To be clear and pay respect to the country of manufacture. The unit is manufactured in Japan and distributed through this quality organization in South Africa. I've looked into purchasing this exact microscope as well and it is the preferred unit with prompt and professional support, at times used or refurb or demo units are listed as well.
Two years ago I took this Live Blood Analysis Course and have never regretted it. I have gone from strength to strength in my understanding of this topic and really appreciate my microscope. I use it for independent research in other fields as well. I appreciate the people behind this course so much and I also appreciate the work you have been doing as well Ana Maria. Thank you from a watcher in Canada.
I wish my naturopath had such an advanced microscope. I still haven't convinced her about the graphene oxide ribbons and quantum dots in my blood despite all the evidence from the literature.
Just look at my first post of my live blood analysis via darkfield microscope and tell me that you don't see the same stuff in my blood.
Dr. David Hughes gave some good explanation why nanotech hesitancy occurs, so I'm going to quote him here:
Nanotech Hesitancy – “Seems to me there’s quite a few nanotech hesitant people out there; i.e.. people who just don’t want to recognize the possibility that nanotech might actually be in the shots”
1. It sounds preposterous, like sci-fi, too far outside the spectrum of acceptable opinion. This is not scientific inquiry.
2. Even if they question the “Covid-19” official narrative, their perceptual parameters are the “virus, the spike protein, and other dangers in the “disclosed” ingredients”. An effect of propaganda.
○ Perhaps the propaganda here is to get people to focus on those things that nobody thinks to look elsewhere, and even if they do, it’s so far outside their mindset, that it’s almost impossible to process.
3. Some commentators know nothing about bio-nanotechnology; they’ve never read anything about nanotechnology, so are not qualified to comment.
○ We’re typically looking at Doctors, virologists, and microbiologists to help us explain what’s going on here, but let’s imagine for a second that there is nanotechnology in the vials, would any of these scientists know what they are looking at; even if they saw it?
○ We need people who work in this area to bring forward their specialist knowledge too.
○ We need a joint-effort multi-disciplinary approach.
4. Fear of reprisal e.g. hit pieces by the Mainstream media, losing their licence to practice, threats to life, etc. prevents people from publicly expressing certain opinions.
○ We’re living in an age of political fear and intimidation, and you know that if you speak out, the mainstream media will come for you.
○ Doctors are losing their licences to practice.
○ Some people’s lives have been threatened. It’s interesting that out of the 26 cases I look at – Noack is dead and Carrie Madej’s plane went down and she could’ve died as well.
Dr. Ana just copied and pasted from the Course website. Recommend an alternative to Dr. Okker and the facilitators of the Course. They Should know better. Maybe a Signal Group?
My apologies. I thought Dr. Mihalcea was one of the creators of the course as she keeps saying "we" in the post. A Signal group is a decent suggestion but a Session group will be even better .
Not being a medical professional, I still wish I could take this course, sounds fascinating and enlightening! I fervently hope those in the health field will take this course and spread the knowledge and inform more and more people about what is happening and how to treat it!
WHAT AN AMAZING PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY. GREAT FOR OUR SCHOOL and not as costly as imagined. Students would enter into the STEM fields ahead of the crowd and that's a priceless advantage. THANK-YOU FOR THE INFO.
Sometimes, wish the years were not so advanced.
I want to encourage Dr Ana and others to ask God, “in the name of Jesus” (or “Yeshua” - his Jewish name that means “He Saves”) to make Dr Ana’s blood normalized again - and her patients’ blood.
Let’s have faith and pray and hope to demonstrate the power of Yeshua this way.
Dr. Sansone,
I've come across some good news! Boron increases insulin production and sensitivity! Bonus; inhibits nanotech!
Dear Dr. Mihalcea, Do you know where I can find someone who does live blood testing? I live upstate NY, and can get to NYC or DC. I have been looking but so far to no avail. Thank you for any guidance.
Victoria And thank you for your valuable posts - I study them assiduously.
Sentiments worth repeating twice in the same day—as I cross-post Dr. Ana’s important article to Notes—please Share subscribers and guests:
No fault of our own (the unvaccinated), it’s difficult to trust “anyone” now. I didn’t trust anyone prior to the Scamdemic, but now…Coming in direct contact or even being within the same room with others, “including the unvaccinated” who come in contact with those who’ve been vaccinated, is now very dangerous-terrifying to me. Am I overreacting, or just thinking all wrong or too much? Should I be unconcerned and reckless, like most?
But an even bigger problem is the fact “they” have been adding these bioweapons to other medications and food for over a year now. And those who’ve been spreading that verifiably-true message are Not conspirators or nuts.
Look, damnit, I support anyone’s right to whatever they wish, and I ALWAYS have, so long as they don’t “force it on others” or unintentionally “shed” these weapons to those of us who insist on choice. All we need are honest labels with expanded choice—but who has choice when mRNA weapons are added to everything? Same with ChemTrails few discuss and are realizing the dangers of it, which are far beyond weather modifications.
If we don’t organize and force Nuremberg trials on corrupt government officials responsible, as well as the wealthy mainstream media talking-heads who’ve been “intelligently covering it up, just like 911,” there will be No Realistic Hope of ever Overcoming this Genocide. And it is a multi-operational Genocide—creating both dead and living non-person walking-dead-humanoids. I know, I know! I say it, and I even think to myself how crazy, conspiratorial and SciFi it sounds, but it’s the truth.
Humanity, is being destroyed, and many, if not “most of you,” are so bloody cowardice. Correct? Well answer me this: How many of you reading this are yourself or know someone who’s always so capable and overstocked-ready to rise up to shame, punish, imprison or war each-other to death, and for what, freedom and justice? How many of you are right now are dawned in Blue & Red war colors ready to battle to the death, but at the same exact time too cowardice to intelligently investigate and begin making arrests of both Republicans AND Democrats, charge them with Treason & Crimes Against Humanity, put them on trial—and then once convicted—mentally institutionalized these monsters? It’s my only goal, and for those of you who stand in my way—you will also be mentally institutionalized—if I get my way—but treated humanely and still retain human rights, as well as the right to vote, just not make policy or punish people anymore.βοΈβ€οΈ&π½—sincerely.
I have some content on Eco Peace Vision - YouTube. My Wordpress blog is underconstruction right now. I pray we can locate a leader to lead the green movement & all who like to keep humans human. Later to locate a Green Party team that honors and looks up to Yeshua/Jesus.
I believe our hope is in Yeshua.
Dr. Ana,
Where can we go to actually see you speak to other Drs ( say Hematologists ) about your findings and observations in a back and forth, question answer discussion?
You must have had many such discussions on your way to PhD and then MD or vice versa whatever order they were achieved. Like when you defended your dissertation for your PhD.
What was the title and subject of your PhD dissertation and when did you pass and where?
Thank you.
It's a pity that Dr. Ana is using such a low resolution device, when much more powerful are available. Perhaps, it might qualitatively change the nature of results observed.
Graphine oxide is what we are looking for...least I am since that is the highly conductive snd razor sharp material doing the endothelial damage causing the blots, strokes etc.
And moving forward the evils will be trying to use us as antennae snd activating this snd other material with EMF s ? That is what has been taken up through the injections and environment into our bodies.
Some more then others.
What is the price of it? - In looking at Micro Raman Spectroscopy Microscope that Dr Ricardo Delgado uses. He was one of the first to find Graphene Ferrous Oxide.
Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Aug 15, 2023 - Edited
Brandon’s Substack
To be clear and pay respect to the country of manufacture. The unit is manufactured in Japan and distributed through this quality organization in South Africa. I've looked into purchasing this exact microscope as well and it is the preferred unit with prompt and professional support, at times used or refurb or demo units are listed as well.
Marie Bayliss - Aug 15, 2023
Marie Bayliss
Two years ago I took this Live Blood Analysis Course and have never regretted it. I have gone from strength to strength in my understanding of this topic and really appreciate my microscope. I use it for independent research in other fields as well. I appreciate the people behind this course so much and I also appreciate the work you have been doing as well Ana Maria. Thank you from a watcher in Canada.
Okisuke - Aug 15, 2023
Okisuke’s Substack
I wish my naturopath had such an advanced microscope. I still haven't convinced her about the graphene oxide ribbons and quantum dots in my blood despite all the evidence from the literature.
Just look at my first post of my live blood analysis via darkfield microscope and tell me that you don't see the same stuff in my blood.
Dr. David Hughes gave some good explanation why nanotech hesitancy occurs, so I'm going to quote him here:
Nanotech Hesitancy – “Seems to me there’s quite a few nanotech hesitant people out there; i.e.. people who just don’t want to recognize the possibility that nanotech might actually be in the shots”
1. It sounds preposterous, like sci-fi, too far outside the spectrum of acceptable opinion. This is not scientific inquiry.
2. Even if they question the “Covid-19” official narrative, their perceptual parameters are the “virus, the spike protein, and other dangers in the “disclosed” ingredients”. An effect of propaganda.
○ Perhaps the propaganda here is to get people to focus on those things that nobody thinks to look elsewhere, and even if they do, it’s so far outside their mindset, that it’s almost impossible to process.
3. Some commentators know nothing about bio-nanotechnology; they’ve never read anything about nanotechnology, so are not qualified to comment.
○ We’re typically looking at Doctors, virologists, and microbiologists to help us explain what’s going on here, but let’s imagine for a second that there is nanotechnology in the vials, would any of these scientists know what they are looking at; even if they saw it?
○ We need people who work in this area to bring forward their specialist knowledge too.
○ We need a joint-effort multi-disciplinary approach.
4. Fear of reprisal e.g. hit pieces by the Mainstream media, losing their licence to practice, threats to life, etc. prevents people from publicly expressing certain opinions.
○ We’re living in an age of political fear and intimidation, and you know that if you speak out, the mainstream media will come for you.
○ Doctors are losing their licences to practice.
○ Some people’s lives have been threatened. It’s interesting that out of the 26 cases I look at – Noack is dead and Carrie Madej’s plane went down and she could’ve died as well.
Michael Ginsburg - Aug 15, 2023
Actionable Truths & Actions
"Private Facebook page" huh? FACEBOOK Doctor, REALLY?
FreedomWarriorWoman - Aug 15, 2023
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Dr. Ana just copied and pasted from the Course website. Recommend an alternative to Dr. Okker and the facilitators of the Course. They Should know better. Maybe a Signal Group?
Michael Ginsburg - Aug 15, 2023
Actionable Truths & Actions
My apologies. I thought Dr. Mihalcea was one of the creators of the course as she keeps saying "we" in the post. A Signal group is a decent suggestion but a Session group will be even better .
Freedomisnotfree - Dec 24, 2023
Actionable Truths & Actions
Are you smelling something rotten in Denmark?
Michael Ginsburg - Dec 24, 2023
Actionable Truths & Actions
Too early to tell...
Amy Harlib - Aug 15, 2023
Amy Harlib
Not being a medical professional, I still wish I could take this course, sounds fascinating and enlightening! I fervently hope those in the health field will take this course and spread the knowledge and inform more and more people about what is happening and how to treat it!
Freedomisnotfree - Dec 24, 2023
There needs to be some shaking out here first.
BlazeCloude3 - Aug 15, 2023
WHAT AN AMAZING PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY. GREAT FOR OUR SCHOOL and not as costly as imagined. Students would enter into the STEM fields ahead of the crowd and that's a priceless advantage. THANK-YOU FOR THE INFO.
Sometimes, wish the years were not so advanced.
Linda Redman - Aug 15, 2023
Linda’s Substack
I want to encourage Dr Ana and others to ask God, “in the name of Jesus” (or “Yeshua” - his Jewish name that means “He Saves”) to make Dr Ana’s blood normalized again - and her patients’ blood.
Let’s have faith and pray and hope to demonstrate the power of Yeshua this way.
XX - Aug 15, 2023
Also buy a bodyguard or video surveillance a bazooka a Pitbull..the Deep State to bad people everywhere white hats are just in fable.π½π½πΈπΈ
Laura - Aug 15, 2023
Modern Healthcare
Dr. Sansone,
I've come across some good news! Boron increases insulin production and sensitivity! Bonus; inhibits nanotech!
VJCBingham - Aug 15, 2023 - Edited
Dear Dr. Mihalcea, Do you know where I can find someone who does live blood testing? I live upstate NY, and can get to NYC or DC. I have been looking but so far to no avail. Thank you for any guidance.
Victoria And thank you for your valuable posts - I study them assiduously.
Freedomisnotfree - Dec 24, 2023
In NY, you may have to go right to the Satanic sacrificing rituals themselves.
VJCBingham - Dec 24, 2023
That's disgusting
jeffrey p lubina - Aug 15, 2023
jeffrey p lubina
Sentiments worth repeating twice in the same day—as I cross-post Dr. Ana’s important article to Notes—please Share subscribers and guests:
No fault of our own (the unvaccinated), it’s difficult to trust “anyone” now. I didn’t trust anyone prior to the Scamdemic, but now…Coming in direct contact or even being within the same room with others, “including the unvaccinated” who come in contact with those who’ve been vaccinated, is now very dangerous-terrifying to me. Am I overreacting, or just thinking all wrong or too much? Should I be unconcerned and reckless, like most?
But an even bigger problem is the fact “they” have been adding these bioweapons to other medications and food for over a year now. And those who’ve been spreading that verifiably-true message are Not conspirators or nuts.
Look, damnit, I support anyone’s right to whatever they wish, and I ALWAYS have, so long as they don’t “force it on others” or unintentionally “shed” these weapons to those of us who insist on choice. All we need are honest labels with expanded choice—but who has choice when mRNA weapons are added to everything? Same with ChemTrails few discuss and are realizing the dangers of it, which are far beyond weather modifications.
If we don’t organize and force Nuremberg trials on corrupt government officials responsible, as well as the wealthy mainstream media talking-heads who’ve been “intelligently covering it up, just like 911,” there will be No Realistic Hope of ever Overcoming this Genocide. And it is a multi-operational Genocide—creating both dead and living non-person walking-dead-humanoids. I know, I know! I say it, and I even think to myself how crazy, conspiratorial and SciFi it sounds, but it’s the truth.
Humanity, is being destroyed, and many, if not “most of you,” are so bloody cowardice. Correct? Well answer me this: How many of you reading this are yourself or know someone who’s always so capable and overstocked-ready to rise up to shame, punish, imprison or war each-other to death, and for what, freedom and justice? How many of you are right now are dawned in Blue & Red war colors ready to battle to the death, but at the same exact time too cowardice to intelligently investigate and begin making arrests of both Republicans AND Democrats, charge them with Treason & Crimes Against Humanity, put them on trial—and then once convicted—mentally institutionalized these monsters? It’s my only goal, and for those of you who stand in my way—you will also be mentally institutionalized—if I get my way—but treated humanely and still retain human rights, as well as the right to vote, just not make policy or punish people anymore.βοΈβ€οΈ&π½—sincerely.
Linda Redman - Aug 15, 2023
Linda’s Substack
I have some content on Eco Peace Vision - YouTube. My Wordpress blog is underconstruction right now. I pray we can locate a leader to lead the green movement & all who like to keep humans human. Later to locate a Green Party team that honors and looks up to Yeshua/Jesus.
I believe our hope is in Yeshua.
Freedomisnotfree - Dec 24, 2023
Dr. Ana,
Where can we go to actually see you speak to other Drs ( say Hematologists ) about your findings and observations in a back and forth, question answer discussion?
You must have had many such discussions on your way to PhD and then MD or vice versa whatever order they were achieved. Like when you defended your dissertation for your PhD.
What was the title and subject of your PhD dissertation and when did you pass and where?
Thank you.
Zev Levin - Aug 17, 2023
It's a pity that Dr. Ana is using such a low resolution device, when much more powerful are available. Perhaps, it might qualitatively change the nature of results observed.
Freedomisnotfree - Dec 24, 2023
Any signs of an electron microscope in her lab area to see particulate and nano particulate matter? I don't see it. Hmmm....
Zev Levin - Dec 24, 2023
There is little virtue in electron microscopy in this case. Quite the opposite.
Freedomisnotfree - Dec 24, 2023
Graphine oxide is what we are looking for...least I am since that is the highly conductive snd razor sharp material doing the endothelial damage causing the blots, strokes etc.
And moving forward the evils will be trying to use us as antennae snd activating this snd other material with EMF s ? That is what has been taken up through the injections and environment into our bodies.
Some more then others.
Mary - Aug 16, 2023
Mary’s Newsletter
Bless you Doc.
Freedomisnotfree - Dec 24, 2023
Catherine - Aug 15, 2023
Catherine’s Substack
Hello. If anyone knows where I can get live blood analysis ( dark field) done in Florida please respond.
Freedomisnotfree - Dec 24, 2023
AskFLCCC.comgroup. They have interactive discussions/ presentation Zooms every two weeks. They have providers and referrals.
Haden - Aug 15, 2023
What is the price of it? - In looking at Micro Raman Spectroscopy Microscope that Dr Ricardo Delgado uses. He was one of the first to find Graphene Ferrous Oxide.
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