Nanobots Programming Humanity - Interview…

May 15, 2024

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Nanobots Programming Humanity - Maria Zeee


Michael Folks - May 15 - Edited

Michael’s Substack

Memories,planted, removed, what is reality anymore? Could people commit a Murder, do the act have memory of it removed and be tried and found Guilty, with no knowledge of doing so?


Angie - May 15 - Edited


It is likely that we were all born into this Simulation and the time has come to reveal this faux reality to some of us by showing how it was done via the excellent research of Dr. Milhalcea, Elana Freeland, Clifford Carnacom, Sabrina Wallace, Nonvaxer420, David Icke, etc.
Do not fking comply.


stardot - May 15

stardot’s Substack

Serhan Serhan who supposedly killed RFK


Clot Shot Lab - May 15

michelle.w’s Substack

When you’re *excited* for every new post on this topic because that’s the world we live in now and you’re desperate for a way out 🙃


Skupe - May 15


Sorry, but I'm not excited. Frankly, I think it's terrifying.


Clot Shot Lab - May 15

michelle.w’s Substack

You'll be learning about it one way or another, eventually. I finally got my own microscope to look at my own blood. And yes, it is terrifying. I've put up a few posts here on substack.


Chris Gfeller - May 15

Same here. I spend a few hours a day looking at my skin and blood etc under microscope. The last few months I keep seeing fibers that are not round and in my skin and blood and a white substance that makes alien looking patterns when zooming in and out. I suspect it is some type of fiber network they are building in us to catch EMF/5G etc and the white translucent film is some kind of DARPA-Gel. I was recently tested for lime disease and came up negative yet the tick had some similar characteristics. Weird stuff going on.... Also seeing occasional strings balls on a microscopic level.


Anita Tatum - May 15

joe’s Substack

This is terrifying!! I didn’t take the shot either, but did have a couple of nasal swabs!!


joe stuerzl 85 - May 15

joe’s Substack

Not taking the shot was the right thing to do ,but now we see it makes no difference ,we are all infected ,our blood is a mess ,that may end humanity including animals .Is the extermination of all life the fate of some planets .??


Merrick - May 15

Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…

What a fuckin, lyin, duchebag, fear mongering, pussy you be!


SIRIUS - May 17

SIRIUS ispod struje

This is a psyop section, and Merrick is aware of it!


joe stuerzl 85 - May 15

joe’s Substack

Merrick ,you don't belong here ,who let you in ??


joe stuerzl 85 - May 15

joe’s Substack

Merrick ,I will have to send my raging ganma with her weaponized walking sticks to your encampment to poke you in the eye .I.m not writing comments for Idiots like you .Stay with your kind ,you don't belong here .


Skupe - May 15


Thanks for telling me.


Angela - May 16


What if they have already gone further than we imagined and those injected (plus those heavily shedded upon) are already oblivious to what is going on. There seems to be an awful lot of people afflicted with chemically lobotomy automaton behaviour.


Christine - May 15

Christine’s Newsletter

It won't help with the Nanobots, but: My FREE Salt Water Cure for Bird Flu and Covid and any other virus.
Bird Flu fear campaign being rolled out to push another wave of jabs
Covid Crusher
3 minutes from preparation to job done!!
Everything else you have read, or heard, is totally irrelevant - how simple is that
Covid Crusher: Mix one heaped teaspoon of Iodine table salt in a mug of warm clean water, cup a hand and sniff or snort the entire mugful up your nose, spitting out anything which comes down into your mouth. If sore, then you have a virus, so continue morning noon and night, or more often if you want, until the soreness goes away (2-3 minutes) then blow out your nose and flush away, washing your hands afterwards, until when you do my simple cure, you don't have any soreness at all, when you flush - job done. Also swallow a couple of mouthfuls of salt water and if you have burning in your lungs, salt killing virus and pneumonia, there too.
My simple salt water cure, kills all Coronaviruses and viruses, as soon as you think you have an infection, or while self isolating, before the viruses mutate into the disease in your head and body, for which there is no cure - that is, after you have been out shopping, or mixing with people with potentially, Omicron or Delta viruses, or any other virus.
It washes behind the eyes, the brain bulb, brain stem (Long Covid), The Escutcheon Tubes to the inner ears and the top of the throat which is at a point roughly level with half way up your ears and not where your mouth is and down the back of your throat, when sore.
I have been doing this simple cure for over 30 years and I am and others, never sick from viruses and there is no reason why any of you should be either - when your only alternative are those vaccines!!
I do my simple preparation, after I have been out and about, or come into contact with people who have been vaccinated - it has kept me safe - and I hope it keeps me safe for the foreseeable future as Graphene Oxide is in the very air we breathe, outside, as well, but now from the vaccinated!!
Simply put, if the inside of your nose is dry and crusty, you are OK, if your nose is runny, you really need to do a salt water sniffle as quickly as possible and monitor the results, to see if further salt water sniffles are necessary, but later on in that evening - so far - I remain immune from potential Covid infections, doing just this.
For 30 years, I have NEVER been ill from viral infections and there is no reason why you should be either, if you do as I do and it costs zero too Yes, I get the viruses, but this is how I stop them from infecting me and how I have avoided vaccines (which don't work) like the plague they are, in my opinion - AND THERE IS STILL CLEAN SEA WATER TO USE INSTEAD.
Nobody has been injured or killed by my above salt water cure


Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - May 16

Professor Lulu Fuzzbean



crapshoot farmer - May 16

crapshoot farmer

Prove corona virus exists first. then maybe we'll try your method.


Christine - May 16

Christine’s Newsletter

I don't care, personally, if you do, or you don't - i don't care if you have been vaccinated either, more fool you - you had the same choices I had - you got vaccianted, I refused, it is that simple. I ca neasily live with my choices because by Law, I am Human and all Human rights apply to me Neanderthal viruses
Genetic sequences from three common viruses that plague humanity today have been isolated from the remains of Neanderthals who lived more than 50,000 years ago. Marcelo Briones at the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil, and his colleagues analysed DNA from the skeletons of two male Neanderthals found in Chagyrskaya cave in Russia. They identified the remnants of an adenovirus, which causes cold symptoms in modern humans; herpesvirus, which can result in cold sores; and the sexually transmitted papillomavirus, which can cause genital warts and cancer. They are the oldest human viruses ever discovered - and Briones says it may be possible to synthesise these viruses and infect modern human cells with them in the lab.
New Scientist


crapshoot farmer - May 16

crapshoot farmer

How do you know I got vaccinated?
I didn't.
You've said nothing new. Virus in Latin means poison, (toxins). Eat a woolly mammoth or a rat and see what happens 50k yrs. ago.
Steve Kirsch has a multi million dollar reward for anyone that proves corona virus exists. and several years later no one has.
You misled by changing the subject.


Jane Hoffman - May 17

Jane’s Substack

The solar flares are upgrading our DNA which is mitigating the shedding etc. Many natural ways also. Daily conscious confirming you are totally healthy affirmations. Saying I do not consent!


PaulieG - May 16

Wild to see. Radiation waves pumping out all night over most of the US. About a week ago


TreeTomato - May 15 - Edited

Arlene’s Newsletter

If these nanobots are mini computers, then presumably they run according to some code.
Can we reverse-engineer that code in order to ascertain the programming interface components?
If so, then can we not send them signals which cause them to disassemble and perhaps self-destruct?


Bee Gee - May 15 - Edited

Bee Gee

As far as I am aware, no one is trying any kind of signal interception or networking probes on the nanobots.
If they are in fact uploading something from everyone who has been shed on to a cloud (as some theorize), there is a network protocol and wireless signal frequency that can possibly be manipulated or blocked, intercepted, modulated, etc.
Whats the frequency or spectrum block or channel? Whats the syntax of the handshake it sends when a Bluetooth device pings it? There would be a IP address or at least IP range it is reaching out to, etc, etc.
Then there is the magnetism which some people find they have now... perhaps just the right magnetic signal could dissolve it, similar to how they control nanorobots in the body.
So many questions, in any case we could learn much by tracking or intercepting that signal. I dont think that is true however, unvaxxed do not emit MAC ID's and the vaxxed Do.
They have shown that adding a drop of vaxx to unvaxxed blood on a slide will start emitting a MAC ID, so I think it requires a physical shot, not just shedding to create a widebody area network in a human.
We would need a good network hacker working along with doctors like Dr Ana to figure it out, but you may be right, they may just have a wireless self-destruct button that causes the nanotech in people to just dissolve.


Cos - May 15 - Edited

crapshoot farmer

"I think it requires a physical shot, not just shedding to create a widebody area network in a human"
Without doubt the vax'd and unvax'd cannot be all placed in the same box, I believe there are varying degrees of maturation of this tech in the unvax'd, the MAC ID being a casing point required for the mesh network. For the observant I think we will see more evidence of this every day now moving forward.
"they may just have a wireless self-destruct button that causes the nanotech in people to just dissolve"
Sabrina talks about this often - 'kill boxes' removal of all evidence in the tap of a keyboard, quite possibly one or the most heinous crimes in all of this.


crapshoot farmer - May 16 - Edited

crapshoot farmer

and low level electrical charges have been discussed here as well.
What about hitting yourself with a stun gun?
Just wondering, with humor thrown in...


Cos - May 16 - Edited

Crack me up, if things aren't crazy enough imagining walking around the streets watching people stunning themselves. :-) The cops would have to throw their stunner away, they would be healing too many people, not to mention death row inmates getting cured where the chair is still used.
I have since found out ANY electrical or magnetic fields exacerbate the problem and promote development.
I recall some time ago a guy developed an electric doorway walk through system with a degree of success. I guess it worked as he was suicided from what I understand and the product destroyed.
Personally my thoughts are these systems have 'electrical limitations'.


Rob - May 15 - Edited


And what does anyone plan on doing about it? Not a thing


Cos - May 15 - Edited

A lot of smart cookies and workers are here and many other locations working on mitigation techniques and ongoing solutions. They play the long game, this isn't like a light switch we can turn off, this will be ongoing for many years, this is why we need to educate our children of their ways and don't hold back.


Rob - May 15 - Edited


How could there be zero mention of this by any mass source, Washington officials or any government agency from any country?
All in light of the fact that this process does not discriminate, that those who know and are silent are sacrificing themselves and family members. There has to be more to this than we think, far more


Bee Gee - May 15 - Edited

Bee Gee

There is zero mention of it because they are trying to kill us all.
I think someone somewhere has the solution, I don't believe this was a multi-decade multi-billion dollar accident.


Rob - May 15 - Edited


Elite immortality? With a controlled subservient numbered population?
Yes there is much more to this than meets the eye.


Cos - May 15 - Edited

I would even go as far as saying the implementation of this portion, stems back to the early 90's (See Sabrina Wallace on this), so the 'internet of thoughts' has been long established, but is concentrated at the 'controlling department levels' throughout society. After all this is how they work, if you are just seeing 'it' now then 'it' has been implemented 10-20+ years ago, also making it near impossible to (undo) roll back.


crapshoot farmer - May 16

crapshoot farmer

Some of "them" will mention it when their time is almost up. Watch 1 minute of Walter Cronkite spilling the truth about one world government.


Michael Folks - May 15

Michael’s Substack

Be programmed, to break laws, comit Heinous crimes, evidence of doing so, is overwhelming, even fingerprints, video recording, and eye witnesses to the act, with no memory...


Joan Hendrickson - May 15 - Edited

Bee Gee

How is this getting in our blood? Vectors? What can we do to stave it off? Vit C, MB and EDTA only


Bee Gee - May 15 - Edited

Bee Gee

In my opinion, it is getting in unvaxxed people primarily through shedding from the vaxxed. That is the most consistent variable, that just so happens to coincide with the massive increase in blood contamination of the unvaxxed in 2021.
It transfects to the unvaxxed in minutes to seconds, and the vaxxed/infected are everywhere now. Some people think it is primarily spread by touch but that is not true, some unvaxxed women can simply go into a business or store or gas station which has of course had hundreds of infected in it daily, Touch Nothing, and they still get their period, as just one example among many. So it can obviously be inhaled or go through the skin like a gas as Dr Ana theorizes.
It has been shedding for 3 years now, which is why everyone has it to some degree, but the more exposure you have, the worse it gets.
I expected for a long time now that as more and more people cross shed to more and more people, everyone who is not taking countermeasures would get worse and worse, which seems to be true based upon many peoples blood findings.
I personally use oral EDTA, ALA, bromelain, sodium citrate and Vitamin C... they are all mild chelators that cross the BBB and bromelain gets into closed organ systems other enzymes do not, like the testes and ovaries.
Thats why I have written so many comments about how to maximize your bromelain intake with fresh pineapple.
I myself vamp the juice out of 1 to 1 and a half fresh pineapples a day everyday I can get them. Two a day makes my tongue bleed though so I think I have built up my max tolerance for bromelain.
My wife and I just completed a 3 day detox fast using the above and we went through 8 pineapples over 5 days, along with 16 pounds of oranges. Along with 3 Arizona EDTA pills and 1 medfive, twice a day. Along with 3 grams of hempseed oil for ALA, twice a day and I dont know how many tablespoons of sodium citrate in zerowater.
I drink fresh orange juice daily though, so I still have like another 8-10 pounds of oranges before I have to go back to the store and get reinfected again.
Thats what I do.


Phyllis B - May 15 - Edited

Phyllis B

I've been "detoxing" all along but only know to go to the health food store. What are some good brands for the above? I know some are pretty good but not really versed in this


Bee Gee - May 16

Bee Gee

I have not inspected them under a microscope or anything, but I personally use both Arizona brand EDTA and Medfive Brand EDTA. The Arizona gets into your system pretty much immediately and the Medfive takes an hour or two so you get a more spread out dosage.
I dont take bromelain pills much since fresh pineapple is so so So much better but I have some NOW bromelain pills for when I cannot get fresh pineapple or run out.
I also use NOW's pure citric acid to make my own sodium citrate on the stove, along with some Bobs Red Mill Sodium Bicarbonate.
I usually just a lot of drink fresh orange juice for C, but I also have some Lifes Fortune liposomal Vitamin C for when I run out of fresh oranges.
I get ALA from organic hempseed oil pills that I got in bulk from nutravitashop.
And I drink a gallon or two of Zerowater per day, they make the best water filter and its only $30, but you do have to replace the filters regularly.
I find the secret to drinking a lot of water is just to get a really big glass... the bigger it is, the easier it is to drink a lot of water from. My regular drinking glass holds 4 cups so its heavy but one good drink and I can down more water than some small glasses hold in total. All in all, I drink around a gallon or more a day. No added minerals or anything, just pure water, except when I add orange juice.
I used to take nattokinase and curcumin since they both help a lot too but they bind with EDTA so I didnt buy any more the last time I ran out.
That's what I take. And I have known shedding was real since 10:38pm on June 10th, 2021 when I figured out I was magnetic. I didnt tell my gf (now wife) for about an hour and then she came over and finally got the courage to try it at around 1am.
She had it too, as did her daughter whose other parental household got vaxxed on one of the very first days it became available at the MS campus in Redmond.
Then we discovered that Many unvaxxed people in Kirkland had it. So I packed a Uhaul with everything we owned in 3 days flat and moved to a midwest state with a low vaxx percentage but it didnt help.
I showed EVERYONE I met on that 3 day roadtrip, at every single gas station and rest stop and motel I stopped at. And to my surprise, many of those strangers had it Too... all unvaxxed, and even in places hundreds of miles from any 5g towers.
Its surprisingly easy to get complete strangers to try to stick some coins or keys to their forehead at a rest stop at 1 in the morning when you do it first.
I dont know why everyone hides from the magnetic aspect, I think many many people have it now and its a quick easy way to wake people the F up fast when they realize its not a trick and its happening to them Too.
Then they get that scared look deep in their eyes but they sure dont think its a trick anymore. If everyone would have realized unvaxxed people were becoming magnetic in 2021, maybe we could have stopped this... but they already Knew it was happening, and instead they stopped Us from getting the truth out.
I still think its very important though... maybe Every Single Turbocancer case actually has the magnetism and it only became a turbocancer after they scanned them with multiple high energy scans like CT or Xray or MRI repeatedly. Seems likely.
If anyone is interested, an old channel from 2021 that has a ton of unvaxxed people who are magnetic, before it went dark.
Well I am off work now and I dont use wifi so good luck to you in any case. We all need it.


Phyllis B - May 16

Phyllis B

thanks so much for all the info! I'm wondering if I should get a DEXA scan or even a mammogram anymore :O


Bee Gee - May 16

Bee Gee

My wife will not.
We went to her doctor after we found we had the magnetism, got a bunch of blood work (all normal) but before we went into the office, I told her "I bet he is going to deny it is happening and then offer to give you some kind of MRI or X-ray."
And that's just what he did. Now she says she would rather take her chances without whatever the paid murderers recommend.
Or if you have to go to a doctor, just ask them what they think about the covid vaccine... and if they dont tell you it is bad and never ever get it, they are a known liar with a conflict of interest in your wellbeing.


Ellen Scott - May 15

Along with that question, is it safe to donate blood? I understand it is good to get excess iron out of your body. Additionally, does it matter if it comes from vaxed or unvaxed individuals… if we assume all of us have contaminated blood? And also, what about the needle they use in your vein when donating? Seems like we have to consider it as well.


joe stuerzl 85 - May 15

joe’s Substack

We breath it in and it is in our food ,air, and water . We can add the EMF .=Electro Magnetic Fields ,that are popping up every where . The wireless devises most of us carry are not our friends ,get read of them


PaulieG - May 16

EMFs sweeping over America all night last week


Michael Folks - May 15

Michael’s Substack

This will give Prosecuting, and Defense Attorneys, real headaches, if it can Add/ Remove memories.


Linda - Jun 6

Banned videos can't be posted on social media
Please use Rumble or Bitchute instead


Darp 7 - May 29

You can't stop us , it's to late I am Darp Man


Linda Tanner - May 19

Linda Tanner

The unusual part of those nanobots racing around in the video is that they were navigating through normal, healthy-looking blood! There was not one bit of Rouleaux Formation that I could see. So, was it a fantastic find that the blood shown in that video just happened to be in the very earliest stages of "infection"?
That's one guess. But another guess gives us hope. Think about it. There are obvious llittle, fast-moving objects in that blood, likely nanobots, moving rapidly around and among the healthy-lookiing rbc's, yet all the red cells look normal! More research is definitely needed. I want, so badly, to believe that that blood was somehow able to resist being taken (assimilated) over by the nanotechnology.
Hopefully Dr. Ana can delve into the patient's history to learn more about what differentiates this patient's "infected" blood from all the other infected blood we've seen so far.


Tena - May 18

I've been having trouble opening links from Substack lately... But only on certain topics including this one. I'm wondering if anyone has a link for this video?



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