buy the 2 part in bottles if you want to drink it, I would only drink saffrax as a last resort because I also got 10 bottles each of the liquid A/B kind.
I have been at this a long time now and thankfully I bought many things like that well before the rush.
I still have some EDTA from almost 2 years ago and we take a Ton.
EDTA is a chelator that binds with metals and allows you to urinate them out.
Some people think you need to use special formulations that are harder to get and contain less actual EDTA, but I dont think so.
I think most people would do perfectly fine just buying basic EDTA pills and taking them with a lot of Vitamin C... so like $40 and they might even be on the shelf in your local natural foods store.
There are a few other things that help too and Can be taken with EDTA but the Most Important Thing about taking EDTA is that you basically need to take it Hours away from almost anything else.
Or if you want it to work as well as possible (like I do), fast while you take it. Its actually really Really easy to fast while taking EDTA, way easier than fasting and Not taking EDTA.
So about once a month my wife and I do an EDTA fast for 3-5 days, where we dont eat and drink a ton of water and take EDTA and other chelators that dont bind with EDTA. Food, many beverages, most vitamins will all bind with EDTA and then it will be totally wasted, you might as well not have even taken it.
Here is one of the EDTAs I use, its like $24. Find a Vitamin C that is Just Vitamin C and doesnt have a bunch of other stuff in it, that other stuff will often bind with EDTA.
When Mike Adams promoted this company I bought a big bag of the tablets. I could not figure out how to mix them. It looks like they make very large batches. Any suggestions?
Anna - 1 tablet in 1 liter (1 quart) of water makes a 100 ppm solution. You can dilute it down from there. I also make a 500 ppm solution for disinfecting and other uses. That would be 5 tablets in 1 liter. Safrax has a lot of useful information on their website on how to prepare different solutions for many uses.
What they mix is ​​an aqueous solution of tobacco. It's not just the alkaloid nicotine.
Furthermore, if more liquid is added to an aqueous solution that is drying to form crystals, it is normal for them to dissolve, whether it is liquid nanotech or another crystal.
I've been pointing out the same thing, water is a good solvent, i think we're just seeing the water dissolving what could be salt crystals (water easily dissolves salt) or something else, but not complex nanotech, so this is not the effects of nicotine, which definitely has many interesting properties.
Very good point. Some of the findings show in incubated c19 samples of growing nano in distilled water and subjected to micro volts or EMF goes completely transparent or disassembled. Only to reappear even stronger. Toxic off gassing was also observed during self disassembly. Poison ☠️ Brilliant enemy
"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ,
Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language & " Virus" it means in Latin language the "Poison "
The "Crown Poison" against humanity
The genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison" either with ( directed energy weapons radiation poisoning 5G & with bio-weapon injections & with fake news to mislead the people to make them against each other for civil war & with synthetic telepathy subconsciously( any person do not know about the technology ) & consciously as V2K MIC orders ( to gang stalkers , police , governments , health system employees etc. ) beamed via satellites to make the people & nations depopulate each other in wars & to inject the poison without questioning !
Corona Virus is (radiation & Bio-weapons ) poisoning like what they did in Spanish flue plandemic too
"Dr Bryan Ardis " from USA , mentioned in his interviews that the elevated D - Dimer is a sign of clotting & snake venom poisoning and all the people died of COVID19 injections all had elevated D - Dimer !
Dr Bryan Ardis talking about the Nano - King Cobra snake venom poisoning in jabs
COVID19 is Cobra Venom Induced Death & they are using 19 deadly protein peptides from snake venom , marine snails , any venom to shut down the internal organs & each protein peptide target certain internal organ & controlled with nano technology via satellites !
Watch, 5G danger
Watch Free Minded lady reading part of this book & watch her human reaction to the shocking truth that the Queen & King of the Crown in England leading the genocide , rape , theft , Piracy against humanity & it is Victorian Plan !
This book "The Story of the committee of 300 " for John Coleman is the truth & where we are heading !
This is " The Monarch Pox " to Rape & to Kill humanity to Steal all the Earth !
World Economic Forum is led by " K " Charles III & he is talking about cutting the emission of the CO2 & we need martial law to do that !
Watch !
This means this is announcement to kill humans on Earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe !
CO2 is not dangerous & this is a lie & deception !
We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity!
Princeton's William Happer explains CO2 is no pollutant & infact we have very little CO2 in our environment now !
X disease means "Crucifixion culling sign " by making the X stand correctly as "Culling Cross" to crucify humanity !
Who created the WHO & UN & WEF is the Head of the Committee of 300 & their Committee of 300 members & the Head of the committee of 300 is the King & Queen of Piracy for the Crown in England !
See that the "British Imperialism in 1882" had 13 Colonies on the open in addition to England which means 14 colonies !
See Drawing:
Now all the Earth is One Giant Colony in the hands of Crown in England secretly with "infiltration of Freemasonry " they are the Head of "The One World Government of Imperialism Piracy "
Read book -This is the truth :
Crown in England are the Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide & theft to steal all the wealth & to steal all the Earth !
* Watch & listen to Joe Imbriano from USA talking about many issues like Monkey Pox, Bird Flu, Plague fake plan-demic which are all 5G & more radiation attacks & wifi radiation attacks to blister the skin and lower the immunity to make symptoms & damage to inject us the death injections because we have symptoms !
The Fullerton Informer
* Watch Deborah Tavares talking about the EXTINCTION Plan for Humanity Deployed - Silent Weapons System to make us all sick without our knowledge ..
* Watch Barrie Trower talking about the silent weapon system installed against humanity and watch at time (1.46) on this video he mentioned a list of (4,500) symptoms and diseases because exposure to the Dirty electricity , electromagnetic radiation and radio frequency radiation
* Watch Cooking of Humanity - Invisible Global Warfare
Deborah Tavares interviews Scientist Barrie Trower from UK
This is crime against humanity & Filthy Pirates of "One World Government Of Imperialism " raping & killing humanity with secret technology of Free Energy Technology that they can burn & blister the skin , the face & lips & burn & blister the vagina & penis remotely via satellites and cell phone towers with microwave radiation to make any symptoms & to damage body organs and cells !
They attack me directed energy high frequency 24/7 that cause me difficulty to breath , rapid heart rate , palpitation , spasm in muscles , blistering , burns , rash , itching , coughing , fever, attacking my brain & body & attacking burning the genitalia & forcing rape orgasm while , I am reading , while sleeping , while walking to push the victims to suicide
See the printed document how they are attacking the people to head , brains , all body including attacking the genitalia with directed energy through walls & through the clothes causing heating , violent itching around the genitalia , body , head & "forced orgasm" by controlling the function of the neurons in the body & head !
They hacked our brains and bodies since at least 1920 without our knowledge & they stole our DNA to spy on us & to control us with writing synthetic thoughts to subconscious mind to control us , also they can read and write to every cell and neurons in our body & brain to attack us microwave radiation to make us have high temperature , tremor , sweating , coughing , difficulty to breath , rapid heart rate , palpitation ..paralysis , spasm in the muscles , blistering , burns , rash , itching , pain in the teeth by killing the pulp with the microwave attack !
Then they will decide to kill us with deadly injections because we have symptoms that they generated against us with the Free Energy Technology attack against us remotely via satellites & cell phone towers !
With this technology they can see what we see & they can hear what we hear and they can read the mind through walls & inside our houses from thousands miles away via satellites & free energy technology for more than 100 years secretly !
"Imperialism" hacked our brains !
Graphene hidden in medicine in UK & I have samples of these NHS capsules !
* Watch Corona Virus symbol and 5G tower Printed on the Money 20 bill note in UK !
This One World Government Piracy against every human on Earth regardless what religion they are on & what race !
1) Trump Rolled out 5G & it is military weapon against the people in USA to make the people have short life span & to have cancer in the next 5 years !
Read his speech rolling out 5 G against the people in USA in 2019 in (Roosevelt Room)
Why Trump his speech was in ( Roosevelt Room ) because this is a signal that Trump following the path of "Franklin Roosevelt" (the traitor) as F. Roosevelt drafted Declaration for the "United Nations" with Churchill ( Crown in England) in 1941 & also Roosevelt in 1933 forced the people in USA to give up their gold to the government !
Means Trump like Franklin Roosevelt slave to the Head of the One World Government of Piracy ( Crown in England ) Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity secretly to own all the Earth !
2) Trump rolled out the death bio-weapons injections called vaccines against the people in USA !
Millions are dead or disabled for life because of these injections
United Nations is created by the Crown in England the Head of the Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of the 300 & their Committee of 300 members including Churchill & the Presidents like Franklin Roosevelt working for their secret genocide agenda against humanity to steal all the wealth & to steal all the Earth while enslaving humanity with the technology they stole !
Infiltration of Freemasonry around the Earth !
Thank you
Please watch
In this stunning talk he gave back in 1996, which has since become a classic, Dr John Coleman describes the “Zero Growth” plan from the Club of Rome that we are today seeing unfold before our eyes.
Coleman explained that the WEF, the UN, the WHO and the BIS are all executive arms of the Royal Institute of International Affairs – and ultimately, of the ‘Committee of 300’, which is controlled by ancient families of stratospheric wealth dwarving that of the tech oligarchs of our age.
He wrote the classic eponymous book, ‘The Committee of 300’,
This speech is as fresh today as it was 30 years ago. Dr Coleman names names and gives us more details about the perpetrators and their motives than most red-pilled content being produced today.
Sigh, I knew this was going to come up. The amount of nicotine he puts on the slide is beyond a lethal dose when you equivilate that to human body weight.
You cannot intake anywhere near that much nicotine.
Also it doesnt Work in people now, Ardis is a scammer. Look at all the ingredients on all the products he sells, they are full of fake unicorn farts.
Dr Ana has also shown that there is no difference between people on nicotine patches and Not on them.
It is true that during the scamdemic, people who Smoked died of covid at a lesser rate than Former Smokers and Never Smoked cohorts. Thats when France and Spain put limits on nicotine products purchases in 2020.
I smoke for One, and when we figured out we were magnetic on June 10th 2021, we started smoking a Ton. I would sit in front of my house in Kirkland, which was on 124th, (so a lot of traffic) with things stuck to my head for Hours, just chain smoking because I thought it might help.
Most people never noticed someone ten feet away with a bunch of coins and keys stuck to their friggin forehead throughout the entire red light, but a bunch of the chinese Did seem to know, because they would all look away in unison and do the 'I Cant See You' avoidance.
ALSO I had already started breeding my own heirloom tobacco about a year before that. So I have my own Breed, a mix of heirloom Virginia Gold and heirloom Vuelta Abejo. It is much higher in nicotine than normal cigarettes, and tastes much Much better too of course.
I grew around 300 of them in my house in little plastic cups, so Im not adverse to smoking but the truth is at this late stage, nicotine does nothing.
It did stop people from getting severe disease that could get them put in the hospital but that time has passed.
If high amounts of nicotine actually dissolved nanotech in vivo, many smokers would not have the shedding but they all do.
Real tobacco is like an inhaler too, you can actually breathe better After you smoke a Real natural cigarette than Before you smoked. Its weird but true... even people that dont normally smoke.
Also who knows what else is in those patches that are all made in china and many people get sick from them as well.
Half the people posting on forums about them are just trying to find out how to take Less because its making them sick.
And Ardis Knows this by now but he sure isnt telling anybody.
What a Hero!
I might buy some of his stuff if I want unicorn farts and Spiritual Structured Water though.
1 gram of tobacco is not 1 gram of nicotine. Is this thing on?
Do you smoke? Do you grow tobacco? Do you have 100 high nicotine tobacco plants you are looking at right Now? Made a lot of tobacco suspensions and supercritical extractions have you?
Well whatever, try it out Yourself and then I will pretend I am surprised when you find out it doesnt work.
Everyone wants to reinvent the wheel without realizing some of us have been on this ride for over 3 years now.
Do what thou whilst, good luck to you regardless.
Haha, yeah, I shouldnt let it get to me but I hate seeing people waste a bunch of effort trying things others have already tried. The best solution I have found is just what they say is the solution, EDTA and Vitamin C.
I say try that, as long as you take it right and dont waste the EDTA it works wonders.
And if you take other chelators that dont bind with EDTA at the same time, it works even faster.
I agree the patches have dodgy ingredients etc but I don't think they are for removing the technology. They might be good when the death electro magnetic frequency is enacted to open the capsules inside people to release things like venom so they die with their muscles in spasm and arm stretched out just like a mouse does when a venomous snake bites it
The nicotine amount contained in 1 gram of tobacco (depends on the variety but let's say in the range 10 to 20 mg) would be very dangerous and certainly lethal for a child or an aninal, if ingested, but for a healthy adult with no cardiovascular problems, that's VERY UNLIKELY to kill you, except for people extremely sensitive to nicotine. You'll have pretty bad symptoms for sure. The LD50 for nicotine is much higher than previously estimated (ingesting > 5mg / kg is a dangerous zone).
When smoking, it's very difficult to overdose on nicotine, you'll feel dizzy, nauseous, or lose consciousness and muscle control from carbon monoxide poisoning before you're able to inhale enough nicotine to kill you.
I agree on everything else you said, and nicotine is unlikely to do nothing against nanotech.
Yes, but your math is off because you arent scaling it up, that 20mg is very concentrated on that little tiny slide and the equivalent amount for human weight would be like 20 grams of nicotine, or something well over the LD50 for many people.
Trust me, I know. I have a Much higher tolerance than most people and if I walk around picking leaves off my plants without gloves on, even I can get light headed from all the nicotine resin on my hands.
They are actually great air cleaning plants because they are so hairy and sticky, even more than weed leaves but then you have to wash the leaves a few times before you smoke them. Or at least I do but then Im not most people.
I mostly grew them for seed though, now I have thousands of seeds of my breed.
Its really almost too strong to roll into straight cigarettes by itself though, it tastes great and is very smooth but it packs a punch.
I dont remember the nicotine per gram for Vuelta Abajo, bit its more than 20mg. It doesnt matter though...
It Doesnt Work.
At least not to get rid of anything like nanotech or stop shedding. Other than that, Im a big fan.
Now i get what you meant by "equivalate that to human body weight", sorry for the misunderstanding. Yeah 1g is probably too much, 1/10th of that would be enough. But you're right, nicotine has absolutely no effect on nanotech, if it did, it would clear nanos in the blood (regardless of jab status) from shedding or injections because it stays in the bloodstream for many hours. "Nicotine destroys NWO technology !". Nope.
It's still a mystery if this worldwide campaign to restrict sales of tobacco and smokeless tobacco products before and during the plandemic was an intent to remove an agent effective against a bioweapon (like they did with HCQ and ivermectin) or just a coincidence, but i'd say it was ill intent.
I would like your comment but they broke my like button. They were blocking it because it prevents severe disease from covid, cigarette smokers died at less than a third of the rate as Never Smokers or Former Smokers in multiple studies before they stopped talking about it. It just doesnt help stop or reduce shedding.
Nicotine Patches, grounding/earthing as much as possible, mms/cds, isolating from the sheeple as much as possible, stop eating fast food, take selenium and iodine, load up in Vitamin C at double the rda, and obviously, keep the wireless tech usage to a minimum. If wifi helps the self assembling nanotech,, then limit the use. I think that even this still needs more work.
Thank you so much, Dr. Ana. Saw the La Quinta video last night and thought of you--I loved watching the bots get taken down by the nic--I replay/visualize it over and over without any computer. And now, so happy to see this morning that you been on it. You are a precious gift to all of us Thank you again. And the humming birds dancing outside my window thank you too. xo
I am assuming all of the patches and lozenges are produced by the same pharmaceutical demons who brought us the jabs. Given that fact, what brand of such products is recommended? And isn’t there someone out there selling a good organic tobacco smokable product? Or are they all contaminated as well?
Some tobacco stores sell organic tobacco which contains no additives to add flavor. Cigar shops offer the same. They may be able to provide more answers.
Just a suggestion.
I smoke one fat cigar daily. From Honduras, Nicaragua and occasionally from the Dominican Republic.
So far so good...
probably still have nanos though...
Our bodies have nicotine receptors for good reason. God doesn't make mistakes. I do agree that more information is needed on the effects of tobacco on the nanotechnology and much more precise experiments should be made. Do magnets destroy them or erase their programming? Also, CAUTION on "vitamin C". Ascorbic acid is not "vitamin C", it is a synthetic toxic waste chemical. Type it in your search engine and ad SDS (Safety Data Sheet) and read it. Citric acid is REAL vitamin C.
Niacin is nicotinic acid. I have found that including niacinamide with high dose vitamin c therapies with cows (and myself) amplifies the effectiveness. For example, skin issues that won’t go away with topical vitamin c alone resolve quickly when niacinamide is included. Maybe try including niacinamide with your IV detox?
In 2015 Harvard came out with a study that proved nicotine is not addictive. It's the pyrazines that is the addicting culprit. Up to 600 different additives are put in tobacco that are addictive.
Natives in Peru and Brasil have used natural tobacco home grown for many years in the medicines they make. Do some research on this it's interesting.
The "He Cures All Foundation" founded by Mel Friedman is a nonprofit in Reno and has a protocol that includes MMS. Those who are unable to afford the protocol may apply for financial assistance. They assist individuals with MD and other similar immune difficiency conditions and have regular conference calls meetings, guest speakers and Bible study. You even get a personal coach assigned to you...some one who has gone through it and become "symptom free."
I purchased organic non GMO washed leaf tobacco. No chemicals or insecticides to make my own tinctures. There are hundreds of natural compounds in tobacco. In Peru there are many medicinal uses of tobacco used by healers there. Do some research.
Buy some good herbal books and learn how to make your own medicines. Take some courses learn nature's way of healing. Just remember to follow directions and start using plants slowly don't take gobs of anything and consult your Naturopath before doing anything.
Well I don't know I if this one is in the protocol but I use Mimosa Pudica because it deactivates snake venom of the Bungaruse type and also gets rid of large gut worms. Dr Ardis has mention this herb several times so I went out and researched it.
I have found Nicotine gum (8mgs = 2 x std gum pcs) and MB (25 standard drops in 200mls distilled water) daily absolutely knocked the hell out of Gates' rotten nanobot mixture via transfection-in-air.
Once you have pissed it all out, you only need to take the occasional treatment thereafter to keep the global poisoning attempt kicked in the teeth.
Mind you 8mgs Nicotine is a heavyweight dose. If starting-off (as a non-smoker) half that would be enough to cope with. You may feel suddenly queasy after about five minutes and notice some sweating of the face and a noticeably elevated BP after starting-off on nicotinic acid.
Zach Vorhies, the Google whistleblower, says these are salt crystals dissolving in water:
I asked him how he knows this, and this was his response:
"because it dissociated in water meaning it’s an ionic bond and not a covalent bond which is used in nanotechnology
ionic bonds are like a bunch of weak magnet balls forming a larger ball. Stuff like ice and salt.
Covalent bonds won’t dissociate unless something can rip their electrons out of the valence band"
Video of salt crystals dissolving in water under a microscope, very similar to what we see in the video from LQC (only difference is, in the LQC video the liquid dropped is darker because of the added tobacco)
Sodium chloride (salt) is a common ingredient of anesthetics. I also think this is just the water dissolving salt crystals.
Why don't they do a control test by applying a drop of water without the tobacco to verify if the effect is really due to the tobacco?
I would bet the effect would be the same.
Jeff Johnson - Aug 24 - Edited
Bee Gee
Has anyone tried using MMS (Chlorine Dioxide) as a way of detoxing?
Be Concerned - Aug 24
Bee Gee
I drink CDS (chlorine dioxide solution, easier on the tummy than chlorine dioxide) every morning, & most evenings. I haven't yet done the "every hour" technique, I just mix it up at the time, add a few oz water, then drink it.
anna burns - Aug 24
Bee Gee
I tried a taking a super low dose of MMS and it wrecked my stomach. I'm scared to try again.
Bee Gee - Aug 24
Bee Gee
Was it the citric acid or the hydrochloric acid activator?
The citric acid sounds safer but its actually harder on your stomach because your normal stomach acid is hydrochloric.
It gets easier if you keep at it but then I dont know what kind you got or how accurately you are mixing it so hard to give better advice.
Its not that great honestly, it helps some but not as much as vitamin C and EDTA... which makes sense, as that is in their patent as the Actual solution, not the doctors book of home remedies version.
Dont get me wrong, chlorine dioxide is great for many things, I use a saffrax tablet every day to sterilize my well water before I put it through my zerowater filter because it lasts longer and my wife cleans with it all the time... it cant fix the shedding though.
Kills many biologics and gives you a blood oxygen boost though, better than methlyne blue... it just cant do what people keep hoping for, at least not alone.
And you cannot take chlorine dioxide and EDTA at the same time or the chlorine dioxide breaks up the EDTA molecule.
Be Concerned - Aug 24
MMS (or CD, Chlorine Dioxide) is stronger because it contains the Hydrochloric Acid...mixed with Sodium Chlorite. Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) does not contain the acid, it's made by infusing water with the gas from the CD, so it is easy on the stomach.
One drop each of Sodium Chlorite & Hydrochloric Acid (CD/MMS) in water messed up my tummy too. But I can take 12-20 drops of Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) in water.
Sometimes when I'm on prednisone for bronchitis, a herpes sore pops up. Takes 1-2 weeks to go away. Had one a few months ago when on pred, drank CDS water twice, sore gone in ONE day!! Made me a believer!!
JulesUSA - Sep 5
It won't wreck your stomach. You have to start out slow, 1 drop in your water bottle at a time, per day. You can't just go full bore into it.
anna burns - Sep 5
I am aware of that and that is what I did, but it still wrecked my stomach. I read Jim Humbles book and followed his directions for the beginner, protocal 1000, only I went even lower than that. It's not for everyone!
JulesUSA - Aug 24
Comment removed.
JulesUSA - Sep 5
Very good point Lauron
William Brown - Aug 24
Sir Raythe4th
Comment removed.
William Brown - Aug 25
Sir Raythe4th
They’re the same thing, just two different ways to activate it. The citric acid can cause diarrhea and upset stomach quite easily though, so I personally use the hydrochloric acid to activate mine.
There is a place online where I buy mine at…www.waterpureworld.com
They also sell premixed bottles already so you don’t need to activate anything. Great products, great vendor.
JulesUSA - Sep 5
Woudn't you prefer to mix your own though? I would think the premixed would expire sooner?
JulesUSA - Sep 5
They're the same.
S R 3 J 0 - Aug 26
Lynn Boudreau
4 years taking CDS all the family. My greatest discovery of my life.
Lynn Boudreau - Aug 27
Lynn Boudreau
What is CDS
JulesUSA - Sep 5
MMS, or CD, chlorine dioxide solution
Lynn Boudreau - Oct 23
Lynn Boudreau
What are you taking and where can I purchase it from and are you taking anything else with that and do you feel that it is keeping your body detox from the poison? They are trying to put even through our skin through their evil chemtrails in the sky.
Bee Gee - Aug 24 - Edited
Bee Gee
Yes, Many Many people.
I myself took 250ppms of CDS every Half Hour for 8 then 9 then 10 hours 4 days in a row.
Much More than most people take but Nope... still got the shedding and it Helps but you cannot get rid of it with just chlorine dioxide.
It takes a multipronged approach, this bioweapon is not just one thing and there is no one 'cure'. It takes Several things, afaik.
Also we dont even know if it Can be fully cured, because no one has gotten totally cleaned and then Truly isolated for 30, 60 or 90 days.
Try it for yourself but I'll pass, I already Know.
Winona - Sep 15
Bee Gee, How do you know when you've "got the shedding" ? Do you have symptoms?
Jeff Johnson - Aug 24
Go tohttps://theuniversalantidote.com/for more information!
Melissa - Aug 24
I use it for open wound and mouth gargling. I also like to put it in my baths. I find it helps a lot.
Mary Cox - Aug 25
Bee Gee
Rumble. The Medical Rebel, Dr Lee Merritt says she viewed her live blood prior to and post chlorine dioxide and there was a great difference in parasites presence. Watch on Rumble Critically Thinking most recent video Think in last third of episode. 🩸❤️🤍
Bee Gee - Aug 25
Bee Gee
She also takes baths in it, as I do ocassionally.
Su Chin - Aug 25
Basic Course 1
ClO2 €40
Basic Course: ClO2 #ENGLISH
Gas Axe - Aug 24 - Edited
Gas’s Substack
I have a supply of it here on hand but only used it for gurgling and mouth rinse.
Also used as in topical application for infections and open soars. It seems to be very good for healing.
I haven't injested it, although it has been suggested I try it.
I'm still sitting on the fence until I learn more.
William Brown - Aug 24
Sir Raythe4th
I’ve been using it internally for 5+ years, and I’ve never found anything more effective at stopping cold and flu symptoms, sometimes as fast as 10 minutes, but usually taking a few hours.
If I could only have one item in my medicine cabinet, it would be this stuff.
I have no idea how it works, or what it does to the blood when ingested, but everytime I have felt a scratchy throat and other typical cold and flu symptoms coming on, taking Chlorine Dioxide has fixed the problem in record time.
Be Concerned - Aug 24 - Edited
Lynn Boudreau
I did the same. Bought CDS (already activated) from All One Wellness, had it unopened in my fridge for weeks before I felt comfortable trying it. It was very confusing at first. People would talk about CD or MMS, others about CDS, but I didn't know the difference. Finally learned the difference, as I watched youtube videos of Dr. Andreas Kalcker & started reading his book Forbidden Health. (Best place to buy:https://cleanhandsnj.com/shop) Also, joined a telegram group called The Universal Antidote, on CDS.
MMS (or CD, Chlorine Dioxide) is stronger because it contains the Hydrochloric Acid...mixed with Sodium Chlorite. Only one drop each of Sodium Chlorite & Hydrochloric Acid (CD/MMS) in water messed up my tummy. Might try it again soon though. (Keep in mind that many older people take hydrochloric acid tablets or liquid to increase their stomach acid...it decreases as we age...so it is safe when taken in the appropriate doses.)
Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) does not contain the acid, it's made by infusing water with the gas from the CD, so it is easy on the stomach.
One drop each of Sodium Chlorite & Hydrochloric Acid (CD/MMS) in water messed up my tummy too. But I can take 12-20 drops of Chlorine Dioxide Solution (CDS) in water. You take it on an empty stomach, & don't leave the bottle open but for the time it takes to pull some out with the eyedropper, then put back in the fridge.
THIS is what got me to try it: Sometimes when I'm on prednisone for bronchitis, a herpes sore pops up due to the suppressed immune system. Takes 1-3 weeks to go away, very sore. Had one a few months ago when on pred, drank CDS water twice, sore gone in ONE day!! Made me a believer!!
Lynn Boudreau - Sep 16
Lynn Boudreau
Where did you get the CDS from? I’m not sure where to order it.
Bee Gee - Aug 25
Bee Gee
CDS is weaker than normal chlorine dioxide, because you are taking the original ppms and distributing it into ever how much water.
You can make the 2 part with either citric acid or hydrochloric acid activator.
Citric is actually harder on your stomach but I would buy some test strips so then you can learn how much you are actually taking.
William Lassley - Oct 9
I have been using the NACS Purification drops. It comes in two parts and is pretty consistent to mix up. 3 drops of part A and 3 drops of part B in the bottom of a glass, shake around a bit to mix it. It becomes greenish and smells like a swimming pool. Then I add 8 oz. of water, stir and it’s ready to drink. I actually add a splash of grape juice to kill the bleachy taste, but it isn’t really bad. Kind of like swallowing a bit of water when swimming. Let me tell you though, it has done more for me than any doctor ever has. I got a flu type bug a few months back, fever of 102.3 . I started using C02 and that bug was gone a day and a half later. That is when I discovered that I had parasites in me. The C02 killed them and brought it to my attention. This is something modern doctors don’t normally even look for, but I had them bad, and didn’t have a clue. After about a month of on and off C02 treatments (it kills more quickly than the body has time to expel, so you have to let the body catch up), I feel so much better, my gut is working properly, and I’m not eating like a horse but always hungry anymore. I’m only feeding one now. Me. Lol There are books by Jim Humble and his daughter Paris Humble that explain exactly how to use this method. It just doesn’t last more than an hour or so after you mix it, unless refrigerated.
Seeking Truth - Aug 25
Seeking Truth
Yes, Not me, but I follow someone having success with it & also horseradish!
William Lassley - Aug 25
I have been using Chlorine Dioxide and Methylene Blue. I only began using the CLO2 when a flu came on a few weeks ago. It caused the flu to go away in 2 days, but brought about some very interesting effects I hadn’t counted on. I discovered that I probably have/had parasites in my kidneys and elsewhere, which were removed (very painfully) in my urine. This was a very intense and scary time for me. Not being a Doctor, and not having or even trusting one, I had to deal with the problems myself. Still ongoing. I tried to Email Miss Mihalcea, but my Email was intercepted, read by eyes not intended, and flagged as suspicious, so the only person I intended to see this very personal message didn’t see it, but who knows who all did. Anyway, what was expelled in my urine was so scary I took a picture of it, and upon looking at it later, I noticed what seemed like a very large worm, and many glowing things very much resembling what we see in these photos right here. They weren’t visible to me when I took the photo, but are sure there now. Anyway, the Chlorine Dioxide killed and removed them quickly, but I have since gotten a product designed for parasites, and it seems like more, smaller ones are being expelled from me, but im no Doctor, so I wish someone with experience could view that photo and a couple more, and give an experienced opinion on this matter, which is ongoing still. If Miss Mihalcea happens to see this, I would appreciate some friendly advice. Some things that were in my body sure look like what I see in the pictures of blood slides she posts. Especially the glowing, self illuminated things. I am unvaxxed and 64 yrs old, and haven’t seen a Doctor for 30 years or more.
Alan Tan - Aug 24
Alan’s Substack
I take 3-5 drops every morning plus dmso, just for blood flow.
Jeff Johnson - Aug 24 - Edited
Comment removed.
Jeff Johnson - Aug 24 - Edited
Donn - I use it regularly. The easiest way to make it is with tablets sold by Safrax (www.safrax.com). Very easy to make whatever concentration of CDS you need. I also follow Dr. Kalcker.
BlazeCloude3 - Aug 24
Is it possible to transfer MMS and/or CDS to empty Enteric Capsules so it doesn't dissove in the stomach and gets to the intestiness to be absorbed?
Bee Gee - Aug 24
Bee Gee
No, that is not how chlorine dioxide works. It wouldnt stay in pills and you do not want chlorine dioxide to enter your gut, it needs to be buffered by your stomach.
JulesUSA - Sep 5
Which of the products would be used in drinking water?
William Lassley - Aug 25
Bee Gee
What is the concentration amount for personal use like that. I purchased a bunch, but am now afraid to try them because their instructions are vague for such small amounts as 1 person needs. And my dachshund doggies too. Any help would be appreciated. I now use the MMS type. Thank you.
Bee Gee - Aug 25
Bee Gee
Wash your sink well then plug it and fill it up and put in a saffrax tablet.
After it dissolves, the water will turn a slight green tint and then you can drink it or put it in your dogs water.
The brighter the green, the more ppms CLO2, so if one of your tablets makes the water Bright Green, do not drink it without watering it down, saffrax tablsts produce inconsistent ppms so you dont just want to put it in one liter of water like they say or you may end up with much stronger solution than you want to drink.
You can buy test strips too and once you use them for a while, you can guesstimate the ppms based on the hue of green the water has.
I would recommend buying the 2 part activator bottles if you plan on drinking it, or Potable Aqua makes chlorine dioxide camping water pills that taste much better than saffrax, but they are smaller and more expensive.
GodsChild17 - Sep 4
Wow 😯 that is so disappointing that it is so inconsistent in PPM’s!!!! I was literally just going to buy some today!!! Also I would think of all people MIKE ADAMS would have TESTED every single aspect of them, he says he uses them all the time and we all know he tests EVERYTHING thoroughly before advertising a company since he is then associated with them… he has been very clear about that and goes into great detail about why he won’t recommend products until he is 100% sure of everything about it!!! 💯 Are you sure that all of their tablets do that and it’s not just the ones you bought from them a fee YEARS ago??? I’m sure the company has changed since 2021 and has different standards and would make 100% sure that each and every tablet would be the exact same amount of PPM’s!!!
Bee Gee - Sep 4
Bee Gee
I havent bought any new stock, I bought all mine in 2021 but I do have test strips and I use the tablets almost daily to sterilize my well water before I put it through my zerowater filter so I have a great deal of actual experience.
Maybe they upped their quality since, I dont know but I do know all three bags they sell are the same tablets, just in different colored bags. And if it looks like Mountain Dew, water it down before you drink it.
I was going to buy the professional chlorine dioxide meter but it just uses the color of the water to determine the PPMs, for a whole lot more money than test strips and I can guesstimate the PPMs now.
Also Potable Aqua tablets taste much better with better quality control but not as cheap.
Bee Gee - Aug 24 - Edited
Bee Gee
Haha, I bought 4000 tablets from them back in 2021, before Mike Adams even knew about saffrax.
Tastes like shit though and their manufacturing is sporadic, tablets do not consistently give the same ppms of chlorine dioxide solution, it varies from tablet to tablet.
Buy the 2 part in bottles if you want to drink it, I would only drink saffrax as a last resort because I also got 10 bottles each of the liquid A/B kind.
I have been at this a long time now and thankfully I bought many things like that well before the rush.
I still have some EDTA from almost 2 years ago and we take a Ton.
JulesUSA - Sep 5
Bee Gee
Where do you yourself get the 2 part bottles?
Bee Gee - Sep 5
Bee Gee
I got them here:
Lynn Boudreau - Aug 26 - Edited
Lynn Boudreau
Please someone tell me what EDTA is
Bee Gee - Aug 26 - Edited
Bee Gee
EDTA is a chelator that binds with metals and allows you to urinate them out.
Some people think you need to use special formulations that are harder to get and contain less actual EDTA, but I dont think so.
I think most people would do perfectly fine just buying basic EDTA pills and taking them with a lot of Vitamin C... so like $40 and they might even be on the shelf in your local natural foods store.
There are a few other things that help too and Can be taken with EDTA but the Most Important Thing about taking EDTA is that you basically need to take it Hours away from almost anything else.
Or if you want it to work as well as possible (like I do), fast while you take it. Its actually really Really easy to fast while taking EDTA, way easier than fasting and Not taking EDTA.
So about once a month my wife and I do an EDTA fast for 3-5 days, where we dont eat and drink a ton of water and take EDTA and other chelators that dont bind with EDTA. Food, many beverages, most vitamins will all bind with EDTA and then it will be totally wasted, you might as well not have even taken it.
Here is one of the EDTAs I use, its like $24. Find a Vitamin C that is Just Vitamin C and doesnt have a bunch of other stuff in it, that other stuff will often bind with EDTA.
JulesUSA - Sep 5
You guys actually fast for that long? How is it?
JulesUSA - Sep 5
Thank you for your info! What kind of vitamin C, citric acid?
anna burns - Aug 24
When Mike Adams promoted this company I bought a big bag of the tablets. I could not figure out how to mix them. It looks like they make very large batches. Any suggestions?
Jeff Johnson - Aug 24
Anna - 1 tablet in 1 liter (1 quart) of water makes a 100 ppm solution. You can dilute it down from there. I also make a 500 ppm solution for disinfecting and other uses. That would be 5 tablets in 1 liter. Safrax has a lot of useful information on their website on how to prepare different solutions for many uses.
JulesUSA - Sep 5
Which brand do you use?
Cristina - Aug 24
El Substack de Cristina
What they mix is ​​an aqueous solution of tobacco. It's not just the alkaloid nicotine.
Furthermore, if more liquid is added to an aqueous solution that is drying to form crystals, it is normal for them to dissolve, whether it is liquid nanotech or another crystal.
Marty - Aug 24
Nano Ordo Mundi
I've been pointing out the same thing, water is a good solvent, i think we're just seeing the water dissolving what could be salt crystals (water easily dissolves salt) or something else, but not complex nanotech, so this is not the effects of nicotine, which definitely has many interesting properties.
Charles A - Aug 26
Very good point. Some of the findings show in incubated c19 samples of growing nano in distilled water and subjected to micro volts or EMF goes completely transparent or disassembled. Only to reappear even stronger. Toxic off gassing was also observed during self disassembly. Poison ☠️ Brilliant enemy
Amal W. Dawood - Aug 24 - Edited
Amal W. Dawood
"Corona Virus" is the name of the genocide agenda to depopulate the Earth by the Crown in England ,
Corona is the "Crown" in Spanish language & " Virus" it means in Latin language the "Poison "
The "Crown Poison" against humanity
The genocide agenda is the "Crown Poison" either with ( directed energy weapons radiation poisoning 5G & with bio-weapon injections & with fake news to mislead the people to make them against each other for civil war & with synthetic telepathy subconsciously( any person do not know about the technology ) & consciously as V2K MIC orders ( to gang stalkers , police , governments , health system employees etc. ) beamed via satellites to make the people & nations depopulate each other in wars & to inject the poison without questioning !
Corona Virus is (radiation & Bio-weapons ) poisoning like what they did in Spanish flue plandemic too
"Dr Bryan Ardis " from USA , mentioned in his interviews that the elevated D - Dimer is a sign of clotting & snake venom poisoning and all the people died of COVID19 injections all had elevated D - Dimer !
Dr Bryan Ardis talking about the Nano - King Cobra snake venom poisoning in jabs
COVID19 is Cobra Venom Induced Death & they are using 19 deadly protein peptides from snake venom , marine snails , any venom to shut down the internal organs & each protein peptide target certain internal organ & controlled with nano technology via satellites !
Watch, 5G danger
Watch Free Minded lady reading part of this book & watch her human reaction to the shocking truth that the Queen & King of the Crown in England leading the genocide , rape , theft , Piracy against humanity & it is Victorian Plan !
This book "The Story of the committee of 300 " for John Coleman is the truth & where we are heading !
This is " The Monarch Pox " to Rape & to Kill humanity to Steal all the Earth !
World Economic Forum is led by " K " Charles III & he is talking about cutting the emission of the CO2 & we need martial law to do that !
Watch !
This means this is announcement to kill humans on Earth with their livestock because we all expel CO2 when we breathe !
CO2 is not dangerous & this is a lie & deception !
We have infact very low level of CO2 in the environment because they are using technology to suck the CO2 from the environment because their plan to push humanity towards starvation because CO2 very important for the plants to produce food & in fact the higher level of CO2 is only dangerous to the Crown Parasites in England because this means more food for humanity that will live happy long life against the plan of the Crown in England the Head of the Committee of the 300 leading the genocide secretly against humanity!
Princeton's William Happer explains CO2 is no pollutant & infact we have very little CO2 in our environment now !
X disease means "Crucifixion culling sign " by making the X stand correctly as "Culling Cross" to crucify humanity !
Who created the WHO & UN & WEF is the Head of the Committee of 300 & their Committee of 300 members & the Head of the committee of 300 is the King & Queen of Piracy for the Crown in England !
See that the "British Imperialism in 1882" had 13 Colonies on the open in addition to England which means 14 colonies !
See Drawing:
Now all the Earth is One Giant Colony in the hands of Crown in England secretly with "infiltration of Freemasonry " they are the Head of "The One World Government of Imperialism Piracy "
Read book -This is the truth :
Crown in England are the Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide & theft to steal all the wealth & to steal all the Earth !
* Watch & listen to Joe Imbriano from USA talking about many issues like Monkey Pox, Bird Flu, Plague fake plan-demic which are all 5G & more radiation attacks & wifi radiation attacks to blister the skin and lower the immunity to make symptoms & damage to inject us the death injections because we have symptoms !
The Fullerton Informer
* Watch Deborah Tavares talking about the EXTINCTION Plan for Humanity Deployed - Silent Weapons System to make us all sick without our knowledge ..
* Watch Barrie Trower talking about the silent weapon system installed against humanity and watch at time (1.46) on this video he mentioned a list of (4,500) symptoms and diseases because exposure to the Dirty electricity , electromagnetic radiation and radio frequency radiation
* Watch Cooking of Humanity - Invisible Global Warfare
Deborah Tavares interviews Scientist Barrie Trower from UK
This is crime against humanity & Filthy Pirates of "One World Government Of Imperialism " raping & killing humanity with secret technology of Free Energy Technology that they can burn & blister the skin , the face & lips & burn & blister the vagina & penis remotely via satellites and cell phone towers with microwave radiation to make any symptoms & to damage body organs and cells !
They attack me directed energy high frequency 24/7 that cause me difficulty to breath , rapid heart rate , palpitation , spasm in muscles , blistering , burns , rash , itching , coughing , fever, attacking my brain & body & attacking burning the genitalia & forcing rape orgasm while , I am reading , while sleeping , while walking to push the victims to suicide
See the printed document how they are attacking the people to head , brains , all body including attacking the genitalia with directed energy through walls & through the clothes causing heating , violent itching around the genitalia , body , head & "forced orgasm" by controlling the function of the neurons in the body & head !
They hacked our brains and bodies since at least 1920 without our knowledge & they stole our DNA to spy on us & to control us with writing synthetic thoughts to subconscious mind to control us , also they can read and write to every cell and neurons in our body & brain to attack us microwave radiation to make us have high temperature , tremor , sweating , coughing , difficulty to breath , rapid heart rate , palpitation ..paralysis , spasm in the muscles , blistering , burns , rash , itching , pain in the teeth by killing the pulp with the microwave attack !
Then they will decide to kill us with deadly injections because we have symptoms that they generated against us with the Free Energy Technology attack against us remotely via satellites & cell phone towers !
With this technology they can see what we see & they can hear what we hear and they can read the mind through walls & inside our houses from thousands miles away via satellites & free energy technology for more than 100 years secretly !
"Imperialism" hacked our brains !
Graphene hidden in medicine in UK & I have samples of these NHS capsules !
* Watch Corona Virus symbol and 5G tower Printed on the Money 20 bill note in UK !
This One World Government Piracy against every human on Earth regardless what religion they are on & what race !
1) Trump Rolled out 5G & it is military weapon against the people in USA to make the people have short life span & to have cancer in the next 5 years !
Read his speech rolling out 5 G against the people in USA in 2019 in (Roosevelt Room)
Why Trump his speech was in ( Roosevelt Room ) because this is a signal that Trump following the path of "Franklin Roosevelt" (the traitor) as F. Roosevelt drafted Declaration for the "United Nations" with Churchill ( Crown in England) in 1941 & also Roosevelt in 1933 forced the people in USA to give up their gold to the government !
Means Trump like Franklin Roosevelt slave to the Head of the One World Government of Piracy ( Crown in England ) Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity secretly to own all the Earth !
2) Trump rolled out the death bio-weapons injections called vaccines against the people in USA !
Millions are dead or disabled for life because of these injections
United Nations is created by the Crown in England the Head of the Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of the 300 & their Committee of 300 members including Churchill & the Presidents like Franklin Roosevelt working for their secret genocide agenda against humanity to steal all the wealth & to steal all the Earth while enslaving humanity with the technology they stole !
Infiltration of Freemasonry around the Earth !
crapshoot farmer - Aug 24
crapshoot farmer
We know what's going on and we've moved on to solutions.
Charles A - Aug 26
Boot Stomp to the snake head!
Stella - Aug 25
Amal W. Dawood
Thanks for the info and links.
Amal W. Dawood - Aug 25
Amal W. Dawood
Thank you
Please watch
In this stunning talk he gave back in 1996, which has since become a classic, Dr John Coleman describes the “Zero Growth” plan from the Club of Rome that we are today seeing unfold before our eyes.
Coleman explained that the WEF, the UN, the WHO and the BIS are all executive arms of the Royal Institute of International Affairs – and ultimately, of the ‘Committee of 300’, which is controlled by ancient families of stratospheric wealth dwarving that of the tech oligarchs of our age.
He wrote the classic eponymous book, ‘The Committee of 300’,
This speech is as fresh today as it was 30 years ago. Dr Coleman names names and gives us more details about the perpetrators and their motives than most red-pilled content being produced today.
Sharing and Caring - Aug 25
Sharing and Caring
FYI, the last link you provided is no longer available. Shut it down, CENSORED
William Lassley - Aug 25
Do you think you might ought to get your own Substack to post this much info, instead of piggybacking others sites?
Danna - Aug 25
Danna’s Substack
Penta + Gram
Of course the Crown would involve satan for the delivery system.
Sharing and Caring - Aug 24
Sharing and Caring
Great compilation, thank you.
Timothy Winey - Aug 24
Timothy’s Newsletter
Pass the chewing tobacco!
Di Chez - Aug 24
Di’s Substack
No thanks! 🤮🤣
Bee Gee - Aug 24 - Edited
Bee Gee
Sigh, I knew this was going to come up. The amount of nicotine he puts on the slide is beyond a lethal dose when you equivilate that to human body weight.
You cannot intake anywhere near that much nicotine.
Also it doesnt Work in people now, Ardis is a scammer. Look at all the ingredients on all the products he sells, they are full of fake unicorn farts.
Dr Ana has also shown that there is no difference between people on nicotine patches and Not on them.
It is true that during the scamdemic, people who Smoked died of covid at a lesser rate than Former Smokers and Never Smoked cohorts. Thats when France and Spain put limits on nicotine products purchases in 2020.
I smoke for One, and when we figured out we were magnetic on June 10th 2021, we started smoking a Ton. I would sit in front of my house in Kirkland, which was on 124th, (so a lot of traffic) with things stuck to my head for Hours, just chain smoking because I thought it might help.
Most people never noticed someone ten feet away with a bunch of coins and keys stuck to their friggin forehead throughout the entire red light, but a bunch of the chinese Did seem to know, because they would all look away in unison and do the 'I Cant See You' avoidance.
ALSO I had already started breeding my own heirloom tobacco about a year before that. So I have my own Breed, a mix of heirloom Virginia Gold and heirloom Vuelta Abejo. It is much higher in nicotine than normal cigarettes, and tastes much Much better too of course.
I grew around 300 of them in my house in little plastic cups, so Im not adverse to smoking but the truth is at this late stage, nicotine does nothing.
It did stop people from getting severe disease that could get them put in the hospital but that time has passed.
If high amounts of nicotine actually dissolved nanotech in vivo, many smokers would not have the shedding but they all do.
Real tobacco is like an inhaler too, you can actually breathe better After you smoke a Real natural cigarette than Before you smoked. Its weird but true... even people that dont normally smoke.
Also who knows what else is in those patches that are all made in china and many people get sick from them as well.
Half the people posting on forums about them are just trying to find out how to take Less because its making them sick.
And Ardis Knows this by now but he sure isnt telling anybody.
What a Hero!
I might buy some of his stuff if I want unicorn farts and Spiritual Structured Water though.
Marty - Aug 25 - Edited
Nano Ordo Mundi
Bee Gee - Aug 25
Bee Gee
1 gram of tobacco is not 1 gram of nicotine. Is this thing on?
Do you smoke? Do you grow tobacco? Do you have 100 high nicotine tobacco plants you are looking at right Now? Made a lot of tobacco suspensions and supercritical extractions have you?
Well whatever, try it out Yourself and then I will pretend I am surprised when you find out it doesnt work.
Everyone wants to reinvent the wheel without realizing some of us have been on this ride for over 3 years now.
Do what thou whilst, good luck to you regardless.
Marty - Aug 25
Nano Ordo Mundi
Take it easy, just wanted to share the link to the documentary.
Bee Gee - Aug 25
Bee Gee
Haha, yeah, I shouldnt let it get to me but I hate seeing people waste a bunch of effort trying things others have already tried. The best solution I have found is just what they say is the solution, EDTA and Vitamin C.
I say try that, as long as you take it right and dont waste the EDTA it works wonders.
And if you take other chelators that dont bind with EDTA at the same time, it works even faster.
Cellularly Erased - Aug 25
TheElephantIsInsideYou’s Substa…
I agree the patches have dodgy ingredients etc but I don't think they are for removing the technology. They might be good when the death electro magnetic frequency is enacted to open the capsules inside people to release things like venom so they die with their muscles in spasm and arm stretched out just like a mouse does when a venomous snake bites it
Marty - Aug 24
Nano Ordo Mundi
The nicotine amount contained in 1 gram of tobacco (depends on the variety but let's say in the range 10 to 20 mg) would be very dangerous and certainly lethal for a child or an aninal, if ingested, but for a healthy adult with no cardiovascular problems, that's VERY UNLIKELY to kill you, except for people extremely sensitive to nicotine. You'll have pretty bad symptoms for sure. The LD50 for nicotine is much higher than previously estimated (ingesting > 5mg / kg is a dangerous zone).
When smoking, it's very difficult to overdose on nicotine, you'll feel dizzy, nauseous, or lose consciousness and muscle control from carbon monoxide poisoning before you're able to inhale enough nicotine to kill you.
I agree on everything else you said, and nicotine is unlikely to do nothing against nanotech.
Bee Gee - Aug 25
Bee Gee
Yes, but your math is off because you arent scaling it up, that 20mg is very concentrated on that little tiny slide and the equivalent amount for human weight would be like 20 grams of nicotine, or something well over the LD50 for many people.
Trust me, I know. I have a Much higher tolerance than most people and if I walk around picking leaves off my plants without gloves on, even I can get light headed from all the nicotine resin on my hands.
They are actually great air cleaning plants because they are so hairy and sticky, even more than weed leaves but then you have to wash the leaves a few times before you smoke them. Or at least I do but then Im not most people.
I mostly grew them for seed though, now I have thousands of seeds of my breed.
Its really almost too strong to roll into straight cigarettes by itself though, it tastes great and is very smooth but it packs a punch.
I dont remember the nicotine per gram for Vuelta Abajo, bit its more than 20mg. It doesnt matter though...
It Doesnt Work.
At least not to get rid of anything like nanotech or stop shedding. Other than that, Im a big fan.
Marty - Aug 25
Nano Ordo Mundi
Now i get what you meant by "equivalate that to human body weight", sorry for the misunderstanding. Yeah 1g is probably too much, 1/10th of that would be enough. But you're right, nicotine has absolutely no effect on nanotech, if it did, it would clear nanos in the blood (regardless of jab status) from shedding or injections because it stays in the bloodstream for many hours. "Nicotine destroys NWO technology !". Nope.
It's still a mystery if this worldwide campaign to restrict sales of tobacco and smokeless tobacco products before and during the plandemic was an intent to remove an agent effective against a bioweapon (like they did with HCQ and ivermectin) or just a coincidence, but i'd say it was ill intent.
Bee Gee - Aug 25
Bee Gee
I would like your comment but they broke my like button. They were blocking it because it prevents severe disease from covid, cigarette smokers died at less than a third of the rate as Never Smokers or Former Smokers in multiple studies before they stopped talking about it. It just doesnt help stop or reduce shedding.
crapshoot farmer - Aug 24
crapshoot farmer
Have to agree with you on Ardis. Mix a little truth with snake oil and get rich.
David - Aug 24
David’s Substack
Nicotine Patches, grounding/earthing as much as possible, mms/cds, isolating from the sheeple as much as possible, stop eating fast food, take selenium and iodine, load up in Vitamin C at double the rda, and obviously, keep the wireless tech usage to a minimum. If wifi helps the self assembling nanotech,, then limit the use. I think that even this still needs more work.
Alexandra - Aug 24
Alexandra’s Substack
Thank you so much, Dr. Ana. Saw the La Quinta video last night and thought of you--I loved watching the bots get taken down by the nic--I replay/visualize it over and over without any computer. And now, so happy to see this morning that you been on it. You are a precious gift to all of us Thank you again. And the humming birds dancing outside my window thank you too. xo
Chris - Aug 24 - Edited
I am assuming all of the patches and lozenges are produced by the same pharmaceutical demons who brought us the jabs. Given that fact, what brand of such products is recommended? And isn’t there someone out there selling a good organic tobacco smokable product? Or are they all contaminated as well?
Sharing and Caring - Aug 24
Sharing and Caring
Do you like Eggplant? Many vegetables have Nicotine in them, Eggplant second to the Tobacco plant.
Lynn Boudreau - Oct 23
Lynn Boudreau
I have never heard this ever wow what other ones please
Marcia K. - Aug 24
Marcia K.
Dr. Bryan Ardis recommended the clear Rugby nicotine patches & or Lucy.
John Roberts - Aug 24 - Edited
John Roberts
Some tobacco stores sell organic tobacco which contains no additives to add flavor. Cigar shops offer the same. They may be able to provide more answers.
Just a suggestion.
crapshoot farmer - Aug 24
crapshoot farmer
I smoke one fat cigar daily. From Honduras, Nicaragua and occasionally from the Dominican Republic.
So far so good...
probably still have nanos though...
John Roberts - Aug 24
John Roberts
Padron’s are my favorites.
A good cigar and a cup of coffee after supper.
One of my favorite things.
Kim Delayne Paddock - Aug 27
Kim’s Newsletter
Our bodies have nicotine receptors for good reason. God doesn't make mistakes. I do agree that more information is needed on the effects of tobacco on the nanotechnology and much more precise experiments should be made. Do magnets destroy them or erase their programming? Also, CAUTION on "vitamin C". Ascorbic acid is not "vitamin C", it is a synthetic toxic waste chemical. Type it in your search engine and ad SDS (Safety Data Sheet) and read it. Citric acid is REAL vitamin C.
Theo Farmer - Aug 25
Orthomolecular Restorative Farm…
Niacin is nicotinic acid. I have found that including niacinamide with high dose vitamin c therapies with cows (and myself) amplifies the effectiveness. For example, skin issues that won’t go away with topical vitamin c alone resolve quickly when niacinamide is included. Maybe try including niacinamide with your IV detox?
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Aug 25
Patti’s Substack
In 2015 Harvard came out with a study that proved nicotine is not addictive. It's the pyrazines that is the addicting culprit. Up to 600 different additives are put in tobacco that are addictive.
Natives in Peru and Brasil have used natural tobacco home grown for many years in the medicines they make. Do some research on this it's interesting.
Trudy - Sep 6
I am growing the 'rustica'
as it has the highest nicotine
at 9%
Carol West - Aug 24
Carol’s Substack
The "He Cures All Foundation" founded by Mel Friedman is a nonprofit in Reno and has a protocol that includes MMS. Those who are unable to afford the protocol may apply for financial assistance. They assist individuals with MD and other similar immune difficiency conditions and have regular conference calls meetings, guest speakers and Bible study. You even get a personal coach assigned to you...some one who has gone through it and become "symptom free."
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Aug 24
Patti’s Substack
I purchased organic non GMO washed leaf tobacco. No chemicals or insecticides to make my own tinctures. There are hundreds of natural compounds in tobacco. In Peru there are many medicinal uses of tobacco used by healers there. Do some research.
Buy some good herbal books and learn how to make your own medicines. Take some courses learn nature's way of healing. Just remember to follow directions and start using plants slowly don't take gobs of anything and consult your Naturopath before doing anything.
Trudy - Aug 25
Patti’s Substack
Any favorite herbs to help with these issues besides the Ardis protocol, please?
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Aug 25
Patti’s Substack
Well I don't know I if this one is in the protocol but I use Mimosa Pudica because it deactivates snake venom of the Bungaruse type and also gets rid of large gut worms. Dr Ardis has mention this herb several times so I went out and researched it.
Trudy - Aug 25
I guess I need to add that one to my hit list also - thank you.
Agent Midnight Rider - Aug 26
Agent’s Substack
Cannabis and CBD Oilhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz4fn2QFO_A
Stephane Roy - Aug 25
Stephane Roy
I have found Nicotine gum (8mgs = 2 x std gum pcs) and MB (25 standard drops in 200mls distilled water) daily absolutely knocked the hell out of Gates' rotten nanobot mixture via transfection-in-air.
Once you have pissed it all out, you only need to take the occasional treatment thereafter to keep the global poisoning attempt kicked in the teeth.
Mind you 8mgs Nicotine is a heavyweight dose. If starting-off (as a non-smoker) half that would be enough to cope with. You may feel suddenly queasy after about five minutes and notice some sweating of the face and a noticeably elevated BP after starting-off on nicotinic acid.
Seeking Truth - Aug 25
Seeking Truth
Ive read Meth Blue is also contaminated with the tech
Penelope - Aug 25
Zach Vorhies, the Google whistleblower, says these are salt crystals dissolving in water:
I asked him how he knows this, and this was his response:
"because it dissociated in water meaning it’s an ionic bond and not a covalent bond which is used in nanotechnology
ionic bonds are like a bunch of weak magnet balls forming a larger ball. Stuff like ice and salt.
Covalent bonds won’t dissociate unless something can rip their electrons out of the valence band"
Marty - Aug 25
Nano Ordo Mundi
Video of salt crystals dissolving in water under a microscope, very similar to what we see in the video from LQC (only difference is, in the LQC video the liquid dropped is darker because of the added tobacco)
Sodium chloride (salt) is a common ingredient of anesthetics. I also think this is just the water dissolving salt crystals.
Cristina - Aug 25
El Substack de Cristina
Why don't they do a control test by applying a drop of water without the tobacco to verify if the effect is really due to the tobacco?
I would bet the effect would be the same.
Marty - Aug 25
Nano Ordo Mundi
You're right, it would give the same results. Great video from FM8:https://odysee.com/@FireMedic8:5/My-Movie-78:f
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