My Interview with Sherrona Bishop on…

Jul 28, 2023

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Apologetic Yankee - Jul 28, 2023 - Edited

Apologetic Yankee

Being awake to the illuminati agenda makes you feel like the main character in a horror movie. No matter how much you try to warn people they're being emotionally manipulated by a divide conquer strategy they still refuse to research it and just laugh at you instead ....IF You're lucky that's all that happens to you.


Dustin Roberts - Jul 29, 2023 - Edited

Yeah exactly right. There was a story from Greek Mythology I remember that almost applies to us. It's called The Cassandra Complex.
From Wiki: Cassandra was a daughter of Priam, the King of Troy. Struck by her beauty, Apollo provided her with the gift of prophecy, but when Cassandra refused Apollo's romantic advances, he placed a curse ensuring that nobody would believe her warnings. Cassandra was left with the knowledge of future events, but could neither alter these events nor convince others of the validity of her predictions.
However, I believe in Jesus Christ and he sends his helper the Holy Spirit to give us just what we need when we need it. I think that can help us overcome this Cassandra complex that seems to be blanketing our movement.


Connie Raley - Jul 28, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Is anyone testing our vegetables yet? They say the technology will be in our vegetables soon or is it already?


SoCalGal - Jul 28, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Watch for Apeel that’s sprayed on apples and maybe other fruits. It doesn’t wash off and helps to keep it from rotting. Gross.


Joe - Jul 28, 2023

Joe’s Substack

What about dental anesthesia I got it in 2022 does that mean I’m vaccinated to?


matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 31, 2023

matt’s microscopy

probably not vaccinated at all, just poisoned the same as i.


Joe - Aug 8, 2023

Joe’s Substack

So Ana said they poison us using milk and meat but cannot vaccinate us unless we give consent so they just poison us


Donna P - Aug 4, 2023

Donna’s Substack

Anna Mihalcea, please contact me for an interview?? Australia freedom reports


Donna P - Aug 4, 2023

Donna’s Substack

Anna Mihalcea, please contact me for an interview?? Australia freedom reports


Ex-corporate - Jul 29, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Where is Ana Maria Mihalcea geographically?


Ivan The Terrible - Jul 30, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Washington state.


Richard - Jul 29, 2023

Ana, might you be able to provide the entire segment with Sherronna Bishop? On the Rumble version, your segment begins at 18:21. The clip you provide above is fine, but really just a 3-minute tease. The full 20 minutes is very informative from beginning to end! Very valuable!


Robert - Jul 28, 2023

Robert’s Substack

QUESTION DR ANA can you clarify if ORAL EDTA would be effective. Saw online only has 5% absorption rate please?


matt. j.a.o.b - Jul 31, 2023

matt’s microscopy

the suppositories were clinically shown to be as effective as chelation but i have been warned of risks with it by a good Dr.


Ronald D Norris - Jul 28, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

Comment removed.


Ronald D Norris - Jul 28, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

Dr Ana can you comment on these results? I took the gel/plastic from myself and another man and placed 2mm cubes in test tubes containing saline and a test substance. The gel/plastic was from 2 un-v and from the 30ml whole blood clotting test. After 5 days the serrapeptase dissolved it, nattokinase and lumbrokinase after 8 days. Bromelain was effective when NAC was added and agitated after 48 hrs. Dr Peter Mccollough recommends natto for degeneration of spike protein, and bromelain with NAC, and lumbro. is rec. by FLCCC. If spike or gel/plastic is a poly amide like protein such as collagen or keratin then proteases may theoretically have an effect at least in vitro. Who knows if in a human. Thanks


psychoNWO - Jul 28, 2023 - Edited


Comment removed.


psychoNWO - Jul 29, 2023 - Edited


You are not being targeted by hoard's of citizen Gangstalkers. Think about it - thousands of stalkers working in a hundred plus different countries for at least 50 years? Someone would have talked by now. It would be such a huge logistical operation that they could never keep it secret. Look at the stalkers too - they are mostly low-life, low IQ scumbags that couldn't even get a job cleaning toilets, never mind working for high level intelligence agencies.
Read the comments section of the video linked below to know what is happening to you.
Targeted Individual Program Exposed...
Good luck.


psychoNWO - Jul 29, 2023 - Edited


The Covert War Against Humanity...
Mirrored content from the website Data Asylum...
The quotes are from the Data Asylum site linked above. The website used extensive video footage from Hollywood movies to demonstrate what is happening to Targeted Individuals. The Hollywood movie archives are full of this type of information because Gangstalking is being perpetrated by members of the pseudo religious group that owns and runs Hollywood.
"People think there is some kind of spiritual law that compels the Jews to broadcast their intentions. That they have to show us what they are doing to reduce karma or something. The idea is if we don't complain then it constitutes our tacit consent." It may even be a form of predictive programming, who knows.
Unfortunately, the website is down and most of the videos the site linked to have been removed. The names of the movies are still there if anyone wants to do their own research. Here are a couple of chapters from the old website...
"5) What is gang stalking?
"Gang stalking, stalkers or other public/organized stalking is when random people you have never met before from the public stalk you wherever you go. You may go to the bank, and a stalker will be there. This is definitely what it appears like, however, its just another illusion - as I have repeatedly said throughout this site; aka Black Limousine (2010). The purpose is to psychologically manipulate people who become targeted with phase 2 in an effort to destabilize them. In reality these people from the public(the Perps) are already close by and are simply mind controlled on demand (via suggestion) to be present or give acts or signs that they are there for you. They have no idea they are doing it, and the thoughts a TI has which causes them to notice these so called stalkers are not even their own thoughts to begin with. This is one of the many aspects of a large and complicated program that has been massively over engineered to accomplish and deliver the most impossible to believe things in an effort to confuse, monitor, judge and harm targeted individuals. It’s difficult to comprehend until you go through it. A good example and demonstration can be found in the review for Ultrasonic (2012)."
It is possible that they are doing this via some kind of memory capture technology,, ie, by recording an event from someone's memory so it can be retrieved and used later (see Dr Charles Morgan lecture at West Point Military Academy on human memory control and retrieval - YouTube). The event would encompass absolutely everything in the TI's associative memory bank - including their own identity parameters. The same would be done with the Perp,, ie, the person the 'program' has chosen as the Gangstalker,, ie, everything that is being done to the TI can also be done to the the random guy doing the harassing. For example, the Perp may have previously visited a park near the TI's house and have that memory of wanting to go to the park is still stored somewhere in their memory banks. Transhumanist's have apparently developed algorithms that can access these memories and reactivate them - so the Perp suddenly gets the 'idea' in their head that they want to go to the park. The same thing is done to the TI and they both arrive in the park at the same time.
They also use holograms...
This is done again and again over a period of many years using different Perps to convince the TI's that roving gangs of organised stalkers are following them everywhere they go. They're not. Its all being done by A.I. via nanoscale EMF sensors in the body that are connected to 5G telco networks.
Brain-to-Computer Interface links Human Brain to A.I. Cloud...
It sounds impossible but this is all documented in the nanotechnology patents.
Military level Artificial Intelligence is far more advanced than the public have been led to believe. To know the true capabilities of the technology read the harrowing testimonies of millions of Targeted Individuals worldwide. Bear in mind that these covert testing protocols have been designed to create the impression that Targeted Individuals are mentally unstable - this is being done by the actual technology the TI's are trying to warn people about. This strategy has allowed the 'program' to go undetected for decades.
Targeted Individuals are the beta-testers for the coming crypto-currency blockchain quantum financial system. A highly advanced Artificial Intelligence program running on quantum computers has been running these beta-tests for decades. The randomly induced pain, the sleep deprivation, the V2K, burning sensations, muscle aches etc... are separate components and are presumably being developed for covert use against dissenters.
Eventually the technology will be used to connect everyone to the 4th industrial revolution Quantum Financial System via 5G. They need 5G to make it work because of the massive bandwidth it provides, hence the rapid rollout of 5G infrastructure while we're all locked down under fake COVID regulations.
"Graphene based nano-transceivers and nano-antennas are expected to implicitly operate withing the terahertz frequency bands. The advantage of operating in terahertz bands is that it supports a very high bit rate for information transmission..."
Human Body Communication System. This is old technology but the Graphene Oxide nanoscale materials in the COVID vaccines function along the same principles...
"6) So this is mind control right?
"Yes, but the term mind control is so 1960's. I picture a chimpanzee hooked up to electrodes. Its 2018, mind control technology has changed. Whenever I say ‘mind control‘ think of the word ‘convince‘, because that’s more like it, they simply convince someone mentally to do something by thinking for them, or with them, in real time. it works very well because no one ever doubts the thoughts they are having are wrong or not their own. And for extreme circumstances they can suspend your memory turning you into a mindless robot. It’s unstoppable. Also see Earthkiller (2011) for details on this convincing or suggesting method."
"Also remember mind control is only one aspect of the overall functionality provided by the greater graphene oxide Brain-to-Computer BioAPI interface."
7) Why do they put everything in the movies?
"It constitutes a warning and public notice. For example Gamer (2009). It’s hidden in plain sight, therefore you are unlikely to notice it because it’s outside of your sphere of focus."
Data Asylum - Old Video Footage from the Website...
Synthetic DNA with SMART properties can be encoded with such precision as to make it controllable by a computer. Using CRISPR, synthetic DNA can be placed into a virus and used as a vector to infect and spread embedded code within living human cells allowing them to be manipulated by artificial intelligence.
Transhumanist scientists can now convert biological code into digital genetic code, then deconvolute it back into biological code, this means digital genetic viruses can be dispersed via EMF networks that are capable of infecting biological organs. Laboratory created synthetic 'viruses' turn blood cells into Molecular EMF Transmitters. Commentary starts @ 7m56s...
Nanotech Humans - Bi Directional DNA to Computer Interface...
Those in control haven't really invented anything new, they have merely discovered how to hack into the existing quantum field system.
Gangstalking is a shadow government beta-test program being run by a highly advanced Artificial Intelligence program. Targeted Individuals are the guinea pigs for these new militaristic remote neural weapons systems. This non-consentual human testing has been going on for at least 40 years.. Craig Vetner and other transhumanist psychopath's openly brag about being able to insert artificial memories and 'event' sequences into peoples minds. Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil have talked about this also.
Making people think or do something you want them to do is not that difficult with today's technology. Electro-magnetic frequency weapons have been developed by the military that can be modulated to create theta wave and beta wave asymmetrical activity in the brain, thus rendering an individual or group acutely susceptible to outside instruction. Once activated, the A.I. simply implants an artificial 'memory' or 'event' sequence into the brain in a similar way that a hypnotherapist implants an instruction into a patients mind. Think of it like a sound engineer inserting a sound byte into a digital audio track.
According to transhumanist science, DNA resonant frequency technology will be an integral part of the 4th industrial revolution.


psychoNWO - Jul 29, 2023 - Edited


Comment removed.


psychoNWO - Jul 30, 2023 - Edited


We are being surveilled by the Sentient World Simulation which is a highly advanced Quantum A.I. weapons system. The SWS has access to every aspect of your being. It is connected to your brain via a mesh electronics nanoscale Brain-to-Computer Interface...
The SWS also has a 'search and register' module called Jade 2.0 and it already has a file on you, in case you become its enemy. Commentary starts @ 14m13s...
Jade Helm 2.0...


psychoNWO - Jul 30, 2023 - Edited


COVID began when 5G went live in Wuhan, China. Its all technology...


psychoNWO - Jul 30, 2023 - Edited


Patent to intercept conversations, emails etc.. To steal ideas and harass targets (writers, whistleblowers etc). Satellite and ground based antenna (Allowing 24/7 surveillance of anyone, even in their homes). To gather blackmail-friendly material; to oppress targets and other citizens; to feed results to media/political criminals. Ostensibly, to monitor and stop terrorists and other criminals. INTERACTIVE TRANSECTOR DEVICE (Satellite-based — Pat US #4893815 16-1-90 L. Rowan)...
Patent to spy on political targets by finding, locking onto and tracking those victims so as to terrorise/torture them. Ostensibly, to monitor and stop terrorists and other criminals. METHODS OF ALTERING CONSCIOUSNESS. (Satellite-based — Pat US #5123899, 23/6/92 J. Gall + Pat US #5289438, 22/2/94 J.Gall). Method for Altering Human Consciousness...
Patent to alter targets moods by stimulating the brain to exhibit certain rhythms (angry, sad, sleepy etc); EEG cloning/feedback. Ostensibly, to help the emotionally distressed. Brainwave anayizer (Remote neural monitoring & electronic brain linking, via satellite - Pat US #6011991, 1/4/00 A. Mardirossian)...


psychoNWO - Jul 30, 2023


Dr Katherine Horton is a particle physicist and a former Research Fellow at St John's College at Oxford University, England. She was previously employed at the C.E.R.N. Large Hadron Collider facility in Geneva, Switzerland where she became a Targeted Individual while working on a sensitive government research project...


psychoNWO - Jul 30, 2023


Coronavirus - 5G Caused by EMF Poisoning...


psychoNWO - Jul 29, 2023 - Edited


Comment removed.


psychoNWO - Jul 30, 2023 - Edited


Roberto can realize that he is not being targeted by hoards of citizen gangstalkers. He is being targeted by technology. We all are to some degree.
Graphene Oxide nanoparticles are not the only components being utilised as a Brain to Computer Interface. Dr Charles Lieber has been working on silicon nanowire technology at Harvard University for 22 years. He was arrested along with two Chinese nationals on scientific espionage charges in 2019. He previously worked in the Wuhan lab.
His scientific papers are still online...
Many of them describe using silicon nanowires as the basis of BCIs, or brain-computer interfaces.
Silicon nanowire transistors are extremely small, on the order of a few nanometers thick. They are small enough to be coated with HIV TAT peptides and slipped right through the membrane of a cell.
Once inside, they’re capable of reading signals from (and modulating the activity of) individual neurons. How does one power them if they’re inside cells and have no batteries, capacitors, or other power source? Simple. RF induction.
What devices use RF induction? 5G beam forming wireless networks!
Liber's 66 nanobot Patents...
Neurochemical Modulations at Whole Brain Level - Towards Individualized tES Interventions. This article describes transcranial electric stimulation protocols that are used to treat psychiatric diseases. So if they can cure mental disorders then how difficult would it be to use the technology to cause mental disorders instead? Not very...
Implantable Mesh Electronics: Dr Charles Leiber's work on silicon nanowires centered around the development of an injectable synthetic nervous system for humans, however, graphene oxide was found to be a MUCH better medium. Everything that silicon can do graphene oxide can do 1,000 times more efficiently.
There are no naturally occurring physical pathogens in nanotubes. Just about every physical ailment known can now be reproduced digitally by a computer.
Nanoscale electronic networks are indistinguishable from organic neurons. It is much easier to simply inject a graphene oxide synthetic neuronal network into someone then 'infect' them with ailments and diseases electronically via EMF networks. This ensures that the crime scene is clean. No physical evidence is left behind.
"Our goal to bridge the gap between the structure and mechanical properties of neural(organic) and electronic(digital) networks a decade ago has now led to the realization of mesh electronics that ‘look and behave’ just like neural tissue..."
"We can produce life by writing new software" Dr Venter...


psychoNWO - Jul 30, 2023 - Edited


Your DNA is your unique identifier and your microchip is made from graphene oxide, hydrogel and other yet to be revealed technologies. So our DNA is not being modified.
Graphene 'nano-origami' creates tiniest microchips yet...


psychoNWO - Jul 30, 2023


There are two systems being used against us. One utilises the bio-holographic quantum field that animates Creation (as discovered by Wave Genome in 1985). It does this by hacking the resonant frequency of our God given DNA.
The other uses quantum computers, the Telco 5G networks and a nanoscale graphene oxide bio-digital interface that piggy-backs onto the existing neuro circuitry of the brain and nervous system.
DNA is a component of the quantum level of existence. The quantum level is about frequency, not biology. Hence the transhumanist reliance on Quantum level computers to usher in their NWO...
Quantum entanglement is when the resonant frequency of the DNA of a Targeted Individual is pattern matched with the electron spin of an avatar in the A.I. Sentient World Simulation. This creates an information superhighway between the targeted human and the A.I. quantum computer.
Targeted Individuals were the beta-test for these frequency based weapons systems - but the beta-test is over. Now everyone who breaths the chemtrail smart dust and/or who has been injected with the COVID clot shot can be targeted using the same technology...
Nanotech is everywhere...


psychoNWO - Jul 30, 2023


From the book titled; Stalking the Wild Pendulum by Itzhak Bentov.
"Suppose that we take a very special microscope, an imaginary one that can magnify so greatly that single atoms are easily observable. Let us take a look at some exposed live tissue. We are now using a low magnification; we see an irregular network of little blood vessels, pieces of connective tissue, and some muscle tissue and bone. All over this we see some blood, and the overall impression is quite an irregular and gooey mess. Let us focus now on some muscle tissue and start enlarging. The gooey muscle suddenly turns into highly organized muscle fibers, all nicely aligned. A little more magnification will show long fibers made of coiled long molecules, placed in regular arrays. With a bit more magnification we find that the gooey little piece of muscle tissue has turned into a highly ordered, practically crystalline material. As we turn the magnification still higher, we see little atoms vibrating in groups about their location in the long coiled molecules. Whole sections of the molecules are undulating regularly; everything is in a constant, very rapid, but very orderly motion. This vibratory motion occurs many million times a second.
If we now apply a magnet to this piece of muscle, we notice right away a very slight change in the undulation of molecular segments. If we apply an electric field, the results will be similar. We are changing the wavy motion of the molecular segments. That effect is possibly due to the fact that we have just slightly changed the orbits of the outer electrons in the atoms making up these long molecules. Let us now magnify a piece of bone. Very soon an orderliness will emerge: highly ordered bone crystals embedded like jewels in webs of long molecular strings. Everything is vibrating. Suppose we now apply an electric field to the bone. As soon as we do that, the crystal changes its length. It shrinks or stretches instantly in response to the field. Some more magnification will give us an even better look at this crystal: we see the atoms weaving back and forth like a field of ripe wheat blown by the wind. They move in unison and in beautiful rhythm. Acoustical energy is flowing through the crystal.
Next we focus on the atoms. At first, they appear as little shadowy balls vibrating about fixed points in the molecule. As we magnify, we see less and less. The electron shell has somehow dissolved, and we are looking at a vacuum. As we further magnify, we see something tiny moving about. We focus on what we suspect is the nucleus of the atom, located in this vast space within the atom. If we take the diameter of the nucleus of a hydrogen atom to be 1 mm., then the diameter of the electron orbit will be about 10 meters, a ratio of 1 to 10,000, and the intervening space is vacuum. As we zero in and further magnify the vibrating nucleus, it seems to be dissolving. We are looking at some shadowy pulsation; some more magnification, and the nucleus is almost gone. We are sensing the pulsation of some energy; it seems to be a rapidly pulsating field. But where did the bone go? We thought that we were looking at a solid piece of matter!
Well, it seems that the real reality—the micro-reality, that which underlies all our solid, good, common-sense reality—is made up, as we have just witnessed, of a vast empty space filled with oscillating fields! Many different kinds of fields, all interacting with each other. The tiniest disturbance in one field carries over into the others. It’s an interlocked web of fields, each pulsating at their own rate but in harmony with the others, their pulsations spreading out farther and farther throughout the cosmos. Whenever a focus of disturbance tends to drive these fields out of their harmonious rhythm, the irregularity will spread and disturb the neighboring fields. As soon as the source of disturbance is removed, orderly rhythm will return to the system. Conversely, when a strong harmonizing rhythm is applied to this matrix of interlocking fields, its harmonic influence may entrain parts of the system that may have been vibrating off key. It will put more orderliness into the system. We may look at a disease as such out-of-tune behavior of one or another of our organs of the body. When a strong harmonizing rhythm is applied to it, the interference pattern of waves, which is the organ, may start beating in tune again. This may be the principle of psychic healing.
So by taking an imaginary trip into a highly magnified image of our “solid” reality, we found a new underlying reality. Our solid reality dissolved into a rapidly pulsating matrix of fields of energy, an interference pattern of waves filling the vast vacuum of our bodies and continuing beyond them in a more diluted fashion. We have also seen that the application of any kind of energy to this matrix of fields is somehow going to affect the behavior of our by now rather abstract “matter” or tissue. Whether that energy is electric, magnetic, gravitational, or acoustic, it will always interact and affect us somehow, whether it is applied from a distance or directly to our skin."



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