Jun 6, 2024
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I wanted to review the leaked NASA Future Strategic Issues/ Future of Warfare Circa 2025 slides in the context of my research regarding nano robots, surveillance, C19 self assembly nanotechnology bioweapons and the broader stealth self assembly nanotechnology warfare agenda.
Kurt Schutzmann - Jun 6
Paul Vonharnish
Look up Alpha Warrior on Rumble … look for his videos on “Operation Gladio” …
The war has been going on for over 100 years …
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 6
Paul Vonharnish
Correct. There are quite a few players. European Black Nobility have been at it for centuries. The Venetian Takeover of England: A 200-Year Project >>> by Gerald Rose >>> Presidents Day, 1994 >>>https://archive.schillerinstitute.com/conf-iclc/1990s/conf_feb_1994_gmr.html
Also: The Cestui qui vie trust , Canon law and the third/final position of defacto law
By Mary Bartholomay >>> April 16, 2015 >>>https://awarriorcalls.com/pdfs/The.Cestui.qui.vie.trust.pdf
Excerpt: "In 1931, the Roman Cult, also known as the Vatican, created the Bank for International Settlements for the control of claimed property of associated private central banks around the world. Upon the deliberate bankruptcy of most countries, private central banks were installed as administrators and the global Cestui Que Vie/Foreign Situs Trust system was implemented from 1933 onwards." [End quote] The rest is current history...
Susan Liang - Jun 6
Susan Liang
Fantastic work, Dr.Mihalcea.
I'm currently reading David Livingstone, "Transhumanism -- The History of A Dangerous Idea", on the occult or satanic roots of "transhumanism," a fancy word for pseudo scientific assumptions about human nature. At least one root of transhumanism reaches Friedrich Nietzche's wish to "do all things immoral" free from civilization (beyond the rule of law) -- Nietzche's criminal psychopathic mind -- to be "free" to rape, murder, torture, he claimed -- as all superior races do.
How's that for sociopaths/psychopaths?
The royal bloodline of global elites do and did the same, being rulers of empires, living by "might makes right" -- i.e. the control of the masses.
They want to cement that kind of empire on the planet through synthetic biology brain surgery -- nanobuilt brain-computer interfaces via the nanoscale self-constructing robots (that Dr.Mihalcea sees in her darkfield microscopy of mRNA shots.)
Isn't it a TAD strange they don't find psychotic, the idea and reality of female sex bots? They can't handle real humans that have human gifts and human rights. They want complete obedience. That is, complete obedience to their psychopathic acts.
Lucifer puts it this way, to them. Aren't you okay "as is"? Why listen to a God that tells you when you murder, rape and torture -- that's a sin? You broke the law? So what, you say? Why love your neighbor as yourself?
If the world won't say you're okay doing psychopathic things, then you are going to transform "them"?
"Transhumanism" is a "Sci fi" term for "never saying you're sorry" for destroying others.
They, or at least their leaders and funders, think they're perfect. Beyond the laws. And perfectly entitled to turn other humans into hybrid human cyborgs.
And their leaders actually believe the occult idea that if transhuman leaders can meld all human minds into "One", there will be "evolution" away from humanity called the Singularity. The Nietzchean, Nazi Super Human. Living (at least the leaders) forever. Hybrid human-machines.
Hmm. How is that going to happen if transhumanists are "beyond" moral standards embodied in criminal statutes?
Does the world really want to be ruled by psychopaths blind to what crimes are? Beyond all morality?
An occult delusion. And immoral.
And destructive of humane relations based on free choice.
As opposed to the Singularity or "Hive Mind" Dystopian vision of Transhumanist Globalists -- being implemented via mRNA genome replacement nano surgery and nanoscale brain surgery on the peoples of the earth.
"Anyone" even ask if nanoscale "brain surgery" is okay -- creating a computer (theirs)-brain (yours) "interface" -- to order "you" (the universal "You") around?
No they didn't.
They want a world empire, which requires a manageable "reduction" to 1 billion people on the planet and the rest as techno slaves (computer-brain "interface" = receiver for "their commands").
Very "sci-fi."
Very "Slave Planet" coming to a neighborhood near you.
Pirate Studebaker - Jun 6
Pirate Eyes
We are in the midst of an undeclared Civil War. Treason has been committed by our government and military under the law of Posse Comitatus that forbids the US Military enforcing or perpetrating anything against us, the citizens of The United States. Including releasing a bioweapon in the form of a medical procedure.
This is why they are desperate for us to begin fighting among ourselves. To cover their crimes.
Do not take the bait. Stay Frosty. Thank you, Dr. Ana.
E.C. - Jun 6
This all blows my mindπ€―. Thank you Dr. Ana Mihalcea.
BlazeCloude3 - Jun 6
You've presented overwhelming evidence.
Reached this decision as fact long ago, Dr. Ana. There is little to no doubt and all providing information to also know you're work is on target. Not certain about some small pieces; but overall is persuasive. You've hit all the major disciplines associated with this diverse and all-encompassing threat. Thank-you.
Red Hawk - Jun 6
Excellent Dr Ana, you are a light exposing the dark death cult, that is trying to destroy all life on earth. They will not win.
Thank you for all the work you do π
Lyn Clark - Jun 6
Bee Gee
Look up Dr Ariyana Love she has info on EDTA. Beware !!!
Bee Gee - Jun 6
Bee Gee
Yet she is slinging MasterPeace and believes what Robert Young says. Pass.
Cos - Jun 6
It's very interesting watching the games play out.
ConnectDots - Jun 6
This article reminds me of the painstaking investigation done by paralegal Katherine Watt, which provided me with my first understanding that it is our own government, over decades, that has put into place unconstitutional provisions that have weaponized the military and the entire Federal government against us.
More and more I'm seeing that people simply doing their jobs are caught up in this. It must be very painful and scary if one is starting to become aware that the way he or she is making a living is nefarious.
Terry Adams - Jun 6 - Edited
Terry’s Newsletter
For eight and a half years I BEGGED my listening audience to read this year 2000 official USAF presentation because I recognized that this was EXACTLY what was happening. All the insects I looked at under the microscope had been "co-opted" just as the document said they would be. Smart dust motes and nanobots PRE-PROGRAMMED FOR BIOLOGICAL MISSIONS(!!). As a sufferer of what has been erroneously called "morgellons disease" I realized what was happening. No one listened to me.. I had my youtube channels (4 in total) deleted with no reason given..(over 1600 videos gone). Maybe, just maybe they will listen to you....
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 6 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Terry: I began attempts at educating the public regarding electromagnetic warfare decades ago. Of course I was considered a conspiracy theorist or worse. The civilian public continues to avoid all rational discussion regarding dismantling of the electromagnetic grid, as they'd rather become diseased and die of the effects.
Telecom's Weaponized 5G Caught in the Act While we Sleep >>> REINETTE SENUM >>> April 29, 2024 >>>https://reinettesenumsfoghornexpress.substack.com/p/telecoms-weaponized-5g-caught-in
Morgellon disease was/is biological warfare on steroids. Ask me how I know... Insect populations have declined by over 80% in the last 20 years. Ah well. We didn't need all that life enhancing stuff anyway...
Terry Adams - Jun 7 - Edited
Terry’s Newsletter
I was following the class action lawsuit filed against the cable providers for installing 5G antenna instead of the fiber optic cable that had been promised.. But that seems to have been swept under the proverbial rug (imagine that). I have read that the 5G weapons system is what will saturate humanity while the nano graphene inside scales it's output up to tetrahertz in order to power the self-replicating nanobots... As far as the insects dying off, I have witnessed this first hand. I have imaged thousands of dead and dying insects that had fibers growing out of their eyes.. "Morgellons" is indeed biological warfare - I am so sick and tired of fighting this insidious infestation that I am about ready to just give up and not care about anything anymore...
Spiralys - Jun 10 - Edited
Terry, have you come across Terral Croft? He has a protocol that may help you (e.g.,https://terral.substack.com/p/nano-silver-sodium-borate-regimen,https://terral.substack.com/p/terral-writes-to-targetedjusticecom)
Jeff C Smith - Jun 6
Jeff C Smith
The history of mankind wiped out!
Surreal and more, I feel like I'm in the twilight zone!!!
Doug - Jun 6
Doug’s Substack
DUH ya think? not being a smart ass neither just saying YEAH!
Google the head Google Fuck wants to upload his intellect into a computer or the other way around which they're in for a sad awakening it can't be done. We have souls Unless you sell it to Lucifer we have souls. OR are a Sociopath we have souls. Sorry even as much I loved Avatar and love the second movie Ain't happening.
You ain't pushing mine out or to the side sorry. OR kind of like the Host by vampire author Stephanie Meyers who also wrote Host which is also a movie ain't happening.
I pray daily the blood of Christ over me and read and pray detox and other thins so yeah ain't happening. Others maybe who don't care, or believe they do but I do so ain't happening.
E.C. - Jun 6
Precious blood of Jesus Christ save us and the whole worldπ―οΈ
Kathleen Pimentel - Jun 6
Kathleen Pimentel
Psalms 37:1-40 Amen
Believe πππ
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Jun 6
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
"ET"s are DEMONS...EVERYTHING is spiritually based
Phyllis B - Jun 6
Phyllis B
Nick - Jun 6
Agree too
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Jun 6
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
Kyle Young - Jun 6
the secular heretic
Watched your interview about this with Joseph Sanson. It reminded me that I came across that NASA document a few years ago. Filed it away and forgot about it. Thanks for making the connections.
Thaddeus Robinson - Jun 6
Thaddeus Robinson
Of course the military is @ war with we the people. Silent weapons for quiet wars is a FM describing the intentions to destroy America
Then there's the WAR COLLEGE Strategic studies Institute with another plan
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