Militarized Cognitive Warfare: Human Brains…

Jun 28, 2024

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Cognitive warfare is a well known and growing field of militarized interest.


EmEm33 - Jun 28 - Edited


This article that you linked is FRIGHTENING....REALLY! "Nanotechnology, Cybernetic Hive Minds, Artificial Intelligence and Mind Control - DARPA and CIA Insider Dr. Robert Duncan's Interviews Confirms Hijacking Of Human Soul Possible"
To anyone who believes in God (or any other universal creator people believe in), and the potential of being reconnected with loved ones in the afterlife this is indescribable. I certainly do not, and did not give consent to ANYONE or any ENTITY to hack or hijack my soul. This is so evil. The entities behind the evil agenda are clearly not human as they do not have compassion or understand love at all.
I continue to pray for all of humanity. Thank you for all your work and bringing forth the science behind the issues we are facing globally.


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 29 - Edited

Pirate Eyes

The One True God has made it very clear YOUR SOUL CANNOT BE HIJACKED. This is a lie they are spouting to cause terrible fear and anxiety.
You can sell your soul, lose it by embracing evil and loving the world over God and through rejecting God, but NO ONE CAN HIJACK YOU SOUL. You and only you can give your soul away. They cannot take away your free will unless you give it to them. You always and forever have a choice.


EmEm33 - Jun 29


I was concerned because of the CRISPR Cas9 and it's ability to edit genes, specifically the God gene to be removed. Also, all this graphene crap and pollution that we are inhaling is causing us to be hybridized, and that was also part of my is good to share these thoughts with others. I appreciate your time to respond to my comment. :)


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 29

Pirate Eyes

As Jesus has assured us, we live in the Spirit now, not the physical. Regardless of genes edited or any other physical manipulation, the soul and the Spirit cannot be touched. They are not physical by their very design.
God cannot be physically edited out of us. He assures us this is the Truth.
They are lying when they speak of "God genes" or "God particles" or any other nonsense to frighten people. As God told us, "Fear not he who can destroy the body." Meaning you are not your body. Anymore than you are any other physical thing like your house, etc. You are much much more. A Child of God Almighty.
We have faith. We trust God. We turn our fears and worries over to Him.


Ronda - Jun 29




jen - Jul 2

''Humanity is about to be


Phyllis B - Jun 29

Phyllis B

agree, I was struggling for the words ...


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 29

Pirate Eyes

You struggle well. We all struggle. I'm only adding to what you wrote which I appreciate. God Bless.


Charlie - Jul 1

Two discussions need to present, physical vessel our body and systems within,
Spiritual entity within and connection out side to a mystery to me but real.
Take your best info and run, believe and act accordingly!!
I am on my own behalf doing exactly that.
I can be influenced but only after much due diligence will I change.
So far down these rabbit hole I have come out the other side.
I am Not experiencing any of long lying flue syndrome called matrix 1.1 convid…


Joe - Jul 4

Joe’s Substack

GOD wont help u, u are here on earth where no rules applies-act now protect yourself or pay the price-god gave u a mind and spirit to fight


Pirate Studebaker - Jul 4

Pirate Eyes

God has helped me many times right here on earth. I don't know what you're talking about.


Joe - Jul 4

Joe’s Substack

thats good,


Phyllis B - Jun 29 - Edited

Phyllis B

prayers are indeed necessary! My opinion and what I've been taught: God is the owner of our souls. I read a book "Days of Vengeance" that indicated that when the fullness of evil peaks, Jesus will return to Earth on Judgment Day. It seems that the End is close, although only God knows when. It *may* be that souls who have rejected God on this earth would essentially be given over to the Evil One but I'm no theologian. So, if hijacking is possible (for them) I would think "saved" souls here on earth definitely belong to God as we are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. While I don't have a pastor at my church, there are some learned vacancy pastors and I might run this by them. :)


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 29

Pirate Eyes

I think the thief on the cross next to Jesus and Jesus' response to him makes it clear we can be redeemed at any time. Even those who seem entirely given to evil. Though I imagine that's not easily done.
No entity or person can take what belongs to God. Though there are many lies saying that's possible.
Each and every soul always has hope in the promises of God.


Phyllis B - Jun 29

Phyllis B



Max Light - Jun 29

Max Light

I'll just drop this in here as a resource for encouragement:
"hope in the promises of God"


joe stuerzl 85 - Jun 29 - Edited

joe’s Substack

Still waiting for the results of all the prayers . If there is a God ,and there may well be ,he gave us everything needed to make a wonderful life here on earth . If we misuse what we have ,we did not qualify to have it and use it .Earth with humans may be one of God's failed creations and so let it go extinct


Nina - Jun 29


Same people behind everything happening in the last 4 years! I don't think that they are human either but evil satanic filth! They have been planning to depopulate the world since the last world war! Nazis and psychopaths is what they are! Better know as the NWO or the Cabal and the global elite or shite as I call them!


Protect & Survive - Jun 29

Austrian’s Newsletter

Fear not my brother: "Finally, go on acquiring power in the Lord and in the mightiness of his strength. Put on the complete suit of armour from God so that you may be able to stand firm against the crafty acts of the Devil; because we have a struggle, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. For this reason take up the complete suit of armour from God, so that you may be able to resist in the wicked day and, after you have accomplished everything, to stand firm." [Ephesians 6: 10-13]


dyr - Jun 29

"often as soon as people come in contact with the C19 injected the brainfog comes back."
There are two aspects in play, and another very important consideration.
From self-experiments over three years, I can say that in spaces with relatively poor air circulation in which injectee-carriers spend enough time, one is apt to breathe in related toxic elements (from "shedding") if enough time is spent.
More critical and largely absent from investigation, is that once one has a sufficient load from being around carriers (incl. 2nd hand uninjected; or deliberately aerosolized spread), electromagnetic output from carriers, 1st and 2nd hand, will induce symptoms in the 3rd uninjected party (me, for example). This has been evidenced in open air at distances of around 15 ft, and farther still if enough time is spent - stationary - eg speaking with carriers. (Easily blocked with some materials.) They are putting out perverse frequencies/patterns and it is essential that this be studied.
The consideration: brain fog and much else is electromagnetic-pollution induced, now from WBAN-carriers as well with their internal and skin-level transmitters - brain fog and much else is long connected with general ambient "safe" e-smog. To us who rejected participation in the monstrous spread of wireless mania, very many people continually immersed in such fields seem to have attenuated presence, seen from the look on their faces and otherwise. This must be seriously worsening from internal "broadcasting", activated partly by ambient e-smog.
I have benefitted from blood-clearing use of hawthorn (vit. C rich and with esp. affinity for breaking up what should not be in bloodstream), some edta cream as earlier recommended by our host (in modest quantities; I feel the effects as clots are dislodged, almost always near the site of application), sea vegetables esp. kombu/kelps (includes humic & fulvic I believe). I also use many other supplements, two mentioned below Ashwaghanda, Lions Mane Mushroom. With the latter decades ago when i would persist in inability to come up with a proper name, indicating some brain blockage, lion's mane always rid me of that. (So does doing inversions though to increase blood flow to the noggin.)
Important observation as well: entry into us of perverse radiation from carriers occurs and passes along through low resistance acupuncture "points" and meridians.
The Plaquex-related chemicals mentioned I believe are extracted from soy. I eat and am attracted to soy, incl. hand-wringing through cloth my own delicious soymilk for tofu and byproducts.


Cos - Jun 29

Brilliant information, particularly regarding the various 'effects' taking place when around vax'd.

REPLY - Jun 29

"often as soon as people come in contact with the C19 injected the brainfog comes back."
Not that I suffer brain fog, but two neighbors have multiple C injections and C boosters, and every time I meet them longer than a second I have the feeling that I cannot think clearly anymore.


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 29

Pirate Eyes

Thank you so much for this information. Very valuable.


joe stuerzl 85 - Jun 29

joe’s Substack

So the vaxxxet have brain fog and a number of other health problems . ? Since in our society most people drive ,all the vaxxed are impaired drivers . If allowed to drive with a number of shots under the belt ,why not let drivers drive with a number of shots of rum under their belt .? Why discriminate against alcoholic. drivers and let covidians drive with a number of shots in their body causing brain fog ,or sudden death ??


Apologetic Yankee - Jun 30

Apologetic Yankee

Spot on > fantastic point, Good Sir 👍


Prof. Fred Nazar - Jun 29 - Edited

Scientific Progress

Many are reporting hearing voices and they don't seem crazy or possessed. If that it your case please write below a comment. We are researching Voice to Skull tech having been deployed through the injections and swabs (that's why they rejected cheap effective saliva tests).


Cos - Jun 29 - Edited

Some great aid suggestions by Dr Ana, albeit they need to be checked under a microscope (or better) to validate against lacing. We know that many aids are being targeted for lacing with nano.
To see this network in action, Australia has already proudly showing the IoT (Internet of Things) map.
This map shows IoT where there are no cell towers. How does that work? I think most know by now.
Also notice the web address 'living-network'.
What are 'Things'? Numerous, but also human beings that had the shot.
Blacks Law: 'A human being considered as capable of having rights and of being charged with duties; while a “thing” is the object over which rights may be exercised.'


Steve - Jun 28

gunnersteve13’s Substack

I didn’t get the Covid shot and I have never really “trusted” the government. Not even before I got Saved. So how does this work on people like me? People who are so hard-headed, so to speak, leaning to the Bible or freedom or whatever. I do get my share of veteran related government benefits. I still don’t trust the VA. But my health is good, no service connected issues.


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 29

Pirate Eyes

I am the same sort as you and my opinion is this warfare doesn't work very well on the resolute who are born again in the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ.
He promises His protection and I believe it. I experience it.
God Bless you on your journey.


kaal - Jun 29


look up synthetic genetic biological circuits. its synthetic cells w/ ai. its probably what you and carnicum are both saying. ian akildyz who said injected bio-nano machines talks about them- same thing. his lectures r on nonvaxer420 on rumble. bio/nano machines ///synthetic genetic circuits------!!!!!! im targeted now 4 telling truth. bye LORD HAVE MERCY ON US. bye


kaal - Jun 29


may be what dr david nixon first showed-


kaal - Jun 29


synthetic genetic biological circuit- synbio where biological parts inside a cell r designed to perform logical functions mimicking electronic circuits. --not interested in being online but they dont leave me alone. targeted now 4 telling the truth. God Bless. - since they dont leave me alone decided to speak-


kaal - Jun 29


llok up ian akildyz or listen to his lectures- he said bio nano machines were injected. - his work is on biological circuits- synthetic genetic biological circuits. which is what DR ANA AND CARNICOM are BOTH saying. - and DAvid Nixon probably photographed! bye---


kaal - Jun 29


xna synthetic genetic polymers-----synthetic genetic biological circuits/////


kaal - Jun 29


i believe this is what carnicom and dr ana agree on but r saying in different ways. but i dont know basic science was never interested.


Pirate Studebaker - Jun 29

Pirate Eyes

The One True God has made it very clear YOUR SOUL CANNOT BE HIJACKED. This is a lie they are spouting to cause terrible fear and anxiety.
You can sell your soul, lose it by embracing evil and loving the world over God and through rejecting God, but NO ONE CAN HIJACK YOU SOUL. You and only you can give your soul away. They cannot take away your free will unless you give it to them. You always and forever have a choice.


Smacko9 - Jun 29

Information About Graphene Oxide in mRNA Vaccines


Apologetic Yankee - Jun 29

Apologetic Yankee

& on this narrative > anyone see/hear Ramola D come up for air in an attempt to resurface/strike?
Ramola certainly has a program being run on Her for her ongoing Journalism which has been focusing on her personal challenges she is being CONfronted with... especially over the last 2+/- years > the program being carried out on her is incredibly nefarious > indeed more power to those who continue to publicly speak out & effectively organize in such manner like Dr. Mihalcea & several others presenting as they are > mad respect ‼️ as it's assumed they're being faced with their challenges that any Norm or Karen could never comprehend nor believe for that matter > thinking of Julian & the progress of his mental recovery 🙏
sending strength of positive frequencies to Him & his Family...& All other Humanitarian's boldly positioned on the Team Humanity Front Line in this Modern Day Techno War vs Humanity > a brave & most noble attempt at thwarting the proliferation of the Transhumanist Agenda.. with involuntary exposure at the Core...CDB & microwave proliferation specifically > indeed more power to Team Pureblood💪🤜🤛 > well... as Pure as We can possibly remain in such a Landscape🙏


kaal - Jun 29


wonderful supportive comment. yes they target women and its women mostly who have spoken out. you show compassion! God Bless! ka


David Merrill - Jun 28 - Edited

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

Think about this for a moment. The same beautiful autistic sevant who wrote this also wrote this:
She was in Switzerland working as a CERN scientist during the Mandates.
For some reference about writing style, regarding nanowires:


EmEm33 - Jun 28


Thank you for sharing. I do not have Insta, FB or any other Social media platform....I saw through the psyop a while back. In terms of the papers they are very scientific and my brain is kind of blown with all the


Joe - Jul 4

Joe’s Substack

has anyone here use MedFive?


Joe - Jul 4

Joe’s Substack

I hurd in japan they are vaccinating people with a self replicating spike machine that will come in october and will depopulate


Gilly Gill - Jul 4

Something else that helps is a decent dose of psilocybin monthly.


Wayne Copeland - Jul 3

Wayne Copeland



jen - Jul 2

''Humanity is about to be


Done. - Jul 2

I have MS, diagnosed 3 years ago that gives me left side mobility issues. I started a 10mg dose nicotine patch daily about 3 months ago and my balance issues have virtyally disappeared. A friend with MS has had the same results
I'll be looking into your many links in the article. Thank you for all this work!



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