A doctor friend of mine has created a device that actually turns off the nano devices. She has been trying to talk to you for a year. But she isn’t able to get ahold of you. Please reach out if you’re interested in collaborating to see what she is now selling. It works better than all the detoxes. And she has proof. Thanks!
Okay, Dr Kate is her name and here is her website,www.theshiftdevice.com. This is the real thing! It will change the ionic charge of graphene oxide from positive to negative inside your body, thereby making it possible to detox it. Normally, without this device, even detoxification substances will not work to remove GO. It is tar like and sticks to the inside of your blood vessels and organis, etc.
For some reason, I can feel the nano self assemembling inside my gut if I don’t use it enough. You see, our water has the nano and we are exposed to GO somehow, too.
I’ve been using The Shift for about 9 months.
I sleep better, have less back pain, and for some reason I can see into other dimensions a bit more now. I’ve had some amazing spiritual changes. I think it is increasing my ability to expand my consciousness a lot
Thank you so much for this information.
Can you share how you're using it? IE: are you using it once a day, and for how long, etc? Are you actually consulting with Dr. Kate? What are you doing to remove graphene oxide?
All good questions.
I used the device about 15 times a day. Each use is one round of six zaps. I wait about 10-15 seconds in between each zap and the zaps (holding down the button that makes the zapping sound), gets held for a fast count to five, which is about 3-4 seconds. Her site has a video.
Everyone is different. I feel best if I do this protocol.
I am detoxifying several ways:
- Methylene Blue (2-3 vials fully daily)
- Glutathione (2x day)
- CellCore detoxification system
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D3 with K2 every day (about 15,000 IUs)
- Zinc (and full spectrum mineral blend)
- Hyrogen water (Echo water)
These sorts of things always seem gimmicky to me and I tend towards skepticism. Is there any kind of evidence, proof, labs etc that validate what she is selling?
I had posted a long comment that is probably too personal to share with all of you. But I’ve deleted it because I shouldn’t give too much information about myself in an open forum like this.
Let’s just say I’ve seen my blood before and after using it and there was a very quick detoxification process initiated by it within minutes of using it.
I suggest you all go read the resources page on her site. Those who are ready to take the leap and trust this device will not be sorry. Be sure to use it daily, A LOT. I use it 15 rounds of six zaps daily. That is more than the site recommends. Find out what works best for you.
Again, I’m not currently making any money off of the sale of these devices. I have a full-time job that pays well and I want people to trust that what I’m saying is truthful. Others have saved my life and so I support this product because I want to help humanity.
Dr Kate was driving all day yesterday, but I know she tried to respond to you. It didn’t post and she just didn’t have time while traveling to figure out why.
Let me see if she has time to respond today. If she cannot make it post, perhaps she will give me the message and I can deliver it here for her. Gotta love technology!
I don't know if you can put links I here but here we go :https://store.zapperguy.net/store/mini-zapper/
I don't fully know how to explain this product but I was told it could potentionally deactivate biosensors
Hi there. This is Dr Kate Keville developer of The Shift Device. The Shift Device disables nano by emitting over 150,000 volt electromagnetic field. We are between 40 and 45 mili Tesla units.
In order to disable it must be over 150,000 volts. I use a Tesla coil to convert voltage to electromagnetic. It is safe, hand held and easy.
I have not seen anything as powerful or hand held. I designed it so every person and family can use daily as our exposure is daily. Thank you so much for your interest.
Much love, Dr Kate
It is an energy device, but not like Hilda Clark’s zapping really. Some overlap in ideas though—like the idea of resonance. But this rebuilds our electromagnetic field, sometimes called our aura, which helps fortify our bodies and anchors our consciousness.
Thank you for this information, Amanda and Dr Kate. I just checked out Dr Kate's website and history...sounds trustworthy to me! Is it like a Rife frequency generator? Over 20 years ago a psychic said we were "evolving into silicone based humans"...as a scientist I thought she was crazy, but now I think she was seeing exactly what is happening....
No she was not crazy,tesla also thought quartz crystals were living entities and our earth has a crystal core,just type it in the search bar,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Silicate_Matrix
Another reason to get outside this winter - and beat the winter blues by avoiding blue light toxicity with getting infrared light, which restores our water's EZ/ charge/ detox potential.
Once again excellent research and information! Please check out Targeted Justice Vs Garland. I believe this type of information in your article goes hand in hand with covert surveillance on humanity, Artificial Telepathy, and other forms of high tech surveillance that is being used on American citizens and people across the globe. Targeted Justice is currently writing letters to all nine Supreme Court Justices so our voice can be heard. Thanks again great work!
What is the point of writing to the 9 Supreme court justices when we know most Supreme Court judges are as corrupt as all hell, having mostly been appointed by a DEMONCRAP administration???
I completely understand your frustration. I feel the same way. But I have to look at what sacrifices were made for our country for our rights we have now. Our Founding Fathers who fought together and with one another, the brave men and women who have given their life, limbs, and faced horrific things in countries some of us never heard of, and our children's future. Writing letters and signing petitions is a small thing in comparison. If WE THE PEOPLE let them know we are aware of what is happening and the powers that be do nothing, are complicent, or just do t believe us then they are making a conscious decision of denile and when it all comes out they will have to account for their in action.
Its Dr Ana who did the ground breaking work here. For targeted individuals. Who r tortured. DISGUSTING. and now 4 everyone as it applies to everyone now. Not interested in discussing large sites.
Susie, both parties are corrupted. John Roberts folded like a cheap lawn chair on Obamacare. It's how DC works. Get them compromised and they'll do as they're told.
Dr. Ana keeps adding to the knowledge base of this entire transhuman thing, and if only we had known of Dr. Staninger's earlier work! Still everything Dr And and her colleagues are doing will hopefullly help us deflect and defeat the dark forces.
In earlier posts, Dr. Ana and others have shown that during earthing, the polymers start to de-polymerize, so if nothing else, people might try earthing every day, plus buying or making a sleeping pad for approximately 8 hours of detoxing. It just gets darker and darker....
Yes and I still don't have grounding shoes but have done some research.The Bahe trail shoes are waterproof and you still ground wearing regular socks.The harmony company sells wool grounding socksthough.Howimportant is grounding?https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Grounding_Mechanism
Amazing work Dr. M.! It is disconcerting as expected and quite sure that the evil that is, would rather enjoy our dismay. But never fear. We have you on the good side of all this. My sincerest gratitude for all you do in our favor. Thank you!
Last week we had 3 friends, all vaxxed, stay with us for a week.
It's now been 6 days since they left and my wife and I have experienced no symptoms at all.
I was very apprehensive about this visit but so far, so good.
However, they're from Oregon and Montana and according to this article the CDC knowingly sent the least toxic mixes to the red states. How diplomatic of those medical terrorists.
Were they recently jabbed, or did they only get one or two of the originals?
My story is different. I had a good multi-jabbed friend stay with me for about 4 days and lost my taste about 2 days in, and also get the tell-tale "jumble gut". That's my high sign to get the nicotine patch going. It took about 2 days, but taste and gut were back to normal!
I wasn't about to ask and it never came up. Not worth discussing things like that with liberals! It may have been quite some time since their last shot but I have no way of knowing.
Some things are better left unsaid.
I'm relieved they're gone and that we have no side effects. So far.
Im a fellow morgie...with loud af tinitus...but when i shine a green lazer into the environment...90% of the ringing subsides....also IV Green lazer gets it out...SO EVERYONE GET A GOOD GREEN LAZER AND DEDICATE ITS SHINE OUTSIDE...BC THE FUNGUL NANO BOT IS OUTSIDE.
Very interesting. This is why I think those with Morgellons actually have an altered biofield which activates/interacts with their environment so that fibers move. This is why those without it have a hard time seeing these moving fibers. As someone who doesn’t have Morgellons I’ve looked a lot for these moving fibers and only saw them once in a cheeseclothe from China… it was astonishing and gross to see in person. I know there’s way more to Morgellons and all this but just a random insight I wanted to share connected to you shining a laser into your environment making a difference internally .
I read the article and lots of questions arise .
1) how come non vexed people get these nanobots ?
2) how do these nanobots work/operate ?
3) are any experiments done to see how nanobots communicate ?
4) can they be controlled ? If yes how ?
5) beside DMSO how can you neutralise them ?
6) I read somewhere that 5G is perfect for communication for these nanobots !! Is it true ?
7) do these nanobots give out MAC address ? If yes can these MAC address be tracked to source ?
I hope someone with knowledge and information answer these questions 🙏🙏
The vaxxed/infected breathe out something that the unvaxxed breathe in. No one really knows the answers to the rest of your questions, people just have opinions... but I dont think DMSO neutralizes them, from what I have seen people who take DMSO still have the shedding in their blood.
I first saw about the ropeworms in the Steve Kirsch substacks from the embalmers. I don't know which is worse, to kill off Womanity or to enslave those of use who aren't killed off, one thing for sure is the alien sic takeover of Womanity can not be leading to anything good, but how we gonna stop or slow something most will not at all contemplate let alone acknowledge. Of course all those zombie movies told us this exactly....they always let us know what they will do to destroy us once they proceed, which has clearly been accelerated of late
Actually its not LOOKS LIKE- it is what it is
The Vaccines graphene oxide passes the blood brain barrier
sets up and replaces the brains neural network
it then uploads you to the METAVERSE- a digital replication of you
total enslavement
later to be put in a synthetic sleeve
a slave robot with a human brain that will obey AI orders and directives given by AI
no more rebellion of humanity- PURE COMPLIANCE
So people dont want to spend $40 to reverse the selfreplication in your blood, despite the Mountain of evidence that Dr Ana has provided.
But a ton of people Are interested in spending $600 for an unproven electromagnetic machine, despite the fact that Dr Ana and many others have shown over and over and Over again that electric current or EMF causes it to Grow Faster.
Do they got any Blood Pics showing it works? Any Videos? Anything showing it doesnt hurt you more than it helps?
Anything More than what seems to be a plant comment to sell a $600 'device'?
And who 'thinks' humans need to Increase the Magnetic Field Anyway?
All the humans who discovered they were magnetic post-2021 due to whatever the vaxxed are shedding sure the hell dont think they need to 'increase' it.
Its sad how many people are willing to jump on any scam that promises a cure despite not only a total lack of any evidence whatsoever but Lots of Evidence showing similar devices are actually Bad for you and help the nanotech Grow.
Like Masterfleece. Except this one costs $600.
SMH. If you arent willing to spend $40 and make the friggin effort to take some friggin pills Correctly, then no one can help you. You actually need to make some effort to save you own life, doing nothing in fact does nothing.
And as we see from masterfleece, you cannot trust some stupid powerpoint or infographic that Says it helps... because strangely enough, scammers trying to sell you fake shit are not honest. Duh.
Buyer Beware, I think based on everything I have seen that that is going to make you blood much much worse, unlike the EDTA and Vitamin C you Could have taken.
Good luck with that $600 EMF generator helping your blood, though... I should start a company selling fake cures and fantastical devices, its obvious that some people will believe anything, based on...
a comment.
And so many wasted keystrokes to end up right back where we started... smh.
Amanda Bick - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
A doctor friend of mine has created a device that actually turns off the nano devices. She has been trying to talk to you for a year. But she isn’t able to get ahold of you. Please reach out if you’re interested in collaborating to see what she is now selling. It works better than all the detoxes. And she has proof. Thanks!
NB - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
How does one contact your doctor?
Amanda Bick - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
I have asked her what h way she prefers and will let you know once I hear back. She is speaking at an event today.
Amanda Bick - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
Okay, Dr Kate is her name and here is her website,www.theshiftdevice.com. This is the real thing! It will change the ionic charge of graphene oxide from positive to negative inside your body, thereby making it possible to detox it. Normally, without this device, even detoxification substances will not work to remove GO. It is tar like and sticks to the inside of your blood vessels and organis, etc.
For some reason, I can feel the nano self assemembling inside my gut if I don’t use it enough. You see, our water has the nano and we are exposed to GO somehow, too.
I’ve been using The Shift for about 9 months.
I sleep better, have less back pain, and for some reason I can see into other dimensions a bit more now. I’ve had some amazing spiritual changes. I think it is increasing my ability to expand my consciousness a lot
AncientHeart369 - Nov 25
AncientHeart369’s Substack
Thank you so much for this information.
Can you share how you're using it? IE: are you using it once a day, and for how long, etc? Are you actually consulting with Dr. Kate? What are you doing to remove graphene oxide?
Amanda Bick - Nov 25
Amanda Bick
All good questions.
I used the device about 15 times a day. Each use is one round of six zaps. I wait about 10-15 seconds in between each zap and the zaps (holding down the button that makes the zapping sound), gets held for a fast count to five, which is about 3-4 seconds. Her site has a video.
Everyone is different. I feel best if I do this protocol.
I am detoxifying several ways:
- Methylene Blue (2-3 vials fully daily)
- Glutathione (2x day)
- CellCore detoxification system
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D3 with K2 every day (about 15,000 IUs)
- Zinc (and full spectrum mineral blend)
- Hyrogen water (Echo water)
Reply (1) - Nov 23 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
Comment removed.
Piotr Bein - Nov 24
Piotr’s Substack
spammer go away!
anna burns - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
I'm interested as well to contact you doctor friend. Please do share when you have that information.
Amanda Bick - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
anna burns - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
These sorts of things always seem gimmicky to me and I tend towards skepticism. Is there any kind of evidence, proof, labs etc that validate what she is selling?
Amanda Bick - Nov 24 - Edited
Amanda Bick
I had posted a long comment that is probably too personal to share with all of you. But I’ve deleted it because I shouldn’t give too much information about myself in an open forum like this.
Let’s just say I’ve seen my blood before and after using it and there was a very quick detoxification process initiated by it within minutes of using it.
I suggest you all go read the resources page on her site. Those who are ready to take the leap and trust this device will not be sorry. Be sure to use it daily, A LOT. I use it 15 rounds of six zaps daily. That is more than the site recommends. Find out what works best for you.
Again, I’m not currently making any money off of the sale of these devices. I have a full-time job that pays well and I want people to trust that what I’m saying is truthful. Others have saved my life and so I support this product because I want to help humanity.
AncientHeart369 - Nov 25
AncientHeart369’s Substack
Hello! I just sent you a DM here.
Amanda Bick - Nov 25
Amanda Bick
Dr Kate was driving all day yesterday, but I know she tried to respond to you. It didn’t post and she just didn’t have time while traveling to figure out why.
Let me see if she has time to respond today. If she cannot make it post, perhaps she will give me the message and I can deliver it here for her. Gotta love technology!
Randal - Nov 25
Please do not spend $600 on that hunk of garbage. It is obviously a scam.
Amanda Bick - Nov 25
Amanda Bick
You could not be more wrong.
JulesUSA - Nov 29
It eliminates the things out of the blood?
Dr Faiez Kirsten - Nov 23
Dr Faiez Kirsten's HWP Report
Thanks for the info Amanda. Is the device available in the marketplace?
Amanda Bick - Nov 23
Amanda Bick
Yes, here’s the link,https://theshiftdevice.com/
Dr Faiez Kirsten - Nov 23
Dr Faiez Kirsten's HWP Report
Many thanks Amanda. Appreciated.
Drew Carmack - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
I'm interested in that device too. Let me know how to acquire. The pedo pope convinced my relatives to boost.
Amanda Bick - Nov 25
Amanda Bick
Amanda Bick - Nov 23
Amanda Bick
https://theshiftdevice.com/. Highly recommend this!
Amanda Bick - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
Piotrz - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
Is it similar to zapping?
Amanda Bick - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
When you say zapping, I’m not sure what you mean. Can you please explain?
Piotrz - Nov 23 - Edited
Dr Kate Keville
I don't know if you can put links I here but here we go :https://store.zapperguy.net/store/mini-zapper/
I don't fully know how to explain this product but I was told it could potentionally deactivate biosensors
Dr Kate Keville - Nov 23
Dr Kate Keville
Hi there. This is Dr Kate Keville developer of The Shift Device. The Shift Device disables nano by emitting over 150,000 volt electromagnetic field. We are between 40 and 45 mili Tesla units.
In order to disable it must be over 150,000 volts. I use a Tesla coil to convert voltage to electromagnetic. It is safe, hand held and easy.
I have not seen anything as powerful or hand held. I designed it so every person and family can use daily as our exposure is daily. Thank you so much for your interest.
Much love, Dr Kate
Rod - Dec 5
Rod’s Substack
Why not mail your device to Dr. Ana's office? I'm sure everyone here would love for her to test it and publish the results.
Juan Campo - Nov 24
$575? LMAO Much love to you "Dr" Kate - you obv care about humanity
JulesUSA - Nov 29
That mini zapper is designed for parasites, not the electromagnetic field.
Amanda Bick - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
You can get The Shift here if you are interested,https://theshiftdevice.com/
Amanda Bick - Nov 23 - Edited
Amanda Bick
It is an energy device, but not like Hilda Clark’s zapping really. Some overlap in ideas though—like the idea of resonance. But this rebuilds our electromagnetic field, sometimes called our aura, which helps fortify our bodies and anchors our consciousness.
Sandy K - Nov 24 - Edited
Sandy K
Thank you for this information, Amanda and Dr Kate. I just checked out Dr Kate's website and history...sounds trustworthy to me! Is it like a Rife frequency generator? Over 20 years ago a psychic said we were "evolving into silicone based humans"...as a scientist I thought she was crazy, but now I think she was seeing exactly what is happening....
John Vargo - Nov 26
John Vargo
No she was not crazy,tesla also thought quartz crystals were living entities and our earth has a crystal core,just type it in the search bar,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Silicate_Matrix
Amanda Bick - Nov 24
Amanda Bick
Not so much frequency as it is energetic. But Dr. Kate can explain that part better than I can.
Roman S Shapoval - Nov 23
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Another reason to get outside this winter - and beat the winter blues by avoiding blue light toxicity with getting infrared light, which restores our water's EZ/ charge/ detox potential.
Jason Hidenrite - Nov 23
Jason Hidenrite
Once again excellent research and information! Please check out Targeted Justice Vs Garland. I believe this type of information in your article goes hand in hand with covert surveillance on humanity, Artificial Telepathy, and other forms of high tech surveillance that is being used on American citizens and people across the globe. Targeted Justice is currently writing letters to all nine Supreme Court Justices so our voice can be heard. Thanks again great work!
Susiejoy Barry - Nov 23
Susiejoy Barry
What is the point of writing to the 9 Supreme court justices when we know most Supreme Court judges are as corrupt as all hell, having mostly been appointed by a DEMONCRAP administration???
Jason Hidenrite - Nov 23
Jason Hidenrite
I completely understand your frustration. I feel the same way. But I have to look at what sacrifices were made for our country for our rights we have now. Our Founding Fathers who fought together and with one another, the brave men and women who have given their life, limbs, and faced horrific things in countries some of us never heard of, and our children's future. Writing letters and signing petitions is a small thing in comparison. If WE THE PEOPLE let them know we are aware of what is happening and the powers that be do nothing, are complicent, or just do t believe us then they are making a conscious decision of denile and when it all comes out they will have to account for their in action.
kaal - Nov 23
Its Dr Ana who did the ground breaking work here. For targeted individuals. Who r tortured. DISGUSTING. and now 4 everyone as it applies to everyone now. Not interested in discussing large sites.
crapshoot farmer - Nov 23
crapshoot farmer
Susie, both parties are corrupted. John Roberts folded like a cheap lawn chair on Obamacare. It's how DC works. Get them compromised and they'll do as they're told.
Linda Tanner - Nov 23
Linda Tanner
Dr. Ana keeps adding to the knowledge base of this entire transhuman thing, and if only we had known of Dr. Staninger's earlier work! Still everything Dr And and her colleagues are doing will hopefullly help us deflect and defeat the dark forces.
In earlier posts, Dr. Ana and others have shown that during earthing, the polymers start to de-polymerize, so if nothing else, people might try earthing every day, plus buying or making a sleeping pad for approximately 8 hours of detoxing. It just gets darker and darker....
John Vargo - Nov 27
John Vargo
Yes and I still don't have grounding shoes but have done some research.The Bahe trail shoes are waterproof and you still ground wearing regular socks.The harmony company sells wool grounding socksthough.Howimportant is grounding?https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Grounding_Mechanism
Luc Lelievre - Nov 23
Luc Lelievre
Really unsettling!
Sunny B - Nov 23
Sunny B
Absolute criminal goings-on ...
the analysis is worthy of wider broadcast especially MSM...
Susiejoy Barry - Nov 23
Susiejoy Barry
MSM does not publish the truth!!!
Sunny B - Nov 23
Sunny B
You could have fooled me 🤣
Susiejoy Barry - Nov 23
Susiejoy Barry
There is hope that under Republicans maybe MSM will begin to report the truth again??? But I wouldn’t hold my breath!
Sunny B - Nov 23
Sunny B
MSM too far in the deep pockets🤑 and done reporting in the interest of public.
But there is always hope ...RFK Jnr. 👍
Adriana J. Garces - Nov 23
Adriana J. Garces
Amazing work Dr. M.! It is disconcerting as expected and quite sure that the evil that is, would rather enjoy our dismay. But never fear. We have you on the good side of all this. My sincerest gratitude for all you do in our favor. Thank you!
crapshoot farmer - Nov 23
crapshoot farmer
Last week we had 3 friends, all vaxxed, stay with us for a week.
It's now been 6 days since they left and my wife and I have experienced no symptoms at all.
I was very apprehensive about this visit but so far, so good.
However, they're from Oregon and Montana and according to this article the CDC knowingly sent the least toxic mixes to the red states. How diplomatic of those medical terrorists.
AncientHeart369 - Nov 25
AncientHeart369’s Substack
Were they recently jabbed, or did they only get one or two of the originals?
My story is different. I had a good multi-jabbed friend stay with me for about 4 days and lost my taste about 2 days in, and also get the tell-tale "jumble gut". That's my high sign to get the nicotine patch going. It took about 2 days, but taste and gut were back to normal!
crapshoot farmer - Nov 25
crapshoot farmer
I wasn't about to ask and it never came up. Not worth discussing things like that with liberals! It may have been quite some time since their last shot but I have no way of knowing.
Some things are better left unsaid.
I'm relieved they're gone and that we have no side effects. So far.
Adrian - Nov 23
Im a fellow morgie...with loud af tinitus...but when i shine a green lazer into the environment...90% of the ringing subsides....also IV Green lazer gets it out...SO EVERYONE GET A GOOD GREEN LAZER AND DEDICATE ITS SHINE OUTSIDE...BC THE FUNGUL NANO BOT IS OUTSIDE.
Natalia Killjoy - Nov 24
Very interesting. This is why I think those with Morgellons actually have an altered biofield which activates/interacts with their environment so that fibers move. This is why those without it have a hard time seeing these moving fibers. As someone who doesn’t have Morgellons I’ve looked a lot for these moving fibers and only saw them once in a cheeseclothe from China… it was astonishing and gross to see in person. I know there’s way more to Morgellons and all this but just a random insight I wanted to share connected to you shining a laser into your environment making a difference internally .
s r - Nov 23
s’s Substack
Check into methalene blue for your mitochondria function
Ash 1952 - Nov 23
Ash 1952
I read the article and lots of questions arise .
1) how come non vexed people get these nanobots ?
2) how do these nanobots work/operate ?
3) are any experiments done to see how nanobots communicate ?
4) can they be controlled ? If yes how ?
5) beside DMSO how can you neutralise them ?
6) I read somewhere that 5G is perfect for communication for these nanobots !! Is it true ?
7) do these nanobots give out MAC address ? If yes can these MAC address be tracked to source ?
I hope someone with knowledge and information answer these questions 🙏🙏
crapshoot farmer - Nov 23
crapshoot farmer
read Dr. Ana's previous posts. Go back a couple of months and you can catch up on many of your questions.
Bee Gee - Nov 23
Bee Gee
The vaxxed/infected breathe out something that the unvaxxed breathe in. No one really knows the answers to the rest of your questions, people just have opinions... but I dont think DMSO neutralizes them, from what I have seen people who take DMSO still have the shedding in their blood.
Malcolm B - Nov 24
Malcolm B
7. Yes. No.
Grasshopper Kaplan - Nov 23
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
I first saw about the ropeworms in the Steve Kirsch substacks from the embalmers. I don't know which is worse, to kill off Womanity or to enslave those of use who aren't killed off, one thing for sure is the alien sic takeover of Womanity can not be leading to anything good, but how we gonna stop or slow something most will not at all contemplate let alone acknowledge. Of course all those zombie movies told us this exactly....they always let us know what they will do to destroy us once they proceed, which has clearly been accelerated of late
Diana - Nov 27
Actually its not LOOKS LIKE- it is what it is
The Vaccines graphene oxide passes the blood brain barrier
sets up and replaces the brains neural network
it then uploads you to the METAVERSE- a digital replication of you
total enslavement
later to be put in a synthetic sleeve
a slave robot with a human brain that will obey AI orders and directives given by AI
no more rebellion of humanity- PURE COMPLIANCE
Bee Gee - Nov 24
Bee Gee
So people dont want to spend $40 to reverse the selfreplication in your blood, despite the Mountain of evidence that Dr Ana has provided.
But a ton of people Are interested in spending $600 for an unproven electromagnetic machine, despite the fact that Dr Ana and many others have shown over and over and Over again that electric current or EMF causes it to Grow Faster.
Do they got any Blood Pics showing it works? Any Videos? Anything showing it doesnt hurt you more than it helps?
Anything More than what seems to be a plant comment to sell a $600 'device'?
And who 'thinks' humans need to Increase the Magnetic Field Anyway?
All the humans who discovered they were magnetic post-2021 due to whatever the vaxxed are shedding sure the hell dont think they need to 'increase' it.
Its sad how many people are willing to jump on any scam that promises a cure despite not only a total lack of any evidence whatsoever but Lots of Evidence showing similar devices are actually Bad for you and help the nanotech Grow.
Like Masterfleece. Except this one costs $600.
SMH. If you arent willing to spend $40 and make the friggin effort to take some friggin pills Correctly, then no one can help you. You actually need to make some effort to save you own life, doing nothing in fact does nothing.
And as we see from masterfleece, you cannot trust some stupid powerpoint or infographic that Says it helps... because strangely enough, scammers trying to sell you fake shit are not honest. Duh.
Buyer Beware, I think based on everything I have seen that that is going to make you blood much much worse, unlike the EDTA and Vitamin C you Could have taken.
Good luck with that $600 EMF generator helping your blood, though... I should start a company selling fake cures and fantastical devices, its obvious that some people will believe anything, based on...
a comment.
And so many wasted keystrokes to end up right back where we started... smh.
Juan Campo - Nov 24
So glad that scientists are collaborating between blood and skin. That's a big thing in my mind. We are all targeted. And experimented on.
NB - Nov 24
Nanobot Ted Talks
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anaunited anacom