Electro Magnetic Pulse / Jamming Technology / Chlorine Dioxide ( strong oxidizers ruin wires ) with DMSO is what we use. Just only doing detoxes is foolish. The reason is obvious. Do you fight Terminators and Sentinels with herbs and minerals? Do you think the limit to robotics is Nanotechnology? Have you not been paying attention to the human sized robots being built? Yeah so terminators not here yet, just nano ones you cant see, and I see most of you still thinking with herbs and minerals. We are must have a superior first world approach, which is electrophysics, PhDs not MDs. People that can demonstrate kilogauss EMP. #hypersanity
You missed the point, energy ( electrophysics ) ( plasma ) becomes all things ( solid, liquid, gas ) which is “mineral”. This everything matter can do, a magneto dielectric energy field can also do. What makes you think One cant generate an energy field that copies the energy, vibration, and frequency of EDTA as Nikola Tesla said? We must stop thinking of only that matter of which we can see. #hypersanity
I was not referring to any specific technology or brands… I am leading you to the water or teaching to fish not giving you a bottle of water or a fish. The solution, to all solutions, is in electrophysics, the understanding and manipulation, of energy. All matter, such as minerals, do not exist as you are told. There are no particles. Its all a field effect of magnetism and dielectricity which becomes ponderable matter we see. You must all unlearn Einstein and recently taught energy knowledge, and go back to its founding fathers which is Maxwell, Steinmetz, Tesla, who no electronics engineer will challenge, and they did not agree with Atomism and actually called it a psychosis of the mind… Eric Dollard, Ken Wheeler far as people alive today. I am not saying that mineral and herb cannot work. I am saying the reason those work, is their compounds are different frequencies of energies which become matter, and by knowing this is reality, we can bypass physical and approach using first world solutions which is solely using time, space, magnetism, and dielectrics; no other thing is needed to treat, because there is no other thing. Everything is manifest and held by these four corners including all your “atoms” and “particles” which is not how energy moves through wires.
Resonant Initiated Field Effect; R I F E machine type with range of controllable ( moving machine electrodes & emitters ) and tunable by frequency emissions in magneto dielectric, sound, ultrasound, and light, together with an energy transport solution of chlorine dioxide solution and DMSO.
To every health problem, there is a solution in Nature (however, it may take longer depending on damage done and for how long it was done). Which EMP/jamming tech do you suggest?
A Covid-19 Bio-weapon Cure?
[10/12/2024 5:21 AM]
Just took my first dose 1800 MG EDTA with 3000 Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Took with 3 - 12 oz of water. Both of these things work very fast in the body. The EDTA that is not destroyed in the stomach immediately binds with heavy metals and is eliminated from the body. I have not found any coated EDTA yet, have found suppository applications witch are coated for different reasons then to keep the stomach acid from degrading the usable dosage. The most effective means of dosage is intravenously.
[10/12/2024 5:24 AM]
I will take my vitamin E, charcoal and multivitamin a little later. The water works its way through my system with in a few hours. I am still in my over night fast mode.
[10/12/2024 5:30 AM]
What I am doing is a two month test of this dosage with the one bottle of EDTA I got from Piping Rock and one bottle of Nature's Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Will need get one more bottle of those to match up with the EDTA.
[10/12/2024 5:41 AM]
So why do this dosage and why EDTA? Good question. Looking at Bill Gate's patent on his Covid-19 self replicating injection; he lists EDTA as the counter agent. In that injection you have graphine and nano self replicating nanobots. Even if you have not had the injection of Covid-19 bio-weapon it can and does shed onto those close to you. Any way Bill Gate's to keep his karma free of bad ju-ju must tell us peasants why his bio-weapon meant to KILL and enslave us has this get out of jail free card.
[10/12/2024 5:51 AM]
Will it work? Hard to say; but this is a very nasty plan the world elite have come up with and a delivery system that is right into the trusting bodies of all the useless eaters that their group of super rich megalomaniacs has noticed. This is like a SciFi James Bond movie for taking over the world. Slavery is a profitable enterprise and has been for 10,000's of thousands of years. Add this current plan with their Fiat Money System where they will take everything you own and then put you into a 15 minute city under extreme surveillance and 5-6 G bombardment and you have a plan that is well on its way to fullrition.
[10/12/2024 5:56 AM]
I have been watching very closely these last 4-5 years. The only thing I saw happen was a influx of cell towers go up everywhere during that time and a massive move towards smart appliances. Now some of those smart things are starting to blow up indiscriminately in various so called WAR ZONES where it seems OK to mass kill humans with military war machines.
776836, [10/14/2024 7:47 AM]
After 3 days I can 100% say get some EDTA and vitamin C and use it.
776836, [10/14/2024 10:29 AM]
The outcome of three days of EDTA can be spewed by many factors and a longer run is necessary. Today I am noticing more energy, enough more that I am noticing it. My thinking is clearer. My chest pains seem to have gone away for the most part. I do not know if these are trends that will persist.
776836, [10/14/2024 10:34 AM]
I will be getting more and will share with family and neighbors. I might change the reason they want the EDTA since most everybody here is a Covid-19 believer and few seem to think that the spraying of chemicals in the sky is a real thing .
776836, [10/15/2024 4:40 AM]
This is day 4 of my EDTA personal experiment.
776836, [10/15/2024 4:46 AM]
Bonnie asked me about the dosage. I am going maximum here and do not have the EDTA going on very long time wise during the day. This is a all at once deal. This is coming off my evening fast. One major problem is the stomach acid degrades the EDTA product.
Well whatever I am at least doing something and so far it is helping. I have family members that want to believe in saviors and have picked Donald Trump and Elon Musk as those two white hats.
Thee is so much bull shit out there currently. I am a very old man and this is the end of my life. I am dealing with nano bots and poison and a food industry that is putting out toxic foods. Most other folks are looking for saviors and white hats and overly complicated solutions. Most will be disapointed. I may also be disapointed. I have chosen this path.
[10/15/2024 4:28 AM]
Bull Shit. Both are multi billionaires. Both are in the Public eye. These are not the good guys. These are the very worse of the worse. One fast tracked the Covid-19 poison. The other is propagating transportation the is 100%electric and explodes when you add water and wants to make human cyborgs. These are the very worse folks in existence.
[10/15/2024 4:29 AM]
Things can only get worse with these two.
I am in elimination mode. That is amazing since I am not fasting. This is my 5th day of the EDTA treatment for the elimination of heavy metals and Covid - 19 Bio-weapon. I am not on a fast, but my body is acting like I am. I steeped up my vitamin C today to 6000.
Such a government has no right to exist.
Stop Paying Income taxes.
Stop Supporting this Abusive, War Mongering, Corrupt Government
All War is Evil. No More War.
Good work, keep it up and I think you will feel much better, like we do.
But EDTA is Not nearly all destroyed by stomach acid, thats what that study from 1952 Theorized but they were Wrong.
Take one of your pills and empty it into a glass of orange juice or Any acidic liquid. Or add some HCLA water to the powder from one of the pills and watch what happens.
EDTA is SOOOOO extremely hydrophobic that it will not dissolve whatsoever into any acidic liquid. Period.
It requires pH of 8 or 9 for EDTA to dissolve into water, which is far far from your stomach pH.
I dont have it handy but go back and read the actual study all the other EDTA studies Reference and you will see the Multiple flaws in their methodology.
Here is another source of Oral EDTA that talks about it but they dont have any good study links, just text.
ce sont des micro bulles de GRAPHENE comme on peut le constater dans des videos industrielles sur le Graphene, que INFO VACUNAS a montre et demontre il ya plus de 3 Ans
apparues sur le net dans l'interview du Dr Sandre Botha sur Stew peters show ,ou elle les a decouvertes dans les fioles ,mais ne sait pas ce que c'est
je ne vois pas le rapport avec des ' micro robots' !!
vos bulles dans les videos ne sont pas du tout les memes
les micro bullles de graphene on cette typique structure avec un anneau NOIR
c'est deja suffisament grave que ces micro bullles (qui peuvent contenir des charges utiles ) soient injectees dans le corps des gens !
Video complete de Info Vacunas
Oh good grief! I don't have the time and patience to give you the technical education to understand this stuff, but I'll try to simplify it for you.
You have shown bubbles moving around in a fluid (blood). This is not equivalent to nanobots. Nowhere close. Bubbles can be made to move, or they might move on their own. They may attach to something and then move. They may cause things to clump. That's it! No structure, no functionality. In one article, it said lasers can cause microbubbles to move in one direction. If you use a laser to guide the bubble to move in a particular direction, in order for there to be any complexity of movement, it requires the laser (an EXTERNAL device) AND some kind of programming directing the laser to change so that it directs complex movement.
When is the last time you saw a laser being aimed at a shot victim? Without the laser, no meaningful movement. None.
What you are essentially saying is that a brick is the house, the gas tank is the car. Suppose I use the fuel in my gas tank to propel my car and move it, I drive into a parking lot full of cars and park there. Now I have a self-assembly of cars, don't I? This is about what you appear to be saying. And what does a self-assembly of cars in a parking lot OD? Nothing!
A microbubble is a COMPONENT. A microrobot is a DEVICE MADE OF COMPONENTS. Many, many components. It probably has some hardware that can cause it to move or grasp something, and some software that tells it how to do this. The microbubble is only a small part of that.
Another article you linked claims graphene in the shots. Maybe, even likely. BUT, the STRUCTURES you have shown in some photos are QUADRILATERALS, which graphene forms HEXAGONAL crystals. Graphene is NOT INVOLVED in the crystals in your photos.
The shots might contain particles that fluoresce, or lanthanides and other toxic substances. None of that is nanobots.
Quantum dots are tiny particles made of a semiconductor. A possible component. NOT A NANOBOT. Not a device. A component is not a device.
Now another thing. You talk about nanopores. A nanopore is just a tube. It is NOT A SENSOR. Think of looking through a tube, or a telescope. Your EYE is the sensor, not the telescope. Don't confuse the two.
A clump of something is NOT A MICROCHIP. The requirements for manufacturing a microchip are EXTREMELY COMPLEX. Just forcing stuff to clump together isn't going to cut it. Sorry.
"Tiny robots that can transport individual neurons and connect them to form active neural circuits could help us study brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease."
Neurons aren't in the blood stream. There isn't another fluid in the body where stuff can be moved freely about.
Read this article:
This technology is NOT HERE YET. The shots were deployed in early 2021. This article was written in 2023. STILL NOT HERE YET.
It talks about a microrobot about the size of a pencil tip. You aren't going to be injecting pencil-tip sized objects through a hypodermic needle. Nor will they assemble from stuff in that injected fluid into ANY USEFUL DEVICE.
"Microbubbles seen all over the world in COVID19 vials, live blood, urine, mediations, supplements ARE microrobots that can self assemble microchips for biosensing and other application."
This is TOTAL AND UTTER NONSENSE. Yes, you have shown microbubbles. And that's ALL you have shown. Nothing more.
People are indiscriminately using "microbots" to label bubbles that do nothing more than move and maybe drag something with them. Science is supposed to be precise. It seems evident that people who write these technical papers are looking for sensationalism to make a name for themselves, and the current climate of massive fraud in technical papers provides the perfect medium.
Please stop spreading these myths. You are making all of us look foolish, which is EXACTLY what the enemy wants. We have plenty of REAL STUFF to talk about. Let's leave the fairy tales alone.
What's in my blood? Cognitive dissonance? Or nanobots? I never took the shots. Nothing inappropriate in my blood.
I don't need to get my own microscope. The photos she is showing clearly demonstrate that her CONCLUSIONS are WRONG. I rely on HER photos.
Update From Reiner Fuellmich 15 October 2024
They are trying to break him, but he has fantastic resilience
Hey Ana, I think you should try to get your work published on new decentralized science platforms such asresearchhub.com
we need as many people getting their work seen as possible. I’m also trying to tell Clifford Carnicom, but looks like he hasn’t logged in for a long time and had a post recently about his communications being shut down.
Someone should call Me I’ll donate my body to science. I am in A lot of pain in my body is completely disfigured. Buy these things inside of me. I’ve seen many doctors and Nun can explain what is happening but I can since I was surgically implanted by these monsters in the middle of the night almost 5 years ago. The things inside of me has grown exponentially. My email address is Jeremy Wilson4@msn.com.
I think you should buy a $24 bottle of Arizona oral EDTA, a $9 bottle of pure Vitamin C as ascorbic acid crystals and then Take Them.
Im not a doctor or giving you medical advice but if it were Me and I felt that bad, I would stop eating altogether, drink a ton of water and Take 3 arizona EDTA pills and a quarter teaspoon of C crystals dissolved into water every 8 hours.
Then keep it up for 3 or more days and I think you will feel Much better, although you might have to keep taking it for a while, it cant fix it overnight.
There are other things you can take that Help but C and EDTA works Best.... and fasting is the most effective way to take Oral EDTA so thats what l do.
Good luck to you in any case.
It irritated me at first too, but if you can sit through it all, he makes some valid points that I think they should take heed of.
Sure, its minor amounts below toxic thresholds, sure elements arent chemicals, sure there is a bunch of sodium in the jabs...
but they also report values that are below the LOD spec of their machine and make basic procedural errors, like adding microliters of test substance to milliliters of diluted water and nitric acid.
They should fix their basic errors and get their machine validated and certified to a known standard if they want their work to withstand academic scrutiny...
Although I also think he should try to reproduce their work and see what values he finds but still, they need to be Correct about their work.
Ana- call me skeptical about microbubbles. They've been known and studied for over a decade. Your post is the first time I've seen a human attribute assigned to such bubbles, i.e. an un-Godly, transhumanistic attribute given to a phenomenon that might be explained on the basis of natural phenomena, as opposed to man made. I need persuasion.
She has made many many posts about this for over 2 years now, so why would you read one article and then say you need more evidence?
This happens all the time, I read this One Thing, now prove your previous 2 or 3 years of research that I havent read.... in a Comment!
Read More, and watch some of her video presentations and Then ask questions.
Also she doesnt answer people here in the comments anymore, she is too busy but some people here may be able to help you, after you help yourself.
Hypersanity Infinitus - Oct 16
Hypersanity Infinitus
Electro Magnetic Pulse / Jamming Technology / Chlorine Dioxide ( strong oxidizers ruin wires ) with DMSO is what we use. Just only doing detoxes is foolish. The reason is obvious. Do you fight Terminators and Sentinels with herbs and minerals? Do you think the limit to robotics is Nanotechnology? Have you not been paying attention to the human sized robots being built? Yeah so terminators not here yet, just nano ones you cant see, and I see most of you still thinking with herbs and minerals. We are must have a superior first world approach, which is electrophysics, PhDs not MDs. People that can demonstrate kilogauss EMP. #hypersanity
Joe - Oct 17
Joe’s Substack
EDTA is not a mineral and works and safe so why not
Hypersanity Infinitus - Oct 19
Hypersanity Infinitus
You missed the point, energy ( electrophysics ) ( plasma ) becomes all things ( solid, liquid, gas ) which is “mineral”. This everything matter can do, a magneto dielectric energy field can also do. What makes you think One cant generate an energy field that copies the energy, vibration, and frequency of EDTA as Nikola Tesla said? We must stop thinking of only that matter of which we can see. #hypersanity
Hypersanity Infinitus - Oct 19
Hypersanity Infinitus
I was not referring to any specific technology or brands… I am leading you to the water or teaching to fish not giving you a bottle of water or a fish. The solution, to all solutions, is in electrophysics, the understanding and manipulation, of energy. All matter, such as minerals, do not exist as you are told. There are no particles. Its all a field effect of magnetism and dielectricity which becomes ponderable matter we see. You must all unlearn Einstein and recently taught energy knowledge, and go back to its founding fathers which is Maxwell, Steinmetz, Tesla, who no electronics engineer will challenge, and they did not agree with Atomism and actually called it a psychosis of the mind… Eric Dollard, Ken Wheeler far as people alive today. I am not saying that mineral and herb cannot work. I am saying the reason those work, is their compounds are different frequencies of energies which become matter, and by knowing this is reality, we can bypass physical and approach using first world solutions which is solely using time, space, magnetism, and dielectrics; no other thing is needed to treat, because there is no other thing. Everything is manifest and held by these four corners including all your “atoms” and “particles” which is not how energy moves through wires.
Leon - Oct 17
Hypersanity Infinitus
Hi, Hypersanity Infinitus;
Thank you for the comment. Can you elaborate on 'Jamming Technology' you use? Thanks.
Hypersanity Infinitus - Oct 19
Hypersanity Infinitus
Resonant Initiated Field Effect; R I F E machine type with range of controllable ( moving machine electrodes & emitters ) and tunable by frequency emissions in magneto dielectric, sound, ultrasound, and light, together with an energy transport solution of chlorine dioxide solution and DMSO.
Mark Luersen - Oct 17
Sun Drink Shadows
To every health problem, there is a solution in Nature (however, it may take longer depending on damage done and for how long it was done). Which EMP/jamming tech do you suggest?
Hypersanity Infinitus - Oct 19
Hypersanity Infinitus
Magnetism and Dielectric is Nature.
Mark Luersen - Oct 20
Sun Drink Shadows
Harmful radiation is nature too. Thanks for not answering my question.
P. Brooks McGinnis - Oct 17
P.’s Substack
A Covid-19 Bio-weapon Cure?
[10/12/2024 5:21 AM]
Just took my first dose 1800 MG EDTA with 3000 Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Took with 3 - 12 oz of water. Both of these things work very fast in the body. The EDTA that is not destroyed in the stomach immediately binds with heavy metals and is eliminated from the body. I have not found any coated EDTA yet, have found suppository applications witch are coated for different reasons then to keep the stomach acid from degrading the usable dosage. The most effective means of dosage is intravenously.
[10/12/2024 5:24 AM]
I will take my vitamin E, charcoal and multivitamin a little later. The water works its way through my system with in a few hours. I am still in my over night fast mode.
[10/12/2024 5:30 AM]
What I am doing is a two month test of this dosage with the one bottle of EDTA I got from Piping Rock and one bottle of Nature's Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Will need get one more bottle of those to match up with the EDTA.
[10/12/2024 5:41 AM]
So why do this dosage and why EDTA? Good question. Looking at Bill Gate's patent on his Covid-19 self replicating injection; he lists EDTA as the counter agent. In that injection you have graphine and nano self replicating nanobots. Even if you have not had the injection of Covid-19 bio-weapon it can and does shed onto those close to you. Any way Bill Gate's to keep his karma free of bad ju-ju must tell us peasants why his bio-weapon meant to KILL and enslave us has this get out of jail free card.
[10/12/2024 5:51 AM]
Will it work? Hard to say; but this is a very nasty plan the world elite have come up with and a delivery system that is right into the trusting bodies of all the useless eaters that their group of super rich megalomaniacs has noticed. This is like a SciFi James Bond movie for taking over the world. Slavery is a profitable enterprise and has been for 10,000's of thousands of years. Add this current plan with their Fiat Money System where they will take everything you own and then put you into a 15 minute city under extreme surveillance and 5-6 G bombardment and you have a plan that is well on its way to fullrition.
[10/12/2024 5:56 AM]
I have been watching very closely these last 4-5 years. The only thing I saw happen was a influx of cell towers go up everywhere during that time and a massive move towards smart appliances. Now some of those smart things are starting to blow up indiscriminately in various so called WAR ZONES where it seems OK to mass kill humans with military war machines.
776836, [10/14/2024 7:47 AM]
After 3 days I can 100% say get some EDTA and vitamin C and use it.
776836, [10/14/2024 10:29 AM]
The outcome of three days of EDTA can be spewed by many factors and a longer run is necessary. Today I am noticing more energy, enough more that I am noticing it. My thinking is clearer. My chest pains seem to have gone away for the most part. I do not know if these are trends that will persist.
776836, [10/14/2024 10:34 AM]
I will be getting more and will share with family and neighbors. I might change the reason they want the EDTA since most everybody here is a Covid-19 believer and few seem to think that the spraying of chemicals in the sky is a real thing .
776836, [10/15/2024 4:40 AM]
This is day 4 of my EDTA personal experiment.
776836, [10/15/2024 4:46 AM]
Bonnie asked me about the dosage. I am going maximum here and do not have the EDTA going on very long time wise during the day. This is a all at once deal. This is coming off my evening fast. One major problem is the stomach acid degrades the EDTA product.
Well whatever I am at least doing something and so far it is helping. I have family members that want to believe in saviors and have picked Donald Trump and Elon Musk as those two white hats.
Thee is so much bull shit out there currently. I am a very old man and this is the end of my life. I am dealing with nano bots and poison and a food industry that is putting out toxic foods. Most other folks are looking for saviors and white hats and overly complicated solutions. Most will be disapointed. I may also be disapointed. I have chosen this path.
[10/15/2024 4:28 AM]
Bull Shit. Both are multi billionaires. Both are in the Public eye. These are not the good guys. These are the very worse of the worse. One fast tracked the Covid-19 poison. The other is propagating transportation the is 100%electric and explodes when you add water and wants to make human cyborgs. These are the very worse folks in existence.
[10/15/2024 4:29 AM]
Things can only get worse with these two.
I am in elimination mode. That is amazing since I am not fasting. This is my 5th day of the EDTA treatment for the elimination of heavy metals and Covid - 19 Bio-weapon. I am not on a fast, but my body is acting like I am. I steeped up my vitamin C today to 6000.
Such a government has no right to exist.
Stop Paying Income taxes.
Stop Supporting this Abusive, War Mongering, Corrupt Government
All War is Evil. No More War.
Bee Gee - Oct 17
Bee Gee
Good work, keep it up and I think you will feel much better, like we do.
But EDTA is Not nearly all destroyed by stomach acid, thats what that study from 1952 Theorized but they were Wrong.
Take one of your pills and empty it into a glass of orange juice or Any acidic liquid. Or add some HCLA water to the powder from one of the pills and watch what happens.
EDTA is SOOOOO extremely hydrophobic that it will not dissolve whatsoever into any acidic liquid. Period.
It requires pH of 8 or 9 for EDTA to dissolve into water, which is far far from your stomach pH.
I dont have it handy but go back and read the actual study all the other EDTA studies Reference and you will see the Multiple flaws in their methodology.
Here is another source of Oral EDTA that talks about it but they dont have any good study links, just text.
Theara - Oct 17 - Edited
Theara’s Newsletter
ce sont des micro bulles de GRAPHENE comme on peut le constater dans des videos industrielles sur le Graphene, que INFO VACUNAS a montre et demontre il ya plus de 3 Ans
apparues sur le net dans l'interview du Dr Sandre Botha sur Stew peters show ,ou elle les a decouvertes dans les fioles ,mais ne sait pas ce que c'est
je ne vois pas le rapport avec des ' micro robots' !!
vos bulles dans les videos ne sont pas du tout les memes
les micro bullles de graphene on cette typique structure avec un anneau NOIR
c'est deja suffisament grave que ces micro bullles (qui peuvent contenir des charges utiles ) soient injectees dans le corps des gens !
Video complete de Info Vacunas
Theara - Oct 17
Theara’s Newsletter
Natural Purity - Oct 17
Hmm, looks a little bit similar to the bubbles in this “ropeworm” microscopy:https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=da5232ea2b21146de6e982fb9ec5296a9c4bdf17
Of course this is not a worm, more of a bio-polymer as Clifford Carnicom described
Robert Sun - Oct 17
Robert Sun
Desert Nomad - Oct 17
Desert Nomad's Substack
Oh good grief! I don't have the time and patience to give you the technical education to understand this stuff, but I'll try to simplify it for you.
You have shown bubbles moving around in a fluid (blood). This is not equivalent to nanobots. Nowhere close. Bubbles can be made to move, or they might move on their own. They may attach to something and then move. They may cause things to clump. That's it! No structure, no functionality. In one article, it said lasers can cause microbubbles to move in one direction. If you use a laser to guide the bubble to move in a particular direction, in order for there to be any complexity of movement, it requires the laser (an EXTERNAL device) AND some kind of programming directing the laser to change so that it directs complex movement.
When is the last time you saw a laser being aimed at a shot victim? Without the laser, no meaningful movement. None.
What you are essentially saying is that a brick is the house, the gas tank is the car. Suppose I use the fuel in my gas tank to propel my car and move it, I drive into a parking lot full of cars and park there. Now I have a self-assembly of cars, don't I? This is about what you appear to be saying. And what does a self-assembly of cars in a parking lot OD? Nothing!
A microbubble is a COMPONENT. A microrobot is a DEVICE MADE OF COMPONENTS. Many, many components. It probably has some hardware that can cause it to move or grasp something, and some software that tells it how to do this. The microbubble is only a small part of that.
Another article you linked claims graphene in the shots. Maybe, even likely. BUT, the STRUCTURES you have shown in some photos are QUADRILATERALS, which graphene forms HEXAGONAL crystals. Graphene is NOT INVOLVED in the crystals in your photos.
The shots might contain particles that fluoresce, or lanthanides and other toxic substances. None of that is nanobots.
Quantum dots are tiny particles made of a semiconductor. A possible component. NOT A NANOBOT. Not a device. A component is not a device.
Now another thing. You talk about nanopores. A nanopore is just a tube. It is NOT A SENSOR. Think of looking through a tube, or a telescope. Your EYE is the sensor, not the telescope. Don't confuse the two.
A clump of something is NOT A MICROCHIP. The requirements for manufacturing a microchip are EXTREMELY COMPLEX. Just forcing stuff to clump together isn't going to cut it. Sorry.
"Tiny robots that can transport individual neurons and connect them to form active neural circuits could help us study brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease."
Neurons aren't in the blood stream. There isn't another fluid in the body where stuff can be moved freely about.
Read this article:
This technology is NOT HERE YET. The shots were deployed in early 2021. This article was written in 2023. STILL NOT HERE YET.
It talks about a microrobot about the size of a pencil tip. You aren't going to be injecting pencil-tip sized objects through a hypodermic needle. Nor will they assemble from stuff in that injected fluid into ANY USEFUL DEVICE.
"Microbubbles seen all over the world in COVID19 vials, live blood, urine, mediations, supplements ARE microrobots that can self assemble microchips for biosensing and other application."
This is TOTAL AND UTTER NONSENSE. Yes, you have shown microbubbles. And that's ALL you have shown. Nothing more.
People are indiscriminately using "microbots" to label bubbles that do nothing more than move and maybe drag something with them. Science is supposed to be precise. It seems evident that people who write these technical papers are looking for sensationalism to make a name for themselves, and the current climate of massive fraud in technical papers provides the perfect medium.
Please stop spreading these myths. You are making all of us look foolish, which is EXACTLY what the enemy wants. We have plenty of REAL STUFF to talk about. Let's leave the fairy tales alone.
Bee Gee - Oct 17
Bee Gee
Cognitive Dissonance is a cruel master.
Its in your blood too so why dont you get your own microscope and show us how wrong she is?
Desert Nomad - Oct 18
Desert Nomad's Substack
What's in my blood? Cognitive dissonance? Or nanobots? I never took the shots. Nothing inappropriate in my blood.
I don't need to get my own microscope. The photos she is showing clearly demonstrate that her CONCLUSIONS are WRONG. I rely on HER photos.
J Galbory - Oct 17
Update From Reiner Fuellmich 15 October 2024
They are trying to break him, but he has fantastic resilience
Clot Shot Lab - Oct 17
michelle.w’s Substack
Hey Ana, I think you should try to get your work published on new decentralized science platforms such asresearchhub.com
we need as many people getting their work seen as possible. I’m also trying to tell Clifford Carnicom, but looks like he hasn’t logged in for a long time and had a post recently about his communications being shut down.
Jeremy Darrell Wilson - Oct 16
Bee Gee
Someone should call Me I’ll donate my body to science. I am in A lot of pain in my body is completely disfigured. Buy these things inside of me. I’ve seen many doctors and Nun can explain what is happening but I can since I was surgically implanted by these monsters in the middle of the night almost 5 years ago. The things inside of me has grown exponentially. My email address is Jeremy Wilson4@msn.com.
Bee Gee - Oct 17
Bee Gee
I think you should buy a $24 bottle of Arizona oral EDTA, a $9 bottle of pure Vitamin C as ascorbic acid crystals and then Take Them.
Im not a doctor or giving you medical advice but if it were Me and I felt that bad, I would stop eating altogether, drink a ton of water and Take 3 arizona EDTA pills and a quarter teaspoon of C crystals dissolved into water every 8 hours.
Then keep it up for 3 or more days and I think you will feel Much better, although you might have to keep taking it for a while, it cant fix it overnight.
There are other things you can take that Help but C and EDTA works Best.... and fasting is the most effective way to take Oral EDTA so thats what l do.
Good luck to you in any case.
Jeremy Darrell Wilson - Oct 16
Diva Drops
My phone number is 8282928059
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Oct 16
Diva Drops
Comment removed.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Oct 17
Diva Drops
would love to see a vid on this - lcq and Adams...if you have it...thx, kaal
kaal - Oct 17
Comment removed.
kaal - Oct 17
sorry 2 judge.
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Oct 17
Diva Drops
ha...we all do it. Thanks.
Bee Gee - Oct 17
Bee Gee
It irritated me at first too, but if you can sit through it all, he makes some valid points that I think they should take heed of.
Sure, its minor amounts below toxic thresholds, sure elements arent chemicals, sure there is a bunch of sodium in the jabs...
but they also report values that are below the LOD spec of their machine and make basic procedural errors, like adding microliters of test substance to milliliters of diluted water and nitric acid.
They should fix their basic errors and get their machine validated and certified to a known standard if they want their work to withstand academic scrutiny...
Although I also think he should try to reproduce their work and see what values he finds but still, they need to be Correct about their work.
Alan Sutton - Oct 17
Alan’s Substack
Jean Restayn - Oct 17
https://auf1.tv/international-auf1/new-mrna-vaccineOh la! La! C'est magnifique!
Robert M. Davidson MD PhD - Oct 17
Robert’s Newsletter
Ana- call me skeptical about microbubbles. They've been known and studied for over a decade. Your post is the first time I've seen a human attribute assigned to such bubbles, i.e. an un-Godly, transhumanistic attribute given to a phenomenon that might be explained on the basis of natural phenomena, as opposed to man made. I need persuasion.
Bee Gee - Oct 17
Bee Gee
She has made many many posts about this for over 2 years now, so why would you read one article and then say you need more evidence?
This happens all the time, I read this One Thing, now prove your previous 2 or 3 years of research that I havent read.... in a Comment!
Read More, and watch some of her video presentations and Then ask questions.
Also she doesnt answer people here in the comments anymore, she is too busy but some people here may be able to help you, after you help yourself.
Theara - Oct 17
Theara’s Newsletter
Robert Sun - Oct 17
Robert Sun
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