The pretty and beautiful Dr Ana is warning about microplastics.
Here's some good advice to reduce it in your water.
I add a bit of calcium+magnesium in my water before I boil it. Then I add it to coffee or tea, then I filter it through paper filter.
I want to be as pure as possible if Dr Ana knocks on my door some day for some sample of my excellent fluids. ;-)
You are right. I bet all kind people do things to reduce plastic and other contaminants in nature. We are all part of nature, so we should enlighten one another! The chicken is coming home to roost, full of plastic, if we don't.
I usually use glass jars for my water. I did not buy a plastic bag for years, and almost no clothes or shoes, except in help stores. Most stuff I use I found in recycle spots, and I use them a very long time. My backpacks are usually ones I find and mend, with needle and thread.
And btw. the calcium+magnesium+plastic seems to build up in the bottom of the heater, and can be removed easily with some vinegar.
Hello Martin: I haven't purchased plastic shoes (tennis shoes) since high school, and believe them to be about the worst thing one can wear on their feet. The reported number of skin and toenail disease makes for great pharma profits... Billions of pairs of these satanic works enter landfills annually. People have to be morons to enjoy these ill designed contraptions... I wear 100% leather boots. They last for decades.
Like yourself, I've lived a rather frugal life. I actually take care of durable goods -rather than beat them up prior to premature disposal... I buy cotton or wool products whenever I need clothing, and loath polyester/rayon/nylon or other chemically derived cloth. Most people just buy what's on sale...
The oceans are swirling with plastic trash and plastic particulate decay. The tonnage is staggering... No one seems to notice the death spiral of Nature... Thank you for your efforts.
What they say is that boiling causes microplastics to clump into larger plastic chunks that can be filtered out using a low quality water filter like a brita. I would never ever trust a coffee filter with my health but then I already use a ZeroWater filter anyway, because I want the cleanest water possible.
You cannot put hot water through any ion exchange filter though or it will ruin it, so its a double-huge-PITA to boil the water and then let it cool to put it through a ion exchange filter like ZeroWater.
Also I have multiple water meters, including a $300 calibrated Hanna that also does EC. Everyone of them showed that in my (twice duplicated) experiment taking commercial bottled water, which assuredly has Some microplastics in it and then boiling it for 5 minutes once it hit a rolling boil.
Boiling bottled water INCREASED Both the TDS on multiple meters and the EC on my Hanna.
Boiling water does not remove microplastics and never has, it only makes them into larger clumps that Can be filtered with poor quality water filters. And a paper coffee filter isnt really a filter at all in my book.
I should become a zerowater affiliate so I can start spamming my link every time someone asks about water but $30 is a cheap entry price for the best water there is.
Its not great to have to replace filters but that also means I never have a clogged RO membrane and not know it, or have any of the slime that Always builds up inside of hard-mounted water tubes, like in-between all the different filters that make up many systems.
Its highly questionable whether those larger clumps of MP from boiling stick in the bad water side of a distiller, and also distillers just Concentrate every chemical with a boiling point lower than water so buyer beware. A distiller kills biologics and thats it, which a tablet of chlorine dioxide can do with no electricity.
I'm glad you mentioned Brita water filters. My daughter has been using one at college as she plays college tennis and the latest from Paul Saladino on YouTube is that it puts more aluminum back into the water. This is Sinister !
I bought her a Water Drop pitcher just to get her through the school year and because it was quick and easy and don't know if it filters it a high level. If anybody knows I would appreciate the comment.
I currently am using the zero water filter and I'm very happy.
The crazy thing is I was drinking Arrowhead spring water for 3 yrs and it tested at 144 at the TDS meter the same as my tap water which is city water.
Then my tap water went all the way to 210 on the TDS meter which is crazy so they're doing something to the city water.
I then tested Fuji water which was 74 and then I tested Waiakea..... a volcanic spring water from Hawaii and it tested 44 which was the cleanest bottled water I have found in the store!
Sometimes you need to be able to buy water when you're on the go but now I'm thinking it's best just to filter everything and buy a good stainless steel bottle !
I too use ZeroWater and think they are one of the best out there. Although they are expensive since we go through at least 3 gallons a day and I find that I have to change the filter at least once a month.
You can extend the life of your filters by using chlorine dioxide tablets to sterilize your water before you put it though the ZeroWater filter. Thats what I do, clean the sink thoroughly then fill it up with water and throw in a safrax CLO2 tablet then put That water into my zerowater pitchers.
I have 4 Zerowater pitchers in use since I have had them for years but sterilizing the water before I put it in has effectively doubled the life of my filters. Also it is hot where I live so the pitchers I have out on the counter get 'musky' after a while.
I find that just pouring a little of the same chlorine dioxide water into the Filtered water part of the pitcher is the best way to get rid of that muskiness. I used to completely wash them or swish it around and dump it out but I also drink chlorine dioxide water directly sometimes so I just started leaving it in there and continuing to use the filter like normal since I can't even taste such a small amount anymore.
Standing water at 70+ degrees will Always develop some 'mustiness' after some period of time though, that is not unique to zerowater filters.
That's a great idea! I have a bunch of safrax as well. I currently use spring or distilled water, Zero it, distill it then it's filtered a third time for any fluoride.... But if things get bad and I have to go back to tap this is excellent info. I'm going to try the chlorine dioxide on the bottled water ( I also get from natural springs) and see if that extends the filter. Thanks for the info! Now....if only I can figure out what to do about the air I a massive chemtrail crosses overhead....
For the Chemtrails I've been using folic acid one called biotoxin binder from
I also use one called black brew from Nampa Idaho.
It's got humic fulvic and ulnic acids in it.
Then three or four days a week I'll take 8 to 10 charcoal tablets with a glass of fulvic acid and sometimes I'll do a quarter tablespoon of clay with it to soak up all of the nanotechnology that is being absorbed into our bodies. Hope this helps peace and blessings
This is fantastic news I've got a bottle of chlorine dioxide from Crown Wellness in Florida I was wondering if I could just put several drops in the picture that I feel from my faucet? Otherwise where do you purchase the tablets at? Thank you so much I use zero water too.
I have a Bluevua $400 system I haven't set up yet cuz the zero water system is working so good. Thank you for your information and time
Yes I guess you could use drops as well, if they are the premixed chlorine dioxide. If you have A/B activator type drops, I would activate them in a small glass before I put it in the pitcher.
I have some A/B activator type liquid though and that is much more expensive than the tablets, which are like 500 tablets for $30 or less if you get them in bulk. I dont know how many gallons my sink is but one tablet is one full sink of water gets me around 25ppm of Clo2, per my test strips.
And you are welcome, I do what I can.
TBH I don't think they are that great, they have promo pages dedicated to saying that Zerowater filters that filter out More things are somehow worse than their filters. A lot of shady water filtration companies use that line, 'it takes out the good minerals', which is total marketing BS for 'our filter doesnt work that well'.
If you already have one, I personally would still buy a Zerowater pitcher, for $30 it will come with a free basic TDS meter that can give you a good idea how many things are passing through the berkey filter into your drinking water.A TDS meter is not perfect, it does not detect all things but then Nothing does.
More expensive meters can be calibrated and also detect EC, which is the Electrical Conductivity of water, which is a known constant value and so it can measure things in water that a TDS meter cannot. However it is much more money, which is not worth it to most people since you could buy a whole years worth of replacement ZeroWater filters for less than an expensive meter.
If the end of the world comes, I would rather have a Berkey/gravity fed ceramic water filter than nothing but we are not at that point yet and there are still better options available.
So IMPO if you do not yet have a Berkey, I would just skip it and get a ZeroWater.
Interesting that you would mention the EC of certain waters. I had my tap water tested and it was through the roof re electrical conductivity. The explanation on the lab report for this was riddled w/ inconsistencies. The head of the lab that tested my water seemed quite dismayed that I didn't want to drink it. And there were many other "coincidental" things that I found out about the "lab" - as in who they are actually affiliated w/. What I took away from the experience was that they are trying to make our bodies "more" electrical. I.E can you say human battery anyone?
Interesting, I bet they Know something is going on, even if they dont know exactly what. Many professional industries seem to know that certain parts of this genocide are occurring, like all the people involved with chemtrails, or medical professionals knowing that the magnetism in people is occurring. Maybe not all, but definitely Some.
Im also sure there are people working in cell phone stores and veterinarian offices that know the vaxxed emit bluetooth MAC ID's now, but no one puts it altogether... or they get paid/threatened not to publicize it.
Thats why I think water filtration and chelation/detox are so important, they truly are trying to kill us all in multiple ways. And I plan on living.
Thank you for all the info. I do have a Berkey and brand new ceramic filters i will be using when replacement time comes along July 1. I think the ceramic filters are ProOne brand. Neighbor is asking if reverse osmosis is better than my Berkey w ceramic filters. You happen to know? Blessings to you and yours🕊️
I do not, because that is not a simple question. There are many different RO filters out there, and some are awful and would always perform worse than your berkey.
However, some RO systems have multiple filters, like a 5-stage, 6-stage or 7-stage. Each of those 'stages' is its own filter, so theoretically when its brand new a multistage RO filter will perform better than a berkey.
However each of those filters clogs up at different rates, including the primary RO membrane/filter and eventually that primary RO membrane will need to be replaced... which often costs almost as much as the entire setup.
A multi-stage RO system that has multiple clogged filters and/or a bad RO membrane can perform worse than any properly functioning water filter like berkey.
Thats the good thing about having a water testing meter, even if it just has TDS it will tell you Something about how any filter is performing and when it needs to be replaced. Its not perfect but Some meter is better than No meter.
And a $30 ZeroWater pitcher will come with one for free, even if you never use the pitcher and only use the meter to measure your berkey water. Although I bet that if you take berkey filtered water and put it through a ZeroWater filter, it will still have slightly less stuff in it when it comes out.
There is no perfect answer but good luck and blessings to you and yours as well. We all need it : )
Yes, Cilantro tincture will get out the Nano plastics. Ca EDTA is used for heavy metals and is a binder to move it out of the physiology but it's cilantro that removes Nano plastics.. As long as there are heavy metals are in the physiology, so are retroviruses and plastics. Chlorella is very good for retroviruses
But polyethylene gycol is being used in medications too. My pharmacy got a different manufacturer and I felt like I was being poisoned I felt so sick in the next day felt like I had a hangover with the worst headache. I looked up the ingredients in this medication and saw polyethylene glycol and then polyethylene glycol 400 or something My pharmacist acted like I was crazy when I said I was feeling like I was being poisoned from that stuff it had to be from that cuz it's toxic. He said they've been using that as fillers forever and no one ever had issues with it. All I know is I researched PEG when my vet wanted me to give it to my cat and I found out it's toxic and I would never give that to my cat in miralax or anything else.
Interesting about the medications I ended up with a freak pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis in January because they put a 5G tower out in front of my house when i was out of town.
I was on Eliquis and started feeling worse and worse in my doctor didn't want to switch me. I did a deep dive on it and found out that it has DNA from aborted fetuses in it !
Senomyx is a 3.2 billion dollar a year company that puts this in foods like Lays potato chips,all pop anything that says (natural flavors) plus it's in some medications and of course all vaccines.
This was extremely disturbing !
The name of the article was
"Stop eating foods with the aboarded human fetal tissue" .... from the Constitutional mobile website .
They list all foods and drinks like Gatorade and and pretty much all condiments and all medications in this article.
I was extremely disgusted,shocked and disappointed I was eating human fecal tissue !
I did more research using Brave search engine because you just can't Google this as they hide it...... and found a comprehensive list of foods drinks and medications with aborted fetus tissue in it from Clarity news.
A new Senate Bill 314 in Texas is trying to label all foods with DNA from aborted fetuses ...we need to get this information out and stop this cannibalism from these cannibal evil sinister kenites !
We have the most sophisticated communications system in mankind's history, and users don't know how to provide informational links. Pretty lame. >>>
A Comprehensive List of Food Companies and Products That Use Senomyx (Used Aborted Babies) >>> Updated: Nov 5, 2023 >>>
Hello 👋Paul.. did you not read my post that the new software on my phone permitted me from posting a link?
The other two people were appreciative that they got the information but you seem to think you're some brainwave by posting a link? The people that I communicate with on this form are kind courteous and very willing to share information .Grow up or shut up
Get rid of your cell phone and use a hard wired computer. Cell phones are designed to pickle your brain via electromagnetic induction, and software updates are surveillance and location updates. I posted the link as a convenience to other readers.
Insinuating that I should shut up sounds pretty childish to me...
I'm not going to argue with you.... I don't like being called LAME or any names for that fact...... your comments were..... "it's pretty lame users don't know how to set a link up" !
When I already posted the ISSUE.....they took the link app off my phone and no link app I tried to use worked with my phone.
Some people have a computer and I just bought an ethernet cord to connect my phone to my modem but I haven't got there with the computer yet so please forgive me !
And be nice everybody on this form....everyone shares information that's what it's all about !
Go toWww.shepherdschapel.comor Shepherd's Chapel YouTube channel if you don't know Antichrist comes first......and search for Mark 13 or Revelation 6 for 30 minute teaching to give you peace in this world and in the future ! God bless
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Brett Raio
Apr 9, 2022
2 min
A Comprehensive List of Food Companies and Products That Use Senomyx (Used Aborted Babies)
Updated: Nov 5, 2023
A large number of major food and drink brands across The United States and the world have partnered with San Diego-based company "Senomyx" which has created a flavor enhancer using the cell lines of an electively aborted human being. I compiled a comprehensive list of the food brands using senomyx, for those who also seek to no longer support or consume these brands.
I will go out of my way to not support companies who go out of their way to support the slaughter of innocent human children. You'll notice that there is almost always a more local, more organic option right beside the brand-name products, and these alternative options always seem to be many times healthier as well. They tend to lack ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, red and blue dyes, along with lacking the use of senomyx as a flavor enhancer. More information with direct info. sources and citations can be found below, but without further ado, here is the comprehensive list we have compiled:
Below is a comprehensive list of brands and products that currently use or have used senomyx:
(Click the arrows on the left to access the full expanded lists)
Beverages (Water, Soda, Energy, Coffee, Tea, Milk)
Foods (Chips, Gum, Soups, Condiments, Medicines)
Pet Foods
Direct Info. Sources
* We will add a disclaimer beside brands in this article who have completely severed all of their contracts with senomyx, once that information is made known to us.
Senomyx was found to make about $29.32 million in 2017. What product do they serve? According to their company description, "Senomyx nose a good thing when it smells it." This becomes a horrifying phrase once you learn how this ungodly company operates. "The company has identified human receptor genes related to the detection of smells and tastes." Explained in in this U.S. SEC document from 2007, "Senomyx is a leading company focused on using proprietary taste receptor-based assays." Senomyx Inc. listed HEK-293, a “human embryo kidney” cell line produced from an aborted fetus in the 1970s, in more than 70 patents related to flavor enhancers. You can learn more about the use of HEK-293 in flavor enhancers here as well.
For a Godly alternative, we are developing an online marketplace for brands and products we can trust. Visit:SupportTheKingdom.comto shop Kingdom. Our mobile app for iOS and Android is now available worldwide.
Looking for clean, inspiring, and uplifting content for you and your family? We launch the BOLDEST modern advancement to video streaming:ClarityVisionApp.comon Dec. 1st, 2023.
Thank you to everyone who choose to stand for what is right and true. Jesus says, "If you will keep My Words, then you will know The Truth, and The Truth will set you Free." (John 8:31-32). The Truth prevails, may God Bless you and your family more in Jesus' Name, amen.
World NewsUSA News
I wonder what the tensile break strength of the gray clots is? If we knew that, perhaps we could narrow down which specific polyamide family it is based on.
Formic acid dissolves polyamides, and so does CaCl2/ethanol/water (CEW), phenols, ferulic acid, and maybe some others I dont have time to research right now.
Rilsan PA11/Nylon 11 might be a potential candidate and their application guide has a big list of substances that may dissolve PA11 at 40c, which is close to human body temperature.
I dont think its Impossible to dissolve microplastics, just very difficult, but there are things that may work.
Please could you provide any suggestions on how to deal with this chronic and continuous poisoning... I am already doing OMAD daily to boost autophagy and I am drinking distilled water with some electrolytes. But no idea if this is sufficient. I feel great and healthy, but I guess my lifespan will be reduced compared to current standards in the end.
Fulvic acid is a wonderful 84 mineral Solution that's from the earth. It will suck up all bad pathogens bacteria and metals surround it with carbon and excrete it. I've been using biotoxin binder
They also have one called HM- e t binder which is environmental toxins binder..... it's a little stronger than biotoxin binder. I also use another fulvic acid called black Brew which has fulvic humic and ulnic acid.
Get 8 oz of water filtered and take six to eight charcoal capsules a few times a week you can also add a quarter tablespoon of bentonite clay to help absorb some of the nanotech that we're being sprayed on overhead.
There's a new supplement out called Masterpiece it's got marine alge in it and a few other things that helps absorb this nanotech which I heard is the top binder for this nanotechnology out of the body !
Hope this helps peace and blessings
I am now seeking this test now (thank-you) from the Canadian government vaccine injury compensation program (VISP). If I can prove that I have this in my blood, and it is from the C19 vaccine, and the levels are high (very bad), I think it is straight forward to ask for financial compensation. It is so aweful that the patients (victims) are the ones left doing this; May Jehovah God help us all
Dear Annita Linda ; Can you analyze hair ? like dating hair & finding clues ? i've kept all of my haircuts for more than 10 yrs. ! maybe pre-plan-d hair v.s. post-plan-d hair ? one thing is for sure, you will find a bunch of radiation on my Hairs !!! Bless You Sweet Pie !!!!!!!!!-elcasto.
Whether the MP is derived from polymer spraying from weather warfare, attack from geoengineering operations, or fallout from the operating theatre environment?
or MP from vaccine shedding in mRNA Vax-unvaccinated persons, how can they be differentiated?
Thank you once again Ms Mihalcea. Your study compilation is valid evidence of intentional malfeasance by the Environmental Protection Agency, traceable product manufacturers, distributors, and persons who deploy these toxins into the environment. Earth needs a good lawyer...
Hmmm! Interesting results. How "clean" is blood banked blood? If micro plastics are the source of the "starry sky" pattern noted on dark-field microscopy of symptomatic mRNA jab recipients, we might expect "unvaaxxed" blood to demonstrate the same or similar pattern, i.e. finding a valid control might be difficult or even impossible to find. This might make forensic analysis of the blood more difficult, unless...
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Jun 11 - Edited
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
The pretty and beautiful Dr Ana is warning about microplastics.
Here's some good advice to reduce it in your water.
I add a bit of calcium+magnesium in my water before I boil it. Then I add it to coffee or tea, then I filter it through paper filter.
I want to be as pure as possible if Dr Ana knocks on my door some day for some sample of my excellent fluids. ;-)
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 12
Paul Vonharnish
Erm... What about all the other living creatures on the planet? They're drinking, eating, breathing, and swimming in this toxic shit...
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Jun 12
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
You are right. I bet all kind people do things to reduce plastic and other contaminants in nature. We are all part of nature, so we should enlighten one another! The chicken is coming home to roost, full of plastic, if we don't.
I usually use glass jars for my water. I did not buy a plastic bag for years, and almost no clothes or shoes, except in help stores. Most stuff I use I found in recycle spots, and I use them a very long time. My backpacks are usually ones I find and mend, with needle and thread.
And btw. the calcium+magnesium+plastic seems to build up in the bottom of the heater, and can be removed easily with some vinegar.
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 12
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Martin: I haven't purchased plastic shoes (tennis shoes) since high school, and believe them to be about the worst thing one can wear on their feet. The reported number of skin and toenail disease makes for great pharma profits... Billions of pairs of these satanic works enter landfills annually. People have to be morons to enjoy these ill designed contraptions... I wear 100% leather boots. They last for decades.
Like yourself, I've lived a rather frugal life. I actually take care of durable goods -rather than beat them up prior to premature disposal... I buy cotton or wool products whenever I need clothing, and loath polyester/rayon/nylon or other chemically derived cloth. Most people just buy what's on sale...
The oceans are swirling with plastic trash and plastic particulate decay. The tonnage is staggering... No one seems to notice the death spiral of Nature... Thank you for your efforts.
Joe - Jun 12
Joe’s Substack
i just got a reverse osmosis and add minearls
E.C. - Jun 11 - Edited
Bee Gee
Didn't say how long to boil.
Other thoughts - What about filtering through a coffee filter? Would instapot work instead of boiling on stove? Thanks.
Bee Gee - Jun 11 - Edited
Bee Gee
What they say is that boiling causes microplastics to clump into larger plastic chunks that can be filtered out using a low quality water filter like a brita. I would never ever trust a coffee filter with my health but then I already use a ZeroWater filter anyway, because I want the cleanest water possible.
You cannot put hot water through any ion exchange filter though or it will ruin it, so its a double-huge-PITA to boil the water and then let it cool to put it through a ion exchange filter like ZeroWater.
Also I have multiple water meters, including a $300 calibrated Hanna that also does EC. Everyone of them showed that in my (twice duplicated) experiment taking commercial bottled water, which assuredly has Some microplastics in it and then boiling it for 5 minutes once it hit a rolling boil.
Boiling bottled water INCREASED Both the TDS on multiple meters and the EC on my Hanna.
Boiling water does not remove microplastics and never has, it only makes them into larger clumps that Can be filtered with poor quality water filters. And a paper coffee filter isnt really a filter at all in my book.
I should become a zerowater affiliate so I can start spamming my link every time someone asks about water but $30 is a cheap entry price for the best water there is.
Its not great to have to replace filters but that also means I never have a clogged RO membrane and not know it, or have any of the slime that Always builds up inside of hard-mounted water tubes, like in-between all the different filters that make up many systems.
Its highly questionable whether those larger clumps of MP from boiling stick in the bad water side of a distiller, and also distillers just Concentrate every chemical with a boiling point lower than water so buyer beware. A distiller kills biologics and thats it, which a tablet of chlorine dioxide can do with no electricity.
Key of David - Jun 12
Key’s Substack
I'm glad you mentioned Brita water filters. My daughter has been using one at college as she plays college tennis and the latest from Paul Saladino on YouTube is that it puts more aluminum back into the water. This is Sinister !
I bought her a Water Drop pitcher just to get her through the school year and because it was quick and easy and don't know if it filters it a high level. If anybody knows I would appreciate the comment.
I currently am using the zero water filter and I'm very happy.
The crazy thing is I was drinking Arrowhead spring water for 3 yrs and it tested at 144 at the TDS meter the same as my tap water which is city water.
Then my tap water went all the way to 210 on the TDS meter which is crazy so they're doing something to the city water.
I then tested Fuji water which was 74 and then I tested Waiakea..... a volcanic spring water from Hawaii and it tested 44 which was the cleanest bottled water I have found in the store!
Sometimes you need to be able to buy water when you're on the go but now I'm thinking it's best just to filter everything and buy a good stainless steel bottle !
Juan Campo - Jun 12
Bee Gee
I too use ZeroWater and think they are one of the best out there. Although they are expensive since we go through at least 3 gallons a day and I find that I have to change the filter at least once a month.
Bee Gee - Jun 12
Bee Gee
You can extend the life of your filters by using chlorine dioxide tablets to sterilize your water before you put it though the ZeroWater filter. Thats what I do, clean the sink thoroughly then fill it up with water and throw in a safrax CLO2 tablet then put That water into my zerowater pitchers.
I have 4 Zerowater pitchers in use since I have had them for years but sterilizing the water before I put it in has effectively doubled the life of my filters. Also it is hot where I live so the pitchers I have out on the counter get 'musky' after a while.
I find that just pouring a little of the same chlorine dioxide water into the Filtered water part of the pitcher is the best way to get rid of that muskiness. I used to completely wash them or swish it around and dump it out but I also drink chlorine dioxide water directly sometimes so I just started leaving it in there and continuing to use the filter like normal since I can't even taste such a small amount anymore.
Standing water at 70+ degrees will Always develop some 'mustiness' after some period of time though, that is not unique to zerowater filters.
Juan Campo - Jun 12
Key’s Substack
That's a great idea! I have a bunch of safrax as well. I currently use spring or distilled water, Zero it, distill it then it's filtered a third time for any fluoride.... But if things get bad and I have to go back to tap this is excellent info. I'm going to try the chlorine dioxide on the bottled water ( I also get from natural springs) and see if that extends the filter. Thanks for the info! Now....if only I can figure out what to do about the air I a massive chemtrail crosses overhead....
Key of David - Jun 13
Key’s Substack
For the Chemtrails I've been using folic acid one called biotoxin binder from
I also use one called black brew from Nampa Idaho.
It's got humic fulvic and ulnic acids in it.
Then three or four days a week I'll take 8 to 10 charcoal tablets with a glass of fulvic acid and sometimes I'll do a quarter tablespoon of clay with it to soak up all of the nanotechnology that is being absorbed into our bodies. Hope this helps peace and blessings
Key of David - Jun 13
Key’s Substack
This is fantastic news I've got a bottle of chlorine dioxide from Crown Wellness in Florida I was wondering if I could just put several drops in the picture that I feel from my faucet? Otherwise where do you purchase the tablets at? Thank you so much I use zero water too.
I have a Bluevua $400 system I haven't set up yet cuz the zero water system is working so good. Thank you for your information and time
Bee Gee - Jun 14
Bee Gee
Yes I guess you could use drops as well, if they are the premixed chlorine dioxide. If you have A/B activator type drops, I would activate them in a small glass before I put it in the pitcher.
I have some A/B activator type liquid though and that is much more expensive than the tablets, which are like 500 tablets for $30 or less if you get them in bulk. I dont know how many gallons my sink is but one tablet is one full sink of water gets me around 25ppm of Clo2, per my test strips.
And you are welcome, I do what I can.
E.C. - Jun 12 - Edited
Bee Gee
Thanks for all your info. What do u think of Berkey?
Bee Gee - Jun 12 - Edited
Bee Gee
TBH I don't think they are that great, they have promo pages dedicated to saying that Zerowater filters that filter out More things are somehow worse than their filters. A lot of shady water filtration companies use that line, 'it takes out the good minerals', which is total marketing BS for 'our filter doesnt work that well'.
If you already have one, I personally would still buy a Zerowater pitcher, for $30 it will come with a free basic TDS meter that can give you a good idea how many things are passing through the berkey filter into your drinking water.A TDS meter is not perfect, it does not detect all things but then Nothing does.
More expensive meters can be calibrated and also detect EC, which is the Electrical Conductivity of water, which is a known constant value and so it can measure things in water that a TDS meter cannot. However it is much more money, which is not worth it to most people since you could buy a whole years worth of replacement ZeroWater filters for less than an expensive meter.
If the end of the world comes, I would rather have a Berkey/gravity fed ceramic water filter than nothing but we are not at that point yet and there are still better options available.
So IMPO if you do not yet have a Berkey, I would just skip it and get a ZeroWater.
Juan Campo - Jun 12 - Edited
Bee Gee
Interesting that you would mention the EC of certain waters. I had my tap water tested and it was through the roof re electrical conductivity. The explanation on the lab report for this was riddled w/ inconsistencies. The head of the lab that tested my water seemed quite dismayed that I didn't want to drink it. And there were many other "coincidental" things that I found out about the "lab" - as in who they are actually affiliated w/. What I took away from the experience was that they are trying to make our bodies "more" electrical. I.E can you say human battery anyone?
Bee Gee - Jun 14 - Edited
Bee Gee
Interesting, I bet they Know something is going on, even if they dont know exactly what. Many professional industries seem to know that certain parts of this genocide are occurring, like all the people involved with chemtrails, or medical professionals knowing that the magnetism in people is occurring. Maybe not all, but definitely Some.
Im also sure there are people working in cell phone stores and veterinarian offices that know the vaxxed emit bluetooth MAC ID's now, but no one puts it altogether... or they get paid/threatened not to publicize it.
Thats why I think water filtration and chelation/detox are so important, they truly are trying to kill us all in multiple ways. And I plan on living.
E.C. - Jun 12
Bee Gee
Thank you for all the info. I do have a Berkey and brand new ceramic filters i will be using when replacement time comes along July 1. I think the ceramic filters are ProOne brand. Neighbor is asking if reverse osmosis is better than my Berkey w ceramic filters. You happen to know? Blessings to you and yours🕊️
Bee Gee - Jun 12
Bee Gee
I do not, because that is not a simple question. There are many different RO filters out there, and some are awful and would always perform worse than your berkey.
However, some RO systems have multiple filters, like a 5-stage, 6-stage or 7-stage. Each of those 'stages' is its own filter, so theoretically when its brand new a multistage RO filter will perform better than a berkey.
However each of those filters clogs up at different rates, including the primary RO membrane/filter and eventually that primary RO membrane will need to be replaced... which often costs almost as much as the entire setup.
A multi-stage RO system that has multiple clogged filters and/or a bad RO membrane can perform worse than any properly functioning water filter like berkey.
Thats the good thing about having a water testing meter, even if it just has TDS it will tell you Something about how any filter is performing and when it needs to be replaced. Its not perfect but Some meter is better than No meter.
And a $30 ZeroWater pitcher will come with one for free, even if you never use the pitcher and only use the meter to measure your berkey water. Although I bet that if you take berkey filtered water and put it through a ZeroWater filter, it will still have slightly less stuff in it when it comes out.
There is no perfect answer but good luck and blessings to you and yours as well. We all need it : )
Any antidote to the microplastics? Does EDTA chelation help at all? Anything else work once the microplastics are in you?
Northern Indiana Hyperbarics - Jun 12
Yes, Cilantro tincture will get out the Nano plastics. Ca EDTA is used for heavy metals and is a binder to move it out of the physiology but it's cilantro that removes Nano plastics.. As long as there are heavy metals are in the physiology, so are retroviruses and plastics. Chlorella is very good for retroviruses
abstraktername - Jun 12
It is a new area of research, we have little idea of what actually happens. This paper was interesting though and the only one I have found so far which even discusses this topic: you have any other papers, let me know!
Mrnobody - Jun 13
Check out Rife technology
Jacqueline Smith - Jun 11
Are these related to what the embalmers are extracting from the dead?
Kris - Jun 11 - Edited
Key’s Substack
But polyethylene gycol is being used in medications too. My pharmacy got a different manufacturer and I felt like I was being poisoned I felt so sick in the next day felt like I had a hangover with the worst headache. I looked up the ingredients in this medication and saw polyethylene glycol and then polyethylene glycol 400 or something My pharmacist acted like I was crazy when I said I was feeling like I was being poisoned from that stuff it had to be from that cuz it's toxic. He said they've been using that as fillers forever and no one ever had issues with it. All I know is I researched PEG when my vet wanted me to give it to my cat and I found out it's toxic and I would never give that to my cat in miralax or anything else.
Key of David - Jun 12
Key’s Substack
Interesting about the medications I ended up with a freak pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis in January because they put a 5G tower out in front of my house when i was out of town.
I was on Eliquis and started feeling worse and worse in my doctor didn't want to switch me. I did a deep dive on it and found out that it has DNA from aborted fetuses in it !
Senomyx is a 3.2 billion dollar a year company that puts this in foods like Lays potato chips,all pop anything that says (natural flavors) plus it's in some medications and of course all vaccines.
This was extremely disturbing !
The name of the article was
"Stop eating foods with the aboarded human fetal tissue" .... from the Constitutional mobile website .
They list all foods and drinks like Gatorade and and pretty much all condiments and all medications in this article.
I was extremely disgusted,shocked and disappointed I was eating human fecal tissue !
I did more research using Brave search engine because you just can't Google this as they hide it...... and found a comprehensive list of foods drinks and medications with aborted fetus tissue in it from Clarity news.
A new Senate Bill 314 in Texas is trying to label all foods with DNA from aborted fetuses ...we need to get this information out and stop this cannibalism from these cannibal evil sinister kenites !
Kris - Jun 12
Un-silent - Jun 12
Thank you!
Un-silent - Jun 12
Do you have a link for that Clarity News article, it didn't come up in my search.
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 12
Paul Vonharnish
We have the most sophisticated communications system in mankind's history, and users don't know how to provide informational links. Pretty lame. >>>
A Comprehensive List of Food Companies and Products That Use Senomyx (Used Aborted Babies) >>> Updated: Nov 5, 2023 >>>
Key of David - Jun 13
Key’s Substack
Hello 👋Paul.. did you not read my post that the new software on my phone permitted me from posting a link?
The other two people were appreciative that they got the information but you seem to think you're some brainwave by posting a link? The people that I communicate with on this form are kind courteous and very willing to share information .Grow up or shut up
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 13
Paul Vonharnish
Get rid of your cell phone and use a hard wired computer. Cell phones are designed to pickle your brain via electromagnetic induction, and software updates are surveillance and location updates. I posted the link as a convenience to other readers.
Insinuating that I should shut up sounds pretty childish to me...
Key of David - Jun 13
Key’s Substack
I'm not going to argue with you.... I don't like being called LAME or any names for that fact...... your comments were..... "it's pretty lame users don't know how to set a link up" !
When I already posted the ISSUE.....they took the link app off my phone and no link app I tried to use worked with my phone.
Some people have a computer and I just bought an ethernet cord to connect my phone to my modem but I haven't got there with the computer yet so please forgive me !
And be nice everybody on this form....everyone shares information that's what it's all about !
Go toWww.shepherdschapel.comor Shepherd's Chapel YouTube channel if you don't know Antichrist comes first......and search for Mark 13 or Revelation 6 for 30 minute teaching to give you peace in this world and in the future ! God bless
Key of David - Jun 12
Key’s Substack
Sorry I was having a problem copying and paste this with the new software downloaded on my Samsung phone it's not working correctly
Key of David - Jun 12
Key’s Substack
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Brett Raio
Apr 9, 2022
2 min
A Comprehensive List of Food Companies and Products That Use Senomyx (Used Aborted Babies)
Updated: Nov 5, 2023
A large number of major food and drink brands across The United States and the world have partnered with San Diego-based company "Senomyx" which has created a flavor enhancer using the cell lines of an electively aborted human being. I compiled a comprehensive list of the food brands using senomyx, for those who also seek to no longer support or consume these brands.
I will go out of my way to not support companies who go out of their way to support the slaughter of innocent human children. You'll notice that there is almost always a more local, more organic option right beside the brand-name products, and these alternative options always seem to be many times healthier as well. They tend to lack ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup, red and blue dyes, along with lacking the use of senomyx as a flavor enhancer. More information with direct info. sources and citations can be found below, but without further ado, here is the comprehensive list we have compiled:
Below is a comprehensive list of brands and products that currently use or have used senomyx:
(Click the arrows on the left to access the full expanded lists)
Beverages (Water, Soda, Energy, Coffee, Tea, Milk)
Foods (Chips, Gum, Soups, Condiments, Medicines)
Pet Foods
Direct Info. Sources
* We will add a disclaimer beside brands in this article who have completely severed all of their contracts with senomyx, once that information is made known to us.
Senomyx was found to make about $29.32 million in 2017. What product do they serve? According to their company description, "Senomyx nose a good thing when it smells it." This becomes a horrifying phrase once you learn how this ungodly company operates. "The company has identified human receptor genes related to the detection of smells and tastes." Explained in in this U.S. SEC document from 2007, "Senomyx is a leading company focused on using proprietary taste receptor-based assays." Senomyx Inc. listed HEK-293, a “human embryo kidney” cell line produced from an aborted fetus in the 1970s, in more than 70 patents related to flavor enhancers. You can learn more about the use of HEK-293 in flavor enhancers here as well.
For a Godly alternative, we are developing an online marketplace for brands and products we can trust. Visit:SupportTheKingdom.comto shop Kingdom. Our mobile app for iOS and Android is now available worldwide.
Looking for clean, inspiring, and uplifting content for you and your family? We launch the BOLDEST modern advancement to video streaming:ClarityVisionApp.comon Dec. 1st, 2023.
Thank you to everyone who choose to stand for what is right and true. Jesus says, "If you will keep My Words, then you will know The Truth, and The Truth will set you Free." (John 8:31-32). The Truth prevails, may God Bless you and your family more in Jesus' Name, amen.
World NewsUSA News
Un-silent - Jun 13
I think it would have been easier for them to have listed the companies that don't use it. Pretty shocking.
OkayJess - Jun 13
Jessie’s Substack
HalleluYah. Bless you sevenfold in return, in our Yahusha Hamashiach’s name. Thank you for sharing this!
OkayJess - Jun 13
Jessie’s Substack
Keep trying the website and it’s not working, FYI.
Bee Gee - Jun 11
Bee Gee
I wonder what the tensile break strength of the gray clots is? If we knew that, perhaps we could narrow down which specific polyamide family it is based on.
Formic acid dissolves polyamides, and so does CaCl2/ethanol/water (CEW), phenols, ferulic acid, and maybe some others I dont have time to research right now.
Rilsan PA11/Nylon 11 might be a potential candidate and their application guide has a big list of substances that may dissolve PA11 at 40c, which is close to human body temperature.
I dont think its Impossible to dissolve microplastics, just very difficult, but there are things that may work.
Joe - Jun 12
Joe’s Substack
its very appreciated but unfortunatelywe dont have a solution an we can only mitigate it
abstraktername - Jun 12
Key’s Substack
Please could you provide any suggestions on how to deal with this chronic and continuous poisoning... I am already doing OMAD daily to boost autophagy and I am drinking distilled water with some electrolytes. But no idea if this is sufficient. I feel great and healthy, but I guess my lifespan will be reduced compared to current standards in the end.
Key of David - Jun 13
Key’s Substack
Fulvic acid is a wonderful 84 mineral Solution that's from the earth. It will suck up all bad pathogens bacteria and metals surround it with carbon and excrete it. I've been using biotoxin binder
They also have one called HM- e t binder which is environmental toxins binder..... it's a little stronger than biotoxin binder. I also use another fulvic acid called black Brew which has fulvic humic and ulnic acid.
Get 8 oz of water filtered and take six to eight charcoal capsules a few times a week you can also add a quarter tablespoon of bentonite clay to help absorb some of the nanotech that we're being sprayed on overhead.
There's a new supplement out called Masterpiece it's got marine alge in it and a few other things that helps absorb this nanotech which I heard is the top binder for this nanotechnology out of the body !
Hope this helps peace and blessings
Mrnobody - Jun 13
abstraktername - Jun 12
I just saw you have a book, and have bought it via Amazon. Bless you for trying to help humanity. I am looking forward to reading it.
Brent Erskine - Jun 12
FMRVR’s Newsletter
I am now seeking this test now (thank-you) from the Canadian government vaccine injury compensation program (VISP). If I can prove that I have this in my blood, and it is from the C19 vaccine, and the levels are high (very bad), I think it is straight forward to ask for financial compensation. It is so aweful that the patients (victims) are the ones left doing this; May Jehovah God help us all
Are there any studies that support Cilantro tincture being able to remove Nano plastics? If so, please provide as this is very important.
Sober Christian Gentleman - Jun 11
Sober Christian Gentleman Podca…
Pharmacists are dangerous idiots who push pills.
elcasto - Jun 12
Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…
Dear Annita Linda ; Can you analyze hair ? like dating hair & finding clues ? i've kept all of my haircuts for more than 10 yrs. ! maybe pre-plan-d hair v.s. post-plan-d hair ? one thing is for sure, you will find a bunch of radiation on my Hairs !!! Bless You Sweet Pie !!!!!!!!!-elcasto.
Katuhiko Fukuda - Jun 12
Katuhiko’s Substack
Whether the MP is derived from polymer spraying from weather warfare, attack from geoengineering operations, or fallout from the operating theatre environment?
or MP from vaccine shedding in mRNA Vax-unvaccinated persons, how can they be differentiated?
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 12
Paul Vonharnish
Thank you once again Ms Mihalcea. Your study compilation is valid evidence of intentional malfeasance by the Environmental Protection Agency, traceable product manufacturers, distributors, and persons who deploy these toxins into the environment. Earth needs a good lawyer...
Robert M. Davidson MD PhD - Jun 11
Robert’s Newsletter
Hmmm! Interesting results. How "clean" is blood banked blood? If micro plastics are the source of the "starry sky" pattern noted on dark-field microscopy of symptomatic mRNA jab recipients, we might expect "unvaaxxed" blood to demonstrate the same or similar pattern, i.e. finding a valid control might be difficult or even impossible to find. This might make forensic analysis of the blood more difficult, unless...
LoZo - Jun 11
I'm on well would the next best thing be not drinking bottled water or Gatorade, etc.?
Marianne Agnello - Jun 11
Marianne Agnello
Dr Ana would there be any in bags of saline that is used in blood donations?
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