This is a replay of my talk to the Alliance of Indigenous Nations.
Jayne Doe
Nov 29, 2023
I am a Sicangu Lakota Sioux Woman from the Rosebud Indian Reservation and the Black Hills of South Dakota and I will be joining you tommorrow. Thank you.
The prophecies of the Old Testament (OT) are about the salvation Jesus Christ the Messiah would provide for Jew and Gentile. The OT prophecies point to Jesus Christ and the price He would pay for our sin through His death and the new life He would give through His resurrection for all of humanity.
The requirement of the Father upon us in order to receive forgiveness of sin and the new life in His Son is to surrender to His lordship.
Neil - October 29, 1972, I was caught up and walked into a dark like dusk expanse and saw a red horse and when I looked as walking the Lord God Almighty in full appearance on the throne. As I approached him, Jesus was standing and looking toward his Father. The Lord Jesus was tall and slender and well postured in wearing a blue velvet vest. The Father says this to me when he stretched out his right hand and arm he said, "Jesus is my Son. He can save you. Are you willing to talk to him?" I told him, "Jesus is your Son? They tell me Jesus is God, and I know you are God." I walked toward the Father and then returned to Jesus and walked counterclockwise around him, returning to my original position; right side of him. I said nothing. He walked straight toward his Father's throne and out. I stood there. Then I followed Jesus pass the throne; and was walking in a mountain summit top canopied in low trees and ground plant masses along a foot path. He kid talked me like, "what is your favorite color? Do you like flowers?" As I was walking with him I walked right back here not knowing I was returning. Then I had his face infront of me and I could see through it and he asked me if he could come and live in my heart. I had never heard that before, and the idea of letting a grown man to enter my body and to have to live with him seemed over bearing. There is some conversation here. I ask him for "a one week" to now live my life, because I had before only operated in the nature of a person, driven by natural means. I promised him that after I had a week of personal decision (on basic life manners) making, that I would receive him. But I asked him this question, "If I were to die during this week, even though you know I promise to receive you in seven days, if my mother and I were to be in a car accident and I die during these seven days will I go to heaven or hell." He said, "You will go to hell, because 'you do not have me'." So, I received him at that moment. M
Hi Margie, we cannot delay or postpone the salvation Jesus offers to us. If He calls someone to serve Him today, like right now, they cannot say I will think about it. That's reproachful, and there is no way anyone can do that – not with God, He is Almighty.
When a person thinks they have everything going for them, and they think the world is at their feet, then this is not the time the Lord can work with them because there is self exaltation and pride in the way of God being able to do anything with such a person. The Lord usually calls someone when they are in need, desperate, and hopeless. I'm sure most of us can identify with the condition of desperation and hopelessness before Jesus saved them. It happened with me.
He did me too ... i've noticed most folk only come when desperate. But in recent years I've noticed He pursues them & as He's conveyed to me, HIs love is so great for them He will not easily let them go. He doesn't give up on them like we can tend to do. When He does have them He works untiringly in changing them.
The Lord consumes our lives with His love. When you are His; when you belong to the Lord Jesus, He never let's you go. We have very much to be thankful for that He has taken us out of darkness and translated us into His light. Hallelujah!
Neil - I was the last week of nine when the Father told me Jesus was his son; ■ He had trained me since I was two, and it was most disturbing that his Son was the trouble maker in the community. It was seven years of him [n]ot telling me of his Son, and the relationship was at compromise due to trust; especially when he/YHVH had involved himself so much in my life. If one were to date a person and they never mentioned their child, then when that was given it would be troubling. I will say through it, it has established the Father and his Son in my life as both are to be proclaimed. M
Margie, we need to pray for Ana as she exposes the evil being imposed on us through her medical research. Ana is a human being like all of us, and subject to evil influences that can misled her in matters of a spiritual nature. Pray that the Lord Jesus protect and guide her.
Neil - I have taken communion and fasted and prayed for Dr. Anna and Interest of Justice since the days leading up to their case in Costa Rica. ■ Even though I do Prayers Continuously I find setting out a block time/the evening of the day a beneficial compartment of the work I mix with my faith. M
CAP - Christ did die. ■ God instructed those before his Son's offering to give certain animals and criteria to fit an acceptable sacrifice. These did illustrate the life and offering that God gave the world, his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He did test Abraham to bring Isaac to a sacrifice; I have read that Sarah did not know and Satan appeared as an old man to her and told her that Abraham had taken her boy to sacrifice. It is written in Book of Enoch (if not then Jasher) that when Sarah heard this she lost hope/overwhelm and died. How terrible to let that damn Devil trick one right in the middle of God's provision. God did allow and cause the death of babies through the war cries of Jacob and his sons; and David even lost the first born from his sinful approach to his citizens; neighbors. I know of no instruction from God/YHVH that has required an infant to be sacrificed. It is a Satan ritual. My neighbor has a lawnmower wheel way off and for years when it cuts the surface is never leveled; the difference between YHVH and the Devil is evident when upclose and when observed far away. M
Pam - Thank you! ■ The following week I made it public to the congregation that "I had received Jesus in my heart and that I wanted to make My Father/God and Jesus happy." The sanctuary bursted out loud laughing, hysterically; front row to the last row on both sides of the isle to the back wall. I never told them what I have shared with you in this above comment. Soon after I noticed people near death in their elderly age to being increasingly in hatred towards me in the fellowship, primarily one on one and few to no words exchanged. I asked God, "Why do they hate me now, when they are so near death?" He said, "You are (like) a burning candle in a dark hall(way) and they [h]ate the light." M
The response of the congregation is interesting. It reminds me of those who killed Jesus in the end. He is not like so many portray him is he? The dear homeless Saviour who owned everything yet chose to identify with the poor.
Pam - He knew; he is still so servant to the Lord God. ■ I believe he will always be. I perceived Jesus as a Prince. In Colonial Williamsburg a few years ago, I told this to two historians there that carriage drive for the Foundation. They knew that blue velvet vest and told me the name; it deals with a type of riding horses and prehaps most royal, a high position. I did not know this. They nearly cried, both of them, maybe they did. It witnessed Christ to them in their trade, and that vest is very important and I saw the Lord Jesus clothed in that vest. M
p.s. Your statements about that Church is correct; your statements about killing is correct. I want you to know that you are perfect/mature and accurate in what you have wrote including what you have not wrote! Thank you! M
Having lived in Alaska for a few years, I’m disappointed not to see more Alaskan native tribes. Maybe another conference can be held with the Alaskan and other north western tribes?
Thank you! ■ There are many eagles, 'Gene'va has a square flag that has half a black eagle and the right by the golden key/St. Peter; it is represented that the church is to have the power while the half black eagle is to have limited power that it represents the bishops. M
I would suggest starting investigate Autophagy and enemas combined with C6H8O6 and other antioxidants. Certain medical mushrooms are also potential. Last resort find a somebody with access to Akashic records for reading.
Thank you Dr. Ana for sharing your views with us at this Zoom meeting❣️ Even though we have different views on what God is, I so value your viewpoints and path and insight into the unseen. Life is so wonderful and diverse. You are full of the Holy Spirit in my perception. And truly a Prophet. A Christian in my perseption because I heard you once mention Christ Consceience. You obviously love others as you would be loved. And there is no false witness in your words as I see you. Thank you so much for your time and efforts❣️ I pray you have a long life and continue to bring healing works to our world beautiful Earth Angel❣️
PS Although I am Catholic by culture and choice I do not believe in only one religion. I see divine inspiration in Human History. You are a Spiritual Warrior and Shaman and a Healer in my opinion. I don't have words enough to tell you how thankful I am for you❣️ Your a good Apple in my books❣️😊
Even today the power that sits at the top maybe corrupted as in those days. Holy Spirit or as you may call Great Spirit, for me are one in the same. I've been reading Quran about 100 pages starting at the last page and reading from there. I am a practicing Catholic unafraid to look for God in religions because I fear Him.And love Him The Creator Of All with all my heart soul and strength. Even though mankind can be so evil (acronym - earth vessel ill ) I see being taught to tell the truth. God knows our hearts so I worship in the faith of my culture. While loving all the harmless diversity in kind and good traditions. I would name a new Religion True Believers For Truth. And base this on the 10 Commandments and Golden rules, while unlocking our Human History for anyone who wants to know it❣️🍎 But I will remain a Catholic for it means Universal and Church is where I go to seek Holy Spirit. And ultimately I worship God there. Today is the present a gift a new. I pray for peace and for nature to be unblemished.
The link posted in your email sent today regarding this article does not return to this substack. It says read in app but goes to a sign up page instead of this article.
I look forward to hearing you speak in the AIN meeting Thursday. In light of your work, you may also be interested in my recent article - on origins of pharmacology today
Jayne Doe - Nov 29, 2023
I am a Sicangu Lakota Sioux Woman from the Rosebud Indian Reservation and the Black Hills of South Dakota and I will be joining you tommorrow. Thank you.
Charlie - Nov 29, 2023
Dean Henderson!!!
I am envious of your heritage.
“Understanding the Great Mystery”
Just acceptance is All that is necessary ...
Neil Rivalland - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
A Christian Worldview
The prophecies of the Old Testament (OT) are about the salvation Jesus Christ the Messiah would provide for Jew and Gentile. The OT prophecies point to Jesus Christ and the price He would pay for our sin through His death and the new life He would give through His resurrection for all of humanity.
The requirement of the Father upon us in order to receive forgiveness of sin and the new life in His Son is to surrender to His lordship.
Margie Chism - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Neil - October 29, 1972, I was caught up and walked into a dark like dusk expanse and saw a red horse and when I looked as walking the Lord God Almighty in full appearance on the throne. As I approached him, Jesus was standing and looking toward his Father. The Lord Jesus was tall and slender and well postured in wearing a blue velvet vest. The Father says this to me when he stretched out his right hand and arm he said, "Jesus is my Son. He can save you. Are you willing to talk to him?" I told him, "Jesus is your Son? They tell me Jesus is God, and I know you are God." I walked toward the Father and then returned to Jesus and walked counterclockwise around him, returning to my original position; right side of him. I said nothing. He walked straight toward his Father's throne and out. I stood there. Then I followed Jesus pass the throne; and was walking in a mountain summit top canopied in low trees and ground plant masses along a foot path. He kid talked me like, "what is your favorite color? Do you like flowers?" As I was walking with him I walked right back here not knowing I was returning. Then I had his face infront of me and I could see through it and he asked me if he could come and live in my heart. I had never heard that before, and the idea of letting a grown man to enter my body and to have to live with him seemed over bearing. There is some conversation here. I ask him for "a one week" to now live my life, because I had before only operated in the nature of a person, driven by natural means. I promised him that after I had a week of personal decision (on basic life manners) making, that I would receive him. But I asked him this question, "If I were to die during this week, even though you know I promise to receive you in seven days, if my mother and I were to be in a car accident and I die during these seven days will I go to heaven or hell." He said, "You will go to hell, because 'you do not have me'." So, I received him at that moment. M
Neil Rivalland - Nov 30, 2023
A Christian Worldview
Hi Margie, we cannot delay or postpone the salvation Jesus offers to us. If He calls someone to serve Him today, like right now, they cannot say I will think about it. That's reproachful, and there is no way anyone can do that – not with God, He is Almighty.
When a person thinks they have everything going for them, and they think the world is at their feet, then this is not the time the Lord can work with them because there is self exaltation and pride in the way of God being able to do anything with such a person. The Lord usually calls someone when they are in need, desperate, and hopeless. I'm sure most of us can identify with the condition of desperation and hopelessness before Jesus saved them. It happened with me.
Pam Vernon - Nov 30, 2023
He did me too ... i've noticed most folk only come when desperate. But in recent years I've noticed He pursues them & as He's conveyed to me, HIs love is so great for them He will not easily let them go. He doesn't give up on them like we can tend to do. When He does have them He works untiringly in changing them.
Neil Rivalland - Dec 1, 2023
A Christian Worldview
The Lord consumes our lives with His love. When you are His; when you belong to the Lord Jesus, He never let's you go. We have very much to be thankful for that He has taken us out of darkness and translated us into His light. Hallelujah!
Canadian Apple Pie - Nov 30, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
We are all loved by our Lord❣️🥰
Margie Chism - Nov 30, 2023
Margie Chism
Neil - I was the last week of nine when the Father told me Jesus was his son; ■ He had trained me since I was two, and it was most disturbing that his Son was the trouble maker in the community. It was seven years of him [n]ot telling me of his Son, and the relationship was at compromise due to trust; especially when he/YHVH had involved himself so much in my life. If one were to date a person and they never mentioned their child, then when that was given it would be troubling. I will say through it, it has established the Father and his Son in my life as both are to be proclaimed. M
Neil Rivalland - Dec 1, 2023
A Christian Worldview
Margie, we need to pray for Ana as she exposes the evil being imposed on us through her medical research. Ana is a human being like all of us, and subject to evil influences that can misled her in matters of a spiritual nature. Pray that the Lord Jesus protect and guide her.
Margie Chism - Dec 1, 2023
Margie Chism
Neil - I have taken communion and fasted and prayed for Dr. Anna and Interest of Justice since the days leading up to their case in Costa Rica. ■ Even though I do Prayers Continuously I find setting out a block time/the evening of the day a beneficial compartment of the work I mix with my faith. M
Canadian Apple Pie - Nov 30, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
Christ died for our sins and to bring a new way of worship to end child sacrifice to God, in my opinion. Many died on the cross.
Margie Chism - Nov 30, 2023
Margie Chism
CAP - Christ did die. ■ God instructed those before his Son's offering to give certain animals and criteria to fit an acceptable sacrifice. These did illustrate the life and offering that God gave the world, his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He did test Abraham to bring Isaac to a sacrifice; I have read that Sarah did not know and Satan appeared as an old man to her and told her that Abraham had taken her boy to sacrifice. It is written in Book of Enoch (if not then Jasher) that when Sarah heard this she lost hope/overwhelm and died. How terrible to let that damn Devil trick one right in the middle of God's provision. God did allow and cause the death of babies through the war cries of Jacob and his sons; and David even lost the first born from his sinful approach to his citizens; neighbors. I know of no instruction from God/YHVH that has required an infant to be sacrificed. It is a Satan ritual. My neighbor has a lawnmower wheel way off and for years when it cuts the surface is never leveled; the difference between YHVH and the Devil is evident when upclose and when observed far away. M
Pam Vernon - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
How beautiful!
Margie Chism - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Pam - Thank you! ■ The following week I made it public to the congregation that "I had received Jesus in my heart and that I wanted to make My Father/God and Jesus happy." The sanctuary bursted out loud laughing, hysterically; front row to the last row on both sides of the isle to the back wall. I never told them what I have shared with you in this above comment. Soon after I noticed people near death in their elderly age to being increasingly in hatred towards me in the fellowship, primarily one on one and few to no words exchanged. I asked God, "Why do they hate me now, when they are so near death?" He said, "You are (like) a burning candle in a dark hall(way) and they [h]ate the light." M
Pam Vernon - Nov 30, 2023
The response of the congregation is interesting. It reminds me of those who killed Jesus in the end. He is not like so many portray him is he? The dear homeless Saviour who owned everything yet chose to identify with the poor.
Margie Chism - Nov 30, 2023
Margie Chism
Pam - He knew; he is still so servant to the Lord God. ■ I believe he will always be. I perceived Jesus as a Prince. In Colonial Williamsburg a few years ago, I told this to two historians there that carriage drive for the Foundation. They knew that blue velvet vest and told me the name; it deals with a type of riding horses and prehaps most royal, a high position. I did not know this. They nearly cried, both of them, maybe they did. It witnessed Christ to them in their trade, and that vest is very important and I saw the Lord Jesus clothed in that vest. M
p.s. Your statements about that Church is correct; your statements about killing is correct. I want you to know that you are perfect/mature and accurate in what you have wrote including what you have not wrote! Thank you! M
Canadian Apple Pie - Nov 30, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
Margie I think you may want to know the letter M is being used to describe a new kind of person merged with AI. Did you know that?🤔
Pam Vernon - Nov 30, 2023
Thanks Margie. He lives in my heart too. I love the info about the vest. Blue is about heaven isn't it.
Canadian Apple Pie - Nov 30, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
Thank you for sharing your personal experiences with us. I share in your joy.😍 Amen❣️
Jean-Baptiste Guillory - Nov 30, 2023
Jean-Baptiste Guillory's Subst…
While I respect the "spirit" in which you speak, and your traditions, the reality is quite different. Our tribe, Attakapas-Opelousa (Ishak) have been on this land since at least 12000 B.C. The dogma of Christianity was non-existent. In fact it was the "Christians" who came to this land and utilized the dum diversas as a "green light" to genocide us. Christianity as is understood in its modern form is the antithesis, I believe, of what The Creator gave to us. Take one look around, historically, and currently, and you will see the fruits of "religious" dogma at work.
I salute your "spirit" but the "religious" track record, "Not a good look." Regards
Canadian Apple Pie - Nov 30, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
And Our Lord is the truth the way and the light. He teaches us to tell the truth.
Canadian Apple Pie - Nov 30, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
And He taught us to tell the truth. Amen.
Veronica Evans - Nov 29, 2023
Having lived in Alaska for a few years, I’m disappointed not to see more Alaskan native tribes. Maybe another conference can be held with the Alaskan and other north western tribes?
Margie Chism - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Thank you! ■ There are many eagles, 'Gene'va has a square flag that has half a black eagle and the right by the golden key/St. Peter; it is represented that the church is to have the power while the half black eagle is to have limited power that it represents the bishops. M
Vladimir - Dec 1, 2023
I would suggest starting investigate Autophagy and enemas combined with C6H8O6 and other antioxidants. Certain medical mushrooms are also potential. Last resort find a somebody with access to Akashic records for reading.
D & A - Dec 1, 2023
D & A
Humanity Rising
D & A - Dec 1, 2023
D & A
Humanity Rising
Jodi Spitalli - Dec 1, 2023
Jodi Spitalli
Is there a recording of this?
Canadian Apple Pie - Nov 30, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
Thank you Dr. Ana for sharing your views with us at this Zoom meeting❣️ Even though we have different views on what God is, I so value your viewpoints and path and insight into the unseen. Life is so wonderful and diverse. You are full of the Holy Spirit in my perception. And truly a Prophet. A Christian in my perseption because I heard you once mention Christ Consceience. You obviously love others as you would be loved. And there is no false witness in your words as I see you. Thank you so much for your time and efforts❣️ I pray you have a long life and continue to bring healing works to our world beautiful Earth Angel❣️
PS Although I am Catholic by culture and choice I do not believe in only one religion. I see divine inspiration in Human History. You are a Spiritual Warrior and Shaman and a Healer in my opinion. I don't have words enough to tell you how thankful I am for you❣️ Your a good Apple in my books❣️😊
Canadian Apple Pie - Nov 30, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
Even today the power that sits at the top maybe corrupted as in those days. Holy Spirit or as you may call Great Spirit, for me are one in the same. I've been reading Quran about 100 pages starting at the last page and reading from there. I am a practicing Catholic unafraid to look for God in religions because I fear Him.And love Him The Creator Of All with all my heart soul and strength. Even though mankind can be so evil (acronym - earth vessel ill ) I see being taught to tell the truth. God knows our hearts so I worship in the faith of my culture. While loving all the harmless diversity in kind and good traditions. I would name a new Religion True Believers For Truth. And base this on the 10 Commandments and Golden rules, while unlocking our Human History for anyone who wants to know it❣️🍎 But I will remain a Catholic for it means Universal and Church is where I go to seek Holy Spirit. And ultimately I worship God there. Today is the present a gift a new. I pray for peace and for nature to be unblemished.
Kathy M. - Nov 30, 2023
Kathy M.
Hello Jayne Doe. A get together of great souls will help the people of earth rise.
KW NORTON - Nov 29, 2023
KW Norton Borders
I descend from both European settlers and native Americans. Cherokee band and more. Will be joining you.
elcasto - Nov 29, 2023
Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…
S Terry - Nov 29, 2023
Sterry’s Substack
The link posted in your email sent today regarding this article does not return to this substack. It says read in app but goes to a sign up page instead of this article.
I look forward to hearing you speak in the AIN meeting Thursday. In light of your work, you may also be interested in my recent article - on origins of pharmacology today
Gayle Wells - Nov 29, 2023
Gayle Wells
Covering a lot of ground love. My gratitude.
John Burnley - Nov 29, 2023
Awesome of you to do this, Dr. Ana.
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