Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 03, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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The 2025 Nanotechnology President Budget is out. For the past few years I have been using this annual document to reply to those who deny nanotechnology in the COVID19 shots with this question - why is the COVID19 bioweapon listed as a top priority and achievement in the President’s Budget for Nanotechnology?

National Nanotechnology Initiative Specifically Speaks of Covid 19 Bioweapons As "Nano Technology Enabled" And Plans Many More Nanotechnological "Vaccines"

What Did The National Nanotechnology Initiative Supplement To The Presidents 2023 Budget Say About Polymer Amyloid Spider Silk Production? Could This Have Been Weaponized Against Humanity?

Will anything change for humanity?

President Biden’s 2025 Budget requests over $2.2 billion for the NNI, with cumulative funding totaling over $45 billion since the inception of the NNI in 2001.

Many of the nanotechnological components that we have found in the COVID19 bioweapons and other injectable medications continue to receive funding - microelectronics, biosensors, advanced nanomaterials and more. Please see excerpts of the budget below:

Executive Summary 2025

The U.S. National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) is working to leverage the power of nanotechnology to benefit everyone in America. Nanotechnology encompasses the understanding and control of matter at the level of atoms and molecules where unique phenomena enable novel applications. It has led to revolutions in areas such as aerospace, agriculture, infrastructure, clean energy, water purification, consumer electronics, faster microchips, artificial intelligence, powerful messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines, and underpins technologies of the future. Nanotechnology plays a role in ensuring America’s national and economic security, delivering clean and reliable energy, improving robust health outcomes, clean water access, and food safety and abundance. President Biden’s 2025 Budget requests over $2.2 billion for the NNI, with cumulative funding totaling over $45 billion since the inception of the NNI in 2001 when Congress approved increased funding for nanotechnology in fiscal year 2021 appropriations. (References to years in this report are to fiscal years unless otherwise noted. The NNI was formally authorized in the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act of 2003.) This highest-ever request reflects the United States’ global leadership in the fundamental understanding and control of matter at the nanoscale. ) NNI investments in foundational nanoscale science, research infrastructure, and education support efforts to renew U.S. leadership in the semiconductor and microelectronics industries under the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022.

The NNI investments in 2023 and 2024 and those proposed in 2025 include strong support for broad, fundamental research in nanoscience, and increased funding for the translation of that knowledge into technological breakthrough to the benefit of society. The President’s Budget includes nanotechnology investments that will harness the full diversity of America’s research and development (R&D) community to advance the progress of the NNI to drive a world-class research portfolio, facilitate commercialization of nanotechnology-enabled applications, develop and sustain a dynamic infrastructure and skilled workforce, and ensure responsible development of nanotechnology for the benefit of all Americans.

Nanotechnology is critical for the advancement of Artificial Intelligence.

The NNI contributes to multiple Biden-Harris Administration and national priorities. 3 For example, in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems, NNI participating agencies are funding research on novel processing hardware for AI computing, and low-power computing devices to increase energy efficiency of AI applications.

Who is part of this initiative? The Military, DOD, Intelligence Community and Health and Human Services. EPA has been part of the Geoengineering coverup, the spraying of self assembly nanotechnology and other toxic chemicals via chemtrails - those are continually denied as condensation trails.

The budget is to continue US global leadership in microelectronics.

Many of the proposed 2025 NNI investments outlined in this report support efforts to renew U.S. leadership in the semiconductor and microelectronics industries authorized and funded under the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 (Public Law 117-167). Foundational nanomaterials research (PCA 1) and nanoelectronic devices and systems (PCA 2) are enabling leapfrog capabilities in microelectronics and impacts in artificial intelligence. As called out repeatedly in the March 2024 National Strategy for Microelectronics Research, 16 dramatic improvements in the energy efficiency of semiconductor devices are critical for continued progress in the U.S. microelectronics industry, and this is particularly important for compute-intensive applications such as AI. Nanotechnology is key to addressing this issue, with R&D on new nanoscale hardware-based solutions.

The following is a small, representative sampling of the hundreds of nanotechnology SBIR and STTR topics funded by NNI participating agencies in 2022 that are supporting the development and application of nanotechnology R&D with potential for commercialization:

· Nano-electro-mechanical systems for non-destructive characterization of thin film materials (NIST).

· Nanoarray integrated microfibers for next generation medical masks (NIST).

· Carbon nanotube enhanced distillation for economic recovery of ethanol in the biofuel industry (NIFA).

· Nanosorbents to capture environmental DNA for aquaculture health monitoring (NIFA).

· Incorporating nanosilicon particles to improve high-energy-density batteries at low cost (DOE).

In the medical field nanotechnology - specifically lipid nanoparticle mRNA technology is to be used to fight cancer. That sounds great except the mRNA technology was neither safe nor effective for COVID19, causing death and disease as scientists around the world have warned.

Harnessing the power of lipid nanoparticle mRNA technology to fight cancer. Researchers supported by NIH are designing lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) to increase the effectiveness of cancer immunotherapy by promoting their uptake by antigen-presenting cells, stimulating the maturation of these cells, and modulating the activity of adjuvants. They developed a method for screening LNPs to optimize the type of helper lipid and lipid-component ratios, enhancing the delivery of tumor-antigen-encoding messenger RNA (mRNA) to dendritic cells and increasing immune system antitumor activity. In a mouse model of melanoma, after injection of the LNPs they noted potent antitumor activity triggered by LNPs that elicited strong immune activity in both type-1 and type-2 T helper cells. 20

In complementary work supported by NIH, NSF, DOD, and private foundations, researchers have invented a novel genetic macrophage-programming nanoparticle design that reprograms tumor-associated macrophages using targeted mRNA nanocarriers. 21 The targeted mRNA nanocarriers deliver transcribed mRNA encoding transcription factors that reprogram macrophages, resulting in a strong anti-tumor response without generating off-target toxicity. The research team has successfully achieved the scale production of good manufacturing practices (GMP)-grade nanoparticles. The team plans to use these nanoparticles in future clinical trials to treat chemotherapy-resistant ovarian cancer. 22

Combining nanoscale additive manufacturing with tissue engineering to address heart disease. Researchers at the NSF-supported Engineering Research Center in Cellular Materials (CELL-MET) have developed technologies for directed multiscale assembly of cellular metamaterials with nanoscale precision, with the 10-year goal of developing a hybrid (nanoscale/additive manufacturing) strategy to develop a centimeter-scale, vascularized cardiac tissue patch. The team is using nanotemplated bioblock printing to generate cardiac microbundles that can be assembled into larger structures, with the ultimate goal of implanting fully vascularized cardiac patches into animal models. To enable the vascularization of these patches, the team developed a technique for loading endothelial cells with superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles, which can then be seeded onto magnetized microfiber lattices, serving as the template for the vascular structures. Following encapsulation in a hydrogel, the capillary templating lattice is selectively degraded by a bacterial lipase that does not impact cell viability or function. 26 In employing an integrated engineering approach to achieving its goals, the team has made advances at the intersections of fields such as stem cell biology, nanoscaffold engineering, materials science, bioprinting, mechanobiology, and imaging.

This next section was very interesting, understanding for therapeutic interventions against nanotechnology that strengthening the cell membrane against the invasion of nanoparticles is important and effective:

Enabling nanomedicine through understanding interactions between nanoparticles and cells. Researchers from NIST, the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) NSRC at DOE’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and international collaborators, with additional support from NSF (using the NSF/NIST Center for High Resolution Neutron Scattering and the DOE Spallation Neutron Source) have determined why cell membranes can push away nanoparticles that approach them. The researchers discovered that this repulsion—which notably affects neutral, uncharged nanoparticles—happens in part because the smaller, charged molecules that the electric field attracts will crowd the membrane and push away the larger nanoparticles. Since many drug treatments are built around proteins and other nanoparticles that target the membrane, the repulsion could play a role in treatment effectiveness, enabling nanomedicine advances. 27

The following segment is the development of diamonoids as Google Engineer Ray Kurzweil calls the nano and microrobotic assemblers. Of course we know of IEEE engineer Professor Ian Akyldiz, that COVID19 bioweapons are Graphene based nano bio machines:

"COVID MRNAS ARE NOTHING MORE THAN SMALL SCALE BIO-NANO MACHINES" - Lecture by Professor Ian Akyildiz From Georgia Institute Of Technology

Synthesizing atomically precise graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) to enable advances in nanoelectronics. A DOD/Office of Naval Research (ONR)-supported team of scientists, with additional support from DOE, have succeeded for the first time in synthesizing monodisperse “designer” graphene nanostructures, using bottom-up chemical synthesis techniques in a programmable and deterministic fashion. Graphene nanoribbons have been under investigation for promising applications in nanoelectronics, spintronics, photonics, sensing, quantum information processing, and energy conversion. But a slight change in structure changes the bandgap, so atomic precision is needed to ensure the desired properties of the GNRs. The group has developed a general fabrication method for preparing monodisperse samples of specific GNR structures with precisely controlled GNR sequence, length, and shape, enabled by an iterative synthesis strategy. This is a significant advance towards the vision of bottom-up, atomic-precision nanofabrication of functioning carbon nanoelectronics. 29

The synthetic biology agenda - fusing all organic life with technology - is also progressing as planned - designing cells beyond the bounds of evolution is exactly what humanity has been experiencing in the transhumanist technocratic push for world domination.

NSF invests in understanding nanoscale biological machines (e.g., the nucleus of cells, synapses that can simultaneously process and store information) through core programs in its directorates for Engineering (ENG), Biological Sciences (BIO), and Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS). NSF will expand its efforts in 2025 in nanobiotechnology associated with synthetic biology and synthetic cells through a new Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) on Synthetic Cells and Cellular Systems; 38 a new solicitation, Designing Synthetic Cells Beyond the Bounds of Evolution ; 39 and a DCL on Sentinel Systems that Detect, Recognize, Actuate, and Mitigate Emergent Biological Threats.

The DOD and DARPA remain major drivers in the nanotechnology development. We have them to thank for the manufacturing and planning of the COVID19 bioweapons - all the way back to 2013.

DARPA Awards Moderna Therapeutics a Grant for up to $25 Million to Develop Messenger RNA Therapeutics

In 2025 this trend continues:

DOD supports foundational nanotechnology research both through extramural funding from agencies such as the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), 71 the ONR, 72 and the Army Research Office (ARO), 73 as well as through intramural research at in-house DOD laboratories—e.g., the Air Force Research Laboratory, the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), and the Army Research Laboratory (ARL). 74 In addition, foundational nanotechnology research is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), the Chemical and Biological Defense program, and the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD/R&E). 75

For example, DTRA 2023–2025 funding supports eight projects under the Interactions of Ionizing Radiation with Matter University Research Alliance 76 and Materials Science in Extreme Environments University Research Alliance, 77 which include foundational nanotechnology research. The ONR Nanoelectronics program encourages innovative research and breakthrough scientific discoveries at the nanoscale that will inform the development of future computing technologies. In 2025, there will be an increased focus on basic research in the emerging area of probabilistic computing, which (like quantum computing) has the potential to solve some of the hardest computational tasks in the DOD. The fundamental unit in probabilistic computing is the probabilistic bit, or p-bit. A key priority is to support new projects developing complementary types of p-bits. These projects will augment the concurrent ONR MURI project “OptNet: Optimization with p-bit Networks” that began in September 2023. NRL’s Institute for Nanoscience research program includes fundamental discovery-phase research, with a focus on interdisciplinary nanoscience.

They specifically develop neuroelectronics and organic inorganic hybrids - aka CYBORGS - and the advanced manipulation of light - the precursor of matter and the primary biophotonic control mechanism of the human body - is also top on the military list aside from Artificial Intelligence.

NRL funding supports ~17 concurrent projects (each spanning approximately 4 years in duration), including topics such as low-power, high-speed electronics; and storage; 2D materials for sensing and information processing; bio/inorganic hybrids; and neuroelectronics and signaling processes. AFRL’s Air Force Crystal Growth Center conducts exploratory synthesis of new materials for evaluation by DOD and academic collaborators, with new capabilities to fully characterize the fundamental magnetic, optical, structural, and thermal properties of these materials, for applications ranging from artificial neural networks to next-generation electronic device architectures and advanced manipulation of light. Other AFRL projects falling under PCA 1 include development of soft materials for electronics and sensing and research on synthesis and properties of nanoceramics for aerospace applications. This includes collaborations with Argonne and Oak Ridge national laboratories as well as multiple universities.

Nanosensors are at the top of the list again for bio-surveillance “to your benefit”.

The NIDCR Strategic Plan for 2021-2026 prioritizes research to transform material and biomaterial products through innovations in engineering, chemistry, and biophysics, including building interdisciplinary expertise in nanotechnology. Additionally, due to the shortage of robust diagnostic tests to address the coronavirus pandemic, research on nanosensors continues to receive increased attention by the scientific community interested in developing biodevices for screening, monitoring, and diagnosis of oral and overall health. Some of this research builds on previous funding under the 2021–2023 NIDCR initiative on Enabling Technologies to Accelerate Development of Oral Biodevices, 89 which supported research on functional biodevices making use of enabling technologies such as nanomaterials or nanoscale biodevices for use in detection, diagnosis, and treatment of oral and systemic disease. Projects supported include real-time monitoring of saliva for levels of drugs such as anti-epileptic seizure medication for precision medicine and advancing optimal dosing. Other research builds on work funded during the COVID pandemic under the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics-Radical (RADx-RAD) initiative 90 on exploring the use of nanotechnology to identify biomarkers emanating from skin or the oral cavity in patients with symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19.

Biophysics, thermodynamics of DNA, plasmonic liquid crystals and nanotechnology - is the future of human physical manipulation as rolled out by the military pharma complex. If we do not understand nanotechnology, the threats humanity is facing under militarized nanotechnology used under the disguise of medical progress for complete engineering of humanity are difficult to comprehend. The late Professor Gariaev understood these mechanism of the holographic light emission and thermodynamic qualities of DNA as a fantastic modality of healing. I explained this here:

Unconsidered Effects of mRNA Gene Technology and their Possible Reversal – Understanding Holographic DNA, Morphogenic Fields, and the Implications for the Future of Humanity

This science is exactly what is being researched via the nanotechnology initiative. Non linear optics, quantum photonic interfaces is the prime mechanism of control - as well as healing in the right hands. Thermodynamics of DNA and its quantum properties was certainly what Dr Gariaev studied.

NIST’s foundational nanotechnology research portfolio includes the development of cutting-edge approaches to design and accurately measure the size, shape, quantity, and physico-chemical complexity of nanoparticles, nanostructured films, and nanocomposites in a variety of environments. It also includes development of optical metasurface technologies (with potential applications in ultrafast and nonlinear optics, as well as advanced imaging and photonic sensing) and photonic interfaces to atomic-scale quantum systems. NIST is developing best practices and disseminating new measurement methods and data analysis techniques to determine the thermodynamics of DNA nanostructure assembly that will inform predictive models of nucleic acid systems and drug development. NIST PCA 1 investments also include foundational research related to semiconductors and microelectronics, consistent with the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 (see PCA 2 section below for additional details).

The FDA is also involved and is supposedly monitoring the exposure to nanoparticles in food and other sources. Given the state of human blood, they have not been doing their job very well.

FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) has been conducting research on nanotechnology relevant to human food safety, e.g., understanding the potential migration of engineered nanomaterials from nanotechnology-enabled food contact materials to food to estimate possible consumer exposure. This improves CFSAN’s ability to review future submissions to its programs and advise manufacturers interested in this emerging technology. CFSAN is also actively conducting research on possible incidental presence of nanoparticles in certain food additives to ensure current data and information are available to support safety assessments. Furthermore, CFSAN is involved in R&D on nanotechnology-enabled sensors for contaminants, biological toxins, and pathogens in food products, which helps improve FDA’s ability to respond rapidly to foodborne disease outbreaks and other emerging threats to human and animal health.

The FDA Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA), Office of Regulatory Science (ORS) continues to work with FDA product centers to conduct collaborative research to develop analytical methods for the characterization of nanomaterials in FDA-regulated products. Such methods will enable FDA to identify potential risks associated with such products through pre- and post-market oversight and determine problems that can affect product safety and provide guidance to sponsors/reviewers for the future approval of products. ORS collaborates with FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) in developing and validating analytical methods for characterization of complex liposomal drug formulations. ORA recruits and trains research fellows in the development and validation of advanced analytical methods based on standardized testing for the FDA, the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), and the International Council for Harmonization of Technical Requirements to characterize nanomaterial constituents in FDA- regulated products.

This next section made me laugh - look no further for nanoparticle polymers then the COVID19 bioweapons! These listed plastics are polymers:

This is what the FDA is monitoring?! Nanocrystal effect on the microbiome - you mean those microchip structures we have been seeing in the COVID19 shots and the human blood?

FDA’s National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR) conducts collaborative regulatory science research on characterization, safety, and efficacy assessment of nanomaterials, and documentary standards development with stakeholders within FDA, other government agencies, and academia. NCTR’s Nanocore has developed a base line reference dataset of the most common polymers present in the environment that would serve towards the development of a collaborative, global, comprehensive, and curated public database for the identification and quantitation of various micro-/nanoplastics and their mixtures. 91 Ongoing research projects include the investigation into antimicrobial effectiveness of novel nanomaterials and nanostructures, including determination of their cytotoxicity and genotoxicity; and in vitro epigenetic evaluation of TiO2 nanoparticles to study DNA methylation patterns, global histone modifications, and microRNA expression. 92 In order to fill knowledge gaps associated with complex drug nanocrystals, an ongoing study is investigating their effects on gastrointestinal-tract microbiome and function to compare and contrast with the parent active pharmaceutical ingredient. 93


The government lists lipid nanoparticle mRNA under NANOTECHNOLOGY. Please review this exstensive budget and the planned furthering of the nanotechnology/ biotechnology agenda Stakeholders in the Nanotechnology initiative include the health care sector under the guidance of the HHS, military and intelligence communities in collaboration with academia.

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Karen Kingston - Jan 3

The Kingston Report

Thank you for breaking the news of the 2025 NNI report Dr. Ana!

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Roman S Shapoval - Jan 3 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

The US Space Force is also a cover for "science" and needs to be watched with Elon & Trump at the helm:

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