This gives the word "shall not cleave" a revealed meaning for microelectronic metals. ■ Will watch. M
■Daniel 2:43 KJV — And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. blueletterbible
The tenuous bonding of this wicked crap within the blood will be impermanent because it is so very and utterly foreign. The biblical reference very probably does indeed relate to it. However it is likely that the whole of the human organism will fail as the result if there is no comeback found. Five years?
Step - True. ■ Two good searches for location to exact words would be in Daniel about the dream interpretation he gives the meaning of the statute, and the end is the to feet with ten toes mixed with iron and clay; the last Kingdom of the rule of man before the Millennium rule of the Son of man, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In Greek references from the New Testament the study would be that if God did not send his Son back to judge and make war with the nations, that no flesh would survive; he cuts the days short for the sake of his elect. Daniel in Hebrew states that blessed are those that make it to the 1335 day. Revelation shares 1260 days from the abomination of desolation is the time given for the beast to have power/possessed by Satan/dragon to scatter the saints. For Believers it is a time of trying; faithfulness is required here and continually. Like when you build or purchase something to use, especially a tool. You want and expect it to last for it's service. But if it does not work good, or is ruin in integrity that tool will be utterly cast into being removed from your dwelling. M
Such a classic (and ultimate!) example of how Satan operates. He imitates God in order to make himself sovereign. Hence, this whole endeavor of incredible minutiae to "link up" everyone (this mimics God's TRUE church) together in a mindless, soul-less fashion, so that he can control and know everyone's thoughts and even cause them to act in a robotic fashion against their will (if they even have one anymore) such as to desecrate (abomination of desecration) God and HIS creation and cause fear, death and suffering. This is diametrically opposite to God and his desires and what he wants for his blessed church/flock. However, even as dire as it appears, we know ALREADY who has won this fight. That happened when Jesus Christ died on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice to give his creation a second chance from the curses of this prison planet. Satan was created by God almighty. That tells you who will prevail in this final battle between good and evil. Maranatha.
Su - Beautiful! ■ LORD, Lord, God, he, him are so translated that original words need to define which one; and when 'I am' is sentenced, the reference can support the I Am. It has been a troubling that the marbling of the message, the fat within the muscle. What I have found is that the Lord God is the Father. LORD is YHVH/Father, and that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and so is the Son (Son of Man) of Mary, his mother. I am not Catholic and never have been, but when searching out Jesus, he was surely convinced by Mary and is her son. I see the creation of God, YHVH in making Adam, then Eve from Adam, then Jesus from Mary. We in faith (received Jesus) and through faith are born again with the deposit of the Holy Ghost and promised a new name, a white stone as mentioned in Revelation. I find that as a Believer when I study John Chapter 1 that The Lord God is the Theos and the Lord God is the Logo's; I am aware of public teaching how this is Theologically taught, but when I read the original and cross reference I find that the Father works 'with' the Holy Ghost whereas Jesus works 'by' the Holy Ghost. I see the Word as YHVH being used as a parent in Jesus. It has been reported the burial cloths of Christ is 24 chromosomes, not 46, but 23+1=24. If true here is how the YHVH/LORD/Word/I am became flesh; as a Father. Personally my dad became a girl when my mother conceived me. My test do not show me, but show partent 1 and parent 2, I want to know where am I? Through all the Lord, that word also translates from the word Sir. What I find sure is that God used himself to have a Son, a new life that he accepted as a sacrifice in his boundaries for the requirements to paying sin/redemption as a gift if received and not abominated. It is a seed war. Every cell in the human has his name in Nuclide Acid patterning, YHVH, 10-5-6-5. This abomination injection is a nuclide shot. Whereas, if only metals are found in some injections to nearly all, metal is a marker; we even tag pets with metal ID. It is complicated, many faceted, it really is his war. I personally believe it is difficult for God to let go of his damn Devil. I can see how he must had enjoyed and benefited from Satan. But as a designer, when manufacturing some defects have to be dismantled, some parts just trashed. The Lord God knows I have not put myself here, and the more I know him the difficult it is when being in a limited range of servant hood; my angels band around my home in compass and most times guard in attention. I pray for them and ask the Father to bless them and more. But how many who be willing to serve like this? Even the squirrels run and play. I am thankful, but when we are given new bodies for service, I remind myself there is an out; hell and the lake of fire. Perhaps the trying of our faith, our tears that I no longer wish to shed for his collection (they are bottled for others to see how precious at the end). I love him, but he knows me way more and I believe he would agree he has allowed much in my life; but being an artist there are many tools and perhaps desiring to be a Remainer those battles were necessary to equipe for the next fight. Satan is the main reason now I do not want to go to hell, nor the lake of fire, because I hate that [f]ag. M
Natural Medicine Secrets Episode 1 ■ Currently studying this my notes on herbs and essential oils are throughout. From paper notes certain video timing is below while I am currently at 1:59:00. M
34:00 Herbs and minerals/inflammation, parasites, gut; marshmallow Root/gut
43:00 Turmeric combined with bioperine, cinnamon, fish oil (49:00 also for brain)
44:00 CBD, Hemp extract; bentonite clay/parasites; fulvic acid/removal of calcium shell/biofilm of parasites
55:00 Cloves/oregano (oil) to flush out parasites/gut, inflammation, immune; fulvic acid pulls out toxins "like mailman and trash disposal;" full moon highest parasite activity/detox few days before to get better removal during full moon. Garlic, green hull walnut/parastic cleaners
1:04:00 Essential oils/pain
1:08:00 Peppermint oil; grapeseed oil (or sweet almond oil) with magnesium with peppermint oil/ spasm
1:13:00 Pomegranate/ovary, gene expression, connectedand communication
1:17:00 Doctrine of signatures/good food plants have intelligent design; walnuts/brain, ginger root/stomach, avocado/womb, pregnancy, tomato/heart, blood pressure, lower cholesterol (1:21:00)
1:21:00 Drugs pulled off market before patent end; natural medicine/compounds contains communication, exosomes, micrornas, protein coding genes/micrornas; food has gene nuclide acids/pills are altered poison; vitamin C, propagate never hurt people
1:32:00 MS disease/mercury high in brain, bones; zinc, magnesium, humic and fulvic acid, bonding and information/bind with metals and remove, grab metals and carry out body; Magnesium celate/EDTA, fulvic acid take out
1:59:00 Tooth fillings/mimics estrogen; tumors have heavy metals, underarms; remove first mercury, lead, cadmium/in furniture, herbicide, pollution, cleaning supplies; milk thistle - detox liver/fulvic acids, humic remove metals
EAM - Thank you! ■ I grow some plants and have noticed that drying them hanging in my rooms have more benefits than beauty; I believe the slow curing aids in respiratory and environmental/skin. I also find no less flavor or principals/communication missing even pass six months. I saw an interior tour of a video at a Governor's Mansion out midwest and the wife had cut dried flowers in a major table hall. So this was interesting to me, and this year I have a wall sconce with several glass cones filled with different herbs either for teas or medicine. I try to jar up at a later moment, but now I believe I need to mylar the next harvest for long storage. I have made one decoction; wild lettuce. As far as tinctures I have not made. I get into my organic coconut oil some, and olive. Thank you for recommending this brand, I want to buy some Frankincense. M
ahh, and wild lettuce…just made past summer from wild plants in our yard (before i called them weeds, lol!) and we did an allergy test to make certain none to latex. we both passed!
EAM - Weeds I believe means life saving herbs. ■ I identify most from lawn care sites! This is my second year of letting the lawn go natural mass. I have to cut, but the plantain, clover, purple dead needle (a super powerful 4 stem), and one like a clover but with yellow bloom I eat these and more. I pokeweed too; the woody seed will [k]ill a person, but the frozen berry is swallowed only, once a day it is said to be good for pain/arthritis. I do not need it, but I freeze a few berries to have. I personally love fireweed. Many of these seeds need to lay on the grown rather than be planted under in soil. The wild lettuce I do have as dried leaves for respiratory if needed and bought two clay pipes if I need to share! M
As it is known, Alex Zionist does not let anyone on the show who is not on the zionist fearmongering train. So its nice to know how fearmongering shekels work and where they go.
My thoughts were that Alex has long been identified as "controlled opposition." So then I started wondering about the status of Maria and Ana Maria. Maria's website is all decked out in red and black.....which are the colors of satanism. Dr. Ana Maria does not confess Jesus. Go figure. As Jesus Christ said, "test the spirits."
I do not love zionists, I cannot bear them, but please do not insult Ana Mihalcea. She says the truth I am unvaxxed but I do have some trouble after a dental work !
Since no one seems to be interested in finding a way to get this demon weapon out of the bodies of our loved ones who took the COVID Vaccine, I will make the CLAIM that CBD is the ANITDOTE, NOBODY cares about all this brain interface voodoo psychobabble talk, tell us how to get it the fuck out of ourselves and our children. EVERYTHING she be put on hold except for testing DETOX procedures.... the clock is TICKING.......if you can find a better antidote PLEASE DO and come and take my crown.....#AgentDoctorfeelgood Here is all my research and some of the references INCLUDING before and after LIVE BLOOD analysis.
Ever BIO-WEAPON is developed with an ANTIDOTE, the only question is. WHAT IS IT?
5 billion inquiring minds would like to know.
Could it be the MMR vaccines that was given to the CHOSEN ONES? I say we capture a Pfizer scientist send him to GITMO and get Medieval...Q-
Where is Dr. Ralph Baric from University of North Carolina of Chapel Hill. He created the COVID-19 Bioweapon, and according to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko he also developed the ANITDOTE...SEE.
What happened to the type of MEN who, as recently as WW2 could extract the person and his "secret"... The diabolic tech will neutralise us Humans even more -- the plan to eliminate the possibility of EFFECTIVE global rebellion with justice dealt to the highest levels responsible for this unprecedented genocide on BILLIONS.
We are in spiritual warfare, the last battle that will ever happen on this planet. It comes down to are either For God or you are Against God. God himself is sorting the masses to see who are HIS people and who are not. Man has had his time to think he rules the earth. Get ready, we are going to receive our TRUE ruler, and KING in very short order. Already millions of souls have been leaving this planet through nefarious circumstances, and definitely the work of the devil for a short time. It will be eclipsed by what is coming if you do not know your Lord and Savior. You can't think your way out of this, you have to appeal to a higher level. As Einstein said, "you can never solve a problem at the same level it was created."
It's funny you quote a disbeliever, plagiarist of work by minds brighter than his (and his Serbian wife's). He looked for level above his, allright :)
Wiki on Einstein : "widely held to be one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time"
Wiji ridicules aspseudo-science torsion field and wider calledphysical vacuum theory that places Einstein at the bottom (provided his math and theory are corrected). A question arrives, was the stunt intentional for the banksters to control the physics science, just like they disfigured nuclear science, telecom science bavkground, "germ theotry"and who knows what else (history for certain).
Hey, thanks for that update on Einstein. I did have it in the back of my mind that he probably was not as people thought him to be (I think even his gender is in question too!), and you seem to have confirmed that for me. Anybody with that kind of popularity and press has to be questionable, as we have found out how pervasive the freemasonry is that cultivates these cult figures in the media. Blessings!
"Where is Dr. Ralph Baric from University of North Carolina of Chapel Hill"
You expect a cure from someone who you claim create the Covid 19 bioweapon and of course so does David Martin, show man?
And what about the cross domain bacteria CDB, the figments, the transformation of human blood seen 25 yrs ago by Clifford Carnicom of the Carnicom Institute?
The only difference between the nano particles we've all been inhaling since the late 1980- 1990 is the increase in wifi, elf, emf and in 2019, the roll out of 5G and more Starlink beaming down from over our heads.
Every Bioweapon is created with the ANTIDOTE, that's common sense. You wouldn't release a virus to come back and kill the releasers. I don't know why you brought Dr. Martin into the convo; I didn't say anything about him. Here is the SECRET to the cure or the detox. It's all about the PH balance of the blood. The NANO TECH can only survive in a ACIDIC environment. Think of Fresh Water Fish trying to live in the Ocean. This is why I believe they contaminate the biosphere with the NANO TECH and put it in our food and water. Once you use bring your blood chemistry back to the correct PH level the nano tech or CDB dies. Thats my theory based on my observation with various detox procedures. FYI , I FOUND the Detox protocol of the creator of the COVID 19 Virus. BOOOMSHAKALALA!!!!!!
Diseases (some) they say may/can be reversed ■ Dr. Ardis shows/explains that they use venoms to cause these diseases like Parkinson's and then when nicotine is used to clear receptors the disease is reversed. I believe that this is all a marketing of the public for investors. M
21 Covid Symptoms CURED with 7mg NICOTINE Patch for 6 Days. Dr. Bryan Ardis ■ Requirements to participate in study.
21 Covid Long-Haul symptoms including: loss of taste and smell, tinnitis (ringing in ears), dizziness, vertigo, headaches, brain fog, memory lapses, motor coordination deficit, new onset of diabetes, new high blood pressure, insomnia, [parkinsons] and more.
FULL SHOW. SonsOfLibertyRadioLive
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Fauci & The CIA Were Using Snake Venom To Poison People Long Before COVID
I have found that anything Google considers controversial or resisting the Lefts narrative will not direct a link that you click in an article to its respective sight. For example the video link in this article of Dr Mihalcea: "Maria Zeee and Dr Ana Mihalcea - Alex Jones Show" does not direct me to the video. This is not the first time. What I do is copy and paste to the a search engine to find the video. It's no surprise knowing that Google is part of the establishment.
Sure, google is a big part of the Brain Initiative & a lot more, interesting though the link works for me I'm on a laptop using Brave browser and Safari. I wonder, are you using an Android phone?
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD has been working with Clifford Carnicom, he discovered cross domain bacteria, synthetic biology in human blood 25 yrs ago.
This is a very good much watch interview.
Dear Ana MM ; High Profile MD's not accepting findings ., only talking about misnomers
"mrna" + "spikes" WHYYY ? Because the whole medicine industry is @ risk !!!!! Not knowing that they could be pledging alliances to W H O ??? el diav ?? point of no return . elcasto .
I take myself off the THRONE and give it to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's Only thing we need to do is get before and after live blood analysis to verify. Here it is .... Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc
Now PEEP GAME, on March 21, 2020, Trump tweeted this.
Hydroxychloroquine @ Azithromycin taken together, have a real change to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.... COINICIDENCE????? see
I would also add CBDA and CBDG that is peer reviewed to stop replication of the spike protein and call
plus, Vitamin C and Vitamin D and call that the ***Agent Doctor Feel Good Protocol***. Note I am not a doctor or scientist, I'm just going off my internet research and what I have seen with my own eyeballs in testing detox procedures with other scientist.
Margie Chism - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
This gives the word "shall not cleave" a revealed meaning for microelectronic metals. ■ Will watch. M
■Daniel 2:43 KJV — And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. blueletterbible
Stephane Roy - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Stephane Roy
The tenuous bonding of this wicked crap within the blood will be impermanent because it is so very and utterly foreign. The biblical reference very probably does indeed relate to it. However it is likely that the whole of the human organism will fail as the result if there is no comeback found. Five years?
Margie Chism - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Step - True. ■ Two good searches for location to exact words would be in Daniel about the dream interpretation he gives the meaning of the statute, and the end is the to feet with ten toes mixed with iron and clay; the last Kingdom of the rule of man before the Millennium rule of the Son of man, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In Greek references from the New Testament the study would be that if God did not send his Son back to judge and make war with the nations, that no flesh would survive; he cuts the days short for the sake of his elect. Daniel in Hebrew states that blessed are those that make it to the 1335 day. Revelation shares 1260 days from the abomination of desolation is the time given for the beast to have power/possessed by Satan/dragon to scatter the saints. For Believers it is a time of trying; faithfulness is required here and continually. Like when you build or purchase something to use, especially a tool. You want and expect it to last for it's service. But if it does not work good, or is ruin in integrity that tool will be utterly cast into being removed from your dwelling. M
Susannah - Dec 2, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Such a classic (and ultimate!) example of how Satan operates. He imitates God in order to make himself sovereign. Hence, this whole endeavor of incredible minutiae to "link up" everyone (this mimics God's TRUE church) together in a mindless, soul-less fashion, so that he can control and know everyone's thoughts and even cause them to act in a robotic fashion against their will (if they even have one anymore) such as to desecrate (abomination of desecration) God and HIS creation and cause fear, death and suffering. This is diametrically opposite to God and his desires and what he wants for his blessed church/flock. However, even as dire as it appears, we know ALREADY who has won this fight. That happened when Jesus Christ died on the cross as the ultimate sacrifice to give his creation a second chance from the curses of this prison planet. Satan was created by God almighty. That tells you who will prevail in this final battle between good and evil. Maranatha.
Margie Chism - Dec 2, 2023
Margie Chism
Su - Beautiful! ■ LORD, Lord, God, he, him are so translated that original words need to define which one; and when 'I am' is sentenced, the reference can support the I Am. It has been a troubling that the marbling of the message, the fat within the muscle. What I have found is that the Lord God is the Father. LORD is YHVH/Father, and that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and so is the Son (Son of Man) of Mary, his mother. I am not Catholic and never have been, but when searching out Jesus, he was surely convinced by Mary and is her son. I see the creation of God, YHVH in making Adam, then Eve from Adam, then Jesus from Mary. We in faith (received Jesus) and through faith are born again with the deposit of the Holy Ghost and promised a new name, a white stone as mentioned in Revelation. I find that as a Believer when I study John Chapter 1 that The Lord God is the Theos and the Lord God is the Logo's; I am aware of public teaching how this is Theologically taught, but when I read the original and cross reference I find that the Father works 'with' the Holy Ghost whereas Jesus works 'by' the Holy Ghost. I see the Word as YHVH being used as a parent in Jesus. It has been reported the burial cloths of Christ is 24 chromosomes, not 46, but 23+1=24. If true here is how the YHVH/LORD/Word/I am became flesh; as a Father. Personally my dad became a girl when my mother conceived me. My test do not show me, but show partent 1 and parent 2, I want to know where am I? Through all the Lord, that word also translates from the word Sir. What I find sure is that God used himself to have a Son, a new life that he accepted as a sacrifice in his boundaries for the requirements to paying sin/redemption as a gift if received and not abominated. It is a seed war. Every cell in the human has his name in Nuclide Acid patterning, YHVH, 10-5-6-5. This abomination injection is a nuclide shot. Whereas, if only metals are found in some injections to nearly all, metal is a marker; we even tag pets with metal ID. It is complicated, many faceted, it really is his war. I personally believe it is difficult for God to let go of his damn Devil. I can see how he must had enjoyed and benefited from Satan. But as a designer, when manufacturing some defects have to be dismantled, some parts just trashed. The Lord God knows I have not put myself here, and the more I know him the difficult it is when being in a limited range of servant hood; my angels band around my home in compass and most times guard in attention. I pray for them and ask the Father to bless them and more. But how many who be willing to serve like this? Even the squirrels run and play. I am thankful, but when we are given new bodies for service, I remind myself there is an out; hell and the lake of fire. Perhaps the trying of our faith, our tears that I no longer wish to shed for his collection (they are bottled for others to see how precious at the end). I love him, but he knows me way more and I believe he would agree he has allowed much in my life; but being an artist there are many tools and perhaps desiring to be a Remainer those battles were necessary to equipe for the next fight. Satan is the main reason now I do not want to go to hell, nor the lake of fire, because I hate that [f]ag. M
Christian - Nov 29, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Jésus revient sans doute, quoi...
Margie Chism - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Natural Medicine Secrets Episode 1 ■ Currently studying this my notes on herbs and essential oils are throughout. From paper notes certain video timing is below while I am currently at 1:59:00. M
34:00 Herbs and minerals/inflammation, parasites, gut; marshmallow Root/gut
43:00 Turmeric combined with bioperine, cinnamon, fish oil (49:00 also for brain)
44:00 CBD, Hemp extract; bentonite clay/parasites; fulvic acid/removal of calcium shell/biofilm of parasites
55:00 Cloves/oregano (oil) to flush out parasites/gut, inflammation, immune; fulvic acid pulls out toxins "like mailman and trash disposal;" full moon highest parasite activity/detox few days before to get better removal during full moon. Garlic, green hull walnut/parastic cleaners
1:04:00 Essential oils/pain
1:08:00 Peppermint oil; grapeseed oil (or sweet almond oil) with magnesium with peppermint oil/ spasm
1:13:00 Pomegranate/ovary, gene expression, connectedand communication
1:17:00 Doctrine of signatures/good food plants have intelligent design; walnuts/brain, ginger root/stomach, avocado/womb, pregnancy, tomato/heart, blood pressure, lower cholesterol (1:21:00)
1:21:00 Drugs pulled off market before patent end; natural medicine/compounds contains communication, exosomes, micrornas, protein coding genes/micrornas; food has gene nuclide acids/pills are altered poison; vitamin C, propagate never hurt people
1:32:00 MS disease/mercury high in brain, bones; zinc, magnesium, humic and fulvic acid, bonding and information/bind with metals and remove, grab metals and carry out body; Magnesium celate/EDTA, fulvic acid take out
1:59:00 Tooth fillings/mimics estrogen; tumors have heavy metals, underarms; remove first mercury, lead, cadmium/in furniture, herbicide, pollution, cleaning supplies; milk thistle - detox liver/fulvic acids, humic remove metals
EAMBDGC - Nov 29, 2023
Margie Chism
so glad we have those essential oils here. doTerra brand. have used when needed and they work for our ailments.
Margie Chism - Nov 29, 2023
Margie Chism
EAM - Thank you! ■ I grow some plants and have noticed that drying them hanging in my rooms have more benefits than beauty; I believe the slow curing aids in respiratory and environmental/skin. I also find no less flavor or principals/communication missing even pass six months. I saw an interior tour of a video at a Governor's Mansion out midwest and the wife had cut dried flowers in a major table hall. So this was interesting to me, and this year I have a wall sconce with several glass cones filled with different herbs either for teas or medicine. I try to jar up at a later moment, but now I believe I need to mylar the next harvest for long storage. I have made one decoction; wild lettuce. As far as tinctures I have not made. I get into my organic coconut oil some, and olive. Thank you for recommending this brand, I want to buy some Frankincense. M
EAMBDGC - Nov 30, 2023
Margie Chism
ahh, and wild lettuce…just made past summer from wild plants in our yard (before i called them weeds, lol!) and we did an allergy test to make certain none to latex. we both passed!
Margie Chism - Nov 30, 2023
Margie Chism
EAM - Weeds I believe means life saving herbs. ■ I identify most from lawn care sites! This is my second year of letting the lawn go natural mass. I have to cut, but the plantain, clover, purple dead needle (a super powerful 4 stem), and one like a clover but with yellow bloom I eat these and more. I pokeweed too; the woody seed will [k]ill a person, but the frozen berry is swallowed only, once a day it is said to be good for pain/arthritis. I do not need it, but I freeze a few berries to have. I personally love fireweed. Many of these seeds need to lay on the grown rather than be planted under in soil. The wild lettuce I do have as dried leaves for respiratory if needed and bought two clay pipes if I need to share! M
EAMBDGC - Nov 30, 2023
wish you were my neighbor 😉
SIRIUS - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
SIRIUS ispod struje
As it is known, Alex Zionist does not let anyone on the show who is not on the zionist fearmongering train. So its nice to know how fearmongering shekels work and where they go.
Susannah - Dec 2, 2023 - Edited
My thoughts were that Alex has long been identified as "controlled opposition." So then I started wondering about the status of Maria and Ana Maria. Maria's website is all decked out in red and black.....which are the colors of satanism. Dr. Ana Maria does not confess Jesus. Go figure. As Jesus Christ said, "test the spirits."
Christian - Nov 29, 2023
Ar’s Substack
I do not love zionists, I cannot bear them, but please do not insult Ana Mihalcea. She says the truth I am unvaxxed but I do have some trouble after a dental work !
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Since no one seems to be interested in finding a way to get this demon weapon out of the bodies of our loved ones who took the COVID Vaccine, I will make the CLAIM that CBD is the ANITDOTE, NOBODY cares about all this brain interface voodoo psychobabble talk, tell us how to get it the fuck out of ourselves and our children. EVERYTHING she be put on hold except for testing DETOX procedures.... the clock is TICKING.......if you can find a better antidote PLEASE DO and come and take my crown.....#AgentDoctorfeelgood Here is all my research and some of the references INCLUDING before and after LIVE BLOOD analysis.
Ever BIO-WEAPON is developed with an ANTIDOTE, the only question is. WHAT IS IT?
5 billion inquiring minds would like to know.
Could it be the MMR vaccines that was given to the CHOSEN ONES? I say we capture a Pfizer scientist send him to GITMO and get Medieval...Q-
Where is Dr. Ralph Baric from University of North Carolina of Chapel Hill. He created the COVID-19 Bioweapon, and according to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko he also developed the ANITDOTE...SEE.
Piotr Bein - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
What happened to the type of MEN who, as recently as WW2 could extract the person and his "secret"... The diabolic tech will neutralise us Humans even more -- the plan to eliminate the possibility of EFFECTIVE global rebellion with justice dealt to the highest levels responsible for this unprecedented genocide on BILLIONS.
Susannah - Dec 2, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
We are in spiritual warfare, the last battle that will ever happen on this planet. It comes down to are either For God or you are Against God. God himself is sorting the masses to see who are HIS people and who are not. Man has had his time to think he rules the earth. Get ready, we are going to receive our TRUE ruler, and KING in very short order. Already millions of souls have been leaving this planet through nefarious circumstances, and definitely the work of the devil for a short time. It will be eclipsed by what is coming if you do not know your Lord and Savior. You can't think your way out of this, you have to appeal to a higher level. As Einstein said, "you can never solve a problem at the same level it was created."
Piotr Bein - Dec 2, 2023 - Edited
Piotr’s Substack
It's funny you quote a disbeliever, plagiarist of work by minds brighter than his (and his Serbian wife's). He looked for level above his, allright :)
Wiki on Einstein : "widely held to be one of the greatest and most influential scientists of all time"
Wiji ridicules aspseudo-science torsion field and wider calledphysical vacuum theory that places Einstein at the bottom (provided his math and theory are corrected). A question arrives, was the stunt intentional for the banksters to control the physics science, just like they disfigured nuclear science, telecom science bavkground, "germ theotry"and who knows what else (history for certain).
Susannah - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited
Hey, thanks for that update on Einstein. I did have it in the back of my mind that he probably was not as people thought him to be (I think even his gender is in question too!), and you seem to have confirmed that for me. Anybody with that kind of popularity and press has to be questionable, as we have found out how pervasive the freemasonry is that cultivates these cult figures in the media. Blessings!
Piotr Bein - Dec 2, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
Wiji ==> Wiki
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :) - Nov 29, 2023
Ray’s Newsletter
Here is a collection:
MsheArt2 - Nov 29, 2023
MsheArt2’s Newsletter
"Where is Dr. Ralph Baric from University of North Carolina of Chapel Hill"
You expect a cure from someone who you claim create the Covid 19 bioweapon and of course so does David Martin, show man?
And what about the cross domain bacteria CDB, the figments, the transformation of human blood seen 25 yrs ago by Clifford Carnicom of the Carnicom Institute?
The only difference between the nano particles we've all been inhaling since the late 1980- 1990 is the increase in wifi, elf, emf and in 2019, the roll out of 5G and more Starlink beaming down from over our heads.
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 29, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Every Bioweapon is created with the ANTIDOTE, that's common sense. You wouldn't release a virus to come back and kill the releasers. I don't know why you brought Dr. Martin into the convo; I didn't say anything about him. Here is the SECRET to the cure or the detox. It's all about the PH balance of the blood. The NANO TECH can only survive in a ACIDIC environment. Think of Fresh Water Fish trying to live in the Ocean. This is why I believe they contaminate the biosphere with the NANO TECH and put it in our food and water. Once you use bring your blood chemistry back to the correct PH level the nano tech or CDB dies. Thats my theory based on my observation with various detox procedures. FYI , I FOUND the Detox protocol of the creator of the COVID 19 Virus. BOOOMSHAKALALA!!!!!!
Laura - Nov 29, 2023
Modern Healthcare
It’s urotherapy. They know most people would rather die than drink their pee.
EAMBDGC - Nov 29, 2023
uh no, it’s the other way around for us. we’d rather drink our pee than die😉
Piotr Bein - Nov 29, 2023
Piotr’s Substack
...WOMAEN too, as in today's Mossad, but luring the psychpath lunatics for a good cause.
Margie Chism - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Diseases (some) they say may/can be reversed ■ Dr. Ardis shows/explains that they use venoms to cause these diseases like Parkinson's and then when nicotine is used to clear receptors the disease is reversed. I believe that this is all a marketing of the public for investors. M
21 Covid Symptoms CURED with 7mg NICOTINE Patch for 6 Days. Dr. Bryan Ardis ■ Requirements to participate in study.
21 Covid Long-Haul symptoms including: loss of taste and smell, tinnitis (ringing in ears), dizziness, vertigo, headaches, brain fog, memory lapses, motor coordination deficit, new onset of diabetes, new high blood pressure, insomnia, [parkinsons] and more.
FULL SHOW. SonsOfLibertyRadioLive
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Fauci & The CIA Were Using Snake Venom To Poison People Long Before COVID
JesuSalva - Nov 29, 2023
JesuSalva’s Substack
This is an authentic genocide, all those responsible for the crimes MUST BE JUDGED AND FUSED FOR EXTREME CRUELTY AND INTENTIONAL GENOCIDE
Susannah - Dec 2, 2023
Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord. I will repay.
Neil Rivalland - Nov 29, 2023
A Christian Worldview
I have found that anything Google considers controversial or resisting the Lefts narrative will not direct a link that you click in an article to its respective sight. For example the video link in this article of Dr Mihalcea: "Maria Zeee and Dr Ana Mihalcea - Alex Jones Show" does not direct me to the video. This is not the first time. What I do is copy and paste to the a search engine to find the video. It's no surprise knowing that Google is part of the establishment.
EAMBDGC - Nov 29, 2023
i no longer google. use BRAVE.
MsheArt2 - Nov 29, 2023
MsheArt2’s Newsletter
Sure, google is a big part of the Brain Initiative & a lot more, interesting though the link works for me I'm on a laptop using Brave browser and Safari. I wonder, are you using an Android phone?
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD has been working with Clifford Carnicom, he discovered cross domain bacteria, synthetic biology in human blood 25 yrs ago.
This is a very good much watch interview.
EAMBDGC - Nov 29, 2023
thanks Mshe.
Deborah R Evans - Nov 29, 2023
Great courage in the face of this tragedy.
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 29, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Possible ANTIDOTE located according to Dr. Zelenko... Intelligence courtesy of your boy !!!!!!..... Agent Midnight rider......Q-
Joey jinx - Nov 29, 2023
Thanks for your efforts we the freedom movement is alive worldwide ,we must keep up the fight we are going hard , 💪
EAMBDGC - Nov 29, 2023
watched the video w Maria Zee and Dr Ana. I don’t even know what to say🤯🤯
elcasto - Nov 29, 2023
Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…
Dear Ana MM ; High Profile MD's not accepting findings ., only talking about misnomers
"mrna" + "spikes" WHYYY ? Because the whole medicine industry is @ risk !!!!! Not knowing that they could be pledging alliances to W H O ??? el diav ?? point of no return . elcasto .
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
I take myself off the THRONE and give it to Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's Only thing we need to do is get before and after live blood analysis to verify. Here it is .... Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin, and Zinc
Now PEEP GAME, on March 21, 2020, Trump tweeted this.
Hydroxychloroquine @ Azithromycin taken together, have a real change to be one of the biggest game changers in the history of medicine.... COINICIDENCE????? see
I would also add CBDA and CBDG that is peer reviewed to stop replication of the spike protein and call
plus, Vitamin C and Vitamin D and call that the ***Agent Doctor Feel Good Protocol***. Note I am not a doctor or scientist, I'm just going off my internet research and what I have seen with my own eyeballs in testing detox procedures with other scientist.
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