I scanned over 100 "unknown" bluetooth MAC codes in my local supermarket yesterday on my phone.
None of these MACs are mobile phones or wearables, they all have no known manufacturer code/ID.
Every proper bluetooth device has a manufacturer ID, easily checked on any bluetooth MAC lookup site like this one for examplehttps://maclookup.app/search
The jabbed have been injected with nanotech that communicates over Bluetooth Low Energy.
This is more evil than the time of the Nazis in WW2.
Actually as a person with engineering skills i can tell you that it is not true that all unknown mac's are suspicious. i have programmed IOT blutooth devices. The Chinese dont even care with cheaper stuff what the ID is. And the guide to particular codes sometimes has off brands using the known brand codes. This became far more frequent with the age of IOT development in education and at home. Now everyone at home and the small chinese money making creators are all banging out electronics with all kinds of things ignored. Such as the scheme for blutooth identity by manufacturer. Also blutooth would be a terrible choice of wireless connectivity for the said purpose. It is power thirsty, low range, encrypted and worst of all, many can see it on their devices, specially the curious people like me who mess around with circuitry and use raw blutooth modules to program. They pick up everything! THAT WOULD BE LIKE BROADCASTING TO US ALL THAT THEY ARE DOING IT. Also blutooth is very very easy to hack and so anyone would be able to hack into them selves with free apps that make it easy. If i was going to make you wireless i would definitely not choose blutooth. The other thing is if it is encrypted there would likely be issues connecting to people you wanted to conveniently because a key is required first to connect. I have yet found no signals coming directly from a persons body, yes i tried.
"i would definitely not choose blutooth" No. That's why you get these MACs on older mobile phones if you go fishing and are doing research. The iPhones don't pick them up (guess why ...). Don't forget this is all a VAST-SCALE EXPERIMENT and at first it may be more primitive or have faults, like hackability. There have been various anecdotal experiments, one on a local TV that pulled up several vaxed people who did not have MACs, and several that did. Can we say that batches can vary? Anyhow, watch La Quinta's audience members doing a test in the open:
You can see the MAC code at the top of the mobile.
A commenter on the thread says it's time to learn how to do things and this link below tells you how to make an EMP Jammer, a possible solution for eradicating active nano-bots. Once passed over the woman's torso as you can see, the code no longer appears. PASS IT ON.
I found no ID macs that seemed unusual in quite locations, but then these macs did not seem to be coming from people. I made a very sensitive emf indicator circuit and the signal did not seem to emanate from people. A shopping store is the WORST place to try it. The amount of blutooth in a shopping store now is crazy if you also consider many are using handheld printers, and others devices that all have blutooth AND wi-fi, mainly shelf stackers etc. Im not saying they didnt use blutooth, i just find it very hard to believe at they would use something so unsecure and openly visible with such high power demands for so short a radio range. It seems waaaaay to obvious. I happen to know this experiment has been going on for years allready on a smaller scale, particularly in the USA. As one lady mentions here Morgellons contains most of the visual elements also seen in Vax cultures.
I agree, it is way too obvious, which is why I mentioned older models. I think the real answer* may be parsed from this quote:
"In addition to the properties already mentioned, carbon nanotubes not only open the doors to the wireless interaction of the human brain, they can also receive electrical signals from neurons and propagate them to nanorouters, since they also have the same properties as GQD graphene nano-antennas and quantum dots,[...Source] This means that they can transmit and monitor the neuronal activity of individuals.[....] For the data packets emitted and received from the nanocommunications network to reach their destination, it is essential that the communication protocol implements in some way the unique identification of the nanodevices (that is, through MAC) and transmits the information to an IP address. default. In this sense, the human body becomes an IoNT server (from the Internet of NanoThings) in which the communication client / server model can be assimilated. The mechanisms, commands or types of request remain to be determined, as well as the exact frequency and type of signal that operates the wireless nanocommunications network that would be installed with each vaccine, *although obviously this information must be very confidential, given the possible consequences of biohacking.* (Vassiliou, V. 2011) that could happen. In fact, in the work of (Al-Turjman, F. 2020) the problems and circumstances of the security of nanocommunication networks connected to 5G (confidentiality, authentication, privacy, trust, intrusions, repudiation) are linked and additionally, it presents a summary of the operation of electromagnetic communication between nano-nodes, nano-sensors and nano-routers, using graphene antennas and transceivers for their link with data servers, in order to develop Big-data projects. It should be noted that the risks of network hacking are very similar to those that can be perpetrated in any network connected to the Internet (masquerade attack, location tracking, information traps, denial of service, nano-device hijacking, wormhole, MITM broker attack, malware, spam, sybil, spoofing, neurostimulation illusion attack), which means a potential and additional, very serious risk for people inoculated with the hardware of a nanocommunication network."
The description given here is the result of reverse bio-engineering analysis and deencryption which is a work-in-progress.
But you refer to *people not emitting a signal. No, it won't transmit necessarily:
According to (Sources) these MAC addresses allow the nano- network can transmit and receive data, because the individual has a unique identifier that allows him to access the medium, this is the Internet. In this way, the nano-router can receive the signals corresponding to the data from the nano-sensors and nano-nodes of the nano-network to transmit them to the outside of the body, as long as there is a mobile device in the vicinity, which serves gateway to the Internet. Therefore, the hypothesis that MAC addresses of vaccinated people can be observed (through bluetooth signal tracking applications), when there is some type of interaction with the mobile media that act as a link. *This does not mean that there is permanent communication, due to the need to save and optimize energy consumption* (Sources), which *could explain intermittence in communications, periods of connection and inactivity*." Full footnotes and sources in text:
Thank you a million times over for your efforts… the time and articulation you displayed in your messages are EXTREMELY thought provoking. I admire your perseverance to learn more techniques to identify live blood cells…
As far as the constitutional law goes with our Sheriffs was eye opening!
To spread the word is paramount….
May I suggest, contacting the following:
Del Bigtree at theHighwire.com
Steve Kirch who writes a daily newsletter
Jeremy R. Hammond a renowned journalist
Dr. Jane Ruby
Childrens Health Defense
Epoch Times
Jonathon Otto
Igor Chudov
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Dr. James Lyons Weiler writes ‘ Popular Rationalism’ weekly and is a research scientist,
Also runs a school called IPAK ( low cost, no degree, exceptional courses in Constitutional
Law, biology, immunology, microbiome, biology of cancer, how not to be fooled , how to read research studies are only a few of courses offered!
I will pass your newsletter on to as many individuals I know and pray the Holy Spirit guides us all in this fight!
God bless
This is true and these nano bots have introduced in the Pfizer Mrna. I have seen this in another video. These are actually self-assembling nano bots and when the
Circuitry is complete you can actually control the person remotely. Dr Haresh
I watched a video yesterday where Drs. Cole and McCullough (who I deeply respect) poo-pooing nanotech in the shots. How to confirm Nanotech in the vaxx that has been introduced into the human body? I added a bluetooth scanner to my phone in an app. Everyone who has been vaxxed has a WiFi address assigned to them. I have confirmed such with vaxxed relatives and unvaxxed friends using the app. The covid-19 vaxxxed individual is truly transhuman, their DNA is altered, in fact, NASA called them homoborg, no long homospaiens.
We see it in the vials and we see it in live blood. They can poo pooh all they want.
Sad, because the denial is delaying research for treatments on a broader scale. Regardless, we will not stop and we will find solutions.
People will see what supports their own belief system and can refuse to see what is threatening to them outside of their own self created box.... Even in the face of such clear evidence. Anyone who can look at those images and not see what is clearly an intentionally produced circuitry of some kind, and which is intended for some undisclosed purpose is, albeit possibly unconsciously, DELUDING themselves.
Maybe it's just me, but if the claim is that it is not a crystal (cholesterol, salt, other), then having those example pictures help to demonstrate the differences.
It can do, but save yourself the effort and check out la quinta columna. They did have such info at one point. I myself went comaparing microscopic crystals and yes i found no crystals in nature that form this particular way. I stand to be corrected if possible.
If memory serves me well, it was La Quinta that mentioned the vaccinated was emitting a blue tooth signal? I asked my relatives that were vaccinated to do the test and none of them emitted a signal.
I saw the same, but they are bio oriented in terms of science so i understand assumptions might be made by those not technically savvy. which is why they are now seeking help from nano-tech scientists.
Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions in the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas
I repeat, A MUST, MUST READ!!!
• He talks about 5G, the vaxx, and nano metamaterial technologies that are contaminating vaccinations, that are not legal or lawful, and that breach a number of international and domestic laws.
• 5G deployment is under way by governments across the world in all cities and towns without any of the obligatory prior environmental impact analysis or public insurance for instruments of harm.
• Government agencies who are tasked with protecting the population from the confirmed cancer-causing properties of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation have failed to provide a regulatory framework of safety standards or guidelines to protect the environment, thereby exposing an unsuspecting public to levels of radiation that are harmful and life-threatening.
Thank you Stephen. Great article. 5G as a weapon would explain the need for graphene and heavy metals in the jabs.
Once 'graphenated' a human becomes an antenna, one that can emit biometric data as well as receive deadly non ionizing radiation.
The most frightening thing is that these jabs appear to be self-spreading even to the non-jabbed.
Welcome to 5G Zombie Apocalypse - no joke.
Marc Mullie MD
That is why it is important to take supplements such as NAC to help deal with the vaxxed shedding. They definately are out to depopulate the human race. I estimate at least two billion deaths in the next 2-3 years.
Seconded. A great analysis. Only one dubious reference: Dr Robert O. Young, who plagiarised La Quinta Columna's Dr Pablo Campra's report from Nov 2021 on graphene oxide in the vials. Also apparently has questions hanging over his credentials and credibility. "Done" for practising without a license. The 5G report references him as one, unfortunate, source, happily among many others.
I have found this and far worse on the nasal Swabs. Actual Micro-bot, well that is what they seem to be (disclaimer). I have 3 centrifuges full from swabs saturated in mineral water. Do this and then add blood. You will see them swimming around tearing apart cells. Notice the metallic shine at 10x as the light source glistens off of them. I have been performing poor mans analysis on them and observing for over 10 months now. They are still on new swabs. Mostly these nearly ALL come from China. Hope it helps. I do have a channel but sharing is risky.
I will at one point, and so will the others who have my files if something happens to one of us. But it has done no favours for anyone to leak small efforts out. You've seen what happens. This site is great by the way Dr Ana !
I am the ONLY person in my ENTIRE extended family who is not Vaxxed, even the children and babies. So heartbreaking to witness this happening to the people I love. I say hang 'em high.
Conrad - Oct 3, 2022
Thanks Dr A
Keep up the good work
Possum - Oct 3, 2022
Possum’s Newsletter
Thank you. This can’t be dismissed.
Mandate Deez - Oct 3, 2022
Just swamp gas. Nothing to see here, you tinfoil hatters.
Mandate Deez - Oct 3, 2022
Comment removed.
Mandate Deez - Oct 3, 2022
If it wasn’t obvious enough, I was being facetious
Mandate Deez - Oct 3, 2022
Comment removed.
Mandate Deez - Oct 3, 2022
If people are on substack at all there’s a high chance they’re not a programmed SoyBorg already. Appreciate the links and info though
HWG - Oct 3, 2022
Harsh, It was pretty obvious to me 60GigaHertz.
John - Aug 10, 2023
Obvious or not, it was pointless and easily the least worthwhile of the thread.
Nathan - Oct 3, 2022 - Edited
I scanned over 100 "unknown" bluetooth MAC codes in my local supermarket yesterday on my phone.
None of these MACs are mobile phones or wearables, they all have no known manufacturer code/ID.
Every proper bluetooth device has a manufacturer ID, easily checked on any bluetooth MAC lookup site like this one for examplehttps://maclookup.app/search
The jabbed have been injected with nanotech that communicates over Bluetooth Low Energy.
This is more evil than the time of the Nazis in WW2.
LWN - Oct 3, 2022 - Edited
Actually as a person with engineering skills i can tell you that it is not true that all unknown mac's are suspicious. i have programmed IOT blutooth devices. The Chinese dont even care with cheaper stuff what the ID is. And the guide to particular codes sometimes has off brands using the known brand codes. This became far more frequent with the age of IOT development in education and at home. Now everyone at home and the small chinese money making creators are all banging out electronics with all kinds of things ignored. Such as the scheme for blutooth identity by manufacturer. Also blutooth would be a terrible choice of wireless connectivity for the said purpose. It is power thirsty, low range, encrypted and worst of all, many can see it on their devices, specially the curious people like me who mess around with circuitry and use raw blutooth modules to program. They pick up everything! THAT WOULD BE LIKE BROADCASTING TO US ALL THAT THEY ARE DOING IT. Also blutooth is very very easy to hack and so anyone would be able to hack into them selves with free apps that make it easy. If i was going to make you wireless i would definitely not choose blutooth. The other thing is if it is encrypted there would likely be issues connecting to people you wanted to conveniently because a key is required first to connect. I have yet found no signals coming directly from a persons body, yes i tried.
salialioli - Oct 4, 2022 - Edited
"i would definitely not choose blutooth" No. That's why you get these MACs on older mobile phones if you go fishing and are doing research. The iPhones don't pick them up (guess why ...). Don't forget this is all a VAST-SCALE EXPERIMENT and at first it may be more primitive or have faults, like hackability. There have been various anecdotal experiments, one on a local TV that pulled up several vaxed people who did not have MACs, and several that did. Can we say that batches can vary? Anyhow, watch La Quinta's audience members doing a test in the open:
You can see the MAC code at the top of the mobile.
A commenter on the thread says it's time to learn how to do things and this link below tells you how to make an EMP Jammer, a possible solution for eradicating active nano-bots. Once passed over the woman's torso as you can see, the code no longer appears. PASS IT ON.
LWN - Oct 4, 2022 - Edited
I found no ID macs that seemed unusual in quite locations, but then these macs did not seem to be coming from people. I made a very sensitive emf indicator circuit and the signal did not seem to emanate from people. A shopping store is the WORST place to try it. The amount of blutooth in a shopping store now is crazy if you also consider many are using handheld printers, and others devices that all have blutooth AND wi-fi, mainly shelf stackers etc. Im not saying they didnt use blutooth, i just find it very hard to believe at they would use something so unsecure and openly visible with such high power demands for so short a radio range. It seems waaaaay to obvious. I happen to know this experiment has been going on for years allready on a smaller scale, particularly in the USA. As one lady mentions here Morgellons contains most of the visual elements also seen in Vax cultures.
salialioli - Oct 7, 2022
I agree, it is way too obvious, which is why I mentioned older models. I think the real answer* may be parsed from this quote:
"In addition to the properties already mentioned, carbon nanotubes not only open the doors to the wireless interaction of the human brain, they can also receive electrical signals from neurons and propagate them to nanorouters, since they also have the same properties as GQD graphene nano-antennas and quantum dots,[...Source] This means that they can transmit and monitor the neuronal activity of individuals.[....] For the data packets emitted and received from the nanocommunications network to reach their destination, it is essential that the communication protocol implements in some way the unique identification of the nanodevices (that is, through MAC) and transmits the information to an IP address. default. In this sense, the human body becomes an IoNT server (from the Internet of NanoThings) in which the communication client / server model can be assimilated. The mechanisms, commands or types of request remain to be determined, as well as the exact frequency and type of signal that operates the wireless nanocommunications network that would be installed with each vaccine, *although obviously this information must be very confidential, given the possible consequences of biohacking.* (Vassiliou, V. 2011) that could happen. In fact, in the work of (Al-Turjman, F. 2020) the problems and circumstances of the security of nanocommunication networks connected to 5G (confidentiality, authentication, privacy, trust, intrusions, repudiation) are linked and additionally, it presents a summary of the operation of electromagnetic communication between nano-nodes, nano-sensors and nano-routers, using graphene antennas and transceivers for their link with data servers, in order to develop Big-data projects. It should be noted that the risks of network hacking are very similar to those that can be perpetrated in any network connected to the Internet (masquerade attack, location tracking, information traps, denial of service, nano-device hijacking, wormhole, MITM broker attack, malware, spam, sybil, spoofing, neurostimulation illusion attack), which means a potential and additional, very serious risk for people inoculated with the hardware of a nanocommunication network."
The description given here is the result of reverse bio-engineering analysis and deencryption which is a work-in-progress.
But you refer to *people not emitting a signal. No, it won't transmit necessarily:
According to (Sources) these MAC addresses allow the nano- network can transmit and receive data, because the individual has a unique identifier that allows him to access the medium, this is the Internet. In this way, the nano-router can receive the signals corresponding to the data from the nano-sensors and nano-nodes of the nano-network to transmit them to the outside of the body, as long as there is a mobile device in the vicinity, which serves gateway to the Internet. Therefore, the hypothesis that MAC addresses of vaccinated people can be observed (through bluetooth signal tracking applications), when there is some type of interaction with the mobile media that act as a link. *This does not mean that there is permanent communication, due to the need to save and optimize energy consumption* (Sources), which *could explain intermittence in communications, periods of connection and inactivity*." Full footnotes and sources in text:
Catherine Hawkins - Oct 3, 2022
Catherine’s Newsletter
Thank you a million times over for your efforts… the time and articulation you displayed in your messages are EXTREMELY thought provoking. I admire your perseverance to learn more techniques to identify live blood cells…
As far as the constitutional law goes with our Sheriffs was eye opening!
To spread the word is paramount….
May I suggest, contacting the following:
Del Bigtree at theHighwire.com
Steve Kirch who writes a daily newsletter
Jeremy R. Hammond a renowned journalist
Dr. Jane Ruby
Childrens Health Defense
Epoch Times
Jonathon Otto
Igor Chudov
Dr. Joseph Mercola
Dr. James Lyons Weiler writes ‘ Popular Rationalism’ weekly and is a research scientist,
Also runs a school called IPAK ( low cost, no degree, exceptional courses in Constitutional
Law, biology, immunology, microbiome, biology of cancer, how not to be fooled , how to read research studies are only a few of courses offered!
I will pass your newsletter on to as many individuals I know and pray the Holy Spirit guides us all in this fight!
God bless
Dr Haresh - Oct 3, 2022
This is true and these nano bots have introduced in the Pfizer Mrna. I have seen this in another video. These are actually self-assembling nano bots and when the
Circuitry is complete you can actually control the person remotely. Dr Haresh
Stephen Wallace - Oct 3, 2022
I watched a video yesterday where Drs. Cole and McCullough (who I deeply respect) poo-pooing nanotech in the shots. How to confirm Nanotech in the vaxx that has been introduced into the human body? I added a bluetooth scanner to my phone in an app. Everyone who has been vaxxed has a WiFi address assigned to them. I have confirmed such with vaxxed relatives and unvaxxed friends using the app. The covid-19 vaxxxed individual is truly transhuman, their DNA is altered, in fact, NASA called them homoborg, no long homospaiens.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 3, 2022
We see it in the vials and we see it in live blood. They can poo pooh all they want.
Sad, because the denial is delaying research for treatments on a broader scale. Regardless, we will not stop and we will find solutions.
HWG - Oct 3, 2022
People will see what supports their own belief system and can refuse to see what is threatening to them outside of their own self created box.... Even in the face of such clear evidence. Anyone who can look at those images and not see what is clearly an intentionally produced circuitry of some kind, and which is intended for some undisclosed purpose is, albeit possibly unconsciously, DELUDING themselves.
Marc Mullie - Oct 4, 2022
Can you provide the name of the app please?
Marc Mullie MD
HWG - Oct 3, 2022
What is the name of the app you are using?
salialioli - Oct 4, 2022
see my comment above.
Stephen Wallace - Oct 4, 2022
Bluetooth Scanner
Mark Luersen - Oct 3, 2022
Sun Drink Shadows
Maybe it's just me, but if the claim is that it is not a crystal (cholesterol, salt, other), then having those example pictures help to demonstrate the differences.
LWN - Oct 4, 2022
Sun Drink Shadows
It can do, but save yourself the effort and check out la quinta columna. They did have such info at one point. I myself went comaparing microscopic crystals and yes i found no crystals in nature that form this particular way. I stand to be corrected if possible.
Mark Luersen - Oct 4, 2022
Sun Drink Shadows
If memory serves me well, it was La Quinta that mentioned the vaccinated was emitting a blue tooth signal? I asked my relatives that were vaccinated to do the test and none of them emitted a signal.
LWN - Oct 4, 2022
I saw the same, but they are bio oriented in terms of science so i understand assumptions might be made by those not technically savvy. which is why they are now seeking help from nano-tech scientists.
Bezuhov - Oct 3, 2022
Please put the magnification factor under each such photos that you show: it's really important!
Stephen Wallace - Oct 4, 2022
Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions in the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas
I repeat, A MUST, MUST READ!!!
• He talks about 5G, the vaxx, and nano metamaterial technologies that are contaminating vaccinations, that are not legal or lawful, and that breach a number of international and domestic laws.
• 5G deployment is under way by governments across the world in all cities and towns without any of the obligatory prior environmental impact analysis or public insurance for instruments of harm.
• Government agencies who are tasked with protecting the population from the confirmed cancer-causing properties of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation have failed to provide a regulatory framework of safety standards or guidelines to protect the environment, thereby exposing an unsuspecting public to levels of radiation that are harmful and life-threatening.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 11, 2022
Hello Stephen, thank you so much for sending this link... could not find your comment to reply to you... this was very helpful and I reposted it.
Marc Mullie - Oct 4, 2022
Thank you Stephen. Great article. 5G as a weapon would explain the need for graphene and heavy metals in the jabs.
Once 'graphenated' a human becomes an antenna, one that can emit biometric data as well as receive deadly non ionizing radiation.
The most frightening thing is that these jabs appear to be self-spreading even to the non-jabbed.
Welcome to 5G Zombie Apocalypse - no joke.
Marc Mullie MD
Stephen Wallace - Oct 4, 2022
That is why it is important to take supplements such as NAC to help deal with the vaxxed shedding. They definately are out to depopulate the human race. I estimate at least two billion deaths in the next 2-3 years.
salialioli - Oct 4, 2022
Seconded. A great analysis. Only one dubious reference: Dr Robert O. Young, who plagiarised La Quinta Columna's Dr Pablo Campra's report from Nov 2021 on graphene oxide in the vials. Also apparently has questions hanging over his credentials and credibility. "Done" for practising without a license. The 5G report references him as one, unfortunate, source, happily among many others.
LWN - Oct 3, 2022 - Edited
I have found this and far worse on the nasal Swabs. Actual Micro-bot, well that is what they seem to be (disclaimer). I have 3 centrifuges full from swabs saturated in mineral water. Do this and then add blood. You will see them swimming around tearing apart cells. Notice the metallic shine at 10x as the light source glistens off of them. I have been performing poor mans analysis on them and observing for over 10 months now. They are still on new swabs. Mostly these nearly ALL come from China. Hope it helps. I do have a channel but sharing is risky.
LWN - Oct 4, 2022
i will see what i can do, maybe Dr Ana can contact me and i will do it through her.
Johnsta - Oct 3, 2022
Johnsta’s Substack
If you can’t share what’s the point?
LWN - Oct 4, 2022
I will at one point, and so will the others who have my files if something happens to one of us. But it has done no favours for anyone to leak small efforts out. You've seen what happens. This site is great by the way Dr Ana !
Johnsta - Oct 3, 2022
Johnsta’s Substack
The images have been around for a long while - why has no one else replicated them?
LWN - Oct 3, 2022
LWN - Oct 3, 2022
oh and so did a vax analyst friend of mine
Liviu Moraru - Oct 3, 2022
Thanks for your time and for sharing the dark side of the so called medicine ...
HWG - Oct 3, 2022
Comment removed.
HWG - Oct 3, 2022
I am the ONLY person in my ENTIRE extended family who is not Vaxxed, even the children and babies. So heartbreaking to witness this happening to the people I love. I say hang 'em high.
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