Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 11, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Image: Micellar Mesh network creating polymers with rouleaux formation. Magnification 400x. AM Medical
This is the blood of a COVID19 unvaccinated teenager. People who state there are no nano or microrobots are denying our next generation the help they need to grow up healthy and unharmed.
Image: Micellar Mesh network creating polymer filament with rouleaux formation. Magnification 200x. AM Medical
Image: Micellar Mesh network creating polymer filament with rouleaux formation. Magnification 200x. AM Medical
Image: Mesogen microchip and green fluorescent polymer. Magnification 400x. AM Medical
The following videos were taken at 2000x magnification, polymer creation clearly seen. Enlarge the video screen to see the tiny nanobots moving within the micellar spheres.
I have looked at the blood of many teenagers now and their contamination status and symptomatology can be severe from shedding. The self assembly nanotechnology is certainly enhanced by WIFI and cell phone use.
I would have the blood of young individuals checked, even while asymptomatic. You cannot feel self assembly nanotechnology and by the time symptoms develop, a lot of damage can already occur.
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Randal - Dec 11
Honestly, we should not be posting or talking about ANYTHING other than the Transhumanism agenda or solutions to it! Everything else feels like a distraction from what is truly going on. Atleast 5 days a week I have chemtrail filled skies with what I suspect to be nanotechnology where I live and work. It's truly sickening
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Thelma Eugene - Dec 11
Attention egg eaters and homesteaders. For the past three years, eggs have started to manifest speckling (or freckles) on the eggshells. This is most visible with darker colored eggs. If you look at the eggshell surface with a low-powered handheld microscope you will see what appear to be 3-D 'eruptions' where there are speckles. If you put these pieces of eggshell on a hot surface to essentially burn the fragment, you will notice the smell of burning plastic. This is hydrogel, a type of plastic (or polymer). In the homesteading context, the hydrogel is being delivered via aerosol often at night. The chickens breathe it in and then, it circulates throughout their bodies. When the chickens are subsequently exposed to WiFi frequencies, the hydrogel is activated and the eggs produced become hydrogel vectors that you subsequently consume. Apologies for any typos. That pesky AI keeps changing what I am writing. Take home message: Don't eat freckled eggs! I've been laughed at by some of my fellow homesteaders who don't understand the science of what we are dealing with. I've been watching this situation carefully for three years. They are clever and think we won't notice.
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