Methylene Blue Prevents Rubbery Clot…

Dec 7, 2023

Read on original publication page →

Likes: 315 | Comments: 183 | Reposts: 42 | ALL OTHER POSTS

Image: C19 uninjected blood on the right and same blood mixed with Methylene Blue


Carol B - Dec 8, 2023

Carol B

Interesting about the essential oils being beneficial.
Have you ever considered testing gold (perhaps colloidal), frankincense, and myrrh?
Wouldn’t that be downright amazing if the gifts for Jesus are also the gifts for healing humanity?


Hidee - Dec 8, 2023

Frankincense is the supplement Boswelia. I take it for inflammation from time to time. I use it instead of pharmaceuticals such as advil or tylenol.


Smurf - Dec 14, 2023

Hidee where did you purchase and what brand thanks?


Louise - Dec 19, 2023

Anyone here taking Methylene Blue yet? if so what is your reaction, please share? thanking you in advance


Bjorn Falkestrom - Aug 6

Taken metyhylene blue for a while. I like it. It contributes to brin clarity. Take also humic/fulvic acid, vitamin c, d, gluthatione, sometime liposomal edta. So it is hard to know which is the best


Hidee - Dec 14, 2023



David Merrill - Dec 12, 2023

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

Indeed! Monatomic gold. I put a gram under my tongue and 3-5 drops of myrrh and frankincense. That is the same formula as the shewbread of the Presence of God. This proved Jesus was of the Messianic bloodline.


Carol B - Dec 13, 2023

Carol B

There is more to gold, and silver, than fine jewelry, gold teeth and electronic components. Gold has a vibration. Why do you think royalty wore it? What did they know?
It’s not woo. It’s quantum.
Think, can gold heat your home, feed your family, power your auto?
Why is it so valued?


David Merrill - Dec 13, 2023

Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…

I have the original Itera Healing Wand - 2.8 THz with lucrative (manna) information. The glass tube oscillator is made out of monatomic gold, fused into glass at 1160 degrees Fahrenheit. It is amazing!


elcasto - Dec 9, 2023

Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…

D 3 Wise Maggie Kings Was not only Wise but illuminated by THe HOLY SPIRIT STAR of BETHLEHEM !!!


Deidre - Dec 9, 2023

Deidre Madsen's Lightworkers Co…

Wow that's beautiful.


Roman S Shapoval - Dec 8, 2023 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

To optimize the benefits of methylene blue, get infrared and red light:


Janet Gernand - Dec 8, 2023

Janet Gernand

I was reading yesterday that studies have been conducted using Methylene Blue and near infrared light on people with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. The combination had great success in increasing memory and cognitive improvement!


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 9, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

This is correct... ~80% success rate after a long period of sustained dosing, while some saw immediate results (e.g. electron transfer is immediate). 0.5 mg to 5 mg per kg body weight is what I recall from the literature.


Roman S Shapoval - Dec 10, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thank you for sharing that Brandon. Now the trick will be keeping humanity alive long enough so that we can save the insects and healthy bacteria, which will need to survive the next cataclysm intact, either EMF-manmade, or solar micronova induced.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 10, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

You're welcome. The food is grown with CO2 and H2O in batches and vats. Also, expanding upon prior work, you can feed people with light and electricity. Check out the old ARPAe electrofuels, where microorganisms are fed with electricity and light (e.g. algae/cyanobacteria/e.coli gmo'd platforms).


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 9, 2023 - Edited

Brandon’s Substack

100% NIR, IR and Red Light. The most cost effective way to do this is to go buy a regular light (tube) and add a filter to it, cause the LEDs etc. are typically dirty quality.


Roman S Shapoval - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Common sense, love it! Thank you for sharing that Brandon. Do you have any links to filters you like?


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited

Brandon’s Substack

No, but will start reselling some shortly cut to size. The issue with LED vs. Fluorescent is that the wavelengths are not as continuous. However, LED lasts longer and can be optimized for a good proxy to fluorescent. Requires a light lab, helped LADWP build out their innovation labs in Los Angeles, CA and they have a light lab there with a test unit as well off of Hewitt Street.


Christine the Strawberry Girl - Dec 15, 2023

Christine the Strawberry Girl

@Brandon Iglesias, is ruby lux a good brand?


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 20, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

Haven't tried ruby lux.
The bulbs for NIR and IR can be purchased at pet stores as well, the incandescent give off a lot of thermal heat. If you utilize LED then it is higher efficiency, but the spectrum is different than the incandescent, which some claim to be better.
Will continue to dig into NIR/IR/Red light and its' effect on health and wellness and post additional information. For now, I dose with methylene blue and sodium citrate then read under NIR/IR/Red Light.


Joy Lucette Garner - Dec 10, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

Thanks for the tip!


Noren O Drisc - Jan 29, 2024


I live in the UK and am trying to find somewhere reliable to buy Methylene Blue - hooping I dont have to buy it on Amazon if they sell it. Does anyone have any ideas on this please?!


MartinR - Aug 6


I also live in the UK. You can find it at Earth Harmony £25 bottle.


Happiness: AViewpoint! - Dec 8, 2023 - Edited

Paul Vonharnish

I’m just flabbergasted about the fact that Hydrochloroquine, A malaria parasite drug, ivermectin, a worm and parasite drug and they are taking the natural wormwood with green walnut husk off the shelves, a dewormer and parasite cleanse, yet no one is talking about nano bots acting like parasites?!
Why do all the dewormers and anti- parasite meds work for flus and pneumonia? DO NANO BOTS BEHAVE LIKE PARASITES?
Who can afford Methylene Blue?


Paul Vonharnish - Dec 8, 2023 - Edited

Paul Vonharnish

Yes. I've posted the positive modalities of Sweet Wormwood (Artemisinin Annua) and traditional Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) many times these last few years. Also the benefit of Berberine in whole herbal forms. Also freshly chopped whole garlic cloves...
The majority of the populace are AMA indoctrinated zombies. The nano-bots are obviously parasitic. It's very frustrating...


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 9, 2023 - Edited

Brandon’s Substack

Garlic works too, but you have to extrude it to get the active form of allicin. Keep in mind synthetic biology fully enabled people will be repelled by your smell.


Happiness: AViewpoint! - Dec 10, 2023

“Synthetic biology fully enabled people”!?! 😳


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023 - Edited


The garlic smell? Sounds a bit like the old vampire movies.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 10, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

Garlic when extruded contains Allicin, which is a sulfur based compound and active, but requires ten minutes or so post extrusion in air room temperature to be produced from the garlic. It is a natural anti-parasite and in general full of vitamin c food source. The Israelis were fed garlic by the Egyptians back in the time of Moses to keep them healthy. .


Happiness: AViewpoint! - Dec 10, 2023

Yes it’s hard to get through to people to leave their garlic for 10 minutes before putting in the pot,....”Why?” They ask every single time. Also cook your potatoes before hand and let them cool, then when you reheat them they’ll have resistant starch!


JLS - Feb 9, 2024


Does organic garlic powder contain allicin ?


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Feb 9, 2024

Brandon’s Substack

Depends upon the supplier and how they prep the material. Manufacturer specific (e.g. garlic farmed, harvested, prepared (extruded (forms allicin) vs. non-extruded (does not form allicin)). Allicin is created at optimum levels after 15 minutes or so when exposed to air for fresh garlic being extruded (e.g. pressed).


elcasto - Dec 10, 2023 - Edited

Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…

Yes, the myth about Garlic scaring evil spirits is True , lately i've seen gmoed garlic coming from china , i guess finding true garlic this days , might be hard .


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Feb 9, 2024 - Edited

Brandon’s Substack

not only does China's garlic have GMO, it has high heavy metal contents. So you're getting a chelator, with metals in it already, which reduces the effectiveness of the actual chelator cause it self-chelates first, then has a lower net-chelation effect on body. I've got about a 10 pound box of it with two separate EMF shielded bags... to look into. Keep in mind this imported is mixed with chips and other materials sold in packaged and processed foods in America and other nations.


Happiness: AViewpoint! - Dec 10, 2023

Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…

Easy to grow. I get a big box from organic farm, keep in garage and lasts all year.


elcasto - Dec 10, 2023

Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…

Hey Happiness AVp ! Thank You for the advise ! do they germinate ?


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 9, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

Nanobots do not behave like parasites. You need to be on a specific diet to not die with them in you. People not eating the proper diet die (from parasites, etc.). One of the big NO NOs is sugar (glucose, fructose and sucrose) above and beyond natural fruits.


Happiness: AViewpoint! - Dec 10, 2023

When I was young, we used to get dewormed twice a year. Then they started pasteurizing and pesticiding. Should have never stopped. I’m afraid people can live with parasites a long time.


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023


Is there a specific diet likewise to not die from nanobots?


Girl on the move - Dec 8, 2023

Girl on the move

Where do you even find methylene blue? I don’t trust Amazon...


Girl on the move - Dec 12, 2023

Girl on the move

Comment removed.


Girl on the move - Dec 12, 2023

Girl on the move

I ordered some and took a drop yesterday and today! Thanks!


Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Mar 14

The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter

Density of water/solution is approximately 1 g per 1 mL
"Pharmacists have since moved to metric measurements, with a drop being rounded to exactly 0.05 mL"
Consequently, 1 drop is approximately 0.05 mL = 0.05 g = 50mg
In Methylene blue 1% solution 1 drop is approximately 0,5 mg
So the dosage 10-20 mg should approximately equal 20-40 drops, if I am correct? If not, then do correct me!


Unagnu - Dec 9, 2023


Yes I think you have it..


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 9, 2023

Patti’s Substack

Anyone can afford Methylene Blue. It's cheap in the US. USP grade only for dilution in water for drinking.


Justificus - Dec 8, 2023


thanks for the post Dr Mihalcea. Been using methylene blue for about 3 months my experience has been very positive. Mental clarity after about 15min of taking it. I made a mistake and ordered a refill from a amazon vendor. It took me about a week to figure out it was not the same quality. Stick with a proven vendor. I usehttps://www.bphchem.comas a trusted supplier. Keep up the good work Anna, we would be so lost without you. Thanks


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023


Great site but so many mb items. Do you have a product you suggest?


Justificus - Dec 9, 2023


I usually get Methylene Blue 1% | USP Grade | 60 mL | 1 Drop contains 0.5 mg of Methylene Blue. Its about $28. There are some contraindications with this drug. Be sure to watch this video from Flccc that explains everything you need to know plus dosing.
Good Luck


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023


Thank you.


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023


Thanks for sharing your experience and the link.


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

Yeah, but when are you going to try CBD????
Follow the SCIENCE........>


Smurf - Dec 8, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Agent hopes all is well.. Where can I find the protocol using CBD? What type should I purchase and where thanks?


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 8, 2023

Agent’s Substack

You can find CBD anywhere online. I suggest you get CBD full spectrum or CBDA and CBDG. all of these have many PEERS REVIEWED covid papers written on them. Just google CBDA Spike Protein as a matter-of-fact CBD is the ONLY substance that I know that has peer reviewed research on its effectiveness and it first came out of the University of Oregon ...
Also, my research has brought to 2 other protocols being the possible Antidote. One come directly from the INVENTER of the vaccine Dr. Ralph Baric., and another one comes from a military source. I have been collecting all COVID detoxes for over two years and keeping them in a blog that I find. I have a feeling this last one I found is the TRUE ANTIDOTE, just don't have the resources to test right now... Here it is.
Remember EVERY bioweapon is developed in tandem with the ANTIDOTE in case it comes back to kill the attackers. I believe the first one listed by Dr. Zalenko is the one. Why? Because Trump tweeted the exact same protocol in Oct 2020., and I don't believe in COINCIDENCES.....Q-


dana ciancimino - Dec 8, 2023

What kind of cbd, for someone who knows nothing about it?


Joe - Dec 8, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Which one are u referring to is the best one that trump tweeted ?


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 8, 2023

Agent’s Substack

its listed here along with every other protocol I have found in the last 2 years.


Tomas - Dec 10, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Do you know how long and how dayli mg need i use ? I can try it. I already bought one CBD, waiting to arrive. Thanks.


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 11, 2023

Agent’s Substack

I'm not a doctor so I can't prescribe dosages, but what I can do is refer you this BEAUTIFUL YouTube video by Dr. John Cambell where the CBD dosage was given to mice, and they were cleared in 4 days. Guess you got to adjust for body weight. The good news is CBD is nontoxic. so, you can't overdose no matter how much you take. hope that helps.


Smurf - Dec 8, 2023

Agent’s Substack



Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 8, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Google CBDA and CBDG for sale.


Webe1 - Dec 8, 2023


Consider Brave instead of g 👀 g l e.


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 8, 2023

Agent’s Substack

even betterYandex.comits uncensored


Smurf - Dec 24, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Midnight hope all is well. Happy Holidays...quick question how about this link for CBD full Spectrum or do you have a preference? I thought you sold CBD thanks?


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 24, 2023

Agent’s Substack

I do sell CBD, but I don't feel it proper to broadcast it in certain forums. I would rather for people to get it anywhere fast and not be accused of slinging information for profit. I have been in the cannabis field for 20 years, one of the first to open medical marijuana dispensaries in Seattle. Have seen with my own eyes what it does especially for people with cancer. I am finding out now and i believe with my heart that ALL CANCERS, DIABEETES, AIDS, AUTIMS etc are giving to us as depopulation bioweapons from DAY 1. viruses do not exist its been a multi-generational psy-op to get us to take the REAL POISIONS. Watch Doctor Courtney show you what CBD does to a baby's brain here.... Now combine that info with all these peer reviewed scientifical documents and research papers on CBD, CBDA and CBDG killing the spike protein. That CAN NOT be a coincidence. Its super OBVIOUS to me, but a lot of these Doctors and Scientist aren't interested because they can't PATENT it and charge people for it. see Doctor should be either using CBD right now on COVID patients or disproving it just by those three links I just posted. I have tested it myself and found amazing results. Just don't have the big money to do the double-blind testing. Why aren't they???
CBDMD is a good company, but your still going to need to get before and live blood exams to see if its working.


Joe - Dec 11, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Do u know where to get clean methelenbleu ?


Laura - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited

Modern Healthcare

Obviously, she knows about CBD. If other people are providing the data on it then she shows data on other modalities. Sometimes, it’s teamwork that makes the dream work. You can try CBD, write an article and post your blood instead of insulting people who are already working 1000x more than you are. ❤️


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 8, 2023 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

Wasn't an insult and I already tested my blood along with three other people unvaccinated and vaccinated and posted an article and video. And before you ever even heard of COVID I was in the GAME and warning people COIVD was a PSY-OP... Didn't you get the MEMO????.....#Superspy


Lisa Nash - Dec 8, 2023 - Edited

Lisa Nash

I didn’t take what he said as insulting. I’d be curious to see what CBD oil did. I’ve heard good things about it and let’s be honest, all of us don’t have Dr. Mihalcea’s skills to do it.


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 8, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Thank you I wasn't being insulting, I have already posted my results with before and after live blood videos with some STARTLING results. It's one of the best ANTI-OXIDENTS there are, even better than Vitamin C. I'm just saying.


Hidee - Dec 8, 2023

Agent’s Substack

I know there is an ingredient in pine oil that is also in CBD. I wonder if Pycnogenol, which is Pine Bark Extract is also good for the spikes? Would you know about this?


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 8, 2023

Agent’s Substack

You are correct, its called TERPENES. that is one of the detoxes. Pine Needle Oil is listed as one of the detoxes.


Laura - Dec 8, 2023

Modern Healthcare

Most of us on this side of the fence already know about CBD. It’s very sad when people don’t respect an MD PHD and abuse her comment section. That’s the sad state of reality we’re living in. Disrespectful entitled keyboard warriors. Gen Z?


Lisa Nash - Dec 8, 2023

Lisa Nash

Not me! It never hurts to share all findings. I’m in this trying to help people like everyone else so all the info we can share is great.


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 8, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Cat Lady?


Laura - Dec 8, 2023

Modern Healthcare

Thanks for clarifying. No cats, just someone who deals with the weaponized medical system and MDs that are not even 1/10th of the way in acknowledging the science, much less pioneering the data, like Dr. Ana. “Peers” in medicine are more like enemies and they’re not even peers, they’re way behind. Dr Ana should have as much help, emotional and mental support as possible, not disrespect from followers.


Laura - Dec 8, 2023 - Edited

Modern Healthcare

He’s telling her to follow the science, in caps. Not asking politely but insinuating she doesn’t follow science, when she has produced THE MOST real science for us on the back end of this BS. Manners go a long way. Especially, when we’re obviously trying to help each other if we’re in the same forums and threads. I’ve raised 2 well mannered children, I don’t mind reminding random adults.


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 8, 2023 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

I was a JOKE you funny gal you, the name of the article was at websiteSCIENCE.ORGyou get it??? Follow the Science dot org???? Zipppy De Do Daaaaa!!!


Stephane Roy - Dec 8, 2023

Stephane’s Substack



Lisa Nash - Dec 8, 2023

Lisa Nash

I understand!


Margie Chism - Dec 7, 2023

Margie Chism

Thank you! ■ Exciting! M


Sandy K - Dec 8, 2023

Sandy K

Dr Ronald Norris' substack has the various treatments he's been suing on his own blood. It's helpful.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Dec 7, 2023

Thymus Cures Newsletter



Dr Vanessa Shields-Fiore - Dec 8, 2023

Dr’s Substack

Great article and research! Amazing! God gave us everything, no matter what they create!
I love essential oils and have been using them for almost 10yrs. I'm just learning about methylene blue now. Would love to connect with you Dr Anna!


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023


Are you ingesting them? Does that not harm the microbiome?


John Marshall - Dec 8, 2023

John’s Substack

Thank You for your insight. I post your works on Truth Social as much as I can but you don't have a weblink that makes it easy to post so I go to the comment section to post stories. Thanks for all you do even as bleak as things seem we need this kind of hope. God Bless you.


Leon - Dec 8, 2023

Joe’s Substack

Hello, Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea & all readers;
Thank you Dr. Ana for all you do.
You mention the ‘EDTA for metal detox‘. Usually IV EDTA solution is prepared using 0.9% Normal Saline. However currently the ‘nano/hydrogel additional staff’ is in all med. products (including Normal Saline). Will IV EDTA load the patients with this ‘additional staff’? Thanks.


Joe - Dec 8, 2023

Joe’s Substack

My question is how to dissolve the hydrogel because prevention is good but can’t prevent something if it’s already there


Kathleen Pimentel - Dec 9, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

Papain dissolves hydrogel. Papaya. Fruit and seeds.


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023


Do you have a favorite source? Papaya unless labelled organic, is gmo.


Kathleen Pimentel - Dec 9, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

I originally saw this link by someone in the comments about a month or so ago and went to link and took extensive notes. Later I bought a papaya and when cleaning out the seeds I decided to look up about seeds and learned they're also very high in papain and are edible [about a handful a day ok] I don't have link for study ..just notes. I dry the seeds. I will store in a pepper grinder to add to dishes. They can also be eaten fresh. I hope this will be common knowledge soon if more people share information. Thank you.


elcasto - Dec 7, 2023

Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…

Yes ! Ana , Your research for sure will help thousands ! what if we start a mono-diet of non-acidic fruits - Bromelain , Papain + Potato , Carrot , Beets . hey ! we have the same Delta kitchen faucet ! Blessings to YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-elcasto .


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023


Love your pic. My husband thinks I'm crazy cause I want to get a gas mask.


elcasto - Dec 9, 2023

Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…

i mean , i bought it for practice & moral , i mean , to get the Pro Full Face & cartridges to survive a big event would take a few $k's . Our Geo Engineering Watch Friends might be able to tell us if these mask could help . -elcasto


Yassir Hessane - Dec 21, 2023

Hello, dr Ana
Which essential oils can I use to dislove polymer like styrene?


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 9, 2023 - Edited

Brandon’s Substack

The tech when fully integrated enables synthetic telepathy, it is a form of technocommunism, depending upon which nation you reside in (use case specific). Each nation state alliance has their own AI BCPS linked to the synthetic biology enabled people for bio-surveillance, in US this is BARDA's territory... .the replicated the DARPA concept years ago for bioweapon and synbioweapon countermeasures.
The tech can be used to alter people's senses and perceptions. Person X says Y to person Z, but person Z hears D (this literally is a reference to the tower of Babel, when everybody got confused in biblical literature). It can also alter sight and perception of time. The perception of time is important to note, cause that can literally enable anyone to enter and exit a building or location without anyone else knowing (e.g. the spook tech stuff use case by IC and private mil and mil). When you get attacked with a neuroweapon and reverse engineer it, you understand fully the capabilities of how covert it is and how it can mislead people. The attack that hit me was first a DEW to disrupt synthetic biology (active on US Gov Contracts with DoD and DoE), then got cyberhacked with a pulsed demodulated microwave signal to hack into smartphone via voice activated (dumb move on my part to leave that on), then neurohacked via byte and optogenetic route. If you're not familiar with any of this, check out this 2021 thesis, neurowar is here: we've been at neurowar for a decade, the unknown unknown war to people not versed in neurotechnology, which by the way big tech hides from average civilians.
Note my background is in electrochemical engineering and now neuroweapon counter defenses. I own neuroweapons now.


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023 - Edited


BTW, thanks for what you share. My family and I are affected by this and we need all the help we can get. If I could reach out to you privately via email, let me know.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 9, 2023 - Edited

Brandon’s Substack

I'd encourage you to contact Dr. Ana first. My background is more on the nano/electrochemical/technical side, although I do work with MD/PhDs, more on the reverse engineering of the neurotechnology component. Dr. Ana is licensed to provide medical advice, I'm able to talk about anything other than that, as restricted by prior agreements. So, the information here is to help those with the technical side (not Dr. Ana's speciality, but part of her team collaborator's specialties, note I'm not part of her team, but am grateful for her work on the chelators). Orleans, LA USA is where I got shot up by NonKineticThreat NKT weapon in 2022... which is high probability from ChinaCCP coalition or other nefarious groups with access to neuroweapons.


Lisa - Dec 10, 2023


One other question, if you don't mind. If one wanted to live somewhere in the US that was cleaner or safer, is there such a place? We are in a rural area, so far from cell towers, which is great (we have an acoustimeter and we get no readings) but instead are buried regularly in chemicals in the air.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 10, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

No place is perfectly safe in the world, there are space systems and scalar wave transmitters that can bounce off of ionosphere. Rural areas sound like the best places to be, just make sure to have EMP shields, backup power/heat (renewable) and protectors as this synthetic biology continues to load people and all life on earth up with graphene.... things will get weird as life becomes a biocapacitor that can have a lot of resistance to it if moving through an EMF field (e.g. moving an iron object or magnet through an electrical field results in an induced magnetic field).
Based upon Ana's work there are solutions, but the objective from what I've read is to have all people by 2050 cyborg on earth and part of an AI BCPS system. The decision to make is which AI BCPS system will you be a part of (big tech platform, country to reside in, etc.). The technology referenced by Ana is 6th generation warfare attack and countermeasure and by all means can enable or disable a person or organic life form (think bird as bio-surveillance).


Lisa - Dec 10, 2023


Rereading your posts. It's starting to sink in. I may have questions because I'm not expert in that field. I wondered if you had any further insights with the footbath? And what quantity of chlorine? thx!


Lisa - Dec 10, 2023


Thank you, Brandon.


Lisa - Dec 10, 2023


Thanks for sharing. I understand you not wanting or being able to provide medical advice. You are making a difference by sharing info on the technical side. Once damaged by the 'system', we are never the same again. Wishing you the very best. I read your substacks and will continue to do so!


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 9, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

EDTA "enteric coated" is key to get through large intestines, so it gets sorbed into small intestines. Also from my personal experience calcium-disodium-EDTA over EDTA.
I can personally vouch for the combination of methylene blue (electron donor, but more importantly and not mentioned on here (hope this helps build data library for you Dr. Ana) its' after electron 2+ configuration results in a reactive oxygen species that helps bring life back into degraded and attacked tissues. More importantly methylene blue crosses the blood-brain-barrier to regenerate parts of the brain damaged (from my experience, getting shot up in 2022 with a Directed Energy Weapon DEW/NKT after decling money from China and Russia towards end of 2021).
Hope this further helps.
Note, In order to break-up the in-situ synbio after dosing with chelators (alternating between a "normal" emf environment and a "low" emf environment works) as well as using rife frequencies to vibrate at cellular level for a brief period of time each day, specifically to purge/push (when beamforming... fancy term for pointing the transmitter at a given body part) the material out of brain and central nervous system components). The FLCCC Alliance has some good tips as well, one is "vibratory/shaking" but using a rife generator shakes/vibrates at cellular level, so I prefer this route vs FLCCC Alliance recommendation. Again, this is just my personal experience recovering from a neuroweapon attack, that also used synbio and also resulted in a neurohack (cybersecurity important for everyone now) after synbio material disrupted by a DEW/NKT (grows it rapidly in part of brain, you do not want to get shot up with electricity or pulsing magnetic fields at high power with synthetic biology in you (which all of us now have).


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023


Enteric coated? Can you recommend a brand?


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023


Would you mind listing in order the best way to do things? We do not have wifi/emf where we live, but are a test site for darpa/barda (my speculation) so are getting the chemicals on steriods. I think that is how they are targeting rural areas because they naturally have low emf -- getting pounded with chemicals in the air, even moreso than in cities.


Lisa - Dec 9, 2023


Would ultrasound also work for shaking the cells? I have a device with extremely low ultra sound waves, typically used for vagal nerve stimulation. Klinghardt has used these to provoke lyme out of cells/tissues so they can be exposed to antimicrobials.


Margie Chism - Dec 7, 2023

Margie Chism

Walkin' Blues - Joanna Conner Band @ Carty BBQ



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