Aug 20, 2023
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Video: C19 unvaccinated blood Q-Dots/ Nanoparticle swarming to create accumulation of hydrogel structuresHumanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD is a reader-supported publication.
Okisuke - Aug 20, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
Every unjabbed patient in your videos has more quantum dots than me (double jabbed with Murderna). I guess my daily detox regime plus the countless treatments paid off. Moreover, I live in Europe where we have less environmental toxification by nanotech. And there's no one like you Dr. Ana, who is making this technology public to such a degree, where it's undeniable.
Seeking Truth - Aug 21, 2023
Seeking Truth
what is your detox regime ?
Okisuke - Aug 21, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
Part of it is covered in my substack, but I'm still not fully recovered.
Nostradamus X - Aug 20, 2023
Nostradamus X
Murderna (stock tick: mRNA) is going bankrupt soon and you may miss your monthly booster.
Joe - Aug 20, 2023
Joe’s Substack
What detox did u do?
Okisuke - Aug 21, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
Mainly what Dr. Ana recommended. Part of it is covered in my substack.
scout - Aug 20, 2023
Seeking Truth
I'll link Sash's testimony. Sasha pointed out that there are, at that time, four levels of bioweapon vaccines ranging from high to placebo. And she pointed out that location of vaccine application is intentional. link:
Seeking Truth - Aug 21, 2023
Seeking Truth
Sasha had later said there are no placebos
Tracie - Aug 21, 2023
Extremely unlikely. And it’s spelt MODERNA
Tracie - Aug 21, 2023
I see what you did there.
Leah - Aug 20, 2023
matt’s microscopy
I wonder if the nano garbage is in injectable ivermectin since lots of people have used that when they couldn’t afford a prescription for the pills.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
100%, come have a look for yourself.
Leah - Aug 21, 2023
Do you have a link?
zeb11 - Aug 21, 2023
zeb11 - Aug 21, 2023
GraceWithGlory - Aug 20, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
GENOCIDE for GENERATIONS = "health care"
If it weren't for 'covid' - how long would it have gone on?
Ask me about the 'Secret Ingredients' ALWAYS USED these last couple-hundred years ;)
Amy - Aug 21, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
What are the “secret ingredients are you talking about? Just trying to learn more. Thank you.
GraceWithGlory - Aug 22, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
Hi Amy - Thank you for having an inquisitive mind, and asking!
Notice you're the only one who has....
The first, which I'm sure you're familiar with - is fluoride..
Its added to everything labeled "health care" and the testing on live victims during experiments too place in the extermination camps of what we commonly refer to as "wwii" - actually it was all about this testing so that finally they could bring their soft kill BigPharma project to the fore through Operation Paperclip.
The reason that they can do this and get away with it (karmically) is because for many years they have Disclosed this process with all kinds of media ads showing a picture of the naturally-growing planet wide, God's Miracle Herb with the words "Drugs Kill" - there they told us.
The most important 'secret ingredient' is called Nagalase and is what has allowed these psychopaths to diagnose 1/3 of the population with the scam they named "cancer"
Nagalase is added to everything given to humans under the label "health care" and is in every pill, capsule, liquid, powder, gas, body part, rod, pin, implant, from BOTH sides of a drug store - rx/otc
Its in cough syrup, preparation H, even contact lens saline solution...
Causing autoimmune symptom's they've given clever names to as they call them "diseases" for which they offer more genocidal tests, procedures, medicines...
When enough is this is accumulated (and, NO - you can't just "detox" things like this) it goes after the frontline immune soldiers, GcMAF who've always kept a body's FUNGUS under control - working silently in the background throughout each life...UNTIL they're intentionally taken out with the Nagalase which Dr. Bradstreet and his group of almost 100 all found contained in vaccines when they studied them 10 years ago, just before they were all mostly "Arkinsided" - but had they not just been focused on the low-hanging fruit but had looked at other products...they would have discovered it there as well.
The best way to counteract the accumulating effects of Nagalase is to engage our suppressed secondary immune systems located within our endocannabinoid systems by ingesting God's Miracle Herb (cannabis) and of course to stop participating in the nazi quackery of assisting one's own genocide.
Amy - Aug 23, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
I have to admit it’s more than I knew. Fortunately my mother was ahead of the curve back in the 60’s and 70’s. No vax, no fluoride and no other fun happy potato chips or candy. She didn’t even feed us meat. We had vegetables and beans, and she did make homemade bread from millet flour. It was delicious.
Anyway, then college bad food and of course the rebellion 😬😞
I don’t have any of gods miracle herb. How do I find it.
Thank you for all this information. 🙏🏼
GraceWithGlory - Aug 23, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
I'm so happy if this has helped you, Amy!
Like your Mother, I "knew" that 'health care' was no good for us BEFORE I started bringing kids into this world. Therefore, I have children into their 40's who were never vaxxed or given ANY "health care" - ever, and not for out precious pets either!
Also, I got caught up into the 'Plan B' bullshit that the AMA came out with for the BigPharma fallouts where not contradictory to the mandated 'Standards of Care' where the only remedy MUST be a BigPharma product - they decided to throw out the idea of
'diet and exercise' as the way to maintain health en offer the illusion that they care as being brought forth by licensed AMA quacks selling lots of books and misdirecting the misguided into ineffective remedies and usually no cures plus no ability to ever address emergencies, they'd be back.
So I went down that same path of BS and with my 1st child figured out the easiest thing to do was eliminate red meat, soda pop, and of course no pork, artificial sweeteners, aluminum, fluoride, fabric softeners or whole wheat.
Lucky for my kids, I soon fell away from the idea that it was "the food that was the problem" as I could clearly see it was health care killing everyone - so that organic/clean phase didn't last long for me. Turns out that our bodies are wonderful things and can deal with just about anything except the nazi franken products made by those using 'health care'!
I knew about whole wheat early on and how terrible it really is for everyone, but I hadn't figured out the rest and really thought that practicing alternative health was a choice and didn't realize that it was a matter of life or death for a few decades as social media appeared and I got into groups and started seeing all of the posts of "xyz cures cancer" and after awhile it hit me that they all had the commonality of alkalizing the body. Then, I realized that it was a fungus and after that got the name from the departed doctors who fell short of the scope of their investigation.
It's really sickened me all these years now watching sheeple engaging with "their doctors" (most people are such lab rats!) and I've struggled to get this news out - right up until "covid' came along.
Now it doesn't really matter.
Soon, as everyone realizes how they've been conned over this one particular scam the whole world went through together - I'm pretty sure that no one will ever "trust the science" again.
Will they?
GraceWithGlory - Aug 23, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
PS - Did you know that tea is loaded with FLUORIDE?
Has nothing to do with whether its "organic" - the leaves attract the fluoride out of the air.
While coffee does a body good, and is wonderful for regulating blood sugar!
Clever bastards :)
Nanette - Aug 24, 2023
Nanette’s Substack
Wow! You are very knowledgeable- thank you for sharing! Herbal teas as well I take it?
Christine Mealer - Aug 20, 2023
Christine Mealer
Someone found this in ivermectin with titanium dioxide listed as an ingredient. This is why all of a sudden they are saying it’s okay to take now
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
zeb11 - Aug 21, 2023
Margie Chism - Aug 20, 2023
Margie Chism
Dr. Ana - Thank you for finding and sharing ■ currently I will have to have this information to be educated enough to communicate to the Dental and Pharmacol field that I want dental care with [n]o hydrogel and [n]o nanoparticles/GO injections. M
Duchess - Aug 20, 2023
Not avaialable.
Margie Chism - Aug 21, 2023
Margie Chism
Studying options that I must do ■ I will consider 'made to order' injectables, perhaps gas, no injection care, or no or limited dental care from any service. I find no benefit of injected hydrogel nor nanoparticles/GO; having written statements available that detail the 'delievery' is medical, it is [n]ot the delivery I consent. M
kaal - Aug 20, 2023
nonvaxer420 on rumble sabrina wallace they all know/ they all lie. she knows the history of all this. and the system now. so much info- shocking. we can only protect our biofield. thats it.
kaal - Aug 21, 2023
This substack is behind . And most other freedom leaders dont even show the truth of what dr Ana is showing and explains. Everyone needs to catch up by watching sabrina wallace- its too much for me to summarize. Once the 'problem" is known then you can think about solutions. Which really there are no physical solutions. Try to reclaim your biofield and PRAYER- realize where we are as shown by sabrina and spiritually it should be clear we are in the book of REVELATION.
John H. - Aug 21, 2023
John H.
How do we protect it? Can you summarize what she teaches?
Duchess - Aug 20, 2023
Manfred Johann Schmuckerschlag - Aug 20, 2023
Your findings are a sensation (!) - they are the missing link to the brain-computer interface announced :
Google’s Ray Kurzweil says humans will have 'hybrid' cloud-powered brains by 2030
04.06.2015 - Article
“Our thinking then will be a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking. We’ll be able to extend our limitations and think in the cloud. We’re going to put gateways to the cloud in our brains,” said Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google, during a keynote speech at the Exponential Finance conference in New York.
“We’re going to gradually merge and enhance ourselves. In my view, that’s the nature of being human – we transcend our limitations.”
... and:
A living programmable biocomputing device based on RNA
“Can sense and analyze multiple complex signals in living cells for future synthetic diagnostics and therapeutics”
This man is also a member of the
Army Science Board (ASB)
And there is more:
WEF - Davos 2018 - a clip Clip - time stamp 2:47 - the re-wiring of humans ...
Yuval Noah Harari - World Economic Forum
... and the inorganic reality "desired"
Yuval Noah Harari - World Economic Forum (2018)
Will the Future Be Human? - Yuval Noah Harari
"... inorganic reality ... "
To get the "crowd" under control, this has been issued in time:
Inoculation Theory and Misinformation
29th October 2021
Charlie - Aug 20, 2023
To the cliffs edge humanity trots micro dosed in an epic psyop. Epic as in all encompassing to destroy everything good and beautiful except money and what it controls.
But as many, we have a better place we’ll be going to.
As my guitar gently weeps...
stardot - Aug 20, 2023
stardot’s Substack
Although my lying son-in-law says he's not vaxed (I'm definitely not vaxed) every time o get around him I'm sick for days.
James Osbourne Holmes - Aug 20, 2023
Official Truth
There are anecdotal reports of chlorine dioxide solution oxidizing nanotech devices in the blood.
Nostradamus X - Aug 20, 2023
Nostradamus X
I hope the test was carried out in a test tube!
Chlorine is a disinfectant that I won't use in my blood for any reason.
It kills microorganisms indiscriminately (fungi, virus, bacteria, etc...).
Nanc - Aug 20, 2023
Nanc’s Substack
Chlorine and Chlorine Dioxide are two completely different molecules. And yes, chlorine dioxide is amazing stuff!
James Osbourne Holmes - Aug 21, 2023
Official Truth
Your body has around 40 teaspoonfuls of salt in it. Salt is sodium chloride. When chlorine dioxide looses it oxygen, it associates with a sodium ion and becomes a very small amount of salt in the blood.
Laura - Aug 20, 2023
Modern Healthcare
The antidote is prayer. This will kill people who don’t believe and control their bodies. Those nano fiber bodies are stronger than steel. It will take the return of Jesus.
kaal - Aug 21, 2023
yes. most of this stack incl dr ana dont know really know the reality.
Nanc - Aug 21, 2023
Nanc’s Substack
I know, I’m sorry. I too have been holding off on a lot of things because of this.
I’m getting to the point, where I’m starting to wonder if any of what we’re doing will make any difference? If it’s not anesthesia, it’s our food , water, and air are polluted. Not to mention the shedding. Me, I just want off this merry go round of horror.
Alizees Booty - Aug 20, 2023
Alizees’s Newsletter
Have you tested these samples through the lens of quantum physics?
Amethyst - Aug 20, 2023
Alizees’s Newsletter
Dr Ana has covered that, very intense the idea of that plays in.
Alizees Booty - Aug 21, 2023
Alizees’s Newsletter
if I have a question for you, I'll ask under your article - do you have any herd symptoms?
Suzanne Seloover - Aug 20, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
How does one cleanse from this?!! Quickly!!!?
GraceWithGlory - Aug 20, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
NewAge, "Plan B' BS = "cleanse" ROFLMAO
Suzanne Seloover - Aug 20, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
GraceWithGlory - Aug 20, 2023
Grace with Glory's Universal Wi…
See my detailed explanation about 'Plan B' above.
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
And to go just a tad further you should all be aware of the actions of all these supplements you are taking on this tech. Below is a well assembled list compiled with great thought by these people. Perhaps you will re think what you ingest after that. Also note the interactions with the graphene.
Christine Mealer - Aug 21, 2023
Christine Mealer
Thank you for this article. I noticed there was nothing listed beside Nigella Sativa and food grade hydrogen peroxide is not listed. Maybe if we can find a non infected brand of those?
Joe - Aug 20, 2023
Joe’s Substack
I’m wondering if the nano stuff is in vitamin c and EDTA ….Ana said VITAMIN C helps but does it? Does EDTA desolve these things or collateral gold ?
Amethyst - Aug 20, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Karen Kingston mentions the EDTA is indeed in the patents to dissolve the hydrogel.
Joe - Aug 21, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Excellent going on edta thanks
Joe - Aug 21, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Have u Hurd if colloidal kills nanobots ?
Joe - Aug 21, 2023
Joe’s Substack
EDTA cream
Margie Chism - Aug 21, 2023
Margie Chism
Dr. Ardis about a week ago mentioned in a video ■ EDTA in the morning and Fulvic Acid in the evening; a daily routine. In another video he added that foot soaking with tobacco leaf removes venoms that is another method like chewing nicotine gum or wearing a nicotine patch. It has been said that when the receptors are cleaned from EDTA that does not fill that spot, but the Fulvic Acid does the removals and cares for the receptors due to being the essential minerals. As far as the nicotine use for venom removal once the vemon is released off the receptor it needs to be removed from the body rather than float to another part of the body, so Krill oil is said to bind and remove the venom. ■ I am an artist and this is what I have seen, read, heard, and use/d. I did [n]ot get the shot, but I live in a contaminated environment. M
Joe - Aug 21, 2023
Joe’s Substack
How much fulvic acid does he suggest and the edta u take in pill or cream? Also the krill oil how much do u ingest? Thank you so much for the info
Margie Chism - Aug 21, 2023
Margie Chism
EDTA 1000mg, tablet in the morning 1 hour before eatting or drinking something with nutrients ■ Fulvic Acid 72 trace minerals, 1/2 dropper filled mixed in grape juice at evening is what I take. Dr. Ardis did say EDTA 1000mg in the morning, and Fulvic Acid at evening/night.
Joe - Aug 21, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Thank you
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Just tested V C, it doesn't look good.
Joe - Aug 21, 2023
Joe’s Substack
That sucks because only vitamin C and edta can desolve these fuckers and prevent further damage
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
There must be some good stuff out there. More scopes please!
Joe - Aug 21, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Will do…also I wish dr Ana would say if colloidal gold kills nanobots
matt. j.a.o.b - Aug 21, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Hi Joe, Dr Nixon still takes it and supports it. Not Dr Annas field of research. Thanks.
Joe - Aug 21, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Just understood what u meant
Joe - Aug 21, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Hi Matt,
Thanks for the info so if I understand dr Ana has not done researche on colloidal gold but dr Nixon has and still supports it
Joe - Aug 21, 2023
Joe’s Substack
Organic VC or ?
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