My Interview For The Truth Summit -

Jun 12, 2023

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21 Truth Tellers And What Drives Them In Life - Starts 6/12/2023


Mary Lou Longworth - Jun 12, 2023

Mary Lou Longworth

Ramtha? Oh no!
As a Christian, I have to unsubscribe.
II Corinthians 11:14
“Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God. And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.” 1 John 4:1-3.


Kamii Neko - Jun 12, 2023

John Vargo

Ramtha isn’t DEMONIC, his teachings are one of the basic natural laws of the universe, the law of attraction, very similar to ‘the secret’ and Abraham Hicks.
Both Abraham Hicks and Ramtha teach about the power of manifestation and the importance of positive thinking. They believe that our thoughts and emotions have a direct impact on our reality and that we can manifest our desires by aligning our thoughts and emotions with what we want to experience.
Both teachings emphasize the importance of meditation and visualization as tools for manifesting and creating a better life. They also both encourage their followers to trust in the universe and let go of negative beliefs and emotions that may be holding them back.
However, the teachings of Ramtha include more metaphysical concepts, such as the existence of multiple dimensions and past lives, while Abraham Hicks focuses more on the Law of Attraction and the power of the present.


John Vargo - Jun 12, 2023

John Vargo

Ramtha tells truth.Once you understand that there are multiple dimensions and that you have lived other lives then you can ascend to higher levels of learning.Greg Braden made a video about remote viewing explaining how it is real.Greg is a very intelligent human


Kamii Neko - Jun 12, 2023

John Vargo



John Vargo - Jun 13, 2023

John Vargo

Here is Greg Braden,how remote viewing was so successful.


John Vargo - Jun 13, 2023

John Vargo

And here is Greg talking about the Divine Matrix,Cern and the God particle.God is within us.


Kamii Neko - Jun 13, 2023

That's awesome 👍 Thank you!!🙏


Gary McCollom - Jun 12, 2023

John Vargo

Positive thinking I get and practice daily but remote viewing and this whole idea that you can 'manifest' anything you want simply does not make sense to me, if anything its the clever evil satan tricking people into doing his bidding.
God very clearly does not want us trying to see our future, its much like its why He has left the door open for people to doubt His existence, if all knew God to be real how do you think that would change the people and this world.
It would defeat the whole purpose as to why we are here.


Kamii Neko - Jun 12, 2023

John Vargo

Is praying for an outcome not a form of manifestation?
We live in a quantum universe comprised of energy and energy can be manipulated.
‘God’ is the creator, creation, all that is. Not a patriarchal male deity as described in the Bible, a transcript grossly misinterpreted by humans with an agenda. God is love, not violence, however the Bible makes references to violence in the name of God, including:
The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-25)
The great flood (Genesis 6:17)
The killing of the firstborn in Egypt (Exodus 12:29)
The annihilation of the Amalekites (1 Samuel 15:1-3)
The death of Uzzah when he touched the Ark of the Covenant (2 Samuel 6:7)
The destruction of Jericho (Joshua 6:20-21)
The killing of David's son as punishment for his sins (2 Samuel 12:14-18)
The plagues and pestilence inflicted upon Egypt (Exodus 9:14-16)
The killing of 70,000 Israelites as punishment for David's sin (2 Samuel 24:15-16)
If all knew God, Yahweh, Source, Elohim, Source, Abba, Alpha and Omega, Almighty, Saviour… or however you identify the Creator, to be real, then we would all be enlightened and it would be heaven on earth! And heaven on earth is our purpose. 🕉️💕🕊️


Gary McCollom - Jun 12, 2023

John Vargo

Thank you for the perspective and as a person who does not subscribe to organized religion I suspect you know I agree with you more than you might thing.
Perhaps I worded the manifestation thing in the wrong way or maybe I am just plain wrong but I'm mostly coming at it from people manifesting/wanting of materialistic things.


John Vargo - Jun 13, 2023

John Vargo

If you go to the wingmakers site and read the Dr.Neruda interviews manifesting material things is a reality as he manifested 10 grand for sarah who interviewedhim.Gotto make money to live.


John Vargo - Jun 13, 2023

John Vargo

It’s highly recommended that you read the Neruda Interviews in order 1-5. So you can better understand the broader outlines of the materials in terms of their specific disclosures. The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda is mind-bending, and unnerving for some readers. It shows how humanity’s dominant reality is designed largely by ancient, interdimensional beings who created humans as slaves.


Kamii Neko - Jun 12, 2023

"people manifesting/wanting of materialistic things" yes I agree! In Buddhism we call that dukka, and ridding oneself of dukka sets you on the path to enlightenment.


Susannah - Jun 12, 2023 You do not believe in the God of Israel, and you use those biblical references in an attempt to deceive people. This is very evil. Repent now!


Kamii Neko - Jun 12, 2023

You are correct, I do not believe in the ‘God of Israel’ as it represents Hate, Baal worship, Murder, Sacrifice, and a religion that Jesus himself wanted to distance himself from. I believe Jesus is the WAY to Heaven on Earth. Jesus teaches LOVE, turn the other cheek, don’t judge others, help all those around us to relieve their suffering. MAN wrote to ‘worship’ Jesus and FEAR God. MAN with all his faults put Jesus on a Pedestal. I don’t worship Jesus, I try to BE as Jesus told us to be. The Way.
For you; John 8:7 “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”
I send you peace and love.🕉️💕🕊️🙏


Susannah - Jun 13, 2023

Kamii.....the things you point out, such as hate, Baal worship, murder, etc. are things that have been with us ever since the Fall in the Garden. We are seeking a way out of this dismal state of affairs, through the saving grace of Jesus Christ, via his finished work on the cross in order to redeem us and make us white as snow. There is no peace nor justice in this world, since Satan is the ruler of it. The Bible, whether Old Testament or New Testament, was written via the inspiration of God to show us how things go when man thinks he does not need God nor his son. There have been a series of covenants established as outlined first in the Old Testament, and then the most recent covenant, was in the NT, when Jesus became the sacrifice lamb and shed his blood for us so that we might have life eternal. It is good to understand our history, and our tendencies to not take responsibility for our sin natures, which again, came about due to the original sin committed. Out of that scenario, came all of the maladies you mention. There is no other way to find our way out of this mess rather than to understand this (reading the Bible helps in this regard, as it shows the whole history and how we keep repeating the same futile behavior and sin) and eventually desire to accept Jesus as your savior. You will find as we continue on this treacherous path, that there will be only two options: you will accept him as your Lord and Savior, or if you do not, then you will find the outcome not so appealing. In fact, it is appalling to consider what the consequences will be to not have his protection. We are his children. He loves us and desires a very close relationship. This is not religion, which is man made and bears no resemblance to the true nature of our Lord. He is our High King and Priest, there is no other mediator.....and so shall it be for eternity. There is no love greater than this. I love you sister, I hope you will take a fresh look. Hoshiana, Shalom.


Nostradamus - Jun 12, 2023


o “I don’t agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”


Mary Lou Longworth - Jun 12, 2023

Mary Lou Longworth

No hard feelings. I think you are brilliant. I was just taken by surprise.
Have a good evening.


Max Light - Jun 12, 2023

Max Light

Much appreciated the research results, but...


Derek - Jun 12, 2023


I had no idea that you were so very layered, Ana and I enjoyed learning about your spiritual training. I've been seriously considering doing some of that type of training, myself. It's time for some personal enlightenment. Thank you for your hard work and truth. You are truly an inspiration to me!


Mark.Kennard - Jun 12, 2023

Healthcare, not Medicine

The cia program that used the hemi sync tapes to train people in remote viewing had success but they also found that only certain people could be trained.
I believe it’s those hypersensitive to metals like myself that can do it. So those with the gene mutations which mean their immune system can’t process metal toxins efficiently
We are more sensitive to emf/emr. Like radio waves. When my first spine implant had a galvanic reaction with my amalgam fillings I could faintly hear a local radio station if I sat in a certain spot.
I’ve had some pretty incredible experiences with others who were hypersensitive to metals because the human consciousness is emf/emr and it radiates from us


Amy Fotis - Jun 12, 2023

Interesting! I was treated for heavy metals toxicity with a physician decades ago. I detox daily with a next-gen formulation now. I eat very clean. I can feel frequencies on occasion. When in a rock/crystal shop, I could really feel a vibration in a specific area. I notice the difference when trying on an organic cotton top versus regular cotton. I’ve felt a slight vibration from a gold family heirloom of Jesus and The Virgin Mary holding Baby Jesus when I placed it under my pillow with the intention of peaceful sleep (I needed magnesium but was too tired to even find it on my nightstand). I’m doing The Human Garage free fascia maneuvers. They help release emotional, physician, and chemical toxins. I think this is helping me further elevate my health. Highly recommend The Human Garage and the detox protocol I’m doing. It eradicates, binds the nanotechnology graphene, heavy metals, and this is key — simultaneously replenishes micronutrients. I’m hoping to talk to Dr. Ana about this.


Leon - Jun 12, 2023

Hi, Amy, thanks for your post. Can you provide any details how to get rid of nanotechnology GO & staff. Thanks.


Amy Fotis - Jan 18, 2024

Yes, my friend Dr. Christina Rahm who has 3 PhDs and now her MD formulated a detox. She was one of only 20 that were invited to Harvard’s only 2 year nano biotechnology engineering program. It included military generals and heads of pharmaceutical companies. They learned how to make bioweapons. She was the only one to reverse engineer them to protect our health. Her formulation uses gyro fracking, magnets, polarization, and quantum harmonics. She figured out how to rip apart the toxins (like GO, heavy metals, pesticides, mycotoxins), bind them, and simultaneously replenish micronutrients. So, there is no mineral gapping. Mineral gapping may cause autoimmune disease. We don’t want to trade a toxicity problem for an autoimmune condition.
It’s Clean Slate, easy — drops in water. Ordering requires a referral code. Using mine includes a free e-book on detoxification and dosage instructions.


Stella - Jun 12, 2023

You are a beautiful spiritual person Dr. Ana, thank you for all you do, also for being so honest. This big earth of ours has many religions and teachings, each just right for us individually.
I love what you wrote here. All you say resonates for me, as my religion I’ve followed for many decades teaches we are Soul, wearing a physical body, learning about life, through our lessons and experiences. That we all have our spiritual Masters teaching and guiding us, we are never alone. That we evolve in consciousness, we are all on an individual path, our own, through many lifetimes. We don’t all have the same teachers, now, as we’re all on a different part of our individual spiritual journey.
We are experiencing a difficult time period, yet to be fully understood and resolved. You are one of the spiritual warriors meant for this battle, you are doing God’s work for humanity. Thank you again!


Phoenix - Jun 12, 2023


Have always appreciated your raw and unapologetic fierce spirit Dr. Ana coming out to warn us all immediately and in no uncertain terms that there were horrendous reasons to be concerned! I’m so thankful for ALL of your research and reports - they’ve changed my life and likely saved MANY lives so thank you (which seems way too small but thank you nonetheless)! You are a blessing in this world! 💞💓💞


Susan P ... - Jun 12, 2023

Susan P ...

GOD bless you Dr. Ana for sharing your Truth. I believe our Creator lives in the TRUTH & the Light of Truth will come to pass. My Soul is not for sale either ...


Nostradamus - Jun 12, 2023


 Tru South and Martin Pk – Not For Sale


Lucy - Jun 12, 2023

Thank you Ana for your brave honesty, integrity and courage, and holding your truth in the face of ignorance and ridicule. I too have studied at the Ramtha School of Enlightenment which is all about self mastery, self empowerment, developing a greater awareness of self and reality, all encompassed in a greater understanding that God is pure Love that holds no judgement of your existence. I toast your blessed life and your continued work in bringing forth the truth!


Monica M - Jun 12, 2023

Lucy, thanks for the explanation.


Mark The AntiSatan - Jun 12, 2023 - Edited

In my line of work, channeling spirits is no-brainer demonic. Demons 101.
Dr Ana, you can do better than falling for that.


Monica M - Jun 12, 2023 - Edited

Mark The AntiSatan, do you know who Ramtha the Enlightened One is & have you heard of the School of Ancient Wisdom? I only ask because I have not heard of either. I am a Christian, but I’m not well-versed in the Bible (just a little bit). Also, I don’t understand exactly the meaning of “channeling spirits,” but I think I’ve heard of it before...that doesn’t sound like a good idea though, in my opinion. Although, I think it is okay for people to be “spiritual,” yet, maybe that’s subjective. ?? And, did Dr Ana say she channels spirits? 🤔


Mark The AntiSatan - Jun 12, 2023 - Edited

Dr Ana didn't, but "Ramtha the Enlightened One, Ascended Master", is a channeled spirit.
Witchcraft is used to allow the evil spirit to talk, communicate, through someone, namely,
in this case, Ms JZ Knight, born March 16, 1946, is doing the channeling.
The spirit enters the body and possesses a person and speaks through them.
Ms JZ Knight has an "international school of the mind and ancient wisdom,
offering workshops and classes live and online around the world for the last 4 decades,
[website is]
-- "My path in my life upon this plane was to become the Unknown God -- which I was to discover was myself -- and to go beyond the dimensions to frolic in the adventures of forever. -- There is no redemption for mankind other than to realize their divinity. ."
[denies Jesus The Christ's redemption of humanity from sin]


Monica M - Jun 13, 2023

Mark The AntiSatan, wow, ya learn something new everyday. I had never heard of that school or that woman. That seems a little crazy & a little scary to me. That doesn’t seem like my kind of thing. I’m all for enlightenment & being spiritual, but I don’t care for any cult type stuff. I don’t even really like the Catholic Church anymore. Thx for all that info. I appreciate all of what Dr Ana is sharing regarding her research, but I’m not into that weird, spooky stuff.


Susannah - Jun 12, 2023

Thank you for pointing out the REAL truth. Demonic spirits getting so much more uppity these days!


Pasheen Stonebrooke - Jun 12, 2023 - Edited

Diva Drops

So unfortunate that some people are so small-minded, judgmental and dismissive - doesn't seem very Christian to me. As if we all must believe as they do, in exactly the same way.
A spiritual journey is so highly personal... and the only thing I find intolerance. It's time that we bring it all to the table.
I applaud your courage, Ana, on all levels. We must be bold and never afraid to reveal who we are...
Personally, I may not feel the traditional religious urge that so many in this movement do, but everyone's path, with few exceptions, like the blood cult sacrifice ghoulz, should be honored. They surely experience much more comfort that I do.
And since I cover the ET angle, laced with my OBE skills and travels with regard to this extermination event, you can imagine that I get a lot of the same insanity. Subscribers bailing...oh well...I'm not here on ss to be liked or to make friends, just digging for some truth.
Just a word of advice for those who are unsubscribing for whatever lame reason.
Never throw the baby out with the hydrogel.
Thank you, again, for sharing so much of who you are, are so beautifully multi-faceted, as is my insane life experience...but I think it takes people thinking way outside the box to get to the heart of this madness...and I do relate to your spiritual path, but even if I didn't, your research and courage would still astonish me and I would likely follow you off a cliff! Clinging tightly to a parachute, of course. No mistake that I resonate with you. I sense that you are right next to me on this battlefield!
I have a substack I really want to share with you - still tweaking it, with little spare time to do so, but I will post it somewhere here when it's might add to your amazing paradigm...
Looking for the Summit...fantastic people...can't wait to hear the presentations!!! Courageous warriors...all.


Susannah - Jun 15, 2023 - Edited

Christians are told to judge with righteous judgement. And does this not make sense, since they will be ruling and reigning with the Lord from heaven?
Regarding your "ET angle," did you know that Lead MUFON investigators converted to Christianity after discovering in their experiences, that the ONLY name that could stop visitations and abductions (there are no aliens, only demons, btw) was invoking the name of JESUS CHRIST.
ACTS 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.


Ernie Rockwell - Jun 12, 2023 - Edited

Ernie Rockwell

The revelation that you have been targeted for assassination 3 times is chilling. Dr. Rima says she has been 9 times, including a poisoning. I pray for divine protection for both of you and all the others who are trying to stop the demonic steamroller from destroying earth as a place for unadulterated divine manifestation.
I met remote viewer Joseph McMonagle
at the Monroe institute. I don’t subscribe to the idea that it is inherently evil, it depends on what it is used for.


Amy Fotis - Jun 12, 2023

I agree with you. It’s not inherently evil. A friend could be a remote viewer. He “saw” his family’s barn on fire and warned his grandfather when he was about 5 years old. They hurried to check on it and it was indeed on fire. Another time he knew their horse trailer was going to come undone. It also happened. He didn’t warn his father and was yelled at for not sharing it. It was then that it scared him and he turned it off.


Gary McCollom - Jun 12, 2023

And have you ever considered that the fire was destined/.meant to happen as part of their souls timeline?
Now they have interfered in that person and the journey of their soul.
Nobody will ever convince me that remote viewing is good.


Amy Fotis - Jul 12, 2023

He was a 5 year old child. Very innocent. His grandfather and the family were likely better provided for as compared to if they lost their barn. They lived as farmers.


Gary McCollom - Jul 13, 2023

I respect your opinion Amy but I simply don't believe we are meant to see the future and especially change the future.


Nostradamus - Jun 12, 2023 - Edited


For some individuals, it's natural - you don't have to learn it. In fact, you don't know what's happening until you think about it. I've escaped 14 assassination attempts and I was always aware that there was only only after it had failed!!!
I saw the media coverage of 9/11 back in July 2001. I've never taken any remote viewing course.


Ronald D Norris - Jun 12, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

Dr Ana can you please perform on yourself the 30 ml whole blood clotting test? I would like to know if your repeated IV EDTA plus additional treatments has completely dissolved the gel layer. I did IV EDTA 3 weeks ago and some topical EDTA (of unknown effectiveness) and liposomal EDTA (of unknown quality) and did a live blood analysis with no significant rouleaux or fibers seen but also did a 30 ml whole blood test with a 18x 12x5 mm gel region still present. Sad to see it. I am un- v.


Leon - Jun 12, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

Hi, Ronald; Could you please explain, what is it ‘the 30 ml whole blood clotting test’. Thanks


Ronald D Norris - Jun 12, 2023

Ronald’s Substack

In Dr Ana's post from May 19 (Visual inspection of C 19 Blood Clots) she demonstrated that withdrawing 30 ml of whole blood from a vein and letting it clot spontaneously over 4 hours in a syringe will result in layering of serum, plastic layer, and clot. This was initially in the vaccinated but now seen in un-v.


Leon - Jun 12, 2023

Thank you.


Roman S Shapoval - Jun 12, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

God Bless You Dr. Ana. I look forward to checking out the summit!


rehari - Jun 12, 2023

Thank you for your work.
Love from N.Z.


Stephanie - Jun 12, 2023

Stephanie’s Substack

I’m sorry. As a Christian I have to disengage now. You may be 100% correct on all of your hard work in discovering the truth re: the bioweapon used on humanity and I thank you. I just can’t follow any longer. Remote viewing is from Satan. Wake up before it is too late for you. Christ is the way, the TRUTH and the life.


Noren O Drisc - Jun 12, 2023

John Vargo

All these Christians leaving Ana's substack seems odd. Ana is saving many lives and risking her own whike tge Chrustians in their milli8ns pray and do nothing but 'wait for Jesus' ( for 2000 years during which time billions have been murdered in genocides but Jesus was nowhere to be seen. The currrent inject rion genocide the same ie billions i jured badly and dying while few do anything to stop it but bilkions wait for Jesus/God to save them from it. At least Ana is DOING something and doing something very brave and in telligent. I am not anti rekigion but just look at the mind control ie Genoicide occ urrinn g but better not listen to the best research around so far as its 'evil'. The human mind CAN do remote viewing ( & much much more) because it is very skilled and does not need 'Demons' to help it.
Get off your knees Christians and help stop the Genocide
Pray also if you want..


John Vargo - Jun 12, 2023

John Vargo

Agree brother,we are all at different levels of consciousness and I just have to say it,Romans 13 is one big pile of crap.Let them leave,they are hopelessly programmed.Remote viewing is our souls leaving our body which it does every night when we sleep.The establishment calls that dreaming.Another noble lie.The Rothchild family paid Scofield to create the Scofield bible,reason enough to throw it in the trash right there.


John Vargo - Jun 12, 2023

John Vargo

They are too hopelessly programmed


Noren O Drisc - Jun 12, 2023

Sorry about typos:)


Noren O Drisc - Jun 12, 2023

Comment removed.


Noren O Drisc - Jun 12, 2023

Strict Christianity warns against tons of things so they scare people I suppose...from a very young age mainly. Whether God exists or not this Christian mind control keeps millions or more from doing anything and tells them a will be well in 'heaven' So.e Christians do act


Monica M - Jun 12, 2023

John Vargo

Stephanie, can you tell me what remote viewing that like telling the future? Is that the same as what fortune tellers do? Is that also kind of like sorcery & witchcraft?? I just looked it up...what exactly is black magic? Well, I consider myself Christian, & I think I was taught to not tell the future & to take one day at a time. I think I also have heard it’s a sin to visit a fortune teller. Am I crazy or is this what the Bible says?


Lucy - Jun 12, 2023

Question everything including what you have been taught. How do you know that the bible is all there is in terms of truth? A lot of it has been altered. Did you know reincarnation was in one of the oldest bible? Maybe do some research and soul searching for a greater truth. Good bless your journey, as we are all seeking truth on many levels.


John Vargo - Jun 12, 2023

John Vargo

And you christians,200 yrs ago you were burning people alive at the stake just for having the gifts of ESP and clairvoyance.The muslims of today are still burying people up to their necks in sand and stoning them todeath.How:Holy"is either one of those actions.And the Roman Catholics,a half billion believe the vatican the holiest place on earth.Nothing could be further from what'strue.Here's what remote viewing is Monica and it's a big website.I have watched almost all of the trailers and bookmarked to investigate further,


Stephanie - Jun 13, 2023

Stephanie’s Substack


REPLY - Jun 12, 2023



Nostradamus - Jun 12, 2023 - Edited


People should not think that the CIA has any serious powers except the ones that allow them to kill people around the globe by colluding with bought governments.
I know they've tried to use all sorts of natural forces around the world to extend their criminal tools set but when I track historical events, their predictive knowledge is almost NULL:
1 - The CIA and MI-6 were surprised by the development, testing and fielding of nuclear weapons by the USSR (1949)
2 - The CIA and MI-6 were surprised by the Iranian revolution in 1979
3 - The CIA and MI-6 were surprised by the development, testing and fielding of nuclear weapons by North Korea
4 - The CIA and MI-6 were surprised by the development, testing and fielding of nuclear weapons by India (80s)
5 - The CIA and MI-6 were surprised by the development, testing and fielding of nuclear weapons by Pakistan (90s)
6- The CIA and MI-6 were surprised by fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Germany has been under US occupation since 1945. How couldn't they see it coming?
7- The CIA and MI-6 were surprised by fall of the USSR in 1991. How could a Cold War adversary die "Suddenly" like the "Vaxxed"?
8- The CIA and MI-6 were surprised by 9/11 (2001). At least for this one, they just pretended that they didn't know since it was a False flag attack.
9- The CIA and MI-6 didn't anticipate the NATO's utimate failure when they invaded Afghanistan in 2001, I did accurately saw the outcome of the invasion - i.e disaster after 20 years!!!
Just ignore these evil organizations!


Juliaah - Jun 12, 2023


Perhaps if you invert the raison d'etre of the CIA, that their purpose is to destroy USA, not protect it, then perhaps you CAN view them as being successful.


John Vargo - Jun 13, 2023

John Vargo

Same for operation paperclip and MK ultra


Claudia - Jun 12, 2023


Thank you for sharing your own personal journey, for seeking truth and sharing it … at your own personal risk … to help others.



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