These nanostructures are characterized in 50 patents filed by Charles Lieber (Covid guru):
His nanotubes were used for years to transfer the Fauci virus from Fort Detrick (MD) to Manitoba (Canada) & to Wuhan (China).
dont forget charlie boys critical colleagues in crime ....
ROBERT LANGER - CRISPR CAS SYSTEMS - Jul 6, 2020 - THE BROAD INSTITUTE, INC.- Delivery, use and therapeutic applications of the CRISPR-CAS SYSTEMS and compositions for targeting disorders and diseases using PARTICLE DELIVERY components - Selective perturbation of individual genetic elements, as well as to advance SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY.
DERRICK ROSSI - The chip is said to be able to deploy an experimental new vaccine, developed jointly by Moderna and U.S government, that could change human DNA. The 'CHIP' ABD THE VACCINE BUILT ON A BREAKTHROUGH MADE BY then-Harvard University professor and eventual Moderna co-founder Derek Rossi in 2010.
PIETER CULLIS UBC, w/ Robert Langer ....
Role of drug delivery technologies in the success of COVID-19 vaccines: a perspective - 15Mar22 >
CHARLES M LIEBER - NANOSCALE SENSORS - Aug 5, 2009 - President and Fellows of Harvard College - graphene 'based' LNPs syn-bio Liquid Crystal FETs, Field Effect-nano Transistors
Neural Nano Robotics - Neuroscience - Human Brain/Cloud Interface - 29 March 2019 -
“We’ll have nanobots that… connect our neocortex to a synthetic neocortex in the cloud… Our thinking will be a…. biological and non-biological hybrid.”
— Ray Kurzweil, TED 2014 -- the Singularity of BIODIGITAL CONVERGENCE -
The application of nanorobots to the human brain is denoted here as “neural-nano-robotics.”
Magnetogenetics & Vaccines and 5G >>>>
DARPA Avatar Project - A Sentient World Simulation ---- SWS, the avatar Metaverse >
- 16m 53s - 14Apr21 - Howskii
Hidden in plain sight for 40 years!!!.
MmRNA used in the injections were designed to modified human DNA. These are known facts being hidden from the population. The intent was to genetically modify 7 billion people (Kill Gates asked for it).
The Canaries in the Human DNA Mine
The claims by Pfizer and Moderna repeated by regulators and complicit politicians that modRNAs do not enter the cell nucleus, and reverse transcribe into the Human Genome, were lies, made knowingly. Over four decades of scientific knowledge that started with a Nobel Prize only pointed to modRNAs integrating into the Human Genome, the knowledge of Retroposition. The WHO and regulatory experts everywhere did not want to inform the global population about these facts.
yes its all deliberate and long, long, planned by 'nudging' social engineering called today. NWO ruling bloodlines always have played long inter-generational long game since ancient days why if research conclude perpertrators are blood related. Ever questioned why if research can discover nwo plans to piece together? Make it difficult sure, but plans remain published nevertheless? Maxim of law, 'contract makes the law', karmic consequence even for these demons to take your soul, remain silent creates Tacit Agreement = contract w/ the nwo plan to be soul harvested. They can lie, cheat, decieve but end of the day, nwo agents require us to do their plan to ourselves. This plan imo was published 1897AD Basel Switzerland, Allen Dulles tasked to cover it up as a hoax fake plan, liked spending a lot of time in Switzerland did Allen, home of the devil since 1291AD. They own all worlds banks by the BIS, thus the controlled demolition of world economy decided by them upon a whim.
The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA #BIS, IMF, World Bank
o They are the Goldman Sachs,
o Rockefellers,
o Lehmans
o and Kuhn Loebs of New York;
o the Rothschilds of Paris and London;
o the Warburgs of Hamburg;
o the Lazards of Paris;
o and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
Paris was created by them after fleeing Sack of Rome 410AD, demotic Pr-Is = House of-Isis, the water of the river represents Isis and Isis in demotic SS.
Statue of Liberty built by Freemasons in Paris represents Isis their fertility goddess
i'm not convinced Watson + Crick's 'lego' model, 😂, is what they claimed it was, they also stole anothers work btw. h2o di-polar molecule a fascinating molecule in 'structured' form we are majority made of dont you think? Uninsureable for EMR, RF Antennae Cell Towers + home WiFi all over today, research Herman Paul Scwhan's life research work, a lot on blood + h2o goes back to at least 1932. All these antennae require removal pdq, frequency switchable remotely by unknown controller[s], they are not lawful and people have no idea of the risk NONE. Already impacting daily their health & dont realise.. Fields where its at, not particles.
DOD-MIL in 1980's said "mRNA is a bio-weapon delivery system", indeed Malone is/was the MIL father of the bio-weapon, he sold the concept to MIL;
You people talk about gain-of-function, but since 2017 they talk about "Directional Evolution"
Covid-19 virus was isolated in 1930's, and studied deeply, 'Gain-of-Function' is now +50 year old technology, mRNA is 40 years old;
Study what they are doing today, they would prefer you only know what they did +50 years ago;
Israel has been aerosol spraying 'sterilants' on Arab populations since 1980's with their "Suterra" technology which allows any substance including mRNA to be embedded in a micro-pill encapsulated by iso-cyanate ( crazy-glue ) which can be inhaled and has hooks where it can lay dormant in lungs or stomach from days to years, thereby delaying when the weapon is activated, giving the spray operators plenty of time to develop denial;
IMHO much of the COVID-19 that we see worldwide was delayed, I believe (((THEY))) used this technology to create a slow-delay pandemic;
"We frighten the pants off of everyone. When do we deploy the new variant?"
--Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health, UK
During April 2020 out-of-hospital prescribing for Midazolam was twice the amount seen in 2019
Omicron is Not Normal
YEP,, U can lead the COVIDIAN MORONS to the water, but you can’t make them think;
BIG-PHARMA owns the earth, until you figure out how to kill big-pharma, all your COVID bullshit is just morons barking at the moon;
Focus on big-pharma people they are the enemy, and they own MSM, social-media, and all the pro & anti-covidian's.
I posted about Lieber the minute he was busted - made the connection with Fauci and 5G way back in 2021, and La Quinta's graphene reveal. I was banned from FB for six months and had my Twitter account suspended permanently. One way to verify that you are over the target. Frustrating beyond words...
The problem is that the victims are the ones feeding the global predators.
If you stop visiting FB their ad money drops. You stop visiting Youtube or twitter their ad money drops.
I never had a social media account because of privacy concerns. If you're not using a VPN, Google will follow you online like a sheep. They even go so far as scraping your e-mail payload if you use gmail!
I always gather my news feeds from blogs that analyze the daily events instead of feeding people with spyops. Substack stayed out of the global censorship loop, maybe because they attract only people who can think for themselves!
I am stuck on FB for rescue work...over 400 rescuers I work with and we use messages every day...we have so many message windows open - putting out agonizing fires all day's a nightmare for the precious furbabes in Houston...and yes...I'm constantly heartbroken and exhausted...send me strength...
Is this work really so important that you should sacrifice your health for it?
If not, find something else to do.
You should NOT bank on the broken US healthcare system that kills more than 400,000 patients per year. You should take care of yourself to avoid getting sick. There is no need doing any stressing work in the US because the system has already collapsed - I can take hours explaining the dynamics of the collapse but that won't help you.
the rescue gene...whether abused animals or enslaved can be daunting...I shouldn't have complained...I chose my battlefields. And it isn't so much "work" as it is my small contribution to life itself...helping to mitigate as much suffering as possible?
And I don't bank on the medical cartel. Only for things only they can fix. Never take pharma meds...holistic approaches to everything possible.
But thanks, I could take better care of myself...overachiever...I wonder if there's a 12-step program for that? Overachievers Anonymous? Wish I had time check it out..LOL ....thx for your concern...I'm, anyway
I'm way beyond that at this point...but thank you for trying to help. I've been stalked for decades...went public years ago with some controversial ET abduction stuff...that is the smoking gun you can't talk about - it was brutal...I put my head down for years and now it's all back. I'm even censored on substack if I post certain comments are deleted the minute I press "Post." Same with several other comments are almost always scrubbed, so I know it's just me and not necessarily substack that is censoring...
I just put my head back up five months ago - figuring I would be persona non grata - but looking for a publisher for my book...had to use my real name...ugh...and the assaults/attacks went off the charts (let's call it what it is...gang-stalking) - regardless, they are in my face again - but who knows exactly why THIS time, since I was being censored way before that...I KNEW I WAS ON THE RADAR for posting about Noack back in Nov. of 2021, one reason, is my's a nasty mind-field.
And I firmly believe that the controllers at the very top are not human...
But thanks again for the advice...appreciate your postings.
You remind me of Ghislaine Lanctot, MD who published the "Medical Mafia" in the 90s.
She had to start her own publishing company to publish her book. She lost her licences to practise in the US, Canada and France because she exposed the "Vaccine" harmaceuticals. No professional organization came to her rescue and now 30 years later, all what she was warning about happened in 2021!!!
I hope you read this, because I have an idea for the EDTA cream that might make it more effective. Have you considered adding DMSO to it? DMSO is powerful and if you want to carry a supplement into the body DMSO will do that very efficiently and quickly. I'm using the cream and have been adding a bit of DMSO when I apply it. I have no way to measure how effective it is, but I intuitively feel that it's helpful. I am interested in your thoughts on this.
“Dr. Ana...I can truly imagine the frustration you must feel. I sure do feel my own frustration.
To share such life-saving and terrifying information and have it fall on deaf ears is utterly agonizing. I was sounding the alarm on chemtrails decades ago, did the same with La Quinta's graphene reveal over two years ago, and have been sharing your information on all of this, like mad. Sounding the alarm these past few years only to be mocked, vilified, ignored and cancelled.
I honestly think that people are so dumbed-down and so severely poisoned, that they are already mind-controlled beyond their will for self-preservation. To share this soul-crushing information - even with some holistic doctors I know - is impossible - they simply can't fathom this and won't even look at what I send them. I look like a paranoid idiot. Even chelation therapists that I've reached out to - are clueless about this. They want a $600 metals test before they will even treat you. And the IV is another $400. Once a month?
And even some who have been on this bioweapon research for years, seem un-phased by this dire situation that we're in. Even people who are seemingly tuned in - are tuned out, unable to grasp the severity of how we are all captured now. They should all be sounding the alarm, non-stop - as loudly as possible. Constantly.
I guess they're just fine with mass IS extinction...this is far beyond genocide.
And we know that 5G and other frequencies are hitting us all, constantly and that killshot is right around the corner - the minute we get too close to the ghoulz - it will be scorched-earth and scorched humans.
When you're just a little ahead of the curve, you're a genius...when you're two steps ahead of the curve you're insane, hyperbolic and paranoid.
We are at the bitter END of Transhumanist Agenda...beyond saving our species and all biological life on earth now, but the few who know and who can find and afford the treatments may be clear-minded, still engaged and standing just a bit longer than most.
It is maddening, and once again, I sympathize with any frustration you are feeling. It's excruciating. Those of us who subscribe and follow your work, feel it too, but we are in the battle with you, till our last nano breath and our spirits soar right out of this fallen dimension.
Just know that you are so appreciated for all that you are is truly heroic.”
Thank you for your in-depth work.
Those whom are and have been given eyes to See will follow The “God Almighty” lead.
Bless you and those whom you touch.
People make Hydrogel all the time for natural medicine;
I make it with various plants like ginger, or cumin fresh, and especially with pot, MJ,herb, cannibis stems&roots which are normally garbage;
Making a hydrogel is easy, just need a still and rather than fermenting shit and concentrating the alcohol, you boil with water in the STILL, with pot stems, and before the water comes out at 100C, around 85C you will get the hydrogels from the cannabis stems; The stuff is awesome, put it into an eye dropper and keep to refrigerated, and when ever you feel tired or have sore eyes a few drops and your like no more eye fatigue and completely alert;
Given I have described how to make 'hyrogel' then it should be obvious that when you cook or making hydrogels, just not concentrated;
Again the bullshit here is that People have found Water in the Ocean, Shocked I tell you, the world is shocked;
Dr. Ana, respectfully, your spiritual views give me pause. I find them to have a leaning towards the occult. I realize this will be a minor side issue to most readers/listeners, and as such, it shouldn’t be mentioned here. However, if you found your spiritual leanings important enough to mention to Major Prather, then it must hold significance in your life.
DAMNIT ALL TO HELL! WHY? WHY WILL NONE OF YOU EVEN CONSIDER DR NOACK’S WORK? Why? Are you scared? I don’t blame you one bit if you are - he was murdered for his understanding of this shit in our bodies!
You: “But what we found is, uh HYDROgel!”
Dr. Arch Noack: “This is very important! Most researchers will not recognize this form of Graphene; Graphene HYDROxide. In fact, they won’t even see it if they don’t look for it specifically, and how will they look for it when most don’t even know that it exists!”
Graphene hydroxide - little disks, the sharpest structures known to (a few) man which link themselves together like a daisy chain and are magnetically supercharged.
- my definition or understanding but who’s gonna listen? The green hull of the black walnut is proven to interfere with mRNA synthesis, PROVEN! Crickets… 🦗 🦗
Vitamin C and urine therapy will completely heal a venomous snake bite in just a couple of weeks - no inflammation if caught on time and Vitamin C levels maintained! None, zero! Tell people, what comes back? 🦗 🦗 🦗
Meanwhile, back at Trafalgar Square, another doctor has said “this material was designed to cause harm; to injure, to maim or to kill”
(The links to the video are pinned in the top comment. It took the better part of a day to transcribe this, long hand and dictate to my phone. First thing, the next morning, I watched again. This is as close as I could possibly get to what Dr. Yeadon said.)
Crissi Loves Chirst, it’s a bit confusing, Those are the ones in scripture as it is understood will fall pray being their own worsts enemy to the lack thereof and the end result is that when they do, if they do get called on the carpet and answer facing answering why they did not safeguarded his children is from his sanctuary that is the mother and the head of the household whom as well be a barrier carries her child then allows the elements to overwhelm and not standing as a barrier is going to be a tough one to answer.
Bless you!
Crissi Loves Christ, my belief is they know, the reality is that if they are not Part of solution they are part of the Problem. This site is not for the purpose to fall pray to whom can’t express theory in a adult fashion and to add insult to injury bashing the messenger Dr. Ana Maria.
Theory is not a bashing contest!
Bless you!
I really needed this laugh thank you Bilbo'sBitch.
Its incredible they are finding these things in everything and sometimes similar things exist in nature, like charcoal bbq foods which contain graphene. A bit of perspective might not be remiss.
My point was mainly that perspective might be good since environmental toxins are awful but some similar compounds also come from other things we do. I think its fascinating seeing the interconnection. I wonder if not for all this extensive research would they have realized unvax are walking around with toxic blood? My son had electron microscopy of his blood 15 years ago by Dr.Beilin, M.D. who gave talks at UCLA. never saw any of this in my sons blood back then. Makes me wonder what happened to Dr.B since this was his specialty, looking into peoples blood.
That aside, mRNA transhumanism damaging our genome is another topic.
It distresses me to hear people claim mRNA doesnt exist. Some of it seems biased, they are pushing their own theories? Either way looking at patents, to me is misdirection. There is no stronger a foundation for snake venom patents than there is for GOF. My 2 cents for what it's worth
Thank you for the link and explanation.
Here in California they've been making it rain, geoengineering. Tracing chemicals others didnt see graphene but I'm interested to read more.
It’s the one and the same, Graphene Hydroxide. Dr. Arche Noack’s thesis subject. While he was explaining finding it in one out of three vials of vax, on a live stream, agents busted down his door and took him to jail where he died. His then pregnant wife keeps his telegram channel active . He said researchers would not see it if they didn’t know to look for it.
The murdered doctors knew the most crucial secrets - hence, they are dead!
But do tell if you’d be so magnanimous with your superior intellect and complete understanding of all, how do the vents and Remdesivir cause ‘blood’ clots and athletes dropping dead on the playing field?
VENTS KILL OLD WEAK people, and sick obese people. Fact
Remdesivir is a poison and kills sick & obese and old people
Athletes have been dropping dead forever Bruce Lee, James Fixx ( famous runner ) , 1000's of others cardiac arrest
I have already written about this mRNA was all made by UK contract in INDIA is lab factorys full of ethyl-glycol (cooling jackets), rat-turds, and heavy metals; Almost all mRNA jab'd had side effects all over the fucking map, cuz teh contamination is all over the map, Japan one of the few places that rejected visible contamination in the vial of vax;
Most of these things like ethyl-gly, heavy-metals, can account for the adverse reactions seen
mRNA is a MIL bio-weapon, so it doesn't matter, Trump gave big-pharma liability exemption so there was no QA, get it? Nobody gave a fuck , they just jab'd dog-shit into your body in the WEST & ZOG colonys.
“mRNA is a military bioweapon” they just happened to slide into my A&P text book to trick people 20 years later. Okay. I’m sure you have evidence for that fact? So are tRNA and rRNA also military constructs? Isn’t that just fascinating? Or are you saying synthetic examples of messenger RNA? Are mitochondria still the powerhouse of the cell or do cells even exist?
Let’s cut to the chase. For which pharmaceutical company were you Vice President, Head of Respiratory Research and Development? What was the name of your pharmaceutical company? For how much did it sell?
A great deal of effort was put into transcribing Dr. Yeadon’s speech in which he said “The deaths occurred, I believe, due to miss treatment in hospital, with ventilator and Remdesivir.”
Further, he stated, “So, this is the important bit. I can read the intent in the design of a medication that I look at. When I looked at the design of these alleged vaccines, I saw a deliberate intent to injure, to maim, and to kill.”
Dr Noack had very compelliing evidence and information as well, after all, what better medium for aerosol injection than something which is already present in the atmosphere or mimics it as the hydrogel slides through membranes because it is so similar? He was flat out democided for the information he released so by all means ignore him! Hmmm, too bad picking your brain a bit may have proved fairly interesting too bad your an abusive evilsickfucktard that already rolled down my thigh. You really should check out Yeadon at Trafalgar Square if you take a break from being an insufferable boar hog, ever.
Oh, for joy! A troll. Don’t go look at what Dr Noack had to say. That shit got you really riled up! There’s no way you had time to see his video or check out Dr. Yeadon’s speech... cuntsperm eviksickfucktard that you are. How ever will you face the mirror when the AC dries up? Fucking junkies.
Cuntsperm - the shit that rolls down my thigh when I am through with a piece of fuck.
Quick question please? Are all the patents these people follow for bioweapons coming from the same people who make patents for GOF viruses and mRNA toxic clot shot bioweapons? But somehow GOF is corrupt BS, and their patents are not, even though it all comes from the same place and there are more receipts for the GOF than anything else? Also beginning of pandemic they discussed how Sarscov2 has snake DNA. Its possible finding it in the virus or injection isnt as strange as one might imagine.
January 22,2020
Larry Sullivan - May 16, 2023
L Sully's Editorials
Excellent research in your interview, Dr. Ana!!
Nostradamus X - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
These nanostructures are characterized in 50 patents filed by Charles Lieber (Covid guru):
His nanotubes were used for years to transfer the Fauci virus from Fort Detrick (MD) to Manitoba (Canada) & to Wuhan (China).
Frank - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
dont forget charlie boys critical colleagues in crime ....
ROBERT LANGER - CRISPR CAS SYSTEMS - Jul 6, 2020 - THE BROAD INSTITUTE, INC.- Delivery, use and therapeutic applications of the CRISPR-CAS SYSTEMS and compositions for targeting disorders and diseases using PARTICLE DELIVERY components - Selective perturbation of individual genetic elements, as well as to advance SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY.
DERRICK ROSSI - The chip is said to be able to deploy an experimental new vaccine, developed jointly by Moderna and U.S government, that could change human DNA. The 'CHIP' ABD THE VACCINE BUILT ON A BREAKTHROUGH MADE BY then-Harvard University professor and eventual Moderna co-founder Derek Rossi in 2010.
PIETER CULLIS UBC, w/ Robert Langer ....
Role of drug delivery technologies in the success of COVID-19 vaccines: a perspective - 15Mar22 >
CHARLES M LIEBER - NANOSCALE SENSORS - Aug 5, 2009 - President and Fellows of Harvard College - graphene 'based' LNPs syn-bio Liquid Crystal FETs, Field Effect-nano Transistors
Neural Nano Robotics - Neuroscience - Human Brain/Cloud Interface - 29 March 2019 -
“We’ll have nanobots that… connect our neocortex to a synthetic neocortex in the cloud… Our thinking will be a…. biological and non-biological hybrid.”
— Ray Kurzweil, TED 2014 -- the Singularity of BIODIGITAL CONVERGENCE -
The application of nanorobots to the human brain is denoted here as “neural-nano-robotics.”
Magnetogenetics & Vaccines and 5G >>>>
DARPA Avatar Project - A Sentient World Simulation ---- SWS, the avatar Metaverse >
- 16m 53s - 14Apr21 - Howskii
Nostradamus X - May 17, 2023
Nostradamus X
Hidden in plain sight for 40 years!!!.
MmRNA used in the injections were designed to modified human DNA. These are known facts being hidden from the population. The intent was to genetically modify 7 billion people (Kill Gates asked for it).
The Canaries in the Human DNA Mine
The claims by Pfizer and Moderna repeated by regulators and complicit politicians that modRNAs do not enter the cell nucleus, and reverse transcribe into the Human Genome, were lies, made knowingly. Over four decades of scientific knowledge that started with a Nobel Prize only pointed to modRNAs integrating into the Human Genome, the knowledge of Retroposition. The WHO and regulatory experts everywhere did not want to inform the global population about these facts.
Frank - May 17, 2023
Nostradamus X
yes its all deliberate and long, long, planned by 'nudging' social engineering called today. NWO ruling bloodlines always have played long inter-generational long game since ancient days why if research conclude perpertrators are blood related. Ever questioned why if research can discover nwo plans to piece together? Make it difficult sure, but plans remain published nevertheless? Maxim of law, 'contract makes the law', karmic consequence even for these demons to take your soul, remain silent creates Tacit Agreement = contract w/ the nwo plan to be soul harvested. They can lie, cheat, decieve but end of the day, nwo agents require us to do their plan to ourselves. This plan imo was published 1897AD Basel Switzerland, Allen Dulles tasked to cover it up as a hoax fake plan, liked spending a lot of time in Switzerland did Allen, home of the devil since 1291AD. They own all worlds banks by the BIS, thus the controlled demolition of world economy decided by them upon a whim.
Nostradamus X - May 17, 2023
Nostradamus X
The Federal Reserve Cartel – Eight Families own the USA #BIS, IMF, World Bank
o They are the Goldman Sachs,
o Rockefellers,
o Lehmans
o and Kuhn Loebs of New York;
o the Rothschilds of Paris and London;
o the Warburgs of Hamburg;
o the Lazards of Paris;
o and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - May 17, 2023
Diva Drops
great post...thx...and they will now and forever be the "Lizards" of Paris...
Frank - May 17, 2023
Paris was created by them after fleeing Sack of Rome 410AD, demotic Pr-Is = House of-Isis, the water of the river represents Isis and Isis in demotic SS.
Statue of Liberty built by Freemasons in Paris represents Isis their fertility goddess
Frank - May 17, 2023
yep thats them but not all, top control here, its a long story from 410AD to 1118AD to 1291AD but the occult practicing bloodlines go back even further than 410 way way back, it is imo correct to name it demon possession, Jerry Marzinksky .com for more on demons are real,
Today's 'Central Bank Of Central Banks'. - 3Jun22 -
BOOK > Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World by Adam LeBor -
World Bank Covid 19 Plan from 2 April 2020 to 31 March 2025 >>
IMF Chief | Vaccine policy is Economic policy.>
- 24s - 16Dec22 - Censored Important Videos
Nokia CEO: By 2030 Smartphones Will Be Obsolete. They Will Be Built Directly Into the Body >
Nokia CEO Pharaoh Pekka Lundmark gives a press conference at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona on Feb. 28, 2023.
- 22s - 29Apr23 - TheWarAgainstYou.
Frank - May 17, 2023
i'm not convinced Watson + Crick's 'lego' model, 😂, is what they claimed it was, they also stole anothers work btw. h2o di-polar molecule a fascinating molecule in 'structured' form we are majority made of dont you think? Uninsureable for EMR, RF Antennae Cell Towers + home WiFi all over today, research Herman Paul Scwhan's life research work, a lot on blood + h2o goes back to at least 1932. All these antennae require removal pdq, frequency switchable remotely by unknown controller[s], they are not lawful and people have no idea of the risk NONE. Already impacting daily their health & dont realise.. Fields where its at, not particles.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - May 17, 2023
Diva Drops
Excellent post...thanks so much!
Bilbo'sBitch - May 18, 2023
Nostradamus X
DOD-MIL in 1980's said "mRNA is a bio-weapon delivery system", indeed Malone is/was the MIL father of the bio-weapon, he sold the concept to MIL;
You people talk about gain-of-function, but since 2017 they talk about "Directional Evolution"
Covid-19 virus was isolated in 1930's, and studied deeply, 'Gain-of-Function' is now +50 year old technology, mRNA is 40 years old;
Study what they are doing today, they would prefer you only know what they did +50 years ago;
Israel has been aerosol spraying 'sterilants' on Arab populations since 1980's with their "Suterra" technology which allows any substance including mRNA to be embedded in a micro-pill encapsulated by iso-cyanate ( crazy-glue ) which can be inhaled and has hooks where it can lay dormant in lungs or stomach from days to years, thereby delaying when the weapon is activated, giving the spray operators plenty of time to develop denial;
IMHO much of the COVID-19 that we see worldwide was delayed, I believe (((THEY))) used this technology to create a slow-delay pandemic;
Nostradamus X - May 18, 2023
Nostradamus X
"We frighten the pants off of everyone. When do we deploy the new variant?"
--Matt Hancock, Secretary of State for Health, UK
During April 2020 out-of-hospital prescribing for Midazolam was twice the amount seen in 2019
Omicron is Not Normal
Nostradamus X - May 18, 2023
Nostradamus X
1981 Depopulation Agenda: Jacques Attalli - BilderBerger
Bilbo'sBitch - May 18, 2023
YEP,, U can lead the COVIDIAN MORONS to the water, but you can’t make them think;
BIG-PHARMA owns the earth, until you figure out how to kill big-pharma, all your COVID bullshit is just morons barking at the moon;
Focus on big-pharma people they are the enemy, and they own MSM, social-media, and all the pro & anti-covidian's.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - May 17, 2023
Diva Drops
Excellent post...thanks so much!
Pasheen Stonebrooke - May 17, 2023
Diva Drops
I posted about Lieber the minute he was busted - made the connection with Fauci and 5G way back in 2021, and La Quinta's graphene reveal. I was banned from FB for six months and had my Twitter account suspended permanently. One way to verify that you are over the target. Frustrating beyond words...
Nostradamus X - May 17, 2023
Nostradamus X
The problem is that the victims are the ones feeding the global predators.
If you stop visiting FB their ad money drops. You stop visiting Youtube or twitter their ad money drops.
I never had a social media account because of privacy concerns. If you're not using a VPN, Google will follow you online like a sheep. They even go so far as scraping your e-mail payload if you use gmail!
I always gather my news feeds from blogs that analyze the daily events instead of feeding people with spyops. Substack stayed out of the global censorship loop, maybe because they attract only people who can think for themselves!
Pasheen Stonebrooke - May 17, 2023
Diva Drops
I am stuck on FB for rescue work...over 400 rescuers I work with and we use messages every day...we have so many message windows open - putting out agonizing fires all day's a nightmare for the precious furbabes in Houston...and yes...I'm constantly heartbroken and exhausted...send me strength...
Nostradamus X - May 18, 2023
Nostradamus X
Is this work really so important that you should sacrifice your health for it?
If not, find something else to do.
You should NOT bank on the broken US healthcare system that kills more than 400,000 patients per year. You should take care of yourself to avoid getting sick. There is no need doing any stressing work in the US because the system has already collapsed - I can take hours explaining the dynamics of the collapse but that won't help you.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - May 18, 2023
Diva Drops
the rescue gene...whether abused animals or enslaved can be daunting...I shouldn't have complained...I chose my battlefields. And it isn't so much "work" as it is my small contribution to life itself...helping to mitigate as much suffering as possible?
And I don't bank on the medical cartel. Only for things only they can fix. Never take pharma meds...holistic approaches to everything possible.
But thanks, I could take better care of myself...overachiever...I wonder if there's a 12-step program for that? Overachievers Anonymous? Wish I had time check it out..LOL ....thx for your concern...I'm, anyway
Pasheen Stonebrooke - May 17, 2023
Diva Drops
I'm way beyond that at this point...but thank you for trying to help. I've been stalked for decades...went public years ago with some controversial ET abduction stuff...that is the smoking gun you can't talk about - it was brutal...I put my head down for years and now it's all back. I'm even censored on substack if I post certain comments are deleted the minute I press "Post." Same with several other comments are almost always scrubbed, so I know it's just me and not necessarily substack that is censoring...
I just put my head back up five months ago - figuring I would be persona non grata - but looking for a publisher for my book...had to use my real name...ugh...and the assaults/attacks went off the charts (let's call it what it is...gang-stalking) - regardless, they are in my face again - but who knows exactly why THIS time, since I was being censored way before that...I KNEW I WAS ON THE RADAR for posting about Noack back in Nov. of 2021, one reason, is my's a nasty mind-field.
And I firmly believe that the controllers at the very top are not human...
But thanks again for the advice...appreciate your postings.
Nostradamus X - May 18, 2023
Nostradamus X
You remind me of Ghislaine Lanctot, MD who published the "Medical Mafia" in the 90s.
She had to start her own publishing company to publish her book. She lost her licences to practise in the US, Canada and France because she exposed the "Vaccine" harmaceuticals. No professional organization came to her rescue and now 30 years later, all what she was warning about happened in 2021!!!
Pasheen Stonebrooke - May 18, 2023
Diva Drops
thanks...her name sounds familiar...will look her up...big props to her.
anna burns - May 17, 2023
I hope you read this, because I have an idea for the EDTA cream that might make it more effective. Have you considered adding DMSO to it? DMSO is powerful and if you want to carry a supplement into the body DMSO will do that very efficiently and quickly. I'm using the cream and have been adding a bit of DMSO when I apply it. I have no way to measure how effective it is, but I intuitively feel that it's helpful. I am interested in your thoughts on this.
Webe1 - May 18, 2023
I’m new to this EDTA and DMSO info. What are they?
Pasheen Stonebrooke - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Diva Drops
“Dr. Ana...I can truly imagine the frustration you must feel. I sure do feel my own frustration.
To share such life-saving and terrifying information and have it fall on deaf ears is utterly agonizing. I was sounding the alarm on chemtrails decades ago, did the same with La Quinta's graphene reveal over two years ago, and have been sharing your information on all of this, like mad. Sounding the alarm these past few years only to be mocked, vilified, ignored and cancelled.
I honestly think that people are so dumbed-down and so severely poisoned, that they are already mind-controlled beyond their will for self-preservation. To share this soul-crushing information - even with some holistic doctors I know - is impossible - they simply can't fathom this and won't even look at what I send them. I look like a paranoid idiot. Even chelation therapists that I've reached out to - are clueless about this. They want a $600 metals test before they will even treat you. And the IV is another $400. Once a month?
And even some who have been on this bioweapon research for years, seem un-phased by this dire situation that we're in. Even people who are seemingly tuned in - are tuned out, unable to grasp the severity of how we are all captured now. They should all be sounding the alarm, non-stop - as loudly as possible. Constantly.
I guess they're just fine with mass IS extinction...this is far beyond genocide.
And we know that 5G and other frequencies are hitting us all, constantly and that killshot is right around the corner - the minute we get too close to the ghoulz - it will be scorched-earth and scorched humans.
When you're just a little ahead of the curve, you're a genius...when you're two steps ahead of the curve you're insane, hyperbolic and paranoid.
We are at the bitter END of Transhumanist Agenda...beyond saving our species and all biological life on earth now, but the few who know and who can find and afford the treatments may be clear-minded, still engaged and standing just a bit longer than most.
It is maddening, and once again, I sympathize with any frustration you are feeling. It's excruciating. Those of us who subscribe and follow your work, feel it too, but we are in the battle with you, till our last nano breath and our spirits soar right out of this fallen dimension.
Just know that you are so appreciated for all that you are is truly heroic.”
Frank - May 17, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Few Sauls of Hegel in the comments great to see, these bloodline demons are getting rattled lol
BOOK > Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals > book dedicated to Lucifer, Lucifer [now Lucis] Trust created the UN >
Psalms91 - May 17, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Exactly Sir, the demonic are telling
Common behavior.
Psalms91 - May 17, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Thank you for your in-depth work.
Those whom are and have been given eyes to See will follow The “God Almighty” lead.
Bless you and those whom you touch.
Psalms91 - May 17, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Thank you bless you and those whom you touch and touch you. Thanks.
Bilbo'sBitch - May 17, 2023
People make Hydrogel all the time for natural medicine;
I make it with various plants like ginger, or cumin fresh, and especially with pot, MJ,herb, cannibis stems&roots which are normally garbage;
Making a hydrogel is easy, just need a still and rather than fermenting shit and concentrating the alcohol, you boil with water in the STILL, with pot stems, and before the water comes out at 100C, around 85C you will get the hydrogels from the cannabis stems; The stuff is awesome, put it into an eye dropper and keep to refrigerated, and when ever you feel tired or have sore eyes a few drops and your like no more eye fatigue and completely alert;
Given I have described how to make 'hyrogel' then it should be obvious that when you cook or making hydrogels, just not concentrated;
Again the bullshit here is that People have found Water in the Ocean, Shocked I tell you, the world is shocked;
Gary McCollom - May 17, 2023
What are the patents for?
MrMrs - May 19, 2023
Dr. Ana, respectfully, your spiritual views give me pause. I find them to have a leaning towards the occult. I realize this will be a minor side issue to most readers/listeners, and as such, it shouldn’t be mentioned here. However, if you found your spiritual leanings important enough to mention to Major Prather, then it must hold significance in your life.
Psalms91 - May 17, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Thank you T369!
gr8H8er - May 17, 2023
DAMNIT ALL TO HELL! WHY? WHY WILL NONE OF YOU EVEN CONSIDER DR NOACK’S WORK? Why? Are you scared? I don’t blame you one bit if you are - he was murdered for his understanding of this shit in our bodies!
You: “But what we found is, uh HYDROgel!”
Dr. Arch Noack: “This is very important! Most researchers will not recognize this form of Graphene; Graphene HYDROxide. In fact, they won’t even see it if they don’t look for it specifically, and how will they look for it when most don’t even know that it exists!”
Graphene hydroxide - little disks, the sharpest structures known to (a few) man which link themselves together like a daisy chain and are magnetically supercharged.
- my definition or understanding but who’s gonna listen? The green hull of the black walnut is proven to interfere with mRNA synthesis, PROVEN! Crickets… 🦗 🦗
Vitamin C and urine therapy will completely heal a venomous snake bite in just a couple of weeks - no inflammation if caught on time and Vitamin C levels maintained! None, zero! Tell people, what comes back? 🦗 🦗 🦗
Meanwhile, back at Trafalgar Square, another doctor has said “this material was designed to cause harm; to injure, to maim or to kill”
(The links to the video are pinned in the top comment. It took the better part of a day to transcribe this, long hand and dictate to my phone. First thing, the next morning, I watched again. This is as close as I could possibly get to what Dr. Yeadon said.)
Psalms91 - May 17, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
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Psalms91 - May 17, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Crissi Loves Chirst, it’s a bit confusing, Those are the ones in scripture as it is understood will fall pray being their own worsts enemy to the lack thereof and the end result is that when they do, if they do get called on the carpet and answer facing answering why they did not safeguarded his children is from his sanctuary that is the mother and the head of the household whom as well be a barrier carries her child then allows the elements to overwhelm and not standing as a barrier is going to be a tough one to answer.
Bless you!
Psalms91 - May 17, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
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Psalms91 - May 17, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Crissi Loves Christ, my belief is they know, the reality is that if they are not Part of solution they are part of the Problem. This site is not for the purpose to fall pray to whom can’t express theory in a adult fashion and to add insult to injury bashing the messenger Dr. Ana Maria.
Theory is not a bashing contest!
Bless you!
Psalms91 - May 17, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
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Psalms91 - May 17, 2023
Psalms91’s Substack
Reply (4) - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
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Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
I really needed this laugh thank you Bilbo'sBitch.
Its incredible they are finding these things in everything and sometimes similar things exist in nature, like charcoal bbq foods which contain graphene. A bit of perspective might not be remiss.
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
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Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
My point was mainly that perspective might be good since environmental toxins are awful but some similar compounds also come from other things we do. I think its fascinating seeing the interconnection. I wonder if not for all this extensive research would they have realized unvax are walking around with toxic blood? My son had electron microscopy of his blood 15 years ago by Dr.Beilin, M.D. who gave talks at UCLA. never saw any of this in my sons blood back then. Makes me wonder what happened to Dr.B since this was his specialty, looking into peoples blood.
That aside, mRNA transhumanism damaging our genome is another topic.
It distresses me to hear people claim mRNA doesnt exist. Some of it seems biased, they are pushing their own theories? Either way looking at patents, to me is misdirection. There is no stronger a foundation for snake venom patents than there is for GOF. My 2 cents for what it's worth
gr8H8er - May 17, 2023
What do you call it when unreliable PCR finds H1N1 in a bird so Dept of Sickness kills every bird within so many miles? How is that not GOF?
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
What is aerosolized chemtrails? Genuine question I'm a bit lost since the topic is hydrogels and I was talking about charcoal graphene
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - May 17, 2023
Thymus Cures Newsletter
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Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - May 17, 2023
Thymus Cures Newsletter
Thank you for the link and explanation.
Here in California they've been making it rain, geoengineering. Tracing chemicals others didnt see graphene but I'm interested to read more.
Nitram - May 17, 2023 Pablo Campra. Now Google for the Reuters article "debunking" it.
gr8H8er - May 17, 2023
It’s the one and the same, Graphene Hydroxide. Dr. Arche Noack’s thesis subject. While he was explaining finding it in one out of three vials of vax, on a live stream, agents busted down his door and took him to jail where he died. His then pregnant wife keeps his telegram channel active . He said researchers would not see it if they didn’t know to look for it.
The murdered doctors knew the most crucial secrets - hence, they are dead!
Reply (2) - May 17, 2023
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gr8H8er - May 17, 2023
But do tell if you’d be so magnanimous with your superior intellect and complete understanding of all, how do the vents and Remdesivir cause ‘blood’ clots and athletes dropping dead on the playing field?
Bilbo'sBitch - May 17, 2023
VENTS KILL OLD WEAK people, and sick obese people. Fact
Remdesivir is a poison and kills sick & obese and old people
Athletes have been dropping dead forever Bruce Lee, James Fixx ( famous runner ) , 1000's of others cardiac arrest
I have already written about this mRNA was all made by UK contract in INDIA is lab factorys full of ethyl-glycol (cooling jackets), rat-turds, and heavy metals; Almost all mRNA jab'd had side effects all over the fucking map, cuz teh contamination is all over the map, Japan one of the few places that rejected visible contamination in the vial of vax;
Most of these things like ethyl-gly, heavy-metals, can account for the adverse reactions seen
mRNA is a MIL bio-weapon, so it doesn't matter, Trump gave big-pharma liability exemption so there was no QA, get it? Nobody gave a fuck , they just jab'd dog-shit into your body in the WEST & ZOG colonys.
gr8H8er - May 18, 2023
And vents + Remdesivir kill everybody. Young and old.
gr8H8er - May 18, 2023
“mRNA is a military bioweapon” they just happened to slide into my A&P text book to trick people 20 years later. Okay. I’m sure you have evidence for that fact? So are tRNA and rRNA also military constructs? Isn’t that just fascinating? Or are you saying synthetic examples of messenger RNA? Are mitochondria still the powerhouse of the cell or do cells even exist?
Let’s cut to the chase. For which pharmaceutical company were you Vice President, Head of Respiratory Research and Development? What was the name of your pharmaceutical company? For how much did it sell?
A great deal of effort was put into transcribing Dr. Yeadon’s speech in which he said “The deaths occurred, I believe, due to miss treatment in hospital, with ventilator and Remdesivir.”
Further, he stated, “So, this is the important bit. I can read the intent in the design of a medication that I look at. When I looked at the design of these alleged vaccines, I saw a deliberate intent to injure, to maim, and to kill.”
Dr Noack had very compelliing evidence and information as well, after all, what better medium for aerosol injection than something which is already present in the atmosphere or mimics it as the hydrogel slides through membranes because it is so similar? He was flat out democided for the information he released so by all means ignore him! Hmmm, too bad picking your brain a bit may have proved fairly interesting too bad your an abusive evilsickfucktard that already rolled down my thigh. You really should check out Yeadon at Trafalgar Square if you take a break from being an insufferable boar hog, ever.
Bilbo'sBitch - May 18, 2023
DUMB FUCK learn to read
mRNA since 1980's was developed by MIL to be a bio-weapon deployment system.
gr8H8er - May 17, 2023
Oh, for joy! A troll. Don’t go look at what Dr Noack had to say. That shit got you really riled up! There’s no way you had time to see his video or check out Dr. Yeadon’s speech... cuntsperm eviksickfucktard that you are. How ever will you face the mirror when the AC dries up? Fucking junkies.
Cuntsperm - the shit that rolls down my thigh when I am through with a piece of fuck.
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
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Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - May 17, 2023 - Edited
Thymus Cures Newsletter
Quick question please? Are all the patents these people follow for bioweapons coming from the same people who make patents for GOF viruses and mRNA toxic clot shot bioweapons? But somehow GOF is corrupt BS, and their patents are not, even though it all comes from the same place and there are more receipts for the GOF than anything else? Also beginning of pandemic they discussed how Sarscov2 has snake DNA. Its possible finding it in the virus or injection isnt as strange as one might imagine.
January 22,2020
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - May 17, 2023
Thymus Cures Newsletter
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Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - May 17, 2023
Thymus Cures Newsletter
Thank you. I've been following all of this but I appreciate the recommendation I will check it out
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