Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 25, 2025 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Microchip like structure in COVID19 unvaccinated blood. Magnification 2000x AM Medical.
In this post, I am showing COVID19 unvaccinated blood of multiple different individuals, featuring nanorobots building mesogens, polymer filaments and more.
The technological advancement of the biodigital convergence is accelerating at a dramatic pace. That National Science Foundation is a great driver of this in the US by organizing the collaboration of scientists across broad fields of science. They have build the networking of the Convergence Accelerator. The International Electrotechnical commission defines the convergence as:
The term bio-digital convergence denotes the convergence of engineering, nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science. While the concept is at least 20 years old, developments in the area have been turbocharged by the fast-paced changes and evolution of information and digital technologies.
Such multi-disciplinary solutions are key to tackling global environmental, governmental and societal challenges. Breakthroughs in biomedical devices, artificial organs and stem cell research have been vital to modern healthcare solutions. Agricultural bioengineering or genetic engineering of food helps address global challenges around hunger and economic welfare. Strides in environmental monitoring are crucial to managing clean air, water or soil. With a rapidly evolving technology landscape, it becomes imperative for standards around the area to co-evolve to ensure efficient progress.
Now imagine the rest of the world who is subject to this biodigital convergence without consent. Nobody I know has consented to inhale polymers, metals, graphene oxide and smartdust, nor have people consented to consume nanotechnology via food, drink and medications. But these scientists have come together to collaborate on exactly this. Please note that it is clear that Cybord, bio-bots including nano and microrobots, embedded inside your body computing via bioelectronics, sensor based monitoring, geoengineering and smart cities, as well as smart farming are all standardized technologies that groups like the NSF bring together to accelerate the convergence of humans and nanotechnology.
Here you see video evidence of this biodigital convergence in COVID19 unvaccinated blood.
As our President continues to support the mRNA vaccine technology, which is the delivery platform of the transhumanist Cyborg technology, we are in a dire situation. The medical profession has been assimilated into the Cybernetic Hive Mind Control grid, most doctors are completely uneducated regarding the nanobiotechnologies that have been deployed. They have been left in the dust of ignorance, while bioengineers, synthetic biologist, nanotechnologists, robotics experts and AI are in the middle of taking over the healthcare sector.
The Silicon Valley Executives and the US Universities are all part of the delivery mechanism of this end time technology, coordinated and accelerated by the National Science Foundation and new executive orders.
I leave you with these quotes. I would say Nanotechnology is an idea that most ex-humans did not believe. Because despite all the warnings, they were too slow to grasp what was happening in their world, and so they got eaten by faster fish, the military industrial pharma technocratic complex that has been proclaiming to further disruptive technologies for decades. They could not believe that they were being changed from the inside, when they could have just read Klaus Schwab’s book to get the gameplan of this war.
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Lise Godin - Jan 25
Lise Godin
SO horrible! They didn’t get enough persons with the vaccines so now it’s in our food, pills, and so on! Unacceptable!
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Gina Matthews - Jan 25
Gina Matthews
Project Stargate is the advancement of Project Warp Speed. Both pushed by Trump.
When will his delusional fan base wake up and realize he is NOT their hero nor their Saviour.
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