My Interview on the Gary Null Show on…

Oct 12, 2022

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Self-Assembly Nanotechnology in C19 shots and more


mejbcart - Oct 13, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

I must correct Dr. Anas' statement about the phosphor in proteins, it is basics in PROTEIN science. There are 20 amino acids building ALL NATURAL proteins and not a single one of them has PHOSPHOR, implying phosphor is NOT A BUILDING BLOCK OF ANY protein! What there is is the so called post-translational modification which happens after proper folding of proteins to some of them there is an attachment of single phosphor atom at certain amino acids positions. That modified amino acid is most frequently Serine. That transient bond is disconnected as soon as certain protein functions are performed. Only RNA and DNA always have phosphor atoms, every base of them... 100 or 30ug of nucleic acids in every vial, that's not much phosphor though...
Second even more serious correction of the statement how the Spike is actually generated... The 100% synthetic modified mRNA is read by RIBOSOME directly, as a single stranded positive mmRNA, it is NOT reverse transcribed for the Spike production function, according to Pfizer/MoERNA. What comes out of ribosome is Spike as an amino acids string which then get's properly folded, post-modified and first THEN inserted into the membrane. How the lipid nanoparticles release the single ~4000bp long piece of synthetic mmRNA is quite a question... The same mmRNA can equally get reverse transcribed into DNA by LINE-1 elements, and once that happens, it is integrated into the human genome, apparently like HIV-1 is. I'm writing a new post exactly about this.. Anyone welcome to visit, read and learn...
Gary touched the essential issue with graphene, which can cut into any protein, any DNA/RNA material for that matter.. Possibility that these microwounds are generated INSIDE of blood capillaries leading to normal 'wound healing' could then lead to clots. BUT, first of all the clots are NOT blood, and then also how on earth graphene would first get into all the blood vessels from ~0.5ml of liquid???


Shirley Eileen Schutt - Oct 12, 2022

Excellent interview.....thank you.....



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