National American Renaissance Movement: Get Up To Speed On Nanotechnology

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 08, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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David Meiswinkle Esq, President of National Arm sent out the video clip of my presentation to the Exit the WHO and UN Symposium. Here is the National ARM emailer and the video link

Dear Friends:

Dr. Ana Mihalcea, a National American Renaissance Board member, is a world leading researcher into the contents of the Covid-19 vaccines. In conjunction with  colleagues throughout the world she has documented through sophisticated camera photos and dark field microscopy videos, a technology at the Nano scale inside the vaccines that is extremely dangerous and deadly to mankind. 

Below you will find a video of her going in depth on this subject...

You will learn: 

-how nano technology can be used to automatically report your movement, temperature, vitals, thoughts, brain activity, physical location, and more

-how Smart Phones, Vaccines, and your own food can be used like a Trojan Horse for nano technology

-what is being found inside the vaccines

-what is “smart dust” , “Plan 2030” , “digital twins” , "quantum dots" and more

Her presentation has cutting edge information that you should have access to. Please view .

David R. Meiswinkle, Esq.

President, National ARM

To watch the presentation click on the image:

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician with a PhD in Pathology and over 25 years of clinical experience. She is the President of AM Medical LLC and the Founder of Humanity United Now. She is the Award-winning Author of the book “Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity”. She is also the founder of Tru Blu Medical, developer of Blue Light Wellness wraps .

Dr. Mihalcea writes Humanity United Now Newsletter – discussing topics like dangers of C19 injectables, Long Covid, vax injury reversal, self-assembly nanotechnology and more.

She is part of an international research collaboration that evaluated the contents of C19 injectables and found nanotechnology. Her research field is C19 vaccine shedding, effects of self-assembly nanotechnology on human blood and finding therapeutic approaches for detoxification.

Our twitter is underway with aims of bringing high level exposure and distribution of our Grand Jury Petition. We will be making short form content by breaking up sections of the petition and presenting it in a format that will encourage people to share with others, such as those in law enforcement. Your help in achieving this is appreciated. Here's some ways you can help:

1: Follow & share our content on twitter.  CLICK TO VIEW OUR TWITTER

2: Donate  

Donations help us remain operational. Through your donations, our ability to share, improve, and utilize the Grand Jury Petition, and to implement our Call to Action, is more achievable.


3: Get Involved with Issues

America is under attack from multiple angles. With so many issues at hand, building new systems is a significant action.

White papers need to be developed. This involves creating documents that provide a much deeper understanding into issues, so that better courses of action into dealing with these issues is made possible.

With limited Resources, we want to know which issues you want resolved. That you'd even participate in with being part of the solution. You can tell us on our Call to Action page...


National American Renaissance Movement Call To Action - Its 2024 - Lets Build OUR New World Together - THIS IS OUR TIME

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ZK - Jan 9, 2024


Great job. Information is actually getting out. Feels like we have a chance.

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Robert Westover - Jan 9, 2024

Thank you Dr. Ana and friends. I’ve spent hundreds of hours thinking about the stopping of nano technology implementation. I am sure that if a slap in the face type informational campaign can be effectively delivered to the world it will be stopped. We are moving in the right direction and at an adequate speed. When most of facts are known globalist will have no more cover to operate under. There is evidence and events in our possession that will leverage the cease and desist of their harmful plans. In my opinion God has given us the information at precisely the right time and I feel confident God will allow these contaminants to eventually leave our bodies. Pain and loss leave strong lessons that we won’t forget, so these are necessary times we trudge through. Painstakingly long is the best description. Their tech control is dangerous so caution of the utmost required.

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