Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 26, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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The Smallest-Ever Injectable Chip Hints at a New Cybernetic Medicine
This article discussing experiments on mice discuss microchips that can be injected via hypodermic needles.
Electronics are getting imperceptibly small, opening new avenues for medical technology to place advanced monitoring and treatment devices inside our bodies. And Columbia University engineers just demonstrated a new and revolutionary version of this, creating the world’s smallest single-chip system ever developed, according to a recent study published in the journal Science Advances .
And, critically, the tiny new chip can be implanted via a hypodermic needle to measure internal body temperature, and potentially much more.
The implant created by the engineers at Columbia is record-breakingly small, but it’s also breaking new ground in simply existing as a wholly functional, electronic circuit whose total volume is less than 0.1 cubic millimeter. In other words, it’s the size of a dust mite, not to mention far more compact than the world’s smallest computer , which is a cube-shaped device precisely 0.01-inches (0.3 mm) on each side. The smaller, new chip is only visible with a microscope, and pushed the envelope in power-sourcing and communications ingenuity design.
Typically, small electronics feature radio frequency (RF) modules capable of transmitting and receiving electromagnetic signals, this method generates wavelengths too large to originate from devices as small as the new one. Alternatively, ultrasound wavelengths are far smaller at specific frequencies because the speed of sound is a lot slower than the speed of light at which all electromagnetic waves move. Consequently, the Colombia team of engineers integrated a piezoelectric transducer capable of functioning like an “antenna” for wireless communication and powering using ultrasound waves.
When incorporated with a low-power temperature sensor to transform the chip into a real-time temperature probe, the device possesses the ability to monitor body temperature in addition to small variations in temperature linked to the therapeutic use of ultrasound. In the study, the implant’s proof-of-concept was carried out on live mice, in which it employed ultrasound neurostimulation. This involved implanting up to seven mice at once with intramuscular injection via syringe.
Such tiny chips could also be implanted in the human body, and then communicate measured information and data wirelessly through ultrasound. As the device stands, it can only measure body temperature, but it could eventually also monitor respiratory function, glucose levels, and blood pressure. “We wanted to see how far we could push the limits on how small a functioning chip we could make,” said Ken Shepard, leader of the Columbia study, in a report from New Atlas . “This is a new idea of ‘chip as system’ — this is a chip that alone, with nothing else, is a complete functioning electronic system.”
We all have heard about Ido Balanchet who collaborated with Pfizer. Here are some updates from him published earlier this year.
Tiny, Logical Robots Injected into Cockroaches
Nanotechnology just got a little bit smarter.
At the Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials at Israel's Bar-Ilan University, Ido Bachelet led a team of scientists in building tiny robots that can respond to chemical cues and operate inside a living animal. More than that, they can operate as logic gates, essentially acting as real computers.
That gives the nanobots — on the order of nanometers, or one-billionth of a meter — the ability to follow specific instructions, making them programmable. Such tiny robots could do everything from target tumors to repair tissue damage.
The experimenters used a technique called " DNA origami " to make the robots. DNA comes in a double-helix shape, making long strings. And like yarn, the strings can be linked together to make different shapes. In this case, the researchers knitted together DNA into a kind of folded box with a lid, a robot called an "E" for "effector." The "lid" opened when certain molecules bumped into it. [ Code of Life: Photos of DNA Structures ]
The robots were injected into a Blaberus discoidalis cockroach , a species commonly used as pet food for reptiles . Inside each "box" was another chemical, which recognized the hemolymph cells, which are the cockroach's version of white blood cells. The chemical in the box would bind to the blood cells.
But instead of just injecting one kind of robot, the scientists used four: "E," "P1," "P2," and "N."
The different robots carried "keys" to open up the "E" robots in the presence of one or more chemical cues. So, for example, one test was on E robots that opened up only if both cues (call them X and Y) were present. Adding the P1 robots to the mix lets the E's open up in response to X only, while adding the P2 robots lets the E robots open in response to Y only.
This is just like a logic gate in a computer — an AND (X and Y) or an OR gate (X or Y).
Meanwhile, the "N" robots stop the E bots from opening up, so they function like the "NOT" gates in a computer.
I know nano and microrobots have been deployed against humanity. I have shown the level of activity in Pfizer BioNTech Vials and in the human blood:
Using human blood as batteries is also not science fiction but has been developed in 2003.
Self- Assembly and self replication human anthrobots are real:
I have documented in many posts these microrobots in human unvaccinated blood:
The evidence for everything I and others have been discussing regarding the AI takeover of humanity progressing via Transhumanism into the post human era is still happening at phenomenal speed. If you have not read this major technocratic publication which many prominent futurists like Bill Gates, Ray Kurzweil and even Tony Robbins sing praise - they explain how the speed of technological advancement will leave most of humanity in the dust. They cannot comprehend what is happening to them, just like people in the past would not understand what a cell phone is.
Hence the blackout and censorship by many alternative media outlets, physicians and scientists - to the detriment of the future of humanity. This technology is more detrimental than any viral plague. At least with a microbe you get to keep your soul, not with this nanotechnology when fully installed.
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KfTechnologies - Oct 26
Such insidiousness warrants new investigative means to remove such implanted tracers and controlled microchips inside of the unaware in our society. That such exists is an affront to humanity, sovereignty as well as dignities.
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Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Oct 26
Patti’s Substack
I sincerely believe that the FDA needs to be totally refunded and replaced with an agency that respects real science and rejects politically motivated papers and research. An agency that works under the rule of law whose appointments have been cleared by background checks and national security checks. No foreign nationals no rejected scientists from other countries no WHO scientists and no communists or socialists. No one who owns part or all of a patent on vaccines or patented organisms like Ebola and others like Remdesevere. Clean out the GREEDY SCUM FROM SCIENCE! Just my thoughts friends!
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