My Interview with Alison Steinberg On OANN…

Feb 23, 2024

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In this segment that aired today on OANN, I discuss the recent research findings.


Awaken The Lions In Truth - Feb 23, 2024

Awaken’s Substack

Dr. Ana your research findings in particular with your darkfield microscopy are astounding, 2nd to none else, but very disheartening when you admit we are all in danger, the vaxxed and the unvaxxed.
It's high time you came up with REAL SOLUTIONS beyond methylene blue, to this unfolding frankenstein monster fiasco - not more dark discovery reports


Crosby Guy - Feb 23, 2024

No! Awakening the lions... it's HIGH TIME YOU come up with "real solutions", leave the doctor alone. She didn't make this mess. So where's you solution you arrogantly little ant.


Sammy - Feb 29


I have a wonderful product that can help to remove nano toxins and it is backed 100% by Dr. Robert Young with Zelolite and Marine Plasma. It's called MasterPeace. What makes this product different from others are the following:
1) The nano range that is achieved due to heavy research and experimentation by Michael Coe, Founder of Phoreus Biotech Nanolabs, is unmatched so that it captures trapped toxins anywhere water goes in the body.
2) Marine Plasma is the lifeblood of the sea and we use the best available. Pairing this unmatched source of 100% bioavailable nutrition with our nano zeolites allows it to strategically grab toxins while nourishing cells.
3) Infusing the final product with the highest frequencies and energetics raises the consciousness of the liquid itself and gives it likely an Ormus-like characteristic that is unmatched.
Dr. Ana and everyone here can go to the website and listen to Dr. Young and if you are interested in ordering a bottle to see what it can do for you, whether you took the Covid shot or not, please order it on this website and email me
You may also visit their Facebook page and see what people have to say and the benefits that MasterPeace has done for them. It is truly a miracle in a bottle.
Thank you!


Reply (1) - Feb 23, 2024

Justin Coy

Comment removed.


Justin Coy - Feb 25, 2024

Justin Coy

It says the post is blocked.


Hannahlehigh - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited


I think when you recommend a product to us you should list the warnings too, we all can't just take methane blue w/o knowing the risks, if there are any.


Catherine - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

Heather LibertyCricket

Very dangerous side effect. I will never take it again. Im still suffering from its effect 1.5 months after 5 days on it. I think she made a terrible mistake advising it without dosages or warnings. Now that Pharma knows she pushing it, they will surely contaminate the sourcing as well..


Heather LibertyCricket - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

Heather LibertyCricket

Learn to muscle test yourself and do that before starting anything new. Always start something new by going low and slow. And always study anything g new you are going to try. Use muscle testing to figure out what to help you with your recovery now.


Catherine - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

I dont remember asking or needing your advice Heather Liberty Cricket. Stick to minding your household duties .


Crosby Guy - Feb 23, 2024

What are your side effects? The dangerous ones, very dangerous ones? You didn't mention your very dangerous side effects?


Catherine - Feb 23, 2024

A middle digit towards your face Crosby Guy!


Crosby Guy - Feb 23, 2024

Nice, and what we expected. Must be a troll side effect.


SEPT - Feb 23, 2024

if one doesn't give you a recommendation after seeing you as a patient. it is always a smart and wise move to do your own research and work from small too accommodating allowances.


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 23, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Most disease is from our environment, and the core of our environment is electrical via how our DNA transmits info. Why EMF, in combo with metals, can change our DNA:


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 24, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Comment removed.


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 25, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thanks so much for your moral support. How long have you been looking into EMFs?


Catherine - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

in 2019 the democrats in Congress pushed the HB6666 tracking and tracing act. It includes a visit to your home to verify everyone is vaccinated. Family members cn be removed by force, medical jeeps placed everywhere for home visits. A trip to CDC Covid Green Zone concentration camps 42 billion dollar in 2021 by Congress/Gates owned CDC. 5 star Lock down vacation camp one room cell where men women and children are separated into zones, just like the NAZIs did. They have since remove the details of the plan from the CDC website. They voted unanimously down party line for it. At the same time, I put Luciferase, 'Lucifer-race' Patent, as its pronounced on the web and showed the Bill Gates Patent WO2020060606, was put into every jab. World Order 2020 666. How many more 6's do you need to see to know that YES, you are in the time of HELL on earth. We better stick together now!


James - Feb 23, 2024

The sebum claim was just another hypothesis. Science as usual.
Did you take a sample of the sebum to make sure? Just double check that the sebum is not fluorescing to rule it out.


Justin - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited


I purchased a 365nm flashlight to check myself and my wife, neither of whom were vaccinated. I checked her because she works in laser aesthetics, and burnt skin from vaccinated people may cause her to inhale such cells, given the smell is prominent after treatments.
I noticed orange specks around my own nose and in various small pores around my forehead. And more on her.
A few days pass, I see this article and some of the comments and I go check my skin for acne or oil filled pores, and then squeeze around them to cause it to stand above my skin, and then turn out the lights and use the UV flashlight.
I see the oily extrusions from my skin quite brightly.
I share this because I wonder if you've locked yourself into confirmation bias to "see" something that may simply be normal oily extrusions from things such as acne, oily skin, or otherwise normal skin issues.
Now I'm off to see if I can see anything odd in my garden with the UV flashlight. I'll be looking for slug and snail slime to see if those also fluoresce.


Justin - Feb 23, 2024


I noticed that older poured concrete has orange flecks, but not newer poured concrete. My walkway, where water runs off roofs after heavy rains, had quite bit of it (older poured concrete as well). Baby snails glowed orange, but noticed it disappears with older snails. I can't see slugs at all.
I did find it odd that on one old onion plant, there was 1 snail per "leaf", and usually at the point where it bent over (the high point). I'll chalk it up to thrill-seeking by young snails. I added to their thrill seeking by throwing them over the fence into the street. I noticed a LOT of orange in my hands after handling them. It appeared to be from the outer surface of the shells.
So, for the sake of science, I submit the above. Perhaps there's a more benign explanation for the orange in oily pores and in young, developing snails?


Justin Coy - Feb 25, 2024 - Edited

Justin Coy

Please take pictures of yourself and your wife showing this. Over a period of several months you may witness it spread throughout your face and into your forehead, but I have mostly noticed the spread only when consistently exposed to people contaminated with it.
Remember too that there is a REASON the governments around the world are installing UV street lamps and parking lot lamps. I doubt they would do that without cause. It is not natural for your face to glow like that, at all.
I believe these will not only be used for tracking purposes or moreso for targeting purposes. The nanotech in the body can be used to make your body do just about anything. They also don't exactly need the UV identification to know where you are. The systems integrating with your body will connect you to the Internet of Bodies anyway, so why? Could it be for the culling? I'm not sure, and please do keep records of your own faces. I promise you that nobody wants to be wrong more than I do.
With love,
Justin Coy


Rob - Feb 23, 2024


The dosages and duration of these supplements is not clear


Sumari Porter - Feb 23, 2024

Sumari’s Substack

Wow!! OANN is doing cutting edge journalism. ( Gregg Reese as well! ) It is great to see this powerful research getting more and more coverage! Thank you to Dr. Ana and all her colleagues doing this vital work for humanity!! God Bless!


Yal NA - Feb 23, 2024


My teenage daughter is unjabbed but has acne. Orange glowing dots are very prevalent the more oil and acne prone the skin. I have it a bit on my chin and around nose exactly the oilest part of my skin. I am unjabbed and very limited contact with anybody jabbed. So if you say it glows more after jabbing could it be that there are some changes on the skin like its more oily or a different bacterial microbiome on the skin on the face not just in the intestines? It seems the jabs alter microbiome so logically of course it alters the skins one too and not for the better it seems. I can agree with that and think you guys still found something interesting and important but its just not exactly what you thought.


Yal NA - Feb 23, 2024


I heard a doctor talking on our local radiostation saying she had zero bifidobacteria after the jabs. Zero! It took months for them to show up again in her gut when testing for them which she did herself.


Elizabeth - Feb 23, 2024


Yes, there was a Florida doctor that was discussing treatment of Long Covid patients with fecal transplants from folks that had healthy strains of bifidobacteria


dan bee - Feb 23, 2024

And that’s why the whackadoodles were obsessed with waste water.


Yal NA - Feb 23, 2024

Justin Coy

Clarification: we all glow fluorescent orange dots on the oily areas of our faces. The more oily, the more it glows. Still glows after washing the face with soap. Nobody is jabbed in family. Little contact with jabbed.


Justin Coy - Feb 23, 2024

Justin Coy

The luminescence expands from the face, to the chin, to the cheeks, into the forehead, and then in time your entire forehead, ears, neck, scalp, neck, and genitals will glow.


Yal NA - Feb 23, 2024

Justin Coy

But the trunk and arms and legs? No glow there? Just head neck and genitals?


Justin Coy - Feb 23, 2024

Justin Coy

In the most advanced form, the upper torso starts to manifest as well. It spreads from the centralized point of the nose. I have not seen any in the legs, and the arms below the shoulders also do not show it. It's spreads in a very uniform way.


kaal - Feb 24, 2024


they may b integrating w body as biosensors..-


Doug - Feb 23, 2024

Doug’s Substack

No it's the Luciferace that makes it glow.


Yal NA - Feb 23, 2024

Could decrease of beneficial bacteria cause increase of the bad ones therefore could this also cause sepsis? Many sepsis cases lately...


NJ Election Advisor - Feb 23, 2024

NJ Election Advisor

Another substacker was carrying on about how methylene blue is poisonous industrial waste: cheap to purchase (though overpriced) and filled with all manner of toxins.


Michael Folks - Feb 23, 2024

Michael’s Substack

Will modern "Cyborgs," be created? Controlled by 5G, and higher G cell towers? Will Free Will, be just a memory?


Paul McCloud - Feb 27, 2024

Paul’s Substack

Hmmm... Last night on Telegram a lot of people were talking about some lady named Dr. Love who was going all out on trying to destroy Dr. Ana Mihalcea and her research with EDTA. A lot of people are confused now...


Kali's Wrath - Feb 26, 2024 - Edited

MatrixWipeOut’s Substack

Scientific basis or Fear mongering?
Dear Dr Ana - so far Justin Coy in the past 3 weeks has only provided one picture of one Asian woman - and Asian women are renowned for using facial creams that whiten their skin. Who is to say that she isn't wearing facial cream with titanium oxide / zinc oxide ? There is no control or actual evidence of any scientific basis or actual scientific research being conducted here. Yet “Dr Coy” is happy to have this conspiracy theory thrown into the mix? Do you not think we have enough actual conspiracies versus unfounded theories like this that he is currently spreading across the internet on X, Telegram and Substack? Why is he adding fuel to the fire without providing any scientific evidence or any actual scientific research?
For example:-
"Tone-up creams usually is to make the skin more even but in a brighter (read lighter) way, usually but not always it will add a bit of pearlescence to the skin.
In the context of bb creams/product with spfs it usually means they will use the whiteness that zinc/titanium oxide already gives, and add just enough pigment (usually towards the pink end of the spectrum) and silica or silicone (which optically blurs) to make it a "your skin but slightly more even and lighter" kind of color instead of "straight on whiteface" that zinc oxide may otherwise give the appearance of.
It's basically making a bb cream without much coverage because besides the zinc/titanium oxide (which are in themselves, pigments), they are not adding much pigment, and be able to call it a fancy name.
Hence, for your tanned friend I would honestly think a skin tint product with a dewy finish or blurring effect (with or without spf) is the same idea as a "tone up" cream."
Dr Coy's original post is here -


Justin Coy - Feb 28 - Edited

Justin Coy

I wrote a long reply to your gibberish on your own substack page and you deleted it, obviously because it refuted your comment with factual statements and basic common sense.
I will refute you here and this time I’ll retain a copy of my reply so I can post it everywhere you that you repeat this nonsense.
The following is for the people you are intentionally misleading, as the logical statement was already read by you and subsequently removed because it makes a fool of you. I was polite in the original message; now I’ll get mean.
First off, this woman doesn’t use any product on her face at all. It’s just dumb and intentional misdirection that you would suggest skin whitening product when
A) It’s clear that she does not use that just by LOOKING AT HER.
B) Nobody applies skin whitenening cream to their chin, nose, and forehead but nowhere else on their body. If someone were foolish to do that, you wouldn’t need a UVA light to identify it.
You discredit (do you have any credit?) yourself by making such asinine statements and deleting comments to hide peoples’ replies. Fortunately you have subsequently decided to foolishly post it elsewhere that replies won’t get deleted. OOPS!
You could easily acquire a light yourself and start looking into it but instead you simply decided to spew some completely nonsensical statements easily refuted by basic common sense. Who are you really working for?
I'll add that I never claimed to be "EX NSA as he claims, or just like ex-CIA". I am a former DoD contractor, which is a completely different organization. So much for your unfounded personal attack...
Justin Coy


Kali's Wrath - Feb 28 - Edited

MatrixWipeOut’s Substack

I did not delete it Justin. It is very strange that you think I did. And I have gone back to check and that entire post and your reply is still there, so you are mistaken.
I am not intentionally misleading anyone, I am asking you to provide many more examples other than the ONE video of the Asian woman, because ONE video of ONE person is not evidence of anything - whether Asian or not.
So, instead of being defensive and wasting your time accusing me of "gibberish" or "dumping on my family" as you stated, please go and get consent from all the other people you allege that you have photographed or video recorded. I am sure if your sample population is large enough that at least some of them will consent. I understand privacy laws and consent perfectly well, I have worked in the health industry for over 36 years.
At this stage you are unfortunately discrediting yourself for making these wild claims based on ONE video. And Dr Ana is also unfortunately discrediting herself by jumping on this bandwagon without reasonable proof - which means you need several examples not just ONE example. Now we have ONE video circulating around social media adding to the fear porn and hype, and Dr Ana relying upon that only to spread the news on Zeee Media. This is now making me really question Dr Ana whom I would have thought would be far more careful about ensuring that she has adequate scientific evidence, since she is easily a target of controlled op that would no doubt love to discredit her and anyone else that is uncovering the reality of nanotech in the shots.
I was one of the first to realise there was nanotech in the vaccines. I am not disputing that you might be correct. But I want the evidence, and so far you have not provided adequate evidence and at this stage that one video amounts to fear mongering without evidence to back it up.
I have only become suspicious of you because you have promoted this idea based on ONE video of ONE woman. I doubt that you ensured she had thoroughly washed and cleansed her skin before you took that video footage, because I doubt it crossed your mind that there is a possibility that face creams may contribute to the orange or luminous blue glow. I am more concerned about the luminous blue glow that is clearly abnormal.
You forget, I was one of the first people to reply to you and told you that I already had a blacklight and I already researched and compared that with the blacklight that you recommend, and I gave you that information. I was polite and tried to subtly point out that the blacklight that you are using is actually not that powerful when compared to mine even though both are 365nm.
Here is a copy of that comment:-
"I've checked my UV flashlight and I have compared specs. Of course, companies make it difficult to compare by using mW/cm2 vs uW/cm2
The one that I have:-
Radiant Intensity 170mW/cm2 ( at 15cm distance )
Ubeast has 5400 uW/cm2
5400 uW/cm2 = 0.0054W/cm2 = 5.4mW/cm2
This is the UV flashlight I have -
I have concluded that I don't need to upgrade my UV flashlight, that both the Ubeast and my UV light both work well. "
I accept that I was mistaken to refer to you as having association with any intelligence agencies and I retract that. But as a "former DoD contractor", how is that very dissimilar particularly when the US DoD is currently at the heart of the lies and manipulation, and they sub-contract with the intelligence agencies and DARPA and MIT. You are the one that has espoused this wild theory and only provided ONE example.
I already sent you links proving that Asian women DO in fact put whitening products on their chin, nose and forehead. And that those products contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that would be luminous blue under a blacklight, and probably rubbed off to some extent on forehead, nose and chin by the end of the day which would leave orange skin tones in those areas, probably still with some luminosity under a blacklight.
As said, I am happy to be proven wrong - and clearly I am open minded as I accept that there is nanotech in the shots and I accept that we are dealing with evil psychopaths since I was the first on social media to make that statement and I was the first on social media to state the US DoD were behind this - before Dr Reiner Fuellmich realised that we were dealing with "Psychopaths and Megalomaniacs" - because they were my words that were echoed back to me on social media by him several weeks later, before Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watts did the research and provided the evidence to back up my theory that US DoD are the perps, and before Dr Ana appeared on the scene and later joined Targeted Justice I had already been trying to wake people up to the nanotech in the shots for several months. So far, my intuition has a record of being 100% accurate - and is then 100% confirmed and backed up by patents, scientific evidence, legal contracts and bureaucratic paper trail that the academics with Phd's in their respective medical, science and legal fields have uncovered.
So, instead of wasting your time being defensive and making derogatory comments, please simply provide adequate evidence. Please ask your sample population for consent to post their video's on social media so that we can see for ourselves whether this theory of your is correct or not. Prove me wrong, and I will most certainly be happy to apologise.
And just to clarify, I intentionally make sure that my comments ARE posted where they CANNOT be deleted.


Justin Coy - Feb 29, 2024 - Edited

Justin Coy

* You are correct; the reply was not deleted. It didn't show up on your main page which is why I believe that to be the case. I apologize for the accusation.
From your own words: "those products contain zinc oxide and titanium dioxide that would be luminous blue under a blacklight, and probably rubbed off to some extent on forehead, nose and chin by the end of the day which would leave orange skin tones in those areas"
1. There is no blue glow. Per your own words, that means it isn't zinc oxide or titanium dioxide causing the refraction.
2. Inflammation doesn't glow orange under a UV light. I almost invariably glows white.
3. She does not use any product on her skin at all. You can literally look right at her and see that she does not use skin lightening cream.
4. The women I know who do use skin lightening cream don't put it on and leave it all day. They use it like a mask; It is applied it for a time and then it is washed it off.
5. The skin isn't glowing; it is the pores. All you've suggested are reflective, while what is being seen is a refraction.
What do you suppose the UV lights popping up all over the world are meant to be used for?
Incidentally, you're ignoring the eyes. I observed the white dots appear over a period of one week. What is your idea on that?


Kali's Wrath - Feb 29 - Edited

MatrixWipeOut’s Substack

Hi Justin,
Re: 1. In the video, her skin looks like it has a blue luminous hue, and someone else commented on this also.
Re: 2. I don’t recall any reference to inflammation, not sure why you are suggesting this now.
Re: 3. I have posted elsewhere an expansion on this topic in reply to someone else, as I spent more time researching it. I also comment on the fluorescence in the eyes. I will see if I can find it….here it is -
“Even if you use "organic" "natural" or "vegan" facial moisturizers, and even if you use plain moisturizer with a powder on top - all of those products can have Zinc or Titanium Dioxide in them, even the skin colored powder. I spent 5 minutes looking and found those ingredients listed in all the above, including the skin colored powder. As for eyes, the question is - if they are female, what products were they using on their skin? It is common also for women to get a bit of eyeshadow or eye liner in their eyes. The question then is, if they were wearing ANY products at all - including sunscreens, moisturizers, or makeup - then what were the ingredients, and are any of those ingredients luminous under a UV blacklight? This is why I have said to Justin that unless there is a control group of people that have all thoroughly washed their faces and not used any products in the prior week (for example) that may leave a residue in their pores (just as blackheads are hard to remove from pores), then at this point the ONE video of ONE woman is not yet scientific evidence of anything. And so now we are relying on the testimony of people that we must trust are thorough and diligent in removing any traces of any products they have used on their faces, and to be really scientific about it, not used those products for let's say, an entire week.
I am not so concerned about the so-called 'orange glow'. The real issue is the blue luminous skin because that is abnormal and indicates the presence of products on the skin such as Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide that are fluorescent at the blue/purple end of the light spectrum under a UV blacklight. The 'orange' may display some residual product that creates some luminosity, plus she has Asian levels of melatonin in her skin that give Asian skin the yellow tone. As we all know, we often lean on our chin and forehead, and often rub prominent areas including chin, nose and forehead across the course of the day. Therefore any product would be rubbed off those areas, and so only the ears, eyes, cheeks would remain contaminated with products such as Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide. The rest would have worn off or been rubbed off the chin, nose and forehead. This is another reason that the ears are blue around the outside but orange on the inside. If you apply sunscreen, you are supposed to do your ears too, but who would rub it inside the ear canal? Probably most of us are not quite that thorough.
Here is the links I found -
Nude By Nature Natural Mineral Cover Foundation (Powder)
endota Organics Nurture Protecting Barrier Balm (Certified Organic - for babies)
Rapid Enzyme Peel
Clarifying Detox Mask
The problem is that both Zinc Oxide and Titanium Oxide are used extensively in the cosmetics industry across a wide range of products. I know, most of those examples are from one company but I only have so much time to spend on this right now. Also, I am not saying that Zinc Oxide and Titanium Oxide are the ONLY ingredients that are fluorescent under UV blacklight - these are just examples, and I don't know what other ingredients may also be fluorescent under a UV blacklight.”


Justin Coy - Feb 29 - Edited

Justin Coy

1. What you're seeing on the area of the face that isn't glowing orange is just regular grey reflection. You could say perhaps that it is a bluish-grey. This is the color that normal skin reflects when illuminated with this type of light. If there were product on her face, it would be very bright. I also posted images of the glow in a middle-aged Negro female and an elderly Caucasian male. that "blue" is just the light reflecting off of normal skin.
2. I didn't consider you meant that some cream had rubbed off. The verbiage seems to me that you suggested it had been used and then washed off and there was some inflammation in the skin as a result of the use of the cream. No cream was used at all, and it is clear from her picture that she does not use any such product. If you lined up 100 people who use cream and showed them her picture and asked, "does she use face whitening cream", 100 of them would say, "not a chance".
3. For the last time, she does not use any product, EVER. The blueish grey is normal. That is what your skin is supposed to look like when illuminated with UVA. You say you own a UVA flashlight. How about shining it on your own skin and see what it looks like? You yourself said that you didn't have any orange glow. If YOUR face doesn't glow orange why would that be the thing that you're "not concerned about"?
Who do you really work for? Let's have a LIVE debate. I'm busy running for my life but I'll make time for live debate with anyone.


hurom - Feb 24, 2024 - Edited

Justin Coy

i have an UV torch, and my face, unvaccinated and no swabs, is loaded with orange glow, nose and nose creases, forehead, temples. point is, if i squeeze the nose, the orange glowing gunk comes out from the pores and is indeed removed, i can now see it on my fingertips. so what is the deal? luciferase goes straight to the sebaceous glands and nowhere else?


Justin Coy - Feb 25, 2024 - Edited

Justin Coy

I believe it is located in the face and genitals for a reason. I'm sorry to hear that it has spread all over you. The few uninjFected that I have seen with it all over live in the city or work with injFected on a daily basis in indoor environments.
Remember, Deagle forecasted about 230M people in the USA to die by 2025. That couldn't be accomplished with a poison that doesn't spread.
Nobody wants to be wrong more than I. This is exactly why I brought it to light; I hope to be proven wrong. My hope is that with enough diligent people posting their own experiences, the truth will come to light, forcing the hand of the people in charge and hopefully waking up the ones willing to stand against it. The sooner the holocaust starts, the fewer people will die.


hurom - Feb 26, 2024 - Edited

Justin Coy

ok thank you for the answer. i am a chiropractor, and i touch daily vaccinated people, so no much hope to avoid cross-contaminantion. still, you did not answer my question, why the orange-glowing material is effectively removed when squeezed out? shouldn't it remain embedded? i will try with a blackhead remover tool and face masks and see what happens to all this glowing deal.


Justin Coy - Feb 27, 2024

Justin Coy

Oops! You're right; I didn't answer you. I had already answered the same question elsewhere. I must have gotten the replies mixed up. The answer is:
The glowing material is IN the sebum, and will return when your body produces more of it. If you are willing, send a picture of your face
With love,


kaal - Feb 25, 2024 - Edited


bioluminescent quantum dots are biosensors. look it up. the luminescence combines with quantum dots making bioluminescent quantum dots also known as biosensors.


Justin Coy - Feb 24, 2024

Justin Coy

Comment removed.


Justin Coy - Feb 25, 2024

Justin Coy

See above.


Tom B - Feb 23, 2024

I don't know, I squeezed a bunch of my blackheads out and they were glowing orange. So I removed the 'permanent tatoo' from a few of those pores. How do we know that sebum doesn't glow orange?


Catherine - Feb 23, 2024 - Edited

Tranhumanism, TransKids, TransDemocrat pushers of this agenda, president nominee elect, Illegally married in 1995 when gay marriage was not legal, illegitimate 1st ladyboy, owes America an explanation and refund on all they money they got paid by this corrupt Government of Liars and Traffickers!



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