My Interview With Stew Peters On Graphene…

Jul 12, 2023

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THE STEW PETERS SHOW Pfizer & Media Caught Lying About Graphene Oxide: Dr.


BornAlive - Jul 12, 2023

" Is It True My Daugher Knows A…

WHAT?!?! the media is LYING!?!?


Kyle Young - Jul 13, 2023

the secular heretic

Dr. Mihalcea have you tried using sodium chloride or other forms of salt to clear the blood of nano particles.


Patricia Mckeever - Jul 12, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

May I ask is all hydrogel
Poison ?


JMarie.58 - Jul 13, 2023

JMarie.58’s Substack

It’s a plastic and does not belong in the human body. Publications that market its use as beneficial in medicine may have some point but it is also a smokescreen for hidden agendas, along with graphene in gene-editing injectable’s like we’re seeing. Used as a weapon it negates any benefit.


Rea - Jul 13, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

Guess I’ll need to google that... 😉


Apologetic Yankee - Jul 13, 2023

Apologetic Yankee



Haden - Jul 13, 2023


Hydrogel is a solvent that helps the body evade the toxins, an incubator if you will. Some people have had four jabs and are still fine BUT wait until the Hydrogel capsules burst or rupture then problems begin. See documentary Payload 1 and 2 totaling 1 hour 6 minutes long.


Rea - Jul 13, 2023

Great question.


laurel - Jul 13, 2023

Estudia los videos denkaren kingston es muy largo


Apologetic Yankee - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

Unfortunately in order to listen/view evidently One must sign up on Peter's forum > this is desperately needed info that should be broadcasting with no strings attached > those who need to hear this info most are unlikely to be willing to join his Community.
While Peters is of course credited for covering the issue & giving Dr. Mihalcea a mic, it's unlikely it will receive much, if any attention beyond the Peters email paywall.
Hopefully Carnicom Institute Research also received a very deserving mention, certainly assuming so.
Continued thanks to Dr. Mihalcea for all efforts in getting this information disseminated as far & wide as the censoring algorithms will allow.


Unapologetically Me - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

I was able to view that link, no sign in.


Apologetic Yankee - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

Thx for the info 🙏 > will try again
Edit > listening now...thx again 👍 > I obviously hit too many links & ended up going further than necessary.


Kamii Neko - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

FMRVR’s Newsletter

I reckon he's a shill because he paywalls important information, he pushes the left vs right political agenda and is anti-gay as opposed to anti woke-trans-agenda.


Brent Erskine - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

FMRVR’s Newsletter

I think Stew Peters is a hero fighting for humanity. I have watched him fight this evil from the beginning, when he was almost the only voice warning about these evil murderers.


Kamii Neko - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

FMRVR’s Newsletter

But he's pro-Trump! I used to love him but his anti-gay stance and left-right political agenda push is waaaay off. There are more legitimate truthers than SP. Anyone still pushing either party as saviour is a shill. However, like any good controlled opposition it's a good limited hangout.


Brent Erskine - Jul 19, 2023

FMRVR’s Newsletter

You dislike SP, ok ... who is better? I think your arguments about someone being "pro-trump" so they are bad or "anti-gay" (so they are bad) are laughable


Patricia Mckeever - Jul 13, 2023

Me toooooooooooo


Jeff Maki - Jul 18, 2023

I believe you to be really off the rails in regards to Stews sincerity, commitment, and integrity on what he reports


Kamii Neko - Jul 18, 2023

I was originally a big follower of Stew. However, he changed. He pay walls a lot of important information. He proclaims and 'milks' that he is a Christian, so what Jesus would do? Hold back critical information for monetary gain leading to the potential suffering of those who cant pay? He also promotes Trump. Mr Project Warp speed. Mr "Take the vax its good!", let alone his close links to Epstein and the myriad of other obscene quotes that have come from that mans mouth. Would a follower of Jesus, who 'acts' pious, also be a follower of Trump? Those two are morally polar opposites, which makes Stew untrustworthy and hypocrite at best. Thus, he appears to be in it for the money. Which equals SHILL. I still follow his posts as he is a good 'limited hangout' and has some good guests Eg Dr Ana in amongst the shills. That is what controlled opposition literally does.
However, as always, make up your own mind what you would like to believe based upon what you observe and research yourself. There are enough people out there already trying to program us what to think.


Apologetic Yankee - Jul 13, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

I've since been corrected > the information shared is available w/no strings attached


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023


Stew is on Rumble, just sub him


John - Jul 14, 2023


Worthless to anyone hearing impaired.
No Captions..
Rumble sux.


Paul - Jul 13, 2023

Dr. Ana,
I don't know all the biochemistry associated with prions.
As your know, prions are essentially poorly-folding proteins.
I visualize a single protein like a single pearl necklace, with each single pearl representing a single amino acid (AA). To my understanding, proteins undergo normal folding to form their normal 3-D conformation.
But for some reason, prions form by improper folding, & can actually, cause other normal proteins to fold unnaturally/abnormally, if the prion simply makes physical contact with it.
I heard of prions about 30 years ago, so maybe science has discovered more information about them.
Excuse me for a moment as I need to reattach my tin foil hat. Ok, that's better.
Now, prions' actions do seem almost alien, almost conscious. They are tenacious little bastards. I wonder if they were an early trial run, using proteins, instead of lipids?
Thank You For All Your "Tenacious D."


Terry Adams - Jul 13, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

Love Stew Peters! I have played many of his shows on the radio.. of course the powers-that-shouldn't-be started their usual character assassination of him. I consider it a badge of honor...


Carmen - Jul 13, 2023

El Substack de Carmen

Let me understand, please: does this mean that masses of people around the world will begin to act soon as real (not metaphorical) ZOMBIES??? 😳


Brent Erskine - Jul 13, 2023

FMRVR’s Newsletter

Real Zombies are probably coming if the 16 million or so (dead) infected people with COVID have sythetic biology in them that continues to grow ... 5 inches per month in the human body, according to Carnicom.


Carmen - Jul 15, 2023

El Substack de Carmen

So those dead who were infected and "have synthetic biology in them that continues to grow" (if that is the case) will just get out of their tombs and begin to walk and to attack alive people???
There are many "natural" and "rational" ways to kill and depopulate... What is the purpose then for deploying such kind of "method"???


Brent Erskine - Jul 19, 2023

FMRVR’s Newsletter

Denis Bushnell is a head NASA scientist and psychopath. You should read his key paper, they are doing this to every plant, animal, and insect on earth, humans are just one group, dead humans (and dead other creatures) are just another target of their synthetic biology with AI hell they are creating. You have to ask them why?


Carmen - Jul 19, 2023

El Substack de Carmen

Yes, you are right: they don't need any reason for doing what they're doing. They do it because they can, period. And because their god is power and their goal is destruction.


ann watson - Jul 13, 2023

lucky I read through all your articles - anyone coming in at this point would still understand some of it
but I even understood about the weird colors of the quantum dots.


Nostradamus X - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

 Misinformation Super Spreader in Chief: Bidensky, 2021
“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” and “If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die.”
“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated. Not the vaccinated, the unvaccinated. That’s the problem. Everybody talks about freedom and not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about making sure that you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else.”


Nostradamus X - Jul 13, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

Mass Casualty at Concerts: When COVID-19 Vaccinated Crowds “Die Suddenly”.
2023 Ed Sheeran Concert (2 cardiac arrest, 17 hospitalized), 2022 South Korea Halloween Party (159 dead), 2021 Travis Scott Concert (10 dead)


Frances Leader - Jul 15, 2023


Vaccines were not the only thing those people have in common.... they were all saturated in electro-magnetic radiation. Big events become hotspots because everyone is carrying and using their communication devices.


Brent Erskine - Jul 13, 2023

FMRVR’s Newsletter

You are mentally retarded and you have a depraved mind. Also, I bet you don't believe in God either, so I will pray for you.


AwakeNotWoke - Jul 14, 2023


What makes you think that?


Brent Erskine - Jul 19, 2023

FMRVR’s Newsletter

In regards to what? I wasn't replying to you ... what is the context of your question?


AwakeNotWoke - Jul 21, 2023


In regards to your statement in response to Nostradamus X's posts criticizing Biden and drawing attention to vaccination deaths.


Jeff Maki - Jul 18, 2023

Dr. Ana said in this interview that there are several drugs that have the nano particles in them and Benadryl was one.
Did anyone catch that and can anyone confirm that?


Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Jul 13, 2023

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

Dr Ana looks great with that headset on. If she shows up here, where I live, I'd buy her a beer, and she could sleep on my couch, for sure ... but maximum kissing and holding hands! Marriage and EDTA-chelation before sex and children! :oD


Jeff Maki - Jul 18, 2023

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

She has a great smile, but she sticks to her own gender by the way


Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Jul 18, 2023

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

If I marry her, and treat her right, she will probably not look back in the direction of Sodom and Gomorrah. ;-)


Frances Leader - Jul 15, 2023




Psalms91 - Jul 13, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack

Well done, open that Pandora’s box which they tried to keep the lid on from flying open.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack

Psalms 19.1 Says it all.


Psalms91 - Jul 13, 2023

Psalms91’s Substack

Thank you, Sir have a blessed day.
And yes they have no clue.


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

AMEN X 10! You as well 👍🙏


Christopher Euard - Jul 13, 2023

Rochelle Porto

I can’t get any Stew Peters shows to play. Anyone having that problem?


Stephan - Jul 13, 2023

Nope, all good here


Rochelle Porto - Jul 13, 2023

Rochelle Porto

He’s on Rumble and Telegram if you don’t subscribe to his network


laurel - Dec 6, 2023 INTERESANTE


laurel - Dec 6, 2023

Look at


Frances Leader - Jul 15, 2023


What progress is being made to identify the fibrin substance?
Last I heard the main constituent is phosphorous. Has that been confirmed please?



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