I have an uneasy feeling about the NARM Call. It resembles the deflation in Canada of our Freedom Movement after Freedom Convoy.
First, leaders of groups big and small popped up, some of unknown backround, others with dubious or naive one, while the Convoy's self-appointed "leaders" could not explain appropriation of $10 million donations nor their past: Soros' Alberta exit, Obama's erection campaign. Pay per head video screenings replaced regular protests in convoys dozen miles long, rallies in crowded places and at US border xings, group showing posters from arterial overpasses at rush hour. We had some impact, compared to present absence from public space. Much was communicated via updated posters.
Leaders largely disappeared, the genuine ones because of gov't legalistic molestation. Others poured over election strategy in support of ...WEF lackey Canadian conservative party leader in federal-, and his cronies in provincial erections.
At my participation level, a naive leader first collected "what interests you" -- a list similar to NRAM's. Then a potluck with unknown USA guy trying to buy us for his election in Canada! At the same time the leader pushed a conservative party loser and plandemic collaborator. I said what needed stating and quit, with "controlled dissident" farewell insinuations like here from R.Q.
Nevertheless, I hope Americans will succeed.
Call to 💪... Totally Awesome!! Thank YOU! Just what we need!!! Rile the Troops and let's TAKE OUR COUNTRY/ WORLD BACK from satan's sons and daughters!!! Beck Yeah!🤙
To: the woman; Ana Maria Mihalcea; who sometimes acts as MD, PhD, if you can make the time, please reach out atshirenews@proton.me. The National ARM website is missing the key and simple piece of participation that is necessary in order for everyone to accomplish the goal of a new parallel society. It is so simple, so basic, it is easy to miss. Sometimes the answer is so simple we cannot, and sometimes refuse to see that answer. It all comes down to agreements and the evidence of those agreements.
Our lives are all based on what we agree to do or participate in doing. Through our life, we have a paper trail that defines that agreement. Without realizing it, The Reese Report touched on this in yesterday's post ["https://gregreese.substack.com/p/trauma-based-mind-control?r=1lsegx"]. His report focused on abuse and the resultant mind control. The reality of our world is the same. How often do we get nervous when a "Law Enforcement Officer" pulls us over? What would it be like to instead be happily excited? It is education time! The reality is we are traumatized by all these agreements creating a false identity. With that identity, the cabal is able to hypothecate our assets, property, souls and bodies.
Ever hear the phrase "show me your papers"? That is the basic premise of this hypothecation. This paper trail, in the back of our minds, creates a false belief in an authority that is not real. This does not mean the cabal does not also have mind control over those to do harm to mankind. However, you will find, the cabal does very little direct harm to anyone. They pay others and manipulate others to do their work for them. Evil is cunning in that way. Often this is through some presumption of evidence.
If we are truly going to help humanity, we need to understand who we are first. It is really simple. We are Living Souls... one of mankind... a creation of the Creator ["Origin, Spark of life, Singularity, I AM"]. We are not our names, our ID cards, our birth certificate, etc...
Summary - the National Arm website is missing one very basic category of interest - "reclaiming our identity" with a follow-up category of "education on who we really are" with the tools to correct the evidence. Without this basic step, we will falter trying to help others start a parallel world.
The goal is not to tell people what to do, but provide the tools do do it themselves. Then once they know who they are, they can truly help others. There is much work to be done, but it starts with each of mankind first to correct their true identity. And titles are evil. They are a mark, a shem. Look at the definitions. We should not be defined by our titles. Titles are something we take on; a choice. They mark us and give us a face. That is not who we are...
Some people say that the story of America's founding is a farce, a pretense of freedom, so that we would all believe that we had agreed to be governed in this way. Well I don't care. I consider our founding documents to be a CONTRACT with us. And I mean to enforce it AS WRITTEN.
Which means that the only proper function of government is to PROTECT our GOD GIVEN rights. This means that the government loses all legitimacy when it directly VIOLATES them. This is the situation we find ourselves in at present. We are NOT obligated to support any government that exists only to destroy us. We have an absolute duty to resist and replace, by force if necessary, any such government. It says so in our founding documents. We cited/quoted this in our Writ to the U.S. Supreme Court:
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long
established should not be changed for light and transient
causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that
mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the
forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long
train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the
same Object evinces a design to reduce them under
absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to
throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards
for their future security."
Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776).
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of
servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go
home from us in peace. We ask not your counsel or your
arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity
forget that ye were our countrymen."
Speech at the Philadelphia State House. Samuel Adams (August 1, 1776).
This is something I needed to read today.
I belong to the InPower Movement. We send out powerful Notices of Liability (which are not like the usual NoLs) that hold people accountable for the for-profit harms they're perpetuating.
I'll make note to check out the national ARM.
Hmm...I just checked out NARM: I wanted to fill out the form, but there's a required form field called "Your State of Domicile," but I'm in Canada.
Well...I'll keep NARM in mind, anyway. I belong to something called Life Force Canada, which has aspirations that seem to overlap some of what this post talks about:
Very few people are aware of the global homicidal AI. Do you know of any good books or resources to help with protection against this. I am a current target.
That's a very naive and insensitive thing to say. There are people out there who are literally being tortured 24/7. You shouldn't assume you know everything and then proceed to gas light people. Maybe you should look into the secret torture programs first.
There isn't a torture program that I haven't investigated. I've bought Tony Rodrigues' two books, bought Cathy O'Brien's book, read Brice Taylor's book, read "Hang on for the Ride" and watched "Candy Girl," listened to Jessie Czebotar, bought 13 Cubed, listened to Jeanette Archer, read Dr. Susan Arrigo, and listened to William Thompkins, Olivia James, Christy Campbell and a dozen other victims of MK-Ultra. I've published articles about all of them on my website, which I pay for. Whose testimony have YOU listened to?
Congrats on reading about other people's pain and assuming you could handle it with perfect grace. My book is called personal experience. I'm living through it now and you have literally no idea how you would handle having your life and mind ruined until it happens to you. Telling people they can't be tortured without permission is absolutely ignorant. May you make the secret hit list one day so you can speak with wisdom instead of assumptions.
I never said I could live through MK-Ultra and "handle it with perfect grace." What I said is that you haven't asked God for help. Those who have done this, like Cathy O'Brien and Olivia James, don't see themselves as victims.
Beautifully and thoughtfully written. I too believe it ends when we say it ends. Thank you Dr. Ana for your grace and for sharing your brilliant mind and the fire in your soul. Humanity needs you desperately.
Ask too the animals why the WE wants Ana to be freer. The WE needs Dr. Ana to be the woman that hears that the Kitty is there already and waiting. So join US!https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/464-twenty-first-century-dwarfs.html.
Totally agree. It's also my favorite movie.
In many films and series they have introduced negative primacy by telling you what they are going to do so that later you do not believe the reality they are building.
And you are absolutely right, this has nothing to do with politics. No matter what president you have or their opposition, both sides have remained silent about this genocide and denied it. They have denied the microscopic evidence. Both left-wing and right-wing countries have done the same. Above politicians, presidents, nations, there is something or someone who has been pulling the strings of the world for a long time.
That's why, in the LQC group, there are people from the extreme right and the extreme left. For the first time we live in harmony because we are no longer left or right, now we are those who defend humanity and we are against the enemies of humanity. They divided us to confront us and so that we would not look up, to discover those who control the world. It is well known that those who built capitalism also financed communism and then confronted it. What it has always been about is creating suffering, that is why the world was never good and will never be good, always with wars, deaths and suffering.
Human beings have divine potential and THEY want to take it away. If he left us free, human beings would build a beautiful paradise.
The 2030 agenda, an agenda of extermination, continues its course. Approximately more than two years ago, looking for information about the great reset, I found this article that appeared on the Davos Forum website. Its title was: "Welcome to 2030. I have nothing, I have no privacy and life has never been better", written by Ida Auken, former Minister of the Environment of Denmark and member of the Davos Forum. The article was published on the website of said Forum on November 18, 2016. Since then or even before, they already knew all the plans they had in store for us. Establish a New World Order where private property will not exist.
This article is no longer online, it has been removed from the Forum's official website. Since I knew that sooner or later this was going to happen, I took a screenshot, because the article deserved it. In it appears the destiny that they have prepared for us, those of us who are awake.
It is a priority to continue waking up as many people as possible. We believe that at this point there is little that can be done. Even if we woke up all the inhabitants of the planet, THEY have the ability to wipe out all of humanity whenever they please. They already did it in the past.
Trump has been under their control long before he was "elected" POTUS.
How can any freedom movement succeed with ignorants if this sort? Then come flatearthers and reptilian, annunaki etc. theory adherers and we are done. The Trumpsters showed up at early Canadian Freedom rallies, a sobering symptom, reinforced by mass produced flashy posters and banners. I kept asking around what does a US president have to do with Canadian freedom, when he flushed Polish one down his gold-plated toilet.
How stupid can the sheeple get?
So you think humans are at the top of the food chain,no we are not and never have been.The flat earth psy-op covers up the real truth of hollow earth.Not hollow like a pumpkin but enormous caves and caverns.Don't hear anyone talking about hollow earth and consequently the Reptilian base in antarctica.Those 12 UN countries made the antarctic treaty and built bases there.I've read they have been boring tunnels underground 24/7 since the end of world war two with their laser tunneling device.Have seen photos of the huge machine.UN countries have been signing treaties with the reptilians and greys since at least 1931(Hitler) Abduction for advancedtechnology.Now,according to Len Kasten the Reptilians who created the Grey Alien species have used all that human DNA to create reptilian/human hybrids for infiltration of governments all over the world.oh yeah they also use us humans for food.That is one explanation for the millions of children and adults that go missing every year and are never found.Dr. Luis is right as I have seen the same information from other sources.https://rumble.com/v2wi7ls-dr-jos-luis-sevillano-we-are-facing-a-parasitism-of-another-species-on-the-.html
I agree, the psychopaths in covert power globally ARE the species on top of Earth's foodchain and many other "chains":. finance and banking, economy, information, tech... The underground and tunnel projects are theirs, too.
The psychopath Hitler timing also clicks. the first bankster harnessing of (at then) advanced tech and industry for mass extermination.
They did the same with their psychopath Stalin (de facto with his shadow power holders: extreme Jew pair of brothers Kaganovitch). Now the banksters "have treaties", i.e. absolutely control all the "state" powers of importance. BTW your reptilians are retards, can't make DNA and xenoDNA in the factory while their food, Humans can.
"Smart" cover up, too, of the psychos (and sociopaths' below them in govts, institutions and agencies) who consume kids in their satanic rituals and perversions. Millions per year stats are inflated with kids snatched by one parent and not found yet. I looked into such case in Poland and that's what "millions" means when you don't examine the evidence.
The vids on reptilians, annunaki, vatican etc. are a psyop for useful ignoants (or prodessional disinformers and forum gatekeepers?) who will blab about it ad infinitum, never considering evidence sticking into the eye.
John, you like fables I gather. As with the stories for flatearthers, anyone smart and perservering (money helps) could compose such story, devoid of evidence which should be plenty given that UFOs have been confirmed recently by Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak (except for earthly versus et origin, she can't tell with torsion field spectroscope).
Project Thrive if I recall confirmed et source of dna discovered in elongated skulls found on Earth. Hindu sources, repeated in Slavic and other European ancient sources talk about et and flying sourcers, no grounds to doubt them.
So why no evidence for the other claims? La Quinta Columna pushed et source of mind control-type of tech in connection with vax "magnetism", but the latter has a mundane, earthly origin present in everybody: thousands of micro-bionuclear reactors, aka "chakras" in 7 larger aglomerations. Dr. Diana is now studying an 8th chakra she discovered with Kirilian imaging, floating above a "paranormal" person.
The Bodysnatchers - Jan 3, 2024
The Bodysnatchers
If they want a One World Government, we need to be the One World Resistance.
Warrior1 - Jan 3, 2024
Warrior1’s Newsletter
God bless you Ana Maria Mihalcea! You are our Joan of Arc.
Warriors...mount up! Stand for Freedom! Surrender is not an option.
This is Our Republic!
Piotr Bein - Jan 4, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
I have an uneasy feeling about the NARM Call. It resembles the deflation in Canada of our Freedom Movement after Freedom Convoy.
First, leaders of groups big and small popped up, some of unknown backround, others with dubious or naive one, while the Convoy's self-appointed "leaders" could not explain appropriation of $10 million donations nor their past: Soros' Alberta exit, Obama's erection campaign. Pay per head video screenings replaced regular protests in convoys dozen miles long, rallies in crowded places and at US border xings, group showing posters from arterial overpasses at rush hour. We had some impact, compared to present absence from public space. Much was communicated via updated posters.
Leaders largely disappeared, the genuine ones because of gov't legalistic molestation. Others poured over election strategy in support of ...WEF lackey Canadian conservative party leader in federal-, and his cronies in provincial erections.
At my participation level, a naive leader first collected "what interests you" -- a list similar to NRAM's. Then a potluck with unknown USA guy trying to buy us for his election in Canada! At the same time the leader pushed a conservative party loser and plandemic collaborator. I said what needed stating and quit, with "controlled dissident" farewell insinuations like here from R.Q.
Nevertheless, I hope Americans will succeed.
Susiejoy Barry - Jan 9, 2024
Susiejoy Barry
You have made very good points here and it should serve as a warning.
It’s like so many people believed in BLM until it was exposed.
Ken Kobalanski - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
Susiejoy Barry
I believe it was David Icke that stated, "We ARE Freedom, and we'll accept nothing less".
https://freedomplatform.tv/we-will-not-be-silenced-premiere/#popup1- We will not be silenced.
Susiejoy Barry - Jan 9, 2024
Susiejoy Barry
It’s ACCEPT nothing less not except- that just doesn’t make sense!!
Angela Brooks-Reese - Jan 3, 2024
Very well stated. I love this idea. Let’s do this! ❤️
Paving the Way - Jan 3, 2024
Paving the Way
This is powerful. We are actualizing Dr. Ana's inspiration:https://livingagoodlifechurch.wordpress.com/
Stephan - Jan 3, 2024
Call to 💪... Totally Awesome!! Thank YOU! Just what we need!!! Rile the Troops and let's TAKE OUR COUNTRY/ WORLD BACK from satan's sons and daughters!!! Beck Yeah!🤙
Shire Herald - Jan 3, 2024
Kay and the blue teapot.
To: the woman; Ana Maria Mihalcea; who sometimes acts as MD, PhD, if you can make the time, please reach out atshirenews@proton.me. The National ARM website is missing the key and simple piece of participation that is necessary in order for everyone to accomplish the goal of a new parallel society. It is so simple, so basic, it is easy to miss. Sometimes the answer is so simple we cannot, and sometimes refuse to see that answer. It all comes down to agreements and the evidence of those agreements.
Our lives are all based on what we agree to do or participate in doing. Through our life, we have a paper trail that defines that agreement. Without realizing it, The Reese Report touched on this in yesterday's post ["https://gregreese.substack.com/p/trauma-based-mind-control?r=1lsegx"]. His report focused on abuse and the resultant mind control. The reality of our world is the same. How often do we get nervous when a "Law Enforcement Officer" pulls us over? What would it be like to instead be happily excited? It is education time! The reality is we are traumatized by all these agreements creating a false identity. With that identity, the cabal is able to hypothecate our assets, property, souls and bodies.
Ever hear the phrase "show me your papers"? That is the basic premise of this hypothecation. This paper trail, in the back of our minds, creates a false belief in an authority that is not real. This does not mean the cabal does not also have mind control over those to do harm to mankind. However, you will find, the cabal does very little direct harm to anyone. They pay others and manipulate others to do their work for them. Evil is cunning in that way. Often this is through some presumption of evidence.
If we are truly going to help humanity, we need to understand who we are first. It is really simple. We are Living Souls... one of mankind... a creation of the Creator ["Origin, Spark of life, Singularity, I AM"]. We are not our names, our ID cards, our birth certificate, etc...
Summary - the National Arm website is missing one very basic category of interest - "reclaiming our identity" with a follow-up category of "education on who we really are" with the tools to correct the evidence. Without this basic step, we will falter trying to help others start a parallel world.
The goal is not to tell people what to do, but provide the tools do do it themselves. Then once they know who they are, they can truly help others. There is much work to be done, but it starts with each of mankind first to correct their true identity. And titles are evil. They are a mark, a shem. Look at the definitions. We should not be defined by our titles. Titles are something we take on; a choice. They mark us and give us a face. That is not who we are...
Piki - Jan 9, 2024
Kay and the blue teapot.
We all should not fall into the trap of ego again. Humankind should shed ego. Then we are on our way to this better era.
Joy Lucette Garner - Jan 3, 2024
Joy’s Newsletter
Some people say that the story of America's founding is a farce, a pretense of freedom, so that we would all believe that we had agreed to be governed in this way. Well I don't care. I consider our founding documents to be a CONTRACT with us. And I mean to enforce it AS WRITTEN.
Which means that the only proper function of government is to PROTECT our GOD GIVEN rights. This means that the government loses all legitimacy when it directly VIOLATES them. This is the situation we find ourselves in at present. We are NOT obligated to support any government that exists only to destroy us. We have an absolute duty to resist and replace, by force if necessary, any such government. It says so in our founding documents. We cited/quoted this in our Writ to the U.S. Supreme Court:
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long
established should not be changed for light and transient
causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that
mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are
sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the
forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long
train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the
same Object evinces a design to reduce them under
absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to
throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards
for their future security."
Declaration of Independence (July 4, 1776).
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of
servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go
home from us in peace. We ask not your counsel or your
arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.
May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity
forget that ye were our countrymen."
Speech at the Philadelphia State House. Samuel Adams (August 1, 1776).
D.K. Fynn - Jan 3, 2024
D.K. Fynn: Sharing Thoughts
This is something I needed to read today.
I belong to the InPower Movement. We send out powerful Notices of Liability (which are not like the usual NoLs) that hold people accountable for the for-profit harms they're perpetuating.
I'll make note to check out the national ARM.
D.K. Fynn - Jan 3, 2024
D.K. Fynn: Sharing Thoughts
Hmm...I just checked out NARM: I wanted to fill out the form, but there's a required form field called "Your State of Domicile," but I'm in Canada.
Well...I'll keep NARM in mind, anyway. I belong to something called Life Force Canada, which has aspirations that seem to overlap some of what this post talks about:
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Is ther e hope with citrate sodium ? DN says this guy feels much better... but the blood looks the same !
Piotr Bein - Jan 3, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Because it takes time for blood to pick up the poisons, transport and process in kidneys, and finally to flush out of the body in urine?
Katie D - Jan 3, 2024
Full Disclosure
Very few people are aware of the global homicidal AI. Do you know of any good books or resources to help with protection against this. I am a current target.
Diana Barahona - Jan 3, 2024
Full Disclosure
You're a target only if you give your consent to be a target. In God all things are possible.
Katie D - Jan 4, 2024
Full Disclosure
That's a very naive and insensitive thing to say. There are people out there who are literally being tortured 24/7. You shouldn't assume you know everything and then proceed to gas light people. Maybe you should look into the secret torture programs first.
Diana Barahona - Jan 4, 2024
Full Disclosure
There isn't a torture program that I haven't investigated. I've bought Tony Rodrigues' two books, bought Cathy O'Brien's book, read Brice Taylor's book, read "Hang on for the Ride" and watched "Candy Girl," listened to Jessie Czebotar, bought 13 Cubed, listened to Jeanette Archer, read Dr. Susan Arrigo, and listened to William Thompkins, Olivia James, Christy Campbell and a dozen other victims of MK-Ultra. I've published articles about all of them on my website, which I pay for. Whose testimony have YOU listened to?
Katie D - Jan 4, 2024
Full Disclosure
Congrats on reading about other people's pain and assuming you could handle it with perfect grace. My book is called personal experience. I'm living through it now and you have literally no idea how you would handle having your life and mind ruined until it happens to you. Telling people they can't be tortured without permission is absolutely ignorant. May you make the secret hit list one day so you can speak with wisdom instead of assumptions.
Diana Barahona - Jan 4, 2024
Full Disclosure
I never said I could live through MK-Ultra and "handle it with perfect grace." What I said is that you haven't asked God for help. Those who have done this, like Cathy O'Brien and Olivia James, don't see themselves as victims.
Kathie - Jan 3, 2024
Beautifully and thoughtfully written. I too believe it ends when we say it ends. Thank you Dr. Ana for your grace and for sharing your brilliant mind and the fire in your soul. Humanity needs you desperately.
Lisa - Jan 3, 2024
Thank you, Dr. Ana! Yes, we all need to do our part, whatever little bit we can contribute.
Kat Brannen - Jan 3, 2024
Kat’s Substack
Ask too the animals why the WE wants Ana to be freer. The WE needs Dr. Ana to be the woman that hears that the Kitty is there already and waiting. So join US!https://katherinebrannenartist.com/blog/464-twenty-first-century-dwarfs.html.
R. Q. - Jan 3, 2024
R. Q.
Totally agree. It's also my favorite movie.
In many films and series they have introduced negative primacy by telling you what they are going to do so that later you do not believe the reality they are building.
And you are absolutely right, this has nothing to do with politics. No matter what president you have or their opposition, both sides have remained silent about this genocide and denied it. They have denied the microscopic evidence. Both left-wing and right-wing countries have done the same. Above politicians, presidents, nations, there is something or someone who has been pulling the strings of the world for a long time.
That's why, in the LQC group, there are people from the extreme right and the extreme left. For the first time we live in harmony because we are no longer left or right, now we are those who defend humanity and we are against the enemies of humanity. They divided us to confront us and so that we would not look up, to discover those who control the world. It is well known that those who built capitalism also financed communism and then confronted it. What it has always been about is creating suffering, that is why the world was never good and will never be good, always with wars, deaths and suffering.
Human beings have divine potential and THEY want to take it away. If he left us free, human beings would build a beautiful paradise.
The 2030 agenda, an agenda of extermination, continues its course. Approximately more than two years ago, looking for information about the great reset, I found this article that appeared on the Davos Forum website. Its title was: "Welcome to 2030. I have nothing, I have no privacy and life has never been better", written by Ida Auken, former Minister of the Environment of Denmark and member of the Davos Forum. The article was published on the website of said Forum on November 18, 2016. Since then or even before, they already knew all the plans they had in store for us. Establish a New World Order where private property will not exist.
This article is no longer online, it has been removed from the Forum's official website. Since I knew that sooner or later this was going to happen, I took a screenshot, because the article deserved it. In it appears the destiny that they have prepared for us, those of us who are awake.
It is a priority to continue waking up as many people as possible. We believe that at this point there is little that can be done. Even if we woke up all the inhabitants of the planet, THEY have the ability to wipe out all of humanity whenever they please. They already did it in the past.
Diana Barahona - Jan 3, 2024
Full Disclosure
Trump is different: he can't be controlled by the Luciferian Brotherhood.
John Vargo - Jan 4, 2024
John Vargo
He doesn't look any different to me,https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/donald-trump-western-wall
Piotr Bein - Jan 4, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
Trump has been under their control long before he was "elected" POTUS.
How can any freedom movement succeed with ignorants if this sort? Then come flatearthers and reptilian, annunaki etc. theory adherers and we are done. The Trumpsters showed up at early Canadian Freedom rallies, a sobering symptom, reinforced by mass produced flashy posters and banners. I kept asking around what does a US president have to do with Canadian freedom, when he flushed Polish one down his gold-plated toilet.
How stupid can the sheeple get?
John Vargo - Jan 4, 2024
John Vargo
So you think humans are at the top of the food chain,no we are not and never have been.The flat earth psy-op covers up the real truth of hollow earth.Not hollow like a pumpkin but enormous caves and caverns.Don't hear anyone talking about hollow earth and consequently the Reptilian base in antarctica.Those 12 UN countries made the antarctic treaty and built bases there.I've read they have been boring tunnels underground 24/7 since the end of world war two with their laser tunneling device.Have seen photos of the huge machine.UN countries have been signing treaties with the reptilians and greys since at least 1931(Hitler) Abduction for advancedtechnology.Now,according to Len Kasten the Reptilians who created the Grey Alien species have used all that human DNA to create reptilian/human hybrids for infiltration of governments all over the world.oh yeah they also use us humans for food.That is one explanation for the millions of children and adults that go missing every year and are never found.Dr. Luis is right as I have seen the same information from other sources.https://rumble.com/v2wi7ls-dr-jos-luis-sevillano-we-are-facing-a-parasitism-of-another-species-on-the-.html
Piotr Bein - Jan 4, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
I agree, the psychopaths in covert power globally ARE the species on top of Earth's foodchain and many other "chains":. finance and banking, economy, information, tech... The underground and tunnel projects are theirs, too.
The psychopath Hitler timing also clicks. the first bankster harnessing of (at then) advanced tech and industry for mass extermination.
They did the same with their psychopath Stalin (de facto with his shadow power holders: extreme Jew pair of brothers Kaganovitch). Now the banksters "have treaties", i.e. absolutely control all the "state" powers of importance. BTW your reptilians are retards, can't make DNA and xenoDNA in the factory while their food, Humans can.
"Smart" cover up, too, of the psychos (and sociopaths' below them in govts, institutions and agencies) who consume kids in their satanic rituals and perversions. Millions per year stats are inflated with kids snatched by one parent and not found yet. I looked into such case in Poland and that's what "millions" means when you don't examine the evidence.
The vids on reptilians, annunaki, vatican etc. are a psyop for useful ignoants (or prodessional disinformers and forum gatekeepers?) who will blab about it ad infinitum, never considering evidence sticking into the eye.
John Vargo - Jan 5, 2024
John Vargo
Well I hope you're right but the saying The mind once expanded can never return to it's original dimensions is truth.https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Alien_Hybridization
Piotr Bein - Jan 5, 2024
Piotr’s Substack
John, you like fables I gather. As with the stories for flatearthers, anyone smart and perservering (money helps) could compose such story, devoid of evidence which should be plenty given that UFOs have been confirmed recently by Dr. Diana Wojtkowiak (except for earthly versus et origin, she can't tell with torsion field spectroscope).
Project Thrive if I recall confirmed et source of dna discovered in elongated skulls found on Earth. Hindu sources, repeated in Slavic and other European ancient sources talk about et and flying sourcers, no grounds to doubt them.
So why no evidence for the other claims? La Quinta Columna pushed et source of mind control-type of tech in connection with vax "magnetism", but the latter has a mundane, earthly origin present in everybody: thousands of micro-bionuclear reactors, aka "chakras" in 7 larger aglomerations. Dr. Diana is now studying an 8th chakra she discovered with Kirilian imaging, floating above a "paranormal" person.
Marie Christina Nørgård - Jan 3, 2024
Marie’s Substack
❤️ From Denmark Thank You 👍
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