this might be of interest in context of nanotech injectables.
"MIT punches out cell-sized robots made of graphene"
consider this 2018 article in the context of how publicly released scientific information tends to be 20-30 years behind military tech.
Fantastic! Thank you SomeDude. This is some of the suff that has been seen in microsopic videos of the mRNA gene therapy solutions. So why are they in these so-called vaccines? There are also self-assembling nanoparticles of graphine oxide bots in the jabs.
Self-assembling protein nanoparticles in the design of vaccines
Author links open overlay panelJacintoLópez-SagasetaEnricoMalitoRinoRappuoliMatthew J.Bottomley
There are initial crude experiments in humans - proof of concept. Yes, as a result of these experiments, countless will die. If you are aware that you are human, STAY AWAY from this shit and all the pharma products.
We have been willing to be the profitable slaves for these sick, murderous criminals for years. We as a species managed to take Steve Jobs typesetting machines and allow these inanimate tools to be the profitable playthings used by totalitarians to ensure our own demise. Stop the self sabotage. Hammers, guns, clubs, bows and arrows, medicines, computers can all be used for good or ill. Humans are the tool users. But when we misuse them we all suffer the consequences.
Dearest AM Mihalcea MD,Ph.D. Ai no longer stands for artificial intelligence....
It stands for why not reveal what's really going on ..really, just stop the pretense of "artificial intelligence". Does Dr. Dixon hold this view?? I doubt it.
and by the way , no one in your office answers your telephone??.
I have left 3 messages since
discovering you, and have received many emails with blogs and videos from you. I also bought your book, and wish you if I don't hear anything from you or your office, ill try once more.
jjadams md ,mdh , sedona az
This is my opinion only, I might be wrong I might be right:
I’m not saying that the injections aren’t evil, contaminated, poisonous unnecessary, life threatening etc. They absolutely are!
But much of this video can be explained by the physical process of examination and observation. As a film maker adding the little robot voice to the video tipped me over the edge!
Max Ernst, the surrealist painter, used a combination of techniques called frottage /décollage involving pressing paint with shapes / glass plates (read slides) to create the illusion of structure in his paintings (eg the temptation of Saint Anthony) where there was none.
Crystals form when given the opportunity of surfaces, boiling stones, impurities (or glass plates) in the solution etc. Maybe they do respond to electric fields it wouldn’t be that much of a surprise given the scale of the observed formations - everything is influenced by magnetic/ electric forces. Everything is positively or negatively charged apart from the the neutral zone in Star Trek
The Vaccinators are stupid and greedy and consequently evil - they want the money and they don’t want to get caught therefore will do anything to avoid losing - like making sure everybody gets the shot to disguise the uptick in negative health outcomes - which hopefully failing I’m glad to say.
Other people, mostly WEF acolytes and opportunistic carrion feeders, are exploiting the situation of the pandemic and the orchestrated global warming narrative to achieve their greedy objectives of a technocratic world government before the illusion runs out of steam - because the earth is actually heading into another cooling phase.
BUT don’t lose any sleep about these antics because there is a cyclical galactic electromagnetic wave heading this way which may precipitate a micro nova and have a profound effect on the planet and human population wiping out all that “progress”
Therefore the takeaway is: You have nothing the worry about - we’re all f****d so enjoy it (life!) while you can :)
I was totally with you until the "we're all effed" theory. You may be right, but somehow it's just another PANdemonium to me... whatEVER. We're all gonna die regardless of how. Living in fear is Not The Way, which you seem to also believe. So... cheers.
You mean as in, graphene being "activated" by EMF's?
That's what I see as the main agenda. Easy peasy, and they can take out a buncha people just with the 5G.
I have seen these type of microscopic videos for more than two years now. Finally people are waking up to the real dangers of mRNA gene therapies.
David E. Martin PhD is the developer of several innovation-based quantitative indices of public equities and founder of the Purple Bridge Funds and M-CAM International. He has worked closely with the United States Congress and numerous trade and financial regulatory agencies in the United States. Dr. Martin is also a Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.
Since 1999, Dr. Martin has been actively tracking patent applications and approvals for the purpose of identifying suspicious activity. In the 94-minute video shown below, he shares the findings from his research regarding the laboratory development of a pathogenic coronavirus that started in 1999 and released initially upon human populations in the SARS CoV-1 in 2002-2003, then again in MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in 2012, and then again in SARS CoV-2 which was renamed COVID-19, as shown below with evidence from the primary development lab in Wuhan China.
In my opinion, his research proves that all of these pathogenic variants of the coronavirus were laboratory developed, man-made bioweapons. And they've all been funded by the NIAID under the direction of a self-proclaimed Jesuit, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
David E. MARTIN, not nixon.
Oh, shit, SORRY!!! I was all caught up in David Martin, he's soooo awesome! Scoozi!
Thanks for this. If David reads this or if you could ask - Has he studied the effects of the pfizer material under a UV light? The guys over at La Quinta Columna are studying it currently.
Grasshopper Kaplan - Nov 15, 2022
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
This is startling and tragic graphics of evil
The Word Herder - Nov 16, 2022
Amazingly like what I said... :(
SomeDude - Nov 15, 2022
this might be of interest in context of nanotech injectables.
"MIT punches out cell-sized robots made of graphene"
consider this 2018 article in the context of how publicly released scientific information tends to be 20-30 years behind military tech.
William Whitten -- Autodidact, - Nov 15, 2022
William’s Newsletter
Fantastic! Thank you SomeDude. This is some of the suff that has been seen in microsopic videos of the mRNA gene therapy solutions. So why are they in these so-called vaccines? There are also self-assembling nanoparticles of graphine oxide bots in the jabs.
Self-assembling protein nanoparticles in the design of vaccines
Author links open overlay panelJacintoLópez-SagasetaEnricoMalitoRinoRappuoliMatthew J.Bottomley
sifubernie - Nov 15, 2022
There are initial crude experiments in humans - proof of concept. Yes, as a result of these experiments, countless will die. If you are aware that you are human, STAY AWAY from this shit and all the pharma products.
KW NORTON - Nov 15, 2022
KW Norton Borders
We have been willing to be the profitable slaves for these sick, murderous criminals for years. We as a species managed to take Steve Jobs typesetting machines and allow these inanimate tools to be the profitable playthings used by totalitarians to ensure our own demise. Stop the self sabotage. Hammers, guns, clubs, bows and arrows, medicines, computers can all be used for good or ill. Humans are the tool users. But when we misuse them we all suffer the consequences.
rwbliberty65 - Nov 15, 2022
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 15, 2022
Yes you are right. For most people it will be too late before they get what is going on. 5.3 Billion people. And Shedding.
The Word Herder - Nov 16, 2022
It won't work. It never works.
FUBAR - Nov 15, 2022
Dr. Strecker's Report
Dearest AM Mihalcea MD,Ph.D. Ai no longer stands for artificial intelligence....
It stands for why not reveal what's really going on ..really, just stop the pretense of "artificial intelligence". Does Dr. Dixon hold this view?? I doubt it.
and by the way , no one in your office answers your telephone??.
I have left 3 messages since
discovering you, and have received many emails with blogs and videos from you. I also bought your book, and wish you if I don't hear anything from you or your office, ill try once more.
jjadams md ,mdh , sedona az
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 15, 2022
Agent’s Substack
You are right, this is ALIEN tech. and don't feel bad she doesn't respond to me either. If your reading this respond I believe that some University of Oregon Scientist discovered something you might be interested in.
Robert - Nov 15, 2022
Todd Callender on Brighteon alluded to this. He says some force is directing this
Johnsta - Nov 15, 2022
Johnsta’s Substack
This is my opinion only, I might be wrong I might be right:
I’m not saying that the injections aren’t evil, contaminated, poisonous unnecessary, life threatening etc. They absolutely are!
But much of this video can be explained by the physical process of examination and observation. As a film maker adding the little robot voice to the video tipped me over the edge!
Max Ernst, the surrealist painter, used a combination of techniques called frottage /décollage involving pressing paint with shapes / glass plates (read slides) to create the illusion of structure in his paintings (eg the temptation of Saint Anthony) where there was none.
Crystals form when given the opportunity of surfaces, boiling stones, impurities (or glass plates) in the solution etc. Maybe they do respond to electric fields it wouldn’t be that much of a surprise given the scale of the observed formations - everything is influenced by magnetic/ electric forces. Everything is positively or negatively charged apart from the the neutral zone in Star Trek
The Vaccinators are stupid and greedy and consequently evil - they want the money and they don’t want to get caught therefore will do anything to avoid losing - like making sure everybody gets the shot to disguise the uptick in negative health outcomes - which hopefully failing I’m glad to say.
Other people, mostly WEF acolytes and opportunistic carrion feeders, are exploiting the situation of the pandemic and the orchestrated global warming narrative to achieve their greedy objectives of a technocratic world government before the illusion runs out of steam - because the earth is actually heading into another cooling phase.
BUT don’t lose any sleep about these antics because there is a cyclical galactic electromagnetic wave heading this way which may precipitate a micro nova and have a profound effect on the planet and human population wiping out all that “progress”
Therefore the takeaway is: You have nothing the worry about - we’re all f****d so enjoy it (life!) while you can :)
The Word Herder - Nov 16, 2022
I was totally with you until the "we're all effed" theory. You may be right, but somehow it's just another PANdemonium to me... whatEVER. We're all gonna die regardless of how. Living in fear is Not The Way, which you seem to also believe. So... cheers.
AtomHeartMother - Nov 15, 2022
mRNA is a smoke screen, experiments on the population yes, but not the main agenda, imo. it's the nano circuitry that's the secret
The Word Herder - Nov 16, 2022
You mean as in, graphene being "activated" by EMF's?
That's what I see as the main agenda. Easy peasy, and they can take out a buncha people just with the 5G.
William Whitten -- Autodidact, - Nov 15, 2022
William’s Newsletter
I have seen these type of microscopic videos for more than two years now. Finally people are waking up to the real dangers of mRNA gene therapies.
David E. Martin PhD is the developer of several innovation-based quantitative indices of public equities and founder of the Purple Bridge Funds and M-CAM International. He has worked closely with the United States Congress and numerous trade and financial regulatory agencies in the United States. Dr. Martin is also a Batten Fellow at the University of Virginia's Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.
Since 1999, Dr. Martin has been actively tracking patent applications and approvals for the purpose of identifying suspicious activity. In the 94-minute video shown below, he shares the findings from his research regarding the laboratory development of a pathogenic coronavirus that started in 1999 and released initially upon human populations in the SARS CoV-1 in 2002-2003, then again in MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome in 2012, and then again in SARS CoV-2 which was renamed COVID-19, as shown below with evidence from the primary development lab in Wuhan China.
In my opinion, his research proves that all of these pathogenic variants of the coronavirus were laboratory developed, man-made bioweapons. And they've all been funded by the NIAID under the direction of a self-proclaimed Jesuit, Dr. Anthony Fauci.
The Word Herder - Nov 16, 2022
I found David Martin a couple of years ago, he's brilliant and very very cool.
I think he's right, you're right to notice that, and yep, yep, yep.
William Whitten -- Autodidact, - Nov 16, 2022
William’s Newsletter
Why don't the hearts work to give upvotes? I wanted to upvote your comment Herder!
The Word Herder - Nov 16, 2022
Thanks! But they DO work, it just takes time, sometimes. This ain't Facebook, LOL.
But I do appreciate the vote, cheers. (It did give me the "likes")
jacquelyn sauriol - Nov 15, 2022 - Edited
Seems his website is password protected, Can anyone else get in?
The Word Herder - Nov 16, 2022 - Edited
David E. MARTIN, not nixon.
Oh, shit, SORRY!!! I was all caught up in David Martin, he's soooo awesome! Scoozi!
The Word Herder - Nov 16, 2022
PS xo ^_^
Michael Brownstein - Nov 15, 2022
splinter - Nov 15, 2022
Ana, thankyou for being one of the only people on the planet focusing on shedding and trying to get this out of people.
splinter - Nov 15, 2022
Thanks for this. If David reads this or if you could ask - Has he studied the effects of the pfizer material under a UV light? The guys over at La Quinta Columna are studying it currently.
rwbliberty65 - Nov 23, 2022
Repent and pray for our Lord Jesus to protect us
The Word Herder - Nov 16, 2022
It's hard to "like" this, but I'm "liking" that you posted it.
This is what EVIL looks like.
fiatmasochist - Nov 15, 2022 - Edited
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