I just learned of this: edible vaccinations. Yes, NIH and other agencies have been working on these for years. I learned it through lawyer Tom Renz. Please watch and circulate this video, starting at minute 2:
This is an outrage and must be stopped. No one is giving consent to eating vaccines in our food supply. Please share this with everyone you know.
Bless you for what you are doing Dr Ana! You and your team are leading the way to finding out what is making us sick and how to remediate it.
IM PRETTY POSITIVE this was started years before or the year before c19 started. cause everything they did was a year in advance. flu shot of 2019 had this nanoshit in it.
'Synthetic Biology' is a Bernays style, Orwellian double speak, oxymoron. If these (oxygen deficient) morons had spent more time observing nature, and less time obsessing over their bank balances, they would be much wiser.
One question burns in my mind - how can we attack the biosynthetic chips - and we need a global pharma policing body with law body, immediately, since graphene is now found in every. product. you. can. imagine ( approaching 100%) and yes that includes lipstick, organic milk and lettuce, as well as water or NaC to detox (full of biosynthetic tubes, carbon nanotubes,
graphene) - this is such a massive crime and the spraying is almost daily now .... we NeeD! to act now!
No doubt the International Mafia Cult is seriously bucking for Global Slavery of what they have always viewed their 'Human Herd'...As though they can't traffic enough children to torture before drinking their blood and eating them alive if they aren't sexually grooming them.
If you know anyone from the regulatory field, there is an incredible startup opportunity - decentralized quality control, through blockchain tech and with international participation like through consulates - that looks at every product for purity, since the corruption is boundless and the deceit omnipresent - NaC for example, if you buy it on amazon with gene tech free labels and shiny vegan logos and all- is full of carbon nanotubes and graphene now. It will be harder to find a product without it. My question is and remains, will this attack the dna crystals, will this breakdown PEG ?
tbh I think that DNA crystals need lipids like PEG based ones and hydrogel to work - no idea if it already works through chemtrails like that, I mean why not .... this is mayhem on the nanoscale, sifting through layers of flesh like nothing
I couldn't sleep and stumbled upon this:
page 3 describes nanotech using DNA as an antenna, and then larger organ antennas to interface with this IoT swarm
justify the dilution? of our species?
"From a biological taxonomical perspective, this can justify at certain moment the dilution of the species as a whole and equal macro-entity. At the same time,
this disruption could be considered the logical new step into the evolution of our species: when the techno-symbolic forces take control over random biochemical and social evolution. For example, we can fuse our bodies with other biological bodies which do not belong to our direct evolutionary
family (e.g., cockroaches)".
It's not really random and they have no right to tamper with nature and pretend to be gods. The attempted enslavement of humanity can never be justified.
Behind the empty words salad, a fairly large group of soulless psychopaths.
Given that they themselves are already cockroaches, the fusion process of their sick bodies will be smooth, kind of a "déjà vu".
Dr Ana, thank you for all you are trying to do for humanity. You keep saying you are spiritual. Jesus Christ is the only hope to fight against this evil, any other spiritual other than him is serving Satan.
John 14:
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me
i searched every where, for this Important video. As i told you, dear Dr ANA , im a journalist in france, im publishing on these topics and publishning all your articles translated.
I need this interview with Celeste but Rumble is SHUT DOWN in france, please tell me where i can watch it on bit chtute or another channel.
Thanks a lot
Thanks for the most informative, comprehensive and alarming interview I’ve heard in a long time! I was esp. pleased to hear the spiritual aspect brought in, as the expression of spirit is of utmost importance to me — and I feel increasingly alone in this. A lone voice. Just a conversation with a grandchild last month made me suspect once again that any mention of “God” in young company is barely distinguishable from saying “Santa Claus”. Am wondering about the connection between vaX damage to the pineal gland and the rampant “God is dead” attitude.
they targeted the god gene. remember that darpa video briefing about the FunVax. the religious fundamentalist vaccine. look into it. thats why peoplewere saying they lost there connection with god. they are stealing our souls. look into harold kautz
Dr. Ana. Has anyone looked into sound wave technology, frequency of sound on contaminated blood? I believe it’s 465 hz that is it supposed to be able to repair DNA on a cellular level? Maybe it’s worth taking a look at that?
Dear Dr. Ana - Thank You!
Here is something I learned about many years ago - I hope it is of service:
And ...
Alfred Lord Tennyson “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.”
God Bless You!!!
Dr. Ana. Now that you have been posting these findings in unvaccinated people. I would like verify this and see it with my own eyes. I try to perform an IR of my own blood first and then of an unvaccinated person. Would be interesting to see the characteristic CH2 group vibrations. I specialized in polymer chemistry.
Here's a new level of the biotech war on humanity from Dr. Ana
You mentioned Catherine Fitts would like to see my Morgellon photos from 2012.
My photos were taken from a brave patient's facial skin with needles and microscope slides in my office in 2012. The hydrogel synthetic life was less sophisticated than now. But then it was frightening enough for both of us. Watching it 'live' and grow for up to 16 hours on an empty petridish, still wriggling to the warmth or electrical energy of a fingertip outside of the glass, was and is chilling. I tried a large part of the Pharmacopea on her and nothing got at it except the Carnevon cleansing bath , hat was Fabric softener and alfalfa tablets, also I think Dove dishwasher soap. Go figure.
In retrospect my office was very close to a cell tower transciever, so the hydrogel was probably fueling with EMF vitamins! I believe she cleared it up with personal cleansing routine and healthy habits.
Lisa - Apr 6, 2023 - Edited
I just learned of this: edible vaccinations. Yes, NIH and other agencies have been working on these for years. I learned it through lawyer Tom Renz. Please watch and circulate this video, starting at minute 2:
This is an outrage and must be stopped. No one is giving consent to eating vaccines in our food supply. Please share this with everyone you know.
Bless you for what you are doing Dr Ana! You and your team are leading the way to finding out what is making us sick and how to remediate it.
Victor Ferrentino - Apr 8, 2023
IM PRETTY POSITIVE this was started years before or the year before c19 started. cause everything they did was a year in advance. flu shot of 2019 had this nanoshit in it.
Lisa - Apr 8, 2023
In the video, lawyer Tom Renz mentions clinical trials from 2005.
stardot - Apr 6, 2023
stardot’s Substack
Thank you! I've been following Celeste for years and she's a great resource.
Angela - Apr 6, 2023
'Synthetic Biology' is a Bernays style, Orwellian double speak, oxymoron. If these (oxygen deficient) morons had spent more time observing nature, and less time obsessing over their bank balances, they would be much wiser.
Bufus Alvarius - Apr 6, 2023
One question burns in my mind - how can we attack the biosynthetic chips - and we need a global pharma policing body with law body, immediately, since graphene is now found in every. product. you. can. imagine ( approaching 100%) and yes that includes lipstick, organic milk and lettuce, as well as water or NaC to detox (full of biosynthetic tubes, carbon nanotubes,
graphene) - this is such a massive crime and the spraying is almost daily now .... we NeeD! to act now!
BlazeCloude3 - Apr 7, 2023
No doubt the International Mafia Cult is seriously bucking for Global Slavery of what they have always viewed their 'Human Herd'...As though they can't traffic enough children to torture before drinking their blood and eating them alive if they aren't sexually grooming them.
Victor Ferrentino - Apr 8, 2023
edta chelation.. and it looks like clodial gold?
Bufus Alvarius - Apr 8, 2023
If you know anyone from the regulatory field, there is an incredible startup opportunity - decentralized quality control, through blockchain tech and with international participation like through consulates - that looks at every product for purity, since the corruption is boundless and the deceit omnipresent - NaC for example, if you buy it on amazon with gene tech free labels and shiny vegan logos and all- is full of carbon nanotubes and graphene now. It will be harder to find a product without it. My question is and remains, will this attack the dna crystals, will this breakdown PEG ?
Marty - Apr 7, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Have you read this substack about DNA crystals ? I don't know if this impacts the jab-free. The graphene overload is mostly affecting "developed" (sick) countries where chemtrailing is regular.
Bufus Alvarius - Apr 7, 2023
tbh I think that DNA crystals need lipids like PEG based ones and hydrogel to work - no idea if it already works through chemtrails like that, I mean why not .... this is mayhem on the nanoscale, sifting through layers of flesh like nothing
Bufus Alvarius - Apr 7, 2023
yes I red it all multiple times and made lots of notes until I understood it. Unfortunately this is too in anesthesia and all other injectables
Bufus Alvarius - Apr 8, 2023
actually I just remember that it can work through the nanotubes ... that means gene editing tech is already everywhere, possibly ?
Jeff L - Apr 7, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
I couldn't sleep and stumbled upon this:
page 3 describes nanotech using DNA as an antenna, and then larger organ antennas to interface with this IoT swarm
justify the dilution? of our species?
"From a biological taxonomical perspective, this can justify at certain moment the dilution of the species as a whole and equal macro-entity. At the same time,
this disruption could be considered the logical new step into the evolution of our species: when the techno-symbolic forces take control over random biochemical and social evolution. For example, we can fuse our bodies with other biological bodies which do not belong to our direct evolutionary
family (e.g., cockroaches)".
It's not really random and they have no right to tamper with nature and pretend to be gods. The attempted enslavement of humanity can never be justified.
Marty - Apr 7, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Behind the empty words salad, a fairly large group of soulless psychopaths.
Given that they themselves are already cockroaches, the fusion process of their sick bodies will be smooth, kind of a "déjà vu".
Lee - Apr 7, 2023
Dr Ana, thank you for all you are trying to do for humanity. You keep saying you are spiritual. Jesus Christ is the only hope to fight against this evil, any other spiritual other than him is serving Satan.
John 14:
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me
Theara - Apr 8, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
i searched every where, for this Important video. As i told you, dear Dr ANA , im a journalist in france, im publishing on these topics and publishning all your articles translated.
I need this interview with Celeste but Rumble is SHUT DOWN in france, please tell me where i can watch it on bit chtute or another channel.
Thanks a lot
Joanna Gear - Apr 7, 2023
Joanna’s Newsletter
Thanks for the most informative, comprehensive and alarming interview I’ve heard in a long time! I was esp. pleased to hear the spiritual aspect brought in, as the expression of spirit is of utmost importance to me — and I feel increasingly alone in this. A lone voice. Just a conversation with a grandchild last month made me suspect once again that any mention of “God” in young company is barely distinguishable from saying “Santa Claus”. Am wondering about the connection between vaX damage to the pineal gland and the rampant “God is dead” attitude.
Victor Ferrentino - Apr 8, 2023
they targeted the god gene. remember that darpa video briefing about the FunVax. the religious fundamentalist vaccine. look into it. thats why peoplewere saying they lost there connection with god. they are stealing our souls. look into harold kautz
JoAnne Fernandes - Apr 7, 2023
JoAnne Fernandes - Apr 7, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Dr. Ana. Has anyone looked into sound wave technology, frequency of sound on contaminated blood? I believe it’s 465 hz that is it supposed to be able to repair DNA on a cellular level? Maybe it’s worth taking a look at that?
Marty - Apr 7, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
Music is the cure !
JoAnne Fernandes - Apr 7, 2023
Also maybe in combination with color and infrared sauna?
Theara - Apr 7, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
Hi Dr Ana, do you have a bitchute version please? Thank you
Cindy Weidner - Apr 7, 2023
Dear Dr. Ana - Thank You!
Here is something I learned about many years ago - I hope it is of service:
And ...
Alfred Lord Tennyson “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.”
God Bless You!!!
Okisuke - Apr 6, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
Dr. Ana. Now that you have been posting these findings in unvaccinated people. I would like verify this and see it with my own eyes. I try to perform an IR of my own blood first and then of an unvaccinated person. Would be interesting to see the characteristic CH2 group vibrations. I specialized in polymer chemistry.
Dr. Thomas S. Lee - Apr 26, 2023
Dr. Tom's Substack
Here's a new level of the biotech war on humanity from Dr. Ana
You mentioned Catherine Fitts would like to see my Morgellon photos from 2012.
My photos were taken from a brave patient's facial skin with needles and microscope slides in my office in 2012. The hydrogel synthetic life was less sophisticated than now. But then it was frightening enough for both of us. Watching it 'live' and grow for up to 16 hours on an empty petridish, still wriggling to the warmth or electrical energy of a fingertip outside of the glass, was and is chilling. I tried a large part of the Pharmacopea on her and nothing got at it except the Carnevon cleansing bath , hat was Fabric softener and alfalfa tablets, also I think Dove dishwasher soap. Go figure.
In retrospect my office was very close to a cell tower transciever, so the hydrogel was probably fueling with EMF vitamins! I believe she cleared it up with personal cleansing routine and healthy habits.
Theara - Apr 15, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
Finally another linkhttps://www.brighteon.com/ac005a81-acbd-42cb-8926-49d3c9e23612
Theara - Apr 15, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
another channel to watch it please?
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