My Interview With SGT Report On Darkfield…

Aug 2, 2023

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Ross S - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

Horrifying to contemplate. I’ve been through the grinder these past 3 years and avoided the jab like the plague and lost many relationships over them and came within a hairs breadth of losing my job of 20 years - now I could possibly have some evil crap in me?!?! How can we know if we are impacted, or our precious children and what do we do if so?!?! How to avoid this?!?! I’d love some advice. Please and thank you. Blessings from the ‘Father of Lights’ above for going where the facts take you. The Truth will set you free! πŸ™πŸ»


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

(Get a Microscope)
I got the Andonstar HDMI Digital Microscope with 7'' Screen x3000 magnification..
Its a really good one. Find it on Amazon for approx $150.00
But be prepared…. Once you discover the Microscopic world … you cannot unsee it and pretwnd it doesnt exist . πŸ˜“
I will never be the same .


Jeff Maki - Aug 2, 2023

mothman777’s Newsletter

I’m getting a Live Blood Analysis at a hospital where I live hopefully Monday. I doubt the microscope they use will be powerful enough, but I want to see my own blood under their microscope
I did get a used microscope but not powerful enough to see anything
I will get this microscope you recommended. I want to show others their own blood


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023

Good idea.
I pray your findings are no where near as horrifying as mine have been…πŸ™πŸ»


Jeff Maki - Aug 2, 2023

I saw your comments…..


Jeff Maki - Aug 8, 2023

mothman777’s Newsletter

I am not jabbed. I believed I have been ‘shed’ upon
I did get the 4000x microscope
I see the rouleau formation of blood cells and a Highway system of blue dots, blue lights that twinkle and grow and move about.


bastringue - Aug 10, 2023

mothman777’s Newsletter

Stupid question, but how do you draw your own blood to use with the microscope? And is it complicated to observe, I mean: is it easy to understand what you are looking at?


mothman777 - Aug 12, 2023

mothman777’s Newsletter

Just use one of those skin prick things diabetics use, '50 pcs 28g Disposable Sterile Lancets Finger Pricker For Blood Testing Kit' for under 9 bucks eBay US freepost from China, you can use them on the top digit of your thumb, there is a good blood flow there, they are the same as people use to measure their blood when doing the ketogenic diet, and any chemists will stock them for pennies. You can use the same one agains and again anyway if you sterilize it properly, or just buy a smaller pack and reuse, you can sterilize them perfectly anyway with one of these solid little gadgets 'Mini Hypochlorous Acid Water Generator USB Disinfection Machine Homemade' on eBay UK just under 11 quid, I have one, they are great to make mouthwash with as well they really give you perfect fresh breath used with a water pick, your body makes this stuff naturally anyway in a weaker form and it kills 99.999% of germs, and you can spray it in your eyes, your nose, your mouth harmlessly.


Jeff Maki - Sep 15, 2023

And yes, I can see what Dr Ana saw. Rouloux white blood cell formation and the blue blinking lights


Jeff Maki - Sep 15, 2023

Pricked my finger with a needle. No problem


Lupette - Sep 15, 2023

Ps. That is an honest and intelligent question by the way


Lupette - Sep 15, 2023

I don’t draw my own blood.
How I got my blood was I had a scab that I was not aware of on my arm and I itched it which made it come off. It started bleeding and that’s when I took the blood and went and looked under the microscope


Lupette - Sep 15, 2023

Check out dead or live πŸ˜…skin samples too
Do you see fibers. People talk about red, black , blue fibers they find.
I have every freaking color of the rainbow.
The things I see under my microscope lens are things that scientist wish they could get their hands on.(unfortunately for me)
They really ought to use me as a test subject because I would provide a lot of personal knowledge as well as specimens that would probably blow their studies of the subject wide open


Jeff Maki - Sep 15, 2023

How did you take your skin sample?


Haden - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited


I'm looking at buying a Micro Raman Spectroscopy Microscope like what Dr Ricardo Delgado uses, bloody expensive but I'm thinking of buying one.


VJCBingham - Aug 23, 2023


'Bloody' expensive... lol


mothman777 - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

Looking at various microscopes, I came across this, the guy being interviewed says high end microscopes alone are capable of seeing tiny structures between the blood cells, but the price is over 6,000 USD, and that he recommends his students who come to him saying they have bought a cheap Chinese one to sell them and get a real one. You need to see the video from the guy using a Chinese Amazon one to see how very poor the live blood images of red blood cells are even on a big computer screen, they show nothing of smaller dimensions between the cells or tiny pathogens trying to enter the cells, and that is what you need to see.
For instance, this microscope on Amazon, advertised as 5,000 X mag, is only so when transferred onto a computer screen, the lenses themselves are tiny mag capacity, like 100 X mag max, and when you see the accompanying video right through, the black and white very pasty images of red blood cells are very crappy and will not show you much at all, and will especially not enable you to see anything else, just like the guy in the first advert says when comparing the lower end makes with his 6,000 dollar ones.
Here are some Amazon ones;
Compound trinocular Microscope, 40X-5000X Magnification, Digital Laboratory trinocular Compound LED Microscope with USB Camera and Mechanical Stage, WF10x and WF20x eyepieces, Abbe Condenser… $276.99
Here is another one that looks 'good' in the adverts, but can it really deliver?
[Blood Version] Vabiooth Dual-View Compound Monocular Microscope 40X-2500X Magnification with 7" LCD Screen 5MP E-Eyepiece, Adjustable Mechanical Stage, Aluminum Carry Box for observing Live Blood $297 US


Jeff Maki - Aug 8, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

I got the Andonstar AD246s-P
I am not jabbed. I believed I have been ‘shed’ upon
I got the 4000x microscope
I see the rouleau formation of blood cells and a Highway system of blue dots, blue lights that twinkle and grow and move about. 😟


mothman777 - Aug 13, 2023 - Edited

mothman777’s Newsletter

Thankyou, the microscope sounds like it is doing its job, how big are the red blood cells when on the microscope screen, and when transferred to a computer screen? Can you see very tiny parasites or micoplasma wriggling about and trying to enter the red blood cells? I might be interested in investing in one of these to get me started.
This is an interesting tip on cheaply increasing magnification power on any microscope, though resolution itself is not improved. 'How to upgrade your microscope to get a 6000x magnification | Amateur Microscopy' Youtube.


Lisa - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited


Have you been looking at food under magnification? I have.


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited

Geneva’s Substack

What have you found?


Lisa - Aug 5, 2023 - Edited


A lot of the filament structures. Some other things too, that are disturbing.


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 6, 2023

Geneva’s Substack

Lisa, you can beat this. I am unvaxxed too. My husband and I got infected as well. We and our animals, take Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture. Cat's Claw is a blood purifier and cleanser. If it does not belong in the blood, Cat's Claw will get rid of it.
from a gab post of mine:
Cat's Claw is safe for Dogs and Cats to ingest. I've been giving Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture to my dog for her face tumor. It is almost all gone.
Cat's Claw, (CC) is an 'ANTI-MUTAGENIC:' Capable of STOPPING MUTATIONS by stopping the mRNA process, therefore no more messenger RNA giving instructions to cells to make Spike Proteins. Ivermectin binds to the Spike Proteins and carries them away. No more Spike Proteins wrecking havoc on the body.
Also, CC kills blood parasites, larvae and parasite eggs. Parasites lead to cancer. The death shots are full of Parasites hence Ivermectin Equine Paste or Fenbendozole Doggie Dewormer for parasites. Both effective against parasites in the death shots. Ivermectin is needed for the removal of Spike Proteins. Fenbendozole will kill parasites, but it will not stop the Spike Proteins, you want Ivermectin as Ivermectin is part of the cure.
Cat's Claw, (CC) benefits against the death shots:
-Stops mRNA and CANCER, stopped by the Cat's Claw 'ANTI-MUTAGENIC POWERS'
-HEAVY METAL Poisoning, Graphene oxide and the circuit board/razor blades are made of metals, CC removes heavy metal poisoning from the body while healing veins and arteries from the inside
-Works on Autoimmune Diseases, hence helps heal HIV, AIDS with IMMUNITY BOOSTERS
-Promotes Healthy HEART, HEALS HEART INFLAMMATION: Pericarditis is swelling and irritation of the thin, saclike tissue surrounding the heart (pericardium). Pericarditis often causes sharp chest pain
-Stops Internal Bleeding, CC stops the bleeding from the razor blades tearing up the interior of veins and arteries, while CC repairs veins and arteries from the inside
-Decreases the BLOOD CLOT'S clotting ability, STOP MICRO CLOTTING
-Helps combat Fatigue and Exhaustion
-Ivermectin raises blood pressure, Cat's Claw naturally lowers blood pressure. Do not take blood pressure medicine while taking Cat's Claw and Ivermectin. Blood pressure will stay regulated with CC and Ivermectin
-Glioblastoma Cancer Brain Function Impairment
-Poor Blood CIRCULATION, works on breaking up micro clotting and the white scaffolding Antenna structures within the veins and arteries of the lower extremities
-Stops Angina, Pericarditis, HEART Attacks, stops heart conditions and heart inflammation
-Removes BLOOD IMPURITIES, All kinds of blood impurities due to the death shot's bio-weapon introductions and the die off of parasites
-Whole Body Antibiotic
-Anti-VIRAL and Anti-Bacterial Infections
-Anti-INFLAMMATION, general body inflammation
-Analgesic PAIN Remover
-Detoxicant, imperative to detox from death shots. Removes toxins from body
-Anti-Oxident, molecules that fight free radicals in your body. Free radicals are compounds that can cause harm if their levels are too high from the death shots
-BLOOD PURIFIER, removes impurities from the body such as bio die off of parasites
-ANTI-PARASITIC, kills and removes parasite die off from the body
-IMMUNOMODULATOR, Natural substance that modifies, or modulates, the immune system to help your body respond to a disease or illness. There are man made and naturally God Made IMMUNOMODULATORS. God Made Natural Perfection is the way to go.
-PAIN Reducer, stops pain
-Isopteropodine content that 'STIMULATES' the IMMUNE SYSTEM and so much more:'s-Claw-Cid2264's-Claw-Cid2264
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw has Quercetin in it.
Quercetin, a well-known naturally occurring polyphenol, has recently been shown by molecular docking, in vitro and in vivo studies to be a possible anti-COVID-19 candidate. Quercetin has strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antiviral properties, and it is characterized by a very high safety profile, exerted in animals and in humans. Like most other polyphenols, quercetin shows a very low rate of oral absorption and its clinical use is considered by most of modest utility.
FDA Criminally Approved Bioweapon as Safe & Effective Vaccine – Karen Kingston
Drink CC tea 3 times per day for 3 to 4 months. Take Ivermectin once per day, every day for 3 to 4 months according to your weight, while taking Cat's Claw tea. No blood pressure medications while taking CC and Ivermectin as both will regulate blood pressure.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark
Part of my gab post
Cat's Claw benefits against the death shots:
Cancer, Heavy Metal Poisoning, AutoImmun Diseases, Heart Disease, Internal Bleeding, Blood Clots, Fatigue, Glioblastoma Brain Function Impairment, HIV, AIDS, Poor Blood Circulation, Angina, Blood Impurities, Heart Attacks, Whole Body Antibiotic, AntiCoagulant, Immunity Booster, AntiViral and AntiBacterial Infections, AntiImflammatory, Analgesic, Detoxicant, AntiOxident, Blood Purifier, AntiParasitic, Immunomodulator, and so much more:'s-Claw-Cid2264's-Claw-Cid2264
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw has Quercetin in it:


Lupette - Oct 12, 2023

You are such a BlessingπŸ™πŸ»
Thank You.
I know God is smiling at your Good work.


Seeking Truth - Aug 20, 2023

Seeking Truth

How do you make the tea? With the powder or bark?


Lisa - Aug 6, 2023


Thank you, sweet Geneva!!! xox I'll get some.


Lupette - Sep 15, 2023 - Edited


Like what?? 😧
(Disturbing kinds of things did you find?
Can’t be worse than what I’m finding in and on myself 😰
I’ve avoided looking at food .. because I would starve my self with what I’m sure I would find.
I do need to lose a few pounds… Maybe I will make a point of looking under the microscope right before I begin my health cleanse and kind of to these nasty discoveries In and of my body


Lisa - Sep 15, 2023 - Edited


I did starve myself after what I saw. I still have a hard time eating fresh produce, mostly I cook it now. Worms of all kinds, and other monster-like microscopic creatures. And then of course the same filaments that are shown in Dr Ana's posts. But the most disturbing were the microscopic parasites in beautiful, organically grown produce.


Lisa - Sep 15, 2023


What did you find in and on yourself? I check my blood and have seen some filaments and rouleaux formation.


Seeking Truth - Aug 20, 2023

Seeking Truth

Poor Karen- she is missing in Mexico πŸ₯²


Lupette - Sep 15, 2023

Whose Karen?


Robert - Aug 3, 2023

Robert’s Substack

DR ANA QUESTION. PEOPLE WAKE UP. Can we please request of Dr Ana to use live blood draw vials to test for other possible hydrogel cures . Such as HAFA. NO. BORAX OR....


Seeking Truth - Aug 20, 2023

Seeking Truth

whats hafa?


Julia B - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Julia B

I am not denying Dr. Ana's findings at all. I am curious if the unvaccinated individuals (blood) have had ANY type of injectables like flu shots, tetanus, steroids, insulin, alergy shots, antibiotics, anesthetics, botox etc. Or, have they had a PCR test?


FreedomWarriorWoman - Aug 2, 2023

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack

fyi- I am UnVaxxed, and recently found one filament in my live blood analysis, and have not had Any of those above, incl. no PCR. The last injectable I had was (stupidly) aHep B shot in 2003. I had surgery in 2008, so who knows how long they've put it in injectables. But I am going to buy a microscope to check my blood on a weekly basis, as well as check my water and food supply.


lkdigdesign - Aug 6, 2023

lkdigdesign’s Substack

Thanks for posting. Many of that are unvaxxed may be in the same situation as you. I'll be interested to know what microscope you buy, and if it has good enough resolution to see the the filamemts. From information posted on this thread, microscopes with digital screen readouts can cost from $200 - $6000. I'm guessing that most of us will be interested to know which model will give us useful results but be on the economical end of the scale.
Have you considered getting a d-dimer test which measure blood coagulation.


FreedomWarriorWoman - Aug 6, 2023

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack

Hi- I have talked with Dr. David Nixon and he has 5 different microscopes. I believe both he and Shimon Yanovitz each have one of these, which are very pricey, but supposed to be the best – the NGS-2020 -
I can get a used Olympus CX41, like this- and I will be doing a training in a few weeks and will learn more. That's what my live blood practitioner uses, and she has seen everything.
I read this: "A total magnification of 4000X is possible with the 100X oil objective, for advanced darkfield analysis". That is a good question what the minimum magnification is to see the filaments. But if you can see red blood cells, you can see the filaments for sure.
Yes, they are pricey! There are a few others on Substack that are doing their own microscope research. Go on Nixonlab's Substack and You could also ask them what they use.
I have not considered getting a d-dimer test, because my blood looked relatively really good. If I had rouleux formation or sludge, like Dr. Ana and others have found, I would.
We should have "Community Microscopes" that people could share!


Alina - Aug 2, 2023


Or dental anaesthetic or insulin


Unagnu - Aug 20, 2023


Last work I had done on my very bad teeth was 2012 to 16. After 16 no dental work. 17, 18, nothing since then.


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Geneva’s Substack

Im loaded. 😭😭😭
Ive had my share of Dental Work in the last 15 years as well as i was an iv Drug User of Meth for about 2 years πŸ˜“…


Alina - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Geneva’s Substack

Pray! I pray daily and trust the Lord to remove and deactivate this evil in me, water, food etc. There is nothing else to do. What will you do? Go for chelation every week until you get some kind of blood infection or contamination?


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited

Geneva’s Substack

My husband and I got contaminated via shedding. We are unvaxxed and don't believe in the vax as it is a BioWeapon. We take Cat's Claw and Ivermectin daily.
from my gab post:
Cat's Claw is safe for Dogs and Cats to ingest. I've been giving Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture to my dog for her face tumor. It is almost all gone.
Cat's Claw, (CC) is an 'ANTI-MUTAGENIC:' Capable of STOPPING MUTATIONS by stopping the mRNA process, therefore no more messenger RNA giving instructions to cells to make Spike Proteins. Ivermectin binds to the Spike Proteins and carries them away. No more Spike Proteins wrecking havoc on the body.
Also, CC kills blood parasites, larvae and parasite eggs. Parasites lead to cancer. The death shots are full of Parasites hence Ivermectin Equine Paste or Fenbendozole Doggie Dewormer for parasites. Both effective against parasites in the death shots. Ivermectin is needed for the removal of Spike Proteins. Fenbendozole will kill parasites, but it will not stop the Spike Proteins, you want Ivermectin as Ivermectin is part of the cure.
Cat's Claw, (CC) benefits against the death shots:
-Stops mRNA and CANCER, stopped by the Cat's Claw 'ANTI-MUTAGENIC POWERS'
-HEAVY METAL Poisoning, Graphene oxide and the circuit board/razor blades are made of metals, CC removes heavy metal poisoning from the body while healing veins and arteries from the inside
-Works on Autoimmune Diseases, hence helps heal HIV, AIDS with IMMUNITY BOOSTERS
-Promotes Healthy HEART, HEALS HEART INFLAMMATION: Pericarditis is swelling and irritation of the thin, saclike tissue surrounding the heart (pericardium). Pericarditis often causes sharp chest pain
-Stops Internal Bleeding, CC stops the bleeding from the razor blades tearing up the interior of veins and arteries, while CC repairs veins and arteries from the inside
-Decreases the BLOOD CLOT'S clotting ability, STOP MICRO CLOTTING
-Helps combat Fatigue and Exhaustion
-Ivermectin raises blood pressure, Cat's Claw naturally lowers blood pressure. Do not take blood pressure medicine while taking Cat's Claw and Ivermectin. Blood pressure will stay regulated with CC and Ivermectin
-Glioblastoma Cancer Brain Function Impairment
-Poor Blood CIRCULATION, works on breaking up micro clotting and the white scaffolding Antenna structures within the veins and arteries of the lower extremities
-Stops Angina, Pericarditis, HEART Attacks, stops heart conditions and heart inflammation
-Removes BLOOD IMPURITIES, All kinds of blood impurities due to the death shot's bio-weapon introductions and the die off of parasites
-Whole Body Antibiotic
-Anti-VIRAL and Anti-Bacterial Infections
-Anti-INFLAMMATION, general body inflammation
-Analgesic PAIN Remover
-Detoxicant, imperative to detox from death shots. Removes toxins from body
-Anti-Oxident, molecules that fight free radicals in your body. Free radicals are compounds that can cause harm if their levels are too high from the death shots
-BLOOD PURIFIER, removes impurities from the body such as bio die off of parasites
-ANTI-PARASITIC, kills and removes parasite die off from the body
-IMMUNOMODULATOR, Natural substance that modifies, or modulates, the immune system to help your body respond to a disease or illness. There are man made and naturally God Made IMMUNOMODULATORS. God Made Natural Perfection is the way to go.
-PAIN Reducer, stops pain
-Isopteropodine content that 'STIMULATES' the IMMUNE SYSTEM and so much more:'s-Claw-Cid2264's-Claw-Cid2264
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw has Quercetin in it.
Quercetin, a well-known naturally occurring polyphenol, has recently been shown by molecular docking, in vitro and in vivo studies to be a possible anti-COVID-19 candidate. Quercetin has strong antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antiviral properties, and it is characterized by a very high safety profile, exerted in animals and in humans. Like most other polyphenols, quercetin shows a very low rate of oral absorption and its clinical use is considered by most of modest utility.
FDA Criminally Approved Bioweapon as Safe & Effective Vaccine – Karen Kingston
Drink CC tea 3 times per day for 3 to 4 months. Take Ivermectin once per day, every day for 3 to 4 months according to your weight, while taking Cat's Claw tea. No blood pressure medications while taking CC and Ivermectin as both will regulate blood pressure.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark


VJCBingham - Aug 10, 2023 - Edited


Be careful with Ivermectin. It has been found infected with Graphene. Any bottled, manufactured medication is suspect now. I would recommend you consider Chlorine Dioxide, which you can make yourself from powdered Sodium Chlorite and an acid, and also EDTA - which you can also get in powdered form and make capsules at home. It appears that so far, the adulterated products are in liquid form.


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 10, 2023 - Edited

Geneva’s Substack

Thank you. These luciferian monsters are so hell bent on killing people.
I will look in to Chlorine dioxide. I do not know much about it.
From a post of mine on gab:
Main Natural Sources High in Shikimic Acid Known to Block the Spike Protein
There are foods, herbs and spices that will stop the Spike Proteins:
There are those who have told me Ivermectin is getting hard to secure.
Until Ivermectin is easily available with or with out an Rx, one can use other herbs and foods high in Shakimic Acid to stop the production of Spike Proteins in the body. Cat's Claw is also recommended as Cat's Claw stops the mRNA process, therefore no more messenger RNA giving instructions to cells to make Spike Protein.
The Best Home Remedies for Parasites
Black Walnut Hulls
Human Grade Diatomaceous Earth, (drink lots of water as DE is very drying to the system).
What Is Diatomaceous Earth? Benefits for Health & Home:
15 Foods/Herbs High in Shikimic Acid to Help Disable Spike Protein & GOx
Modified: Jun 9, 2022 · Published: Jul 27, 2021
By Jacqueline
Main Natural Sources High in Shikimic Acid Known to Block the Spike Protein:
-Pine Needle Tea for shikimic acid or shikimate (from green edible pine needles) Identify your pine needles as edible. When drinking edible pine needle tea, drink the oil/resin that accumulates too! Shikimate, shikimic acid and their derivatives possess: cancer fighting, antiviral, antimicrobial, anticoagulant and antithrombotic properties.
-Fennel and/or Star Anise Tea: These are also an excellent source of shikimate or shikimic acid
-Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): When taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a gut blood purification process some call “interstitial dialysis”.
-Citrus fruit (especially blood oranges, due to their high hesperidin content — hesperidin is a chalcone like quercetin that deactivates spike protein)
-DIY Peppermint extract (very high in hesperidin)
More Super herbs High in Shikimate Help Disable Spike Protein
Dr. David Wolfe’s list:
-Schizandra Berry
-St. John’s Wort (Hypericum androsaemum): shikimic acid is found in abundance
-I found testing of 5 bean sprouts are rich in shikimate (incl. red kidney bean, mung bean, and alfalfa). The highest content is during the sprouting process.
-Feverfew (leaves and flowers are rich in shikimate)
-Gingko Biloba Leaf
-Giant Hyssop or Horsemint (Agastache urtifolia)
-LiquidAmbar (Sweet Gum tree) A tincture or tea of the spiky seed pods is rich in shikimate.
-Carrots and Carrot Juice
-Wheatgrass and Wheatgrass Juice (the young blades)
by: Deep Roots At Home
For more videos and full article information, please go to:
from another gab post of mine:
Shedding Concerns: "It Looks Like the mRNA is Transferring from the Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated"
"Every shot is accumulating in the body with no ability for the body to get rid of it." MIN.
Cat's Claw and Ivermectin are both parasite, larvae and egg killers. Both reduce inflammation. Both work together really well for some reason. They seem to synergize each other against the death shots. Ivermectin stops the Spike Proteins where as CC does not. Unfortunately the price of Ivermectin is going up, up, up.
You need protection against the Spike Proteins and the mRNA, (CC) and who knows what else is being transferred. I heard people are getting parasites from the vaxxed.
As a parasite back up for CC, I've been combining CC and Pau d' Arco together in a glycerin tincture.
Pau d' Arco is an 'AntiMutagenic' Bark as well. CC and Pau d' Arco both kill paraisites, cancer, stop mRNA, stop tumors, remove heavy metal poisoning, malaria, MRSA, Heart Health, Candida, lowers HBP, Poor Blood Circulation, Numbness in Extremities, Antibiotic, Immunity Booster, Detoxicant and so much more.
15 Foods/Herbs High in Shikimic Acid to Help Disable Spike Protein & GOx
Modified: Jun 9, 2022 · Published: Jul 27, 2021
By Jacqueline


VJCBingham - Aug 10, 2023


My apothecary has almost everything you mentioned. There are no pharma products in my house at all, ever. In the 70's I worked in a healthfood store in Syracuse NY, and learned things that have kept me well a lifetime! PS I like the way you live! That farm sounds spectacular!


Seeking Truth - Aug 20, 2023

Seeking Truth

Where do you get ivermectin? I think Dr. Ana found it to have the nanotechnology


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 4, 2023 - Edited

Geneva’s Substack

No need to wait until you are infected and sick. Cat's Claw herb and Ivermectin will protect you from shedding.
from my gab post:
Cat's Claw and Ivermectin are the Antidote to the covid Death Shots. Please see my post on Cat's Claw and Ivermectin healing my double vaxxed and double boosted mother. You can find it on my home page
Cats Claw Benefits and Properties by: Herbazest min.
Oct 24, 2019
Cat's Claw Benefits Against the Death Shots's-Claw-Cid2264's-Claw-Cid2264
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw Medicinal Properties
Health Benefits of Cat's Claw
Cat's claw's properties include anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory actions, which have been used in traditional Amazonian medicine for centuries. Modern scientific studies have validated some of these applications. Cat's claw's benefits have been shown effective for:
Reducing inflammation. The herb has been traditionally used to alleviate a number of inflammatory ailments. Studies have shown that cat's claw can alleviate symptoms of osteoarthritis.1
Supporting the immune system. Thanks to its richness in medicinal compounds, cat's claw may enhance immune function, shielding the body against harmful microorganisms.2
While traditionally used for treating a variety of health conditions, some medicinal applications of cat's claw require further research. However, preliminary studies suggests that cat's claw may be useful for:
Treating dengue fever. Cat's claw's immunoprotective effects may help fight this tropical disease as well as other viral infections.
Repairing skin damage. Thanks to its antioxidants and other supporting compounds, it has been shown that cat's claw may prevent cell damage from UV radiation.3
Preventing degenerative diseases. The alkaloids contained in cat's claw bark are thought to be responsible for the herb's beneficial effect on memory impairment, helping prevent the onset of dementia and Parkinson's disease.
Eliminating bacteria. Cat's claw's antimicrobial properties have been found useful in root canal treatments and other bacterial infections.4
How It Works
Recent research into the mechanisms behind cat's claw's health benefits has revealed several potent phytocompounds, mainly uncarines, a type of oxindole alkaloids, which have been shown to modulate the immune response and exert neuroprotective effects. Proanthocyanidins, a class of antioxidants, as well as phenolic acids are believed to be behind cat's claw's anti-inflammatory properties.
Anti-inflammatory abilities are also present in devil's claw, dog rose, and turmeric, whereas cherry, cabbage, and the tea plant have the ability to enhance and protect immunity.
Cat's Claw Side Effects
While cat's claw toxicity has not been extensively studied, it appears to have few side effects. Some people have reported nausea, dizziness, and diarrhea while taking cat's claw. These side effects go away in many people after their body gets used to the herb.
Though cat's claw appears to be generally safe. People with chronic low blood pressure should be careful while taking this herb as Cat's Claw lowers your blood pressure. Ivermectin raises blood pressure. Please no blood pressure medicines while taking Cat's Claw and or Ivermectin. After taking Cat's Claw, listen to your body and how it feels. If you want more Cat's Claw then have more and continue to listen to your body and how it feels.
Cat's claw bark may interact with some prescribed drugs, such as immunosuppressants, blood thinners, diuretics, and blood pressure medications. Cat's Claw is a natural immune booster. Cat's Claw is also a natural diuretic so no diuretic medication while taking Cat's Claw. Cat's Claw is a blood thinner as well. It destroys micro-clotting and naturally thins blood.
Buying Natural Forms
Cat's claw bark can be difficult to find in temperate climates, though select specialized health stores may carry it as teabags. Online retailers such as, provide the best chance of encountering supplies to fit individual wants and needs. While dried cat's claw bark allows for a greater flexibility when it comes to homemade remedies, there is a significant risk of accidentally lowering the herb's potency by destroying some of its compounds during the preparation process.
When making Cat's Claw tincture do not use 'alcohol' for making Cat's Claw tincture as alcohol destroys Cat's Claw effective medicinal benefits.
Use vegetable glycerin to make Cat's Claw tincture or make a Cat's Claw medicinal tea and enjoy it.
Herbal Remedies & Supplements
Herbal supplements that feature cat's claw are becoming more prevalent on today's market. These can often be found in capsule, tincture, and liquid extract forms in an increasing number of specialized herbal stores, as well as through many online retailers, which also provide valuable information about concentrations, dosages, and price points.
Drink CC tea 3 times per day, everyday for 3 to 4 months. Ivermectin every day, 1 per day for 3 to 4 months per your wt. No BP medicine as CC and Ivermectin regulate your BP. If you feel you need more CC tea, then have more tea, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark


Joy Lucette Garner - Aug 2, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Good point. I heard they secretly began adding this technology to the "regular" vaccines years before covid.
ALL jabs bad! ;-)


Unagnu - Aug 20, 2023


Last jab was rabies. Sadly that's 5 part series. 2 IgG and 4 'booster'.


Jane Doe - Aug 2, 2023

this is an EXCELLENT question!!! I hope Ana sees this and responds. I have not had these shots and am highly concerned as I have to have dental surgery next week.


Haden - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited


Good question, I seem to remember Dr Ana saying that someone had a session of EDTA Choletion and soon after went out for dinner with a vaccinated friends and all the nano technology was back. Like you Julia I find this claim hard to believe. My opinion is that the vaccinated are giving off EMF from the Graphene Ferrous Oxide, simply EMF radiation.


Julia B - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Julia B

If it returns that easily after chelation , then we would all be a walking pin cushion. Not to mention the cost. The last time I had blood drawn, it took 3 different techs to find a decent vein on me. No thank you. I will stick to EDTA cream and EDTA enema protocols and just stay consistent. I also do hydrogen peroxide, vitamin C, and NAC. Looking into Nattokinase.


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Geneva’s Substack

I am infected via shedding. My husband and I take Ivermectin Equine Paste and Cat's Claw glycerin tincture I make my self.
Below is from my gab post:
Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture in combination with Ivermectin is working against the death shots!
My double vaxxed, double boosted mother came to visit me with grey skin, painful edema in lower extremities, the palms of her hands were black, she complained of Angina, she constantly complained of her injected arm hurting her to the point she could not sleep, the tips of her fingers were numb, a metal spoon would stick to her arm at the injection site, her kidneys were failing because of the spike proteins, all her internal organs were swollen and the swelling was visible and palpable. So far, all these symptoms have dissipated with the Cat's Claw help.
I believe Cat's Claw is removing the graphene oxide from my mom. The palms of her hands went from black to a healthy pink.
I believe Cat's Claw is tearing down the white amyloid scaffolding structures with in the veins and arteries of her legs. Her legs are no longer in pain or swollen.
Cat's Claw is an 'AntiMutagenic:' Capable of reducing the frequency of mutation.
Could it be stopping the mRNA process? Not only that, but it also stops cells from mutating in to cancer. My mother had a large tumor on her spine, CC removed it completely with in 6 weeks. Her thyroid was huge and abnormal looking, in about 8 weeks, it was back to normal.
Cat's Claw benefits against the death shots:
Cancer, Heavy Metal Poisoning, AutoImmun Diseases, Heart Disease, Internal Bleeding, Blood Clots, Fatigue, Glioblastoma Brain Function Impairment, HIV, AIDS, Poor Blood Circulation, Angina, Blood Impurities, Heart Attacks, Whole Body Antibiotic, AntiCoagulant, Immunity Booster, AntiViral and AntiBacterial Infections, AntiImflammatory, Analgesic, Detoxicant, AntiOxident, Blood Purifier, AntiParasitic, Immunomodulator, and so much more:'s-Claw-Cid2264's-Claw-Cid2264
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw has Quercetin in it:
Quercetin is a type of flavonoid antioxidant that’s found in plant foods, including leafy greens, tomatoes, berries and broccoli. It’s technically considered a “plant pigment,” which is exactly why it’s found in deeply colored, nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables.
I can not prove any of this as I do not have a lab and or diagnostic medical test equipment. I can only tell you about my experience healing my mother with Ivermectin and Cat's Claw glycerin tincture.
Cat's Claw Herb Uses,Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients's-Claw-Cid2264's-Claw-Cid2264
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.


lkdigdesign - Aug 6, 2023

lkdigdesign’s Substack

Hello Geneva Thatcher,
Thanks for posting your personal experience with your mother. You reccomend the glycerin tincture using CC bark, however it takes 6 weeks to prepare. I noticed on herbal sites that one can also get powdered CC in capsules. Would this be as beneficial as the tea of tincture? ....At least for the first 6 weeks...?


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 11, 2023

Geneva’s Substack

It is my experience tinctures are more potent and more absorbable than pills. CC tea is next best.
You can use CC glycerin tincture after the water bath. It will not be as strong as it will be at the end of 6 weeks, but it will heal and protect you from shedding. Keep the rest of the CC brewing for 6 weeks.
CC pills are a good idea to hold you over until the CC tincture is finished brewing at the end of 6 weeks.
I hope I answered your questions.


Julia B - Aug 3, 2023

Julia B

Very informative thank you!


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 3, 2023

Geneva’s Substack

You are Welcome and Thank you for mentioning it.


David - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited


This is incredible; thank you for sharing this! I've had this stuff in the arsenal for over 7 years and have ignored it in the cabinet due to all other distractions. No more!
One question, what is your process for creation of a tincture?


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Geneva’s Substack

This is cut and paste to save time:
1 quart jar, fill it with Cat's Claw 3/4 of the way. Push it down in to the jar a little and add 1/4 cup of water to the jar of Cat's Claw. Fill the rest of the jar with vegetable glycerin. Put jar with lid on it in to a crock pot water bath filled with water on low heat for 4-6 hours. At the end of heating in crock pot, put jar of Cat's Claw in a cool, dry cabinet for another 6 weeks shaking it up daily. The veg. glycerin should turn a slight redish color of the Cat's Claw. The more potent, the redder it gets.
In the video below, Jill says to leave your medicinal brew in the water bath for a few days. Not necessary, but you 'can do' if you want to.
As you probably already know, plant phytochemicals need to be heated to activate and release their potency. This is why we drink 'hot' herbal medicinal teas. Our bodies do not generate enough heat to activate herbs on their own.
Video: How To Make A Glycerin Tincture: min.
Article: How To Make an Herbal Glycerite:
You can go ahead and start using the Cat's Claw tincture right after the water bath in the crock pot. It will still work at protecting and healing you, but it will not be as strong as it will be at the end of brewing for 6 weeks.
You will want a 'dropper' bottle to contain the Cat's Claw for daily doses. I recommend a full dropper 1 ml, which should be about 20 to 30 drops of medicine. I take 4 full droppers 5 to 8 times per day depending on the Spike Protein 'smell' one gets when infected. When i go to the bath room, if there is that smell, I take 4 more droppers full of Cat's Claw. $7.00
Bumobum Dropper Bottle 2 oz, 2 pack Amber Glass Eye Dropper Bottles for Essential Oils Bottles with Labels and Funnel, Tincture Bottle with Measured Dropper:
No BP medicine as CC and Ivermectin regulate your BP. If you feel you need more CC tincture, then have more, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP.
Herbco.comhas the most reasonable prices and delvers in a timely manner.
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 4 oz. lbs of Cat's Claw Bark
$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark
Best wishes and God bless you and yours with safety and well being.


David - Aug 2, 2023


Geneva, I can't thank you enough. No words. This is going into my routine post haste. I love this substack, the number of smart people here is steadily increasing like crazy.
What I'm wondering at this point is how effective DMSO would be as a solvent compared to water. In most cases, DMSO is a more effective solvent than water, in fact there are physicians who have used DMSO as a more effective absorption vector for pills and capsules by dissolving them in DMSO and then taking them by dropper. In one case I think a doctor used ivermectin pills as an example. I will have to experiment with this recipe to see if I can increase the efficacy and compound absorption from cat's claw. I can probably use the relative darkness of the mixture as a metric as to how much cat's claw's compounds were absorbed when comparing against water/glycerin mixture.


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 2, 2023

Geneva’s Substack

Cat's Claw is an immunity booster. Here are a few more Immune Boosters:


Lupette - Oct 13, 2023

I had shots at the Dentist.


David - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited


Comment removed.


David - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited


Direct contact and proximity with an individual injected with the bioweapon, who has not remediated in any way, will almost certainly result in blood contamination.
Everyone in the household needs to be remediating at the same time on the same cycles.


Jane Doe - Aug 2, 2023

my husband thought I was INSANE when I told him not to hug or kiss his highly injected mother in 2021. I hate being right......


Carol Jones - Aug 2, 2023

Love to see your receipts on your statement


Michael Wachocki - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Michael Wachocki

Comment removed.


Michael Wachocki - Aug 2, 2023

Michael Wachocki

Now that would be an intelligent step would it not?


Michael Wachocki - Aug 2, 2023

Michael Wachocki

The issue is none of the testing that needs to be done has been done.


Joy Lucette Garner - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

Just wonder how hard it might be to get the Amish to hand over a blood sample. And if this crap is in the air, basically the only thing to do is keep treating it until we get to the other side of this nightmare? Is there a time when we COULD get to the "other-side" now that it's literally everywhere and it's self-replicating?


Marty - Aug 6, 2023 - Edited

Nano Ordo Mundi

Great question, i also wonder because this poison is transmitted very easily, so an injected person that survives this can infect a lot of other people, and it's really hard to get rid of. I wonder if the Amish community knows about the alarming shedding phenomenon.


Joy Lucette Garner - Aug 6, 2023 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

I'm guessing they don't hang around with many vaxxed "city people."
I hope they're going to be okay.


David - Aug 2, 2023


Great idea and absolutely


Carol Jones - Aug 2, 2023

Exactly, I appreciate her findings but has there been a controlled sample here? Doesnt look like it.


Kc - Aug 2, 2023


Anyone care to introduce 5G into the conversation as an additional culprit?


Jane Doe - Aug 2, 2023


yup. At this point im SO fed up I would just like a bullet point list with links to evidence of what to take and what treatments to do and where to find it in each state in the USA>


David - Aug 2, 2023


Jane, look here for homeopathic doctors, keep the search broad, I recommend calling their offices individually and asking about specific treatments:


Auraengus Manu Kenchington - Aug 2, 2023

Auraengus’s Substack

there has been more than enough EMF energy in the air over the last few years to be able to drive electronic circuits - 5g just adds to what is already there. The real change is the raw materials for a life threatening process have been added to the body. And I would propose programmed to act. Auraengus Manu


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 3, 2023

Geneva’s Substack

I was able to detox my mother from the BioWeapon with daily doses of Cat's Claw Glycerin tincture and Ivermectin. It took about 3 months to detox her. I think one thing to note is we live rural on a small farm in the Okanogan Highlands of Washington State, about 5 miles from Canada. We do not have 5G, no G any thing or cell phone reception. The closest cell tower is over 20 miles away through several mountains. Neighbors around here are spread miles apart I am surprised we have internet. We have our own deep well water, so no city water either. The air is clean except for the occasion chemtrails.


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

I have this in my body. I bought a very good microscope about six months ago bc i thought i had Morgellons.
(And it seems that i very much do.)
But in my compulsive inquiry into the findings in and on my body, i have discovered horrific things.
Now i know most anyone reading this
Wont believe what i an about to tell you…and i do understand how crazy- bizarre this is…. But i have not only found these stringy things, ribbon like material EVERYWHERE … but ive also found the bubbles,that seem to have hlowing eyes until you get them at just the right angle-then you see tat they really do have eyes.. or at least mine do … i havd lights flashing and not flashing , i have black stuff which is really creepy bc it looks (to me) like that Black Goo stuff but its in a microscopic level, all of it is…
And then there are these weird creature looking things… with Big Bulgy Black Eyes. πŸ˜“
Im not frucking kidding you guys and i can see their pupils…πŸ˜‘ but it getsworse do hang on tight cuz this is where a lot of you will think im BS-ing you… (i wish i was😭😭😭)
But something shifted the other day… i started noticing things looking different that what they had been …
Im not sure how best to describe what i am now finding… πŸ₯Ί…
But they are (to me) Microscopic
Demons /Monsters … πŸ₯Ί and their EVERYWHERE!!! 😩mixed in with all the other stuff .
Irs like my ENTIRE body is made up of this stuff.
Im scared. I knew i was going to die!
For those of tou who are prolly wondering…
I did MOT take the Vaccine!
But i HAVE had Dental work and i use to be an IV Drug user for about 2 years .. and i wont lie … i wonder if i got most of these horrendous findings ( from the drugs! )


Edmond Paré - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

Hi Nope,
Well, Wikipedia (you know: the CIA and all those knowledgeable a$$holes) says you're likely a psycho... <g>
" Morgellons is not well understood, but the general medical consensus is that it is a form of delusional parasitosis,[3] on the psychiatric spectrum.[4"
Sorry. Had to do that, since this is so much fun dealing with this shit. I spend at least half of my day reading...everything I can.
Serious question for you: What/which/specifically microscope (Make, Model Number) did you purchase? I'm not vaxxed and have decided to look at my blood before embarking on any type of detox protocol. Except for shaking a couple of sweaty palms, I've been pretty much a recluse since February of 2021, when I realized we're dealing with biochemical weapons; and, I've been fairly careful about my organic diet; so, I'm hoping I'm at odds with what Dr. Ana has been seeing and still have uninfected blood...we'll see.


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Andonstar AD246S-P HDMI Digital Microscope with 7'' Screen, 4000x 3 Lens 2160P UHD Video Record, Coin Microscope for Error Coins, Biological Microscope Kit
On AMAZON for $129.00
This one has better magnification than the one i got which was 3000x


Jane Doe - Aug 2, 2023

I just reviewed the link. Apparently some people ( 12%) feel the microscope is too unstable and poor. Any other options even if more expensive?


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

I posted it already on this comment feed but its no problem ... i can quick fetch it for you… brb


Edmond Paré - Aug 2, 2023

Edmond Paré

What's your Model Number?


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023

Edmond Paré

Pardon me for sounding like a complete dunce but whats that?? I literally just signed up like 45 min ago. LoL
And i have no idea what ive signed up for really… i just wanted to get in contact with Dr. Ana and read more about her disvoveries.
But i am aware that there is a profile but i havent veiwed it yet-
I will go take a look and see what i can find out .
Meanwhile maybe you could help me out with an explanation of what your asking for πŸ˜…


Edmond Paré - Aug 2, 2023

Edmond Paré

Just the Make and Model Number of your new microscope, which I believe you replied below is, or will be, an Andonstar AD246S-P.
It's the same as asking for the Make and Model of your transportation vehicle (car or truck), except pieces of equipment use a Model Number.


Edmond Paré - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré it: Andonstar HDMI Digital Microscope with 7'' Screen x3000 magnification
Is this a darkfield scope?


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

I dont think so cuz i never saw that title anywhere until i found Dr.Ana just theother day by chance! Go figure!
What does that mean anyway?
I thought it was just what she coined her research.. is it actually a thing?


Edmond Paré - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Edmond Paré

Yes. Please realize I'm just starting to look at this today. It's been decades since I took microbiology and chemistry courses.
"darkfield" appears to actually be a feature; and, some of the darkfield scopes additionally specify they can do "live blood".
There's a "dark-field microscopy" entry on WIkipedia at I'm reading it now. I would imagine there are undoubtedly better sites for this.
Dr. Sansone mentioned on his substack that Dr Ana uses a $7000 scope...I'll have to find the brand again...maybe German. But, he didn't post the Make and Model Number. If I can find the time during the next week, I may try to scan Dr Ana's archive to see if she explains her darkfield setup in detail. She has so many subscribers, I believe she doesn't have time for such questions posted to this substack.
It's going to take me some time to determine what the least expensive scope is that will do everything I want to do.


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023

Wow. Yeah
I have a Hard Knocks education. So this is my very first time ever looking into a mivroscope … 😳


Jane Doe - Aug 2, 2023

please link us all when you find her microscope. I would rather spend a little more for a better options. TIA.


Christine Pincket - Aug 2, 2023

Christine’s Substack

All of us were forced to mask up. Guess what? Morgellons were in the masks.


David - Aug 2, 2023


That is correct. But there was an even worse version in the pcr nasal swabs, designed to penetrate the deep nasal tissue barrier direct to the brain.


Jane Doe - Aug 2, 2023

which is why I refused to EVER wear any of those blue packaged masks. I did use a new but 6 year old pack of N 100s I bought. I hope there weren't any in them back then......'


VJCBingham - Aug 10, 2023


Well you're right you know. The reason for the voodoo recipes that include fetal parts and heavy metals is they conjure up demons that get inserted into the body.. past our God given defences. Allopathic medicine and the world have taken a turn to the dark side. But those of us who stand with the Lord are not without recourse. I am working on an article right now that addresses what to do. It will be posted today. I invite you to take a look.


Jane Doe - Aug 2, 2023

serious questions: 1: How old are you and how many childhood vaccines were you given? 2: How many adult vaccines did you take? Have you tried the suggested supplements and treatments that Ana has recommended ( VIT C Fulvic acid ETDA chelation, Nattokinase and all others)? Im pretty sure most people on this thread believe you.


Geneva Thatcher - Aug 11, 2023

Geneva’s Substack

Morgellon's is another thing completely out of this world, literally. This is another life form not of this world. It prefers dark, moist and warm places such as the human body, but it does not like the human body, hence the blue and red strands coming out of skin looking for a better place. It would prefer to go deep in to the ground if it could. It is a 'silicone based' life form. As you know, we are carbon based. Morgellon's is silicone based. Various governments have tried to find a cure and also tried to turn it in to a weapon. I guess the governments who wanted to turn it in to a weapon succeeded.
Cat's Claw must have dissolved the Morgellon's and every thing else that does not belong in the blood while my mother was taking it.
Perhaps you can give Cat's Claw and Ivermectin a try.
from a gab post of mine:
Cat's Claw Glycerin Tincture in combination with Ivermectin is working against the death shots!
My mom came to visit me with grey skin, painful edema in lower extremities, the palms of her hands were black, she complained of Angina, she constantly complained of her injected arm hurting her to the point she could not sleep, the tips of her fingers were numb, a metal spoon would stick to her arm at the injection site, her kidneys were failing because of the spike proteins, all her internal organs were swollen and the swelling was visible and palpable. So far, all these symptoms have dissipated with the Cat's Claw help.
I believe Cat's Claw is removing the graphene oxide from my mom. The palms of her hands went from black to a healthy pink.
I believe Cat's Claw is tearing down the white amyloid scaffolding structures with in the veins and arteries of her legs. Her legs are no longer in pain or swollen.
Cat's Claw is an 'AntiMutagenic:' Capable of reducing the frequency of mutation.
Could it be stopping the mRNA process? Not only that, but it also stops cells from mutating in to cancer. My mother had a large tumor on her spine, CC removed it completely with in 6 weeks. Her thyroid was huge and abnormal looking, in about 8 weeks, it was back to normal.
Cat's Claw benefits against the death shots:
Cancer, Heavy Metal Poisoning, AutoImmun Diseases, Heart Disease, Internal Bleeding, Blood Clots, Fatigue, Glioblastoma Brain Function Impairment, HIV, AIDS, Poor Blood Circulation, Angina, Blood Impurities, Heart Attacks, Whole Body Antibiotic, AntiCoagulant, Immunity Booster, AntiViral and AntiBacterial Infections, AntiImflammatory, Analgesic, Detoxicant, AntiOxident, Blood Purifier, AntiParasitic, Immunomodulator, and so much more:'s-Claw-Cid2264's-Claw-Cid2264
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Cat's Claw has Quercetin in it:
Quercetin is a type of flavonoid antioxidant that’s found in plant foods, including leafy greens, tomatoes, berries and broccoli. It’s technically considered a “plant pigment,” which is exactly why it’s found in deeply colored, nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables.
I can not prove any of this as I do not have a lab and or diagnostic medical test equipment. I can only tell you about my experience healing my mother with Ivermectin and Cat's Claw glycerin tincture.
Cat's Claw Herb Uses,Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients's-Claw-Cid2264's-Claw-Cid2264
On the right side of page is the 'Expansion Tabs:' that say: "More" with a green + sign next to it...Please expand.
Drink CC tea 3 times per day, or more, everyday for 3 to 4 months. Ivermectin every day, 1 dose per day for 3 to 4 months. If using equine Ivermectin, please follow package directions according to your weight.
If you feel you need more CC tea, then have more tea, continue to listen to your body and how it feels. CC lowers BP. Ivermectin raises BP. No blood pressure medicine while taking Cat's Claw and Ivermectin.
I take Cat's Claw Glycerin tincture as it is much stronger than tea or pills.
Avoid Cat's Claw made with alcohol. Alcohol destroys some of Cat's Claw phytochemical medicines.


Auraengus Manu Kenchington - Aug 2, 2023

Auraengus’s Substack

your healthy white blood cells will often appear as though they have "eyes' - they show up well under dark field. They are on your side trying to keep you well.


Lupette - Aug 5, 2023

Hi there… interesting πŸ€”
Thanks for letting me know!
The eyes that i am finding arr not in Blood samples but in skin, Hair,and everything else


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Ps. I have videos and pictures by the thousands to prove all i just said …


Jeff Maki - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

I would like to see them


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

I will send by tomorrow.
Im not use to all this socializing and im getting kind of overloaded and so maybe late tonight or in the morning. πŸ˜…πŸ˜œ but YES im excited to finally share my discovery .., i just wish it was on a better subject… πŸ₯Ί


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited

Ok πŸ˜…
I could send a few
I've got thousands of pictures and videos
Go figure.., all these years i flat out refused to watch horror movies and would even avert my eyes to images of Monsters and Demons and gross stuff because
I was sensitive to all thst nightmarish stuff.
And now that level of creepy, i can find in my own damb body . 😳


Jeff Maki - Aug 2, 2023

Send them
Please and to Ana foremost


Marty - Aug 3, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Comment removed.


Marty - Aug 7, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

You're looking at the food you want to eat under the microscope before eating it ? Right thing to do. Maybe some day you'll have enough photographic material to open an horror art gallery ...
"September 12 ... oats ... army of nanobots, gross pink filaments ... not eaten"
"December 9 ... rice ... couldn't go through with it and vomited on the microscope .. haven't eaten today"
"January 24 ... ants ... success ! but less tasty than last week's rat"


Edmond Paré - Aug 2, 2023

Edmond Paré

Comment removed.


Edmond Paré - Aug 2, 2023

Edmond Paré

A year or so ago, I read an article, which I can no longer find, of a woman who was detoxing for graphene and she was having thin needles of graphene exiting the skin of her hands. Didn't sound like much fun. (-:


Lupette - Oct 12, 2023

Hi there Kaal
I am just now getting around to responding to some of the comments that can back when this was being discussed...
Your message is very interesting to me.
I have not heard a lot of people comment on the things you touch on in your message here.
I am unsure what exactly what all is going on in my body… Who is in my body has rejected it in a severe way in the past but now I just have stuff that shows up in my skin saliva earwax sores or whatever...
And I examine everything under a microscope. It’s literally in everything.
On the other hand I have examined my blood and see what Dr. Anna refers to his hydrogel formations and blinking lights and all of that stuff in my blood. So I must have missed some information somewhere along the way, or Dr. Anna has yet to realize that some of us have all the symptoms of both more gallons and hydrogel stuff...
I have not seen the article about a woman who is becoming synthetic, but with all the stuff that I have is finding in my body I could only imagine it’s a matter of time before I am completely synthetic which is horrifying😣 to think about... I have not yet done anything to help myself other than Himalayan salt bags and baking soda bags and borax fab but I’m about to go all out... because this is seriously NOT OK by me!
The thing that shit out the most about your message to me was the black goo comment.
Years ago I began research on everything that was considered conspiracy theory under the sun... Black goo being one of them... set I drop the ball on that one and never researched it further than just knowing it existed and seeing how it played out in Hollywood music videos.
But now upon Using a microscope to analyze things in and on my body on a microscopic level...
I’m finding little black round droplet looking things with an other worldly shine to them that look resemble a little too much like when I remember seeing black goo to look like. 😳 I am also finding long tentacle looking black shiny things that remind me of an octopus in a way but without the suction cups... I am also finding microscopic faces and creature looking thing that looks demonic and monster like and actually I am also seeing what look exactly like alien heads but not the body...
And I am also NOW seeing weird looking robotic structures that looks like robots and lots of glowing eyes there are eyes everywhere!!! 🀦🏻‍♀️ I am so weirded out about this planet and this life that we live in right now.😟 I so should’ve lived in the 1950s that is where I belong ! Blissful ignorance at its finest...1950’s is my Happy Place!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜³πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜­πŸ˜­
I did not choose to jump down that rabbit hole 13 years ago... I fell down that rabbit hole!!!
And couldn’t get out. πŸ₯Ί
I’ve heard about The Super Soldiers and met someone who swore he was one and distinctly remember us being pulled aside in school and treated with strange royalty if he will, and given special testing aside from anyone else in the school and there was more than he said that I can’t remember exactly that was very vicious only being me to believe that he really knew what he was talking about and he really was super soldier. I was very intrigued to know more on the subject of super soldiers just as I was about black goo.
But again I didn’t get too deep into that because there were so many other things that I was going through at the time that I still have not run into on this platform like GangStalking which I experienced and still to some degree; Voodoo, which I didn’t believe in until it started happening to (me) at that point is when I started experiencing demons in my home and in my life which I never realize were real… I chose to believe they were imagined because I’ve always been very scared of the dark and couldn’t watch horror movies my whole life... I always been far too sensitive.
Yet Somehow I became a target for all the kinds of things in life that I feared and tried to steer clear of...πŸ€”
My life became Hell on Earth. And that is when I realize if there is this much evil in the world then there must be a God!
And I ran to Jesus!
Now that I have a relationship with Jesus the Demons have stopped making shelves fall off the wall, cleaning bottles hurl at my daughter,thumping every night / same time in my closet for years! And sensation of someone in the car seat directly behind the driver seat while I’m driving pushing through the seat into my back over and over... and endless other things has disappeared but I still get demonic images come through in all my photos and have yet to show anybody what I’m experiencing in my photos... except family but they don’t care to see them anymore because they are Christian’s and don’t want it attaching or affecting them.
And now I’m finding that I have these weird things happening in my body and seeing demonic things in my body and I think I can safely say demons live inside of us because these things truly look demonic.
Actually I am quite surprised that no one else has come forward saying that they see these microscopic demonic looking creatures in their body also...
Might I be only one out here? 😳
And I am a sensitive, emotional, sweet, kind, generous, probably one of the most genuinely caring people and ridiculously generous and selfless people that I’ve ever met... besides my husband. My mom and family will verify this. πŸ˜…
So What’s with the demons and the alien heads and the black finger looking octopus legs thingy’s in me then?? πŸ₯Ί
I gotta go back to Church and get some help possibly!


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023


Oh my Gawsh!
You just answered my suspicion i think….
Is Morgellons possibly related to this topic that Dr. Ana is talking about here?!?
Like I mentioned on another post, I “just” found Dr. Anna in my Gmail the other day, and although I’ve heard about hydrogel from a channel on YouTube a few years back ,I hadn’t looked into it very deeply until these last few days…
And it seems to be quite similar if not the same thing or possibly just a different variation of Morgellons like you seem to have just mentioned…!


JustANobody - Aug 2, 2023


Comment removed.


JustANobody - Aug 2, 2023


No longer exists. Webpage gone.


Lupette - Aug 2, 2023

Comment removed.


Lupette - Sep 15, 2023

Wow. Sounds interesting.


Lupette - Sep 15, 2023

Oh! You left the link! (Perfect) Thsnks!


Lupette - Sep 15, 2023

Thanks! I will try and find it but it really is hit or miss with navigating this platform for me . I am just (now) finding all these comments I never saw!


Viking - Aug 2, 2023


Thank you very much Dr. For trying to save humanity from these Evil Satanic Sub Humans!


James Mangano - Aug 2, 2023

Common Sense Thinking / Thought…

Thank you, Dr. Ana, your work on the blood is what we've been waiting for, more proof to show how devastating these Bioweapons are to ALL Humanity, vaxxed or un-vaxxed.


BlazeCloude3 - Aug 2, 2023


Don't feel bad when people disbelieve believe you, Dr. Ana.
You're a brilliant Scientist, Physician; and dare we say...Woman?
People refuse to believe the Word, Logos, Being of God. Nobody's choice of believing or disbelieving anything can change a TRUTH FROM BEING WHAT IT IS. Since people refused the Truth of God and from God; it is silly to believe we're somehow special beyond God and are warned in The Holy Bible to expect the same denunciation, denial, torment and even death in standing with Truth.
Praying for you, Dr. Ana and the whole world.


Stepping22 - Aug 2, 2023


I for one don't disbelieve a thing she has said. And she's very correct they want to get it into everyone and so it's in mainstream daily stuff. It lines perfectly with Dan 2: 43- 45.
It's just the "it's in everyone" statement that i find rather reckless. In my view, it corrupts the whole messaging. Some caution and humility especially in science will go a long way.
I pray and hope some other mainstream truther doctors can take serious interest in this and help amplify the discovery.


BlazeCloude3 - Aug 3, 2023


When we stand in 'TRUTH'; is sometimes does feel as though "EVERYBODY" is opposed to and willing to totally deny it and this results in more people being injured, hurt in other aspects of humanity and death. Even the most faithful in God have times when weak and need a boost; especially when overworked as Dr. Ana is.
She needs the kind words and prayer as she's in between the rock and a hard place.


Covid Revelations - Aug 2, 2023


You are my Hero Dr. Ana Mihalcea
Both You and Karen Kingston
May the Lord Bless You


David - Aug 2, 2023


Same here. Dr Ana, Karen Kingston, and their friends are the standard bearers for humanity.


psychoNWO - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited


We are being absolutely saturated by nanotech smart dust which is being dispersed via the chemtrails. According to military whistleblowers, this nanoscale saturation agenda has been ongoing since 1992. Shedding doesn't need to occur for these weapons to function. We have enough of this nano sh*t in us already!
An invasive payload of nano-fibres and transistorized smart-dust has been circulating the globe since the early 1990's thanks to ubiquitous chemtrail spraying by the military. These self-replicating nanobots piggy-back onto the body's central nervous system creating a secondary electrical circuit (a secondary nervous system of sorts) which acts as foundational support for airborne SMART viruses and synthetic vaccine components...
We have been deliberately 'infected' with a hardware system in the form of SMART viruses and nanotech fibre-optics, as well as a 'cure' in the form of a 'vaccine'. The vaccine contents are actually a software operating system made up of hundreds of scientific patents developed over many decades by Big Tech, Big Pharma and the military. This software is made up of millions of nanotech EMF sensors with the capacity to 'infect' the living cells of the recipient with computational synthetic DNA and turn them into bio-cyber read & write SMART device.
Transhumanist scientists can now convert biological code into digital genetic code, then deconvolute it back into biological code. This means digital 'viruses' can be dispersed via EMF networks that are capable of infecting biological organs. Laboratory created synthetic so called 'viruses' turn blood cells into molecular EMF Transmitters. Commentary starts @ 7m56s...
They are hitting us with electro-magnetic frequency weapons that are capable of inflicting the same specific ailments over and over again and they are telling us that these ailments are being caused by viruses. The EMF emissions from satellites and cellphone towers are causing specific ailments too, as is the graphene oxide in the jabs.
The same ailments that are being digitized then transmitted via EMF networks can also be transmitted from person to person. Brain to brain. The vaxxed are not shedding - they are TRANSMITTING. Biohacking - Linking Someone's Brain to Another's Brain - Dr Charles Morgan Lecture on Nanotechnology at West Point Military Academy...
Vaccine Planet - Designer Mind Viruses. Commentary starts @ 8m55s...'sHF-DREADDS-SonPERDITION-SimReality:4'sHF-DREADDS-SonPERDITION-SimReality:4


Marty - Aug 7, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

That's exactly right, it's electromagnetic transmission, that's why wearing EMF-blocking shungite is not a bad idea ..


psychoNWO - Aug 2, 2023


Human Body Communication System. No shedding required...


kaal - Aug 2, 2023


Smart dust / smart viruses for yrs- vax operating system. Vaxxed are transmitting not shedding. eeks cesium .


kaal - Aug 2, 2023


There is a 2011 lecture of CRAIG VENTER talking about bio- digital vaccines. He said BARDA gives him test pandemic flu sequence he converts it digitally in 12 hrs. He is "credited" with inventing synthetic life.


psychoNWO - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited


Teslaphorosis - nanotubes assembling in real-time...


psychoNWO - Aug 2, 2023


Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of These Mandatory Toxic Injections...
"Although this can be used in experimental treatments to mitigate the effects of neurodegenerative diseases, it can also be used to directly interfere with neurons, the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, the involuntary activation of certain areas of the brain, their neurostimulation or modulation, through electrical impulses, generated from carbon nanotubes, as a result of the reception of electromagnetic signals and pulses from the nanocommunications network. It is not necessary to warn about what it means that an external signal, not controlled by the inoculated person, is the one that governs the segregation of neuro-transmitters,, eg, carbon nanotubes housed in neuronal tissue could interfere with the natural functioning of the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, which is partly responsible for cognitive processes, socialization, the reward system, desire, pleasure, conditioned learning or inhibition."
"This means that it could be inferred in the normal behavior patterns of people, their feelings and thoughts, and even force subliminal conditioned learning, without the individual being aware of what is happening. In addition to the properties already mentioned, carbon nanotubes not only open the doors to the wireless interaction of the human brain, they can also receive electrical signals from neurons and propagate them (back) to nanorouters, since they also have the same properties as GQD graphene nano-antennas and quantum dots, as (already) explained. This means that they can transmit, modulate and monitor the neuronal activity individuals."


psychoNWO - Aug 2, 2023


Chemtrails - Smart Dust - Graphene 'nano-origami' creates tiniest microchips yet
Nanomaterial developments could lead to computers and phones running thousands of times faster...
Of course, if the mainstream media are talking about these technologies in 2023 then we know that DARPA and the military have already had them for decades. This is obviously what they have been testing on the Targeted Individuals,, ie, the folks who have been experiencing and reporting Morgellons symptoms since the 1980's.


psychoNWO - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited


Comment removed.


psychoNWO - Aug 3, 2023 - Edited


Agreed. Its just one piece of a larger puzzle. They are hitting us from all directions. Artificial light as a weapon...
Have you tried Tony's triangle?
Anti-nano triangle device testimony...


Bee Bonnet - Aug 2, 2023

Bee Bonnet

If we read the Bible old and new testament, Revelation, God is in control and what the Bible says is God's word. There will be a new Heaven New Earth. Believe and you will be saved.


Auraengus Manu Kenchington - Aug 2, 2023

Auraengus’s Substack

you might have to work for it - !!! You are the creators of your own reality. A prophecy is a prophecy. Its not the way out of this mess. We have to find the way to do that.


Stepping22 - Aug 2, 2023


Salvation and the promise of a new heaven and new earth needs no further work. It's a free gift we've been given based on Jesus's death, burial and resurrection. We sinned and deserved judgement but Jesus took our place and bore the judgement and wrath of God in full for our own sins.
He gave His life as full and final payment for our sins, so that we can take on his life in place of eternal judgement.
All we have to do is repent and willingly accept His sacrifice and start living for Him.
The only sure way out of this mess apart from making the truth known and finding a way to bring these evil folks to justice is to put our faith in God. Trust me, so what happens after you've done chelation EDTA and applied all the necessary precautions, won't you just go right out and inhale, eat or be shed on straight away again- nanoparticles.
We have not been given a spirit of fear... but of power, love and sound mind
God bless


Bee Bonnet - Aug 2, 2023

Bee Bonnet



Sabre23 - Aug 2, 2023


Well, as everyone says here: brilliant. As a fellow scientist I must ask the obvious. What is Peter McCullough’s response to your discovery? Can someone not break through to him? I know these guys are all tied into their egos but we’re all on the same side here so what say they?


David - Aug 2, 2023


Real nice question, Kudos to you for posing it. My take on it is that they are consiously or unconsiously (probably the former) choosing to restrict their view to a false nontechnological narrative that does not help anybody. This raises alot of questions in my mind which I won't go into, but I will say it's the same approach that Dr Ardis gets when he goes to these AwakenAmerica tours and gets the brush off by the others, where they go out of their way to avoid a conversation with him. This isn't the time to shut up or stop talking about probabilities and findings, it's exactly the opposite. Therefore I take a suspect view of FLCCC and therefore the products they have; my view is that it's a dart thrown at a tank. The invoice on this is the ingredient list which anybody can read, none of those components will clear the blood of structures even though they are ok at making you feel better. Feeling better is a totally false sense of security when the nano constructors are alive and well in your blood adapting to the new environment and looking for new opportunities via their AI. You have asymptomatic people running around with totally contaminated blood and then you have individuals with less resistance and negative symptoms running around with the same contaminated blood. For the latter individuals you can get an FLCCC product and eliminate the negative symptoms, but guess what; you are still frakking contaminated.


Sabre23 - Aug 2, 2023

Comment removed.


Sabre23 - Aug 2, 2023

Completely agree thank you! I’m sure Ana must have reached out to some but let’s get OUT THERE with it. Del and Jeffrey would surely bring this to the wider discussion. Does anyone have an inside line in these guys?


Sabre23 - Aug 2, 2023

Comment removed.


Sabre23 - Aug 2, 2023

Great thought. I just signed up. Let’s GO and see what we can effect πŸ”₯βš”οΈπŸ”₯


Mandate Deez - Aug 2, 2023


Guess avoiding the vax didn’t matter after all. They knew they were gonna get this crap in you one way or another.


Stepping22 - Aug 2, 2023


That's not true.
If you avoided it, you made the right decision not to take it. Stay firm and don't let this expose make you think otherwise.


Lisa - Aug 3, 2023


I agree. Stay firm. Don't get down. We are all in this toxic soup. We can help each other on how to detox it and how to avoid it.


Kmari - Aug 2, 2023

Kmari’s Newsletter

Could there be a “yellow pages” of locations for EDTA Chelation treatments?


David - Aug 2, 2023


Yes. Look here for doctors, keep the search broad, and call them individually to verify live blood analysis and chelation treatments:


Kmari - Aug 2, 2023

Kmari’s Newsletter

TY friend. Sad to think the idiocy of others threatens our health.


Marcela Cruz-Gibbons - Aug 2, 2023

Marcela’s Substack

Deeply grateful for your definitive and courageous work on behalf of humanity.


James Filbird - Aug 2, 2023

Nirvana Nation

Data doesn't lie but people do. Your data shames all the "experts" and those who want us all dead. Great work, Dr. Ana. πŸ‘πŸ‘


Cindy - Aug 2, 2023 - Edited


This was an excellent thorough presentation. Will boron/Borax help rid nanobot/nanofibers? I heard a DARPA whistleblower say that Borax/boron is the only known nanobot replication inhibitor. I personally take 1/8 tsp of Borax in a quart of water sipped throughout the day. I’ve been taking this for 5+ yrs to help with joint pain.


David - Aug 2, 2023


You should do a live blood analysis for confirmation of this solution and tell us what you found.


Cindy - Aug 2, 2023


This is a good idea, but I won’t have a control group since I’ve been taking Borax for the past five yrs. No way to test for efficacy. Would love to see someone get their blood tested or a practitioner tests someone.


David - Aug 2, 2023


Efficacy does not matter; since everyone is exposed, via others, the information you have would be a probability indicator of the effect of boron supplementation on blood contamination. If you do not have blood contamination at this point after 3 years of existence in this current bioweapon world, that is a probability indicator of how well boron works. We really don't have certainties at this point (other than edta and ascorbic acid) for growth inhibition or destruction, all we have are general data and experimental results. Fwiw, taking Dr Ana's results into account, and other people's experiments into account, and the effects reported, that's all we do need. Think about Amazon reviews; is this a real empirical analysis of a product? We know that it is not, however we base our buying decisions off of this. That example can be generalized to everything else; for example I don't need a sniper scope for a shotgun. I can eliminate the target without that. So this is something that can help alot of people.
I'm working on microscopy at this time but it would be valuable to get a review to see if I have a probability of wasting time with boron, as I am investing in that now; same for other onlookers to the substack.


Cindy - Aug 3, 2023


Im now trying to find a live blood analyst in my area to test. I’m curious to know what’s in my blood.


David - Aug 3, 2023


Cindy, try this link to find somebody:
I post this alot for people because this search is the most asked for thing on Dr Ana's substack and others. Try keeping the search broad and call them individually to verify what services they offer



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