Microscopic Analysis Of Blood Preserved With Embalming Fluid From Deceased Individual With Large Hydrogel Clots Shows Same Findings As Current Live Blood Analysis Of Vaccinated And Unvaccinated

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jun 10, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Image: hydrogel filament in embalmed blood from a deceased individual with “dirty blood”

Richard Hirschman graciously sent me some blood from a deceased individual which he called “coffee grounds.” This is what it looked like when it came out in the embalming process:

It was preserved for over eight months in embalming fluid. Interestingly, the same hydrogel filaments we see in C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated live blood showed up. Other interesting findings were structures that were changing with self assembly of spherical structures that had rapid motion in them and were arranging in a grid like fashion, seemingly intelligent and reminiscent of liquid crystals.

I was able to capture at highest magnification 4000x video footage of internal structures that clearly seemed to give off light signals.

Here is a video of the initial blood. It had movement as if alive, even though this was from an individual deceased months ago. The red blood cells are highly deformed, but clearly visible. Some of the small background particles we also often see in live blood.


Here are some of the stranger structures that looked like clots, but they were growing and giving birth to spherical structures that had very mobile elements in them.

In this following video you can clearly see that spheres are being born and movement is within this substance. This seems quite odd to be present and active in blood that has been in embalming fluid for months.


I saw very interesting rapid movement in these structures below, the butterfly like one and the sphere beside it.

This is the highest magnification I could get of the area, 100x objective with oil for a total of 4000x magnification with my software. The moving elements that change light emission are clearly visible:


Here are more images of the classical hydrogel filaments. Looks exactly like what we see in live blood of C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated people from shedding and environmental exposure.

There were more of the clot like structures with speres growing, but I did not see active movement from them.

Magnification: 200x

Here is more of the spherical structures:

Magnification: 100x


The blood of the deceased who have been found to have the rubbery hydrogel clots in the embalming process have the same hydrogel filaments that we see in live blood of C19 vaccinated and unvaccinated people. I saw some very interesting liquid crystal like growth of spherical grids with moving particles that change their light emission. That process did not appear “dead”, but was highly dynamic and resembles the images we have captured from drugs like dexamethasone and dental anesthetics that had a dynamic self assembly process. It is interesting that the dynamic processes were observed even though the blood has been preserved in embalming fluid for over eight months.

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Brigadoon - Jun 10, 2023


This stuff continuing to thrive and reproduce after the person has died is the stuff of nightmares. What happens when the GO gel is hit with the 5G wakeup call to uplink to the neural network hivemind and take over command control funcionality of the (dead) host

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Luc Lelievre - Jun 10, 2023

Luc Lelievre

I am in a state of great distress as I happen to be in Quebec, caught right in the midst of raging forest fires.
I highly recommend taking a look at Emmanuel Pastreich's recently published booklet, "How to Ruin the Billionaire Elite." It's definitely worth your attention.
- Luc

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