Nanotechnology Discussion at Medical Conference - International Health Expert Astrid Stuckelberger PhD Questions No Graphene Narrative of Dr Ryan Cole

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 24, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Please see this conference video here:

Astrid Stuckelberger PHD gets censored

Censorship has been happening in many physicians in “ health freedom groups” , and I have experienced that myself last year. Physicians are not allowed to speak about Graphene or Nanotechnology. If only one point of view is allowed, how are these doctors and scientists in a position to recommend treatments?

Watch the video of brave Astrid Stuckelberger, PhD, tell Ryan Cole MD that he is not a nanotechnology expert. In essence, he is not qualified to comment.

Please see Dr Stuckelbergers impressive credentials:

Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger

This is the account from an attendee:

Dr Glenn Dormer, an antendee in the audience said: "I was very emotionally touched and I stood up in the audience, there were 800 people, and I said: "this woman is risking her life to tell more truth than we have heard in the last 2 days in this congregation." She worked off-script. She started to actually to show what the plan is, and she said: "this is what WHO was and what it has become, part of this control grid." And the longer these 15 minutes went, the more it was clear to me, I told this to the people sitting next to me, "she's going off-script". And I noticed at the bottom at the front row where all the reserve seats for the people running the conference and speakers, suddenly a very great amount of activity, people running back and forth, Sven Roman, who was in charge of the Läkarupproret, I could see him going to the person sponsoring the conference. I saw a little bit of panic, because they now had one of their own who was the last speaker at the conference, she was not only giving breadcrumbs, she was giving the whole picture. So one of the speakers, Dr Ryan Cole, stood up and basically took the microphone after 40 minutes. They had to have a reason why they had to demic her after only 40."

Please see my rebuttal to Dr. Cole’s claims:

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
You Can't Find What You Are Not Looking For: Analysis of Dr. Ryan Cole's Claims on Del Bigtree: "There Is No Nanotech and No Graphene" in C19 vials
In this article I am addressing recent claims by Dr. Ryan Cole. There was a lot of information presented in the below interview as “proven scientific fact” that I find highly questionable. Dr. Ryan Cole Addresses Covid-19 Jab Claims: Graphene Oxide, Nanotech, Parasites…
Read more

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Teza - Jan 24, 2023

To add to the evidence that this article is 'on the mark', I recommend for any who would align themselves with Dr Ryan Cole, to purchase this in-house academic volume being released Feb 8th: "Nanotechnology Platforms for Antiviral Challenges Fundamentals, Applications and Advances"_by (Editors) Soney C George & Ann Rose Abraham. This insider discussion of the field of 'Nanotechnology' is a rebuke to all who consider it unbelievable that substances of the kind that Dr Cole denies could be present with the vials. This volume fully references the science going back for many, many years, developing the very substances Dr Cole denies could be present, and it does so with great detail. For example, here is the contents just for one of its chapters describing what has and is being used in such a technology:
7.1 Introduction .................................................................................................. 126
7.2 Comprehensive Timeline Chronicles of Viral Pandemics............................ 126
7.3 Antimicrobials: Tools to Tackle Infectious Diseases ................................... 127
7.4 Delineation of Antivirals .............................................................................. 127
7.5 Classifcation of Antivirals: Sequelae of the Mode of Action ...................... 129
7.6 Nanoparticles as Antiviral Agents and as a Drug Delivery System ............. 129
7.6.1 Inorganic Nanoparticles.................................................................... 131 Silver Nanoparticles (AgNPs) ............................................ 131 Gold Nanoparticles (AuNPs) ............................................. 131 Zinc Oxide ......................................................................... 132
7.6.2 Carbon-Based Nanoparticles ............................................................ 132 Quantum Dots (QDs) ......................................................... 132 Fullerenes ........................................................................... 133 Graphene Oxide ................................................................. 133
7.6.3 Organic Nanoparticles ...................................................................... 133 Polymeric Nanoparticles .................................................... 133 Dendrimers ........................................................................ 134 Lipid Polymers ................................................................... 134 Micelles and Microemulsions ............................................ 134 Nanoemulsions ................................................................... 135
7.7 Combinational Antiviral Therapy ................................................................ 135
7.8 Nanoparticles to Tackle COVID-19.............................................................. 135
7.9 Nanoparticle-Conjugated Antivirals: Advantages and Disadvantages......... 136
7.10 Advancements in Nanomedicine .................................................................. 136
7.11 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 137
References .............................................................................................................. 137

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DonnyJSands - Jan 24, 2023

Divided we fall, United we stand. Ryan Cole, Robert Malone, and many more are sowing discord and need to be held accountable.

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