Dear Ana. This is groundbreaking news and validates the evidence of nanotech in the shots per the US patents, DoD contract, Pfizer documents, etc. It also validates the use of nanotech in food, agriculture, animals, materials, healthcare supplies, etc. per the patents as well. I hope your readers share this article far and wide and push back on any leaders who are still denying the existence of nanotech in the shots. This is the most important fact that we must unite behind in order to save humanity and the planet. With respect and gratitude - Karen
I shared with my followers via the below message.
Groundbreaking government document, the National Nanotechnology Initiative, exposed by Dr. Ana Mihalcea. This 2023 Budget document discusses IN DETAIL the use of nanotechnology in ‘vaccines,’ the water supply, food, agriculture, et al. The evidence of nanotech in the shots is easily found in the US patents, DoD contract (see my substact Pfizer mRNA Contains Nanotech per DoD Contract), observed microscopy analysis of the vials and blood of inoculated individuals, DARPA and BARDA programs, manufacturer’s websites, executive orders, and now this 2023 Nanotech Budget.
Remember the 5th generation warfare motto - ‘the best way to defeat your opposition is to lead it.’
Any ‘Freedom Movement’ leaders who are still denying the existence of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 vaccines are gaslighting their followers. Pushback on them or leave them behind. We must unite behind the truth and truth tellers in order to fight back against the biodigital takeover of our bodies and our planet.
Dr Ana I speak so highly of your service and research regarding Nanotechnology and as convicting as I am, people look at me as if I have 4 heads. I am now at a crossroad of investing into a Dark Field Microscope and begin my journey on interpreting the findings. I understand it’s quite complicated but I’m committed to understanding what is going on in the blood of both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. You have been extremely instrumental in my understanding of what is happening to mankind and how, when the dots connect, there’s no other answer! Thank you Dr Ana and may God bless you for your gift to mankind, I mean that from the depths of my heart and soul!
The globalists in the new world order are putting the MRNA vax in your food you need to do this ASAP
In alignment with this is the absolute necessity to remove at least all 5G towers. 5G and upwards (and possibly 4G and definitely LED) is the mechanism for activation of all of this evil.
The cell towers are the real cause of global warming, with microwaves in all cities, like a microwave oven! CO2 is denser than air, it doesn't go up to the atmosphere, it goes down. It is aborbed by the land and the sea.
Hello solutions: I humbly submit this "ancient" link to an article in support of your assertions: >
Man turns the Earth into a Microwave–Oven - Omega-News:
Published April 7, 2004
There will be the usual comments dismissing atmospheric warming as "conspiracy". Alas...
I'm a non-material scientist (full disclosure)...I just watched a video by Greg Braden last night and although most of it is old news to me, toward the end he has some awesome films of what's happening underneath the mantle (he repeatedly informs people that he is a 'degreed geologist' which I find amusing), but I agree with him that WE did not cause 'global warming' any more than WE can stop the Earth's normal cycles.... ~38:00 to the 'anomalies' in the plume...
And BTW, my instructors were part of IPPC and they told us it's all BS. Yes, things are changing; no we do not want to reduce carbon!!! Oh, unless we want to kill the plants, the animals that eat the plants (that humans eat), and adapt to no oxygen....
There is no end to anything the educated idiots do to rationalize themselves as God since they don't fully grasp God's creation...It is thus, God's creation which must be EXTORTED and MUTILATED TO FIT A TWISTED VISION OF SICK HUMANS they view grand.
The greatest strength is to be found in simplicity among those KNOWING God's creation and living in it according to its rhythms and harmony; to strengthen the biological as necessary to maintain purity in all ways possible as outlined by Dr. Ana for ourselves and our family, friends, neighbors, the animals.
My Vet claims more and more Vet meds are based in this poisonous technology and we're searching for options for them...Both pets and livestock, poultry, horses, goats.
"Any ‘Freedom Movement’ leaders who are still denying the existence of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 vaccines are gaslighting their followers."
Thank you for stating this unequivocally. I agree. As an example, I would like to make a note here of an exchange I just had with Sasha Latypova on the issue of nanotechnology in the C19 injections. Her position is incoherent and she does not engage in good faith discussion. She has referred to Karen Kingston's work as "fake news" and uses misdirection, evasion, insult and emotional outbursts instead of logic and sound argumentation. In my discussion with her on Sage Hana's Substack (who also obfuscates the issue by claiming that only STEM researchers can understand nanotechnology and "the experts are still trying to figure it out…”), Latypova's last words were as follows:
"I am having a glass of a very, very, nice wine right now and having a great Friday evening. Did I mention it was a super nice wine? Yum. You are entertaining. Please write more hysterical stuff about nanotechnology. Steering humans and totalitarian agenda, please. Also eugenics and WWII and destructive intentions. It goes well with this particular vintage."
This was one of many such immature comments from Latypova, so I disengaged.
I am noting this exchange here in case anyone who may be reading this trusts Sasha Latypova. By all means have a look at my exchange with her on 6/9/2023 and judge for yourself:
Thank you.
I was inspired by Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova early on with their DoD work, also David Martin, but realised something was off. The evil ones think they have all bases covered but too many of us smell the rat. Sometimes discernment and intuition are enough. They may kill us all but will never get compliance from me.
This is a good finding ...and even with the official recipe of the trojan cake, added to the videos/photos of the intruders(nanochips/bots) taken by researchers/doctors, if we try to convince the already zombified workers of corrupted agencies, it will be a big waste of time and energy. All these findings must be used only by the pure blood people, for planning evaluations.
Thank you both, Dr. Ana and you Karen, for all your loving work to elucidate and iluminate this time so obscure, and give sense to to all this chaos we are living and suffering. Truth is the key. Always.
Zoetis the animal vacz producer is owned by Pfizr. I suspect animal veterinary injectables have some new contamination. Unusual and high deaths are resulting in stud and breeding stock.. ...
Not all American people are like this. Many of us know the truth and have discernment, especially from the Holy Spirit. Remember, no generalization is worth a damn, including this one!
America is "Babylon the great" according to the Bible; so, yes, we are infested with demoniacs:
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. (Rev 18:2)
This is an "End of the Human Species" situation--It is now or never citizens--do you want your children to be human beings or contaminated with this dangerous, too often deadly toxic material that will change their DNA forever?
Yes dear Dr. and Ginger Breggin, thank you for commenting! I have your wonderful book that you sent me and signed for me almost a couple years ago and I know you understand. I much appreciate your comment. Bless you. With much gratitude, Ana
Dear Dr. Ana: Please see this NIH Director's blog published just days ago:
the Director refers to the self assembling nanoparticles and "scaffolding" in the vaccine--
quote The critical first step is to prime the immune system to make more of those coveted bnAb-precursor B cells. That’s where the protein nanoparticle known as eOD-GT8 60-mer enters the picture.
This nanoparticle, administered by injection, is designed to mimic a small, highly conserved segment of an HIV protein that allows the virus to bind and infect human cells. In the body, those nanoparticles launch an immune response and then quickly vanish. But because this important protein target for HIV vaccines is so tiny, its signal needed amplification for immune system detection.
To boost the signal, the researchers started with a bacterial protein called lumazine synthase (LumSyn). It forms the scaffold, or structural support, of the self-assembling nanoparticle. Then, they added to the LumSyn scaffold 60 copies of the key HIV protein. This louder HIV signal is tailored to draw out and engage those very specific B cells with the potential to produce bnAbs.
end quote.
Ye Gods, more of the same imaginary and highly technical explanations intended to grind us down so that we accept their GD poison. I guess I will add this style of explanation to my list of BS.
I told everyone this jab was the Mark of The Beast when it started. Most did not believe me. Many mocked and scorned. Most took the Mark. I did my best. A lot of us did.
I'm in the middle of creating my own treatment protocol. Each time I go to one of my naturopaths I emphasize the utmost importance of the existence of nanotechnology in these shots. And guess what, the one who has side-effects from the shots himself is more willing to listen and actually read the papers I've sent him. I can choose what kind of infusion I get such as CaNa2EDTA, acetylglutathione, vitamin C etc. The treatments that were specifically targeted at PEG, graphene derivates and heavy metals were giving me tremendous results than the ones regarding the spike protein detox. The spike protein detox protocols don't include EDTA and are mainly based on supplements and a few pharmaceutical products.
The Liposomal EDTA Quicksilver Scientific or Allergy Research 500mg weekly with adequate mineral supplementation ... must be liposomal do not use pills or rectal supp. I also recommend the Soma health cream daily at night
Dr. Ana, I am so so appreciative of you and what you are doing. But let me say this, I know you say no to edta pills, but is it better to take EDTA capsules as opposed to NO EDTA at all?
If so, which is it, calcium disodium edta or just disodium edta (non-calcium)?
Thank you.
I am wondering why Dr. Ana says no to taking the pill form (non-liposomic). I had purchased several bottles of the MRM brand called Cardio-chelate (ca-disodium form), and have heard that it's good to take a maintenance dose every day. After a month, only absorbing around 5% of the 1200mg in the pill, that would be around 1800mg/month (1200mgx30daysx0.05%). What is so 'wrong' about the pills?
edta has many benefits, not the least of which is helping clear arteries of plaque. I am sure some EDTA (capsule form or not) to counter the effects of the demonic nanotech lipid hydrogel is better than none I would think. But replenish your mineralization.
Agreed. I am taking extra zinc and magnesium along with increased B6 and using Himalayan salt (not sparingly), on my food. I also recently started on the methylene blue w/Vit C (as ascorbic acid crystals), to address ROS and balance intracellular energy etc. I had also been using La Quinta Columna's protocol even before they published it.
Dr. Nixon has recommended colloidal gold but I don't have many of the specifics as to why this is helpful in addressing the nanotech.
No one has stated whether colloidal silver is helpful in that regard either. Always more reading to do....
The idea is if taking a pill doesn't travel well in and through our gut and, more importantly it robs our microbiome of too much good stuff i.e. minerals, metals we need...and thus is the risk taking the pill form - could very well cause more health concerns than the original reason for applying it in the first place. The liposomal is a better choice and to also supplement your minerals needed - with it. and a good probiotic
Hello JohnDH: Erm... This nano-experiment affects the entire biosphere. That is: All the plants, the animals, the water, all companion pets, fish, worms, insects, etc. The contamination is not treatable... Sorry...
She has said she does not recommend 'ORAL' EDTA Chelation and when taking it; it's best and more easily absorbed to get 'Liposomal EDTA Calcium Disodium'. Beyond that, she advises taking a 'Mineral Supplement' as EDTA Chelation removes minerals in the body with all the metals and impurities. I have asked many times of exactly WHERE to even get the I.V. Treatment and she doesn't respond.
You might want to try one or a couple of things. The first is to use the grapevine to find out what doctors in your area provide vitamin C infusions for cancer patients, because they may also do EDTA infusions. The second is to contact an organization such as the one that Dr. Mark Hyman is in, something like an integrative physicians group.
BlazeCloude-- Try starting with either / and-or, a search engine search and yelp search using the term "chelation therapy". Most chelation therapy is EDTA chelation. So if you focus your search on "chelation therapy" near your location, you'll likely find places. Best Wishes!
Looked already and found nothing beyond endless lists of Internists. Even asked my D.O. Thought she would be aware of the practices of those in our area with having 30 years in Practice...And, used by our whole family including the Grandkids, now. Going to do it now while taking a breather from the Garden. 😀😉
Dr Mihalcea looks far too young to have 30 years in practice. Suggest change your user name to Dr something or another or add MD/PhD after it to get an answer.
If an M.D., D.O.; would definitely get an answer; however would also know who does what in the area. Was/Am a Ph.d and retired...Retired early and don't know who provides this medically-related therapy.
There is also the product Detoxamin which is an EDTA suppository that has been clinically studied to get into the plasma and remove heavy metals. They also have a version with added Glutathione.
La Quinta Columna has been showing us this repeatedly for two years. Why do folks not pay attention? Every one wants their own podium? Yeah, all the ones who just won't mention this....something's wrong. Something's terribly terribly wrong.
Dear Ana, We thank you and deeply appreciate your unwavering focus on this species ending technology. It's not going to end well for humans unless we resist now!
Dr. Ana
I saw you this week on the Diamond and Silk Show and have been following your work for quite awhile. I just wanted you to know I sincerely appreciate you telling us the whole truth.
May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His light shine upon you. Amen
Thank-You So Much Dr. Ana Mihalcea for addressing the event 'Lakkroppropet'; in Stockholm when Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger was utterly disrespected, dismissed, berated and forced to return to the chair with other panel members by Dr. Ryan Cole following the restlessness of those he sat with in the Front Row of the Audience. When Cole said, "This does not serve our purpose."...ALL CREDIBILITY WAS LOST FOR THE WHOLE GROUP, ALL ASSOCIATED WITH THE FLCCC, IN THE VIEW OF MANY LAYPEOPLE, AS ME INCLUDING THE HEAD OF P.R., Steve Kirsch and RFK Jr.. WHAT, EXACTLY WAS THEIR PURPOSE IF NOT TO INFORM THE PUBLIC...RESULTING IN PANIC OR NOT? Truth is ALWAYS THE BEST POLICY CONCERNING Ai/Bioweapon Injections just as for a Military Attack with any kind of Convention Weapon or a Nuke of any kind being imminent.
Dr. Jane Ruby provided her platform to allow Dr. Astrid to speak in the week following the conference and it was easily discerned...She suffered some clear measure of 'cognitive dissonance'; a clear and discernable measure of 'social anomie' pertaining to recognition of colleagues exposing themselves as "EVIL" and covering for evil people having a purpose of Mass Depopulation-Murder/Slavery through seeking to kill what they've now come to imagine the "God Particle" appearing 'blue' inherent to all human DNA. The show was quite astonishing in several ways...As, Dr. Astrid is nobody's wilted lily or easily cowed.
Thank God for all you warriors in the Bio/Nano Sciences helping to keep we, in the public, informed. And, for Platforms as Substack allowing Constitutional Inalienable Right of 'Free Speech' as in healthier times when the United States was still the United States. May God Bless and Keep You...Among all the other Scientists in the Ai/Bio/Nano Sciences willing to tell the truth and spread the news.
This is Pure Satanic Evil in my opinion! Thank you very much for bringing this information out, my Wife has gone on a plant based Diet for about a month and after two weeks got off her insulin than she has been on for the last year to help slow her CKD her GFR was 9 last month I am praying this will get her kidneys functioning a lot better she is only 53 but has had CKD for 15 years now but only a few years ago her GFR was 59! I think what is going on with the Davo psychopaths trying to trans humanize citizens has lead to this. A year ago we purchased a molecular (Japanese made) Hydrogen machine for her with air inhalation with the water machine to help her we are none vaxed! MY Question would IV EDTA CHELATION be ok for her I have read that it can be hard on renal impaired people? (Maybe just use the cream for now that you have mentioned in some of your other sub stacks)? If you have the time to comment it would be very much appreciated thanks again!
Fascinating to read what you say here, given I just read a comment which said "the naked truth is unappealing". Not to me!! It makes hot!!!
I don't need no "prez" to "admit" what I already know. Screw these politicians.
"democratisation of science"? Hoot!! Sure, we saw how anyone and their drunk cousin could shoot people up with the needles. Why am I not surprised to see "george bush"?
nanotechnology: "I can heal the sick, raise the dead, and make the little girls talk out of their heads, I'm the one". "yeah, baby , you're the one" 'Im the one"...the one they call the seventh son/sun/seal/whatever
It's a basic "if we can't join them, let's beat fhem. "
These not real humans will never, ever figure out how to be as intelligent, creative, and totally cool as we are. Stop feeding them folks.
Dear dr.Ana Maria
thank -you for all you do !
I was in Stockholm and saw first what hand what they did to Dr.Stuckelberger.
here is my latest 'discovery' . another way to get nanoparticles into the body asily by way of ghost red blood cells that live in the body for up to 3 months and whose membranes becomes permeable after cell : look at the references at the bottom!
now read this
''Efforts are also being made to incorporate features of RBCs in nanocarriers to mimic their most useful aspects, such as long circulation and stealth features''
stealth is a word that is used almost exclusively in the military field. stealth bombers for example. stealth is a synonym for under the radar. something that is perfectly secret, undetectable or almost. we use the word stealth when we go dressed in black to kill someone. to tell you....
so pretend you're just being a good person looking for safe drug delivery systems cause you're so nice , but really... STEALTH being the operative word here. I'm surmising that in the giant experiment this is , knowing 30% were going to refuse, they still came up with a way to weaponize us.
radiation is a big cause of hemolysis: so irradiation via 5G and phone? and what else?
No, I don't, but I think that graphene (hydr)oxide is involved in perhaps all newer injectables, and this stuff is really dangerous.
Read the article "Graphene is the killer" - translate option if necessary).
You know I always wondered how I would leave this earth when my time came, never in a million years even with my vivid imagination would I have ever come close to this. I will definitely fight however I can, yet at the same time I’m leaving this at the feet of Jesus.
God bless you Doc Ana your are truly an awesome warrior!
I was part of a private group discussion about the vaccines with some of the frontline doctors this time last year. I brought up the Morgellons nanotech connection (a connection I drew through my experience research and through the Holy Spirit). I was met with the cruelest of gaslighting by most of the docs and removed from the discussion. They know it is real. It was an obvious gaslighting. For some reason they wanted to quash any consideration of the matter by the health professionals in the convo. This is vindicating but very frightening and real. Dr Ben Marble ran the discussion and acted like some mystic guru. I would like to know what causes them to ignore the correlation. Do they already have nano in their brain that controls their reaction to reality? Who knows?
off couse, they are already evolving as a cyborg zombie controlled by the demonic Artificial intelligence. So it is pointless to debate with such creatures...
Karen Kingston - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
The Kingston Report
Dear Ana. This is groundbreaking news and validates the evidence of nanotech in the shots per the US patents, DoD contract, Pfizer documents, etc. It also validates the use of nanotech in food, agriculture, animals, materials, healthcare supplies, etc. per the patents as well. I hope your readers share this article far and wide and push back on any leaders who are still denying the existence of nanotech in the shots. This is the most important fact that we must unite behind in order to save humanity and the planet. With respect and gratitude - Karen
I shared with my followers via the below message.
Groundbreaking government document, the National Nanotechnology Initiative, exposed by Dr. Ana Mihalcea. This 2023 Budget document discusses IN DETAIL the use of nanotechnology in ‘vaccines,’ the water supply, food, agriculture, et al. The evidence of nanotech in the shots is easily found in the US patents, DoD contract (see my substact Pfizer mRNA Contains Nanotech per DoD Contract), observed microscopy analysis of the vials and blood of inoculated individuals, DARPA and BARDA programs, manufacturer’s websites, executive orders, and now this 2023 Nanotech Budget.
Remember the 5th generation warfare motto - ‘the best way to defeat your opposition is to lead it.’
Any ‘Freedom Movement’ leaders who are still denying the existence of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 vaccines are gaslighting their followers. Pushback on them or leave them behind. We must unite behind the truth and truth tellers in order to fight back against the biodigital takeover of our bodies and our planet.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 8, 2023
Thank you, Karen. I am so honored to have you as a friend and fight by your side in this war. With much respect, gratitude and love. Ana
AJR - Aug 27, 2023
Dr Ana I speak so highly of your service and research regarding Nanotechnology and as convicting as I am, people look at me as if I have 4 heads. I am now at a crossroad of investing into a Dark Field Microscope and begin my journey on interpreting the findings. I understand it’s quite complicated but I’m committed to understanding what is going on in the blood of both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals. You have been extremely instrumental in my understanding of what is happening to mankind and how, when the dots connect, there’s no other answer! Thank you Dr Ana and may God bless you for your gift to mankind, I mean that from the depths of my heart and soul!
sara - Jun 13, 2023
The globalists in the new world order are putting the MRNA vax in your food you need to do this ASAP
Alanna - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
Andy’s Skint/Broke. Older Bloke…
In alignment with this is the absolute necessity to remove at least all 5G towers. 5G and upwards (and possibly 4G and definitely LED) is the mechanism for activation of all of this evil.
Andy Bunting - Jun 9, 2023
Andy’s Skint/Broke. Older Bloke…
Hi. 100% Correct.
solutions - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
The cell towers are the real cause of global warming, with microwaves in all cities, like a microwave oven! CO2 is denser than air, it doesn't go up to the atmosphere, it goes down. It is aborbed by the land and the sea.
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 9, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
Hello solutions: I humbly submit this "ancient" link to an article in support of your assertions: >
Man turns the Earth into a Microwave–Oven - Omega-News:
Published April 7, 2004
There will be the usual comments dismissing atmospheric warming as "conspiracy". Alas...
Sandy K - Jun 9, 2023 - Edited
Sandy K
I'm a non-material scientist (full disclosure)...I just watched a video by Greg Braden last night and although most of it is old news to me, toward the end he has some awesome films of what's happening underneath the mantle (he repeatedly informs people that he is a 'degreed geologist' which I find amusing), but I agree with him that WE did not cause 'global warming' any more than WE can stop the Earth's normal cycles.... ~38:00 to the 'anomalies' in the plume...
And BTW, my instructors were part of IPPC and they told us it's all BS. Yes, things are changing; no we do not want to reduce carbon!!! Oh, unless we want to kill the plants, the animals that eat the plants (that humans eat), and adapt to no oxygen....
Bob Bichen - Jun 9, 2023 - Edited
Bob Bichen
That's exactly it: we are the carbon they're trying to reduce.
BlazeCloude3 - Aug 13, 2023
There is no end to anything the educated idiots do to rationalize themselves as God since they don't fully grasp God's creation...It is thus, God's creation which must be EXTORTED and MUTILATED TO FIT A TWISTED VISION OF SICK HUMANS they view grand.
The greatest strength is to be found in simplicity among those KNOWING God's creation and living in it according to its rhythms and harmony; to strengthen the biological as necessary to maintain purity in all ways possible as outlined by Dr. Ana for ourselves and our family, friends, neighbors, the animals.
My Vet claims more and more Vet meds are based in this poisonous technology and we're searching for options for them...Both pets and livestock, poultry, horses, goats.
Paul Barbara - Nov 19
Paul Barbara
solutions - Jun 9, 2023
solutions’s Substack
very interesting article
JustANobody - Jun 8, 2023
Yes. Thank you Karen and Ana!! Bless you both.
Nathan M. Wiley - Jun 11, 2023
MindWar Intel
"Any ‘Freedom Movement’ leaders who are still denying the existence of nanotechnology in the COVID-19 vaccines are gaslighting their followers."
Thank you for stating this unequivocally. I agree. As an example, I would like to make a note here of an exchange I just had with Sasha Latypova on the issue of nanotechnology in the C19 injections. Her position is incoherent and she does not engage in good faith discussion. She has referred to Karen Kingston's work as "fake news" and uses misdirection, evasion, insult and emotional outbursts instead of logic and sound argumentation. In my discussion with her on Sage Hana's Substack (who also obfuscates the issue by claiming that only STEM researchers can understand nanotechnology and "the experts are still trying to figure it out…”), Latypova's last words were as follows:
"I am having a glass of a very, very, nice wine right now and having a great Friday evening. Did I mention it was a super nice wine? Yum. You are entertaining. Please write more hysterical stuff about nanotechnology. Steering humans and totalitarian agenda, please. Also eugenics and WWII and destructive intentions. It goes well with this particular vintage."
This was one of many such immature comments from Latypova, so I disengaged.
I am noting this exchange here in case anyone who may be reading this trusts Sasha Latypova. By all means have a look at my exchange with her on 6/9/2023 and judge for yourself:
Thank you.
Paul Black - Sep 4, 2023
Paul Black
I was inspired by Katherine Watt and Sasha Latypova early on with their DoD work, also David Martin, but realised something was off. The evil ones think they have all bases covered but too many of us smell the rat. Sometimes discernment and intuition are enough. They may kill us all but will never get compliance from me.
aprayerformonkey - Jan 4
I head David has some interesting tattoos.
California Girl - Jan 20, 2024
California Girl
We all have our limitations.
aprayerformonkey - Jan 4
There are no limitations on knowing the truth.
solutions - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
solutions’s Substack
This is a good finding ...and even with the official recipe of the trojan cake, added to the videos/photos of the intruders(nanochips/bots) taken by researchers/doctors, if we try to convince the already zombified workers of corrupted agencies, it will be a big waste of time and energy. All these findings must be used only by the pure blood people, for planning evaluations.
Carlé Costa - Jun 8, 2023
Carlé’s Substack
Thank you both, Dr. Ana and you Karen, for all your loving work to elucidate and iluminate this time so obscure, and give sense to to all this chaos we are living and suffering. Truth is the key. Always.
John Biggins - Jul 18, 2023
Zoetis the animal vacz producer is owned by Pfizr. I suspect animal veterinary injectables have some new contamination. Unusual and high deaths are resulting in stud and breeding stock.. ...
Tatjana - Jun 10, 2023
Thank you so much, you are my heroes!
aprayerformonkey - Jan 4
Why would Ryan Cole deny this?
Lucy - Jun 10, 2023
Comment removed.
Lucy - Jun 11, 2023
Comment removed.
Lucy - Dec 9, 2023
Not all American people are like this. Many of us know the truth and have discernment, especially from the Holy Spirit. Remember, no generalization is worth a damn, including this one!
FollowsTheWay - Jun 12, 2023
America is "Babylon the great" according to the Bible; so, yes, we are infested with demoniacs:
And he cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. (Rev 18:2)
Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin - Jun 8, 2023
Breggin Alerts! Exposing Globa…
This is an "End of the Human Species" situation--It is now or never citizens--do you want your children to be human beings or contaminated with this dangerous, too often deadly toxic material that will change their DNA forever?
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 8, 2023
Breggin Alerts! Exposing Globa…
Yes dear Dr. and Ginger Breggin, thank you for commenting! I have your wonderful book that you sent me and signed for me almost a couple years ago and I know you understand. I much appreciate your comment. Bless you. With much gratitude, Ana
Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin - Jun 12, 2023
Breggin Alerts! Exposing Globa…
Dear Dr. Ana: Please see this NIH Director's blog published just days ago:
the Director refers to the self assembling nanoparticles and "scaffolding" in the vaccine--
quote The critical first step is to prime the immune system to make more of those coveted bnAb-precursor B cells. That’s where the protein nanoparticle known as eOD-GT8 60-mer enters the picture.
This nanoparticle, administered by injection, is designed to mimic a small, highly conserved segment of an HIV protein that allows the virus to bind and infect human cells. In the body, those nanoparticles launch an immune response and then quickly vanish. But because this important protein target for HIV vaccines is so tiny, its signal needed amplification for immune system detection.
To boost the signal, the researchers started with a bacterial protein called lumazine synthase (LumSyn). It forms the scaffold, or structural support, of the self-assembling nanoparticle. Then, they added to the LumSyn scaffold 60 copies of the key HIV protein. This louder HIV signal is tailored to draw out and engage those very specific B cells with the potential to produce bnAbs.
end quote.
California Girl - Jan 20, 2024
California Girl
Ye Gods, more of the same imaginary and highly technical explanations intended to grind us down so that we accept their GD poison. I guess I will add this style of explanation to my list of BS.
solutions - Jun 8, 2023
solutions’s Substack
that's right, this is all about a war between the DNA from God and the beast:
Lucy - Dec 9, 2023
I told everyone this jab was the Mark of The Beast when it started. Most did not believe me. Many mocked and scorned. Most took the Mark. I did my best. A lot of us did.
Okisuke - Jun 8, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
I'm in the middle of creating my own treatment protocol. Each time I go to one of my naturopaths I emphasize the utmost importance of the existence of nanotechnology in these shots. And guess what, the one who has side-effects from the shots himself is more willing to listen and actually read the papers I've sent him. I can choose what kind of infusion I get such as CaNa2EDTA, acetylglutathione, vitamin C etc. The treatments that were specifically targeted at PEG, graphene derivates and heavy metals were giving me tremendous results than the ones regarding the spike protein detox. The spike protein detox protocols don't include EDTA and are mainly based on supplements and a few pharmaceutical products.
JohnDH - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
Dr. Ana, if we take oral EDTA, should it be the Calcium Disodium EDTA or the non-calcium version, just Disodium EDTA? Thank you!
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 8, 2023
The Liposomal EDTA Quicksilver Scientific or Allergy Research 500mg weekly with adequate mineral supplementation ... must be liposomal do not use pills or rectal supp. I also recommend the Soma health cream daily at night
JohnDH - Jun 9, 2023
Dr. Ana, I am so so appreciative of you and what you are doing. But let me say this, I know you say no to edta pills, but is it better to take EDTA capsules as opposed to NO EDTA at all?
If so, which is it, calcium disodium edta or just disodium edta (non-calcium)?
Thank you.
Sam - Jun 9, 2023
I am wondering why Dr. Ana says no to taking the pill form (non-liposomic). I had purchased several bottles of the MRM brand called Cardio-chelate (ca-disodium form), and have heard that it's good to take a maintenance dose every day. After a month, only absorbing around 5% of the 1200mg in the pill, that would be around 1800mg/month (1200mgx30daysx0.05%). What is so 'wrong' about the pills?
JohnDH - Jun 9, 2023
edta has many benefits, not the least of which is helping clear arteries of plaque. I am sure some EDTA (capsule form or not) to counter the effects of the demonic nanotech lipid hydrogel is better than none I would think. But replenish your mineralization.
Sam - Jun 10, 2023
Agreed. I am taking extra zinc and magnesium along with increased B6 and using Himalayan salt (not sparingly), on my food. I also recently started on the methylene blue w/Vit C (as ascorbic acid crystals), to address ROS and balance intracellular energy etc. I had also been using La Quinta Columna's protocol even before they published it.
Dr. Nixon has recommended colloidal gold but I don't have many of the specifics as to why this is helpful in addressing the nanotech.
No one has stated whether colloidal silver is helpful in that regard either. Always more reading to do....
koppykat - Aug 28, 2023
for the answer to those questions
koppykat - Aug 28, 2023
The idea is if taking a pill doesn't travel well in and through our gut and, more importantly it robs our microbiome of too much good stuff i.e. minerals, metals we need...and thus is the risk taking the pill form - could very well cause more health concerns than the original reason for applying it in the first place. The liposomal is a better choice and to also supplement your minerals needed - with it. and a good probiotic
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 9, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello JohnDH: Erm... This nano-experiment affects the entire biosphere. That is: All the plants, the animals, the water, all companion pets, fish, worms, insects, etc. The contamination is not treatable... Sorry...
JohnDH - Jun 9, 2023
i hear what you're saying, Paul.
BlazeCloude3 - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
She has said she does not recommend 'ORAL' EDTA Chelation and when taking it; it's best and more easily absorbed to get 'Liposomal EDTA Calcium Disodium'. Beyond that, she advises taking a 'Mineral Supplement' as EDTA Chelation removes minerals in the body with all the metals and impurities. I have asked many times of exactly WHERE to even get the I.V. Treatment and she doesn't respond.
Justice - Jun 15, 2023
You might want to try one or a couple of things. The first is to use the grapevine to find out what doctors in your area provide vitamin C infusions for cancer patients, because they may also do EDTA infusions. The second is to contact an organization such as the one that Dr. Mark Hyman is in, something like an integrative physicians group.
BlazeCloude3 - Jun 15, 2023
Thx for responding. Have found a group providing EDTA Chelation Therapy in the area. Scheduled appt. for next week. Thx.
Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
BlazeCloude-- Try starting with either / and-or, a search engine search and yelp search using the term "chelation therapy". Most chelation therapy is EDTA chelation. So if you focus your search on "chelation therapy" near your location, you'll likely find places. Best Wishes!
BlazeCloude3 - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
Looked already and found nothing beyond endless lists of Internists. Even asked my D.O. Thought she would be aware of the practices of those in our area with having 30 years in Practice...And, used by our whole family including the Grandkids, now. Going to do it now while taking a breather from the Garden. 😀😉
kerrylyn - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
Dr Mihalcea looks far too young to have 30 years in practice. Suggest change your user name to Dr something or another or add MD/PhD after it to get an answer.
BlazeCloude3 - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
If an M.D., D.O.; would definitely get an answer; however would also know who does what in the area. Was/Am a Ph.d and retired...Retired early and don't know who provides this medically-related therapy.
JustANobody - Jun 8, 2023
Ditto this comment please.
Kareem Kandil MD ND - Aug 25, 2023
There is also the product Detoxamin which is an EDTA suppository that has been clinically studied to get into the plasma and remove heavy metals. They also have a version with added Glutathione.
Thomas Lewis - Jun 8, 2023
Useless Liberal
In Five Years
When They Make A Movie About Jamie Foxx
Who Will Be Left To Play Him ?
I Know What You're Thinking ...
Who Will Be Left To Watch ?
Blue Electric Storm - Jun 8, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
La Quinta Columna has been showing us this repeatedly for two years. Why do folks not pay attention? Every one wants their own podium? Yeah, all the ones who just won't mention this....something's wrong. Something's terribly terribly wrong.
solutions - Jun 8, 2023
solutions’s Substack
It seems that alternative researchers can only focus on a specific component of the problem/bioweapon.
Blue Electric Storm - Jun 9, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
"specialization"/divide and conquer
Sandy K - Jun 9, 2023
Sandy K
La Quinta's 3 years!! And longer.
Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin - Jun 8, 2023
Breggin Alerts! Exposing Globa…
Dear Ana, We thank you and deeply appreciate your unwavering focus on this species ending technology. It's not going to end well for humans unless we resist now!
John Roberts - Jun 8, 2023
John Roberts
Dr. Ana
I saw you this week on the Diamond and Silk Show and have been following your work for quite awhile. I just wanted you to know I sincerely appreciate you telling us the whole truth.
May the Lord bless you and keep you and may His light shine upon you. Amen
BlazeCloude3 - Jun 8, 2023 - Edited
Thank-You So Much Dr. Ana Mihalcea for addressing the event 'Lakkroppropet'; in Stockholm when Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger was utterly disrespected, dismissed, berated and forced to return to the chair with other panel members by Dr. Ryan Cole following the restlessness of those he sat with in the Front Row of the Audience. When Cole said, "This does not serve our purpose."...ALL CREDIBILITY WAS LOST FOR THE WHOLE GROUP, ALL ASSOCIATED WITH THE FLCCC, IN THE VIEW OF MANY LAYPEOPLE, AS ME INCLUDING THE HEAD OF P.R., Steve Kirsch and RFK Jr.. WHAT, EXACTLY WAS THEIR PURPOSE IF NOT TO INFORM THE PUBLIC...RESULTING IN PANIC OR NOT? Truth is ALWAYS THE BEST POLICY CONCERNING Ai/Bioweapon Injections just as for a Military Attack with any kind of Convention Weapon or a Nuke of any kind being imminent.
Dr. Jane Ruby provided her platform to allow Dr. Astrid to speak in the week following the conference and it was easily discerned...She suffered some clear measure of 'cognitive dissonance'; a clear and discernable measure of 'social anomie' pertaining to recognition of colleagues exposing themselves as "EVIL" and covering for evil people having a purpose of Mass Depopulation-Murder/Slavery through seeking to kill what they've now come to imagine the "God Particle" appearing 'blue' inherent to all human DNA. The show was quite astonishing in several ways...As, Dr. Astrid is nobody's wilted lily or easily cowed.
Thank God for all you warriors in the Bio/Nano Sciences helping to keep we, in the public, informed. And, for Platforms as Substack allowing Constitutional Inalienable Right of 'Free Speech' as in healthier times when the United States was still the United States. May God Bless and Keep You...Among all the other Scientists in the Ai/Bio/Nano Sciences willing to tell the truth and spread the news.
koppykat - Aug 28, 2023
well said
Viking - Jun 8, 2023
This is Pure Satanic Evil in my opinion! Thank you very much for bringing this information out, my Wife has gone on a plant based Diet for about a month and after two weeks got off her insulin than she has been on for the last year to help slow her CKD her GFR was 9 last month I am praying this will get her kidneys functioning a lot better she is only 53 but has had CKD for 15 years now but only a few years ago her GFR was 59! I think what is going on with the Davo psychopaths trying to trans humanize citizens has lead to this. A year ago we purchased a molecular (Japanese made) Hydrogen machine for her with air inhalation with the water machine to help her we are none vaxed! MY Question would IV EDTA CHELATION be ok for her I have read that it can be hard on renal impaired people? (Maybe just use the cream for now that you have mentioned in some of your other sub stacks)? If you have the time to comment it would be very much appreciated thanks again!
Health-Seeker - Jun 8, 2023
Health-Seeker’s Substack I was inspired to write a post after hearing Karen, Dr. Ana and Celeste Solum talk about Synthetic Biology, Nanotech, and Hydrogel.
Blue Electric Storm - Jun 8, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
Fascinating to read what you say here, given I just read a comment which said "the naked truth is unappealing". Not to me!! It makes hot!!!
I don't need no "prez" to "admit" what I already know. Screw these politicians.
"democratisation of science"? Hoot!! Sure, we saw how anyone and their drunk cousin could shoot people up with the needles. Why am I not surprised to see "george bush"?
nanotechnology: "I can heal the sick, raise the dead, and make the little girls talk out of their heads, I'm the one". "yeah, baby , you're the one" 'Im the one"...the one they call the seventh son/sun/seal/whatever
It's a basic "if we can't join them, let's beat fhem. "
These not real humans will never, ever figure out how to be as intelligent, creative, and totally cool as we are. Stop feeding them folks.
paskalka - Jun 8, 2023
paskalka’s Substack
Dear dr.Ana Maria
thank -you for all you do !
I was in Stockholm and saw first what hand what they did to Dr.Stuckelberger.
here is my latest 'discovery' . another way to get nanoparticles into the body asily by way of ghost red blood cells that live in the body for up to 3 months and whose membranes becomes permeable after cell : look at the references at the bottom!
now read this
''Efforts are also being made to incorporate features of RBCs in nanocarriers to mimic their most useful aspects, such as long circulation and stealth features''
stealth is a word that is used almost exclusively in the military field. stealth bombers for example. stealth is a synonym for under the radar. something that is perfectly secret, undetectable or almost. we use the word stealth when we go dressed in black to kill someone. to tell you....
so pretend you're just being a good person looking for safe drug delivery systems cause you're so nice , but really... STEALTH being the operative word here. I'm surmising that in the giant experiment this is , knowing 30% were going to refuse, they still came up with a way to weaponize us.
radiation is a big cause of hemolysis: so irradiation via 5G and phone? and what else?
REPLY - Jun 8, 2023
Unfortunately the nano shit is already in a number of injections since years, at least here in Germoney.
kerrylyn - Jun 8, 2023
I don't doubt that. I'm looking for info on nanotech in antipsychotic injectable medications. Do you know anything about that?
REPLY - Jun 9, 2023
No, I don't, but I think that graphene (hydr)oxide is involved in perhaps all newer injectables, and this stuff is really dangerous.
Read the article "Graphene is the killer" - translate option if necessary).
Nanc - Jun 9, 2023
Nanc’s Substack
You know I always wondered how I would leave this earth when my time came, never in a million years even with my vivid imagination would I have ever come close to this. I will definitely fight however I can, yet at the same time I’m leaving this at the feet of Jesus.
God bless you Doc Ana your are truly an awesome warrior!
AncientLoveLover - Jun 8, 2023
AncientLoveLover’s Substack
I was part of a private group discussion about the vaccines with some of the frontline doctors this time last year. I brought up the Morgellons nanotech connection (a connection I drew through my experience research and through the Holy Spirit). I was met with the cruelest of gaslighting by most of the docs and removed from the discussion. They know it is real. It was an obvious gaslighting. For some reason they wanted to quash any consideration of the matter by the health professionals in the convo. This is vindicating but very frightening and real. Dr Ben Marble ran the discussion and acted like some mystic guru. I would like to know what causes them to ignore the correlation. Do they already have nano in their brain that controls their reaction to reality? Who knows?
koppykat - Aug 28, 2023
just keep eyes wide open and call it out wherever it shows up - to help others to see it too
solutions - Jun 9, 2023
solutions’s Substack
off couse, they are already evolving as a cyborg zombie controlled by the demonic Artificial intelligence. So it is pointless to debate with such creatures...
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