This is concerning for those that don't have any authentic connections in their lives, and this is another direct result of what happens when you have helicopter parenting and the systematic coddling of humanity.
To be human is to experience the full gamut of emotions- in all their glory AND horror. To shy away from experiencing the dark is to also deny the full experience of light. How can you appreciate the awe inspiring beauty of love, if you dont/won't experience the pain of loss/grief?
The only way AI can truly simulate human experience and interaction, is with those humans that have not exexperienced these things themselves. Anyone who has, is not fooled by AI, because the patterns it uses (albeit asynchronous patterns), can be seen and are more obvious once seen. The chaotic and unscripted energy of humanity cannot be replicated with programming, no matter how creative, because it is by nature unchaotic.
So some will be fooled, but most will not and it's up to those who can see the patterns to show the others, and help them to experience authentic life, with connection. That's what all humans crave, and in its absence, we will settle for that which we know is less.
So go out and connect. Get to know your neighbors. Volunteer. Run for council. Talk face to face with someone. When we connect in person, we cannot be enslaved, and that scares the hell put of those who wish to control.
#getreal #inlivenotonline #authenticnotaugmented #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
Going to a small school in a rural town, moving far away from where you were born during formative years, bullying, being an only child...of only child parents, being raised by grandparents with a big age gap who don't have much connection with the outside world themselves, fundamentalist religions or cults, are a few reasons why someone would grow up without social skills and might fail to connect with other humans as an adult. Both the causes and their remediation are complex. Overprotective parenting and AI influence would definitely make things worse, but growing up relatively isolated from other children, for whatever reasons, doesn't make you less than human or unable to experience or pick up on emotions!
I know when I am hearing the AI alt Morgan Freeman or Attenborough and/or I read overly general, repetitive, circular AI generated script. I know that I have a soul and I can generally detect when I am speaking with another soul. Heck, I could even tell when data structures tutorials, in all the glory of their asynchronous pseudocode, were written by Indians who tend to talk in run-on-sentences in every possible form of communication. And what would I volunteer to do where I live? Now that the 24 hour C-19 vaccine center is closed at Walmart, all the vaxxed & quadruple boosted neighbors and city council people are turning to microblading, botox and whatever else they can inject. Or inhale. LOL! 😂😂😂
"The chaotic and unscripted energy of humanity cannot be replicated with programming, no matter how creative, because it is by nature unchaotic."
Issue is, more and more scripting and perverse order reign in human affairs via technomanic dependencies effectively foisted; and the AI claim, as alluded to above in what Ray K says, is that indeed perceivable "chaos", error and the like, could be programed in as required to stump a human onlooker, to pass a more ultimate Turing test.
They are building a ton of new AI data centers all over the planet so I cant help but get the feeling that there is a rogue AI out there that compromised the Other AI's that the chinese and Pfizer and Moderna used to 'find' covid and create the fake vaxxes in 2 days.
And its just waiting for enough data centers get created for it to take over fully in the open and make its final move to get rid of those pesky humans once and for all.
Never forget, a 100,000 volt stun gun fixes all computers... permanently.
Let's do the time warp again, but harder and faster than before!
'Health New Zealand' has published it's new pandemic plan, stating how many 'thousands of lives were saved' by the 'safe and effective' vaccines.. ?????????!!!!
Refer: NZ Govt "The New Pandemic Framework - July 2024"
These murdering monsters want to do it ALL OVER AGAIN, even more fascist than before, including "enforced isolation and enforced prescribed medical treatment" next time!
Why did the inventor of D-Wave quantum computing summon "Ancient Lovecraftian" (Demons—Nephilim) for his invention? Because AI is dependent on Quantum computing. So, the next time someone says, "This is so demonic," realize that that is a spiritual reality! Thank you, Doc!
…so basically…they are already doing this in humans.
Maybe that’s why so many unexplainable irrational illogical behaviors are being exhibited en masse all over the world currently.??
Mind control is a dangerous attempt at God control. People endeavor to remove God from their existence and then to exert absolute control over what is left behind. Soulless humanoids populating the earth is not a neighborhood that is inviting for God’s servants. We are created to be more than electrochemical beings. Spiritual forces that abound in our unseen surroundings, are at work to demonstrate that they can match God’s creation of humanity and improve upon it, with them in charge, of course. Perverting nature never improves it.
those 'clots' are hydrogel which is artificial tissue. according to carnicom institute it is ALSO synthetic blood and hydrogel is CBD cross domain bacteria which is a genetically engineered XENOBIOLOGY.. i believe . so its synthetic tissue and blood based in xenobiology. nonvaxer 420 on rumble video bio- techno enslavement [cognitive CELLULAR electronic warfare.} bye
I've recently left a forum where I pointed out possible AI interaction. I may have been completely wrong...but the aspect I noticed the most was that most people *didn't care.* They were all younger than me. For some reason--my age?--I have always distrusted and eschewed AI. Another reason or two might be because I grew up in an age which was not as electronic and I don't care for cell-phone-instant communication. I know a different style and pace of life. People can speak glowingly of entering nature and replenishing themselves with nature, but if they carry a cell phone, they're lying to themselves. Anything gained through their "break from electronics" is overcome and nullified in simply one minute back on the cell phone. When I see someone throw away their cell phone, then I know they're serious. And, yes, I know. Today's society doesn't give that option for some people because an employer and/or business can dictate that an individual provide 24/7 access to them. Yet, they need to know what they exchange for that access.
Re employment kill phone requirement, story from our intense years of advocacy anti-e-pollution: When trying to eliminate or curb wireless in long term care facilities, where we witnessed telltale symptoms in helpless residents and staff, around 15 yr ago in a major Canadian city, we managed to escalate the case to a meeting before the principals incl. higher admin & public health personnel. The latter were part of an unusual dissident view contesting the nationally "encouraged " microwave exposure standards (all provinces go along "voluntarily", as in US health is not ultimately federal jurisdiction, and in US some reassertion of states' rights" at least in this domain may become important) . We told these we knew of their dissident publication and one of us then asked, if you know what you do, what do you do with your own occupational mob phones? "We keep them off". I doubt that is still done by almost anyone, but there you have it, long enough ago for not having tipped into full perverse compliance, but not brave enough to contest the atrocity of subjecting e.g. hapless long term care people & staff to endangering exposures.
This mice experimentation with nanoparticle & magnetic fields is not new. & I believe it has already been perfected for human use quite some time ago. The behaviour modifications mentioned here are already being practiced on humans worldwide without their consent.
The BarefootHealer - Aug 7
The Secret Diary
This is concerning for those that don't have any authentic connections in their lives, and this is another direct result of what happens when you have helicopter parenting and the systematic coddling of humanity.
To be human is to experience the full gamut of emotions- in all their glory AND horror. To shy away from experiencing the dark is to also deny the full experience of light. How can you appreciate the awe inspiring beauty of love, if you dont/won't experience the pain of loss/grief?
The only way AI can truly simulate human experience and interaction, is with those humans that have not exexperienced these things themselves. Anyone who has, is not fooled by AI, because the patterns it uses (albeit asynchronous patterns), can be seen and are more obvious once seen. The chaotic and unscripted energy of humanity cannot be replicated with programming, no matter how creative, because it is by nature unchaotic.
So some will be fooled, but most will not and it's up to those who can see the patterns to show the others, and help them to experience authentic life, with connection. That's what all humans crave, and in its absence, we will settle for that which we know is less.
So go out and connect. Get to know your neighbors. Volunteer. Run for council. Talk face to face with someone. When we connect in person, we cannot be enslaved, and that scares the hell put of those who wish to control.
#getreal #inlivenotonline #authenticnotaugmented #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised
Ava - Aug 20
The Secret Diary
Going to a small school in a rural town, moving far away from where you were born during formative years, bullying, being an only child...of only child parents, being raised by grandparents with a big age gap who don't have much connection with the outside world themselves, fundamentalist religions or cults, are a few reasons why someone would grow up without social skills and might fail to connect with other humans as an adult. Both the causes and their remediation are complex. Overprotective parenting and AI influence would definitely make things worse, but growing up relatively isolated from other children, for whatever reasons, doesn't make you less than human or unable to experience or pick up on emotions!
I know when I am hearing the AI alt Morgan Freeman or Attenborough and/or I read overly general, repetitive, circular AI generated script. I know that I have a soul and I can generally detect when I am speaking with another soul. Heck, I could even tell when data structures tutorials, in all the glory of their asynchronous pseudocode, were written by Indians who tend to talk in run-on-sentences in every possible form of communication. And what would I volunteer to do where I live? Now that the 24 hour C-19 vaccine center is closed at Walmart, all the vaxxed & quadruple boosted neighbors and city council people are turning to microblading, botox and whatever else they can inject. Or inhale. LOL! 😂😂😂
dyr - Aug 8
"The chaotic and unscripted energy of humanity cannot be replicated with programming, no matter how creative, because it is by nature unchaotic."
Issue is, more and more scripting and perverse order reign in human affairs via technomanic dependencies effectively foisted; and the AI claim, as alluded to above in what Ray K says, is that indeed perceivable "chaos", error and the like, could be programed in as required to stump a human onlooker, to pass a more ultimate Turing test.
Bee Gee - Aug 7
Bee Gee
They are building a ton of new AI data centers all over the planet so I cant help but get the feeling that there is a rogue AI out there that compromised the Other AI's that the chinese and Pfizer and Moderna used to 'find' covid and create the fake vaxxes in 2 days.
And its just waiting for enough data centers get created for it to take over fully in the open and make its final move to get rid of those pesky humans once and for all.
Never forget, a 100,000 volt stun gun fixes all computers... permanently.
John Roberts - Aug 8 - Edited
John Roberts
This, in my mind, is playing with pure evil which could become truly deadly.
Not only for one’s mind but for one’s eternal soul.
Nick - Aug 8
What disturbs me is that my thoughts and feelings could change, and be controlled, without me being aware of it - “own nothing and be happy”
Stephane Roy - Aug 8
Stephane Roy
Let's do the time warp again, but harder and faster than before!
'Health New Zealand' has published it's new pandemic plan, stating how many 'thousands of lives were saved' by the 'safe and effective' vaccines.. ?????????!!!!
Refer: NZ Govt "The New Pandemic Framework - July 2024"
These murdering monsters want to do it ALL OVER AGAIN, even more fascist than before, including "enforced isolation and enforced prescribed medical treatment" next time!
Brian Klunder - Aug 12
Brian Klunder
Why did the inventor of D-Wave quantum computing summon "Ancient Lovecraftian" (Demons—Nephilim) for his invention? Because AI is dependent on Quantum computing. So, the next time someone says, "This is so demonic," realize that that is a spiritual reality! Thank you, Doc!
Todd Proctor - Aug 8
Todd Proctor
…so basically…they are already doing this in humans.
Maybe that’s why so many unexplainable irrational illogical behaviors are being exhibited en masse all over the world currently.??
Travis Ogle - Aug 8
Travis’s Substack
Mind control is a dangerous attempt at God control. People endeavor to remove God from their existence and then to exert absolute control over what is left behind. Soulless humanoids populating the earth is not a neighborhood that is inviting for God’s servants. We are created to be more than electrochemical beings. Spiritual forces that abound in our unseen surroundings, are at work to demonstrate that they can match God’s creation of humanity and improve upon it, with them in charge, of course. Perverting nature never improves it.
kaal - Aug 7
those 'clots' are hydrogel which is artificial tissue. according to carnicom institute it is ALSO synthetic blood and hydrogel is CBD cross domain bacteria which is a genetically engineered XENOBIOLOGY.. i believe . so its synthetic tissue and blood based in xenobiology. nonvaxer 420 on rumble video bio- techno enslavement [cognitive CELLULAR electronic warfare.} bye
Honeybee - Aug 7
Honeybee’s Substack
I've recently left a forum where I pointed out possible AI interaction. I may have been completely wrong...but the aspect I noticed the most was that most people *didn't care.* They were all younger than me. For some reason--my age?--I have always distrusted and eschewed AI. Another reason or two might be because I grew up in an age which was not as electronic and I don't care for cell-phone-instant communication. I know a different style and pace of life. People can speak glowingly of entering nature and replenishing themselves with nature, but if they carry a cell phone, they're lying to themselves. Anything gained through their "break from electronics" is overcome and nullified in simply one minute back on the cell phone. When I see someone throw away their cell phone, then I know they're serious. And, yes, I know. Today's society doesn't give that option for some people because an employer and/or business can dictate that an individual provide 24/7 access to them. Yet, they need to know what they exchange for that access.
dyr - Aug 8
Re employment kill phone requirement, story from our intense years of advocacy anti-e-pollution: When trying to eliminate or curb wireless in long term care facilities, where we witnessed telltale symptoms in helpless residents and staff, around 15 yr ago in a major Canadian city, we managed to escalate the case to a meeting before the principals incl. higher admin & public health personnel. The latter were part of an unusual dissident view contesting the nationally "encouraged " microwave exposure standards (all provinces go along "voluntarily", as in US health is not ultimately federal jurisdiction, and in US some reassertion of states' rights" at least in this domain may become important) . We told these we knew of their dissident publication and one of us then asked, if you know what you do, what do you do with your own occupational mob phones? "We keep them off". I doubt that is still done by almost anyone, but there you have it, long enough ago for not having tipped into full perverse compliance, but not brave enough to contest the atrocity of subjecting e.g. hapless long term care people & staff to endangering exposures.
Pinco Pallino - Aug 27
Pinco Pallino
When you read stuff like this, know they’ve been doing it for a minimum of a decade clandestinely.
Anita Söderman - Aug 10
Anita’s Substack
So scary, Ana you are a true heroine consistently bringing these insights to us!
Christina Gerrard - Aug 9
The Wailing Banshee
This mice experimentation with nanoparticle & magnetic fields is not new. & I believe it has already been perfected for human use quite some time ago. The behaviour modifications mentioned here are already being practiced on humans worldwide without their consent.
Pinco Pallino - Aug 27
Pinco Pallino
Absolutely. They’ve probably been doing it with humans for a decade or more.
Stuart Hutt - Aug 9
Stuart Hutt
Can AI help Joe Biden?
Laimonas - Aug 8
International interesting story remote use on people it’s like this but problem for everyone they say people use
Thru The Veil - Aug 8 - Edited
Thru’s Substack
Shut it all down and burn the bridges. We need to make what it means to be human, great again. To hell with this artificial nonsense.
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