Oct 25, 2022
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I was interviewed last Saturday on the Tom Quinn Show in California about the findings in the C19 injectables, self assembly Nanotechnology and potential treatment modalities.
jacquelyn sauriol - Oct 25, 2022
Thanks Dr. Ana....I have a few friends in WA (Spokane and Port Orchard)....do you need any assistants in state, proofreading, or errands? Thanks for considering, from Portland....and thanks for turning me onto Tom Quinn...great show....
Citizen Seer - Oct 27, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Excellent Dr. Ana, as always. The situation is so dynamic, you do well in sharing the journey with us. But I won't lie, It's a challenge for us non professionals to keep up! Not impossibly challenging though, due in large part to your honesty and passion for the work.
From your interview, re: Faraday cages, the engineer in me says it might be time to find my old copper cloth lined baseball cap!
Finally, I think I'm correct in saying that a bomb shelter, 8ft or so underground, would shield us from not only radiation fallout in the event of a nuclear strike of some sort, but EMF's that seem to encourage the formation of dangerous nano or micro structures.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 27, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
I agree with you, but I do not encourage fear and the bomb shelter, but meticulous research in addition to citizen activism to stop Geoengineering, 5G, and the shots, limiting cell phone use and using faraday cages for your devices. The war is on all fronts. Every poison has an antidote. I did get a Faraday baseball hat. LOL ... I wear it at home when I am on the computer a lot and laugh with my engineering friends... Literally Tin Foil hat is a smart person shielding themselves from Brain hacking... We live in - science fiction is totally real - times.
Citizen Seer - Oct 27, 2022
Citizen’s Substack
Lol! Faraday hats and laughter are clearly excellent defenses.......................
Rosalind McGill - Nov 3, 2022
Rosalind McGill
I often hold my phone on a square of silver fabric , seems to help, less neuropathy/ tingling. I am catching up, having just become aware of your work. Thanks & God bless and protect you.
Veronica Evans - Oct 25, 2022
Dr. Ana,
Joined ur account when I joined Karen Kingston’s acct as she recommended you. Did you see her interview with Mike Adams which was done over the weekend? Here’s the link:
She uncovers more patents. Deeply, deeply disturbing. Our bodies are being invaded with nanotechnology in the water, food, air & every other conceivable vector from cosmetics to vitamins.
No doubt the Elites & China have already contaminated the supplements we buy in order to fight the injuries & effects of the “injectables”. So then ultimately the supplements we take will make the adverse events even worse as we ingest more nanotechnology. There is only one company I know of which outright says their vitamins are nano-particle free -- Supersmart Vitamins.
I highly recommend you also view this interview done by Dr. Ardis which covers Hyberbaric Oxygen Treatment being administered by 2 doctors in the Midwest. Truly amazing! Another modality for you to consider if you’re not aware of it already. Perhaps this treatment will prove useful across the board for the vaccinated no matter the differences between the batches.
Looking forward to checking out your videos on Rumble. Thanks for all your work on behalf of humanity. Love & God bless.
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Oct 26, 2022
Ray’s Newsletter
Ana, is there a transcript available?
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