My interview with Alison Steinberg On One…

May 20, 2024

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Toni Sarmiento - May 21

Ar’s Substack

I am an RN in Texas, so grateful to you, Dr Mihalcea for your dedication & determination to uncover the TRUTH. I have shared your Substack posts and Rumble videos with all nurses and Drs that will listen, as well as my family and friends. Please keep up your wonderful life’s mission. 🙏🏻❤️


Donna Grabow - May 21

Thank you Toni for having the courage to speak about this to medical staff who are unable to understand beyond the matrix of illusions. Never feel lonely in your mission to enlighten others about the horrible situation imposed upon humanity!
I am also sharing (or try to share) the video links on social media.


Christian - May 21

Ar’s Substack

My german doctor who runs a chelation clinic does NOT listen to me ! I sent him many links. He takes mesogens for "candida albicans"...EDTA iv chelation does not work for me. Neiher Citrate Sodium... so far...


Aminata Diouf - May 21

Aminata Diouf

You ate from Germany Ar Zano?


Vonu - May 21


Mesogens are best left to liquid crystal displays.


Barbara Charis - May 21

Barbara’s Newsletter - Journey …

I was a total healthy vegetarian for 50 years and had no problem going without meat. Now my daughter has raised the best fed chickens in the world on organic produce so I am eating eggs!


Vonu - May 21


You are probably highly sympathetic dominant.


Froggy - May 20


I’m done in the lower 48 , I’m worn out . . Moving to Alaska … eating deep sea creatures & 🍄 and raised chickens .


Lawrence K. - May 21

They are building this up with chemtrails toxins and infected the food and meat supply so that all they have to is introduce into the air supply a catalyst that will accelerate blood diseases by exposure to 5G. This is already long known how 5G can attack a person's physiology. God save us from this hideous evil.


Roman S Shapoval - May 20

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Fish is the way to go anyway - omega 3 DHA for electrical nutrition and brain growth:


Vonu - May 21


electrical nutrition?


Not Me - May 21

Carol’s Newsletter



Vonu - May 21


Like electrolytes?


H Simon - May 21

Dr Ana is not spreading the fear factor, she is sounding the alarm by courageously speaking the truth about the elite cabal that’s got 3 main goals: 1) promotion of disease and debility and the economic burden of that 2) depopulation 3) advancing a transhumanist agenda that makes humans part synthetic and controlled by AI within the body itself. The plandemic was the vehicle to carry out these goals.
If you see/hear/feel fear in her message I invite you to examine your own fears that are being triggered within you by her message.
Fear is a primary tactic the elite cabal uses to manipulate humans into giving up their God-given autonomy and inherent rights. We are in a spiritual war as well as a war on all living things - it’s good vs. evil. Go within and take counsel with your soul/divine self and your guidance will surely come.


JulesUSA - May 21

What did she say at 6:17?


Brad Parsons - May 21

At 6:17 Dr. Ana said EDTA. She prefers to do it as EDTA IV Chelation, but she also recommends Med5 tablets out of Honolulu for EDTA


H Simon - May 21

Dr Group and Dr Ardis both sell oral drops liposomal EDTA.


Joy Lucette Garner - May 21 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

That PARTICULAR cow must NOT have been "organic" and unvaccinated.
If it's in UNVACCINATED cows, then it's also in all PLANTS as well.
Is she suggesting we eat NOTHING at all?
At least on carnivore, you're not stuffing your gut with "natural" plants that "naturally" contain/produce MASSIVE anti-nutrients which block your absorption of desperately needed nutrients. Most of the nutrition in plants is not BIO-AVAILABLE to humans.


JulesUSA - May 21 - Edited

Joy’s Newsletter

Okay but 90+ year old seniors in Seventh day adventists are not devoid of nutrients.


Joy Lucette Garner - May 21

Joy’s Newsletter

I am not saying that plants have no nutrients at all. I was merely pointing out that all plants contain naturally-occurring chemicals which, in humans, block the absorption of many vital nutrients. Is there a study showing that eating only plants produces longer lives and less disease? Is there any data to show that a higher % of those who belong to this particular religious sect can expect to live to "90 plus?" than the % of meat eaters who will live this long? The fact some people who only eat plants can manage to live into their 90's, standing alone, is not evidence that avoiding all animal products is an optimal human diet.
My mother ate both meat and plants, and she lived to 94. She was out in her yard weeding less than a week before she died.
All I know for sure, is that if I had continued eating plants, I would not now be able to WALK. And I would have lost this ability in my 50's. I cannot agree that a diet which deprives me of the ability to walk (and also causes me severe blood sugar problems, lack of energy, anxiety, skin problems, depression, mood swings, etc.) could be good for me. Nor do I agree that such a diet is likely to increase my lifespan.


Vonu - May 21


Regardless of their religion, it depends on where they fall between para-sympathetic dominant and sympathetic dominant, as determined by the late Dr. Donald William Kelley's protocol.


Vonu - May 21


That's why we feed it to cows, to convert it into meat that is bioavailable.


Joy Lucette Garner - May 21

Joy’s Newsletter

Yes. The bacterial "bloom" that the cows grow in their MASSIVE stomachs (3 of them;-) is actually doing all of the heavy lifting in this process. And the cows then digest the excess bacteria (sort of like their own farm-animals, which they feed and then eat) in order to obtain the essential fatty acids and aminos they need. Most of the cow's time is spent grazing, farting, crapping, eating their own craps again, etc.. Very grueling and lengthy process.
Personally, I like having a small and flat stomach, ample muscle mass, a LACK of gas, bloating, burping, etc. Most of all though, I like being able to WALK and eating plants was taking this ability away from me, due to severe arthritis in my ankle. Once I went carnivore, this problem resolved swiftly, along with many other issues that had been depleting my quality of life. And almost 2 years later, I am only continuing to see benefits. No excess fat on my body is another VERY pleasant side-effect as well. Smoother, tighter, and firmer skin is also quite enjoyable;-)


Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - May 23

Professor Lulu Fuzzbean

do u eat anything besides meat and wAter?


Joy Lucette Garner - May 23

Joy’s Newsletter

Sometimes dairy. Lots of eggs. Still drink coffee.
Less and less times where I cheat with any plants, which I have sometimes done to "fit it" at family events. It's not worth it. Just pain after.
The longer I am at this, the less I desire anything but meat/fat.


JulesUSA - May 22

Joy’s Newsletter

Has it affected your hair at all?


Joy Lucette Garner - May 22

Joy’s Newsletter

Oh, and my increased muscle mass was without working out!!


Joy Lucette Garner - May 22

Joy’s Newsletter

Hair is thicker now. My eyebrows are also fuller and dark again. (They were starting to go grey.) Sadly, my leg hair is thicker now too;-) Totally okay with this though, given how much thicker the hair on my head is.


Bernie_miltenberger - May 21

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

I think eggs & wild catch sardines, shrimp and salmon are good options for protein. I take a Nature’s Sunshine product called Mega Chel. It is a cardiovascular powerhouse loaded with all the minerals and vitamins plus it has a chelator effect too!


curious butterfly - May 21

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Something is going on with eggs. I've tried many organic, cage free, free range brands and there are visible specs of what appear to be blood, sometimes forming larger clumps with a plastic like material. I don't remember seeing the clumps before 2020. It's not in every egg, maybe 40-50% have blood specs and ~20% of those have the bigger clumps with (synthetic polymer?) materials.


Joy Lucette Garner - May 21

Joy’s Newsletter

The red (or brown) specks usually just mean the eggs have been fertilized. Absolutely nothing wrong with this. Eat your eggs PLEASE.
And know that EVERYTHING is suspect right now, so we need extra "help" to detox all of this crap. We cannot give up our highest-quality (most bio-available) sources of essential amino-acids, fatty-acids, nutrients, and minerals. If we aren't getting enough of these, we'll get sick and die anyway, even without the nanotech.


Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - May 23

Professor Lulu Fuzzbean

too bad dr berg is a scientologist


Joy Lucette Garner - May 23

Joy’s Newsletter

Well, at least they don't support big pharma;-0.


curious butterfly - May 21

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

This is great news, thank you! I was throwing away what I thought were bad eggs and/or chasing the spots around the bowl with a small spoon to get them out. My body functions better on animal protein. I cook buffalo patties at high temperatures, seasoning heavily with garlic, onion, oregano, cilantro, turmeric etc to inactivate some of the nanotech I ingest.


Joy Lucette Garner - May 22

Joy’s Newsletter

I do regular (almost regular) detox protocols, but I also eat VERY rare meats because some of the most powerful aminos for detox (i.e., the building blocks for glutathione, taurine, etc.) are fragile and totally destroyed by cooking. I don't worry about parasites because I routinely take anti-patristics, (with no side effects at all).
Eggs are SOOO full of good stuff for us. Also, make SURE you're getting enough clean animal fats. We can only manufacture about 70% of the cholesterol that our bodies need. Without the extra dietary cholesterol, we don't do well. Even a slight deprivation can cause nervous system & brain disorders, as well as hormonal problems. Cholesterol is the "master" building block for all hormones in our bodies, and our brains need it desperately as a sort of "insulation" between neurons firing coherently. We are electric. Imagine a computer without any resistors or insulators;-) Turn it on and it will fry.
Some women who've lost their periods (premature menopause) have restored proper hormone levels by eating a cube (1/4th pound) of good butter every day. There's a doctor who treats premature menopause with 100% success just by making sure her patients eat a cube of butter per day. I've been doing it for 2 years now and my body has only gotten BETTER at burning fat for fuel. I've lost ALL excess body fat, and now have far more energy than when I was a teenager.


curious butterfly - May 22

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Being small boned and not having children puts women like me at risk for earlier menopause. I really appreciate you sharing this info on animal fats, cholesterol and hormones. I will share it with all the ladies I know. Thanks a million for your comment!!! 👍👌🎯🎯🎯


Joy Lucette Garner - May 22

Joy’s Newsletter

You are most welcome! Here's another interesting interview with a doctor and why we need to eat animals/animal fats for good hormonal functions:
Look around on YouTube for carnivore stuff. They haven't totally "clamped down" on this particular information yet, so there is still much truth available on this issue. Here's a couple of great channels: Chaffee is awesome on the "fat" issue.)
Godspeed, Joy


H Simon - May 21

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

Most shrimp is farmed in SE Asia in highly polluted waters.


Bernie_miltenberger - May 21

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…

I can find wild catch seafood from the gulf and the Atlantic here in Maryland. My eggs are local. They are fine.


Lawrence K. - May 21

Worse than that - they literally dump 5 gallon buckets of pesticides and antibiotics into the ponds where they grow all these farm raised shrimp and other forms of seafood.
Farm raised Norwegian salmon is the most toxic meat anyone can buy in the US supermarkets


Doug - May 21

Doug’s Substack

Good but what else do we eat the whole damned food chain is corrupt?
Water is it's been found. Which goes along with the Trumpet prophecies of the wormwood and water being tainted. But truth has been tainted too, meaning Gods word and what is being taught is tainted. We now have the walking dead.


Areugnat - May 21


Short and to the point! Many thanks, Ana!


JulesUSA - May 21

What did she say at 6:17? Couldn't hear it.


Brad Parsons - May 21

At 6:17 Dr. Ana said EDTA. She prefers to do it as EDTA IV Chelation, but she also recommends Med5 tablets out of Honolulu for EDTA


Rob - May 21 - Edited


Less is more… very succinct interview and will send it out to friends


JulesUSA - May 21 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

What did she say at 6:17?


Brad Parsons - May 21 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

At 6:17 Dr. Ana said EDTA. She prefers to do it as EDTA IV Chelation, but she also recommends Med5 tablets out of Honolulu for EDTA


Christian - May 21 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

19 edta IV CHELTATION . Ir does not work. I am still very tired... my blood is full of nanotech...


Therese - May 21

Ar’s Substack

How many doses of the EDTA IV Chelation have you done? It probably takes quite a few to clear out the nanotech. Also, what else are you doing/taking for detoxing?


H Simon - May 21

Ar’s Substack

Listen to where Dr Ana says one day the IV edta will clear the subject and then s/he visits jabbed people next day and it is back.


Christian - Jun 4

Ar’s Substack

My goodness ! Do u have the link ?


Christian - May 21

Ar’s Substack

no no ! 19 edta and vit c !!!!
i take everything : essential oils, hydroxychloroquine, citrate sodium...


Joy Lucette Garner - May 21

Joy’s Newsletter

Exactly. There might not be just ONE "silver bullet" to this. We need to do/try various items that we know can help. For example, Nattinokinase works best taken with bromelain. And the evidence for vitamin C as an aid is also very clear. Many other items are useful as well.


Susan Liang - May 21

Susan Liang

Kudos, Ana!


Un-silent - May 21


I was recently reading on another substack where people's health has been greatly improved with the carnivore diet. Getting on the carnivore diet has even cured their chronic illnesses that were never helped by any other means. If everything is already contaminated why not eat what makes you feel better?


Joy Lucette Garner - May 21

Joy’s Newsletter

Exactly. Carnivore saved me from debilitating illness. So even if it's also full of nanotech, at LEAST I can still walk. Whatever is in the plants (nanotech, and/or "naturally-occurring" plant toxins) it was KILLING my body. Once I stopped eating plants my health improved very quickly. I cannot go back to plants because I MUST continue being able to walk. And I cannot see how it could be bad for me to eat something that sustains my ability to FUNCTION.
That being said, we all need to be detoxing the nanotech as best we can, (no matter which food we're eating) and NOT living in a constant state of terror. Fear (standing alone) feeds the evil and empowers it.


Un-silent - May 22


I totally agree. There also seems to be a full attack on the meat industry right now so hearing this doesn't shock me. People need to eat what agrees with their body and makes them feel good and we should also pray over all the food we eat. Crazy times.


Joy Lucette Garner - May 22

Joy’s Newsletter

Prayer might be the single MOST imperative act right now.


JulesUSA - May 21

Why is Dr. Ana going on all these gatekeeper shows?


H Simon - May 21

Dr Ana is willing to go wherever she can get the message out.


Lawrence K. - May 21

You should be more specific and give examples of the "gatekeeper shows" you're referring to. Otherwise, your point gets lost because you assume everyone knows what you mean by gatekeeper shows.
Please, Post a list of the other shows you have seen her on.


Lawrence K. - May 21

Good point. She sure spreads the Fear Factor quite well. Your question is quite valid. What's really going on here?


JulesUSA - May 21

Thank you. So many people don't notice or question it.


Charlene Jones - May 21


Just have to say that the gluten-free diet is not a fad. I've been gluten-free for about seven years now and my arthritis completely went away within a few months of stopping. I had really bad arthritis with sciatica pain - the whole nine yards. The problem many people face with ingesting gluten is the glyphosate/Roundup that is sprayed on all the wheat, which is toxic to our bodies, and many of us are sensitive to it. There are many scientific studies out there proving what I'm saying. Sorry to get defensive, but it just bothers me when people say that gluten-free is a fad.


Claudia - May 21


I sometimes feel the same way. I was gene-tested and found I had a snip on a gene. My system can’t assimilate gluten without negatively impacting my body. The amazing part of the story: At the same time I was being tested for gluten, I was told by a neurologist that I had to have surgery on my spine to remove a cyst that was affecting my left leg. It had started dragging when I’d go for a walk! She told me if I didn’t have the intervention I would eventually become incontinent and paralyzed from the waist down. Within three days of not eating gluten, all my physical pains vanished! Amazingly and unexpectedly, the cyst also disappeared. It’s been 15 years. Ever since, I have had no problems with my leg or any of the other conditions she warned me about if I didn’t have the surgery!


Lawrence K. - May 21

Glad you didn't trust the BS the surgeon tried to use to lure you into an unnecessary surgery. I don't trust most doctors, especially after the cv19 hogwash we were all ordered to believe in it?


Joy Lucette Garner - May 21

Joy’s Newsletter

Exactly. People who get gluten out of their diet often find that it solves MANY health problems. It's not a "fad." In my case, there was NOTHING about changing my diet that had to do with being "trendy." I needed to be able to WALK. And when I changed what I was eating, it solved a very debilitating health problem almost immediately. I cannot go back to what I was eating before, because I am unwilling to give up the ability to walk;-) No way I would've done it just because of a "fad." I NEEDED to be able to walk. And a diet that takes this ability away from me could not possibly be "healthy."


crapshoot farmer - May 21

crapshoot farmer

I'm not convinced of the "gluten bad" trend.
The medical profession has blamed salt for decades yet I read that if you eliminate salt from your diet your heart will stop. Yes, we get too much salt in our diets but old Dr. David Douglass stated years ago that if you drink enough water excess salt will be eliminated thru the urine. We salt almost every savory dish we eat but living in a hot climate forces us to drink lots of water.
Likewise we bake our bread adding gluten in the mix, and have for years. So, is the problem the glyphosate in Roundup or gluten?
We're as healthy as cockroaches and work our land constantly in tropical conditions. (And we're not young anymore)
My nephew is very allergic to walnuts and I wonder why as they seem to be an ideal food.
A chemical pollution caused weakened immune system?
We haven't eaten beef or pork in decades but plenty of seafood and the occasional chicken and turkey.
We have good friends on the carnivore diet and he recently had a bout with ulcerative colitis that was fairly serious although he kept the details to himself..
Rant over :)


Joy Lucette Garner - May 21

Joy’s Newsletter

I agree with your views on all of this. I NEVER restrict salt. And I make sure NOT to drink so much damned water than I piss out all of my electrolytes;-)
And I DO find it odd that so-called "gluten intolerants" CAN eat wheat from other countries (those that have completely banned the "RoundUp-Ready GMO produce and grains) and NOT have any reaction.
Literally everything the FDA says about nutrition is FALSE. The FDA is nothing but an enforcement arm for the extermination agenda.


Charlene Jones - May 21

Gluten is not bad for everyone, but many people can't tolerate it. I guess it depends on your digestive system. And yes, I think glyphosate/roundup plays a huge role in it. My severe arthritis disappeared when I gave it up, and unless our agriculture and pesticide practices are completely overhauled, I'll probably never be able to eat it again as long as I'm living in the United States.


Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - May 23

Professor Lulu Fuzzbean

gf did nothing for my maladies


Gary McCollom - May 21

Joy’s Newsletter

Oh looky, now Ana is fearing people away from meat, what a shocker this is.


Joy Lucette Garner - May 21

Joy’s Newsletter

Interesting isn't it? Anti-meat (and instead plants and bugs) also happens to be a WEF agenda.
If this crap is in UNvaccinated and organic cows, then it's ALSO in ALL of the plants! Demonizing meat (in particular) is an interesting approach here.


H Simon - May 21

Joy’s Newsletter

She was not demonizing meats. She was reporting on results of her research. You’re projecting.


Joy Lucette Garner - May 21

Joy’s Newsletter




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