Why grounding and drinking structured water is so important as it lets us create our own natural hydrogels:https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/grounding
Nice collection Karl. Good solid recommendations. Only concern is the dot points on salt and the distilled water recommendations. The human body evolved with natural salts and they contribute to the electrical functioning within cells- zeta potential etc. Quality salt should be ingested regularly. Likewise, stripping the mineral content out of the water via steam distillation, is also not necessarily healthy unless the natural minerals are being re-added. Again, we evolved with the natural minerals, which create the electrical potentials. We are more electrical beings than chemical. BTJMO and everyone has one 😉🤣😂🤗🤗
Back at yer ... I just had a quick look through your Substack and it looks like there is a LOT of detailed information regarding these subjects. Anyway, thanks for your kind feedback, it is my site. With your permission I would like to put in a link to your Substack.
Dear Anna,
Thank you for all the wonderful work you do.
Regarding a recent video you did with Karen Kingston and Maria Zeee on transhumanism, there was one item that really piqued my attention, but which both you and Karen brushed over without any mention, and that is the persistent reference in the patent applications to the activities being undertaken as "art" (vs "science"). I don't have the slides Karen presented available to me now, but I recall there being mention of the "invention of protein cages" as "art" in one of the patents that had been filed. I think the use of this term is highly significant - although I'm not exactly sure what the significance is.
I recall from my graduate days in philosophy that one the most insulting ways to dismiss a novel idea was to refer to it as a "term of art" - implying that it was too abstract or disconnected from real-world applications to be of any use. Generally, 'terms of art' in philosophical circles are ideas that aren't taken seriously because they fail to align with accepted scientific or philosophical frameworks.
Is it possible that the patent drafting is explicitly acknowledging that the activities being undertaken exist ourtside the accepted scientific and philosophical frameworks? If that's what's going on with protien cage design then we are dabling in some dark arts indeed. I wonder if, upon further reflection, this term means anything to you or Karen?
Pls note: I posted exactly this question on Karen's substack. Hopefully it will get the two of you talking.
All the very best,
Alan Hamilton
Did I hear Dr. Ana correctly at the 1 hour and 6 minute mark when she said that " Ivermectin has an LNP delivery system?" So, Ivermectin has DARPA Hydrogel in it?
Dear Ana Mihalcea, If you are still interested in obtaining the book "Strange Entities" (2013) which I authored and published myself (you could not find a copy last Christmas), it is available on Amazon (cheaper at Lulu).
Along with "Strange Quantum Souls" (2019) they may explain the Vacuum Engineering/micro black holes connection of the forces manipulating people by what I call "Quantum Evil".
Thanks to you and Maria Zeee for the scary video images of "Zombie Blood" etc., and if this does not wake up the masses, then nothing will and we need a parallel society to keep going.
In olden days evil psychopaths such as Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari and all the other members of the "3-letter agencies" would be burned at the stake, considering the global genocide they are silently perpetrating.
However they have penetrated all Western cabinets; they and local councils just obey this evil ruling elite, helped by MSM and corrupt cowardly lawyers.
Thank you Ana Mihalcea and Maria Zeee for demonstrating the truth us.
You are very wise Dr Ana Maria;
Sometimes it feels like it has already happened. That "they" have not killed anybody; they have made billions of people immortal! - As transhumans.
Stop Right There. I am quite capable of understanding just about anything that anybody may throw out . I may not have a doctorate, but I do know Anatomy & Physiology frontwards and backwards. I know the human body from the cell parts, ATP process, all the body systems and how disease can affect our bodies .
I'm also pretty damn sure I know the who, the why, and now the how?
It's almost as if there was reverence in your first sentences. I hope not.
Yessss & the flu shot in Australia my Dr told me is the covid-19 vaccine disguised as the "FLU SHOT". He was left without a job for not getting vaccinated & lost patients also as he wouldn't refer anyone to the nurse dept of the medical centre he has been working from for the past 20years. Now last year he was able to return, but now he won't refer anyone to get the "FLU VAXX"
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 14, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Why grounding and drinking structured water is so important as it lets us create our own natural hydrogels:https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/grounding
KarlM Alias - Jun 14, 2023 - Edited
KarlM Alias
Right on. Bit more info here:
The BarefootHealer - Jun 14, 2023
Nice collection Karl. Good solid recommendations. Only concern is the dot points on salt and the distilled water recommendations. The human body evolved with natural salts and they contribute to the electrical functioning within cells- zeta potential etc. Quality salt should be ingested regularly. Likewise, stripping the mineral content out of the water via steam distillation, is also not necessarily healthy unless the natural minerals are being re-added. Again, we evolved with the natural minerals, which create the electrical potentials. We are more electrical beings than chemical. BTJMO and everyone has one 😉🤣😂🤗🤗
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 14, 2023 - Edited
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Love the info, thanks Karl! How did you find this site?
KarlM Alias - Jun 14, 2023 - Edited
KarlM Alias
Back at yer ... I just had a quick look through your Substack and it looks like there is a LOT of detailed information regarding these subjects. Anyway, thanks for your kind feedback, it is my site. With your permission I would like to put in a link to your Substack.
Roman S Shapoval - Jun 14, 2023
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Karl, thank you so much. Absolutely! You have a treasure trove as well. Curious- are you in the health industry, or just love to research?
Lilly - Jun 20, 2023
From what little bit I have looked into this, well water is good?
Joanna Gear - Jun 14, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Thanks; I will send this to Paul at FungiPerfecti re possibility of mushrooms to dissolve hydrogels!
Lisa - Jun 14, 2023
I love that! Let us know if he comes up with something.
Aminata - Nov 26, 2023
Is it possible to get out the hydrogel with mushrooms?I am full contamineted with Graphen and hydrogel and surching for a solution.
Alan Hamilton - Jun 15, 2023
Dear Anna,
Thank you for all the wonderful work you do.
Regarding a recent video you did with Karen Kingston and Maria Zeee on transhumanism, there was one item that really piqued my attention, but which both you and Karen brushed over without any mention, and that is the persistent reference in the patent applications to the activities being undertaken as "art" (vs "science"). I don't have the slides Karen presented available to me now, but I recall there being mention of the "invention of protein cages" as "art" in one of the patents that had been filed. I think the use of this term is highly significant - although I'm not exactly sure what the significance is.
I recall from my graduate days in philosophy that one the most insulting ways to dismiss a novel idea was to refer to it as a "term of art" - implying that it was too abstract or disconnected from real-world applications to be of any use. Generally, 'terms of art' in philosophical circles are ideas that aren't taken seriously because they fail to align with accepted scientific or philosophical frameworks.
Is it possible that the patent drafting is explicitly acknowledging that the activities being undertaken exist ourtside the accepted scientific and philosophical frameworks? If that's what's going on with protien cage design then we are dabling in some dark arts indeed. I wonder if, upon further reflection, this term means anything to you or Karen?
Pls note: I posted exactly this question on Karen's substack. Hopefully it will get the two of you talking.
All the very best,
Alan Hamilton
Thomas Lewis - Jun 14, 2023
Useless Liberal
These Are The Good Old Days.
If You Think This Is Traumatising
Let's Hope You Never See
What They Have In Store
For The Rest Of All Humanity.
Rosemary - Jun 20, 2023
Do you think Lumbrokinase or Nattokinase would help for people who can't get the IV?
Angie - Jun 15, 2023
Did I hear Dr. Ana correctly at the 1 hour and 6 minute mark when she said that " Ivermectin has an LNP delivery system?" So, Ivermectin has DARPA Hydrogel in it?
bio terry - Jun 15, 2023
Yes, good question, haven't noticed.
Chris C - Jun 19, 2023
Dear Ana Mihalcea, If you are still interested in obtaining the book "Strange Entities" (2013) which I authored and published myself (you could not find a copy last Christmas), it is available on Amazon (cheaper at Lulu).
Along with "Strange Quantum Souls" (2019) they may explain the Vacuum Engineering/micro black holes connection of the forces manipulating people by what I call "Quantum Evil".
Thanks to you and Maria Zeee for the scary video images of "Zombie Blood" etc., and if this does not wake up the masses, then nothing will and we need a parallel society to keep going.
Chris C - Jun 19, 2023
In olden days evil psychopaths such as Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, Yuval Harari and all the other members of the "3-letter agencies" would be burned at the stake, considering the global genocide they are silently perpetrating.
However they have penetrated all Western cabinets; they and local councils just obey this evil ruling elite, helped by MSM and corrupt cowardly lawyers.
Thank you Ana Mihalcea and Maria Zeee for demonstrating the truth us.
Lilly - Jun 20, 2023
Hence this.
When the public servants stop serving the best interests of the public, it is our DUTY to remove them.
D U T Y DUTY duty
Chris C - Jun 19, 2023
to us
Leon - Jun 14, 2023
We need some good news
David Merrill - Sep 4
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
You are very wise Dr Ana Maria;
Sometimes it feels like it has already happened. That "they" have not killed anybody; they have made billions of people immortal! - As transhumans.
Abigail - Jun 20, 2023
Abigail’s Newsletter
Dexamethasone + Remdesivir = NIH recommended treatment protocol for adults who are hospitalized and require supplemental oxygen.
Furthermore, the FLCCC recommends the use of dexamethasone in their treatment protocol.
Is FLCCC aware that dexamethasone contains hydrogel?? They should be!
Lilly - Jun 20, 2023
Remdesivir should never ever have been on board with people going on a vent.
Lilly - Jun 17, 2023
Comment removed.
Lilly - Jun 20, 2023
Stop Right There. I am quite capable of understanding just about anything that anybody may throw out . I may not have a doctorate, but I do know Anatomy & Physiology frontwards and backwards. I know the human body from the cell parts, ATP process, all the body systems and how disease can affect our bodies .
I'm also pretty damn sure I know the who, the why, and now the how?
It's almost as if there was reverence in your first sentences. I hope not.
John Vargo - Jun 16, 2023
John Vargo
Comment removed.
John Vargo - Jun 20, 2023
John Vargo
Wow,they're all in aren't they?
Reply (5) - Jun 15, 2023
Comment removed.
bill - Jun 15, 2023
very true
Destiny - Jun 15, 2023
Bill Gates has his hand in this too.
Depswah - Jun 22, 2023
Brian - Jun 15, 2023
They all need locked up.
Tim - Jun 15, 2023
Lourdes - Jun 21, 2023
Yessss & the flu shot in Australia my Dr told me is the covid-19 vaccine disguised as the "FLU SHOT". He was left without a job for not getting vaccinated & lost patients also as he wouldn't refer anyone to the nurse dept of the medical centre he has been working from for the past 20years. Now last year he was able to return, but now he won't refer anyone to get the "FLU VAXX"
Depswah - Jun 22, 2023
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