Micro Chipping Workers And Leaked Biotech Presentation Regarding Pfizer COVID19 Nanotechnology Micro Chipping Of Humanity

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Aug 27, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Please see this video link

Al Jezeera Microchipping Workers

Dr Pedro Chavez from Comusav sent me this video link. He asked to specifically look at the leaked power point from the Biotech company. This was prepared for Pfizer. Please look at these slides carefully. The information presented is entirely consistent with what I and other researchers have found in human blood and in the Covid vials.

I too am convinced that this already was deployed on humanity. The specifications about polymer chemistry, assembly process, 5G wave antenna all is consistent with what we know.

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Toni Sarmiento - Aug 27

To see this is just so profoundly satanic. These people are committing crimes against humanity at a level like no other. This stealth and clandestine operation must be halted immediately and the scientists involved charged with war crimes!! They have been carrying out crimes against entire populations and generations and they must be held ACCOUNTABLE!😡

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Bee Gee - Aug 27 - Edited

Bee Gee

Wow, Thats It... or at least part of it.
mmWave 5G is very low range so they only use it in cities and arenas and high density areas though.
Now we need more concrete signal and frequency details, maybe it has an OFF command we can hack.
Poly-ʟ-Lysine Hydrobromide
"Certain cell types secrete proteases, which can digest Poly-L-Lysine"
And I havent read this one yet but maybe...

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