My Interview With Jane McLelland, Author Of…

Mar 5, 2024

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Lisa Marie - Mar 5

Lisa Marie

I want to share with you what happened to me. I had a cancer scare. I had a endometrial biopsy that was positive for carcinogenic cancer. I had a hysterectomy about a month later, and in all the biopsies from surgery, there was no cancer found! I am grateful to God! I took fenbendazole. Daily for 1 month, and attribute this miracle first to God and Jesus, ๐Ÿ™ and secondly to this antiparasitic drug. Mine was stage 1, but in the links I’m sending you there are many testimonials of people being cured that had stage 4. I would be very hesitant to tell doctors. It is not FDA approved, so it is controversial. My doctor said not to take it. (But I did!) And now, as a result, I don’t have to hear her say “ok, the next step for you is chemo, radiation. There are many testimonials of people that have been cured of cancer, even stage 4 where they are told they have no treatments available and no hope. But, there is always hope. ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ™


Sophie Bertrand - Mar 5

Sophie Bertrand

Thank you for sharing your testimony and link! be blessed Lisa Marie!


alexxxxxxxx - Mar 5


my 80year old uncle was chem castrated and radio so called radio therapy, for prostrate cancer and had to do it all over again because it didnt work... started with a p r icot seeds next check up ... all clear no cancer.... here is why and how it works


Jane 333 - Mar 5

Lung physiology equals salt plu…

Cancer is a nocebo!
A program that signals a decline in health, then add in the poison, burn and cut weapons that cause suffering and desire for an end to the torture through death.
Cancer is not the body killing itself. That kind of thinking is detrimental to healing.
Cancer is a thoughtful response to toxins/poisons that have been left behind as residue from chronic dehydration.
Hydration and nutrition refuel the rejuvenation process to remove the toxins.
Hydration equals salt plus water.


Bernie_miltenberger - Mar 5

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Minus the fluoride of course!


Bernie_miltenberger - Mar 5

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

So the units mom purchased the company called them the greenhouse. Early 2000 technology. Since then Artie Witten has written a couple of books on Red Light Therapy. If you read his book he recommends one company over the rest primarily because he was their main consultant. Very good product. Now add methylene Blue to this light therapy, and both the anti cancer, anti parasitic & increase in mitochondrial activity with live blood analysis and you will see a great improvement in the quality of the blood and within the energy levels, meaning that oxygen is being better utilized! This is only one possible technique in fighting cancer. There is like 18 to 20 modalities in this space that no one talks about. Laetrile & Essiac Tea are two very good methods as well!


Max Headroom - Mar 5

That is over the top awesome. GOD definitely took you by the hand and walked you into the garden. I have just been diagnosed with SCC for the third time. The first time I was treated with cisplatin, radiation and surgery. The second time was surgery and radiation. The third and present time, it has returned with a vengeance like non any doctor has seen in each of their careers. I’ve been accepted into a trial of Keytruda and Danvatirsen, a new input to help Keytruda break down the cancer cell. I am the first of 81 worldwide to be given this combo. I’m excited and terrified at the same time. I really don’t want to leave my wife; not this way. My docs are not optimistic about my outcome at all.
I have begun Joe’s treatment protocol with the Fenben and IVM, oil droppers, etc :
Fenben - 300 mg. per day
IVM - 25 mg. per day
CBD oil - two droppers pd
And the remainder of Joe’s protocol
I really need some help with saving my life. I’ve read that up to 800 mg. pet day of Fenben has been utilized in fighting these stage three and four cancers. I feel very strongly that the recurrent SCC I am dealing with is probably considered a turbo cancer. That being said, I’m taking the Nattokinase to combat the spike if any is present.
I feel this uncontrollable urge to find out what the upper limit of the Fenben dosage can be. I need to hit this hard and fast.
If there is any information you can share with me in my battle against my cancer bully, I will be eternally grateful and pay it forward with all that are willing to hear.
Thank you so much for reading and I look forward to hearing from you very very soon. If a phone call is better, I can initiate from my end of I can receive one from your end anytime 24/7!!!
Help !!!


Ginger Kesler - Mar 5

My husband was taking 600mg 2x a day but he was 220lbs. There are groups on Facebook where many are taking higher doses of fenben. He also took 12mg of ivermectin, daily. He is using the metabolic approach and using a medical ketogenic diet. He recently had surgery and will be receiving proton therapy for hpv, tonsil cancer. Prayers for a full recovery for you!


Max Headroom - Mar 5

Oh my gosh! My heart goes out to y’all. I went through the exact same scenario. I am 220 lbs. 444mgs. Of Fenben once a day along with the 25 mg. IVM once a day plus the other Joe stuff. Please keep me in the loop so I know how y’all are doing and I’ll do the same. GOD SPEED!!!


Ginger Kesler - Mar 5

I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this! We’ve also looked into Dr Lodi’s, oasis of healing in AZ, should the conventional treatment fail us. He uses a ton of the repurposed drugs and natural methods. I believe my husbands issue has come from a jaw bone cavitation or bad wisdom tooth extraction. Dr Lodi starts everyone by seeing a biological dentist who looks for these hidden infections. We also are using black seed oil, b17, vit c, liposomal curcumin, berberine and I’m sure I’m missing more. My husbands started in his tonsil but spread to 39 of 57 lymph nodes, which they say is not normal. We do think he’s had this brewing for 4-5 years before it popped up!
I’d think increasing your dose of fenben would be perfectly fine. I’ve seen over 1200mg used before! I used it prior to my husband having cancer to treat parasites and was on 600mg myself.
Definitely stay in touch. I’ll say prayers that you kick this and the clinical trial will be a success! I’ve heard it has worked for many recently!


Max Headroom - Mar 5

I’m headed to the doctor, so I will find y’all when I return home. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Every story helps. Your friend Chris.


Bernie_miltenberger - Mar 5

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Dr. Ana, why don’t you get Dr. Russell Blaylock M.D. on your podcast to discuss his revised book called Natural Strategies for Cancer. My mother used to take stage 4 cancer patients and put them on a nutritional program with supplements and detox, footpaths and red light therapy and extended their life’s 7 to 10 years. The chemotherapy and radiation kills the daughter cells only. The parent stem cells after chemotherapy or radiation therapy eventually come back only as more virulent the second time. My late father was a cancer surgeon. He was successful to a degree depending on how much metastasis had already occurred. If the tumor was contained and access to it will possibly, his success rate was good only with lifestyle changes as well!


Max Headroom - Mar 5

Red Light Therapy
Can you offer an explanation with maybe some frequencies, etc? I have a light therapy kit that contains Red light pads
Blue light pads
Red / Blue light pads
With a controller that produces five different frequencies.
I am about to embark on my third round with squamous cell carcinoma and am in need of all the help and it encouragement that can be mustered. My doctors are miffed at the speed and number of new locations that this cancer bully is presenting. 100% of them agree that they have never seen anything quite like it.
I have to be extremely cautious with them because I am the first on the planet to be accepted into a Keytruda/mystery drug trial that will hold 81 bodies total. I’m on the Joe protocol and have been for one week. My Keytruda trial infusions do not begin for five to six weeks so I have to hit this with all disposable resources NOW!
Any help at all in this area will be met with the greatest of appreciation!


Nicole - Mar 5

There’s a FenBen Substack you should find. God bless you on your journey ๐Ÿ™๐ŸปPrayers for your recovery


Nicole - Mar 5

Also high dose Vit C via IVorthomolecular.orghas a many articles on that


Unagnu - Mar 6


A good repurposed generally well tolerated drug? Doxy...., zithro and vit C


alexxxxxxxx - Mar 5


all clear no cancer died 10 years of heart complications


A People - Mar 5

Truth Addict

The lab leak hoax is another distraction, the only way to create a worldwide pandemic is to clone lots and lots of virus and spread it all over the place.
More here;


Anita Söderman - Mar 5

Anita’s Substack

Thank you for all good advice and your extraordinary insights - when will you be called to senate hearing, I just wonder?


Eunice Price - Mar 5


Eri Baus - Mar 5

Eri Baus

Underscore x 100q? Think about them before using them, especially so many of them!


Eri Baus - Mar 14

Eri Baus

Sorry, more detail/reasoning... I most often 'listen' to the/your publication and that is why that comment was left... the AI/voice reads all the fonts and symbols and the latter brands me badly.....


Guy Bronson IV - Mar 18

Guy Bronson IV

To set the record straight.
In the 1980s, Dr. Hobbins, a researcher in thermography, alerted the public about the link between soy consumption and an increased risk of breast cancer. The introduction of soy into processed foods in the late 1970s coincided with an increase in breast cancer rates, from 1 in 11 in 1980 to 1 in 8 by 1992. Since 1979, there was a reported annual increase of 1% in the incidence of breast cancer among men, and testosterone levels have been decreasing by approximately 1% annually since 1980. Effects are seen in women first.
In terms of potency, a gram is a billion times stronger than a nanogram. While chemicals like Atrazine, BPA, and phthalates raise estrogen levels, the use of popular phytoestrogens (PE) has exponentially increased this estrogenic effect. This is exemplified by products like the Impossible Burger, which contains an estimated 18 million times more estrogen than a Whopper. Combining these findings with studies showing the transplacental transfer of soy from mother to fetus, and the ability of Japanese researchers to produce all-female catfish populations using soy, raises concerns.
Their 2013 publication marked a milestone as the first researchers to publish medical evidence that demonstrated flax and bio-identical estrogen increased risk of breast cancer with a chapter warning about the feminizing effects on men. Research indicates that one cup of soy has the estrogenic effect comparable to one birth control pill, and flax is twenty times stronger than soy.
However, doctors advocated the health benefits of plant-based lifestyles. Adopting this trend, many women integrated estrogenic supplements like chasteberry, prepared meals with estrogenic chickpea pasta and sesame seeds, applied estrogenic lavender on their children and estrogenic CBD on their husbands.
The men's supplement industry has also embraced the PE trend, rebranding estrogenic fenugreek as 'free testosterone' and incorporating flax oil into testosterone injections. Over the last forty years, research has indicated a concerning trend: a 25% decrease in testosterone levels, a 52% drop in sperm counts, and an alarming study warns that if these trends persist, sperm counts could reach zero by 2045. Decline in testosterone results from an excess of estrogen.
The widespread use of PEs has led to excess estrogen levels causing PMS, menopause symptoms, low testosterone, early puberty. Women were labeled ‘crazy’ when they tried to express their symptoms. Doctors didn’t listen and prescribed synthetic hormones and bio-identical estrogen to mask the side effects, similar to how addicts are treated. Breast cancer remains the second leading cause of death. It's reported that the identification of girls as transgender has surged by 4,000%. Doctors recommend hormone therapy.
Due to the public's and doctors' reluctance to acknowledge physiology, we've reached a critical precipice. Children are exhibiting symptoms of gender dysphoria, and signs of feminization among boys. Treat the root cause: reduce estrogen.
Phytoestrogens: the pill no one can swallow. Dr. Sellens' eighth book offers an extensive compilation of research on estrogen making it one of the most comprehensive sources on the subject. Soy Boys: prepare to choke down the truth.
Soy Boys: The Rise in Low Testosterone & the Feminization of Men Due to Phytoestrogens


Unagnu - Mar 6


Now explore doxcycline please... there's lots that it can do, and with minimal side effects too...


cathy - Mar 5


Excellent information...thank you! I have stage three triple negative breast cancer. I'm told to prep for hospice. I have been prescribed Ringer's lactate solution by IV (sodium chloride, sodium lactate, potassium chloride, calcium chloride). Jane mentions in your interview about lactate blockers and I am wondering if the LACTATE in Ringer's solution should be avoided - maybe the Calcium chloride too? (minute 31ish in the interview)


Unagnu - Mar 6


look into Joe Tippen's stuff AND consider the work done with Doxycycline.


Jane 333 - Mar 5

Lung physiology equals salt plu…

Cancer is a spell. Cancer is a nocebo. Cancer has been anchored with self destruction.
Imagine a word that causes folk to think they have an enemy within that seeks their demise.
Your body is always doing its best to save your life. Anyone who says otherwise is a deceiver.
Hydration is the key to healing.
Salt plus water equals hydration.
Dehydration causes the body to compromise its house cleaning tasks. Dirt is left behind that should have been swept out through bowel or bladder. This residue/dirt/poison/toxin must be isolated/encapsulated for your protection until adequate hydration returns.
Hydration is the key to healing.


Sandy K - Mar 5

Sandy K

Dr Mihalcea, here is a video done in 2021 the same structures you and others have been seeing. It is very distressing knowing how many people have been injured.



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