Nanotechnology, Targeted Individuals, Global…

Feb 2

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Demory Green - Feb 2 - Edited

Andrejka’s Substack

Transhumanism goes back to Genesis 6:4 “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.”
They are making the final effort, this time by technology.
But spoiler alert … God won. Chose the right side!


AJPreston - Feb 2 - Edited

Andrejka’s Substack

Who wrote Genesis? Aw wait on, wasn't it them who are doing this to us?
From the minute they got here, they used religion to control humans.
There is no magic as they well know.


Andrejka - Feb 2

Andrejka’s Substack

yes, you bring up an important point, there is a difference between religion and a relationship with Almighty God through Lord Jesus Christ. Many who call themselves religious or christian are in a brick and mortar store for respectability/status, or a social club or a clique or some cult... God wants a relationship with each person, not to perform for other humans.
However we must avoid throwing the baby out with the bathwater saying a prime creator fails to exist.
We need to ask, what is the meaning of life? Why am I here?
God wanted me here because he created me.
What does God want then? God wants a relationship with me.
How do I have a good relationship with God?
Seek out the best information out there using what you see in front of you as a guide.
What do we observe is going on in the World and our Nation? Perhaps one could say a biblical level of evil... Perhaps for you or many being abandoned for dead... Hundreds of thousands of babies and children being tortured, r@ped, killed, and literally consumed by satanists; genocidal cult takeover. killing patients by the thousands...?
Who is the enemy and defeater of satan?
You know the answer though so many many run from it because of social engineering how inadequate that Jesus is ... and also satanic people pretending to be Christian deceptively ruining the truth, gift and freedom and consolation God extends to us all.
Lastly, I recommend the King James version of the Bible, and to read the books of Romans to Philemon, perhaps about 60 pages which applies to the time period we are in.
There are many channels online that explain the scripture and among other wonders, that other people had similar experiences, worse ones and yet when you understand and accept the gift of Lord Jesus Christ, everything will change in a good way and for all eternity.
"the gospel By which also ye are saved, [believe that] Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; [Jesus] Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins ..., through the forbearance of God; Romans Chapter 3:25, King James Bible


rrodynmac - Feb 5


Well said Andrejka!


rrodynmac - Feb 5 - Edited


There’s a lot of supernatural stuff in both parts of The Bible, and much like back then could be happening now.
We’ve just got to discern what’s fake. (This is an extremely simple take, I don’t want to get into full on debates, because truth is I don’t know enough. But I have faith on my side.)
The offspring of fallen angels (satan is one) and daughters of men were “bound” in the ground by God, i.e. living underground. (Nephilim) Theory says they may be emerging. They apparently were not all killed by “Noah’s Flood”.
And for those who doubt the giants existed, a much watered down version of these giants is Goliath, and he was defeated by David, a boy who became a mighty king. His son was King Solomon, who started out extremely well, but turned heathen-against God.
And Jesus is from “the line” of David.
Do you want to know who claim to also be from the line of David? The stinkin’ rotten’ British paedophilic “royal family”. An antiChrist in there somewhere?


Susannah - Feb 5

"By their fruits, you shall know them" Matthew 7:16


Dz - Feb 5

Dz’s Substack

Yes you bring up some excellent points. People in the awake circles arent aware if the depth of the subject of how it all originated -- and most importantly what is currently happening is a repeat of what has been done. I have studied this for a few years and still find it fascinating.
Transhumanism and human augmentation is literally addressed by Jewish pre-BC literature historical narrative the Jews shared with the surrounding Mesopotamian architecture of origins/structure --- but with a key difference: Both sides agree on the overall data, yet the conclusions and inferences are poles apart.
Example: Enoch 1 speaks of 7 fallen angels who give occult knowledge/technology/weaponry/writing/astrology/beautification etc, thus causing mankind to further devolve.
The Sumerian narrative has 7 god like creatures who come known as APKALLU who are benevolent but can be malevolent at times. They also bestow knowledge/technology and choose a priestly class to serve a pyramidical top down stratified society. They moved people off the land and into cities and had tight control of the food supply and the masses were ruled through a chosen family by the gods. The Sumerian king list names them.
How much has changed now......
And thats just the 7. Im not mentioning the Torah narratives / Enuma Elish/ Adapa/ Utnapishtim/ Sargon/ foundational Uruk and Ubadian discoveries
Both civilizations agree upon it being antidilluvian.
Both civilizations agree upon 7 god like beings.
Both civilzations agree that these beings bestow high level information.
Both civilizations agree on a punishment/waiting period for these beings.
The end conclusion from the Jewish perspective is Enoch 1 Vs Mesopotamian narratives which indicate a different opinion. This is the key takeaway: The Jews saw the Apkallu as Fallen Angels and were BAD for humanity because they wanted their own progeny to worship, and took exisiting human depravity after the garden and put it on steroids. The Mesopotamians saw it differently and though the 7 were gods and were benevolent/malevolent at times and that the world was chaos and that these gods brought order -- at a cost.


Dz - Feb 3

Dz’s Substack

Genesis was not written by "them ".
It is a 2nd temple period work that has a narrative that is corroborated by the Mesopotamian historical and archeological records.
Education in ancient history and the context of how the Torah and the Bible came to can prevent verbatim disinfo that is peddled and hyped.


rrodynmac - Feb 5


In the power pyramid, there are apparently some people higher than “them who are doing this to us”.


Dz - Feb 3

Dz’s Substack

You are correct. That's just the tip of it.
We can see similarities in other 2nd Temple period work, such as Jubilees and Jasher.
Enoch 1 , although pseudepigraphical in nature, remains confirmed by Mesopotamian historical records and most importantly records true happenings from an alternate point of view:
Both sides report on majors, such as human DNA changing etc and many more such things.
The key take away point is the Jewish contrasting polemical view of the world events that took place


Demory Green - Feb 2

Magic doesn’t help (that’s what the evils use ) , only The Blood!


Marten - Feb 2

Marten’s Substack

God has nothing to do with that !!!! WE are all Gods......Period


Susannah - Feb 5

‘Will you still say, “I am a god,”
In the presence of your slayer,
Though you are a man and not God,
In the hands of those who wound you?
Ezekiel 28:9


Tom Moonclutch - Feb 2

Tom’s Substack

OH. Dr.Ana. I wanted to mention if you ever have time. This is my part 1 video.. (working on 2nd).. But ALL The Bizarre Parallels of the DENVER AIRPORT. AND COVID. OCCULT AND THE INGREDIENTS AND TRANSHUMANISM Displayed. All over the Airport. No lie. Judge for yourself... This is NOT The same stuff we have seen about odd things there....Please give some time if possible... Thank you and BEYOND THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DO....


Shona Duncan - Feb 2 - Edited

Shona’s Substack

There is a video on YouTube of Queen Elizabeth unveiling the new triple helix human DNA. I didn't apply for an upgrade.
"June 2022. Queen Elizabeth solemnly launched 3-helix DNA, demonstrating that the people of Earth will improve their qualities through the transformation of DNA from 2-helix DNA to 3-helix DNA"


Bro.Andrew - Feb 2

Shona’s Substack

Yes, stick with the YAHWEH sequence DNA give to you by GOD and your parents. Do not let the mRNA take over your original DNA. ( Look up "YAHWEH sequence DNA" you will be blown away, a good study)


Shona Duncan - Feb 2

Shona’s Substack

I believe we two strand DNA types are due to expire this year, or maybe not with Trump president. But they will think of a way to undermine him.
Deagel (minor branch of US military intelligence) 2025 Forecast. They were unpublished from Deagels website in 2020 but recovered with the Way Back Machine:
The Plot Thickens: Uncovering the CIA & Rockefeller Foundation’s Role in the 2025 Depopulation Forecast released by Deagel (11th February 2024). By The Exposé


Tom Moonclutch - Feb 2

Tom’s Substack

Dr.Ana. GOD BLESS YOU... WOW. That Title sums it up. How Fitting....


Mike Hoehn - Feb 2

Mike Hoehn

Dr mihalchea is one of the most important persons alive. Thank you so much dr !!


AJR - Feb 2


I have posted an extensive list of “all things” anti-human, for lack of a better word. This one post is quite extensive as I mentioned. One example I cut and pasted below. The reason this is so important is, the explicit intention targeted humanity. The posting is titled below;
Attorney Todd Callender, Open Secrets
Corona Committee Session 97, 25 Mar 2022
Below has been cut and pasted below as an example of what’s happening to mankind. They called this “Covid” except the intentional destruction of human life and ultimate control is the sole purpose.
Example of what you’ll find in the posted article on my Substack Homepage:
So some people, according to our experts, were literally standing on the street and through the targeting device known as their cell phone, they were able to rip the oxygen from the nitrogen, people are breathing nitrogen and not getting the oxygen they need, literally falling over dead.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!


Alexandra - Feb 2

Alexandra’s Substack

Dear Dr. Ana, Wow, one of your best interviews. Thank you so much for all you do for all of us.
Thank you for not giving up, for staying strong, for leading by example. xo


Karen Bruestl - Feb 2 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

sold my flat and building a Container house, hoping to make it work as a Faraday Cage ❤️❤️


Miss Parker - Feb 3 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

Maybe you'd DEW well to paint them blue.
DEW is attracted to moisture and burns metal, so I hope to build without metal and use alternatively reinforced masonry and very dry lumber in a free land, somewhere. IOW, no stainless steel appliances and metal fixtures, no wiring in the walls or metal conduits and metal water pipes, and even no metal screws and nails!
Of course, if you're trying to mitigate microwave danger with your Faraday cage, you're not likely to install a Smart meter which wouldn't be smart at all. All the best for avoiding 4 and 5G and other military weapons. Let us know how everything turns out. You're sure to have great security from hurricanes and zombies, as well as from EMF, which I may not have!


Karen Bruestl - Feb 2

Soo interesting - would you be willing to hold a speach if I get a few senators together in Australia????
Am successfully managing my symptoms now finally thanks to your brilliant research but had to stop working and can't afford any subscribtions 🙏🙏🙏✨️✨️


Rob - Feb 2 - Edited


Dr Ana, does complete this puzzle like no one has ever. A compelling realization.
I do believe AI in a benevolent manner could enhance human evolution.
Also, none of this information could reach anyone without a smart phone. How realistic is it to find and drive a jalopy?
Do the best you can , don’t obsess, and remember, none of us will live forever, that something will eventually do us in. In my heart of hearts this evolutionary AI process is human destiny and that we,the early recipients are all the first line of human cannon fodder like it or not


Miss Parker - Feb 2 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

"In my heart of hearts, this evolutionary AI process is human destiny and that we, the early recipients, are all the first line of human cannon fodder, like it or not."
Why do we even bother with laws against harming others, when the government, military, corporations, NGOs, oligarchs, and secret societies can individually or genocidally harm, kill, and permanently re-engineer survivors into something other than human with impunity? The end of Western Civilization and concepts of Natural Rights will be extinguished for the benefit of a satanic oligarchy.
Is AI being used now, or will be used, eventually, in a benevolent manner? We already know the answer. First, AI interfacing wouldn't harm or kill, after deceiving its victims that it's safe and effective. Second, it wouldn't shed to those not wanting to be genetically altered and turned into cyborgs. And, third, it wouldn't "augment/degrade" and physically, mentally, and spiritually control the vast majority of remaining people in ways Controllers decide, and after having severed the connection between their new human-machine slaves from Divine Source so that they become slaves to the Master demon technology.


Miss Parker - Feb 2 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

Comment removed.


Miss Parker - Feb 2 - Edited

Miss’s Substack

Likely true, although one cannot discount Deep Globe hidden rulers setting all of this in motion over millennia.
Or, are you suggesting some alien, divine, demonic, or collective consciousness force at work driving this AI synthesizing tech to take over Earth as our (un)natural destiny?
One could suppose a powerful hidden cabal wouldn't be inconsistent with some intangible imperative pushing us toward a machine hybridized existence, but I personally don't see a benign cosmos intelligence leading us there.


Miss Parker - Feb 2

Miss’s Substack

Is there a way to see this video without signing up for anything other than this site?


AJR - Feb 2


Since lockdowns or shortly thereafter, I watched a video of Yuval Hariri saying and I quote,
“It’s not about the God in the clouds anymore, it’s about the Microsoft Cloud and the Google Cloud, we now have the ability to HACK THE HUMAN BODY!”
Is this not what’s happening? Have they infected everyone with some form or 5G receivers / / transmitters / transponders?
Nanotechnology and all the brilliant benefits of this technology, can and has been used against mankind!
Pfizer’s CEO, Albert Bourla was explaining at DAVOS 2022 I believe how Pfizer had developed a pill which once swallowed would send a signal to the insurance company. He explained “how compliant” this technology would help insurance companies.
What’s important is, they have “Hacked the Human Body / Genome.”
Dr. Ana has repeatedly shown what is happening with the use of “self-assembling” nanotechnology. DARPA has also used this technology as well as one of America’s largest adversarial nation China, developing Nanotechnology Soldiers.
The bottom line is, this is happening and has been happening for at least 20 years. Covid-Scam wasn’t about healthcare, it was about “Injecting” the world with this most “Evilness” to control humans and ultimately eliminating humanity!
It’s quite clear humans are the problem in the minds of a Klaus Schwab or Yuval Hariri, Bill Gates, etc. and they will NOT STOP attacking us unless “We the People” STOP THEM FIRST!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!


gusman - Feb 2

gusman’s Newsletter

gmo in 'vaxines



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