Nanoparticle Contamination Cover Up …

Mar 5, 2023

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Dane Wigington interviews PhD Whistleblower.


Cyn - Mar 5, 2023 - Edited


I’m curious as to how those responsible are protecting themselves as they attempt to eradicate their planet of al us “useless eaters”. Where are they having their food grown a nd how are they breathing with inhaling the same toxins? Or do they have some elite form of chelation and detoxifying systems to rid their bodies of the poison?


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 5, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

It should be obvious they are either non human controlled or dont mind being sacrificed in this war they must obviously serve that which is behind this at the highest level. It is like asking does a serial killer think or worry about the consequences of their actions even to themselves, or their victims ?


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 5, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Comment removed.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 5, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Yes they are , no way to absolutely control the spray programs , the wind blows it everywhere , the rains and snows wash it everywhere , they dont yet live in separate living ecosystems , until they go underground and EVEN that is dependent on surface living systems and resources. I dont see ANY of these pathetic miscreants LEVITATING or WORKING MIRACLES, or doing anything but being parasitic predators on the productive.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 13, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Thank you Thomas. Correct. >>>There is no where to hide...<<<
The perpetrators are plainly dangerous and insane. They need to be arrested and hung from a gallows. The public remains stupefied via purchase of their own devices...


Mishelle Shepard - Mar 5, 2023

Mishelle Shepard

“Living on reds, vitamin C and cocaine . . .” Just for laughs, Grateful Dead. I think you are correct--I’d say most of them never succumbed to Rockefeller medicine, which means they are quite a few generations better off, considering we were all poisoned from before birth, those of us born in the last century.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 5, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

No I was never vaxxed or use their poison medicine. Lived off grid entire adult life , but yes we are all being sprayed.


Blaise - Mar 6, 2023

Att Viska

Figures, with vile not-my-king Charles


CLEOLYNNE - Mar 5, 2023

CleoLynn’s Newsletter

They and the Zionists are being the genocide. Satanists all. They will pay.


Paul Vonharnish - Mar 5, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Comment removed.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 13, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Cathy and readers: I've referenced the posted link many, many times. Most of the material was originally detailed on the "Zeus Revelations" page. Over 85% of historic data presented on the page is verifiable with a modest amount of work. Title: "The Holy Grail of Who “They” Are That Rule Over Us All | TABU; Towards A Better Understanding"
Thanks for posting.


Stevanovitch - Mar 5, 2023


That, and the fact that in the absence of their recognition of their Creator, and the valued vessel their body actually is, they are empty of the self-respect that comes with faith. Then there’s the guilt and fear that drives them. To hell.


Luc Lelievre - Mar 5, 2023

Luc Lelievre



Larry Druhall - Mar 5, 2023 - Edited

Solution Seeking

Cyn. This is an excellent question. The discussions here are insightful.
There are many possible answers to your question. If we are successful in taking the intelligence agencies and militaries, we may get more definitive answers to "I’m curious as to how those responsible are protecting themselves as they attempt to eradicate their planet of al us “useless eaters”.". Until that happens, we can conjecture.
There is another possibility that is not discussed in these comments so far. What do all selfish powerful psychopaths seek? Immortality?
It is possible that the very top of the command chain of our enemy is seeking immortality for itself? It is possible that the injections and nano particles are associated with that immortality? It is possible that the very top of the enemy has already converted itself into something immortal that is not hurt by the nano particles, and it wants all life on this planet either dead from the nano particles (and other poisons), or converted into its remote controlled robot slaves? I do not like writing this, but, perhaps, it is a moral imperative to share this possibility.


CLEOLYNNE - Mar 5, 2023

CleoLynn’s Newsletter

They cannot achieve immortality. They have NO SOULS. THEY ARE MERELY LUMPS OF FLESH.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 5, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

I think that is on the right track and promises have been made to them , but then they are just useful "idiots" to whomever or whatever is making those promises but understands 'THEIR " lust for power and control is easily manipulated for another hidden agenda. AS ABOVE SO BELOW , AS WITHIN SO WITHOUT.


JayD - Mar 17, 2023


David Sinclair's work on reseting (pardon the word!) the genetic "switch" in our DNA to reverse aging is being done in mice. Apparently BILLIONS are being pushed into this research that has been going on for a few decades now:
I wonder who is donating the BILLIONS!!


Stevanovitch - Mar 17, 2023


Fear-based indoctrination is rampant. Fear of death. How weak. You know who I think is selfish? Not the freedom fighters who want to preserve real society. Rather, its the weak fools cryin’ about dyin’.


nico napo - Jul 13, 2023

nico’s Newsletter

Fk zion usg


Larry Druhall - Mar 17, 2023

Solution Seeking

WHO is donating the billions? Perhaps the same selfish parasitic predatory cockroaches who control our slave planet? Perhaps they have already developed an immortality vaccine for themselves, hold that immortality vaccine as a bribe for the sellout puppet cowards they install in power positions to rubber stamp the harm of humanity, and gift the rest of the population with the depopulation and enslavement clot shots?


Marty - Mar 7, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Heard this immortality theory before but not here. The human body doesn't require engineered nanoparticles to function properly and it's unlikely that it will ever increase the lifespan of an individual (i could be wrong, and also maybe in the near future the environment becomes so toxic that you'll need advanced knowledge, tech and medicine to survive). One thing is for sure, the enemy has tested the nanotech that's in the injectables for years but on a limited scale and decided now was a good time to unleash it onto innocent (and trusting) people.
Are they seeking immortality ? Surely, but mostly for themselves. These injections are layer upon layer of toxic complex nanotechnology, no immortality here, just immediate mortality. Remote control yes, and if the rest dies they couldn't care less.


Stevanovitch - Mar 7, 2023


Absolutely, Larry. Just as glyphosate kills all plant life Except the GMO crop( modified to resist the poison) those evil bastards may have succeeded at thinking they have immunity from their poisons be they nano from the sky, nano injected, or nano shed from other (soon to die) humans.
Worth looking into, as so many scramble to detoxify their violated body and mind.


Larry Druhall - Mar 7, 2023

Solution Seeking

I hope others will not make assumptions about the capabilities and motivations of our enemy. We are permitted to know and write about what our enemy allows us on it's internet. What might happen to somebody who discovered the whole truth and dared to disclose it here? I am astounded at those who think they somehow KNOW things with such an authoritative high degree of certainty. Of course I defend their right to their views, but, at times, I do not feel like debating that kind of thing. For me, everything is a probability. I think that CDS probably works against the quantum dot and nano bio weapons for many people if one uses it constantly and if one starts it in time. I think that EDTA under the guide of a rare qualified and trustworthy physician probably works better. I am more skeptical of the claims of supplements working as well as these two things, with the exception of some of the chelation supplements, which might work to a degree. Of course the brave doctors and scientists who dare to investigate this are taking risks and have limited resources. It is also possible that the very top of our enemy has already mutated itself into something that does not require the things we require, possibly the mutated forms are ok with EMF pollution, chemical pollution, radiation pollution, and the other poisons our enemy are destroying the earth with. I cannot KNOW any of this. It is conjecture. Those who KNOW can have the last word with me.


Gwendolyn Jones - Jul 22

Gwendolyn’s Substack

They want money, power, and control.


Harold Saive - Mar 5, 2023

News Paradigm

The useful idiots in the campaign of destruction are working in a state of compartmentalization and ignorance of the big plan. Just as the Russians are invading Ukraine with high risk of death others are willing to die for their brainwashed beliefs of "saving the planet"


Kathleen Janoski - Mar 5, 2023

Kathleen Janoski

Ukraine is a money laundering operation for the corrupt Biden regime.
Human trafficking in Ukraine.
US funded bioweapons labs in Ukraine.


Harold Saive - Mar 5, 2023

News Paradigm

Ukraine is many things,


Kathleen Janoski - Mar 5, 2023

Kathleen Janoski

Ukraine is not worth one drop of American blood.
The people cheering for war in Ukraine do not have kids in the military.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 5, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

There may be some acting in that way but MOST are not , they are all in on this , I have seen too much proof of that, the Russians are not invading Ukraine for those reasons this war is all planned by the same people and organizations we are discussing here in this . US , NATO WEF , UN , all manipulating this .


Harold Saive - Mar 5, 2023

News Paradigm

Right. They are willing to die for the cause no matter how poorly the understand it ... I think we agree.


Rosalind McGill - Mar 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I always assumed they know how to detox and probably eat mostly organic food from greenhouses . However, bill gates man boobs makes me question if he does.


Kathleen Devanney. A human. - Mar 6, 2023

Kathleen Devanney's Newsletter

thanks for the laugh - I hear ya.


Rosalind McGill - Mar 6, 2023

Rosalind McGill

I’ve heard his adult children are NOT vaccinated for the standard childhood schedule.


Weihan Xing - Mar 5, 2023

Weihan Xing

Could they be an entirely different species? Just asking.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 5, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Yes and no , yes some we see as appearing as human are not, others we see as human are under control of nonhuman species, others simply worship and serve the dark side of things and are all in on it , others just play along to be rich and powerful because that seems better than being victimized by all this , which IS what we will ALL be if we dont get active and stop it .


Mary Lou Longworth - Mar 5, 2023

Mary Lou Longworth

Are you referring to an alien species?
Somehow this fear of aliens and getting people used to the idea of aliens
will play into the next psyop. I think techniques using holography will be used
to deceive people. The technology has been around since 1948, so after 75 years of
perfecting this technology, it can be weaponized to create narratives. It was used with success during 9/11. Jesus gives a heads up warning in Matthew 24:23-25.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 5, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

I have no fear of them, but yes may well play into next holographic psyop . But I have some news for you , the most fearful of all are those whose Christian beliefs teach them to fear even their own creator and the creator of all. They intend to give ALL the three spinoffs of the Abrahamic source the holographs aligned with their beliefs, and then destroy those beliefs by having it appear differently than they BELIEVE it should. All belief systems will get their psyop , why would they leave anyone out ? Every generation for 2000 years has expected JESHUA to return any minute to solve their problems and end their struggles that they themselves could if they quit giving their power away to beliefs and act together instead of arguing about whose beliefs are correct, and on whose interpretation of altered,and confiscated written history is correct as well .


Luc Lelievre - Mar 5, 2023

Luc Lelievre

Good question.
I was thinking about this too.


Pam Vernon - Mar 6, 2023


When I first learned about the trails way back it's a question I frequently asked!! I figure they have their ways & means for avoidance/treatment/etc that are privy only to themselves. I heard Gates didn't jab his kids.


Kathleen Devanney. A human. - Mar 5, 2023

Kathleen Devanney's Newsletter

Dane has speculated that they may, understanding the threat, doing things - like regularly having their blood 'cleaned' and other detoxifying methods, to offset effects.


dar - Mar 5, 2023

Kathleen Devanney's Newsletter

Bingo! ms K...'Remember when adrenochrome was a "conspiracy theory?" Now it's conspiracy FACT in the form of "youth transplants" by Ethan Huff
For years, it was called a wild conspiracy theory. But the idea that “elitists” are siphoning the blood and life essence of young people in an effort to live forever has now been vindicated. Ever since The Telegraph reported that so-called “youth transplants” can help reverse the aging process, the concept of blood-sucking parasites living among us suddenly became more real than ever.
They are branding it innocuously, of course, calling it an “anti-aging” process that taps into the “fountain of youth.” But the reality is that youth transplants are akin to the adrenochrome scandal that cropped up during the Trump years.
“‘Youth transplants’ is a euphemism for sucking out the vital fluids of [tortured] baby / child ‘donors’ and injecting them into aging recipients,” writes Ben Bartee for The Daily Bell.
The tone in which they [mms] are reporting on this suggests that it is some futuristic thing.
We saw a similar tone used when they finally unveiled chemtrails, also known as geoengineering, years after it was already taking place. Once they finally got around to spilling the beans, they pretended as though it had not been happening all along but was soon to come.
In both cases, the media presents these disturbing realities in glossed-over terms. Siphoning youth essence is “anti-aging” while geoengineering, we are told, will save the planet from global warming.
These evils are always presented to the masses as being a good thing that will fix some bad thing. This is how they sell the public on accepting things that most people would otherwise reject as evil.
Bartee explains that in 2019, a United States-based startup called Ambrosia – a name that is creepy in and of itself, considering the focus of its business – started selling teenage blood plasma to Silicon Valley billionaires for $8,000 a liter.
That company was later forced to shut down temporarily, and the question was never answered as to where Ambrosia obtained its teenage blood plasma.
Was it from the “wealthy children of DC elites, or some poor farmer’s daughter in a Guatemalan village, or the Compton streets, or some Appalachian township?” Bartee asks.
It turns out that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to Ambrosia at the time about the safety of its product. The company remained closed for only a very short time because, according to its owner, “our patients really want the treatment.”
“The mega-rich can disrespect The Science© when they ‘really want’ to harvest the blood of the global poor, but you can’t if you’re skeptical of experimental COVID-19 mRNA ‘gene therapies’ marketed as vaccines,” Bartee further notes about the hypocrisy of the system.
Another Silicon Valley-based biomedical startup called Alkahest sells similar youth transplant products. Not surprising at all is the fact that billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates is involved with these various endeavors.
“Gates, the quintessential robber baron monopoly man in a non-threatening Mr. Rogers getup, loves nothing more than cornering the market on a valuable new biomedical commodity,” Bartee says.
So why now? Why is the corporate-controlled media suddenly telling the truth about youth transplants? Perhaps society has now reached the point of such degradation that these kinds of things will no longer shock the average person, who has been fully desensitized to every form of evil that pervades the West.


Kathleen Devanney. A human. - Mar 5, 2023

Kathleen Devanney's Newsletter

Yes, conspiracy theories have had a few good years. And so much more to go! 'they' are very good at normalizing anything that undermines and demoralizes human values and dignity.


John Vargo - May 10, 2023

John Vargo

look up the conspiracy word in a dictionary and it's two or more people creating a nefarious plan.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 6, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

No amount of horrendous adrenochrome could protect them from the stuff being sprayed into the atmosphere. or 5g turned up higher unless they go totally underground in their cities and bunkers WE PAID FOR


Larry Druhall - Mar 7, 2023

Solution Seeking

I dream of taking the enemy's intelligence agencies and militaries and turning them against the enemy. After that, I would love to see the data on the communications of the enemy with all their puppets who have rubber stamped and carried out the harm. I would also love to storm the DUMBs, extract the cowardly cockroaches from them, and see what is really there. I do not accept that this can't be accomplished. WW1 apparently actually ended due to military mutiny on all sides. The enemy's war against humanity and the planet can also end that way. In the Solution Seeking Substack I did my best to invite the world's intelligence agencies to consider the all possible perspectives here and to consider acting in the root cause best interests of their loved ones and themselves. That, apparently, is not enough. Other options are being considered, some of which will not be shared on the enemy's internet. My hope is that some of the world's intelligence agency employees are also considering such things.


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 17, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Well I think anyone with any brains would agree this would be the best , and most sure way to defeat them from within , the question is HOW TO ACCOMPLISH THIS . I have talked to many career people from these fields , and they have not given me much confidence in this occurring. Though Im certain there are some within thinking and planning. BUT lets say they accomplish this, what is to keep them from becoming just the next generation of power corrupted maniacs, nothing UNLESS the consciousness of BOTH THEY and the majority of surviving humanity changes GREATLY . We are still at this point at the mercy of 4,000 year old Babylonian monsters in elite family lines. That story is getting pretty old dont ya think?


Larry Druhall - Mar 17, 2023

Solution Seeking

I will send you an email now about what my experiences since Jan 1 2023 have taught me. That email might hurt feelings of some, so I won't share it more widely until I refine it somewhat.


Terry Adams - Mar 7, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

What if they WANT to be infested with nanotechnology? What if they WANT transhumanism?


Rosalind McGill - Mar 7, 2023

Rosalind McGill

They may, but I don’t! I bend over backwards to eat real food and avoid products I know have it.


Marty - Mar 7, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Comment removed.


Marty - Mar 7, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

diatomaceous earth is a blessing, the silica can really help purifying the blood.


Larry Druhall - Mar 7, 2023

Solution Seeking

What might work against our enemy? We are discussing that, and other things. If you, or anybody you know of, is/are interested in participating as an equal partner in a free, think tank type project that relies on comments to figure out HOW to stop our enemy from harming humanity and all life on the planet, looking at a wide range of possibilities, please take a look at this. We could use some help. Thanks.


Rosalind McGill - Mar 7, 2023

Rosalind McGill

Glad you reminded me of diatomaceous earth, good stuff!


Roman S Shapoval - Mar 6, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

They're mentally ill themselves, so we can't rule out that they also have some kind of suicide/death wish. Then there are those who just want to go to mars, and have no idea or connection to how beautiful this earth can be.


Harold Saive - Mar 6, 2023

News Paradigm

The enemy has the same opinion of us.


joe stuerzl 85 - Mar 6, 2023 - Edited

joe’s Substack

While reading the article I had the same question .Would they do to them self what they are doing to us .?It makes no sense to me .No doubt exterminating us is ongoing right now in multible ways ,but how would they avoid getting fatally harmed along with us ,?


Harold Saive - Mar 6, 2023 - Edited

News Paradigm

Consider that In the 20th Century American troops have willingly signed-up to fight and put themselves at great risk of dying for a "cause" that is not always patriotism. The people we consider our enemies are no less willing to take the same risks for THEIR cause, even if it means a nuclear war. People willingly sign-up to take risky vaccines as a token of some kind of "patriotism" that "We're all in this together". Many people are risk-takers. They live near active volcanoes by choice.


Marty - Mar 7, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Comment removed.


Marty - Mar 7, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

You're correct, the useful jab-pushing idiots are not protected from the carnage, if they know how to detox, probably some do. You can't unleash such a poison on the whole world and have all your minions protected.


Luc Lelievre - Mar 7, 2023

Luc Lelievre

Correct. We will all meet again in Hell!


Luc Lelievre - Mar 7, 2023

Luc Lelievre

Indeed. Very creepy.
I am almost 70 now. And this doesn't look good.


Thomas Guitarman - Sep 8, 2023

Thomas’s Substack out the 100 dollar bill


Reply (1) - Mar 6, 2023

Epiphany Beyond A Biblical Scale

Comment removed.


Luc Lelievre - Mar 6, 2023

Luc Lelievre

I side with you, Libor!


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Mar 5, 2023

Comment removed.


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Mar 5, 2023

Cathy, great info. Appreciate that. Thank you.


Luc Lelievre - Mar 5, 2023

Luc Lelievre

It would sound preposterous to imagine Gates, Soros & Schwab not facing Justice after such statistical occurrences worldwide. Call it Nuremberg 2.0 or 4.0 ... these people must be made accountable for their madness sometime soon.


Scott Funkhouser - Aug 2, 2023

Luc Lelievre

Nuremberg was a show trial no reason to think 2.0 would be differrent.


Luc Lelievre - Aug 2, 2023

Luc Lelievre

I know. But many Nazis were hung, anyway.
And that was a great satisfaction for many.
- Luc


Stephen Verchinski - Mar 15, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

Let them eat lead.


Reply (1) - Mar 6, 2023

Epiphany Beyond A Biblical Scale

Comment removed.


Luc Lelievre - Mar 8, 2023

Luc Lelievre

Thanks, Libor.


Dominique Guillet - Mar 5, 2023

Xochi’s Substack

Thanks Ana. As to the toxicity of graphene, I presented the following recently.
Summary of 50 studies on the extreme toxicity of graphene quantum dots, or carbon quantum dots, to the animal organism
Summary of 121 studies on the extreme toxicity of Carbon Nanotubes (Graphene) to the animal organism
Summary of 111 studies on the extreme toxicity of Graphene Oxide to the animal organism
58 studies on the extreme genotoxicity of Graphene nanoparticles for the reproductive system of insects, fish and mammals


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 5, 2023

Xochi’s Substack

Yes Dominique, excellent. Everybody, I recommend her substack, please check it out. Fabulous research.


Dominique Guillet - Mar 6, 2023

Xochi’s Substack

Hello Ana. I am a male warrior... but we are all brothers and sisters anyway.


Thomas Guitarman - Sep 8, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Check out whats hiding in a $100 bill under microscope


Kate Smith - Mar 6, 2023

Don’t shoot the Messenger

Do you have any studies on graphene oxide in contrast dye for MRI? I had one back around 2017 and all these crazy reactions from the shot is what happened to me. The seizures, lost taste and smell after tasting nothing but metal for about a week. Still do not have those two senses back. All over body pain severely lethargic. Tired constantly and if I sit down I fall asleep. I’ve searched for these studies but can’t fund them. Any info is appreciated!!


Dominique Guillet - Mar 6, 2023

Xochi’s Substack

Hello Kate. Indeed, I found one with graphene oxide and many others with iron oxide. Did you swallow anything before the MRI?
Functionalized graphene oxide/Fe3o4 hybrids for cellular magnetic resonance imaging and fluorescence labeling


Dan Preece - Mar 5, 2023

Sounds like the great battle in heaven from long ago being played out again at a molecular level. 🥶


Mishelle Shepard - Mar 5, 2023

Mishelle Shepard

Dane is my personal Jesus. No one has been in this battle longer than him, and still going strong. It is my honor to listen to his ‘bad news broadcast’ every Sunday, like church. I find him stoic, inspiring and setting the exact tone I feel in my soul about the planetary asylum we find ourselves in. Thank you for featuring his work here!


deadmanriding 1 - Mar 5, 2023

The latest WEF plan to block out the sun is appropriately acronymed SATAN... .


LONG In The TRUTH - Mar 5, 2023

Hamish625’s Substack's actually DanE Wigington, Ana.....


Dr Kay - Mar 5, 2023

Dr. Kay’s Newsletter

Thanks. He's such a powerful warrior and has been going strong for decades!


Thomas Guitarman - Mar 5, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

It would seem so, but I know a major player in the anti-geoengineering truthers, that claims he is CIA , but I dont see the value in his information to be used by CIA or him as effective controlled opposition , so I dont know for sure about him.


Dr Kay - Mar 6, 2023

Dr. Kay’s Newsletter

I had never heard that, but I do not discount anything as being possible; MK Ultra is incredibly widespread, well beyond the bounds of what most people who have been able to get past the cognitive dissonance to acknowledge that it's real can even imagine. At any time, someone who has spent their entire life moving in any particular direction could be "activated" and an alter steps up. Does that discount the message or negate the work that has been accomplished? No. SRA survivors more often than not do not have any recollection of the programming that they went through. Sometimes it is the emotional footprint coming from the subconscious which creates the motivation that drives people forward consciously on paths of activism, and great things can result. I believe that as time moves along, a great deal more of what has been hidden.......the evil that has been perpetuated upon the human race....will come to light.


Digging in, Reaching out - Mar 8, 2023

Steve’s Newsletter

this speaks to me re getting an email from Arthur Firstenberg (am on his subscriber list) the other month, and he was utterly discounting the existence of chemtrails, stating the case that all trails are contrails, formed by condensation....presenting reasons, his 'evidence' to support his case. I continue to be flabbergasted, also in the way he was discrediting Dane, Freeland, Carnicom etc. (no doubt Ana too!). Our lives are influenced by people we listen to online, never meet, think we are discerning about, but ultimately we can't know who has been 'got'...


Dr Kay - Mar 8, 2023

Dr. Kay’s Newsletter

These influencers who are non-thinkers just regurgitate information that they are told by "authorities" as gospel; they have zero discernment and then pat themselves on the back for their so-called "intelligence" (compliance). All anyone has to do is have a simple conversation with any pilot to realize that there are no flight patterns that are checkerboard, which is what you see if you look up at the skies. Same planes, back and forth. There are many difference between contrails and chemtrails. This is just pure cognitive dissonance, and it is consenting to evil by remaining stubbornly oblivious.


Paul Vonharnish - Jul 13, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Yes. I followed Arthur Firstenberg for years, but unsubscribed the day he published his denial of ongoing geoengineering activities. I think he was made an offer he couldn't refuse...
I will no longer support his work or his web page, and will continue to denounce him as a limited hangout shill.


KW NORTON - Mar 5, 2023

KW Norton Borders

From the beginning (whenever that was?) I have pegged these self described elites as psychopathic suicidal serially abusive maniacs. We have allowed the rightful inmates to take over this asylum. What other species does this????


Digging in, Reaching out - Mar 8, 2023

Steve’s Newsletter

it would seem helpful to combine your 'from the beginning (whever that was?)' with 'what other species does this?
I expect most commenters here interprete/believe/fathom all dynamics playing out in this material field of play we experience as humans, are manifestations of a vaster spiritual force/maelstrom.
So, if 'the beginning' is some Primary Source, then is not every aspect that is, and has ever been, and will ever will be (sounds Ickeish that!) of that source, is there any real actual 'other' but just a variation of manifestation of Primary Source?
And masquerading in our programmed perception as something separate and alien to us?
All 'species', all matter, all dimensions, all intents, are part of common origin?
And as such.... what to fear?
I'm fascinated to be expanding the sense of context of my life, and not be bogged down in the 3D physical, (however much immersed in honing my 5 senses, making lifestyle choices to negotiate the assaults, being stoic).
It calls for a consideration of how we (and planets) are of spiritual essence, have reached our pinnacle of material form on/along with Earth, and we are re-spiritualising.
We either focus on that path as our reality, or we devolve into cyborghood.
Those seem the options if our consciousness is aware enough to tune into what is truly going on.
Gigi Young on youtube really helps expand this context. She is influenced by Steiner amongst others, and pulls it together in a way that positively beams out.


KW NORTON - Mar 8, 2023

KW Norton Borders

You certainly read a great deal into this. I appreciate your detailed comment. I have written pretty extensively on this is posts.


Art Costa - Mar 5, 2023 - Edited

As I understand these heavy metals (nanoparticles) is they create a magnetic connection with 5G (and frankly 4G as well).
These metals need to be detoxed. While the body is capable of detoxifying toxins/chemicals, it is very challenging to remove these heavy metals. There are means, relatively noninvasive use of minerals, infrared saunas and other very effective measures can be taken.
We need to connect these heavy metals with the injections, geoengineering and 5G roll out. Together than cause huge harm and also connect to 4IR/Smart Cities, etc.
These heavy metals surround us. They are not natural for the most part and cause all kinds of ill effects.
For more information I recommend watching/listening to this:


Cognitive Dissonance - Mar 5, 2023 - Edited

Cognitive’s Newsletter

They are monetizing their waste, as always! Just like 99%+ pharma products.
Where do all these materials come from? Straight from the mines? No.
They pulverize our garbage & recycling and spray it back down on us... regional sourcing instead of global. They use industrial hammer mills to turn it all into micro & nano particles..


AM - Mar 5, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

Dr. Ana, how do we continually detox from these heavy metals as well as the nano weapon shed by the vaxxed?


JMarie.58 - Mar 7, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

The protocols are found on FLCCC website. I take most as there's a few that cancel out the others. And a few new ones have cropped up, but basically to protect from heavy metals and shedding at minimum you need daily; Vit C 1000IU, Vitamin D 5000IU, Zinc 40mg, Quercetin 500-600mg, NAC 500mg. Added options are: Melatonin (melatonin - helps reduce neurological inflammatory response), Bromelein (enzyme for digestion, gut reaction) Cofix (1% povidone iodine nasal spray protection at nasal entrance). There's more as the plant world yields so much. Best of luck, God bless.


Blaise - Mar 6, 2023

Att Viska

Interestingly, about 5 - 6 years ago, I had two experiences.
a.) Working at Zimmer in Warsaw, IN., I was out for a walk around lunch time. I watched two planes, at altitude, pass by during a 10 min. period, but same altitude from what I could guage, same size etc., both leaving contrails. Suddenly, one of the contrails just abruptly stopped. Why?
b.) I was on the beach in Cannon Beach, Aug. 2016. I see the plane paralleling the coast, going north, towards where I was on vacation with my lovely wife, in Cannon Beach, in what is now the People's Socialist Dystopia of Oregon. Suddenly, the contrail stops, and the plane turns around back south. What? Was some Hollywierd Learjet Leftist out for a joy ride? Sure seems to argue for the reality of this all.
The question is, though, that I get it that elite have protected themselves. But surely they would have extended family, etc. that they care about. That is, IF they are even human at this point, which is open to question (cf. That Hideous Strength by CS Lewis, which foretold all this) Or do they do detox?


Larry Druhall - Mar 5, 2023

Solution Seeking

In the comments here, Cyn asks a question. "I’m curious as to how those responsible are protecting themselves as they attempt to eradicate their planet of al us “useless eaters”."
This is an excellent question. The discussions there are insightful.
There are many possible answers to this question. If we are successful in taking the intelligence agencies and militaries, we may get more definitive answers questions like this. Until that happens, we can conjecture...
There is another possibility that is not discussed in these comments so far. What do all selfish powerful psychopaths seek? Immortality?
It is possible that the very top of the command chain of our enemy is seeking immortality for itself? It is possible that the injections and nano particles are associated with that immortality? It is possible that the very top of the enemy has already converted itself into something immortal that is not hurt by the nano particles, and it wants all life on this planet either dead from the nano particles (and other poisons), or converted into its remote controlled robot slaves?
I do not like writing this, but, perhaps, it is a moral imperative to share this possibility.


Master Jack - Mar 5, 2023


Introducing the Terra Carta


Larry Druhall - Mar 5, 2023

Solution Seeking

Fascinating. Thanks.


Weihan Xing - Mar 5, 2023

Weihan Xing

DANE Wigington, not "Dan."


Chet Welch - Mar 5, 2023

Thanks Dr. Ana for sharing Dan's findings. It is nothing new however. The US govt. has been spraying us for years.


Terry Adams - Mar 7, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

The only issue I have ever had with Dane is the fact that he never discusses the biological aspect of the aerosol program, preferring instead to focus on the eco-terrorism these luciferian psychopaths are engaged in. That's cool - he IS good at what he does. As naive as I am, I always expected that once the public knows that they are being sprayed like %@# insects, they would stand up and demand that this be stopped. It hasn't, nor will it ever happen... People simply prefer the easier softer way that leads to destruction..i.e. they prefer to remain willfully ignorant. <sigh>



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