They transformed people alright: From healthy to sick.
The body rejects almost all foreign material. Scientists think that they have outsmarted nature, and can safely million, billions of micro & nano particles inside the bloodstream? Nonsense on its face. That they will do a better job than nature? More nonsense. NO vaccine is safe. None. That they can inject immortal foreign bodies into us, with no side effects? Deadly nonsense. Those who think this need to be drummed out and banned for life from working in any of the sciences. Or politics. Or for pharmaceutical companies. Or the healthcare field.
LOL. Your comment, "More nonsense. NO vaccine is safe." was right on the money and you would THINK that Doctors would NOT inject themselves with these poisons. JEEEEEEEZ. Were these the NERDS that we did not associate with in HS?
Exactly, it appears that no injections are safe. Alternatively, were these criminal Doctors the clickish arrogant people that us NERDS did not associate with in HS?
How can we potentially detox nano is the question? Is anyone looking at our skin's melanin as a pathway? UV kills pathogens, but may also be our key hormonal and melanin regulator:
Quoted from the article: "Dr. Mihalcea also strongly recommends reducing exposure to electromagnetic fields such as 5G and wifi, as well as avoiding close contact with cell phones. These EMFs fuel the growth of nanotechnology in the body, she said. She added that people can definitely help themselves by turning off wifi entirely and using cables instead."
Yes. Excellent advise. Perhaps another item to consider: What electromagnetic conditions exist within these laboratory environments? Anyone doing emissions tests with "accurate" metering? And please. Not the cheap silly-ass toys offered by internet vendors. Here's an appropriate measurement kit:
Anyone doing emissions testing on the electron microscopes themselves? Probably not.
Your observations are likely being altered via the test environment itself. Jus' sayin'...
Reptilian Kingdom of Mohenjo Daro â– I remember about a decade ago the Pope, Senator Kerry (I believe), O. (?), and a Doctor/older man when down under/underground (?) in Antarctica (I believe) to show the Doctor something/someone. When they surfaced out the Doctor was very disturbed and told everyone that this would be the end of humans (something like that). The Doctor died shortly, mysteriously. I remember people talking about it, and perhaps even Christian broadcasters being concerned and not able to get over that the Doctor was dead. This video is an excellent history of the Watcher angels mixing with humans to have chimeras of giants; Nelphium. The mixing of these heavenly begins with animals as well. The art and architecture for thousands of years record their appearance and signatures. Their battles with humans and the battles between the giants. M
Bird - I will testify that in 2019 â– in the mountain wilderness on the East Coast there started to be individuals and pairs, or a family like group that did not appear to be foreign nor human; one in Richmond, VA was wearing a NASA shirt and she was 7 feet tall, about. The others may have been lean and 6 to 7 feet for most. There were some that had handlers that coached them, like trying to break them into the community, yet their skills were noticeably not normal. Coming from a family line/s of repeated genetic code, I have seen and known this behavior; yet these were not like what my families have cared for; even if they are geniuses. I perceived them/strangers to have an unannounced difference, I comprehended them to be experiments. M
Yes I had an encounter in mid December 2021 with a large, dark, bird-humanoid that when it landed it, shapeshifted into a large 4 legged dog like beast. I would never have beleived my own eys. But, I was riding with my girlfriend and both of our horses shied away from it.
Don't routers and modems still continue to emit EMFs after being hard wired to the computer with ethernet cable? There must be a reason routers no longer have off switches.
Good question. An RF meter is not needed. Simply put your phone on loud. Put it in whatever faraday bag you want to use. Have someone call your number. If the phone rings then you know it's fake (i.e. it doesn't work). Refrigerators don't work, microwave ovens don't work and most faraday bags are garbage. Your last question. Can the battery be removed from iPhone 7? YES.
I turn mine off and wrap it 4-5 times in tin foil.Just Assumed it works but also wear and sleep with two pendants,orgone and elite shungite.Also sleep next to an orgone pyramid.Have to put it to the test now
It's time to examine the bone marrow... The blood might be possible to treat, but can the bone marrow be treated? After all, it produces the RBCs...
Coke and Pepsi test â– about a decade ago, a paper (appearing to be offical) indicated that the DoD had Coke putting a certain amount of nanoparticles (I believe) whereas they had Pepsi adding almost twice. This is when I stopped drinking these drinks. Why would a company put this in their product because the DoD instructed them too. It was the understanding that they were metaling the body for antenna purposes/technology; that was one understanding. But due to Millenniums of metal added to the body, seems to be more of a perversion of divine purpose. M
Blue - Thank you! â– These people remind me of the children that capture a flying insect and tie string to leash the animal; I have found this behavior can mature into hanging kittens for some individuals way to spend an afternoon; they are cruel people. To me a computer is a metal box that is used, like a toaster, and stores information like a card catalog. It may be a ledger for mail and commerce. Nothing more. I still put my toaster and [c]ord back into the cabinetry when I am finished. M.
â– see at 36:00ish graphene oxide under frequencies forming circuitry.
I know, I've been watching this since La Quinta Columna came out with it first, long time ago.
Things is...we really don't know more than what we are told, for the most part.
And something's gonna kill each and every one of us someday, inevitably.
So I'm just tired of the crazy focus on death and fear. Some folks don't seem to have much else to offer.
I want to live while I'm alive. Maybe when I'm dead I'll send some info back. Doubt it tho.
Well fear is or has a specific frequency and they can duplicate it with scaler wave technology.I'm sure they used it in Iraq,read Iraq soldiers surrendered en masse.Then there's the holographic technology,they could do a fake alien invasion while we are in the midst of the realone.You're right,fear,fear,fear,terror,terror,terror.Danger,danger Will Robinson
There was a political cartoon when our deal went haywire, a big sign in front of White House saying "Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid". Shortly after I was at down country Halloween hoedown, at fire outside dance and food place, with others guy was fixing the other guy's turban...both were wearing such,...and one was asked what he would do if stopped by police. (What police? In Oregon? He'd have to go into the doughnut shop....)....and he answered "Ask directions to the nearest bridge. " It was the red alert golden gate is gonna get blown by turbans time....and someone asked then "Which bridge"? He said "any bridge".
I'm still laughing. The bridges in that area are about well, a bit of this over a creek eh? Hahaha.
Blue â– Read Luke 21:20-36, Jerusalem is at war/fighting at the moment. October 14, is an eclipse. Then, Revelation chapters 19 through 22. I watch these four last chapters of Revelation. I personally expect to be a Remainer and when I am given another day, for me it is another day whether I will be unfaithful, while the same hour for some is if they will receive God and his Son. M
Margie, with all due respect for whatever belief system juices or comforts you...."Jerusalem" is just the name of a place, and as such cannot be at war, cannot do squat.
People have wars just like they have parties. People. For profit. For land. Straight Up.
You can find your excuse/reason for absolutely anything in "the bible".
That's why so many who read very little of it do however swear by it.
If you came into this life just to "fulfill the "book"" comment. Enjoy yourself.
If only humans had half the sense of animals. But then, animals aren't suicidal.
Only humans are. I suppose that's what makes us and that book so special.
Actually Blue,I think this is the reason for all the wars excluding of course making money,satanic blood sacrifices feeding the archons.There's 5 bibles of the christian religion,I always ask them which bible are you talking about? Personally I think the gnostic John Lash wetico mind virus are the reptilians
Blue â– I was and am trained by God, now 60, since two; I knew him five years before I could read. Signs and wonders were my early years and trust following. I find the documentary listings of those books that testify of YHVH to be parallel to my experiences. There are instructions given to some, by some and most have 'not been written'. This is my last reply on this comment. M
Will our free wills, be taken from us? Nano Technologies can/are sending and receiving MAC addresses? Interaction with the 5G, and higher G Cell towers? Cyborgs, or Electronic Zombies?
IF your of God's Children NO! if your of Satan's YES!
Read what it says in Revelations abut all this with this in mind instead of what they teach...
Tainted water like it says kind of and does mean this stuff... It also denotes tainted truth which is water. Plus the water is literally tainted so all of it is happening...
I want to share this link with those who resonate. We are in a unique yet normal point of evolution of consciousness here. Yes there's satanic garbage interfering but there is also the other side. I've experienced especially within the past 5 years transformations and transcendental change. We are so much more than what's here. The panic I see I hope to provide a bigger picture . I was prepared for this time as a child decades ago. The Creation is infinitely powerful.
Also see Gigi Young's videos on youtube as well. She is spot on the noncorporeal forces behind this and on the larger picture. Confirmed much of what I experienced before finding her. <3
There is no doubt that wifi and cell signals are part of evils plan.
I forget when I figured it out but I was feeling a little 'off' and so I checked. And for the record this has happened since but have not felt 'off' so I'm hoping the many things I take plus Gods guidance and protection is helping to mitigate their attempts at 'getting me'.
First I would encourage all to look up their model phone and disable the 5g connection and if you can't and need a phone look up one that does not have a 5g connection though from what happened with me they don't need it per say.
Also look for tutorials for your phone and how to make it as 'private' as you can, there are many things you can do.
Anyhow back to topic and how I woke up and felt 'off', roughly 9 months ago. I turned on this app also used my
With electrosmart it was showing 2 'unknown operator' 3G networks that were over 80 in the electrosmart app in addition to my 4G connection from my provider, true story people.
I don't have 5G and have my phone set to LTE 4G and I also turn off at night and never have it where I sleep, period. Many times I also pop out the sim card.
At this point in time even though things look bad and they are for many, fact is evil has effectively lost already and as such they are very desperate and are forcing their end game.
As most may know with me, I do believe there are good people trying to stop evil but I feel they are taking too long and or have made it personal and I believe our God is not impressed as many millions have died and many more millions are/have been harmed for life by these injections.
I believe judgement day will be here before the end of June 2024 and I believe this judgement will come in the form of a magnetic pole shift. Many places on this earth will be here one day and the next day they will effectively be gone and then the birth of a new world begins.
May God bless and watch over you all but please stop giving in to fear, give your fear and burdens to God, He will take care of them.
What a cogent explanation. Thanks. I was saying the same over at Jane Ruby's site, only to find I've been nixed there. Just as well as tons of troll crap was coming through from there anyway.
The christian deal brings in lots of mula, thus the intense and sudden conversions of so many online docs and scifis...and then their site turns to ...pablum is very kind. Very kind of you. Basically, the discussion goes into the trash can.
Visual light microscopy is somewhat speculative as to what you are looking at, but the wireless communication protocol signal capture ex. Bluetooth MAC or IEEE 802.15.x Wireless Body Area Network signals can be captured (wireless signal sniffers) and recorded and will make your case closer to irrefutable as there are communication protocol standards (software coding) used for the transfer of data to the cloud.
Morpheus - Oct 9, 2023
Three expert microscopists with important findings--all different but complementary. Thank you for your tireless efforts!
laurel - Dec 6, 2023
Mira esto
Pamela Burns - Oct 9, 2023
Pamela Burns
His Truth is Marching On...God Bless You & Your Efforts 🙏
Margie Chism - Oct 10, 2023
Margie Chism
And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken. â– Ecclesiastes 4:12 KJV, blueletterbible
RebeccaccebeR - Oct 9, 2023
RebeccaccebeR’s Substack
Thanks for mentioning me, Dr. Ana!
Charlene Jones - Oct 10, 2023
Can we share this with non-subscribers?
Brent Rice - Oct 10, 2023
Brent Rice
They transformed people alright: From healthy to sick.
The body rejects almost all foreign material. Scientists think that they have outsmarted nature, and can safely million, billions of micro & nano particles inside the bloodstream? Nonsense on its face. That they will do a better job than nature? More nonsense. NO vaccine is safe. None. That they can inject immortal foreign bodies into us, with no side effects? Deadly nonsense. Those who think this need to be drummed out and banned for life from working in any of the sciences. Or politics. Or for pharmaceutical companies. Or the healthcare field.
Ken Kobalanski - Oct 10, 2023
LOL. Your comment, "More nonsense. NO vaccine is safe." was right on the money and you would THINK that Doctors would NOT inject themselves with these poisons. JEEEEEEEZ. Were these the NERDS that we did not associate with in HS?
Paul Oxenreider - Oct 16, 2023
Exactly, it appears that no injections are safe. Alternatively, were these criminal Doctors the clickish arrogant people that us NERDS did not associate with in HS?
Roman S Shapoval - Oct 10, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
How can we potentially detox nano is the question? Is anyone looking at our skin's melanin as a pathway? UV kills pathogens, but may also be our key hormonal and melanin regulator:
Paul Vonharnish - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Paul Vonharnish
Quoted from the article: "Dr. Mihalcea also strongly recommends reducing exposure to electromagnetic fields such as 5G and wifi, as well as avoiding close contact with cell phones. These EMFs fuel the growth of nanotechnology in the body, she said. She added that people can definitely help themselves by turning off wifi entirely and using cables instead."
Yes. Excellent advise. Perhaps another item to consider: What electromagnetic conditions exist within these laboratory environments? Anyone doing emissions tests with "accurate" metering? And please. Not the cheap silly-ass toys offered by internet vendors. Here's an appropriate measurement kit:
Anyone doing emissions testing on the electron microscopes themselves? Probably not.
Your observations are likely being altered via the test environment itself. Jus' sayin'...
Gary McCollom - Oct 10, 2023
John Vargo
Good point and nice machine but I have to stick with the Trifield. At least it gives me something to work with.
John Vargo - Oct 12, 2023
John Vargo
Just watched a Trifield demonstration,
Blue Electric Storm - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Laughing’s Substack
We're all living in one big microwave oven at this time. Ribbit. Ribbit.
laurel - Dec 6, 2023 - Edited
Jejjeje mira este canal lookingglass moleculas del agua es suficiente cambiar el modo de ver las cosas
Margie Chism - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Reptilian Kingdom of Mohenjo Daro â– I remember about a decade ago the Pope, Senator Kerry (I believe), O. (?), and a Doctor/older man when down under/underground (?) in Antarctica (I believe) to show the Doctor something/someone. When they surfaced out the Doctor was very disturbed and told everyone that this would be the end of humans (something like that). The Doctor died shortly, mysteriously. I remember people talking about it, and perhaps even Christian broadcasters being concerned and not able to get over that the Doctor was dead. This video is an excellent history of the Watcher angels mixing with humans to have chimeras of giants; Nelphium. The mixing of these heavenly begins with animals as well. The art and architecture for thousands of years record their appearance and signatures. Their battles with humans and the battles between the giants. M
Birdwoman - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Two documentaries I recently viewed add plausability to aliens among us. I have added your video to my list to watch.
Margie Chism - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Bird - I will testify that in 2019 â– in the mountain wilderness on the East Coast there started to be individuals and pairs, or a family like group that did not appear to be foreign nor human; one in Richmond, VA was wearing a NASA shirt and she was 7 feet tall, about. The others may have been lean and 6 to 7 feet for most. There were some that had handlers that coached them, like trying to break them into the community, yet their skills were noticeably not normal. Coming from a family line/s of repeated genetic code, I have seen and known this behavior; yet these were not like what my families have cared for; even if they are geniuses. I perceived them/strangers to have an unannounced difference, I comprehended them to be experiments. M
Birdwoman - Oct 22, 2023
Yes I had an encounter in mid December 2021 with a large, dark, bird-humanoid that when it landed it, shapeshifted into a large 4 legged dog like beast. I would never have beleived my own eys. But, I was riding with my girlfriend and both of our horses shied away from it.
Gary McCollom - Oct 10, 2023
Margie Chism
Just stop already, there are no lizard people or secret beings from another planet, good grief already.
Margie Chism - Oct 10, 2023
Margie Chism
Gary - It is written that it is so â– art, history, and physical evidence supports the facts. M
Blue Electric Storm - Oct 10, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
how do you know?
John Vargo - Oct 12, 2023
John Vargo
Yeah there is,the symbology is all over theworld.itcould conceivably be proven by a mountain of evidence.
Linda - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Don't routers and modems still continue to emit EMFs after being hard wired to the computer with ethernet cable? There must be a reason routers no longer have off switches.
Ken Kobalanski - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Comment removed.
Ken Kobalanski - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
LOL. I KNOW when my phone is off because I CAN remove the battery AND I have a non-fake faraday cage.
Linda - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
How do you know if your Faraday cage is fake if you don't have an RF meter?
Can the battery be removed from iPhone 7?
Ken Kobalanski - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
John Vargo
Good question. An RF meter is not needed. Simply put your phone on loud. Put it in whatever faraday bag you want to use. Have someone call your number. If the phone rings then you know it's fake (i.e. it doesn't work). Refrigerators don't work, microwave ovens don't work and most faraday bags are garbage. Your last question. Can the battery be removed from iPhone 7? YES.
John Vargo - Oct 12, 2023
John Vargo
I turn mine off and wrap it 4-5 times in tin foil.Just Assumed it works but also wear and sleep with two pendants,orgone and elite shungite.Also sleep next to an orgone pyramid.Have to put it to the test now
Blue Electric Storm - Oct 10, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
I have on I got only for photos, a second hand phone, never hooked it up.
Still, it brings through those kidnapping alerts. Weird shit
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Ray’s Newsletter
It's time to examine the bone marrow... The blood might be possible to treat, but can the bone marrow be treated? After all, it produces the RBCs...
Margie Chism - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Coke and Pepsi test â– about a decade ago, a paper (appearing to be offical) indicated that the DoD had Coke putting a certain amount of nanoparticles (I believe) whereas they had Pepsi adding almost twice. This is when I stopped drinking these drinks. Why would a company put this in their product because the DoD instructed them too. It was the understanding that they were metaling the body for antenna purposes/technology; that was one understanding. But due to Millenniums of metal added to the body, seems to be more of a perversion of divine purpose. M
Blue Electric Storm - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Laughing’s Substack
Coke started out with cocaine in it. So no big surprise there.
Geez. Kids in a candy store.
Margie Chism - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Blue - Thank you! â– These people remind me of the children that capture a flying insect and tie string to leash the animal; I have found this behavior can mature into hanging kittens for some individuals way to spend an afternoon; they are cruel people. To me a computer is a metal box that is used, like a toaster, and stores information like a card catalog. It may be a ledger for mail and commerce. Nothing more. I still put my toaster and [c]ord back into the cabinetry when I am finished. M.
â– see at 36:00ish graphene oxide under frequencies forming circuitry.
Blue Electric Storm - Oct 10, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
I know, I've been watching this since La Quinta Columna came out with it first, long time ago.
Things is...we really don't know more than what we are told, for the most part.
And something's gonna kill each and every one of us someday, inevitably.
So I'm just tired of the crazy focus on death and fear. Some folks don't seem to have much else to offer.
I want to live while I'm alive. Maybe when I'm dead I'll send some info back. Doubt it tho.
John Vargo - Oct 12, 2023
John Vargo
Well fear is or has a specific frequency and they can duplicate it with scaler wave technology.I'm sure they used it in Iraq,read Iraq soldiers surrendered en masse.Then there's the holographic technology,they could do a fake alien invasion while we are in the midst of the realone.You're right,fear,fear,fear,terror,terror,terror.Danger,danger Will Robinson
Blue Electric Storm - Oct 12, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
There was a political cartoon when our deal went haywire, a big sign in front of White House saying "Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid". Shortly after I was at down country Halloween hoedown, at fire outside dance and food place, with others guy was fixing the other guy's turban...both were wearing such,...and one was asked what he would do if stopped by police. (What police? In Oregon? He'd have to go into the doughnut shop....)....and he answered "Ask directions to the nearest bridge. " It was the red alert golden gate is gonna get blown by turbans time....and someone asked then "Which bridge"? He said "any bridge".
I'm still laughing. The bridges in that area are about well, a bit of this over a creek eh? Hahaha.
Margie Chism - Oct 10, 2023
Margie Chism
Blue â– Read Luke 21:20-36, Jerusalem is at war/fighting at the moment. October 14, is an eclipse. Then, Revelation chapters 19 through 22. I watch these four last chapters of Revelation. I personally expect to be a Remainer and when I am given another day, for me it is another day whether I will be unfaithful, while the same hour for some is if they will receive God and his Son. M
Blue Electric Storm - Oct 10, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
Margie, with all due respect for whatever belief system juices or comforts you...."Jerusalem" is just the name of a place, and as such cannot be at war, cannot do squat.
People have wars just like they have parties. People. For profit. For land. Straight Up.
You can find your excuse/reason for absolutely anything in "the bible".
That's why so many who read very little of it do however swear by it.
If you came into this life just to "fulfill the "book"" comment. Enjoy yourself.
If only humans had half the sense of animals. But then, animals aren't suicidal.
Only humans are. I suppose that's what makes us and that book so special.
John Vargo - Oct 12, 2023
John Vargo
Actually Blue,I think this is the reason for all the wars excluding of course making money,satanic blood sacrifices feeding the archons.There's 5 bibles of the christian religion,I always ask them which bible are you talking about? Personally I think the gnostic John Lash wetico mind virus are the reptilians
Margie Chism - Oct 10, 2023
Margie Chism
Blue â– I was and am trained by God, now 60, since two; I knew him five years before I could read. Signs and wonders were my early years and trust following. I find the documentary listings of those books that testify of YHVH to be parallel to my experiences. There are instructions given to some, by some and most have 'not been written'. This is my last reply on this comment. M
John Vargo - Oct 12, 2023
John Vargo
You can probably still find it,it's called nano domestic quell
Michael Folks - Oct 9, 2023
Michael’s Substack
Will our free wills, be taken from us? Nano Technologies can/are sending and receiving MAC addresses? Interaction with the 5G, and higher G Cell towers? Cyborgs, or Electronic Zombies?
Rust - Oct 9, 2023
Seeking Truth
This lady explains more about this. Very interesting stuff. She is Sabrina Wallace.
Seeking Truth - Oct 10, 2023
Seeking Truth
Very hard to follow what she’s saying. z
Doug - Oct 10, 2023
Doug’s Substack
IF your of God's Children NO! if your of Satan's YES!
Read what it says in Revelations abut all this with this in mind instead of what they teach...
Tainted water like it says kind of and does mean this stuff... It also denotes tainted truth which is water. Plus the water is literally tainted so all of it is happening...
Blue Electric Storm - Oct 10, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
more like they atrophy from disuse
Le Piglet - Oct 10, 2023
John Vargo
I want to share this link with those who resonate. We are in a unique yet normal point of evolution of consciousness here. Yes there's satanic garbage interfering but there is also the other side. I've experienced especially within the past 5 years transformations and transcendental change. We are so much more than what's here. The panic I see I hope to provide a bigger picture . I was prepared for this time as a child decades ago. The Creation is infinitely powerful.
Also see Gigi Young's videos on youtube as well. She is spot on the noncorporeal forces behind this and on the larger picture. Confirmed much of what I experienced before finding her. <3
John Vargo - Oct 12, 2023
John Vargo
Like Gigi Young,also like Sarah Adams probably even more.Been reading Lisa Renee work,pretty big website and some of it still hard to grasp,
Gary McCollom - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Laughing’s Substack
There is no doubt that wifi and cell signals are part of evils plan.
I forget when I figured it out but I was feeling a little 'off' and so I checked. And for the record this has happened since but have not felt 'off' so I'm hoping the many things I take plus Gods guidance and protection is helping to mitigate their attempts at 'getting me'.
First I would encourage all to look up their model phone and disable the 5g connection and if you can't and need a phone look up one that does not have a 5g connection though from what happened with me they don't need it per say.
Also look for tutorials for your phone and how to make it as 'private' as you can, there are many things you can do.
Anyhow back to topic and how I woke up and felt 'off', roughly 9 months ago. I turned on this app also used my
With electrosmart it was showing 2 'unknown operator' 3G networks that were over 80 in the electrosmart app in addition to my 4G connection from my provider, true story people.
I don't have 5G and have my phone set to LTE 4G and I also turn off at night and never have it where I sleep, period. Many times I also pop out the sim card.
At this point in time even though things look bad and they are for many, fact is evil has effectively lost already and as such they are very desperate and are forcing their end game.
As most may know with me, I do believe there are good people trying to stop evil but I feel they are taking too long and or have made it personal and I believe our God is not impressed as many millions have died and many more millions are/have been harmed for life by these injections.
I believe judgement day will be here before the end of June 2024 and I believe this judgement will come in the form of a magnetic pole shift. Many places on this earth will be here one day and the next day they will effectively be gone and then the birth of a new world begins.
May God bless and watch over you all but please stop giving in to fear, give your fear and burdens to God, He will take care of them.
Ken Kobalanski - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Laughing’s Substack
Nice. Your comment, "...please stop giving in to fear.." was excellent. It's almost like we are chatting with 3 year old's. JEEEEEEEEZ. LOL.
Ken Kobalanski - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Laughing’s Substack
Comment removed.
Ken Kobalanski - Oct 10, 2023 - Edited
Laughing’s Substack
Wow. Haven't heard that word "pablum" in many years. You took me back too far. You took me into another century I vaguely remember. LOL.
Blue Electric Storm - Oct 10, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
we're living several lifetimes in one this time around
Blue Electric Storm - Oct 10, 2023
Laughing’s Substack
What a cogent explanation. Thanks. I was saying the same over at Jane Ruby's site, only to find I've been nixed there. Just as well as tons of troll crap was coming through from there anyway.
The christian deal brings in lots of mula, thus the intense and sudden conversions of so many online docs and scifis...and then their site turns to ...pablum is very kind. Very kind of you. Basically, the discussion goes into the trash can.
Art - Oct 10, 2023
Visual light microscopy is somewhat speculative as to what you are looking at, but the wireless communication protocol signal capture ex. Bluetooth MAC or IEEE 802.15.x Wireless Body Area Network signals can be captured (wireless signal sniffers) and recorded and will make your case closer to irrefutable as there are communication protocol standards (software coding) used for the transfer of data to the cloud.
Thomas Lewis - Oct 10, 2023
Useless Liberal
With All Of The Petroleum Products
Injected Into The Chronically Vaccinated
None Of Them Can Claim To Be
“Carbon Neutral”.
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