My Interview on South African Jerm Warfare Podcast on Transhumanism and Self-assembling Nanotechnology

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 25, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Here is the link to the site.

Transhumanism and Self Assembly Nanotechnology

I recently spoke with South African podcaster Jerm on Transhumanism and self assembly nanotechnology and the C19 shots.

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Susan - Mar 25

What a great interview Dr. Ana. You are so good at packing in alot of critical and credible information in the short period of time you had; and what a gracious host he is. You are so right, there is hope for our future. We are not victims. We are Warriors! Thank you and God bless.

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M Henry - Mar 25

M Henry

My Dentist is discovering the same below in every patient who has an extraction..

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