Nature Versus Nano - My Conversation With Australian Podcaster Denby Sheather

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 01, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Nature Versus Nano

In this interview with Australia’s Denby Sheather we discuss the self assembly nano technology and how it relates to the digital ID that is being rolled out in their country. Remember, vaccination is in the center of Digital Identity, global governance, travel, digital economy and ultimately social credit system - the ultimate enslavement of humanity. You can see this slide from the World Economic forum. We must ask ourselves, why on Earth would vaccination be at the heart of digital identity, if not the self assembly nanotechnology provides that technological platform for all of the areas of control of human lives.

As Denby explains, Austrialia has been a leader in this Artificial Intelligence transformation of humanity.


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Roman S Shapoval - Apr 1

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Best protection against nano is UV light - as it activates melanin, a heavy metal detoxifier, combined with infrared, which helps us detox during the day with subcellular melatonin:

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Grasshopper Kaplan - Apr 1 - Edited

Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…

When I was feeling the same ill that went around after the fake vacxxxineees and all that mess rolled out, I took a melatonin which helped.
I did that once for a few days , after reading from mercola.
To me. Like all wars first they destroyed language. I wish folks would stop calling these things vaxxxxxines.
Folks I know who took them. Either got ill many times or right away from them, which they say would've been worse without.
I know someone and his wife got multiple shots and multiple sickness with covid, sic.
I just had a record session cancelled because dude said he is ill and tested positive for con covid.
I think he lied.
Why would anyone test for it?
Since when you needed a test to know how you feel?
Dammm it all to hell, God help us

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