An electrical engineer answered my question couple years ago when graphene was discovered in the vials and they were discussing its impact with 5G towers....I asked, "do you mean they could send a text and the person dies??......Yes.....was the answer......Honestly the world is in such an unbelievable mess I believe along with the brilliant
"thinkers" there will be divine intervention that will save humanity......
Yep, it's been in many things for a long long time. Hope all these detoxes I'm doing ex spells that evil crap out of my body. I don't have Internet in my house and no computer, just this pre payed phone. Hoping it helps
Can be purchased on any sight, Amazon, eBay, Walmart. Either mix or capsules. I do a 3 capsules/ 3 times a day for 3 days. Karl did a mix ONCE a day for 2 days.
I have exclusive intel on several antidotes. search keyword "Chica" in the Panther's den ....#Informationwarfare
Yeah THX, I subd Dr. Young yrs back on Rumble. He actually showed what Ana is presented long ago. I started my parasite protocol yrs back after listening to him and seeing his findings as well.👍
it's all we have. These things are good and I pray Jesus to bless them all and all the steps they do, but without Jesus intervening were screwed...
As it says no flesh will be left, this is it...
I agree. But Ana chooses the occult. She will find out the truth at her death. Hell or heaven. Satan brings many roads to hell. Not all roads lead to heaven as she teaches with Christ Consciousness. We will not find that power from within. John.10
[1] Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, (((but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber))). John 14:6
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Jesus is God.
Only God can know anyone’s future and be the Judge determining Justice - I am so grateful that isn’t our “wheelhouse” but His. Absolutely LOVE the Book of John and the guidance he offers.
I don't know that if she does yes, your are right but I don't know this.
and yes all this many roads lead to Heaven is hogwash NO! they don't... Correct.
But we do need them to try and help and get the word out that we are invaded by Nano tech and look for some way to combat it.
But I don't place much into mans ways or kingdom and look to Jesus myself so yeah pray and pray some more then pray again...
I agree with informing others of this. Most pastors or Christians don’t care or even the world. Dr Ana does a great job. Globalist believes that it will work. The Bible says it won’t. Daniel 2:43
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not (cleave) one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
That's your prerogative no one says you have to but look into what it says about non Believers in the book of Revelations and you may want to change your tune. I pray that God will enlighten you before it's too late and the door of Grace is closed...
But yeah that's the beauty of Jesus he wont force you but there are Consequences for not believing in him...
Jesus was not a mere man he was the son of God Emmanuel IE: God among us. if he wasn't risen his bones would still be in the tomb they placed him in they aren't. No no one took his body out to fake his resurrection, he miraculous rose.
But yeah sorry you don't and wont harp on you. god bless you and yours.
My goodness ! Stop judging me. You know nothing about my spirituel life, and about my ling with God. I am a celtic, my God is not Jahvé, désolé mon chéri... do I tell tou to read the book "Leda" ? No...
And me, can I give my heartfelt ?
1, Normally, we are here to try to fight the globalists anf their agenda. And I do it with a very weak health now !
2, Doctor Ana is not a christian either...
Loraine - I knew I could finish living till that Great Day, and let the people deal for themself; but I thought that was too selfish. But there are those so close to me that have stayed in their closed world, that the balance of life is rich/full of goodness. I hate cat crap piled in my yard by neighbor feline sh't holes; and for me to read and pray on this beast 'scat' I am sick of this trespass and "dung full of worms;" it stinks too. When I spot that paw scratch pile that no kitty can disguise, I get two ground sticks and toss that crap into the road, for the [d]ogs to eat. M
I had to laugh, imagine how many repeats that would be Rick!?! I think there is Power in knowing the horrific plan (no words to adequately describe how awful it is).
For me, I'm not going to waste my life with fear, anger, or allow myself to spiral down....Instead, I do what I can to spread kindness, donate what I can, look for the joy in each day, pray for all those damaged or gone, and resist, resist, resist.......
Perfect !
Loraine, you can pass out programs and bottled water at the hangings.
Look up the old west's hanging bashes, huge!
Great stress reliever.
Helps deter future crime too.
Dear Dr. Ana, Thank you for one of the best interviews we have ever heard from you. Your spirit shines here and is contagious. Thank you again for all you do for all of us. xo
Excellent interview!! The beginning reminded me of something. La Quinta Columna reported maybe 2 yrs back, that they had NOT found any trace of MRNA in any of the vials. I'm not sure if this is what you were saying Ana, but if there is NO MRNA, does that mean what we thought was Shedding SPIKE PROTEIN is really NOT and there is some other SUBSTANCE being shed and spread??? I forget what doctor I was listening to a couple yrs back but he said what was being SHED is in "VAPOR" Form. I do know this, I was shed on and it F**Ked me up for months. If it ain't Spike being shed, What the F**K is it???
My question as well. All this fuss us about mRNA. Spike protein shouted from docs selling goods to help. Ana has said there are fragments of rDNA only.
Good thinking analysis. Yes, the twist and turns from the very beginning. We are always in "catch-up" mode. Wouldn't it be nice to have a defector who knows the real and tells us what the evil bastards have done and continue to do. Wishful thinking I know. Seems all we can do is detox as we see best and keep listening to Dr.s like Ana.
Question for all our “thinkers” diligently working on revealing these crimes against humanity and searching for the antidote(s).
What do we think might happen to organic lifeforms laden with these nanoelectronics/bots if a highly powered EMP weapon is deployed in close proximity?
We believe that tis one of the cures. there are also top-secret scalar weapons that can wipe out a virus over several states as described by Dr. Deagle. There has also been test with hand help EMP Devices on COVID victims that when administered eliminated the Bluetooth signal being emitted from their bodies.
Book of Revelation ■ Chapter 19, is written about frequencies; there is writting of the judgement of [f]ire to be the next great wrath of God Almighty.
Makes me even more glad that many Decades ago, I chose to live in the hinterlands far away from any large metro areas, then in a very small town of 200 or less, and now on a Farm even over 3 miles from there, with the closest neighbors in any direction over 2 miles in the distance! And, Never took the Shot!
And, that my Faith is in the Lord Jesus the Christ, who protects all Believers, and is coming soon with His Dominion!
Will all the bots “die” immediately and occlude blood vessels leading to sudden death? Even in absence of all this synthetic material, we are (organic) electronics through and through. What is the human organic electronic response to EMP weapons? As a practitioner of both Eastern and Western medical arts, I cannot think we will be unphased by such an anomaly. If moon cycles and solar flares are capable of disrupting our subtle bodily energy systems, certainly an EMP would. And don’t even get me started on these 4G/5G multiple bands of >1GHz cell and wifi signals bombarding our bodies 24/7....!
An important discussion explaining nanotechnology; why not only the uneducated sheep are so manipulated, but also, why and how so many well educated lawyers, doctors & scientists can be “so docile” and blatantly-complicit with the trillion dollar nanotechnology industry who owns our politicians, government agencies (Justice Department, DoD, DARPA, HAARP…) and the private AMA and pharmaceutical industries.
Thank you Dr. Mihalcea for yet another enlightening interview. I have been listening to you ever since Australia's own Dr. David Nixon and you drilled down on the nanotechnology more than 2 years ago now. Fabulous, genius work. God bless you.
Another hero:
The wonderful David Martin at his forensically illuminating best.
Apologies for the length, 02:16:04, but absolutely essential listening.
This man too is exceptional in enlightening the truth.
You are all saviours of humanity. Your light will shine for eternity. God love and bless you forever. May Jesus Christ continue to send The Holy Spirit to guide you and keep you safe. 🫂💖💐🙏✝️
Technology, it's certain what will end humanity. Opps, it's past certain, let's try progressing quite smoothly.
Those "Chosen ones" apparently chose themselves and some Chinese, (gotta save them for labor) to survive the killshot.
RFK Jr recited those findings by HHS I believe.
For anyone with an open mind looking at all things, some of this sounds just too much, but I like to look into everything in this world that has gone crazy....
Have you found Sabrina Wallace? She's got all the terminology on what to research and she said it goes way, way back when they planned this. I think it is called Psynergy (sp) Channel on Odysee. She also has a telegram channel. Her videos disappear pretty quickly.
I don't have to subscribe to all they say but I do appreciate a great deal of her work. I do avoid anything under the alien topics. Do you have a website for crystallography you can recommend.
These truther docs traveling the globe and promoting products crying, “spike protein”. Ana does not talk about this. She also claims there is fragmented mRNA but not whole. Is this spike protein talk just to sidetrack us? Truther docs do not ever go near quantum dots. Self assembling structures, danger of 5G.
Dr Ana mentioned do not consent. Take your power. They hack you, take it back. I believe what she was referring to is, claiming your sovereignty. To the nano. To illness. To the quantum dots. Speak to them. Declare nothing will hurt you. They are not allowed in your body. You do not consent. Speak Psalm 91. Every day. Every single day. This lady understands the power we have in the universe. Claim your power. An amazing lady. Just wow.
Loraine - Oct 21, 2023
Agent’s Substack
An electrical engineer answered my question couple years ago when graphene was discovered in the vials and they were discussing its impact with 5G towers....I asked, "do you mean they could send a text and the person dies??......Yes.....was the answer......Honestly the world is in such an unbelievable mess I believe along with the brilliant
"thinkers" there will be divine intervention that will save humanity......
Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 21, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Its called Operation Nano Dometic Quell
Stephan - Oct 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Yep, it's been in many things for a long long time. Hope all these detoxes I'm doing ex spells that evil crap out of my body. I don't have Internet in my house and no computer, just this pre payed phone. Hoping it helps
Christian - Oct 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
So far, EDTA (suppos) + C do not work ! Vit C helps me to function, just function, nothing more !
Stephan - Oct 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
You may want to get you Activated Charcoal. Karl C. Substack Aug. 14 for slides before and after.
Christian - Oct 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Can you show me the link, please ?
Stephan - Oct 21, 2023
Sorry, I don't know how to link. Hit 🎯 on my doggy picture, then the 'read' and then Karl C. Scroll down to August 14 Activated Charcoal.
Christian - Oct 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Oral charcoal ?
Stephan - Oct 21, 2023
Can be purchased on any sight, Amazon, eBay, Walmart. Either mix or capsules. I do a 3 capsules/ 3 times a day for 3 days. Karl did a mix ONCE a day for 2 days.
Christian - Oct 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
What a mixture, it would be !
Sandy K - Oct 21, 2023
Sandy K
Look at the many pages here of retired MD Ronald Norris. He is testing his own blood as he tries different treatments.
Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 21, 2023
Agent’s Substack
I have exclusive intel on several antidotes. search keyword "Chica" in the Panther's den ....#Informationwarfare
Stephan - Oct 21, 2023
Yeah THX, I subd Dr. Young yrs back on Rumble. He actually showed what Ana is presented long ago. I started my parasite protocol yrs back after listening to him and seeing his findings as well.👍
Rick Oringer - Oct 21, 2023
Rick’s Substack
All ya can do, good luck
Stephan - Oct 21, 2023
I'll check this out 👍
Doug - Oct 21, 2023
Doug’s Substack
it's all we have. These things are good and I pray Jesus to bless them all and all the steps they do, but without Jesus intervening were screwed...
As it says no flesh will be left, this is it...
Stephan - Oct 21, 2023
For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son. Those who believe in Him shall have everlasting life. I AM A BELIEVER!
Lee - Oct 21, 2023
Delina’s Substack
I agree. But Ana chooses the occult. She will find out the truth at her death. Hell or heaven. Satan brings many roads to hell. Not all roads lead to heaven as she teaches with Christ Consciousness. We will not find that power from within. John.10
[1] Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold, (((but climbeth up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber))). John 14:6
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Jesus is God.
Delina H Bishop MD - Oct 22, 2023
Delina’s Substack
Only God can know anyone’s future and be the Judge determining Justice - I am so grateful that isn’t our “wheelhouse” but His. Absolutely LOVE the Book of John and the guidance he offers.
Lee - Oct 22, 2023
He does tell us the way in the Bible. It’s a choice.
Doug - Oct 22, 2023
Doug’s Substack
I don't know that if she does yes, your are right but I don't know this.
and yes all this many roads lead to Heaven is hogwash NO! they don't... Correct.
But we do need them to try and help and get the word out that we are invaded by Nano tech and look for some way to combat it.
But I don't place much into mans ways or kingdom and look to Jesus myself so yeah pray and pray some more then pray again...
Lee - Oct 22, 2023
Doug’s Substack
I agree with informing others of this. Most pastors or Christians don’t care or even the world. Dr Ana does a great job. Globalist believes that it will work. The Bible says it won’t. Daniel 2:43
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not (cleave) one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
Doug - Oct 24, 2023
Doug’s Substack
God damn right no weapon used against us will prosper...
Christian - Oct 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
I do not believe in this "jesus", no man was God...
Doug - Oct 21, 2023
Doug’s Substack
That's your prerogative no one says you have to but look into what it says about non Believers in the book of Revelations and you may want to change your tune. I pray that God will enlighten you before it's too late and the door of Grace is closed...
But yeah that's the beauty of Jesus he wont force you but there are Consequences for not believing in him...
Jesus was not a mere man he was the son of God Emmanuel IE: God among us. if he wasn't risen his bones would still be in the tomb they placed him in they aren't. No no one took his body out to fake his resurrection, he miraculous rose.
But yeah sorry you don't and wont harp on you. god bless you and yours.
Christian - Oct 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
My goodness ! Stop judging me. You know nothing about my spirituel life, and about my ling with God. I am a celtic, my God is not Jahvé, désolé mon chéri... do I tell tou to read the book "Leda" ? No...
Doug - Oct 22, 2023
Doug’s Substack
wow yeah I didn't Judge you not at all...
Michael Wachocki - Oct 21, 2023
Michael Wachocki
He is not judging you. Just giving his heartfelt advice. Yours to ignore or pursue.
Christian - Oct 22, 2023
Ar’s Substack
And me, can I give my heartfelt ?
1, Normally, we are here to try to fight the globalists anf their agenda. And I do it with a very weak health now !
2, Doctor Ana is not a christian either...
Margie Chism - Oct 21, 2023
Margie Chism
Loraine - I knew I could finish living till that Great Day, and let the people deal for themself; but I thought that was too selfish. But there are those so close to me that have stayed in their closed world, that the balance of life is rich/full of goodness. I hate cat crap piled in my yard by neighbor feline sh't holes; and for me to read and pray on this beast 'scat' I am sick of this trespass and "dung full of worms;" it stinks too. When I spot that paw scratch pile that no kitty can disguise, I get two ground sticks and toss that crap into the road, for the [d]ogs to eat. M
Rick Oringer - Oct 21, 2023
Rick’s Substack
Divine intervention ? Or just grab the guilty, hang and repeat. And hope for the best although it, I dunno.
Loraine - Oct 21, 2023
Rick’s Substack
I had to laugh, imagine how many repeats that would be Rick!?! I think there is Power in knowing the horrific plan (no words to adequately describe how awful it is).
For me, I'm not going to waste my life with fear, anger, or allow myself to spiral down....Instead, I do what I can to spread kindness, donate what I can, look for the joy in each day, pray for all those damaged or gone, and resist, resist, resist.......
Rick Oringer - Oct 22, 2023
Rick’s Substack
Perfect !
Loraine, you can pass out programs and bottled water at the hangings.
Look up the old west's hanging bashes, huge!
Great stress reliever.
Helps deter future crime too.
Alexandra - Oct 21, 2023
Alexandra’s Substack
Dear Dr. Ana, Thank you for one of the best interviews we have ever heard from you. Your spirit shines here and is contagious. Thank you again for all you do for all of us. xo
Stephan - Oct 21, 2023
Carol B
Excellent interview!! The beginning reminded me of something. La Quinta Columna reported maybe 2 yrs back, that they had NOT found any trace of MRNA in any of the vials. I'm not sure if this is what you were saying Ana, but if there is NO MRNA, does that mean what we thought was Shedding SPIKE PROTEIN is really NOT and there is some other SUBSTANCE being shed and spread??? I forget what doctor I was listening to a couple yrs back but he said what was being SHED is in "VAPOR" Form. I do know this, I was shed on and it F**Ked me up for months. If it ain't Spike being shed, What the F**K is it???
Carol B - Oct 21, 2023
Carol B
My question as well. All this fuss us about mRNA. Spike protein shouted from docs selling goods to help. Ana has said there are fragments of rDNA only.
Gayle Wells - Oct 21, 2023
Gayle Wells
Sounds like a literal signal. I agree with Ana on how to protect yourself. More tools will be quickly coming out.
Christian - Oct 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
Nanotech, graphene, hydrogel...
Stephan - Oct 21, 2023
Comment removed.
Stephan - Oct 21, 2023
Good thinking analysis. Yes, the twist and turns from the very beginning. We are always in "catch-up" mode. Wouldn't it be nice to have a defector who knows the real and tells us what the evil bastards have done and continue to do. Wishful thinking I know. Seems all we can do is detox as we see best and keep listening to Dr.s like Ana.
Delina H Bishop MD - Oct 21, 2023 - Edited
Delina’s Substack
Question for all our “thinkers” diligently working on revealing these crimes against humanity and searching for the antidote(s).
What do we think might happen to organic lifeforms laden with these nanoelectronics/bots if a highly powered EMP weapon is deployed in close proximity?
Agent Midnight Rider - Oct 21, 2023
Agent’s Substack
We believe that tis one of the cures. there are also top-secret scalar weapons that can wipe out a virus over several states as described by Dr. Deagle. There has also been test with hand help EMP Devices on COVID victims that when administered eliminated the Bluetooth signal being emitted from their bodies.
Margie Chism - Oct 21, 2023
Margie Chism
Book of Revelation ■ Chapter 19, is written about frequencies; there is writting of the judgement of [f]ire to be the next great wrath of God Almighty.
Bruce Hartnett - Oct 21, 2023 - Edited
Bruce Hartnett
Makes me even more glad that many Decades ago, I chose to live in the hinterlands far away from any large metro areas, then in a very small town of 200 or less, and now on a Farm even over 3 miles from there, with the closest neighbors in any direction over 2 miles in the distance! And, Never took the Shot!
And, that my Faith is in the Lord Jesus the Christ, who protects all Believers, and is coming soon with His Dominion!
Christian - Oct 21, 2023
Ar’s Substack
You are lucky to believe in this jew !
Michael Folks - Oct 21, 2023
Michael’s Substack
Depending on proximity to the event, Freezing, or Burnout, will be my guess.
Delina H Bishop MD - Oct 22, 2023
Delina’s Substack
Comment removed.
Delina H Bishop MD - Oct 22, 2023
Delina’s Substack
Will all the bots “die” immediately and occlude blood vessels leading to sudden death? Even in absence of all this synthetic material, we are (organic) electronics through and through. What is the human organic electronic response to EMP weapons? As a practitioner of both Eastern and Western medical arts, I cannot think we will be unphased by such an anomaly. If moon cycles and solar flares are capable of disrupting our subtle bodily energy systems, certainly an EMP would. And don’t even get me started on these 4G/5G multiple bands of >1GHz cell and wifi signals bombarding our bodies 24/7....!
jeffrey p lubina - Oct 21, 2023
jeffrey p lubina
An important discussion explaining nanotechnology; why not only the uneducated sheep are so manipulated, but also, why and how so many well educated lawyers, doctors & scientists can be “so docile” and blatantly-complicit with the trillion dollar nanotechnology industry who owns our politicians, government agencies (Justice Department, DoD, DARPA, HAARP…) and the private AMA and pharmaceutical industries.
Truth Seeker - Oct 21, 2023
Thank you Dr. Mihalcea for yet another enlightening interview. I have been listening to you ever since Australia's own Dr. David Nixon and you drilled down on the nanotechnology more than 2 years ago now. Fabulous, genius work. God bless you.
Another hero:
The wonderful David Martin at his forensically illuminating best.
Apologies for the length, 02:16:04, but absolutely essential listening.
This man too is exceptional in enlightening the truth.
You are all saviours of humanity. Your light will shine for eternity. God love and bless you forever. May Jesus Christ continue to send The Holy Spirit to guide you and keep you safe. 🫂💖💐🙏✝️
Margie Chism - Oct 21, 2023
Margie Chism
Great interview ■ I started watching this today on Brighteon. M
Kim - Oct 21, 2023
Yes, great interview. Very inspiring.
Rick Oringer - Oct 21, 2023
Rick’s Substack
Technology, it's certain what will end humanity. Opps, it's past certain, let's try progressing quite smoothly.
Those "Chosen ones" apparently chose themselves and some Chinese, (gotta save them for labor) to survive the killshot.
RFK Jr recited those findings by HHS I believe.
Stella - Oct 21, 2023 - Edited
For anyone with an open mind looking at all things, some of this sounds just too much, but I like to look into everything in this world that has gone crazy....
Gayle Wells - Oct 21, 2023
Gayle Wells
Have you found Sabrina Wallace? She's got all the terminology on what to research and she said it goes way, way back when they planned this. I think it is called Psynergy (sp) Channel on Odysee. She also has a telegram channel. Her videos disappear pretty quickly.
Gayle Wells - Oct 21, 2023
Gayle Wells
Comment removed.
Gayle Wells - Oct 21, 2023
Gayle Wells
I don't have to subscribe to all they say but I do appreciate a great deal of her work. I do avoid anything under the alien topics. Do you have a website for crystallography you can recommend.
Crosby Guy - Oct 21, 2023
One likes your video here on your frequency, I get it.
Carol B - Oct 21, 2023
Carol B
These truther docs traveling the globe and promoting products crying, “spike protein”. Ana does not talk about this. She also claims there is fragmented mRNA but not whole. Is this spike protein talk just to sidetrack us? Truther docs do not ever go near quantum dots. Self assembling structures, danger of 5G.
John - Nov 2, 2023
Is Malone a Truth er Doc?
He references Dr Ana...
Carol B - Oct 21, 2023 - Edited
Carol B
Dr Ana mentioned do not consent. Take your power. They hack you, take it back. I believe what she was referring to is, claiming your sovereignty. To the nano. To illness. To the quantum dots. Speak to them. Declare nothing will hurt you. They are not allowed in your body. You do not consent. Speak Psalm 91. Every day. Every single day. This lady understands the power we have in the universe. Claim your power. An amazing lady. Just wow.
Dale Vaughn - Oct 21, 2023
Dale’s Substack
Yes she does...she is brilliant and learns from the greatest minds on earth at this time. Know who you are creator
Kirsten - Oct 21, 2023
Soulbee3 Substack
Great interview! 👍🏽💗
Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 2, 2023
Joy’s Newsletter
Ana, YOU ROCK!!! Thank GOD for you!
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