Ana as well as the above request of the same persons slides being shown before and after treatment, for those who do not understand the deadly importance of the vaccine (or other source) of contamination, can you please also show a video of a “normal” blood 🩸 sample prior to the rollout of the death jab (pre 2020) so we can clearly see how blood is changing since the use of these bio weapons on humanity!
She does not have time to post before and after pics/videos of every case she highlights anymore but she has done that many times in the past.
Like here:
IIRC she did not start doing live blood analysis until after the vaxx rollout began, so she may not have her own photos from before then.
However I know she Has met with many other Live Blood Analysis specialists who have been doing LBA for 30 years or more and they have many Many images that show it plainly began after the vaxx rollout in early 2021.
Like her interview with Dr Sandy Corlett...
She has Many good interviews there that teach many things about our current reality, with a ton of pics and evidence.
I agree Bee Gee. Thank you for backing Dr. Ana. There are a lot of Ai globalist trolls online lately. I've just started blocking them. They are not human but Ai... so I have been blocking them right and left. It's like swatting flies. They seemed to have increased.
Yes. You're correct. I've never done FB, Twitter or X, or any other social media except for YouTube...commenting under some of their videos. The AI is throwing up song choices in YouTube which I've saved under my Bookmarks. I also comment at Gateway Pundit. They'll include in my feed specifically people, things, and situations I've written about either on there or here. AI is definitely both expanding and increasing in extent. I think I might begin not posting...perhaps only here.
Michael don't you know by now the WEF has targeted Dr. Ana. by trying to discredit her... especially by posting fake comments on the "reviews from patients" section.
She doesn’t sell anything except her services. She suggests what to buy. She is honest. She gives you a proposal (bid) with all the costs before you submit. You have to apply for an appointment with a blood test from lab core. After she saw our results we were then allowed to make an appointment. A shocking difference to the rest of the. Greed driven bastards.
1) What kind of blood work is done by Labcore if you know? I assume it is a CBC and chemistry panel since live blood analysis can't be done by Labcore. Is that correct?
2) I assume she will not see you unless your blood work is abnormal. Is that correct?
3) Do you have to be symptomatic in some way in order to be seen or is abnormal blood work enough?
AM Medical request a comprehensive blood analysis from lab core. It is the most expensive one $375 approximately. They are very detailed. 5 viles are needed to be drawn. We used Life Extensions supplement company to engage with lab core. They do the request and charge you. The results are emailed to you as well as Dr Ana.. According to her there is no normal blood anywhere anymore. The results will show you in detail. We were critically deficient in several vitamins to the point of organ stress. The nano drains the human. I am not symptomatic, not vaccinated, have never been pcr tested. We went to combat Alzheimer’s in my spouse, this poison hurts people with dimensia.
OK, enlighten me, please. I am under the persuasion based on studies that the only blood test worth having done is Dark field microscopy. Is that what they do?
Yes that is exactly what you get when you visit her. LBA (live blood analysis )on her video screen both Pryor to and after treatment of chelation and the other flushing . She explains a lot, but we had to do some research first in order to jump ahead and save office time. I don’t believe in doctors at all and drove past over 50,000 to see her. I have never taken prescription drugs and she rarely prescribed any. She is the only doctor known who is not in it for the money. 💴 God has Blessed this Human Being, after one minute in front of her we knew.
Yes we seem much better than before the flushing. We were poisoned by dental anesthesia . That’s right the dentist nearly killed my loved one. Doing a root canal with about 6 syringes full of glowing nano. It is now one year since the anesthesia and 70 days of edta and mb orally combined with nutritional supplements and large doses of vitamin c and d3. We live far away from Dr Ana’s office so we could only go to see her one time. We stayed for 4 days of treatment and yes then our blood looked different. No clumping or rouleaux remained. The nano does not completely go away. Though it was hard to find on a single drop of blood on a slide.She warned us not to get over confident and explained the nano would return. We did a two person treatment and live blood analysis for both of us. Live blood analysis Pryor to treatment and one post treatment. NO Comparison, it appeared to be different blood to me. I saw It myself . A glow to healthy red cells and no rouleax. We love her efforts to save the people and support her all we can. God Please Protect Her!
Charles, it's great you've had relief from seeing Dr. Ana.
As I've posted before, why doesn't Dr. Ana show us the results of her expensive treatments with photos and videos? And a follow up 3-6-9 months later so we can judge for ourselves how long lasting the treatments are!
If the treatments work that well wouldn't you be willing to show the results?
The fact that she does not respond to a single post or question here also has me asking why.
Yes, she's doing wonderful work.
But extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. Haven't seen any yet.
Hi, we present the same concerns. As it is , I make the claims not Dr Ana. She is hard to describe. Her care for us seemed more like a pleading for us, to understand just what is happening. I do Not recommend any of these treatments unless you fully understand the underlying importance of a balance and caution used in every aspect. I am no expert in viewing live blood under a dark field microscope. I was careful to watch her with my drop of blood as no slide of hand. My drop of blood went straight to a slide in front of me. I believe saline solution is added to stop coagulation. (1 drop) close the slide, then the viewing screen. When we witnessed the change in the blood from four days of treatment. Dr Ana did not gloat or brag about the clean blood, only saying this does mean you’re cured. She was 100% certain we would see an improvement and she was correct, no surprise at all.
Just the slightest understanding of your enemy may change the battle. Dr Ana will not read any comments or posts and she will tell you that. In our story with the Dr there is so much more that has happened to us personally since we learned what the enemy really is. We are blessed to have found her. And Forever Greatful. Good luck
Saline solution is probably contaminated. Freedom Warrior Woman found 'them' in Clorox bleach, hydrogen peroxide, Dr. Bronner's soap and even rubbing alcohol.
I'm a newbie . . . is "them" you are referring to the nanobots? I'm unvaxxed so assume I now have these nanobots in my blood . . is there anything I can do . . . . what are the symptoms other than getting cancer and dying?
thanks for your remarks
Niki, yes, nanobots and the host of other destructive things Dr. Ana and others have found. (Cliff Carnicom, Matt's Microscopy, UnHackable Animal)
In a way, we're all new to this. And dependable solutions are elusive. See some of Dr. Ana's recent articles and wade thru comments and look for some of BeeGee's on fasting and taking EDTA.
Avoid buying supplements like I have only to find out later they are either ineffective or dangerous. (methylene blue, IVM, diatomaceous earth (questionable) and many others.
Search Tony Pantalleresco's videos on either bitchhute or rumble.
I've built the anti-nano bucket and I think it works. Now onto a couple of other devices he's shown like a portable grounding device and small fan with magnets and strange electrical wiring.
He states the Rife device doesn't work among other things. Remember we are dealing with synthetic biology so it stands to reason organic treatments/supplements won't work. (See Agent Freak's video above on Rumble by La Quinta Columna, short and to the point.)
I've also been doing 1/8th tsp of sodium citrate in a pint of water once a week and would appreciate anyone's comment on that.
Yeah I thought that might be possible but she uses the same dropper for the second LBA. Which is a different clean. It always could be a side show trick. Great observation .
To be a "Jew" is demanding. One have to follow the ten commandments for Jews, and other rules. The Jews who don't are clearly not "Jews", but probably on the highway to hell. Btw. That goes for all religions.
She has shown many before and after results, in many videos on her rumble channel and also in her posts here.
She doesn't do it every time but I don't imagine she feels the need to since she has shown it so many times previously.
like here:
Or in many of her videos on her rumble channel.
She cant answer all the questions for all the people all the time, especially whens she has answered it many times previously. EDTA and Vitamin C Works, just like their patent says it does.
And there is no 'cure' at this point... it is my understanding that even if you get your blood totally clean and looking great, you Will get it again because the infected are everywhere.
The only question is how soon, based on some as yet unknown equation about how much time you spend around the infected and how many infected there are. You run in a gas station with only one employee right after it opens to pay for gas, your blood may not change under a darkfield from that one exposure.
Transfer body fluids with a vaxxed or if you fly somewhere where you have to stand in line at the airport and then get on a plane with many many infected in close proximity and your blood will look like Shit... and you will have the magnetism-like phenomenon after you fly too (although most people never figure that part out since they have censored it so well for 3 years now).
In one of Dr Anas old videos, IIRC she talked about how she had an elderly patient who had to get driven by someone else to come to her office for IV EDTA, and she was getting rides from an unvaxxed person. After several infusions, her blood looked great. Then she had to get a ride from someone who was vaxxed, she did not touch them and was in the car for around 20 minutes and her blood looked like shit again.
The next logical test would be to get an unvaxxed to take IV EDTA until their blood was clean and then ACTUALLY ISOLATE.... like Really Isolate.
Like in the Real scientific sense, not the scamdemic kind of 'isolate'.... where you still come in contact with hundreds of people by proxy every week when you do this or that or go here or there or pickup this or takeout that or drivethru/curbside pickup here.
Thats not real isolation but a True 30 day and 60 day isolation test would tell us a lot, like if it even Can be 'cured' or if it is genetically installed now... which is why I have been lobbying for it for Years now.
Just like much of the other science No One is doing though... like we still dont even know what Exactly is being shed, so we cannot even attempt to find methods to counteract it. Is it biologic, does Chlorine dioxide dissolve or kill it on skin? What about orange juice or pineapple juice or essential oils? What plastics can it go though and which ones can it Not?
Is it absorbed into a water bath filter, like most radionuclides are? Maybe just walking around with an air-bong-rebreather type of thing would stop you from inhaling it or a daisy chain water bath filter into a ULPA-P3 filter.
Would a negative ion filter repel the particles in the open air or in an infected den like the airport?
So still many questions but we do know that EDTA and Vitamin C can make peoples blood Better... how long it Stays 'better' primarily depends on their understanding of 'isolation' and how far they can manage to stay from the infected At All Times.
I imagine many people who get IV EDTA dont know that and Immediately get reinfected right after they complete their infusions and get their blood clean, because no one told them how Not To.
Perhaps that is true but I think it helps more than fixes... I personally took 2 full prescriptions of IVR and HCQ but it did not get rid of the magnetism, which was originally my only concern.
Others have found IVR helps as well though, so more research is definitely needed.
I personally think it affects us as a gaseous form through our skin. Like you said, nobody fully understand the transmission, but this technology seems to be self spreading
It Is spread like a gas, at least partially. Many unvaxxed women get their period just by breathing the air in places where the infected are, to this very day.
It is also in bodily fluids but we need more research on What It Is... or we can never find ways to counteract it.
to be honest, non-vaxxed who live life regularly without precaution also spread something from them. I pretty well have an isolated life, no going to stores, work from home, don't interact in the public, get deliveries for everything, etc. (Didn't take it obviously) I had to go to the store in an emergency type fashion, washed my mouth out and took oil of oregano and still passed on some sort of illness to my family
How do i get started? I live in NY and drn ana is in Seattle. Should i call her office or should i get a blood test in ny and email her the results? Do i ask my dr. for a special blood test? Can you please help me? 🙏
You can contact her office or you can do a websearch for 'EDTA chelation near me'.
You probably just want the IV EDTA, vitamin C and glutathione.
There are definitely closer places to NY than Yelm, Wa though.
I’m having some very odd medical concerns never had the VAX what were your concerns that made you go see her what kind of symptoms were you feeling experiencing
What is your point?
Hydrogel and Nanobots are harming people so they want to force it into you! Ivermectin is helping people that is why they banned it!!!
I don't think Dr. Mihalcea could even test to see if ivermectin is effective on this. That would be crossing the line for these people I think? It seems like ivermectin is the "don't go there" topic.
Possibly, if you get it from China. The key is to go to a compounding pharmacy that gets it from a small but reputable compounding laboratory here in the US. Yes, these small labs still exist, but it is pricey.
Where I live, The Village Pharmacy is an independent apothecary. If you do a search, you can find if there are any owned and operated in your local. Or just do a search for “independent compounding pharmacy.” Once you’ve found one, inquire as to where or from whom they receive their ivermectin. My pharmacist receives his supply from a small, independent lab in Florida. It’s less expensive than ivermectin from India (though still pricey) and more reliable than Chinese ivermectin, which is where most of it is manufactured (like 95% of all pharmaceuticals).
When I said it is pre installed, I got that info online ( must be true) so I checked around. Not an easy task. I confided in a young Mexican dentist and he revealed the prior knowledge of hydrogels and nano in ALL dental anesthesia, sadly he had no other sources to use not even for his own family. The people there are resilient and will change things. And this was the gentleman who explained that nano metals were installed in virtually every pharmaceutical. For our own goodness. It’s cheap and easy and then everyone will conform. Scary 😱. The hydroxychloroquin and ivermectin we have is Mavel laboratory manufactured. Understand that if they sourced Chinese materials the end product would still say made in Mexico. Hah they got us again. Have a Great Day
I drove five hours south from Canada to see Dr Ana and have her look at my blood. I can confirm, I saw with my own eyes the nanotech, as well as stacked blood cells in oxidative stress. After one EDTA IV chelation and 36 hours my blood looked healthy, clear and normal. I'm currently undergoing more EDTA IV therapy here in Canada, as well as taking it orally.
Please explain:
1. What is "EDTA IV chelation" versus just "EDTA chelation"?
2. Why do I not see anything about "EDTA IV" on the Microsomal Calcium Disodium EDTA product bottle?
3. How often do you expect to have to submit yourself to this "therapy"?
IV stands for intravenous. EDTA IV therapy has been practiced for many years for heavy metal chelation.
I imagine we'll have to continue to remove heavy metals as long as this nanotech is here.
Thank you for replying. I had just woken up from a nap and I was reading your post and thinking of it as EDTA 4 instead of "intravenous" - No doubt, I'm showing my age, plus I don't like the idea of taking anything intravenously anymore than I like the idea of taking any injection via a needle.<g>
I wish I could afford a darkfield scope so I could look at my own blood to see if Dr. Ana is correct about all unvaxxed blood now being contaminated. But, that will have to wait, as I've more pressing expenses.
We'll see, as I rehab myself from a couple of musculoskeletal injuries and work toward jogging and then running again. If I can't handle the exertion, then I'll start worrying about my darkfield blood.
But, for my recent yearly PCP appointment, I did have my blood drawn and analyzed for the usual culprits and we did find that I was low in B12 (affects ATP production) and I listened to Gundry's B12 video again to remind me to purchase the methyl B12 lozenges, rather than bother with the non-methyl B12. - no sense in doing the non-methyl just to see if it doesn't work for me. (-:
Are you taking the WRONG type of B12? | Dr. Steven Gundry
Plus, I really need to concentrate on sticking to an entirely organic diet; and, I'm even considering cutting even all processed organic foods, such as bread.
Dont listen to Steven Gundry, he's an idiot pretending to be a doctor.
IV EDTA is more effective than oral EDTA but that does not mean that oral EDTA will not help, as they have different pharmacological methods of effect. In fact some doctors think you should Always be taking oral EDTA when you go to get your IV EDTA as they are so different. There are drawbacks to IV EDTA as well, it is much more expensive than oral EDTA and then you have to go there and sit for 3 hours.
If the doctors office is full of shedders (vaxxed people) shedding all over you for 3 hours, you may be worse off after your IV EDTA than before you went in.
Thats why I havent done it, the only place for hundreds of miles is a vaxx-giving doctors office and I am not going to sit there for 3 hours. Not no but Hell No.
You dont need to buy any special EDTA, you can just take cheap oral EDTA as long as you Take it Right. Most people just treat oral EDTA like another vitamin, which is definitely Is Not.
You need to take oral EDTA Hours away from anything else it will bind with, like all food, most drinks, most vitamins, etc or it will instantly fully bind with that thing and totally wasted.
IE You Will Get Zero Effect if you do not take oral EDTA correctly.
I think Fasting is the best way to take oral EDTA and it is also super easy... you dont get hungry and then you Know it is working and not being wasted.
My wife and I just completed a 5-day EDTA fast and we feel great. We took around 7000 mg of oral EDTA a day, along with ALA, NAC, Bromelain, Sodium/natural Citrate and vitamins C, D and E... they are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier and helps dissolve hydrogels and LNPs.
I cant recommend it enough, but then I have already known for over 3 years now that cleaning the blood of the former purebloods is the most important thing on earth anymore and I treat it as such.
Excuse my french but I'm not fucking around about it, if you know what I mean.
Thank you for your reply. I've a doctorate in human anatomy and have taught medical students and professional healthcare students, so I'm taking everything one step at a time. My PCP was recommended to me by a respected ER doc at an area hospital system as one of the two best PCPs in that system; one of them being the PCP of that ER doc's wife. My PCP looked at my blood work and noted my B12 deficit and recommended the 1000 mcg B12 lozenges. I ran into Gundry's B12 video and additionally learned from it that 50% of us would need to take methyl B12 for it to be effective. I've confirmed Gundry's statements, so I am taking the methyl B12 lozenges, rather than the standard B12 lozenges. In four months, I'll have my blood work analyzed again.
As far as eventually taking EDTA in any form, I won't seriously consider doing that until I have got absolute control of my organic diet and am exercising properly and consistently again; and, I likely won't ever go the EDTA route until I've purchased a darkfield microscope, so I can monitor my blood as it is being treated, if it is indeed in need of treatment.
For at least the past three years, I've been taking magnesium 500mg, zinc 50 mg, quercetin 800 mg with bromelain 165 mg, Vitamin C 1000 mg, D3 5000 IU, a daily vitamin & mineral supplement, selenium 200 mcg, NAC 600 mg, E-200 IU, Saw Palmetto 320 mg, Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM, and organic pomegranate juice.
I have not had Covid or "flu" jabs; have not had "Covid" nor the "flu"; and have been able to limit my physical proximity to other people; so, I'm not yet buying the idea that I am necessarily infected with any nanotechnology and likely require treatment for that. (-:
I understand about the B12, but even a broken clock... he says many things that are easily verifiably false but to each their own.
You are making a mistake waiting on the EDTA, we are 3 years in now and everyone has it now but I can understand your thought process. It would normally be a good way to proceed but you do not yet know what you do not yet know. You'll get there though.
Thats is a pretty good mix of vitamins, many of them are chelators and help with the nanotech so you may be in better shape than many.
You dont need to buy the idea of shedding though, its a fact and it doesnt care whether you believe in it or not.
Everyone wants to think they did something that somehow protected them from a multi-billion dollar bioweapon they spent decades developing and transfects in Seconds but alas, they did not.
You dont buy food at a store? You dont get gas and go in to pay? You Never go to the store?
Because if you EVER do those things, you have it too. Or Ever go to an airport and fly on a plane in the past 3 years? Then you have it.
I have known it was occurring for over 3 years now, even before Dr Ana did and I know more about it than almost anyone I know of and yet I got it too.
So I have my doubts that you somehow avoided it but good luck nonetheless, I would make getting a darkfield your highest priority then... at least then you will Know. Take care.
I didn't feel any different after the initial headache passed (a possibly side effect). But my father said he felt very improved after his.
Part of gravy metal chelation is a metal urine test, which I'm grateful for because we discovered that I have a toxic level of lead in my system. Who knows where that could be from, as it has a half-life of 30 years. So, regardless of nanotech, EDTA chelation is apparently very effective at getting lead out, but requires up to 30 sessions to do so.
My wife and I do an EDTA fast about once a month, and we just competed another one recently.
We only planned on doing 3 days but then we felt so good we kept fasting for 5 days. We were also taking all the best things I have found that help (and more importantly do not bind with oral EDTA) but we feel Tony the Tiger Grrrreat and I cannot recommend it enough.
1) Did you have symptoms of any kind before you went to see Dr. Ana or did you go there just to see if your blood was abnormal on live blood analysis? In other words, was it because you are suffering or because you wanted to see what your blood looks like?
2) Do you feel any different after the IV EDTA chelation treatments?
3) How will you determine whether to have any more treatments?
4) How much money have all your visits and treatments cost?
I believe I've answered since of your questions in other people's question comments but I'll say that I did not have any symptoms and I was/am not sick. I was conducting my own research to find some evidence of the difference between jabbed and non jabbed blood when I came upon one of Dr Mihalcea's articles. Turn out there's no difference now.
I'll continue treatments aggressively until the heavy metals are no longer detected in urinalysis, then probably maintenance treatments after that. I don't know how often that will be. This is all new and we're all a bit in the dark about it.
Costs vary according to country and provider, I can't say what it might cost you. Your best bet is to start looking for heavy metal chelation therapy near you and call around to ask.
After the initial headache, which is possible side effect, I felt the same. But psychologically I had a massive relief after seeing my blood again.
The cost of treatment seems to vary depending on country and provider but it also seems to be available in many places, here in Canada mostly by naturopathic doctors. I would call around and see who provides heavy metal chelation therapy near you. It's been in practice for many years now. Just so happens to be effective on removing this nanotech, which is apparently metal based as well.
Is there anyway to make an appointment with you? whatever this is caused my sister’s death: she and I both have a manifestation of morgellons. I will come where ever you are. There are no doctors around here that can help me
Has anyone read the MSDS on pharmaceutical grade HCQ? It says not for human use and it can be toxic the people study however we’re taking it for several years.
Why would you read the MSDS to find out about effects on Humans? The MSDS is about transportation, not humans taking the thing.
Also there are many manufacturers of HCQ and many different grades, some of which are lab grade and not for human consumption but that doesnt mean people cant take the drug. Africans have taken HCQ for Decades literally Billions of time.
If it had negative health effects, we would know it by now. Im not talking about possible nanotech contamination, but HCQ in general... back in the old reality. Here is the label for the human HCQ.,%20s030lbl.pdf,%20s030lbl.pdf
It has already been proven it does Not stop the nanotech replication though... like many things, it Helps but it cannot stop or reverse it alone.
I said pharmaceutical grade read it yourself for for gosh sakes and now it doesn’t sound like I wanna take that drug much less high doses, of vitamin D, which is rat poison and that’s already been outed vitamin D from other sources but if you go down to Whole Foods or sprouts to get vitamin D, you’re getting rat poison.
I’m observational proof that poison myself with these damn protocols I have probably $2000 worth of shit up there. I’ll be happy to give you and it’s all the best stuff.
If you dont want to listen to the people who know more about it than you do And don't care enough to save your own life, what do you think I am going to do about it?
You can lead a human to knowledge but you cant make them think...
Good luck to you regardless.
Where the heck did you hear that information? I’ve been reading MSDS working in the Oil field for almost 30 years ago. No it concerns that only transportation as you mentioned but that’s way down the document it’s main purpose It talks about the human interactions and hazard to humans has nothing that really do with transportation.
That’s preposterous
The Manufacturer Safety Data Sheet is primarily about transportation, hazmat placards, compatibility, oxidizer status, etc. And thats what those symbols are for.
Thats what all that info is about, the human health section is primarily talking about if you get it On you while shipping or while using the product to clean something etc...
Not intaking a drug or prescription pill that happens to have the same chemical name. I also found one of the MSDS sheets for HCQ that plainly lists it is laboratory grade not for human consumption, probably the same one you are looking at.
Many lab grades of chemicals are more reactive than lower grades or the small amount in prescriptions and have a ton of MSDS warnings, like Lithium.
Unlike human prescriptions or even the horse paste, which Are intended for consumption and do not have the same MSDS warnings.
It doesnt matter anyway, it doesnt cure the shedding and only slows it temporarily. You would be better off taking EDTA and Vitamin C, since their own patent says that works.
You better go & TRATAMIENTOS folders) Look for "A solution they DO NOT want you to know" video. If you have morgellons becuase of chemtrails & food you can use Tony Pantalleresco triangle, the bucket, etc
Yes she is saying both vaxed and unvaxed are now affected, therefore “they” have found other or multi-other ways of loading our systems with this toxic bio weapon!
I am empathizing with the injured, and ill as I read the comments. It's an assault and an abomination!
However, there is more to this than just the physical aspect. Yes, it is an assault upon our flesh. But make no mistake, it is satanic. There is a spiritual war going on in every aspect of our human lives right now!
"Just as in the days of Noah" THAT'S NOW! (read Matthew 24) The demonic forces knew the prophecy that the "woman's offspring would be their enemy and would crush the head of the serpent/satan...- per God's Word (Gen 3;14-15) So, there were fallen angels mating with women, producing giants and all manner of cross-species hybrids to corrupt woman's offspring. (Gen 6) The flood took care of that.
Noah's family was the only "righteous" or genetically clean people that would be able to have a pure bloodline for the Messiah, through King David, etc. That happened, YAY! ✝
We have ALWAYS been in a fallen and evil world, ruled by the "prince of the air" AKA satan. Adam, unfortunately, blew it. There is nothing new under the sun, my friends. The only way to escape this world is to be BORN AGAIN OF SPIRIT( John 3). That's why Jesus came to this earth, to redeem us from the curse of sin & death. He is our Savior! (Galatians 3:13)
We're ALL born of water- out of the womb of our mother. But to return to Our Creator, The Lover of our souls, we must be born of His Holy Spirit. After this, we enter into the Kingdom Of God through Jesus Christ. The One who IS, who WAS, and IS TO COME ❣
Once we are sealed by His Spirit, We live IN HIM. NOTHING or NO ONE can pluck us out of God's Hand. Jesus gave us authority over ALL EVIL (Luke 10:19) No poison will harm me (Mark 16:18)
That is the Living Word. I, myself, am not of this world. My HOME is Heaven. My soul is secure. I have the Spirit of the LIVING GOD- Jesus Christ, in me. I am at peace.
The BEGINNING of Wisdom is the FEAR of GOD. (Job 28:28)
Man/satan can only kill the body/flesh.
Jesus Christ will JUDGE- He has the power over where our souls go- *eternal life with Him *eternal death/hell with satan.
I love you ALL & I pray that THIS DAY, you choose LIFE! May you KNOW your Savior- Jesus Christ. He's waiting for His lost sheep. He LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN FATHAM!
But, I will tell you, HE COMES SOON!
~Yours in Christ
Heather 💓
Yes, as the others have indicated -- it gets extremely discouraging just seeing all of the contaminated blood. Please show us some slides of blood that has been using the Methylene Blue and the essential oils. Please show Before and After slides of blood being treated with the different methods. Is it helping? Is there a noticeable improvement? If the blood looks just the same, then why are we taking all of this? It would also be helpful to get some clarity on this liposomal EDTA you have started listing. Is it effective? Or is only the actual cheleation with the EDTA effective? I have heard so many times that the liquid EDTA does do some good, but it is so minimal, and takes so long to show any improvements, that there is quesiton as to whether someone should use it. I personally can not afford to do the EDTA chealation or the EBOO treatments to take my blood out of my body and cleanse it. Do you have slides that would show if there is a reduction of the nanobots and the plastics in the blood for people who are just taking the Methylene Blue and the essential oils - and/or maybe the liquid drops of EDTA?
Also if these less expensive methods are helping, could you please go over the protocol (dosing amounts) of each of the methods that shows a positive effect? Thank you.
I answered part of this question above but she is busy trying to save the world, she does not read or answer these comments anymore. Plus playing 20 questions is annoying.
Read more of her articles, watch more of her videos and then read some of the comments on her past substacks...
its Your Life... Save It.
PEOPLE, it is everywhere, its outside too. A green lazer beam pointed outside does affect the lipid nanoparticle biofilm mesh outside. Just aswww.emeraldgreen.comtreatment affect fa liipids in skin. Join the green lazer army and shine lazers outside during the daytime, but not at planes. Buy a plug in unit vs rechargable bc rechargable only last 10 minutes. Alaseros.comlazer cube is best. Pass it on.
How about you detox with an awesome binder like Activated CHARCOAL! Negative activated! Cheap and effective. Then do another Binder, Diatomaceous Earth and kill some parasite 🪱 as well
Diatomaceous earth and Ivermectin and methylene blue are my 3 items that have so much conflicting information about them that makes it very difficult to determine what's true.
I bought a 2 lb bag of Diatom. earth from a co. in Florida after reading what Dr. Axe wrote about it, then stopped immediately after reading elsewhere how toxic it is.
Charcoal I trust. Got anything bad about it? :)
Diatomaceous Earth and Zeolite both have Silica as a non Caking agent. It is not toxic and they wouldn't sell "Food Grade" Diatomaceous Earth if it were toxic. I've been on DE for over 2 years. Zeolite is awesome except it doesn't kill parasites, so I went from Zeolite to DE. Cost is much less as well.
DE is also Negative activated. Plastic spoon only ....stir. metal will deactivate Zeol and DE.
Activated CHARCOAL is the least expensive detox that is also least invasive. One teaspoon two days in a row every other week. PaPoW! Excellent BINDER to remove toxins. 20$ for 1.75lbs. on eBay. Coconut Charcoal. Saves 600$ from buying capsules.
I put a scoop in an inch of water and mix it up real good with my plastic spoon, then down the hatch. I can barely taste it. Charcoal is a binder which means it attaches to positive "entities" then extracted from body binded to the Activated CHARCOAL
I agree with ya on the Methylene Blue. I purchased a bottle. Did research and decided I wasn't going to do it cause it sounds dangerous. I purchased Paste Ivermectin way back and decided not to do it either.
I do Borax once a week to burn the legs off the nanobots. I also do CD once a week a few times a day
Borax is beneficial as far as I've read. I use Loudwolf brand called Sodium Borate Decahydrate and the max dose is 1/8 tsp per 100 lbs. of bodyweight once a day.
According to Dr. Mercola it decalcifies the pineal gland.
I've been using it daily for about a year. No problems and you can sprinkle such a small amount on most any food and it's tasteless
Apparently Silica is a nanotech activator. Ana Mihalcea said it's stated in the BIOWEAPON 💉 paperwork. No more Diatomaceous Earth for me. ZEOLITE also has Silica, non caking agent. Stop taking DE, and Zeolite
I wonder if Dr. Ana is traumatized from seeing this slow speed train wreck through the optics of a microscope…and so many who simply don’t care to understand
I just read desperate tone! Fear is when a mistake is manifested. Do nothing for the moment. Sleep and ask for guidance from our higher power.
I’m just not sure anymore of any of the products…
Thank you, Dr. Mihalcea, for your incredible work and intense dedication to researching the nanotechnology, and sharing the methods that you have found helpful for your patients! Please know that you are truly appreciated worldwide! With gratitude, Pamela Richardson
The first video is really horrifying, the red blood cells (rouleaux formation or garland ?) are clumped and packed like canned sardines, totally defunct and the nanobots are like hey look we dominate here, we can do whatever we want, nothing can stop us. Stark contrast. How long can you live when your blood is like this ?
Using the poor man’s chelating agents (pictured) you suggested over this past year.
Feel great. No health issues. Thank you Dr Anna M! ❤️. God bless you ‼️
Get a pop up steam sauna and sweat it out. Everyone is trying to make this more complicated than it is and it's only adding to the fear porn. Activated charcoal is also good as is dandelion, green tea, milk thistle, bee pollen and other natural remedies. This nano does not self replicate. If it did the WHO wouldn't want endless vaccinations.
I have nothing to gain in telling you that they do self replicate sir. I have been in a miserable battle with morgellons for going on 4yrs. I have witnessed this first hand, pulling things out of my body for hours on end scared to death like WTF is wrong with me! I know it's hard to believe, before I had to deal with it personally, I would have called me crazy too. I swear on everything I love it's the truth. I have hundreds of pics and some video of this nightmare. I can't put emphasis on the scope of it. EDTA capsules x3 daily with mega doses of vitamin c Walmart.
This alone has given me hope and made a believer out of me. I believe every word Dr Anna says. Where most people hide, she is the bravest woman I have ever seen, and I appreciate her efforts to no end. Yes, self assembling nano technology is very real. God be with you all
Susiejoy Barry - Aug 16
Susiejoy Barry
Ana as well as the above request of the same persons slides being shown before and after treatment, for those who do not understand the deadly importance of the vaccine (or other source) of contamination, can you please also show a video of a “normal” blood 🩸 sample prior to the rollout of the death jab (pre 2020) so we can clearly see how blood is changing since the use of these bio weapons on humanity!
Bee Gee - Aug 16
Bee Gee
She does not have time to post before and after pics/videos of every case she highlights anymore but she has done that many times in the past.
Like here:
IIRC she did not start doing live blood analysis until after the vaxx rollout began, so she may not have her own photos from before then.
However I know she Has met with many other Live Blood Analysis specialists who have been doing LBA for 30 years or more and they have many Many images that show it plainly began after the vaxx rollout in early 2021.
Like her interview with Dr Sandy Corlett...
She has Many good interviews there that teach many things about our current reality, with a ton of pics and evidence.
Carol Dickinson - Aug 17
Carol Dickinson
I agree Bee Gee. Thank you for backing Dr. Ana. There are a lot of Ai globalist trolls online lately. I've just started blocking them. They are not human but Ai... so I have been blocking them right and left. It's like swatting flies. They seemed to have increased.
Honeybee - Aug 17
Honeybee’s Substack
Yes. You're correct. I've never done FB, Twitter or X, or any other social media except for YouTube...commenting under some of their videos. The AI is throwing up song choices in YouTube which I've saved under my Bookmarks. I also comment at Gateway Pundit. They'll include in my feed specifically people, things, and situations I've written about either on there or here. AI is definitely both expanding and increasing in extent. I think I might begin not posting...perhaps only here.
Carol Dickinson - Aug 17
Carol Dickinson
Susie... she has done that many times before. Are you new to her channnel. Check her other many videos out... so you can see before and after.
Michael Srite - Aug 16
Michael’s Substack
Be informed. Read her reviews and complaints from patients:
Carol Dickinson - Aug 17
Carol Dickinson
Michael don't you know by now the WEF has targeted Dr. Ana. by trying to discredit her... especially by posting fake comments on the "reviews from patients" section.
Doria Nappi - Aug 16
Yes! That would be so helpful!!!
Reply (1) - Aug 16
crapshoot farmer
Comment removed.
crapshoot farmer - Aug 16
crapshoot farmer
SPAM^. That is not a reply to Susiejoy's post.
Go Away kim, or whatever name you go by today.
N M - Aug 16 - Edited
Susiejoy Barry
We could really use some GOOD news. What about unvaxxed people who are taking EDTA, Blue Methylene? Surely their blood results look better!
Susiejoy Barry - Aug 16
Susiejoy Barry
A comparative video of before and after treatment would be reassuring!
Un-silent - Aug 16
Yes, otherwise what is the point of selling all this stuff?
Charles A - Aug 16
aka’s Substack
She doesn’t sell anything except her services. She suggests what to buy. She is honest. She gives you a proposal (bid) with all the costs before you submit. You have to apply for an appointment with a blood test from lab core. After she saw our results we were then allowed to make an appointment. A shocking difference to the rest of the. Greed driven bastards.
J Shannon - Aug 16
aka’s Substack
1) What kind of blood work is done by Labcore if you know? I assume it is a CBC and chemistry panel since live blood analysis can't be done by Labcore. Is that correct?
2) I assume she will not see you unless your blood work is abnormal. Is that correct?
3) Do you have to be symptomatic in some way in order to be seen or is abnormal blood work enough?
Charles A - Aug 16
Brian Klunder
AM Medical request a comprehensive blood analysis from lab core. It is the most expensive one $375 approximately. They are very detailed. 5 viles are needed to be drawn. We used Life Extensions supplement company to engage with lab core. They do the request and charge you. The results are emailed to you as well as Dr Ana.. According to her there is no normal blood anywhere anymore. The results will show you in detail. We were critically deficient in several vitamins to the point of organ stress. The nano drains the human. I am not symptomatic, not vaccinated, have never been pcr tested. We went to combat Alzheimer’s in my spouse, this poison hurts people with dimensia.
JulesUSA - Aug 17
The blood test shows if one is deficient in vitamins?
Brian Klunder - Aug 16
Brian Klunder
OK, enlighten me, please. I am under the persuasion based on studies that the only blood test worth having done is Dark field microscopy. Is that what they do?
JulesUSA - Aug 17
What is the name of the website where we can obtain the comprehensive blood test?
Charles A - Aug 16
Yes that is exactly what you get when you visit her. LBA (live blood analysis )on her video screen both Pryor to and after treatment of chelation and the other flushing . She explains a lot, but we had to do some research first in order to jump ahead and save office time. I don’t believe in doctors at all and drove past over 50,000 to see her. I have never taken prescription drugs and she rarely prescribed any. She is the only doctor known who is not in it for the money. 💴 God has Blessed this Human Being, after one minute in front of her we knew.
Charles A - Aug 16 - Edited
crapshoot farmer
Yes we seem much better than before the flushing. We were poisoned by dental anesthesia . That’s right the dentist nearly killed my loved one. Doing a root canal with about 6 syringes full of glowing nano. It is now one year since the anesthesia and 70 days of edta and mb orally combined with nutritional supplements and large doses of vitamin c and d3. We live far away from Dr Ana’s office so we could only go to see her one time. We stayed for 4 days of treatment and yes then our blood looked different. No clumping or rouleaux remained. The nano does not completely go away. Though it was hard to find on a single drop of blood on a slide.She warned us not to get over confident and explained the nano would return. We did a two person treatment and live blood analysis for both of us. Live blood analysis Pryor to treatment and one post treatment. NO Comparison, it appeared to be different blood to me. I saw It myself . A glow to healthy red cells and no rouleax. We love her efforts to save the people and support her all we can. God Please Protect Her!
crapshoot farmer - Aug 16
crapshoot farmer
Charles, it's great you've had relief from seeing Dr. Ana.
As I've posted before, why doesn't Dr. Ana show us the results of her expensive treatments with photos and videos? And a follow up 3-6-9 months later so we can judge for ourselves how long lasting the treatments are!
If the treatments work that well wouldn't you be willing to show the results?
The fact that she does not respond to a single post or question here also has me asking why.
Yes, she's doing wonderful work.
But extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence. Haven't seen any yet.
Charles A - Aug 16
crapshoot farmer
Hi, we present the same concerns. As it is , I make the claims not Dr Ana. She is hard to describe. Her care for us seemed more like a pleading for us, to understand just what is happening. I do Not recommend any of these treatments unless you fully understand the underlying importance of a balance and caution used in every aspect. I am no expert in viewing live blood under a dark field microscope. I was careful to watch her with my drop of blood as no slide of hand. My drop of blood went straight to a slide in front of me. I believe saline solution is added to stop coagulation. (1 drop) close the slide, then the viewing screen. When we witnessed the change in the blood from four days of treatment. Dr Ana did not gloat or brag about the clean blood, only saying this does mean you’re cured. She was 100% certain we would see an improvement and she was correct, no surprise at all.
Just the slightest understanding of your enemy may change the battle. Dr Ana will not read any comments or posts and she will tell you that. In our story with the Dr there is so much more that has happened to us personally since we learned what the enemy really is. We are blessed to have found her. And Forever Greatful. Good luck
crapshoot farmer - Aug 16
crapshoot farmer
Saline solution is probably contaminated. Freedom Warrior Woman found 'them' in Clorox bleach, hydrogen peroxide, Dr. Bronner's soap and even rubbing alcohol.
Niki - Aug 16
crapshoot farmer
I'm a newbie . . . is "them" you are referring to the nanobots? I'm unvaxxed so assume I now have these nanobots in my blood . . is there anything I can do . . . . what are the symptoms other than getting cancer and dying?
thanks for your remarks
crapshoot farmer - Aug 16
crapshoot farmer
Niki, yes, nanobots and the host of other destructive things Dr. Ana and others have found. (Cliff Carnicom, Matt's Microscopy, UnHackable Animal)
In a way, we're all new to this. And dependable solutions are elusive. See some of Dr. Ana's recent articles and wade thru comments and look for some of BeeGee's on fasting and taking EDTA.
Avoid buying supplements like I have only to find out later they are either ineffective or dangerous. (methylene blue, IVM, diatomaceous earth (questionable) and many others.
Search Tony Pantalleresco's videos on either bitchhute or rumble.
I've built the anti-nano bucket and I think it works. Now onto a couple of other devices he's shown like a portable grounding device and small fan with magnets and strange electrical wiring.
He states the Rife device doesn't work among other things. Remember we are dealing with synthetic biology so it stands to reason organic treatments/supplements won't work. (See Agent Freak's video above on Rumble by La Quinta Columna, short and to the point.)
I've also been doing 1/8th tsp of sodium citrate in a pint of water once a week and would appreciate anyone's comment on that.
Charles A - Aug 16
Yeah I thought that might be possible but she uses the same dropper for the second LBA. Which is a different clean. It always could be a side show trick. Great observation .
JulesUSA - Aug 17
Yes now I'm wondering about that saline solution. Interesting.
JulesUSA - Aug 17
What a great story Charles, thank you for telling us about this.
Merrick - Aug 16
Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…
It's the jews, right?
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Aug 18
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
To be a "Jew" is demanding. One have to follow the ten commandments for Jews, and other rules. The Jews who don't are clearly not "Jews", but probably on the highway to hell. Btw. That goes for all religions.
Charles A - Aug 16
Sorry forgot to say we were treated in May this year
Bee Gee - Aug 16
Bee Gee
She has shown many before and after results, in many videos on her rumble channel and also in her posts here.
She doesn't do it every time but I don't imagine she feels the need to since she has shown it so many times previously.
like here:
Or in many of her videos on her rumble channel.
She cant answer all the questions for all the people all the time, especially whens she has answered it many times previously. EDTA and Vitamin C Works, just like their patent says it does.
And there is no 'cure' at this point... it is my understanding that even if you get your blood totally clean and looking great, you Will get it again because the infected are everywhere.
The only question is how soon, based on some as yet unknown equation about how much time you spend around the infected and how many infected there are. You run in a gas station with only one employee right after it opens to pay for gas, your blood may not change under a darkfield from that one exposure.
Transfer body fluids with a vaxxed or if you fly somewhere where you have to stand in line at the airport and then get on a plane with many many infected in close proximity and your blood will look like Shit... and you will have the magnetism-like phenomenon after you fly too (although most people never figure that part out since they have censored it so well for 3 years now).
In one of Dr Anas old videos, IIRC she talked about how she had an elderly patient who had to get driven by someone else to come to her office for IV EDTA, and she was getting rides from an unvaxxed person. After several infusions, her blood looked great. Then she had to get a ride from someone who was vaxxed, she did not touch them and was in the car for around 20 minutes and her blood looked like shit again.
The next logical test would be to get an unvaxxed to take IV EDTA until their blood was clean and then ACTUALLY ISOLATE.... like Really Isolate.
Like in the Real scientific sense, not the scamdemic kind of 'isolate'.... where you still come in contact with hundreds of people by proxy every week when you do this or that or go here or there or pickup this or takeout that or drivethru/curbside pickup here.
Thats not real isolation but a True 30 day and 60 day isolation test would tell us a lot, like if it even Can be 'cured' or if it is genetically installed now... which is why I have been lobbying for it for Years now.
Just like much of the other science No One is doing though... like we still dont even know what Exactly is being shed, so we cannot even attempt to find methods to counteract it. Is it biologic, does Chlorine dioxide dissolve or kill it on skin? What about orange juice or pineapple juice or essential oils? What plastics can it go though and which ones can it Not?
Is it absorbed into a water bath filter, like most radionuclides are? Maybe just walking around with an air-bong-rebreather type of thing would stop you from inhaling it or a daisy chain water bath filter into a ULPA-P3 filter.
Would a negative ion filter repel the particles in the open air or in an infected den like the airport?
So still many questions but we do know that EDTA and Vitamin C can make peoples blood Better... how long it Stays 'better' primarily depends on their understanding of 'isolation' and how far they can manage to stay from the infected At All Times.
I imagine many people who get IV EDTA dont know that and Immediately get reinfected right after they complete their infusions and get their blood clean, because no one told them how Not To.
JulesUSA - Aug 17
Bee Gee
Bee Gee, early on in the p-ndemic, there was an experiment that showed that ivermectin dissolved the hydrogel growths.
Bee Gee - Aug 17
Bee Gee
Perhaps that is true but I think it helps more than fixes... I personally took 2 full prescriptions of IVR and HCQ but it did not get rid of the magnetism, which was originally my only concern.
Others have found IVR helps as well though, so more research is definitely needed.
Beyond SOC - Aug 20
you are magnetic too? I have that
Ned - Aug 17
Bee Gee
I personally think it affects us as a gaseous form through our skin. Like you said, nobody fully understand the transmission, but this technology seems to be self spreading
JulesUSA - Aug 17
I think ivermectin's effect on it should be further looked at.
Bee Gee - Aug 17
Bee Gee
It Is spread like a gas, at least partially. Many unvaxxed women get their period just by breathing the air in places where the infected are, to this very day.
It is also in bodily fluids but we need more research on What It Is... or we can never find ways to counteract it.
Ned - Aug 17
to be honest, non-vaxxed who live life regularly without precaution also spread something from them. I pretty well have an isolated life, no going to stores, work from home, don't interact in the public, get deliveries for everything, etc. (Didn't take it obviously) I had to go to the store in an emergency type fashion, washed my mouth out and took oil of oregano and still passed on some sort of illness to my family
JulesUSA - Aug 17 - Edited
You say dentist used six syringes of glowing nano. Did you see the vials he used?
Henny hidalgo - Aug 17
Bee Gee
How do i get started? I live in NY and drn ana is in Seattle. Should i call her office or should i get a blood test in ny and email her the results? Do i ask my dr. for a special blood test? Can you please help me? 🙏
Bee Gee - Aug 17
Bee Gee
You can contact her office or you can do a websearch for 'EDTA chelation near me'.
You probably just want the IV EDTA, vitamin C and glutathione.
There are definitely closer places to NY than Yelm, Wa though.
Raphael - Aug 16
I’m having some very odd medical concerns never had the VAX what were your concerns that made you go see her what kind of symptoms were you feeling experiencing
Rob - Aug 16
Would you share her office contact please
Charles A - Aug 16
Rob - Aug 16
Many thanks Charles 🙏🏼
JulesUSA - Aug 16 - Edited
Susiejoy Barry
I was always under the impression that ivermectin was the thing they didn't like, this hydrogel and microbots.
Susiejoy Barry - Aug 16 - Edited
Susiejoy Barry
What is your point?
Hydrogel and Nanobots are harming people so they want to force it into you! Ivermectin is helping people that is why they banned it!!!
JulesUSA - Aug 17 - Edited
I don't think Dr. Mihalcea could even test to see if ivermectin is effective on this. That would be crossing the line for these people I think? It seems like ivermectin is the "don't go there" topic.
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Aug 16 - Edited
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
Could possibly be controlled opposition (knowingly or unknowingly)?!-Don't-Mention-SV40:f!-Don't-Mention-SV40:f
Charles A - Aug 16 - Edited
Catherine Ann
Guess what,, the laboratory’s now install nano in ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin for you deadly convenience. In emergencies we take it anyway 👍😄
Catherine Ann - Aug 18 - Edited
Catherine Ann
Possibly, if you get it from China. The key is to go to a compounding pharmacy that gets it from a small but reputable compounding laboratory here in the US. Yes, these small labs still exist, but it is pricey.
Charles A - Aug 18 - Edited
Catherine Ann
I have never heard of compounding laboratory. Thank you and I’m on my way to find out. We source ours in MX. hencho
Catherine Ann - Aug 18 - Edited
Catherine Ann
Where I live, The Village Pharmacy is an independent apothecary. If you do a search, you can find if there are any owned and operated in your local. Or just do a search for “independent compounding pharmacy.” Once you’ve found one, inquire as to where or from whom they receive their ivermectin. My pharmacist receives his supply from a small, independent lab in Florida. It’s less expensive than ivermectin from India (though still pricey) and more reliable than Chinese ivermectin, which is where most of it is manufactured (like 95% of all pharmaceuticals).
Charles A - Aug 18 - Edited
Compounding Pharmaceutical Laboratories in Mexico. A real thing. Sincerely thank you 🙏 forever
Charles A - Aug 18
When I said it is pre installed, I got that info online ( must be true) so I checked around. Not an easy task. I confided in a young Mexican dentist and he revealed the prior knowledge of hydrogels and nano in ALL dental anesthesia, sadly he had no other sources to use not even for his own family. The people there are resilient and will change things. And this was the gentleman who explained that nano metals were installed in virtually every pharmaceutical. For our own goodness. It’s cheap and easy and then everyone will conform. Scary 😱. The hydroxychloroquin and ivermectin we have is Mavel laboratory manufactured. Understand that if they sourced Chinese materials the end product would still say made in Mexico. Hah they got us again. Have a Great Day
Niki - Aug 16
Oh no, the enemy is everywhere now. What about taking black seed oil, any help?
Julia - Aug 18
I’ve heard BSO is nature’s ivermectin! Couldn’t hurt.
Hadley Warner - Aug 16
Edmond Paré
I drove five hours south from Canada to see Dr Ana and have her look at my blood. I can confirm, I saw with my own eyes the nanotech, as well as stacked blood cells in oxidative stress. After one EDTA IV chelation and 36 hours my blood looked healthy, clear and normal. I'm currently undergoing more EDTA IV therapy here in Canada, as well as taking it orally.
Edmond Paré - Aug 16
Edmond Paré
Please explain:
1. What is "EDTA IV chelation" versus just "EDTA chelation"?
2. Why do I not see anything about "EDTA IV" on the Microsomal Calcium Disodium EDTA product bottle?
3. How often do you expect to have to submit yourself to this "therapy"?
Hadley Warner - Aug 16
Edmond Paré
IV stands for intravenous. EDTA IV therapy has been practiced for many years for heavy metal chelation.
I imagine we'll have to continue to remove heavy metals as long as this nanotech is here.
Edmond Paré - Aug 16
Edmond Paré
Thank you for replying. I had just woken up from a nap and I was reading your post and thinking of it as EDTA 4 instead of "intravenous" - No doubt, I'm showing my age, plus I don't like the idea of taking anything intravenously anymore than I like the idea of taking any injection via a needle.<g>
I wish I could afford a darkfield scope so I could look at my own blood to see if Dr. Ana is correct about all unvaxxed blood now being contaminated. But, that will have to wait, as I've more pressing expenses.
We'll see, as I rehab myself from a couple of musculoskeletal injuries and work toward jogging and then running again. If I can't handle the exertion, then I'll start worrying about my darkfield blood.
But, for my recent yearly PCP appointment, I did have my blood drawn and analyzed for the usual culprits and we did find that I was low in B12 (affects ATP production) and I listened to Gundry's B12 video again to remind me to purchase the methyl B12 lozenges, rather than bother with the non-methyl B12. - no sense in doing the non-methyl just to see if it doesn't work for me. (-:
Are you taking the WRONG type of B12? | Dr. Steven Gundry
Plus, I really need to concentrate on sticking to an entirely organic diet; and, I'm even considering cutting even all processed organic foods, such as bread.
Bee Gee - Aug 16
Bee Gee
Dont listen to Steven Gundry, he's an idiot pretending to be a doctor.
IV EDTA is more effective than oral EDTA but that does not mean that oral EDTA will not help, as they have different pharmacological methods of effect. In fact some doctors think you should Always be taking oral EDTA when you go to get your IV EDTA as they are so different. There are drawbacks to IV EDTA as well, it is much more expensive than oral EDTA and then you have to go there and sit for 3 hours.
If the doctors office is full of shedders (vaxxed people) shedding all over you for 3 hours, you may be worse off after your IV EDTA than before you went in.
Thats why I havent done it, the only place for hundreds of miles is a vaxx-giving doctors office and I am not going to sit there for 3 hours. Not no but Hell No.
You dont need to buy any special EDTA, you can just take cheap oral EDTA as long as you Take it Right. Most people just treat oral EDTA like another vitamin, which is definitely Is Not.
You need to take oral EDTA Hours away from anything else it will bind with, like all food, most drinks, most vitamins, etc or it will instantly fully bind with that thing and totally wasted.
IE You Will Get Zero Effect if you do not take oral EDTA correctly.
I think Fasting is the best way to take oral EDTA and it is also super easy... you dont get hungry and then you Know it is working and not being wasted.
My wife and I just completed a 5-day EDTA fast and we feel great. We took around 7000 mg of oral EDTA a day, along with ALA, NAC, Bromelain, Sodium/natural Citrate and vitamins C, D and E... they are all mild chelators that cross the blood brain barrier and helps dissolve hydrogels and LNPs.
I cant recommend it enough, but then I have already known for over 3 years now that cleaning the blood of the former purebloods is the most important thing on earth anymore and I treat it as such.
Excuse my french but I'm not fucking around about it, if you know what I mean.
Edmond Paré - Aug 16
Edmond Paré
Thank you for your reply. I've a doctorate in human anatomy and have taught medical students and professional healthcare students, so I'm taking everything one step at a time. My PCP was recommended to me by a respected ER doc at an area hospital system as one of the two best PCPs in that system; one of them being the PCP of that ER doc's wife. My PCP looked at my blood work and noted my B12 deficit and recommended the 1000 mcg B12 lozenges. I ran into Gundry's B12 video and additionally learned from it that 50% of us would need to take methyl B12 for it to be effective. I've confirmed Gundry's statements, so I am taking the methyl B12 lozenges, rather than the standard B12 lozenges. In four months, I'll have my blood work analyzed again.
As far as eventually taking EDTA in any form, I won't seriously consider doing that until I have got absolute control of my organic diet and am exercising properly and consistently again; and, I likely won't ever go the EDTA route until I've purchased a darkfield microscope, so I can monitor my blood as it is being treated, if it is indeed in need of treatment.
For at least the past three years, I've been taking magnesium 500mg, zinc 50 mg, quercetin 800 mg with bromelain 165 mg, Vitamin C 1000 mg, D3 5000 IU, a daily vitamin & mineral supplement, selenium 200 mcg, NAC 600 mg, E-200 IU, Saw Palmetto 320 mg, Glucosamine/Chondroitin/MSM, and organic pomegranate juice.
I have not had Covid or "flu" jabs; have not had "Covid" nor the "flu"; and have been able to limit my physical proximity to other people; so, I'm not yet buying the idea that I am necessarily infected with any nanotechnology and likely require treatment for that. (-:
Bee Gee - Aug 17
Bee Gee
I understand about the B12, but even a broken clock... he says many things that are easily verifiably false but to each their own.
You are making a mistake waiting on the EDTA, we are 3 years in now and everyone has it now but I can understand your thought process. It would normally be a good way to proceed but you do not yet know what you do not yet know. You'll get there though.
Thats is a pretty good mix of vitamins, many of them are chelators and help with the nanotech so you may be in better shape than many.
You dont need to buy the idea of shedding though, its a fact and it doesnt care whether you believe in it or not.
Everyone wants to think they did something that somehow protected them from a multi-billion dollar bioweapon they spent decades developing and transfects in Seconds but alas, they did not.
You dont buy food at a store? You dont get gas and go in to pay? You Never go to the store?
Because if you EVER do those things, you have it too. Or Ever go to an airport and fly on a plane in the past 3 years? Then you have it.
I have known it was occurring for over 3 years now, even before Dr Ana did and I know more about it than almost anyone I know of and yet I got it too.
So I have my doubts that you somehow avoided it but good luck nonetheless, I would make getting a darkfield your highest priority then... at least then you will Know. Take care.
NJ Election Advisor - Aug 16
NJ Election Advisor
Healthy clear and normal…good.
Did you notice any difference in how you actually FELT?
Hadley Warner - Aug 16
I didn't feel any different after the initial headache passed (a possibly side effect). But my father said he felt very improved after his.
Part of gravy metal chelation is a metal urine test, which I'm grateful for because we discovered that I have a toxic level of lead in my system. Who knows where that could be from, as it has a half-life of 30 years. So, regardless of nanotech, EDTA chelation is apparently very effective at getting lead out, but requires up to 30 sessions to do so.
Bee Gee - Aug 16
Bee Gee
My wife and I do an EDTA fast about once a month, and we just competed another one recently.
We only planned on doing 3 days but then we felt so good we kept fasting for 5 days. We were also taking all the best things I have found that help (and more importantly do not bind with oral EDTA) but we feel Tony the Tiger Grrrreat and I cannot recommend it enough.
JulesUSA - Aug 17
What kind of doctor is doing your EDTA IV therapy?
E.C. - Aug 19
Mine is a Holistic MD
Tricia C - Aug 16
Tricia’s Substack
Thank you!
J Shannon - Aug 16
aka’s Substack
1) Did you have symptoms of any kind before you went to see Dr. Ana or did you go there just to see if your blood was abnormal on live blood analysis? In other words, was it because you are suffering or because you wanted to see what your blood looks like?
2) Do you feel any different after the IV EDTA chelation treatments?
3) How will you determine whether to have any more treatments?
4) How much money have all your visits and treatments cost?
Hadley Warner - Aug 16
I believe I've answered since of your questions in other people's question comments but I'll say that I did not have any symptoms and I was/am not sick. I was conducting my own research to find some evidence of the difference between jabbed and non jabbed blood when I came upon one of Dr Mihalcea's articles. Turn out there's no difference now.
I'll continue treatments aggressively until the heavy metals are no longer detected in urinalysis, then probably maintenance treatments after that. I don't know how often that will be. This is all new and we're all a bit in the dark about it.
Costs vary according to country and provider, I can't say what it might cost you. Your best bet is to start looking for heavy metal chelation therapy near you and call around to ask.
Tricia C - Aug 16
Tricia’s Substack
How do you feel now after chelation? Also what is the cost of treatment please?
Hadley Warner - Aug 16
After the initial headache, which is possible side effect, I felt the same. But psychologically I had a massive relief after seeing my blood again.
The cost of treatment seems to vary depending on country and provider but it also seems to be available in many places, here in Canada mostly by naturopathic doctors. I would call around and see who provides heavy metal chelation therapy near you. It's been in practice for many years now. Just so happens to be effective on removing this nanotech, which is apparently metal based as well.
JulesUSA - Aug 16
What kind of doctor does this?
Hadley Warner - Aug 16
Here in Canada it seems mostly naturopathic doctors are providing EDTA chelation.
E.C. - Aug 19
Here in the USA a Holistic MD
Melissa Fowler - Aug 16 - Edited
Melissa Fowler
Is there anyway to make an appointment with you? whatever this is caused my sister’s death: she and I both have a manifestation of morgellons. I will come where ever you are. There are no doctors around here that can help me
Long viet - Aug 16 - Edited
did you start a heavy anti parasite treatment? ivermectine. fenbendazole and hcq. and also chlorine dioxide and CBD oil.
Raphael - Aug 16 - Edited
Has anyone read the MSDS on pharmaceutical grade HCQ? It says not for human use and it can be toxic the people study however we’re taking it for several years.
Bee Gee - Aug 16 - Edited
Bee Gee
Why would you read the MSDS to find out about effects on Humans? The MSDS is about transportation, not humans taking the thing.
Also there are many manufacturers of HCQ and many different grades, some of which are lab grade and not for human consumption but that doesnt mean people cant take the drug. Africans have taken HCQ for Decades literally Billions of time.
If it had negative health effects, we would know it by now. Im not talking about possible nanotech contamination, but HCQ in general... back in the old reality. Here is the label for the human HCQ.,%20s030lbl.pdf,%20s030lbl.pdf
It has already been proven it does Not stop the nanotech replication though... like many things, it Helps but it cannot stop or reverse it alone.
Raphael - Aug 16
Yeah, the Africans have taken it in over five-year. Period. Read the damn research they’re screwed.
Raphael - Aug 16
I said pharmaceutical grade read it yourself for for gosh sakes and now it doesn’t sound like I wanna take that drug much less high doses, of vitamin D, which is rat poison and that’s already been outed vitamin D from other sources but if you go down to Whole Foods or sprouts to get vitamin D, you’re getting rat poison.
I’m observational proof that poison myself with these damn protocols I have probably $2000 worth of shit up there. I’ll be happy to give you and it’s all the best stuff.
Bee Gee - Aug 17
Bee Gee
If you dont want to listen to the people who know more about it than you do And don't care enough to save your own life, what do you think I am going to do about it?
You can lead a human to knowledge but you cant make them think...
Good luck to you regardless.
Raphael - Aug 16 - Edited
Where the heck did you hear that information? I’ve been reading MSDS working in the Oil field for almost 30 years ago. No it concerns that only transportation as you mentioned but that’s way down the document it’s main purpose It talks about the human interactions and hazard to humans has nothing that really do with transportation.
That’s preposterous
Bee Gee - Aug 17 - Edited
Bee Gee
The Manufacturer Safety Data Sheet is primarily about transportation, hazmat placards, compatibility, oxidizer status, etc. And thats what those symbols are for.
Thats what all that info is about, the human health section is primarily talking about if you get it On you while shipping or while using the product to clean something etc...
Not intaking a drug or prescription pill that happens to have the same chemical name. I also found one of the MSDS sheets for HCQ that plainly lists it is laboratory grade not for human consumption, probably the same one you are looking at.
Many lab grades of chemicals are more reactive than lower grades or the small amount in prescriptions and have a ton of MSDS warnings, like Lithium.
Unlike human prescriptions or even the horse paste, which Are intended for consumption and do not have the same MSDS warnings.
It doesnt matter anyway, it doesnt cure the shedding and only slows it temporarily. You would be better off taking EDTA and Vitamin C, since their own patent says that works.
JulesUSA - Aug 17 - Edited
I believe the Moderna patent mentions EDTA combined with malic acid (from apples).
JulesUSA - Aug 17
Please excuse if this is a dumb question, but sodium ascorbate or citric acid? Thank you
Ako Merla - Aug 16
You better go & TRATAMIENTOS folders) Look for "A solution they DO NOT want you to know" video. If you have morgellons becuase of chemtrails & food you can use Tony Pantalleresco triangle, the bucket, etc
JulesUSA - Aug 17
Nobody has mentioned that in these articles....hmm.
E.C. - Aug 19
Look Dr Ana Mihalcea up. She is in the USA in Yelm, WA
Good luck and i am very sorry to hear about your sister.
Dr Margaret Aranda - Aug 16 - Edited
The Rebel Patient™
It would be most professional to see your data published in a major medical journal with a final call to #StopTheShots worldwide.
JulesUSA - Aug 16 - Edited
Susiejoy Barry
But isn't she saying that this is unvaxxed people who could have been contaminated by water, food, shedding, geoengineering, etc.?
Susiejoy Barry - Aug 16
Susiejoy Barry
Yes she is saying both vaxed and unvaxed are now affected, therefore “they” have found other or multi-other ways of loading our systems with this toxic bio weapon!
Merrick - Aug 17
Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…
How can we trust her, Reverend??? I’m 😕 confused!
Heather Beane, RN - Aug 16
Coming Out of the Dark
I am empathizing with the injured, and ill as I read the comments. It's an assault and an abomination!
However, there is more to this than just the physical aspect. Yes, it is an assault upon our flesh. But make no mistake, it is satanic. There is a spiritual war going on in every aspect of our human lives right now!
"Just as in the days of Noah" THAT'S NOW! (read Matthew 24) The demonic forces knew the prophecy that the "woman's offspring would be their enemy and would crush the head of the serpent/satan...- per God's Word (Gen 3;14-15) So, there were fallen angels mating with women, producing giants and all manner of cross-species hybrids to corrupt woman's offspring. (Gen 6) The flood took care of that.
Noah's family was the only "righteous" or genetically clean people that would be able to have a pure bloodline for the Messiah, through King David, etc. That happened, YAY! ✝
We have ALWAYS been in a fallen and evil world, ruled by the "prince of the air" AKA satan. Adam, unfortunately, blew it. There is nothing new under the sun, my friends. The only way to escape this world is to be BORN AGAIN OF SPIRIT( John 3). That's why Jesus came to this earth, to redeem us from the curse of sin & death. He is our Savior! (Galatians 3:13)
We're ALL born of water- out of the womb of our mother. But to return to Our Creator, The Lover of our souls, we must be born of His Holy Spirit. After this, we enter into the Kingdom Of God through Jesus Christ. The One who IS, who WAS, and IS TO COME ❣
Once we are sealed by His Spirit, We live IN HIM. NOTHING or NO ONE can pluck us out of God's Hand. Jesus gave us authority over ALL EVIL (Luke 10:19) No poison will harm me (Mark 16:18)
That is the Living Word. I, myself, am not of this world. My HOME is Heaven. My soul is secure. I have the Spirit of the LIVING GOD- Jesus Christ, in me. I am at peace.
The BEGINNING of Wisdom is the FEAR of GOD. (Job 28:28)
Man/satan can only kill the body/flesh.
Jesus Christ will JUDGE- He has the power over where our souls go- *eternal life with Him *eternal death/hell with satan.
I love you ALL & I pray that THIS DAY, you choose LIFE! May you KNOW your Savior- Jesus Christ. He's waiting for His lost sheep. He LOVES YOU MORE THAN YOU CAN FATHAM!
But, I will tell you, HE COMES SOON!
~Yours in Christ
Heather 💓
Robert Childs - Aug 16
Robert’s Substack
Thank you Heather
For that reminder
God be with you
Heather Beane, RN - Aug 16
Coming Out of the Dark
And with you my brother. Time grows short for us all. I'm trying to work, spreading the Good News while it is still day.
~in Christ
Robert Childs - Aug 16
Robert’s Substack
Thank you Heather
For that reminder
God be with you
Animae Liberta - Aug 16 - Edited
Bee Gee
Yes, as the others have indicated -- it gets extremely discouraging just seeing all of the contaminated blood. Please show us some slides of blood that has been using the Methylene Blue and the essential oils. Please show Before and After slides of blood being treated with the different methods. Is it helping? Is there a noticeable improvement? If the blood looks just the same, then why are we taking all of this? It would also be helpful to get some clarity on this liposomal EDTA you have started listing. Is it effective? Or is only the actual cheleation with the EDTA effective? I have heard so many times that the liquid EDTA does do some good, but it is so minimal, and takes so long to show any improvements, that there is quesiton as to whether someone should use it. I personally can not afford to do the EDTA chealation or the EBOO treatments to take my blood out of my body and cleanse it. Do you have slides that would show if there is a reduction of the nanobots and the plastics in the blood for people who are just taking the Methylene Blue and the essential oils - and/or maybe the liquid drops of EDTA?
Also if these less expensive methods are helping, could you please go over the protocol (dosing amounts) of each of the methods that shows a positive effect? Thank you.
Bee Gee - Aug 16
Bee Gee
I answered part of this question above but she is busy trying to save the world, she does not read or answer these comments anymore. Plus playing 20 questions is annoying.
Read more of her articles, watch more of her videos and then read some of the comments on her past substacks...
its Your Life... Save It.
Mrnobody - Aug 16
Check out Paulette's substack, she's using Rife technology, looks promising. Also inexpensive.
crapshoot farmer - Aug 16
crapshoot farmer
Same questions I've been asking and there will be no answers from Dr. Ana.
See my post above.
This is getting circuitous.
Anita Nickulas - Aug 16
Please let us know if you get any answers!
Adrian - Aug 16
PEOPLE, it is everywhere, its outside too. A green lazer beam pointed outside does affect the lipid nanoparticle biofilm mesh outside. Just aswww.emeraldgreen.comtreatment affect fa liipids in skin. Join the green lazer army and shine lazers outside during the daytime, but not at planes. Buy a plug in unit vs rechargable bc rechargable only last 10 minutes. Alaseros.comlazer cube is best. Pass it on.
JulesUSA - Aug 16
Tricia’s Substack
Will look into it. Also look into vinegar dispersed/dissipated outside.
Tricia C - Aug 16
Tricia’s Substack
How do you do it?
Stephan - Aug 16
How about you detox with an awesome binder like Activated CHARCOAL! Negative activated! Cheap and effective. Then do another Binder, Diatomaceous Earth and kill some parasite 🪱 as well
Marty - Aug 16
Nano Ordo Mundi
JulesUSA - Aug 16
crapshoot farmer
How often to take it? and how, by capsules?
crapshoot farmer - Aug 16
crapshoot farmer
Diatomaceous earth and Ivermectin and methylene blue are my 3 items that have so much conflicting information about them that makes it very difficult to determine what's true.
I bought a 2 lb bag of Diatom. earth from a co. in Florida after reading what Dr. Axe wrote about it, then stopped immediately after reading elsewhere how toxic it is.
Charcoal I trust. Got anything bad about it? :)
Stephan - Aug 16
Diatomaceous Earth and Zeolite both have Silica as a non Caking agent. It is not toxic and they wouldn't sell "Food Grade" Diatomaceous Earth if it were toxic. I've been on DE for over 2 years. Zeolite is awesome except it doesn't kill parasites, so I went from Zeolite to DE. Cost is much less as well.
DE is also Negative activated. Plastic spoon only ....stir. metal will deactivate Zeol and DE.
Activated CHARCOAL is the least expensive detox that is also least invasive. One teaspoon two days in a row every other week. PaPoW! Excellent BINDER to remove toxins. 20$ for 1.75lbs. on eBay. Coconut Charcoal. Saves 600$ from buying capsules.
JulesUSA - Aug 17
How do you take the teaspoon of charcoal?
Stephan - Aug 17
I put a scoop in an inch of water and mix it up real good with my plastic spoon, then down the hatch. I can barely taste it. Charcoal is a binder which means it attaches to positive "entities" then extracted from body binded to the Activated CHARCOAL
JulesUSA - Aug 17
Thank you, I appreciate it!
E.C. - Aug 19
Don't take with any other drugs or supplements or the charcoal will cut back their effectiveness by pulling them out of your body.
Stephan - Aug 17
I agree with ya on the Methylene Blue. I purchased a bottle. Did research and decided I wasn't going to do it cause it sounds dangerous. I purchased Paste Ivermectin way back and decided not to do it either.
I do Borax once a week to burn the legs off the nanobots. I also do CD once a week a few times a day
JulesUSA - Aug 20
I've wondered why Dr. Ana hasn't mentioned borax.
JulesUSA - Aug 20
Is that what the borax does? Do you have to sip on it all day? How does that work? Thanks
Stephan - Aug 20
No, Borax is just finger pinch into an inch of water. Mix and drink like a shot
crapshoot farmer - Aug 20
crapshoot farmer
Borax is beneficial as far as I've read. I use Loudwolf brand called Sodium Borate Decahydrate and the max dose is 1/8 tsp per 100 lbs. of bodyweight once a day.
According to Dr. Mercola it decalcifies the pineal gland.
I've been using it daily for about a year. No problems and you can sprinkle such a small amount on most any food and it's tasteless
Stephan - Aug 22
Apparently Silica is a nanotech activator. Ana Mihalcea said it's stated in the BIOWEAPON 💉 paperwork. No more Diatomaceous Earth for me. ZEOLITE also has Silica, non caking agent. Stop taking DE, and Zeolite
NJ Election Advisor - Aug 16
NJ Election Advisor
I wonder if Dr. Ana is traumatized from seeing this slow speed train wreck through the optics of a microscope…and so many who simply don’t care to understand
Charlie - Aug 16
I just read desperate tone! Fear is when a mistake is manifested. Do nothing for the moment. Sleep and ask for guidance from our higher power.
I’m just not sure anymore of any of the products…
Pamela Richardson - Aug 16
Richardson Health Report
Thank you, Dr. Mihalcea, for your incredible work and intense dedication to researching the nanotechnology, and sharing the methods that you have found helpful for your patients! Please know that you are truly appreciated worldwide! With gratitude, Pamela Richardson
Marty - Aug 16
Nano Ordo Mundi
The first video is really horrifying, the red blood cells (rouleaux formation or garland ?) are clumped and packed like canned sardines, totally defunct and the nanobots are like hey look we dominate here, we can do whatever we want, nothing can stop us. Stark contrast. How long can you live when your blood is like this ?
E.C. - Aug 19
That's exactly my question.
Kimberly Graciano - Aug 16
Kimberly’s Substack
Do you think the 5 G factors into all this too?
Marty - Aug 16
Nano Ordo Mundi
Yes, synthetic EMF activates/accelerates the self-assembly, it's well documented by now.
Robert Childs - Aug 16
Robert’s Substack
crapshoot farmer - Aug 16
crapshoot farmer
And you're over the target and not over the top!
Mary Cox - Aug 16
Robert’s Substack
Using the poor man’s chelating agents (pictured) you suggested over this past year.
Feel great. No health issues. Thank you Dr Anna M! ❤️. God bless you ‼️
Robert Childs - Aug 16
Robert’s Substack
Yes, God bless her
Juan Campo - Aug 16
Robert’s Substack
Get a pop up steam sauna and sweat it out. Everyone is trying to make this more complicated than it is and it's only adding to the fear porn. Activated charcoal is also good as is dandelion, green tea, milk thistle, bee pollen and other natural remedies. This nano does not self replicate. If it did the WHO wouldn't want endless vaccinations.
Robert Childs - Aug 16
Robert’s Substack
I have nothing to gain in telling you that they do self replicate sir. I have been in a miserable battle with morgellons for going on 4yrs. I have witnessed this first hand, pulling things out of my body for hours on end scared to death like WTF is wrong with me! I know it's hard to believe, before I had to deal with it personally, I would have called me crazy too. I swear on everything I love it's the truth. I have hundreds of pics and some video of this nightmare. I can't put emphasis on the scope of it. EDTA capsules x3 daily with mega doses of vitamin c Walmart.
This alone has given me hope and made a believer out of me. I believe every word Dr Anna says. Where most people hide, she is the bravest woman I have ever seen, and I appreciate her efforts to no end. Yes, self assembling nano technology is very real. God be with you all
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